
Published on Jun 24, 2001



Uncle Pete's Box

by Grimbo

I hadn't heard from Uncle Pete in almost two years. Mom was the one to bring the bad news to me. Uncle Pete had died whiledriving home from work. A tractor trailer truck driver had fallen asleep while driving and he ran over uncle Pete's car on the highway. Not the way he wanted to go, but a least the end came quickly.

We went to uncle Pete's funeral two days later. I wish I could say that I missed him, but since I went off to college, we had grown apart. The last time I had spoken with uncle Pete, I was a sophomore at State College and he was going to go on "the adventure of a lifetime." We had talked about life and how my schooling was going. The next day, my family gathered in Uncle Pete's lawyers office for the reading of the will. Uncle Pete's property was to be sold and all the money split equally between his brothers, sisters, and me. The only item to not be sold was an old box which was to be delivered to me. Everyone seemed happy over the will and dismissed the box as a sign of Pete's failing metal capacity. I gave the lawyers my address as he handed me the check for my share of the loot, $5,000.

The box arrived at my apartment the next day. It was more of a trunk than a box. Three feet long, two feet wide and two feet deep. The main material of the box seemed to be a worn brown leather wrapped over stiff cardboard. It had two darker leather straps that went from the front of the box, under the bottom, over the top, and back to the front. The ends of the strap where joined by a worn brass clasp. Here was the one object uncle Pete said in his will that he cherished more than life itself. I wanted to open it immediately, but I had my final exams coming up and three term papers due. So the box sat at the base of my bed for three weeks.

Graduation came and I had no plans for any trips since my friends all had jobs and needed to start work immediately. We would all go to the beach in the fall, since this was when they would've earned enough vacation time from their new jobs. Hopefully, I would have a job by then and I would be able to join them. But, until I was able to get a job, I would be able to deal with uncle Pete's box.

My mind started to race about what I would find when I opened the box. A stash of one hundred dollar bills. Maybe the dead to a mansion nobody knew he owned. The addresses of women willing to do anything you asked. The possibilities were endless. The brass clasps came off easily. With my hands gripping each end of the hinged top, I slowly opened the lid. As the light from my room entered the box, the disappointment hit me like a runaway truck. The box was empty except for a small envelope at the bottom and inside the envelope, a letter addressed to me.

I read the letter and was flabbergasted. According to Uncle Pete, the box was magical. He had bought it at an auction in Mass. from an antique shop. Every attempt to locate the shop after the auction had failed. The only thing the owner had told him was to place a person's picture in the box and one of my hairs, wait an hour, and then wear what appeared. That person's thought would be open to you. Interesting, I thought. Nothing like a little mind reading to brighten your day. I continued to read the letter. It explained how he had placed a picture of me in the box and after an hour, he put on the clothes he found in the box. The next line stunned me. He mentioned of my cross-dressing and fantasies of being a women, things I had never told anyone. He mentioned that he had access to my memories, but he couldn't read my mind. He mentioned my wish to be able to wear the same clothes as my best female friend from school and that when I received this box, I should put her picture in it. I wondered if it was all just a joke. I knew that there was only one way to find out. Try it.

I pulled out my photo album and turned to the pages from when I was my high school's yearbook photographer. Regina Spencer had been the most beautiful girl in the school, and my best friend. She was the head cheerleader, homecoming queen, and a model to boot. I had fantasied many times about becoming her. She was the symbol of sexy in the school. 5' 4", light blond hair, 36C-24-34, firm round ass, tight legs from all the workouts she did. She was a very good friend, but we never dated. She told me once that she would have dated me, but we had become friends, and she didn't want to take a chance on losing me as a friend. I was OK with this since she introduced me to many of the other cheerleaders, which allowed me a chance to date them. Her senior year homecoming picture was the one I picked.

Following the instructions in the letter, I place the picture in the box along with a piece of my hair. Closing the lid and buckling the straps was the next step. Now all I had to do was wait for one hour and one of my life long dreams would be coming true. That hour was the longest one of my life. I kept wondering if the box would start rattling or bouncing around my room. But nothing of the sort happened, it just sat there. So, I turned on the TV to wait it out.

