Under Construction

By Richard

Published on Sep 28, 2008


This story is fictional and involves unprotected fetish sex between consenting male adults. Do not read it if this material offends you, or is illegal for you to possess.

Comments, suggestions, and requests encouraged.

Copyright 2008, richard@surfeit-verdure.com. ----

Nate shoved the remnants of a fast food hamburger away from him and stared out the window toward the darkened parking lot. His own reflection mixed with dim shapes of the construction crew's trucks. He rubbed the fur covering his rounded chin and wondered what the hell he was doing here.

In the last six hours he'd been fucked, pissed on, and more. Now he was sitting in a filthy hotel room waiting for the strangers next door to do it all to him again. Nate couldn't decide if the knot in his stomach was from fear or lust.

It was well past midnight now, and the other rooms were dark. Nate pushed his chair away from the table and trudged to the bathroom. He looked as tired as he felt in the cold fluorescent light. He realized that a string of dried cum still clung to his beard. Turning away from the mirror, he yanked the light cord and climbed into the bed. He set the alarm clock for well before dawn. He wasn't about to miss his ride.

Nate's churning mind focused on the dull ache from his abused hole. Images of the parade of dicks stretching his ass slowly faded to darkness as sleep overtook him.

The insistent whine of the alarm forced Nate awake, but no light shone through the open curtains. Even at this hour he could hear activity outside as the crew prepared for the day. Nate slid his jeans over his stained jock and tugged a shirt over his head. He stepped out into the early morning air without even tying his boots.

Some of the trucks from last night were already gone, but the one Nate was looking for was still parked a few spaces down from his room. The driver's door was open, but Cody was nowhere to be seen.

Nate walked to the front of the bumper and waited. He shivered in the cold.

"On time again. Good. Are you ready for today's duties?"

"Yes sir!"

Cody walked past Nate and dropped a toolbox into the bed of the truck.

"Get in."

They drove in silence through the sleeping town, then up the twisting road toward the construction site. Headlights spiked through the forest. Orange strobes broke the darkness as the truck roared past heavy equipment waking in the pre-dawn. Cody swerved off the road onto a narrow gravel yard populated with bulldozers, dump trucks, and a small construction trailer.

"You'll be working here today. I won't be able to attend to you myself, but several of my friends will probably drop by. You will take care of their needs no matter what they are. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

Cody got out of the truck and unloaded a small pile of gear from the lock box in the back. Nate sat - unsure of what he was supposed to do. Eventually Cody walked around to the passenger side, pulling on a reflective vest.

"Get out."

Nate clambered out and stood in the pool of light from the cab.

"Take your cloths off."

Nate pulled his shirt over his head. His nipples sprung to attention in the cold air. Stepping out of his boots he slid his jeans down to reveal the pouch of his jockstrap.

"You can leave the jock on. Hand the remaining cloths to me."

Nate laid the wadded up shirt and jeans on Cody's outstretched arm.

"Since you are still a new student, I'll have to take some precautions to make sure you stay around to perform your duties."

Cody stepped to the back of the truck and dropped the cloths into the lock box, latching the lid. Nate stood nearly naked in the darkness.

"You can stay in the truck. It will probably be a few hours before any of the boys are ready for you."

With that, Cody picked up his toolbox and walked up the hill and out of sight.

Nate's cock had tented out his jock at first, but now the cold set in, drawing his balls in tight. His stepped back into his boots and climbed into the cab. The dome light clicked off as he slammed the door.

The trailer blocked the view of the road, but Nate could hear the occasional vehicle growling up the mountain. A faint glow began to light the edges of the sky. The rough cloth seat cover ground against his bare ass as he slouched down as far out of sight as possible. Soon he had dozed off, his hands crossed instinctively over his crotch.

A firm knock on the glass jarred Nate awake. It was fully light now, but couldn't have been much later than 8 or 9.

