Under Construction

By Richard

Published on Oct 10, 2008


This story is fictional and involves unprotected fetish sex between consenting male adults. Do not read it if this material offends you, or is illegal for you to possess.

For Efrain. Comments, suggestions, and requests encouraged.

Copyright 2008, richard@surfeit-verdure.com. -----

The trees flashed past the truck windows as Cody and Nate sped toward the town. Late afternoon sunlight filtered through to the road. Nate watched the rest area that had started all this whiz past. His dick stiffened in its mesh pouch. Cody jerked the wheel over and sped into the motel parking lot with the tires howling.

"I need to unload the truck before I can finish your preparation for the evening. Wait for me by my room."

"Yes sir."

Nate stepped down from the truck and slammed the door. He suddenly remembered that he was still naked except for his jock and boots. His clothes were locked firmly in Cody's toolbox. He stood shivering next to the low cinderblock building. A few other men from the road crew were straggling in. A cat call whistled out.

"Nice one CPig. Can I have what's left when you're done?" laughed a stocky man, rubbing his crotch with one hand while sliding a key into a door a few rooms down.

"You know the rules. Everyone's welcome after 9."

Nate's face flushed, but his jutting penis gave him away. Cody slammed the driver's side door, picked up two toolboxes, and sauntered over to the motel. He set down the boxes and swung the door open.

"Pick them up and put them next to the fuck bench."

Nate jumped to obey. The room looked about the same as it had the previous night. The steel and leather fuck bench was still set up at near the far wall. The bed had been stripped down to just a pair of wadded-up sheets. Clearly the cleaning crew hadn't been through. The smell was thick and stale - cigar smoke, piss, and cum.

More dried cum stained the top of the bench. Nate quickly realized that he hadn't been the only one worked over that night.

He set the two toolboxes down next to the wall. One was a heavy plastic box scuffed and streaked with dirt. The other was shining diamond plate stainless.

"We have a full evening ahead of us. However, right now I'm tired and need a break, and then something to eat. How about you?"

"Yes sir!" exclaimed Nate.

His stomach was growling. The giant's piss and cum was all he'd had to eat all day. He could still smell both each time he breathed out.

"Good. Time for my shower. You can start with my pits."

Cody sat on the edge of the bed. His tattered white T-shirt hugged broad shoulders and a barrel chest before curving under a substantial belly. The short sleeves stretched tight over the tops of bulging fur-covered arms. Yellow sweat stains ringed each pit. A dark wet band ran vertically between his pecs.

More fur was exposed at the neck, thinning only slightly before merging with a thick beard. His hair was cropped to the point of nearly being shaved. His eyes were almost grey, and pierced right through Nate.

Below the belt he was wearing the same blue jeans from the day before. Dirt and tar streaked the worn fabric. The frayed cuffs were piled on top of an old pair of tan leather steel-toed boots caked in mud.

Nate almost tripped over himself getting to Cody's side.

"Take the shirt off."

Nate hooked his fingers into the frayed collar and gently pulled it up over Cody's head. It slipped slowly over the sweat-drenched skin revealing a thicket of fur carpeting a wide chest. Pulling it free from Cody's upraised arms, Nate buried his nose in the stained fabric. The scent was intense. The sharp smell of sweat mingled with male musk.

Cody watched his student reveling in his funk with bemusement.

"Clean my right pit."

Cody raised his arm revealing a thick mat of twisted brown fur. Beads of sweat still clung to the hairs. Nate kneeled on the bed and buried his face in the dark wet cave. The acid vapors stung his nose as he lapped up the salt with his eager tongue. Soon his face was soaked with Cody's sweat.

His tongue burrowed through the fur to clean the skin beneath. Nate tipped his head up and down to reach every inch.

"Good. Now the left."

Nate walked to the other side of the bed, his dick peeking over the top of the band of his straining jock. Pre-cum dribbled over the faded label.

The scent and almost spicy taste of the pit made Nate's head swim. He licked up the moisture, then rubbed his buzz-cut blond hair against the dark cave, smearing the funk everywhere he could.