Finally, the time had passed. I kneeled next to the box and slowly undid the buckles and removed the straps. Leaning away from the box, I opened the top. No explosions, fireworks, or anything so I looked into the box. What was there surprised me. It was the outfit Regina had been wearing in the picture. I pulled each item out one at a time and laid them on my bed. It was all there. Her brown sweater, the white blouse with a collar, the knee length red, blue, and black plaid skirt, the matching plaid jacket, a white bra, tan Sheer Energy pantyhose, and the burgundy 3" high heels with ankle straps. I checked the sizes on the clothes and realized that they wouldn't fit me. But I decided to try them on anyway. I quickly stripped completely and then reached for the pantyhose. Sitting down, I gently rolled the left leg of the pantyhose up then slid my foot into it. A tingling sensation surrounded my foot as I pulled the pantyhose over it. The feeling continued up my leg as the pantyhose encased it. Once I had pulled the pantyhose up to my knee, I stopped and started to gather the right leg of the pantyhose. Looking at my left leg, I stopped. Below my knee was the calf and foot of Regina as I remembered them. At the end of my leg was a size 6 1/2 foot with red painted nails. I couldn't believe my eyes. Reaching down, I slid my hands down the pantyhose covered part of my left leg. I could feel my hand pressing the silkiness of the pantyhose against my leg. I wiggled my toes and couldn't believe it. I reached up to the knee and pulled the pantyhose off my left leg and then looked at my foot. It hadn't changed. The nails were still red and the size was still 6 1/2. Next to my size 11 right foot, it didn't look right. I pulled the pantyhose back up my left leg to the knee again. The tingle wasn't present this time. I figured that the tingle was associated with the change. Now back to the right leg. I pulled the pantyhose over my right foot and it started to tingle. I continued up the calf to the knee. I stood and began pulling the pantyhose up each thigh with the tingle following as the pantyhose covered my legs. Balance was a little tricky since these legs weren't used to my upper body. I finally pulled the pantyhose over my crotch and waist. When the tingle hit my crotch, I was hit with the most powerful orgasm I have ever had. "Great," I thought., "Now I'll have to clean up." But to my surprise, the crotch of the pantyhose were dry. And my dick was gone. in it's place was a blond triangle of pubic hair. I reached under the pantyhose and moved my hand down. My fingers found the lips of my vagina then slowly slid in. Moisture began to form in my vagina and my back arched a little. The feeling was like nothing I have ever felt before in my life. Reluctantly, I removed my fingers and then liked them clean. I was half way towards becoming Regina.

The bra would be next. I put the bra on backwards to make attaching the clasp easier. Rotating the bra around, I slid my arms through the bra straps. My chest began to tingle as soon as both straps were on my shoulders. I looked down and saw the C cups filled to perfection by two breasts. I was eager to finish the transformation. I grabbed the blouse and pulled my arms into the long sleeves. My arms and hand were tingling as I buttoned the front up. When the last button was done, my entire torso tingled. Waiting for the feeling to subside, I decided to put on the skirt next. I stepped into it and pulled to over my legs. The tingle didn't occur but the lining of the skirt rubbing my nylon encased legs was wonderful. I grabbed the sweater next. As I pulled it over my head, the tingle surrounded my head and I knew the transformation was complete. Once I had the sweater in place, I was tempted to check the mirror. I decided to wait until I got the shoes on to see the full effect. After sliding my feet into the shoes and fixing the strap around my ankles, I slowly stood up, expecting to have troubles walking. But the body knew how to walk in them. I just walked normally and had no troubles balancing. I put on the jacket and was ready for my first viewing.

The mirror reflected a vision of beauty. Regina's body under my control. I ran my hands all over my new body watching the image repeat my every action. I pulled up the skirt and adored the firm legs. Turning sideways, I studied the curves my new ass made. I ran my hand all over my pantyhose encased ass and moved towards my vagina. Rubbing slowly at first, I began to masturbate through the pantyhose. As the fever of my masturbating rose, I moved to the bed and laid down on it. Flipping the skirt up, I thrust my hand down my pantyhose and into my moist vagina. Stroking furiously, the feelings of pleasure increased. I unconsciously began to arch my back as the orgasm whacked my entire body. I lay there in the afterglow knowing that my life had just made a major change.