The figure outside the window was big. He stood taller than the truck, and seemed to be just about as wide as the door. Only a construction vest hung over his massive chest. Fur curled through its mesh. A fat belt buckle held up dirty jeans ending in black steel-toes.

Nate blinked in the sudden light, looking up at the giant through the glass. The door swung open.

"You must be the new fuck. CPig sent me to see if you wanted any morning coffee."

"Uh. Yes sir." stammered Nate.

The giant pawed open his belt and shoved down his jeans. A thick uncut cock hung free below his belly.

"Come and get it. I already drank it for you."

Nate stood up uncertainly. The giant grabbed his shoulder and shoved him down to his knees in the dirt.

"Come on boy. I haven't got all day. Open up."

Nate centered himself in front of the sausage hanging from the giant's pants and opened his mouth wide. The giant pinched the shaft of his soft cock and aimed it. Nate braced for the spray. Instead, the giant put his paw behind Nate's head and pulled him forward till his face was buried in crotch. The cock slid into his open mouth. Even soft it filled Nate.

"Don't fucking get any on my jeans." growled the giant.

The hot piss splashed directly against Nate's throat. He gagged involuntarily and tried to pull back off the giant's cock. The paw behind his head held him firm. Hot liquid filled his mouth. Nate tried as hard as he could to relax his throat. Soon the flood began to flow down to his empty belly. Nate felt like he was being filled with a fire hose.

The stream was salty, and did taste almost of coffee. Nate wondered if it would ever stop. He couldn't see the giant's face - only a few inches of belly and a mane of pubic hair. Slowly he felt the torrent turn to a trickle. Three last staccato jets sprayed against his tongue.

Nate sucked in air through his nose as hard as he could.

"Clean it off on your way out."

The hand behind his head was gone. Nate sucked in a last breath of air, savoring the subtle smell coming from the giant's crotch. It was sweat and man, but it hadn't yet developed the intensity Nate craved.

His lips were already wrapped around the mass of flesh filling his mouth, so Nate slowly pulled off, sucking the thin coating of piss. Reaching the head, he began probing the thick hood.

"Not now. You'll get that soon enough."

The giant stepped back, sliding his cock out of Nate with a pop. He pulled his jeans up over his naked cock and buttoned up. Turning without a word, he lumbered down the hill.

Nate kneeled in the dirt watching him go. As his mind cleared he became aware of the steady roar of traffic whizzing by only a few yards from his naked ass. Nate dived for his only cover inside the truck.

Time passed slowly. Nate assumed it must be after noon now, but had no way to be sure. He pulled his dick out from under the cum-stained pouch of his jock and tugged absentmindedly at the tip, rubbing its thin ridged skin with his thumb. Soon the soft flesh ballooned. Each drag across the flared purple head caused his naked thighs to shake. He stared down at his jutting cock, imagining Cody's rough hands in place of his.

"You won't be needing that. Put it away."

The truck door swung open. Nate froze in the glare of two construction workers. He wondered if he was seeing double. The buzz-cut blond hair, round face, and paunch of one was mirrored in the other. Only a scar across the cheek of the man on the left seemed to be unique.

"I'm Sam and this is my brother Jeff. We're going to fuck your ass." said the man on the right, rather nonchalantly.

"Yes sir. Sirs."

"Put your fucking dick away. I don't want to see it."

Nate hurriedly shoved his swollen cock back into his jock. It peeked out from under the top of the wide band.

"Well, get out." said Jeff, his voice edged with irritation.

Nate stepped out of the truck and stood in front of the two men. They were shorter than he was, but easily outweighed him. Both were dressed in jeans, sweat-stained T-shirts, and construction vests. White hard hats were tipped back on their heads.

"You got any lube?"

"No sir."

"Well, guess this may be a little less fun for you then."

Sam slipped the strap of his belt through its clasp and unbuttoned his fly. Nate was relieved to see that the dick it concealed was only of average size. It stood proudly out from his crotch. Balls hung slack below it, lightly covered in fur.