"You're turning into a good fuck pig. Now take my boots off."

Nate squatted in front of Cody and tugged eagerly at the tangled laces on his right boot. Sliding it off revealed a soaked white sock covering a broad foot. The room was filled with the warm wet stink of a hard day's work. Nate peeled back the sock exposing the size 12 behemoth.

The thick fur from Cody's leg spilled down across the ridge of the foot, then re-emerged as dark tufts on each knuckle. The skin on top was thick but relatively soft. The sole was tough and leathery from a lifetime of work.

Nate lifted the foot to his face to breath in the funk. Fresh sweat was overpowered by an earthy tang. Cody's big toe vanished into Nate's mouth. The salty bitter taste washed over him. His tongue swirled around the warm digit, alternately slicking down the patch of hair and grating over the harsh callused skin of the pad of the toe. Nate repeated the washing till finally even the little toe was clean.

"Left foot." said Cody, now laying on his back on the bed.

Nate snorted deeply from the dirty boot before peeling off the other sock. This time he rubbed the sweaty foot up and down over the pre-cum soaked pouch of his jock, shaking with pleasure as the rough skin and fabric scraped against his cock.

Each toe was polished in turn. He began to run his tongue down the sole of the foot when suddenly it was yanked away as Cody sat up.

"That's enough."

Cody stood and brushed past Nate, tugging on his shirt.

"Please sir, can I have your cock?" pleaded Nate.

"Speak when you're spoken to. You'll get it soon enough."

Cody plopped down in a chair and slid his boots on over his bare feet, cinching down the laces.

"We have some additional prep work to do before dinner. Get on the bench on your back and hold your legs."

Nate scurried to the bench to obey. Wrapping his arms around his calves he pulled his ass into the air, opening the crack wide. The day's pounding had left his hole red and swollen. He almost felt like Horse's cock was still inside him.

Cody walked past the bench. Nate heard one of the toolboxes being unlocked and opened. Cody came back into his field of view carrying an old fashioned pump-style oil can and a small butt plug.

Nate felt the tip of the oil can slide just inside his hole. Cody squeezed the trigger a few times and cool lubricant flooded into Nate's bowels. Setting the can down on the lower bench, Cody slid a finger in and mopped the thick jelly in and around the open hole. The residue went onto the tip of the plug.

The stretched ring accepted the rubber torpedo easily. Nate had to squeeze just to keep it from sliding out on the river of lube. Cody picked up the oil can and disappeared from view again. Nate heard more shuffling in the toolbox.

Now Cody was carrying a rubber tube with a ball at the end. It looked like part of a doctor's blood pressure cuff. He fiddled with the plug and Nate heard a light click. Cody fixed Nate's gaze, then squeezed the rubber ball. The tip of the thin rubber plug ballooned. He squeezed again. The T-shaped base of the plug pulled tight against Nate's hole.

Hiss. Nate felt his hole stretch.

Hiss. The expanding rubber filled his ass.

Hiss. His ring was now pinned hard between the plug's base and its swollen tip.

Hiss. Nate gasped as his inner ring stretched tight.

Cody studied his sweating face for a moment longer, then reached down and released the tube from the plug with another click. Nate sucked in air, trying to get used to the feeling of being completely filled.

"Stand up."

Nate released his legs and slowly lowered them to the floor. The plug was tight, but flexed with his movements. He stood uncertainly. The feeling was intense but not painful. Every movement pressed the plug against his sensitive guts.

"I'm going to go get something to eat. I'll bring you back something. However, I can't have you wasting any cum while I'm gone. That belongs to me."

"No sir! I won't sir." stammered Nate.

"I'd love to trust you, but I think some insurance is in order. Take off your jock."

Nate slid the pre-cum soaked fabric over his stiff cock and down to the floor.

"Give it to me."

Nate bent over as best he could with the plug lodged in his ass. He managed to pick up the jock and hand it to Cody.

"Your scent is coming along nicely." said Cody, breathing deeply from the stained pouch.