Lying in my bed, I began to think about all of the things I wanted to do. I knew one of the first was to clean up the mess my juices had made on my pantyhose's crotch. I felt the crotch and noticed that they were dry. This was confusing. I had had a wonderful orgasm, my fingers were still moist, but no signs of the orgasm were on my clothes. Then a thought crossed my mind. These clothes were the same as the ones in the picture and in the picture, the clothes were dry. That must be it. The clothes will stay just as they are in the picture. I wanted to test this theory, so I grabbed part of the pantyhose covering my calf and dug my nails into it, producing a hole and a run up the leg. As I watched, the run repaired itself. I was amazed. I thought about one more test. I left my bedroom and headed to the bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I went to the bathtub and started filling it with water. When it was 3/4 full, I stopped the water and stepped in. I could feel the wetness of the water soaking my pantyhose. Carefully, I lowered myself into the tub. My skirt tried to float on to of the water, but I held it under and worked the water into the material until it to was soaked. The warmth of the water felt wonderful. I slowly slid my butt and bent my knees until my head was under the water. Making sure my hair was soaked and my makeup ruined, I slid back up until my legs were under the water again. I stood up and stepped out of the tub. Reaching abound, I let the water out of the tub and noticed that my clothes were dry. I walked over to the mirror and looked at my reflection. Perfect. Not a hair out of place and my makeup was excellent. I knew that women all over the world would be jealous to have this ability. The makeup fascinated me. I reached for a cloth towel to see if I could remove it. I wiped across my chin and lips. Looking at the towel, I saw the makeup on it. But only for a second. It faded off the towel before my eyes. I repeated the procedure just to make sure I hadn't made a mistake. The same thing happened. I looked in the mirror and did it one last time. I could see on my face were the makeup was removed, but in the blink of an eye, it reappeared. This was wonderful. I would never have to worry about pu tting makeup on, something I wasn't very good at doing.

I left the bathroom and returned to my bedroom. Sitting at my desk, I started to think about what Uncle Pete had said in his letter. He had mentioned that you could get to the thoughts of whomever's clothes you were wearing. So I tried to get to Regina's thoughts. I tried to figure out what she was thinking at the present moment, but to no avail. I knew Uncle Pete wouldn't steer me in the wrong direction, but I couldn't figure out what to do. I decided to think about the day the picture was taken. I closed my eyes and thought about taking the picture. I remembered lining the girls up for the shot. I asked each of them to stand a certain way, place their arms in certain positions, and before I knew it, I was remembering receiving direction on the way to stand. I kept working my way through these memories. Some were about the other girls, some were about her current boyfriend, Joe Jackson, and others were about what to wear to a picnic that coming up weekend. As the memories became more real, I felt like I was Regina and back in high school. As the thoughts continued, I became aware of how to control the flow. I could replay any of the thoughts by concentrating on when they would have occurred. I jumped around in her memory and stopped at a night two weeks before the picture was taken. Here was a fantasy of Regina's where she had a twin sister and they were engaged in passionate sex. I felt myself getting horny and decided to come back to this one later. Jumping around the memories, I realized that I couldn't go any farther that the time of the picture being taken.

"Ding-Dong," rang the front doorbell, startling me out of the memory trip.

I went to the door without thinking and opened before I remembered that I was Regina. Standing before me was the real Regina. The look of shock on her face was amazing. At first, I was happy to see her. Then it dawned on me that I was still in here body. The reason for her shocked look hit me and I had hardly enough time to catch her as she passed out. Normally, I would have had no problems carrying her in, but her 18 year old body wasn't as strong as my 22 year old one. I held her under her arm pits and dragged her into the living room. Once I had her on the couch, I returned to the front door and closed it. As I returned to the living room, I could hear her awakening. She looked up at me when I reached the couch and then sat up.

"Who are you?" she asked.

I wasn't sure how to answer the question. The truth seemed the easiest. Hell, if she didn't believe me, I could always show her. "Well, Gina, It's me, Chris," I said.

The voice Regina heard was hers. The body motions she saw were hers. She looked very confused. "I don't believe you," she said.

"Well, I didn't expect you to drop by," was all I could think to say. I though to try some humor. "I wouldn't have been dressed this way if I knew you were coming over."

