Under Your Spell

By Lee McDougal

Published on Jul 6, 2008


It's been a long time since I wrote anything, but I'm back again with a new story. Some of my past works include "Spinning Nick" and "Through the Time Warp" both found in the Celebrity/Boyband section of Nifty. This story however doesn't feature any celebrities. This is more of a fantasy/scifi story. I'm not sure where all my imagination will take this, but if you feel like coming along for the ride-I'd love to have you. If you have any questions or comments email me at leoinbama@gmail.com . If you've read my other stories, you might be able to guess there won't be much sex in the story at first, but good things cum to those who wait.

Under your Spell

By Lee McDougal

Chapter 1

In memory of.

I picked out my best shirt and my favorite pair of jeans. I couldn't help to notice that my shirt had grown a small hole since the last time I wore it. It was pin sized so I decided to let it slide. I felt comfortable in that shirt, and it seemed important to be comfortable today of all days. It had been a little over a year since my Grandmother died and I was going to decoration, and a lot of my family would most likely be there. I really thought my grandmother's passing would be easier on me, since she had been so bad off for so long, but it was like nothing I could have ever imagined when I lost her. I have to admit I'm not much for going to graves and crying, but this was probably going to be an emotional day for me.

I thought about calling my mother to ask her to ride with me, but sometimes one must face things alone. If nothing else I could always make a break if things got too serious for me to handle. The ride to the grave yard wasn't far, maybe 20 minutes driving time at the most. When I pulled up to the cemetery I parked in a place where I was sure to be able to get out. I walked across the street to find an uncle and a couple aunts had already arrived. My family tends to be big on these sorts of things. My mother had picked out flowers for my Grandmother, and they were pretty. I admired them as I walked to meet and greet with my family.

"Hey Aunt Mary." I said giving her a hug.

"Hey Anthony." She said hugging me back. "How are things with you?"

"Pretty good I suppose, Hello Uncle James, Aunt Jane." I didn't really feel much like hugging everyone there. It left me too open to emotional meltdown. I looked at the tombstone and read the inscription: "A loving mother and Grandmother" Short and honest. She was all that and more. She raised me for the most part, and I loved her more than I can say. My own mother had to work, and she had other things to occupy her time. So it was we were never as close as I was with Grandma. I felt like the one person that I could really count on was gone forever. Not a good feeling to say the least. None of these things would I allow to stay in my mind for long though.

"Mother would have loved the flowers; Faye really outdid herself this year." Aunt Jane said. Jane and my mother were always really close friends.

"So are you coming to dinner at my house after this?" Mary asked me.

"I guess I may go home for a bit first though. Who all is coming?" I asked.

"Everyone said they would come by, but you know how it is.no one shows up at the same time." Mary told me.

"Yeah, I know that well enough." Back when Grandma lived with mother and me, the family gatherings all happened there, and it was great fun. However it was a bit much that it was an all day thing and people came and went to where it seemed like it was a week instead of a day thing. However, I wouldn't have traded one of the family gatherings for anything. Well, maybe a couple of them for cold hard cash.wink

More and more people started to fill out the cemetery. I didn't know most of them, and I really wasn't feeling the crowd. I placed a single flower that I picked out for grandmother in front of her tombstone and said my goodbyes to the people I did know there.

I was ready to escape before it all sunk in too much. However, when I got to my car it was blocked in. Someone had double parked right beside me.

"Oh great, now what?" I wasn't the best at backing up anyway, but this truck was parked at an angle if I went forward I would probably hit the car in front of me, and I went backwards I might hit his rear. I was stuck for the time being.

I decided to avoid the family scene for now, so I walked around the other side of the cemetery. I walked to a grave that I knew, a friend that died in high school. I felt bad that there didn't seem to be any flowers left for him. I remembered that his family had moved away, but still it seemed sad.

"It doesn't seem right to not leave something there." A voice said from behind me.

"Brody is that you?" I asked.

"Yeah, I come here sometimes to visit with David." He told me.

"I still can't believe he's gone. He was such a nice guy. Who would have imagined he'd die in a house fire 3 weeks before graduation." I stated.

"It really wasn't fair." Brody put an arrangement of plastic flowers in a pot beside his grave.

"It's great to see you. Are you doing anything later?" I asked him.

"I have no plans, why?" Brody asked.

"I thought maybe you would like to join my family and me for dinner. People bring friends to dinner all the time, so it'd be nice to have someone there just with me." I told him.

"That sounds great. I would love to catch up with you anyway." He stated.

"I would suggest we go now, but some idiot double parked and I can't get out." I told him.

"Sorry Anthony, that idiot was me." Brody confessed.

"Oh, I didn't know!" I blushed.

"It's okay." Brody gave me a hug. "It's just really great to see you again."

Brody and I had been friends in high school, but he always spent most of his time with David. I always thought maybe they were dating, but I didn't know for sure. I figured now was most certainly not the best time to find out. I always had a crush on Brody, and the hug just now was like a really great way to make the day better.