He dropped the jock into the open steel toolbox and rummaged through its leather-lined compartments. Nate recognized many of the toys and tools, but the one Cody picked up was a mystery. It was shaped like a oversized condom, but was made of thick black rubber. The tip had a short tube protruding from it. The other end had a rubber pouch narrowing to a collar.

"This will keep you from enjoying yourself too much. Though some of my students become quite attached to it."

Cody spread the collar at the balls-end of the device and spit a massive wad into it. Grabbing Nate's cock with the other hand he spit again and rubbed the slime into the throbbing shaft. Nate nearly came from his touch.

Flipping the ball sack inside out, Cody slid the shaft cover over Nate's dick. The thick rubber pressed down hard against every millimeter. Using both hands he flipped the ball sack back over and stretched it over Nate's testicles. The thick collar snapped closed tight against his crotch.

Nate's balls pressed against the rubber. His cock was helpless inside the walls that held it firmly aloft. The sensation combined with the pressure from his ass to set his mind on fire. He'd never felt anything like this before, and hoped that it would never stop.

Cody reached into the toolbox again and returned with a standard-looking leather cock ring. Strapping it around the rubber collar he fastened it closed with a small padlock.

"I'll be back in 20 minutes."

The lights clicked off, the door slammed, and Nate was alone. He walked stiffly to the tiny bathroom and pulled the light cord. His dirty face looked back at him from an equally dirty mirror. Cupping his hands over his beard and nose he inhaled the scent of Cody's sweat and Horse's piss.

He stepped back so he could see his naked body. Buzz-cut hair faded into a scruffy beard wrapping his rounded face. More fur spanned his pecs before re-emerging on his thick arms. A dark thicket squeezed out of the edges of each pit. Farther down, his belly swelled before sloping down to his crotch. Stocky legs supported a wide pair of thighs framing the black sheath over his cock and balls.

Nate was transfixed by the shiny rubber pressing against his straining skin. He tugged on the shaft, but the lock around his balls held tight.

The feel of his hand was like a distant stranger. Pulling harder, Nate felt the rubber slide on Cody's spit, but only for a fraction of an inch. He was helpless to relieve the pressure and lust churning in his trapped balls.

Pressure of a different kind was causing its own discomfort. Nate examined the short black tube emerging from the tip of the sheath. He pointed it toward the toilet and let go. A dark yellow stream splashed against the white bowl. The pressure against Nate's prostate reduced the flow to an uneven trickle. The feeling was almost as good as cumming.

The last few drops clung to the tube, slowly elongating as they dripped off. Piss mixed with pre-cum. Nate wiped some onto his finger and tasted it. It was stronger than any of the other men's he'd drunk. He laughed, realizing what a strange situation he'd gotten himself into, and how natural it all felt. He'd gone from giving an occasional blowjob to a horny oilman to being a captive fuck pig in only 24 hours.

Nate returned to the mirror. Facing the wall, he spread his cheeks and craned to see the missile lodged in his ass. Only a thin rubber T-bar showed. Ass hair curled along either side of it. There was a small fitting in the center for the inflation tube, but no sign of a release valve. Not that Nate wanted its pressure out of his ass. Pushing and pulling it, he felt his guts slide back and forth, his abused prostate sparking his nervous system.

His slow strokes only made the tension in his balls worse. The plug wouldn't give him enough motion to bring himself off. He kept trying anyway.

The door slammed. Footsteps approached.

"Examining your new training aids?" smirked Cody.

"Yes sir." answered Nate, unsure if Cody was going to be angry or not.

"Do you like them?"

"Yes sir!"

Cody yanked hard on the black sheath trapping Nate's dick. Nate stumbled forward, but the thick rubber held firm to his balls.


"Good. Grab your ankles."

Cody looped two fingers under the T-bar of the butt plug and pulled. Nate began to tip backward, only to be stopped by Cody's other hand on his ass. The tension against his hole surged.

'Ooooh Fuuuuck" gibbered Nate.