She didn't even crack a smile. I could tell that I need to convince her quickly or there was no telling what she would end up doing. "Look, this may sound strange, but I really am Chris. If you give me a chance, I can prove it to you. Remember what happened after the homecoming dance. Joe Jackson tried to have sex with you and you kicked him in the balls. I'm the only one you told. And Jackson never mentioned it to anyone."

I think that convinced her. Her body didn't look as tense as it had earlier. "Well," she started, "I never did tell anyone other than Chris that information and her promised to not tell anyone or to ever talk to me about it again." She paused while thinking about it. Finally she said, "I'll bite. Let's assume you are Chris. Why do you look like me and where did you get the clothes I wore to the homecoming dance?"

"Good questions," I responded. "You won't believe the answer."

"Let me be the judge of that."

So, I told her everything. My desire to be a woman, the joy I got from dressing like one, and even how I had always been jealous of her because she was a woman. I explained the times I would fantasize about wearing her cheerleading outfits and cheering in front of the crowds at football and basketball games. I talked for over an hour. During the whole time, she only interrupted me twice. Once was to tell me flattery wouldn't' help my case. I had to convince her I wasn't trying to impress her, just that I was being honest. The second time was when I told her I could access the memories she had up to the point of the picture being taken. She didn't believe this. So I told her how, at the moment before the picture was taken, she was thinking about whether or not to have sex with Joe Jackson after the homecoming game. This convinced her I was telling the truth. She had never mentioned this to anyone. She look worried when I said this. I told that I had to really concentrate to do it. The memories don't just appear like my own do. I have to think about a date and time before I can access the

memory. It was like a filling cabinet that isn't organized except by date and time. I had to pick a place to start looking then move forward or back from there. I didn't tell her about finding her lesbian fantasies. That could wait for later.

When I was done, we just sat in silence for ten or fifteen minutes. She took my hand in hers and said, "I believe you." The look in her eyes told me she did. "I sure do look good in that outfit, don't I?"

"Well, other than the slightly oversized hips and..."

I didn't get to finish the sentence before she popped me in the arm.

"Show me the box," she said.

"Follow me ma'am."

We went down the hall to my bedroom and I ushered her into the room. Sitting where I had left it was the opened box. The letter was on my bed near the box. Regina went over to the box and kneeled next to it. She tentatively reached in and felt the insides of the box. "This is incredible. How long will the transformation last?"

"I'm not sure. Uncle Pete didn't mention that. It definitely doesn't depend on wearing the clothes, but I haven't been out of them except for my leg when I first put the pantyhose on. Actually, I'm not really sure how to reverse the transformation."

"What? You don't know if you can ever be Chris again?"

"I didn't think about it. I just wanted to see if Uncle Pete was bullshitting me. I never thought that I would become you." I started to get emotional at this point. "What will I do if I can't get back to myself? What will people think?" I began to cry.

Regina was at my side in an instant. Holding my hands, she said, "Shh. Calm down." She pulled me to the bed and we sat down on it. "It'll be OK. There has to be a way. After all, your Uncle Pete was himself when he died, wasn't he?"


"Well that means there is a way. We just have to find it."

She was being so kind to me and understanding. I just looked into her face and her eyes and found myself drawn up into them. I slowly leaned forward, tilted my head to the side and we kissed. At first she resisted a little, but got into the kiss quickly. I felt her hand touch my knee and slide up my thigh. She rubbed her hand over the pantyhose encased thigh while gently moving her other hand to my breast. I repeated the favor on her breast. Using my free hand, I worked on getting the jacket off and then the sweater. We stopped kissing just long enough for me to pull off my sweater While I was doing this, she took off the T-shirt she was wearing, her bra, and the stood to remove her sneakers, socks, and jeans. I followed her clue and took off my blouse, skirt and bra. We pulled together again for a kiss. I pulled her down onto the bed with me and began to kiss her breast while stroking her thighs. Her back began to arc a little as the pleasure began to build. I worked my way down her stomach until I reached the waistband of her thong panties. I reversed the position of my body so that my pussy was near her head. She pulled at the pantyhose, pulling them down my legs as I slid her thong off her. I began to lick the lips of her pussy while she worked on mine. I could feel her sliding her fingers in and out of my pussy while I concentrated on her clit. While doing this, the memory of her fantasy came to my mind. I acted out the scene as she had envisioned it, pulling her to the brink of orgasm then switching to exciting another part of her. As I felt myself reaching an orgasm, I worked feverishly on her to bring us both off at the same time. I could feel the muscles spasm around my face as she began to climax about a second before I came. When the orgasm was over, I moved my face away from her pussy, kissed her on the inner thigh and rolled to the side. Her finger were still in me as I did this.