"So do you remember where I used to live?" I asked Brody

"Yeah up the street from that restaurant.Smoke house?" He asked.

"Yeah, my aunt still lives there, but I think I want to head to my house for a bit first. Do you want to hang out or do you need to head home before facing the crowd?" I asked.

"I guess I'll just stick with you if you don't mind. I don't really care to show up at your aunt's house and find you haven't arrived yet, or had already left." He told me.

"Good point. Just pull out and go slow, I'll pass you and you can follow me to my place." I offered.

"Sounds great." He said and we headed for our rides.

It was a short time later that we arrived back at my house; well really it was a trailer. It was home though for what it was worth. I decided to make a sandwich for us for lunch. I didn't want to get too full; my aunt was probably cooking enough to feed the whole town. Brody and I had a pleasant time talking about high school memories, and it felt almost like old times. The only difference was I noticed that Brody looked at me differently now. I wasn't sure, but I hoped it meant something good.

"So what time do you think we should head for your aunts house?" Brody asked.

"Around 4 I guess. There should be the bulk of everyone I care to see there by then, and some of the more annoying people will probably have already left." I joked.

"Awesome. That gives us some more time to hang out. So are you dating anyone?" Brody asked me.

"No, I haven't really met anyone I like lately." I fought the urge to say, till today.

"You always were picky, but I'm sure there has to be a guy out there for you." Brody said.

"Oh, I'm glad you already know I'm gay. I never really know when to pop that into conversations." I laughed.

"Well yeah, I knew because of a few different reasons. Mainly I accepted it because David was always fighting with me that he thought I was cheating on him with you. I mean I liked you back then, but I never would have cheated on David. I am not like that you know." Brody stated.

"You liked me back then? Wait so you and David were really a couple. I suspected it, but you know it's not one of those things you just come out and ask about in high school." I said.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. It was hard to have to hide things like that, but most people were either okay with it or ignored it thank god." Brody said.

"So, are you seeing anyone?" I asked.

"Sort of, I have a date this evening with you after all." Brody said and winked.

"That works for me." I said with a huge smile on my face.

Most of that evening went by like a blur. I kept finding myself bumping arms with Brody at my aunts. He'd just smile as he continued talking to whomever it was that was approaching us at the time.

"So where does your friend live?" My cousin Daniel asked.

"I live about a mile from city hall. It's not far from Anthony's place actually." He told us.

"It's good to know you are so close by." I admitted.

"It's good to see you found someone to keep you company man." Daniel said mainly quite so only I really heard him.

My cousin Daniel had been a really good friend to me while we were growing up. He was one of the first people I told about my sexuality when I came out. He was very supportive.

"He seemed nice." Brody commented after Daniel left.

"He's the best friend a guy could ask for." I told him.

"I hope I can get to know him better then. I think it's getting kind of late though." Brody said.

After that we went back to my place, because Brody left his truck in my yard.

"Well, I hope it was a good first date for you?" Brody asked with that smile I was really starting to like.

"It was the best one I ever had to be honest with you. I hope we can do it again soon?" I asked.

"Of course I'd like that, but maybe a bit more private next time." Brody said and kissed me on the cheek.

"It's a deal, call me." I said as he got in his car and drove away.

I was really surprised that Brody called me first thing the next day. I was really glad to hear his voice. We agreed to go for a picnic that weekend. It would be a nice relaxing way to get to know each other better. So far we had mainly just talked about old times, and now we could learn more about the here and now.

Brody pulled up to my place around 5pm Saturday wearing a pair of jeans and a button up blue shirt. I have to admit I admired his appearance more every time I saw him. I fought back the urge to take him right then and there, and helped him unload his truck.

He brought a basket full of food, a blanket for us to set on, and a radio for us to listen to. Even though Brody lived in the small "city" part of town near by, I actually lived in a more aired out part of town. We walked a good while before we found a place that seemed just right. There was a small stream near by and the view was pretty nice with the near by forest and the may flowers covering most every spot we looked at.

We talked for a while and I learned a good deal. Brody worked at a factory near by building furniture. He lived in a small house that his parents used to live in. They moved to Florida to be near his sister. I also got the chance to tell him that I was fortunate enough to be able to mainly work on my art. My grandmother had left me enough money to live comfortably for the foreseeable future. I wasn't sure if my paintings were good enough to make it big, but it was something I enjoyed. I also traveled when I got the chance, but I didn't really like to go alone.

"Brody I have to say even though we planned to talk on this date.all this romantic atmosphere is making it a bit hard to concentrate." I confessed to him.

"I know exactly what you mean. Maybe you could just come here, and let me hold you while we watch the stream for a bit." He suggested.

It was strange that things were moving so fast, but it was nice. To have his arms wrapped around me as we sat there watching the stream it just felt right. I looked up into his eyes, and he kissed my lips softly.

