Under Orders

By Eddy Charlton

Published on Aug 25, 2006


All the usual disclaimers apply. Thanks for all the positive feedback...it really helps. In answer to one query...all this pretty much happened about 25 years ago...it is based on fact; although I've allowed for a little artistic licence and equally the names are changed to protect the innocent...or should that be the guilty?

...SIR then withdrew to the corner of the room and sat down to admire his charges, the sound of classical music filled the air, the effect was quite surreal and erotic at the same time. As the sound of Vivaldi wafted over me, lying naked and tethered to the table, the sweat of the last session cooling on my skin, I drifted into a dream-like state. Looking across at Greg and taking in his body tied to the post like a sculpture, I could feel the lust rising in me and my cock responded slowly lengthening until it stood fully erect and oozing pre-cum. I groaned behind my gag and flexed my arse against the intruding presence of the plug.

"Quiet! I will be with you soon enough, slave!"

Now I had something else to think about. What would be my punishment for disturbing SIR's thoughts?

Time passed a sense of expectation in the air..."Well, SIR can do what he likes, he normally does anyway" I thought. I decided to take my mind off what might happen and concentrate on drinking in the sight of Greg. It was quite a picture, he and I were of similar build and physique, in fact if it wasn't for his blond hair to my brown we could be brothers. Mind you although our cocks were both only of average length his was one of the thickest I had seen. I started to imagine what it might feel like to have it rammed up my ass; he hadn't done that ...yet! Then again I wouldn't mind getting the chance to fuck him, either... Suddenly the music stopped, SIR was on his feet and leaving the room. What now?

After some time SIR returned, now dressed in casual street-clothes and announced "We're going out for a while".

Typical, not a flogging or such-like as punishment but instead playing with my mind. He knew I hated being out in public. I was always apprehensive that someone might recognize me and, given my job, that could lead to difficulty. He read my thoughts and smiled, "I thought you might like that? But let's prepare you both first".

Unstrapped from the table, hood, gag and plug removed he set about forcing my cock and balls through the hole in a chastity jock. Once that was done he began massaging my cock back to full erection before cruelly fastening it in place with the straps provided. Next came the under-crotch strap with its attached butt-plug, which he cinched firmly in place. "Just taking care of what belongs to me" he said," and now something to remind you in case you forget!"

This was new.

He set about fastening thin leather straps around my ankles; just below my knees; wrists; biceps; waist; chest and finally my neck. Then he took what appeared to be thin cord and started interconnecting all the straps, passing it through small D-rings, at each tether point. Once he had finished the loose ends were then attached to a ball-stretcher. As soon as this was fixed in place, the whole effect became swiftly apparent. It wasn't cord, but rather thin elastic and any movement of my body was transmitted to my balls! Small tit-clamps were put in place, for good measure. Now my whole body was receiving stimulation, just through normal movement!! With clothes on all that could be seen at the open neck of my shirt was the thin leather collar. SIR stood back and admired his handiwork and smiled, rightly so, I had never felt so many sensations at once.

Turning to Greg, "you're next" he announced. As soon as his gag was removed Greg started to protest, but a swift punch to his gut put paid to that! Still lashed to the post he was in no position to argue anyway. Tears welled in his eyes and I could sense his pain and fears. Managing to catch his attention I silently implored him to go along with it. Thankfully he did, and I could only imagine the turmoil in his mind as he felt himself submitting deeper and deeper.

Once he was similarly prepared though, I could see he was experiencing a similar reaction to me...in this novel form of bondage.

We duly went out, with every movement sending pulses of pain/pleasure through our bodies.

I knew that SIR rarely went to overtly gay haunts, for which I was grateful. Nonetheless I felt sure that he was well-known in some of the places we visited. I could sense the looks of approval, envy, and desire from other "clients". Here was SIR, an older man, accompanied by two young "brothers", who seemed pre-occupied with their posture!!

It was with some relief, several hours later that SIR announced we were going "home" to, "take up where we left off!"

We trudged silently down the street, each of us lost in our own thoughts.

About an hour ago, whilst SIR had gone for a piss, Greg and I had managed a hurried, whispered exchange. He had expressed the same concerns as me about being seen in public like this and at the same time, despite our size and strength, being "turned-on" at allowing ourselves to be dominated in such a fashion. I had added, glibly "the sex isn't bad either?" He had smiled at me and agreed adding, "You want me to fuck you, don't you?" Of course I did and had gone on to say he could also expect the same in return. Despite our discomfort we had both laughed and decided that even if SIR didn't allow this, we would find the time at a later date!