Jeff grabbed Nate's shoulders and spun him to face the open door of the truck.


Nate put his hands on the seat, presenting his bare ass framed by his jock. Sam kicked his feet apart. Nate felt the sun warming his open crack. He heard Sam hawk, then felt warm liquid splatter just above his hole. A broad finger slid through the puddle then jabbed at his quivering ring. Nate yelped, but the finger pressed in to the knuckle, then bottomed all the way out. He took a deep breath, trying to let the invader in. The finger pulled out just as quickly. More spit splashed Nate's ass before two of Sam's fingers dived into his hole. A quick twist and they slid out again.

Sam cradled his dick in his hand and spit a deep wad onto it. Jeff had been standing idly to the side watching, but now leaned over and spit into Nate's crack before grabbing both cheeks - spreading them wide.

Nate felt the tip of a dick press lightly against his hole. He dropped his head and closed his eyes - focusing on opening his ass as wide as he could.

"You better hope CPig has trained you right."

The pressure against his hole surged. Nate felt the folds of his ass spread, then engulf Sam's spit-slicked dick. Thanks to the stretching from the previous night the feeling was an intense aching burn, rather than pure pain.

"Aaaaahhggghuu" moaned Nate as Sam's balls bottomed out against him.

Sam's dick was fully buried in the warmth of Nate's ass. His pubic hair nestled in the crack.

"Almost like pussy. Let him go - I want it tighter."

Jeff released Nate's cheeks and let them close around Sam's cock.

Sam slid back till only his head was inside the ring. Nate felt like his guts were being dragged out with it.

"How do you like it boy?"

"I like it sir."

"What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to fuck my ass sir."

"Hard or soft boy?":

"Hard sir."

Sam's cock head buried itself in Nate's guts. His bulky thighs slammed into Nate's.

"Uhhhahhh" groaned Nate. "Thank you sir."

"You're gonna like this one Jeff. Once I put some lube in him."

The cock yanked back out, this time all the way. Nate's ass lips grasped at the air for a split second before being pierced again. Sam's dick became the piston in some kind of machine. Its length buried in ass, flashing out into the sun, then diving in again.

Nate's eyes were still closed. The sensations from his stretching hole blended with the ecstasy he felt each time Sam's cock head rammed past his prostate. Cock snot saturated the band of his jock, but he didn't dare touch himself for fear of retribution.

Jeff had unbuttoned his own jeans and now stood a few inches away massaging his balls with one hand and tweaking his nipples through his shirt with the other.

"Quit hogging his ass. We gotta get back to work and I want to try out the new fuck."

"Wait your turn. I still have to make a deposit."

Sam quickened his pace, if that was possible. Nate was nearly delirious from the pounding his ass was taking. He couldn't decide if he wanted the invader out of his guts, or if he wanted him to ram on forever.

"Got a gift for you boy."

Sam wrapped his hand around the wide strap from Nate's jock and leaned back, closing his eyes. His piston-like strokes slowed, then almost stopped. Suddenly he rammed in hard. His hips shook. Nate felt warmth filling his abused ass, coating the stretched tissues.

"Yeah that's nice."

Sam's cock slid out , now lubricated with his own cum. Nate's ass lips released the head with a pop. He panted, feeling his ass adjust to the sudden emptiness. He clenched, trying to hold in the flood of semen.

"Whoahh!" yelped Nate as a second cock spread him and slammed into his prostate.

"Shut your fucking mouth." growled Jeff.

The brother were identical in technique too, but now Sam's cum lubricated each bone-jarring stroke. Nate moaned in pleasure. The pain of the dry thrusts had been replaced by the smooth feel of skin sliding through his ring and filling his cum-soaked ass.

"Not bad, but you fucking stretched him out. Now he just feels like a whore. Next time I get him first."

"You can talk to CPig about that."

Jeff pumped on, each stroke ending with the slap of flesh colliding. Nate lurched forward against the seat with every impact. He was near cumming even with his cock held tight against his belly by his jock.