Cody released the plug and it slid gently back in. Nate panted, resting against his bent knees.

"Good. The fit is excellent. Come eat your dinner."

Nate walked after Cody stiffly as the plug re-seated itself. Cody plopped down in one chair and gestured toward the other. Two fast food bags sat on the table, and Cody wasted no time tearing into his. Nate shifted in his chair, trying unsuccessfully to find a position that would take the pressure off his prostate. Giving up, he gulped at the greasy burger.

Cody finished first, shoving the bag into the trash. He leaned back in his chair and watched Nate with a quiet intensity. Nate slid his empty wrapper away.


"Yes sir. Thank you sir."

"We've got a few hours before the boys come over. You've got a long night ahead of you, so I'd recommend that you get some sleep while you can."

"I'd rather be with you sir." said Nate, quite sincerely.

"I appreciate that, but I have to insist. Assume the position on the bench."

Nate walked to the fuck bench and crawled onto its two side platforms. His rubber-encased dick slipped through the small hole in the top, dangling in the air below. Laying his chest down on the leather, his ass opened, releasing some of the discomfort from the inflated plug. He grasped the steel handles near the floor and rested his chin on the thick leather bench edge. Relaxing, he began to feel the abuses of the day mellow and fade.

He felt cold leather fastening over his legs and back. This time an extra strap slid over his neck and cinched down. Cody's boots came into view as he bound Nate's wrists to the bench legs. The boots retreated, and now Nate could only see the black tarp directly below him.

Nate could hear Cody moving around the room. The heavy thunk of boots dropping to the floor was followed by the rustle of clothes. Faint footsteps approached Nate, then he heard something being picked up from the toolbox to his left. Cody's bare feet came into view.


Nate felt a wad of fabric being shoved past his teeth. He recognized the now familiar smell and taste of his own jock. This time a thick leather band flashed briefly into view before tightening gently over his mouth.

Another rustle of fabric and Cody's own black jockstrap dropped to the floor. Nate saw a hand pick it up before its dark pouch tugged down over his eyes. His nose was inundated by the thick smell. Sweat. Cum.

Piss. Male. Seconds later, the grid of light filtering through the wet pouch vanished with the click of the light switch.

Nate heard the bedsprings complain as they took Cody's weight. Silence filled the room.

The leather supporting and binding Nate's naked skin slowly warmed. Tight, sweat-filled rubber engulfed his cock and balls. The plug in his ass settled into a comfortable fullness.

Nate should have been terrified. He was completely helpless, and knew that in just a few hours a parade of strangers would be fucking him in every way imaginable. Instead, the perfect confinement wrapped him with a surprising calm. The weight of the day pulled his eyes closed. The scent of Cody's jock filled his lungs as he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

"He ready?" said a voice that Nate didn't recognize.

"Just got to pull the plug."

Nate was still blinded by Cody's jock. He heard rustling in the toolbox, then felt someone touching the rubber in his ass. With a sudden hiss the pressure in his guts was gone.

"Fuuuck!" he tried to yell through the gag in his mouth.

His ass shook and clenched at the void the plug had left. He barely felt the deflated shaft being pulled out.

"All yours."

Nate felt something touch his hole.

"Got a present for you boy." said the unidentified voice.

With one lurch, Nate's ass was full again - this time with cock. A pair of thighs slapped into his own.

Nate gasped against the fabric in his mouth. The cock didn't hurt - the plug had taken care of that - but he hadn't expected the invader to ram in so hard.

"Fuck. You got a whore here. Why you like em so stretched out CPig?"

"You've just got a small dick."

"Fuck you."

The cock in his guts pulled out, then slammed home again.

"Squeeze my dick boy." yelled the unknown man.

A sharp slap rang out against Nate's thigh. He let out a muffled yelp of surprise. His ring clamped down on the shaft piercing it.

"There you go. Keep it up."

The cock picked up the pace. Crotch and thighs slapped into ass on each stroke. Nate squeezed down as hard as he could to pleasure the stranger. His own cock strained in vain inside its rubber prison.

