Understanding Leo

By Dan

Published on Sep 1, 2011


Dan again, here with part two of the series. These events continue to be completely fictional and any similarities to real names or events remain coincidental.

If you do not enjoy or are offended by material involving consensual sexual activities between two (or more) males, then this is not for you. Please stop reading now as you will likely be offended or disgusted by this material.

If you appreciate such material however then please read on and feel free to send any feedback and constructive criticism to danrodri08@gmail.com

Those of you that have given me feedback on chapter one are greatly appreciated, so please keep the comments coming. In fact, one correspondent gave me a bit of insight; if you actually want to input your own ideas of what you think should happen next, feel free. I am writing this as it comes to me and am drawing situations as they present themselves logically to me, but if you want to see what happens if a new element you've thought of is introduced, then email me about it. It can be a new venue, a new character, or even a new aspect of a character's past that wasn't discussed until now. I can't make any promises, but I would greatly enjoy it if I could continue the story not just the way I want it to go, but the way you, the readers, would enjoy.

So, as always, enjoy and play safe! #

Leo woke lazily and stretched, yawned, scratched private parts and so forth. He sat there under the covers for a time before getting up and moving outside his room and into the open bathroom. He was already aware that he'd missed his first class of the day though wasn't worried or hurried by it. He stood in front of the mirror and lightly admired the buff image that looked back at him lazily and partially hung over.

Slowly, his smile melted away when the previous night came back into his mind. The events recreated themselves amicably enough; he'd seemingly made a real friend out of that guy, they had a lot in common. The remains of his smile melted into a look of terror however when he remembered the last thing he and his new pal did before he passed out.

"Ugh... man..."

He showered, trimmed up and dressed himself before exiting the house, uncharacteristically avoiding eye contact with anyone. He headed to lunch and sat by himself, though it wasn't long before friends and would-be's joined him at his table and made small talk he wasn't quite in the mood for at the time. He'd nibbled on a few things on his plate and ultimately left the lunchroom as he chose to walk about aimlessly before his next class. In the back of his mind, he was both dreading yet hoping to run into Tom and figure some things out about the previous night.

Mostly... did it really happen?

He sat on a bench and buried his head into his hands as the leaves of a nearby maple tree cast shadows over him. The wind rustled through the leaves and stole away their sweet familiar smell, carrying it over to him as he stared at the sunlight waving through the gaps in his fingers. He closed his eyes then and let his senses be his lone companions for a time.

If but for a moment, he could forget what he had done and pretend that the bench, the tree behind him and the good sun above were the only things that existed.

This tranquility, if nothing else, calmed his stormy mind and willed him to continue with his day to face the aftermath. #

Tom still couldn't believe the previous night happened. He was stuck in a mixed, hazy state of terror filled shock and stunned euphoria.

"So as you can see, the derivative of the parabola is actually just a line with a simple enough function..."

In a lot of respects, the event was a lot less glamorous as he would've fantasized, not least because it was most likely a mistake on the other's part, hopefully long forgotten by now. Still, Tom couldn't help but take a lone seat in his Calculus class and shamelessly replay the events of the previous night as it did unspeakable things to his libido.

As he left the class, everyone around him was chatting about the upcoming quiz they were warned about while he thought of the same thing he'd been stuck on every time he was out and about. No longer safe in a classroom, it was now possible for him to encounter Leo, whom he wasn't sure he wanted to run into.

Having been his last class, he decided to take refuge in his favorite hangout a notable walk outside the campus.

"Hey! If it isn't my favorite student!"

"Heh... hey Gus."

Tom sat at his usual stool at the bar of an old café he frequented since the previous semester. He'd gotten several papers and worksheets done on those very counters and made many transient friends out of the townspeople that passed by. He could smell the fresh juice that Gus had just squeezed, so he decided to indulge.

"What's got ya' down?" asked the elder man as he set the fresh glass of orange juice in front of Tom.

"How do you always know?"

"`Cuz," boasted Gus, "I'm a good reader, an' your face is like a book!"

Tom smiled; Gus always knew how to make him do that.

"It's nothing major... at least I don't think."

"Your grades alright?"


"Any legal troubles?"

"No, of course not."

"Then what's the problem?" said Gus cheerily.

Tom smiled again, marveling at the simplicity of Gus's analysis; it was almost paternal in a way. That quality of Gus was what made Tom respect him and his advice so much.

It was also easy for Tom to fall for the man if he let himself, though. Older, wiser and warm to the touch were only the qualities of his personality. Despite being in his forties, Gus took great care of himself. He had developed powerful tanned biceps that bulged out of his sleeveless shirts and inside his long-sleeves, a powerful sun-kissed chest with hairs peeking out the tops of the few V-necks he wore on occasion, and the stride of a confident man with defined legs and a bulge to justify it.

His face was also a story; he looked much younger than his age with his full head of dark hair and dark, bristly five o'clock shadow. He had inherently handsome features, with a strong chin and eyebrows, big nose, dimples and lips chapped with age and use. Age lines would show up on his cheeks occasionally, though only when- and because- he smiled.