"Thank you." I whispered to him.

"Any time." He replied.

At some point I must have fell asleep, because I woke up and Brody was snoring softly in my ear. I looked at my watch and saw that it was getting to be really late in the evening. I fought the urge to just let him sleep there on the blanket with me, because up above us our beautiful evening had turned quite dark and stormy looking. As the first drop of rain fell I nudged him awake.

"Brody I think it's going to rain. We better run." I told him.

"Oh, erm yeah. Okay. I so sorry I fell asleep." He said yawning.

"It's okay, I did too. I guess it says a lot that we are that comfortable around each other." I said and kissed him on the lips for the second time that day.

"That's true." He agreed as we gathered up the things and started to walk quickly in what we assumed was the direction of my trailer. Little to my surprise, it seemed the further we walked to the further away we seemed to be from our goal. It was apparent after the first 15 minutes that we were lost, and the drops of rain were starting to be a steady grizzle.

"I don't get it. I know we didn't go that far from home." I said.

"I know. And it's not like we made any turns. It was a straight shot from where we started." Brody said.

"Something doesn't feel right, and we got to find some shelter. This storm is about to get worse. I just know it." I commented.

Much to our surprise we saw something in the distance soon. As we got closer it was obviously some sort of a cave. I never knew of there being anything like it on my property.or for that matter there being enough land to get lost on.

"I think we may have to head in there. The storm is getting worse." Brody said as a streak of lighting struck down a near by tree.

"I guess we don't have much choice, but I got to admit I'm pretty scared of dark places. And we didn't exactly bring flashlights." I told him.

"It'll be okay. I'm with you babe." He said and he held my hand and led me towards the cave.

The cave was in a forest full of trees, most of them seemed dead or dying. Again I noted that this couldn't possibly be my back yard. I was starting to really doubt the safety of this course, but I allowed Brody to lead me into the cave.

The rain was pouring down as we entered the darkness of the cave. We didn't go into it very far, out of fear of falling in a hole or any other unseen peril.

"I don't like this. This can't be happening. There isn't even a cave on my property." I said to Brody.

"None of this is making much sense. But it won't do any good to panic." Brody said.

However, he didn't realize he had said the magic word, because panic is exactly what I did. I have terrible panic attacks sometimes, and this was going to be one of them. I tried to suppress it, because I didn't want it to be the reason Brody left me.

"Anthony, are you okay? You sound like you are breathing funny?" He asked.

"n..not okay. Pan.adac." Not good.

"You have panic attacks?" Brody asked.

I shook my head yes, though I wasn't sure if he could see it. He seemed to get the message some how though.

"It's okay. My sister has them too. I know it's hard to get out of them, but just know that I'm here for you. Let's sit down and just try to calm down." Brody eased me down on the cold cave floor. He held me just like before during the picnic. "I'm sorry I couldn't spread the blanket out, but I can't seem to find it." He kept talking to me. If I had been out of the panic attack I would have known he was talking me down.

"It's okay. I'm here for you, and you know what I'm not going anywhere. I care about you. I need you too you know. My life was empty before you came along. I almost thought about moving to Florida to be near my family, but you came along and it all just made sense. I knew I was holding on to this town for something. It was you." Brody said and my heart melted. I felt his lips touch mine softly at first, and then I let my tongue enter into his mouth and tasted his sweet breath. We kissed passionately for what seemed to be forever.

"Brody, thank you. No one has ever been able to drive away that feeling before like you did." I cried softly as he held me tighter.

"Well, I did sort of cheat with the kissing, but I do have practice since I had to talk my sister down a lot when we were growing up. It's okay babe. Don't feel embarrassed by it." Brody told me.

"I was afraid that if you saw this part of me, that you wouldn't want to be around me anymore." I said with the tears still in my eyes.

"No, actually if anything it makes me care more for you. It may sound stupid, but I like that I know I can help you. I have my own baggage too you know. If you promise to help me with mine, then I'll do the same for you?" He asked me.

"It's a deal." I felt like I should say more, but I couldn't say what was on my mind yet. I wasn't sure myself. However I know I felt safer than I had my whole life.

A couple hours later the storm passed. We walked out of the cave holding hands. Brody carried the basket, and I found the blanket a few feet away from the cave. He must have dropped it running towards the cave. We hadn't walked far before we spotted the light to my porch. I looked back and the cave was gone.

"Brody look, the cave." I said.

"It's gone!" Brody exclaimed.

"Something really strange is going on Brody. I'm not sure I want to be alone tonight." I confessed.

"I was thinking the same thing. Why don't you come back to my place?" Brody offered.

"That sounds great, the more distance away from that cave the better." I said.

To be continued.

Well that's all for now, but I will have more ready soon. If you like the story so far let me know, and if you don't like it you could always tell me that too. However, I am more likely to respond to positive feedback- leoinbama@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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