"Mmm. You got a nice warm ass boy. You like this? Huh?"

Nate couldn't speak, or raise his head to nod.

"Do ya?"

Another loud slap.

"Yes sir!" yelled Nate as well as he could through the jockstrap and gag.

The stranger continued jack hammering his ass, panting with each stroke.

"Ohhh Yeah"

Cum splashed into Nate's guts. The stranger grunted with each wave. Nate felt the cock being yanked out of his ass. The stranger wiped it against both cheeks.

Nate heard the man hawk, then felt warmth splash on his back.

"Keep the change."

A zipper yelped, footsteps retreated, and the door slammed.

Nate kept his ass clenched, hoping to keep in the cum.

The room was nearly silent. Finally, Nate heard someone moving on the bed, followed by the click of the television coming to life. The sounds of the evening news droned.

Nate lay in limbo, wondering what, or who, would be next. He didn't have to wait long. A single knock sounded against the door.

"The buffet open?" said a familiar voice.

Nate finally placed it as the man who'd seen him waiting outside the room.

"Fuck away."

Footsteps approached. A stubby finger tapped Nate's hole, then popped inside. It turned, feeling the inside of the ring.

"Who beat me to it?"

"Matt." grunted Cody from the bed.


The finger withdrew, and a zipper sounded. Nate felt a penis press against him. He braced for another slam. Instead, the head slid slowly into his cum-slicked hole. Nate felt his swollen lips tighten down as the head passed. They dragged across the dry shaft, sending tremors of pleasure through him. A prickly bush of hair glided to a stop against his ass.

The shaft stayed buried for a few seconds before sliding slowly in the other direction. Now coated with Matt's cum, the feeling was more subtle, but every bit as hot. Nate desperately wanted to be able to jack himself off, but the straps held him tight.

The head of the penis pulled against the inside of Nate's hole. Just before it popped out, it reversed again and slid deep. Each stroke was ecstasy. This man fucked like Cody did.

All the way in, almost out, then back. Nate visualized the man he'd seen so briefly outside. Shaved head. A round face with dark mustache and beard. Dark skin. He felt the man's rough hands gently tugging against his own love handles on each stroke. He could almost see the stocky body sliding into his own. He could feel that the man was uncut - the hood providing extra stimulation each time it slid against the walls of his ass.

He imagined sweat beading on the stranger's face as clenching ass massaged his cock.

The stranger's pace picked up almost imperceptibly. Nate heard his breathing intensify. The tugging pressure at the end of his last stroke intensified, and his cock broke free. Nate heard the man's breaths turn to short gasps. Warm cum sprayed onto Nate's ass and back.

Nate felt a rough hand wiping through the pools of cum. He imagined the stranger sliding cum-slicked fingers into his own mouth to savor the taste.

"Thanks CPig. I owe you."

The door slammed behind the stranger. Nate waited in anticipation. He felt the warm cum on his back cool, then begin to tingle as it dried around the edges. His dilated ass shrunk fitfully closed. The sound of the television continued in the background. Nate wondered what Cody was doing. Was he watching his fuck pig squirm on the bench? Watching his ass flex open and closed? Nate hoped he was making him proud.

A tentative knock sounded.

"In." barked Cody

"Can I have another go at your pig?" said another familiar voice.

"Well, you didn't break him the first time - you're not likely to break him now." said Cody with a certain annoyance in his voice.

Nate's heart raced. He recognized the voice as being the giant that had reamed him out that afternoon. Horse, Cody had called him. He knew his ass was prepared this time, and desperately wanted that massive cock back inside him.

"That's one sloppy ass. Remember me? You want this again?"

"Yes sir!" yelled through the gag, trying to make himself heard.

Nate heard Horse spit. The giant cock pressed against his ass like a fist. Nate sucked in a lungful of air and pressed down as hard as he could. He felt cum squeeze out and trickle down his crack.

Horse grabbed a handful of flesh and fat on either side of Nate's belly, and shoved.

"Aaahhh fuck. Fuck." mumbled Nate into the gag.