"I'm not through with you yet," she said and as she pulled her hand out, she sat up and positioned herself kneeling between my legs. Her skills were amazing. Her tongue flicked in and out of my pussy, striking me over and over again. Sometimes she would hit the inner wall, sometimes the outer lip, but most of the time, it was my clit. I only took her five minutes of this skillful manipulation to make me orgasm again. After that, we laid there holding each other. The afterglow of sex with Regina was nothing like what I had felt as a man. My whole body felt alive and her presence near me was wonderful.

"That was wonderful," I said.

"Yea. It's always been a fantasy of mine to have sex with another woman."

"I know. It came to me as we were doing it. So I followed along and did what you had dreamed of doing to you lover."

"I thought it seamed familiar. I kept that fantasy for over five years. It hasn't changed since I realized what felt best when I was masturbating. Thank you for making it real."

"It was the least I could do. After all, I'm getting my fantasy by being you aren't I?"

"Yes, you are," she finished. We hugged each other, climbed out of bed, and began to get dressed.

After getting dress, Regina looked at ma and said, "I sure do feel underdressed. Let's go shopping."

"In public?" was all I could say.

"Sure, why not?"

"I can't go out. We've got to find out how to change me back."

"Well, since we need a plan, we can come up with one while shopping. After all, shopping relaxes me and since you are me, it should relax you."

I knew that I couldn't win, so I gave in. Before I realized it, we were out of my apartment, in her car, and on the way to the local mall. The trip would take about a half hour, so I decided to find out why she was in town.

"Well," she started. "After graduation, I figured I would return home to find a job. I remembered you telling me that you had an apartment so I stopped by your parents house and got the address. I figured we could hang out for a while and I was also hoping that I could move in until I got my feet on the ground. If it wouldn't be any inconvenience. Since my parents had moved to Texas, and I didn't want to live there, I figured it was one option."

"You know it would be OK. I've got the second bedroom free since my roommate moved out and uncle Pete's inheritance covered rent for the next year. I don't see why not."

"Great. We'll be just like sisters. Oops...I forgot you're not a girl."

"That's OK. I'm getting used to your body.. It's starting to feel comfortable. I have noticed that some of your basic female memories are becoming second nature."

"Really? Like what?"

"Well, this may seem silly, but standing to pee doesn't seem natural like it did when I was a guy. Also, I know how to use a tampon. That was something I had no clue about before. Putting on makeup, douching, anything a female would do, comes easily. But I still know guy things. None of my memories feel effected, but some things I would do as a man, don't seem natural."

"It's probably just you mind moving my memories into convient places to face the world as a woman. I don't think you should worry about it. But, if you think you are forgetting anything about your Chris self, for lack of a better term, let me know."


The rest of the trip was spent talking about what we had done since the last time we had seen each other. Pulling into the mall parking lot, I started to feel nervous again. But Regina's confidence kept me from saying anything. As we approached the mall, she turned to me and said, "Since Chris is a male and female name, I can call you that in the mall. If anyone asks, it's short for Christine."

The first store we entered was Hects. She headed straight for the lingerie department. "I'll be needing some hose to go with my dress," she said. After searching through about four racks of pantyhose, she pulled out some shell colored Easy Spirit Opaque . After she paid for them, we moved to the shoe department. She browsed around for a while and then picked out a pair of black 3" pumps. Next it was on to the juniors department. At this point, I got into the shopping with her. The dresses were so pretty and I couldn't help myself. It felt natural. I pulled out a form fitting mini dress that matched the heels I was wearing perfectly. I told Gina I was going to try it on and she came with me carrying her own pile of dresses. In the dressing room, I pulled off all of my clothes except for the heels and pantyhose. I pulled the dress over my curves and smoothed it out. Turning towards the mirror, I was stunned. The dress accented all of the right places for my body. I walked out of the dressing room and went to Gina's dressing room. She came out and scoped me out as I looked her over. She was gorgeous. She had put on the heels and hose and then a black A-line dress that came down to about midway down her thigh. Our reactions towards each other was "Wow!!"

