Under Orders

By Eddy Charlton

Published on Sep 2, 2006


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This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now


When Greg and I left the capital following the experiences described in "Under Orders Part 5" I suspect we both were in a state of reflection about what had occurred. Not a lot was said...both of us lost in our own thoughts...from my perspective I now had a good idea where Greg was coming from and that boded well for the future...I'd also found out about Mark...that had been a real surprise and I couldn't wait to renew the relationship...plus of course I now knew Dieter and could only hope that he and Master Lee and my path would cross again!!

As I said the train journey was a period of reflection...but at least when the carriage emptied Greg had grabbed my hand...and held on tight, and then, when he was sure there was no one around, placed his hand in my crotch and fondled my package! It was probably too risky to do more...but the mere act of it served to remind me that I had not yet fucked Greg...or he I.

A delightful fantasy...and one, as it turned out, was to remain so...for the time being.

When we got back to base and had passed through the main gate...heading towards our accommodation...Greg grabbed me and planted the most passionate kiss on my lips. This was no faggoty event...he drove his tongue deep into my mouth in exploration...two blokes who had been through an experience trying to hang on to what had occurred.

As we parted he whispered, "If you think that SIR can control you...you haven't seen what I can do!"

With that he left and went to his room...I was left standing there with a raging hard-on, just digesting what he had said.

The next few days flew by without a chance to speak with him until, just as the weekend approached, a no-notice survival exercise was called. I'd been through some of these before and knew that those selected to participate would be given no chance to prepare and, within a matter of 2 hours, would be out in some desolate area trying to survive and avoid the "hunter" force.

Sure enough I was selected...and so was Greg. I slowly tried to make my way to his side...in the hope that we may be "paired-off" Not my day!

The officer-in-charge started reading from the list in his hand...and...sure enough..."Eddy, you're with...Scotty..."...bugger! Not that Scotty was a bad looking guy...my height...blond hair...blue eyes...nice build. It's just that he was from another troop and wasn't on my "radar"...I would just have to go along with it!

Our turn quickly arrived to go into the "preparation room" and be greeted by the boss with a casual "okay guys, strip off" (now where have I heard that before?) Anyway we both removed our clothing...all done without any form of embarrassment and also giving me a chance to size up Scotty...not bad!!

"Okay guys, you know the routine, you'll be given a set of overalls and some basic survival equipment...but first we need to check you have no contraband. So bend over!"

The "preparation" was performed in a cold and clinical manner and it took some degree of control not to spring an erection whilst the "internal" was carried out. My senses were aroused when Scotty let out a small moan, as he was "examined", was his cock lengthening...or was it just my imagination? No time for thoughts, we quickly dressed in the provided overalls and were blindfolded and placed in a truck.

The ensuing journey was a bumpy and rocky one as we headed out into the surrounding countryside. I'd been in a "kidnap" scene once before and knew it was futile to try and keep track of direction...so I just settled back and waited. For some reason I couldn't get the experience of Scotty's reaction to the examination out of my mind...was there something in it? Certainly my cock thought so as, by the time we were unceremoniously dropped off, it was fully hard.

Thankfully no one appeared to notice and, once released Scotty and I made a beeline for the nearby woodline. We'd both done these exercises before and knew that we would have only a couple of hours start before the "hunter" force was unleashed.

Once in the wood we quickly examined the rudimentary map we had been given, made our plane, and set-off to put as much distance between us and any pursuers. You have to remember we were highly-trained professional soldiers and any other thoughts we might be harbouring were over-ridden by the task at hand.

After some 4-5 hours of progress, the last couple in the dark, we decided to hole-up for the night. We quickly found an area of dense undergrowth and crawled our way into the middle, where we might be least visible.

The night was cold; but we were well-trained and so had no qualms about adopting the "buddy-buddy" system in huddling together to keep warm.

So there we lay, huddled together, in an attempt to stay warm. After a while my body started to betray me...I became conscious of Scotty's arms wrapped around me...his warmth emanating through the thin overalls...slowly I felt my cock start to lengthen.

In attempt to disguise my arousal, I turned on my side away from him...immediately he "spooned" into my back as I tried desperately to think of something else. So it was, exhausted, I fell asleep.

I don't know how long I slept...but I came to with the realisation that Scotty's hand was firmly gripping my package and I could feel his erection sliding between my arse-cheeks...even through the overalls!!

I discreetly coughed, to let him know I was awake and he responded by whispering "Don't worry, it's all okay"

I didn't know what to say or do, and I think he was able to interpret my response as a positive one...as his hand left my cock...and I felt him take the seat of my overalls in his hands...and rip the arse out of them!!

I heard him spit, followed shortly after by the saliva lubricated head of his cock pressing into my hole. This was all happening so quickly...if it had have been Greg I wouldn't have expected anything less...but Scotty...I barely knew him!

No time to think his cock-head was pushing incessantly at my entrance, I did the only thing I knew and tried to relax and accommodate him. Slowly he entered me...I think my moans betrayed how I felt, and he just carried on pushing until I could feel his pubes up against my arse cheeks...then he stopped.

Leaning forward he began nibbling at my ear-lobe and his hands slipped under my overalls to play with my nipples...which were now getting hard and it wasn't just because it was cold!! Involuntarily my ass tightened on his cock and I let out a low moan...

"So" he said, "you do enjoy this? I've had my eye and you and your mate...No don't argue...you know...Greg...anyway I reckon it wouldn't matter which of you I was paired-up with, I'd still have a chance to find out if my suspicions were right. So here you are...my big hard cock buried up your arse...and there's nothing you can do about it...hardly going to report me, are you? And it's okay, I'm hardly going to say anything either am I...unless of course you make things difficult and then I might just take my chances...claim you forced me or something. Do we understand one another?"

What could I do? In those days these "unnatural" relationships were punished by dishonourable discharge usually via a stint in military prison...not a pleasant prospect. So I weakly nodded my head to prove I understood; whilst my mind was racing to think ahead about how I might "balance" the ledger at some time in the future.

"Of course, you'll need to make sure Greg knows that the same rules apply to him as well...I don't care how you do it, you just will" he threatened, "And now I'm going to get some rest...I reckon you should as well...you're going to need your strength for what I have in mind."

How I was going to rest, lying there impaled on his cock I couldn't imagine...but somehow I did.

I don't know what woke me...perhaps it was the glimmer of light as dawn approached...but I suspect it was more likely to have been the sensation of Scotty's cock gliding in and out of my arse, as he slowly set up a rhythm and he began fucking me!!

All thoughts of the exercise and training went out the window as the intensity and passion of our rutting, took over. Any worries about Scotty's threats or the potential consequences disappeared. I have to say he was good, and I got a distinct feel he had done this before...whatever...now we were lost in the moment and totally oblivious to anything else.

So when a loud voice said, "Right...get out of there...you're surrounded!" We both jumped in alarm.

Shit!! The "hunter" force had found us...now what?

To be continued...

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