The fat head spread his ass lips. The long fat shaft slid in. It just seemed to keep going forever.

Cody's careful preparation made the process less painful this time, but no less intense. His ass felt even fuller than it had with the plug in.

Horse's cock tip probed the folds of his guts as the big man repositioned himself.

Out slid the cum-slicked dick till the head lodged in Nate's clenching ring.

"Interesting brand of lubricant you've got here CPig."

"100% natural. Accept no substitutes."

"Now let's see what CPig's toys have taught you boy."

The shaft slid back in till crotch slapped into ass. Nate lurched forward, but was stopped by the leather straps. The cock retreated, pulling his guts with it. Almost out, it slid back in with another loud slap.

Each stroke became faster and harder. Slap! Slap! Slap! Nate closed his eyes and held onto the bench as hard as he could. He felt like he was being fucked by a wild animal.

"Uhhh!" grunted Horse on each impact.

The giant grasped his flesh hand holds like a vice. Below the fuck bench a thick drizzle of sweat and pre-cum dripped from the piss tube on Nate's cock prison.

Nate felt like he was going to black out from the intensity of the feelings coming from his ass. Instead, Horse's strokes tapered off and shortened. Nate expected to be flooded with cum, but nothing happened.

"Hey CPig, my ass could use a good cleaning. You mind..."

"Yeah, he's had enough on the bench. You can flip him."

"Ahh. Fuck!" yelped Nate into his gag as the giant cock popped out of his ass again.

He felt the leather straps being torn off one by one. Everything but his arms were free. His face felt the warmth of Horse's crotch standing inches away. The last two pieces of leather were free.

Nate blinked in the light as Cody's jockstrap was yanked off his eyes. Horse's rigid dick brushed against his face. He felt the strap of the gag being loosened. It dropped to the tarp below.

"On your back boy."

Nate was stiff from his long confinement, but tried his best to obey quickly. Lifting his crotch, he slid his sheathed dick out of the small hole in the table. Pre-cum clung to the end in a long strand. Stepping uncertainly down on the floor he pushed himself upright long enough to turn and sit on the edge of the bench. Horse grabbed his shoulders roughly and pulled him down till his head pressed against the leather.

"What the fuck is this?" muttered Horse.

"His jock. Careful with that - it's my property." said Cody from the bed.

Horse's thick fingers dived into Nate's mouth and pulled out the soaked jock, dropping it on Nate's chest.

Nate stared up at the ceiling, waiting to see what Horse had planned for him. He could see him kicking off his boots and pulling off his jeans. The giant stepped behind the bench, then climbed up, standing on both side rails, straddling Nate.

"Eat up boy"

Horse squatted. He massive ass loomed in Nate's view, spreading to reveal a hair-filled track. The pink pucker in the center folded in on itself into a small red inner cave. Nate grabbed each cheek to keep the giant's weight from crushing him.

The hair was wet from the sweat of pounding Nate's ass. The smell was dark and earthy. Horse shifted back and forth, rubbing against Nate's face. Nate sucked in the thick musk, then probed the red folds with his tongue. The rose tightened, then bloomed to let him in.

"That's it. Eat it all out."

Horse's weight shifted, forcing Nate's face deep into the crack.

The taste was spicy and dark. Hair tickled Nate's nose, filling it with the smell of a man in heat. Nate swirled his tongue around the outer edge of the hole. It was hot, sweaty, and had an almost greasy feel to the skin. Returning to the center, Nate flicked over it.

"Mmmm." mumbled Horse.

Nate felt the giant's taint tug backwards and forwards as he jacked himself off. His hole clenched in time.

"Get that tongue up there."

Nate didn't need to be told twice. He put the tip against the center of the hole and pushed as hard as he could. The lips bloomed out, engulfing him. The tang of ass juice flooded his taste buds. He withdrew to savor it before muscling back into Horse's chute. Warmth surrounded the tip of his tongue. Here the skin was slick and almost rubbery. The massive muscles surrounding the hole surged with every stroke of Horse's hand against his cock.