We both returned to our dressing rooms and then came out. We went to the register and Regina bought both of the outfits. I tried to stop her, but she would have none of it. After she paid for them, she pulled me back into the dressing room and handed me my new dress.

"Put this on. It looks better that the outfit you are wearing."

"OK," I answered. Slipping everything off, again, I pulled the dress on. and came out of the dressing room. Gina followed me a second later. "Let's go have some fun," she said.

With me beside her, we hit the mall. The shopping was fun and we even came up with some ideas of how to change me back. The question was which way would work. While we were eating at the food court, Gina said, "See those two guys over there?"

"Yes. What about them?"

"They've been following us around for the last hour. I think they want to get to know us better."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why? Are you afraid you'll have to suck one of their dicks?"

I was surprised by her words. I hadn't even thought about that. Those guys only say two beautiful women dressed very sexy. If I was them, I would only want one thing also. I looked up and they were at our table, beginning to sit down.

"Do you mind if we join you two lovely ladies?" the first one asked as he sat down next to Gina. His friend sat next to me. Since we were in a booth, we couldn't get out without them moving.

"Sure," Gina piped out before I could protest. "I'm Gina and this is my sister Christine. You can call her Chris."

"I'm Bobby and that's Kevin," he said. "Now what are you two doing here without an escort. You know they passed a law requiring all women to be escorted while at the mall."

I rolled my eyes and Gina just giggled. Kevin turned to me as Bobby continued to make moves on Gina. "So, you two look alike, are you twins."

"No," I responded, "She's four years older than I am. We could probably pass as twins though." I looked over at Gina and she was staring into Bobby's eyes. She shot a quick glance at me and winked. I realized I would be on my own. Kevin's conversation seemed a little boring and I tried to let him know I wasn't interested with my body language, but he didn't pick up on it. Before I knew it, Bobby and Gina were starting to get up.

"Let's go," she said.

"Go?" I asked.

"Yea. Didn't you hear me. Bobby and Kevin are taking us back to their place to a party they are holding."

I couldn't believe what she was saying. I didn't agree to this. I would talk her out of if it killed me. "Can I talk with you for a minute. In private."

The guys got the hint and backed away.

"You can't be serious," I said. "What if Kevin tries to cop a feel? I'm not gay."

"You're wrong about being gay. After all, you've been involved in a lesbian affair, or have you forgotten this afternoon already. If you choose to have sex with Kevin, remember, he's a boy and you're a girl. Now no arguments. I want to go have a good time and you should relax. Just let my memories help you. If Kevin tries anything you don't want to do, just stop him."

With that, she turned to Bobby and Kevin, "It's settled then. Let's go party!!" She slid her arm around his waist and they headed off. Kevin approached me and began to put his arm around me, but my look had him backing off. We follow Bobby and Gina to Bobby's car. Kevin and I piled into the back. seat while Bobby and Gina got in the front. A little voice in my head was saying that I was being harsh on Kevin, so I decided to warm up a little to him. We started talking and I realized that he was an all right person, not the scum I though he would be.

Shortly, we arrived at Bobby's house and went in. No one had arrive for the party yet so Gina and I started to help them set up. Bobby fixed us some drinks and we all went into the living room to wait for people to arrive. Bobby put some slow dancing music on and started to dance with Gina. Kevin and I sat on the couch and continued the conversations we were holding in the car. I hadn't noticed, but Kevin was sitting so close to me that his leg was against mine. He placed his arm on the top of the couch, behind my head. After a while, I leaned my head back against his arm and he dropped his arm to my shoulder. His hand rested over my left should, slightly above my breast. We talked about where our lives were going and what we wanted to do in the future. I felt myself becoming more and more attracted to Kevin and before I knew what had happened, I was leaning in for a kiss.. The kiss was tentative at first, but Kevin became more daring as it lasted. His tongue slowly probed into my mouth and his right hand began to massage my thigh. After about five minutes, we parted and he looked me into my eyes.

"Let's go upstairs for a little while," he said.