Preoccupied as I was with this, I didn't sense the approach of someone from behind until a hand touched my shoulder. "Hi, Steve! What you doing?"

Oh shit! It was Mark, I knew him; but since he had left the unit six months ago had heard no more of him. I didn't even realize he had moved to the city. Mark had a reputation, always bragging of his sexual conquests or showing off his well-endowed physique. Worst of all he was the biggest homophobe I had ever met!!

As these thoughts raced through my mind I managed to stammer out a "Oh hi! We've just been out with my...ehm...Uncle" Turning to my "uncle" I made the introductions, which thankfully SIR went along with. Some idle chatter ensued but I was increasingly conscious that, at this close range despite the shirts, Mark couldn't help but notice the thin collars around Greg's and my necks. Moreover our continually shifting stances as we tried to ease the pressure on our now painful balls and tits must have looked strange. Anyway SIR announced we had to be on our way. Then he dropped the bombshell, would Mark like to come with us? My heart sank as he gladly agreed. Now what?

By the time we reached SIR's home, we had heard all about Mark's new job in the city and how he had been so busy that his social life was non-existent, so it would make a change to catch up with an old friend. I caught the look in Greg's eye, how are we going to get out of this?

Once inside SIR asked if Greg and I would go downstairs and finish off the job we were doing earlier, while he showed Mark around.

In the basement we rapidly stripped, while discussing what we could do. Did we run? Could we bluff it out? Abruptly the door opened and SIR came in, alone.

"So, you thought you would disobey me", he said, "If you leave now I will never have you back. Also I will make sure my friends know. What's it to be?"

Turmoil, everything destroyed by one chance encounter.

"I'll take your silence as meaning you wish to stay"

"Where's Mark?" I blurted out.

Indulging me, he replied, "Its okay he had to use the bathroom. Now are you staying or not?"

Greg and I exchanged looks and he shrugged his shoulders and said, "What else can we do? I don't want this...this...experience to end...at least not yet...And I don't think you do either?"

Despite a few doubts...the old "dick took charge" and I agreed with Greg.

"Good...now get on your backs facing one another...on the table"

We complied.

SIR then began removing the elastic cord from the straps, much to our mutual relief. However he left the straps around our limbs and set about attaching us firmly to the tabletop. With our knees bent and the soles of our feet touching he secured our legs together. A far stronger length of elastic was then stretched between straps he had now attached to the base of our cocks. The effect was to pull our asses closer together; against the bonds securing us to the table. Before this could happen though, he produced a long, double-ended dildo, which he deftly placed in position against our exposed holes. The pressure against the sphincter was immediate and, like Greg, I set about trying to accommodate this large intruder.

"Right let's see how you get on with that until I return. It had better be good!" With that he left the room.

With all thoughts of Mark gone from our minds, Greg and I set about coaxing one another as the dildo slowly inched its way inside our asses. If we stopped, the pull of the elastic on our cocks quickly reminded us that we had more to go. Eventually I could feel Greg's ass-cheeks against mine, our legs were fully bent and the pressure between our cocks was now tolerable. The overriding feeling though was of this large rubber cock filling my ass. No matter which way I twisted it was still there and any movement only served to try and drive it deeper.

After about an hour, the door opened and SIR reappeared, dressed again his leathers and at his side was...Mark!

...But here was a naked Mark, collared and leashed with his hands secured behind his back, his large cock standing out from his body. I looked at the collar it had a metal insert and engraved on it was the name "Mark".

Sir looked at me and said, "...What? You didn't think you were the only one, did you?" Mark just smiled at us both. All that bragging and anti-gay comments, it had all been a sham.

"This" said SIR "is my number one boy and you two have a lot to learn yet. Now we're all together the fun can begin. Get them hard!" he ordered Mark.

Climbing onto the table and straddling my face, Mark began alternately sucking on both Greg's and my cocks. At the same time the tip of his was brushing against my lips and I tentatively used my tongue to lick at the pre-cum dripping from it and was rewarded with a shudder going through Mark's body.

SIR resumed his seat and watched the action before him.

Incredibly only some ten hours had passed since Greg and I arrived, and we had the whole long weekend yet! What else was in store for us?

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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