Horse's breaths became gasping pants.

"Here's your gift boy."

Nate shoved as hard as he could. He felt his tongue slip deep into Horse. The chute clenched, trapping him. Warm cum splattered over his chest, all the way down to his crotch.

"Fuck!" Exclaimed Horse as his ass crushed against Nate's tongue.

Nate felt like he must have a lake of cum covering him. Horse jerked with each spray.

Horse stood, leaving a trail of sweat across Nate's face. He stepped back off the bench. Grabbing Nate's wet jock he mopped it through the puddles of cum before dropping it on Nate's face. The smell of cum and spit washed over Nate.

"I like him. Let me know when he's ready for something more advanced CPig."

With that, Horse dragged his jeans over his drooping red cock, scooped up his boots and walked out the door.

Nate sat up. The wet jock tumbled down and caught on his rigid shaft. His ass burned. His prostate felt like a balloon. His cock and balls were in agony from desire.

Cody lay naked on the bed, propped up against the headboard. He stared at the television, occasionally jabbing at the remote. His cock was soft, but still impressive.

Nate didn't know what to do, so he just sat on the edge of the bench dumbly. Several minutes passed. Finally Cody clicked the television off, discarding the remote onto the floor.

"It's time for bed."

Nate's heart sank.

"Sir, can you please fuck me sir?" pleaded Nate.

Cody stood and walked to the door. He turned the deadbolt and slid the safety chain home.

"Get on the bed and face the wall."

Nate stood stiffly and climbed onto the bed. He didn't know if he was going to get his wish or not, but it clearly wasn't up for debate. He lay on his side facing the wall as instructed.

With a quiet click the room was plunged into darkness. Faint light from the parking lot shone through the open curtains. The bed creaked as it took Cody's bulk.

Nate's skin ached, waiting for Cody's touch.

An eternity passed.

Finally, Nate felt heat radiating against his bare skin. Cody's breath played against the back of his neck. A thick arm wrapped over Nate's chest. A second forced its way under him and locked with the first, pinning Nate's arms to his side. Cody's furry chest pressed hard against his back.

Nate's breaths came in short gasps - partly because of the pressure against his chest, but mostly out of anticipation. His rock-hard dick strained against its thick rubber prison.

At last it came. Cody's cock slid into Nate's crack and pressed lightly against his hole.

"Let's see what you've learned." Said a gravelly whisper in Nate's ear.

"Ahhhhh." moaned Nate as the object of his desires slid into his ass millimeter by millimeter.

Each hair, vein and fold on Cody's member set off fireworks in Nate's mind as it slid past his abused lips. He'd lost track of how many men had fucked him in the last two days, but none of them felt like Cody.

The angle of their bodies put Cody's cock on a direct path for Nate's prostate. The tip gently contacted the sensitive gland, then pushed past, dragging the thick shaft over it. The pressure in Nate's balls doubled. Sex had never felt even close to this before.

Cody's slow strokes continued, each one setting off explosions in Nate's mind and cock. Ten minutes passed, then 15. Cody's pace never quickened. Each plunge sliding deep, pausing, then pulling back all the way.

Nate panted and mumbled incoherently. Pre-cum trickled out of the piss tube on the thick sheath around his cock. He wanted to cum more than anything, but never wanted this to stop.

Cody's own breath quickened, but his strokes remained constant. Releasing one hand from its grip around Nate, he grasped the black rubber sheath. Squeezing hard, he jerked the thick cover back and forth over Nate's screaming cock.

"Fuuuuck!" yelled Nate as his thick white semen filled the rubber sheath and sprayed from the piss tube.

His whole body shook. His chute spasmed around Cody's thick cock. Cody continued to yank the rubber sheath as his own load sprayed deep into Nate's ass.

Nate's spasms subsided into deep gasps for air as Cody released his grip around the black sheath.

"Good boy." whispered Cody, draping his arm back over his student.

Nate's breathing slowly returned to normal. He drifted off to the feel of Cody's cock slowly softening inside his satiated ass.

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