"OK," was all I could think to say.

My body was on fire and I wanted him more than I could imagine. The crotch of my pantyhose had become moist from my pussy's juices and I knew that my male ego was going to lose this battle. When we got to the upstairs bedroom, I had let myself become a woman completely. Gina's memories had merged with mine in this area and everything seemed normal. We got to Kevin's bedroom and I began to unbutton his shirt while we kissed and moved to the bed. His muscular chest felt wonderful. I ran my hands up and down his chest getting closer to his pants as we kissed. We stopped kissing so that Kevin could pull my dress over my head. His hands slid lightly down the outside of my dress until they reached the hem. Sliding his hands under the hem, he slowly mo ved them up the sides of my body, taking the dress with it. Once it was removed, we continued to kiss. I broke the kiss long enough to remove my shoes and he took his off and his socks. Kevin expertly removed my

bra as I began to take his pants off. We both were down to our underwear as we fell onto the bed in each others arms. Kevin move his

kisses down my body until he reached my breast. The pleasure caused me to close my eyes. Kissing and licking and sucking my breast and nipples until my world was engulfed in flames, Kevin was a master at the act. As my passion expanded, Kevin moved his kissing down across my stomach and slid my pantyhose off with his hands. Once he had gotten my pantyhose off, his boxers quickly joined them on the floor. I felt Kevin move his body between my legs and I opened them wider for him to access my pussy. His kissing continued back up my body. As he came back to my face, I felt the tip of his dick brush my inner thigh. I reached down between us and glided his member to the edge of my pussy. He immediately knew what to do. his first thrust of his hip pushed his dick into the confines of my pussy. The excitement of his kissing had lubricated it well. The feeling of his dick in me was unlike anything I had ever felt before in my life. I had thought the pleasure of his kisses were ecstasy, but this new feeling was ten times more wonderful. Instinctively, we fell into a rhythm as he pumped faster and faster. My body responded by squeezing my vagina walls with each of his pushes. I thought nothing could top the feelings I was experiencing until the orgasm began. It started at my crotch and exploded throughout my entire body. It was more intense than any orgasm I had had as a male. Everything was a blur except for the feelings of the orgasm. Coming down from it, I realized that Kevin had had an orgasm to. His pumping had slowed to a stop and he was rolling off of me.

Lying next to me, I heard his breathing from the effort. I rolled over and kissed him with every ounce of passion left in me. Lying my head on his chest, feeling the heat from our love making, I realized that this is one of the things I could never had achieved by just dressing as a woman. My experience was complete. Kevin's breathing became slower and steadier and I realized he was asleep. Just like a man, I thought as I rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed.

I got dressed and went downstairs to find Gina and Bobby on the couch, naked and in each others arms. Looking at the clock, I noticed that two hours had gone by since Kevin and I went upstairs. No one else was downstairs and I wondered what had happened to the party. Then I realized that I had fallen for one of the oldest tricks in the book of males. A "party". Right. Well, I enjoyed myself, so why worry about it. Gina saw me and sat up. She must have read my mind because she unentangled herself from Bobby and began to get dressed. She whispered in Bobby's ear for a moment and he joined her in getting dressed.

"Bobby said he'll take us back to the mall," she said to me.

"OK," I answered.

The three of us got back into Bobby's car and headed back to the mall. Gina and Bobby sat close together and I was alone in the back seat with my thoughts. Did I want to see Kevin again? I wasn't sure. I would have to come to grips with having sex as a woman. I realized that my maleness had been slowly coming back after my orgasm. Thoughts of having sex with a man stopped being as attractive as they had just an hour ago. So, I sat in silence until we got to the mall. Bobby pulled up next to our car and then wrote his number and Kevin's number on a piece of paper and handed it to Gina.

"I had a wonderful time," he told her. "I'm sure Kevin did to. If you two ever want to party again, call us."

Gina and I just smiled as we got out of the car. As Bobby pulled away, Gina turned to me.

"Are you mad at me?" she asked.

"No," I said. "At first I was, but I realized that you were just trying to get me to fully experience being a woman. But I wish you had given me a chance to get used to the idea of having sex with a man first."

She looked a little hurt by what I said, but she got that evil little grin of hers back. "You enjoyed it, huh?"