That was ultimately his best feature, not least because he seemed to always do it. Everything Gus talked about seemed to be in good humor, even if the topic wasn't. Even then, Gus looked over as he idly polished silverware and immediately gleaned a toothy grin at Tom, who reciprocated and held eye contact. Gus returned the gaze without flinching, as if he was admiring Tom as much as Tom was admiring him.

For a moment, Tom's dilemma melted into his usual desire for the impossible, and everything seemed alright. #

"Where... have you been?!"


Leo found himself cornered outside his Psychology class unexpectedly by a heated Lindsey. The two met the previous November and, one hot and heavy fling later, became mates.

Still, going out for only two months with the girl probably didn't justify cheating on her with a guy in any way; he'd completely forgotten about Lindsey for the past 24 hours or so.

"We... I had... the frat-"

"I know," she interrupted. "I only recently heard about it from Patricia, who was invited by her boyfriend, you know... your housemate? Thanks for inviting me, by the way," she added sardonically before turning away and intending to storm away without giving him a chance to respond. She stopped however and turned again, now with an apologetic look on her face.

"Sorry... I'm hormonal! I didn't mean to do that. It's just that she got to go and I thought `maybe Leo just didn't think about it and forgot, or maybe he didn't want me to be there, or-"

"Babe!" interrupted Leo.

She caught her breath and asked "so... are you alright? I mean, I haven't seen you all day."

He thought for what felt like an eternity, contemplating everything. He felt like every second wrote one more detail of the previous night's actions on his face, and any moment she would light up with fury and disgust.

"Yeah," he replied, "I'm fine. Just... hung over." #

Tom let out a sigh as he scribbled the last of his essay draft. He'd decided to get ahead of himself and write the first draft of his story for his Creative Writing course to pass the time. The café crowd slimmed considerably and the sounds of the evening echoed inside every time someone left to go home.

Gus waved goodbye to a couple that he'd struck up conversation with before returning into the kitchen. It was around the time that people stopped asking for food or drinks and merely lingered for the company, so he tended to take it easy and make himself a meal and a drink to enjoy before closing up. He exited out to the main area with a beer bottle and a plate full of some scrap morsels to snack on.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all," replied Tom.

Gus sat in the stool next to the student and helped himself to the food as he glanced over what the boy was writing.

"Wuzzat for?" he asked between bites.

"Creative Writing. It's just a draft."

"Looks like a winner," said Gus with a grin, to which Tom laughed.

The two enjoyed each other's vicarious company this way for some time as the remaining stragglers all left the place one after the other. Soon the two were the last.

"Alright," announced Gus, patting his hands clean as he made to stand. "Looks like I gotta' clean up and kick you out."

"No prob," said Tom, already gathering his things.

"Well, I mean... did you finish? Or am I puttin' you out?"

"No, no, I finished. And I could always just do it at my dorm room."

"And avoid visiting me?"

The two laughed at that.

"Yeah, well. The dorm's too quiet for my taste. I like this place."

"Hmm... tell you what," offered Gus, placing his hand tenderly on Tom's shoulder and leaning in as he spoke quietly. "Any time you need a place late at night to think at with some noise and company, you can always come to mine. Mine's a flat just down the street, modest and stuff but it's mine, and I can keep it nice and quiet or be as damn loud as I wanna'!"

"Sounds great," admitted Tom. He had to keep his noise level in check where he was on account of the other residents. What interested him most about the offer, however, was the company. He looked into Gus's smiling face now mere inches away and let himself imagine what it would be like to lean in and kiss him. For the tiniest spark of a moment, both he and Gus frowned slightly as if the same thought crossed their minds, though the instant after that, they pulled themselves back.

"Early day tomorrow... I should head home," recovered Tom.

"I'd better close up," added Gus.

The two went about their business as Tom continued to steal glances at Gus while he cleaned and put things away.

Leaving the café, he let his mind wander about what could've almost happened that didn't. #

Leo woke up the next morning well rested and in a better mind. He had a relatively free day, so he chose to take a morning jog to clear the cobwebs of the long sleep he'd taken. The incident two nights prior still lingered in his worries, yet for some reason, as he ran through the empty cobblestone walkways, past the morning dew-covered grass, past the crystal-clear lake next to the academic building, and through his favorite row of shade-providing maples in the north park, it almost didn't seem to matter much anymore.

So he got a little drunk and stuck his dick in a guy's mouth... so what? He could've done worse things. It could've been Lindsey and they could've forgotten to use a condom, for instance. Compared to that, climaxing in some other guy's mouth and then falling asleep seemed rather innocent. Now that Leo thought about it, he admitted that it felt pretty good, which didn't really freak him out. A mouth's a mouth, right? In the end, no one had to know.

Leo slowed his jog then stopped dead when the last person he expected to run into at that moment stared at him from across a fountain between them.

Tom, having taken the chance to enjoy the brisk walk through campus now stood alone with the man who'd surely figured some things out about what happened that strange, drunken night.

For several tense moments, the two stared at each other with expressions of apprehension. Eventually the two had the sense to compose themselves and walk towards each other, despite the fact that one wanted to run while the other would've easily pretended that nothing happened.