"Yeah. Take it bitch." panted Jeff, ramming in hard, then holding.

Nate felt cum seeping out of his ass around Jeff's impaled tool. Each spray into his guts set off a shiver of pleasure from both men. Jeff lay on Nate's back for a moment, panting.

"Come on, we're due back."

The pressure of Jeff's belly was gone, and Nate felt the softening dick slide rapidly out of his ass, leaving a dull ache. Jeff wiped it across both cheeks, leaving a trail of dirty cum. Nate heard the sound of a zipper being closed, then two sets of boots crunching against gravel.

He was too exhausted to turn and watch the brothers go. Nate pushed against the truck seat till he stood uncertainly on his feet. His jockstrap was soaked in his own pre-cum. His ass buzzed. Nate sank down to a crouch - his arms resting on his thighs, his sweat-streaked face in his hands. He was barely aware of the strand of cum trickling out of his ass down to the dirt.

"I was going to just let you finish cleaning my cock, but seeing that I think I may have to try out your ass first."

Nate stood with a jerk and spun around. The giant stood a few yards away, rubbing his crotch.

"CPig usually makes me wait till he's finished opening his fucks. Guess he doesn't want them damaged. That hole looks like it's ready to me though."

Nate just stood, staring at the giant's crotch. Fear washed over him like a cold wave.

The giant walked toward the truck, sliding his belt open as he went. By the time he reached Nate a formidable dick jutted through his open fly. The head was broad, with only a small cone of purple muscling its way from under the tightly stretched foreskin. The shaft was fat, running at least eight inches before burying itself in the thicket of fur Nate had enjoyed that morning.

"Face the truck, bend over, and spread your cheeks."

Nate numbly obeyed, looking down at the cum-stained dirt he'd been crouching over. He hoped he could take the giant's tool, but he knew it was the largest he'd ever tried.

"Looks like you brought the lube."

The giant spanned Nate's abused hole with his broad hand, squeezing the distended rosebud. A spray of Jeff and Sam's mingled cum jetted out. The giant rubbed the milky fluid down his own shaft, then placed the tip against Nate.

"Fuuuuuuckkk" moaned Nate as the giant's flesh slid slowly into his own.

His already sore ass spread, inching over the cum-slicked skin. Nate felt like his whole body was splitting. Surges of pain racked him. Suddenly his ring slid, then tightened down. The giant's head was inside him.

"You're going to make a good fuck toy. Hope CPig will loan you out."

The pain of the initial entry was replaced by intense pressure as the giant's cock slid inexorably in. Nate could feel each hair and vein on the shaft as it shouldered past his defenses. He closed his eyes, half expecting the cock to slide on forever. Instead, it slowed, then the tip bottom out against a fold deep in his guts. The tissue stretched. The giant's bush prickled against his cheeks.

"Ahhh. Ohh fuck. Fuck." panted Nate.

"Not bad for a beginner. Now let's see what this ass can do."

Nate released his cheeks and supported himself on his shaking thighs. Sparks and flashes of light played against his closed eyes as he felt the baseball bat in his ass reverse direction. His whole body pulled backwards as his ass tried to hold onto the giant's cock.

The tension in his straining ring grew as the flare of the head came gently to rest against its inner wall. Nate was terrified that the giant would pop all the way out, forcing him to take the whole head again. Instead, the shaft slid forward till it was entirely wrapped in Nate's warm ass.

"Fuuck yes. Oh fuck me... please." gibbered Nate, his brain on fire with the feeling.

The giant kept a stately pace. His cock slid out till it pulled Nate's ass ring into a mound, then dove in till Nate wondered if it would come out his mouth. His own cock hung limp in its wet pouch - overwhelmed by the feeling of being fucked by such a monster.

Nate had lost all sense of time. It felt like the giant had become a permanent part of his own ass.

"Mmmm. That's nice. Still want to try out that mouth of yours though. Some things a tongue can do an ass just can't."