I tried to look mad, but burst out in laughter instead. "Yes, It was more that I could have ever imagined."

We hugged and laughed and then got into our car to head home. During the drive, I realized that if I could go back to being myself, I could live with being a woman.

"Have you thought of any ideas of getting your male body back," Gina said, interrupting my thoughts.

"The only thing I can think of is to return the clothes to the box, shut it and wait an hour. You know, it would be like reversing the process."

"Sounds good to me." She paused for about a minute. "I don't know if you've thought of this, but...what if it doesn't work."

"Actually, I have. I don't think life as a woman would be all that bad. Hell, sex is definitely better, if I can get over the fact it is with a man."

"You could always stick to lesbian sex. I enjoyed our adventure. I thought of it as masturbation since I was having sex with myself."

We both laughed at that thought. The conversation the rest of the way home was lacking in any substance, but it mostly dealt with preparing me for life if the box wouldn't change me back.

Pulling into the parking lot of my apartment, we got out and gathered our things then headed inside. I immediately went back to the bedroom

and put the clothes back into the box. I had to strip to get off the pantyhose and bra I was still wearing. Kneeling in front of the box, I closed the lid and reattached the straps. As soon as the second buckle was closed, the tingle washed over me from head to toes, forcing my head down and onto the top of the box. Gina was entering the room as I closed the buckle.

"Wow," she said. "That was incredible to see."

I felt a little weak and looked up at her. "What?"

"The change. It was like one of those morphing scenes you see on computers. Your body kind of melted from mine to yours. it was incredible."

"Thanks. I'll do an encore later." My strength was returning and I stood up. Gina's eyes traveled the length of my body and I realized that I was naked. I causally walked over to my dresser and pulled out some clothes. "You don't have to watch," I told her as I dressed.

"Hey, it's only fair. You got to see me naked. Why can't I see you naked." And then she began to laugh.

After a while, I joined her in the laughter. We sat down on the bed and I felt a wave of relief rush over me. I had always wanted to be a woman and now I have the means. But I also realized that I enjoy my life as a man and I am happy that I can return to it. We ended up hugging each other as the laughter died. I noticed she was staring at the box.

"Open it," she said.

We both kneeled down in front of the box. I undid the buckle on one side as she worked the buckle on the other side. When both were freed, we opened the lid. All that remained inside the box was the picture of Gina in her homecoming outfit. Gina reached in and pulled it out.. I could tell her mind was working on some plan.

"I could be 18 again," she said. "Immortal."

"No, not immortal," I responded. After all, uncle Pete had died. I knew where she was headed with that statement. "Just young forever. You could spend the rest of you life in that 18 year old body, staying just as you looked in the picture. Your hair would always be perfect, you makeup would always be perfect. But, if you ever returned the clothes to the box, you would return to you current age. If that age was old enough, you would probably die." I was guessing at most of this, but it made sense to me.

"It would be worth it. I would be willing to never go back to my 'real' age. To be 18 until an accident caused you to die, that would be OK. Heck, what was that saying? 'Live hard, die young, and leave an awesome locking corpse.' I could live with t hat."

We sat in silence for a while. I wouldn't have turned her down if asked me to let her do it. Hell, I was tempted to put my own picture in it. She was the one to break the silence first.

"We should probably do some experiments first. Like what happens if you spend a long time without switching back to you 'real' self. Do you lose some of yourself when it happens? You know things like that."

I was glad to hear her say that. It meant she wasn't ready to just leap into an easy solution. We decide to work together on the experiment. I wasn't sure how we would manage, but the first thing we needed to do was find ourselves jobs. All this would be moot if we were both unemployed. Welcome back to reality was all I could think of. We left my room and headed for the kitchen to grab a late night snack.

Gina and I have had a lot of fun with the box. We've both ended up getting jobs at the local strip joint and a pair of twin sisters. The pay is more that I could have ever made with my degree and the same is true for Gina. This had lead to some other adventures that we will gladly share with you in the future. I spend a large amount of my time in a female body. About the only time I'm in my "real" body is when I need to pay some bills or when relatives are visiting. Since my family isn't that close, this doesn't occur very much. Well, I've got to go.

I hope you enjoyed reading this. Bye now.


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