"Hey, bud," said Leo, faking the same friendly tone he always used.


"Uh... how's it going?"

Tom didn't answer as he saw another morning jogger approaching them. He had the sense to start walking out of the path towards an empty, out of the way bench where they could discuss what needed discussing more privately. Leo walked close in tow.

"I'm alright, you?" responded Tom, sitting.

"Okay, I guess," replied the other, choosing instead to hoist his left leg on the bench and rest it there. At the same time, both realized that this position revealed the fact that he'd gone commando to Tom; both looked at Leo's crotch area and then at each other before Leo quickly decided to just sit down instead, clearing his throat uncomfortably.

"So... about that night," started Leo bravely. "Uh... just so you know, I wasn't in my right mind. I mean, I don't want you to get the wrong idea and think I was taking advantage or something. And, you know..." he added, almost laughing, "I'm not even... well you know."

"I know," offered Tom, "and don't worry. I didn't think you were taking advantage or anything. It just... happened."

Leo nodded in agreement, folding his fingers together idly as he involuntarily flexed his arms in doing so. Even as he sat there defending his masculinity, he couldn't look any more irresistible, which annoyed Tom, who knew this all meant that he was officially saying goodbye to any more chances at having a fling with Leo.

Leo, however, was still curious.

"I uh... kind of thought... or hoped even that you forgot... you know?"

"Heh, yeah I know," replied Tom.

"I was afraid you'd remember and get mad at me or tell everyone what I did."

"What, that you stuck your dick in my mouth?" said Tom laughing.

"Hah, shh," replied Leo, looking about in fear of someone hearing them. It was the first time either of them actually voiced what happened specifically. "No, I mean, I thought you might think I get guys drunk then stick it in, and then tell people that, you know?"

"Well, I thought you'd go around telling people that I take it in the mouth when drunk," replied Tom. "And whether you told them or me," he added, "they'd make the same conclusion about me in the end."

Leo considered that for a moment; he hadn't thought of the point Tom had just made. Indeed, it seemed that Tom had, ultimately, done the "gayer" of acts.

Though this comforted Leo somewhat, it also raised another question, and Leo's curiosity took over.

"What conclusion?"

"You know... that I was gay," replied Tom. He felt his heart beat faster inside his chest even before he said the words.

Leo waited for a moment before asking. "Are you?"

Tom contemplated for a moment longer before deciding on the truth. "Yeah."

Leo gave a single nod as he looked across from them in thought. Neither had taken notice that a flock of ducks were playing noisily on the lake directly in front of them. Even as Leo stared at them, he didn't really register them at all.

"Does... that bother you?" asked Tom. "I mean, truth be told, I was the one who was worried you'd think I took advantage somehow, you know, because of..."

"Well, now that I know," started Leo, straightening up and lightening his tone, "I do sort of think you took advantage of poor old me!"

Tom laughed as he rolled his eyes, glad at least that Leo did not in fact take homophobic offense.

"Nah, I'm just kidding. I mean hey, technically you did me a favor that night, so I owe you!"

Tom laughed.

"But don't get any ideas about how to make me repay that. Free beer or something, alright?" he added as Tom laughed some more. The two looked to each other, both smiling gorgeous smiles.

"So... we're cool, right?" asked Leo quietly, genuine concern in his voice as his expression stoned somewhat. "I don't want you to think I'm going to just walk away and pretend not to know you."

"You're a better man than most, then," replied Tom, to which Leo snickered.


"Yeah, I've got stories."

"Well, you'll have to share them sometime to even the playing field. I already told you a bunch that night, remember?"

"I do but I gotta warn you, some get pretty uh... well, gay. Won't bother you?"

"Well, truth be told I've never been much of a homophobe, don't know why but... yeah," admitted Leo. "I had a bi friend back in high school that would tell me what he'd do with a neighbor of his and everything, so don't think I don't know that language."

"Heh, alright, I guess I'll keep that in mind... bud."

The mimicked phrase made Leo's face light up with the warmest smile Tom had seen on him, and it was all for him and no one else. The two looked at the lake and simultaneously realized that, somehow and at some point, they'd bonded so strongly to each other that, despite the little bump in their friendship that night and the brevity of it in general, it was too strong to walk away from now.

In the afterglow of everything they'd just resolved, the two looked at each other, let their smiles fall a bit, let their eyes wander around each other's face, let their mouths hang open slightly... and then finally leaned in slowly before they kissed. After the first, Leo backed away slightly, though Tom pushed forward and continued the kiss a while longer.

"Tom..." whispered Leo as he snapped his head back, finally interrupting the illicit moment of unexpected passion. It had only been a string of three or four kisses, yet neither could deny the fact that they didn't want to stop, one more obviously than the other. Where Tom would gladly continue though, Leo hid his sudden surge of excitement and arousal under a blanket of forced shame. The other, realizing what he might've just done to the friendship they only recently repaired, stood up and walked away quickly.

"Tom... Tom, wait!" yelled Leo, though Tom continued to walk away with a quick stride. Leo pressed the tip of his fingers to his lips and looked down, wondering physically what had just happened.

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