"OhhhFuckkk." yelped Nate as the giant pulled his fist of a cock head out with a slurp.

Nate's hole gaped open in the breeze, ringed by angry red ass lips. Cum and ass juice tricked down his crack.

"Turn around boy and clean up the mess you made."

Nate pushed himself upright and staggered to face the giant before sinking down to a crouch. The smell of cum and ass invaded his nose as he stared hungrily at the glistening cock a few inches from his face.

The giant watched with a smirk as Nate grabbed his shaft and licked eagerly.

Nate had never tasted anything quite like it. The normal sweaty flavor of cock was overshadowed by the fresh taste of cum and the earthy tang of his own ass juices. He slurped at the shaft to clean off every bit.

There was no way he could fit the giant into his mouth, but the head would squeeze in. Nate pulled back on the shaft to expose the tip. The smell of unwashed cock rushed into his nose. His frantic tongue swirled around every millimeter it could reach. The taste was even better than the shaft had been.

Nate popped the head out of his mouth and slid his lips along the side of the giant's cock till his face rested against hairy thigh. The subtle man smell from the morning was gone. Now the thick fur radiated the funk of a hard day's work. The acid vapors burned in his nose as he sucked in as much as he could. The sweat-soaked skin left a puddle on Nate's cheek.

The fat head disappeared into Nate's mouth again. His tongue probed the piss slit and swirled around the long ridge underneath. He yanked at the rest of the long shaft with his hand, squeezing as hard as he could.

The giant closed his eyes and cradled Nate's buzz-cut head in his hands.

The sound of cars rushing by a few meters away blended with the slurping noises coming from his crotch.

"Here's what you wanted boy. Take it all."

Each jet landed on Nate's tongue before being eagerly swallowed. The fresh smell filled his nose and clouded his brain with ecstasy. Nate wanted to eat this stranger's cum forever.

Instead, the giant pulled Nate off his dick so that the last two volleys sprayed onto his face. Nate looked up at the giant, panting. A puddle of cum ran down into his beard. The giant looked down, bemused.

"Eager little fuck aren't you?"

"Yes sir!"

The giant tousled Nate's head like a favorite dog. He tucked his softening dick back into his jeans and popped the fly closed. His boots crunched in the gravel as he walked down the hill.

Nate crouched in the dirt, panting and exhausted. His ass slowly relaxed and drew back into a swollen rosebud. His trapped balls ached, but he couldn't even muster the energy to jack off. Besides, he wanted to save his cream for Cody.

After several minutes he managed to hobble uncertainly to his feet. He turned to the truck and climbed in, belly down on the seat. Nate fell asleep breathing the faint smell of the giant's crotch wafting from his cum-soaked beard.

Boots crunched in the gravel again. Nate heard them, but couldn't raise the energy to see what was coming. At this point he was happy to take whatever the crew gave him.

The boots stopped next to the truck. A hand spread Nate's cheeks. A finger prodded at his hole, then slid inside. It twisted, exploring his burning tissues before sliding back out again.

"Feels like you had a run in with Horse." said Cody's familiar voice. "Doesn't look like he broke anything this time."

Nate pushed himself up on his elbows and swung around till he was sitting in the passenger seat again. Cody leaned against the frame of the open door, looking over his new student.

"Did you take care of my friends?"

"Yes sir!"

"Let's see."

Cody put one hand on the scruff of Nate's neck, the other on his forehead. Nate's view turned to the ceiling as his head was tipped back. Cody's lips locked hard with Nate's and his tongue forced its way in. Nate tasted the warm saltiness of Cody's spit and felt his tongue probing every inch of his mouth. Finally the kiss broke.

"Good. Tastes like you've done well. We'll evaluate your ass further once I have access to my tools."

Cody slammed the passenger door and walked around to the driver's side. The tires spit gravel as the truck lurched onto the fresh asphalt and tore down the road toward the motel.

Next: Chapter 4

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