Understanding My Submission

By callibrn

Published on Dec 18, 2008


"Hey fag," Mr. Ericsson always greeted me on the phone that way. I blushed, but it made me smile and I immediately felt like my day was going to be good because I knew I would be serving his needs. Ever since I had realized who and what I was, I was happy. I had not been happy like that since I was a kid. Everything made sense to me since I had started working with Mr. Ericsson. It was a great thing he had done for me, and I did what he told me to do because I wanted to thank him so much for setting things right for me. Making me face the truth about me and realizing I was a good boy, and could be satisfied and happy just accepting that truth.

"I need you to come to my work, boy. I have something for you. When will you be here," Mr. Ericsson asked?

"I will be there soon Sir. It will take me about half an hour," I let him know. Mr. Ericsson sometimes had me stop by his work. I loved it because it meant I was going to service his cock and I would get to taste his load. I needed his load regularly now. I somehow got a craving inside me if I didn't get to service his cock every few days. I knew it was because I was a faggot, and I accepted it, but still didn't fully understand it. But the thing was it no longer mattered to me to figure everything out. It was just part of me and that was okay, I knew it and accepted it, and since I had done that, life was just better in general.

"Good boy, you get going and be here soon," Mr Ericsson laughed then hung up the phone.

I got myself ready and hit it out the door. I needed to get to Mr Ericsson's work and take care of his needs. When I got to his store, Mr Ericsson had a customer there. He was a tall dark-skinned man. They were talking low and I did not initially hear them. I knew better than to interrupt Mr Ericsson's business. After a couple minutes Mr Ericsson acknowledged me and asked me to come over to where he was.

"Steve, this is one of my good customers, Stan. Stan, this is the guy I told you about, Steve," Mr Ericsson made the introduction. I lowered my eyes, not knowing exactly what Mr Ericsson had said about me and stuck my hand out to shake. The man grasped my hand and I felt a strong energy from him. I looked up and he was smiling broadly at me. He had a strong grip.

"You can call me Mr Williams," he told me.

"Yes Sir, Mr Williams," I replied. "Very nice to meet you Mr Williams."

He laughed. I could feel my ears turn red and I lowered my eyes again. I guessed that Mr Ericsson had said something to him about me.

"He looks like he will do fine," Mr Williams was speaking. "Seems obedient. Just give him the details and what I expect," he added. Then he and Mr Ericsson shook hands and he left.

"Get behind the register, boy," Mr Ericsson stated. "You know the drill."

I did know "the drill" as he called it. When I visited Mr Ericsson at his work, I was to sit behind the counter where he dealt with customers and rang up purchases. There was usually enough space under the counter for me, and I was to service Mr Ericsson's cock from that space. He wanted release during the day sometimes, and knew I could be flexible with my schedule and he made use of it.

"Good boy," Mr Ericsson acknowledged me as he always did, when I did as he told me. "You are going to help Mr Williams with some of his housework, boy." He was unzipping the fly of his pants as he stood at the counter. His cock fell out of his pants and in front of my face, where I quickly took it in my mouth and began preparations for having my face battered by his dick by licking it up and down, moistening the full length of his shaft so he could slip it in and out of my mouth with no problem. This was the first time Mr Ericsson had told me I would be doing something for one of his friends.

"Mr Williams needs some cleaning done. You will do whatever he says, boy. You will do for him as you would do for me. He is a man, and you know serving a man is good for you," Mr Ericsson stated what I knew now to be obvious.

"Yes, Sir. I will go and clean for him," I answered, knowing it would give me pleasure to do a good job for Mr Williams. I was nervous thinking about serving another man, but knew it was what I had to do. It was exciting to think that a man knew what I was and would use me but I was scared about it at the same time. It was new to me to be able to face what my place was to men, instead of avoiding it as I used to do.

"Good boy. Now, suck me, faggot. Take it all the way in your throat," Mr Ericsson calmly instructed me while impaling me on his stiff dick.

I would never have willingly shown up at a public place like a store and sat under a counter sucking a man's cock just a few months ago, I thought to myself. But here I was and it felt right and natural to be here now. I was no longer bothered or afraid to be doing it because I had been shown by Mr Ericsson that it was what made me a good boy and that being a good boy was what made me feel best. If a customer came in while I was under the counter, Mr Ericsson just stuffed his cock back in his pants and I was quiet until the store was empty and then I would take his cock out and go back to servicing him.

After three or four interruptions I was finally able to bring Mr Ericsson to a climax and he shot his load into my mouth, feeding me with his load. It felt so good to serve him and get rewarded at the same time. I don't know why it took so long to understand that I needed to serve a man and receive his load.

"Boy, you listen to me and you relax," Mr Ericsson began. "You are a good boy, a good fag. You have learned your lessons well so far. Just relax, and listen to me now. Relax and listen because you know, I know, what is best for you. You know that you are a good boy, so just relax and listen to my instructions. You will hear my instructions boy, relaxed and easy. Like a good boy. You will hear them and understand them boy. Such a good boy. You will do as I say for now boy. You are my faggot for now boy. Going to be my good faggot, aren't you, boy?"

"Yes, Sir, I am a good boy now," I replied. I knew Mr Ericsson's voice was soothing me and taking me to a relaxed state where he would teach me more about myself. I could remember everything he said now, but I enjoyed the sessions because I was so relaxed and could think clearly about his instructions. I could think about them and add them to what I had learned.

"It is time for you to begin serving other men boy. You belong to whatever man needs your service. You serve all men who decide to use you, boy. You are a good boy and you know this to be true. You serve all men and they will use you for many things boy. You know how to tell the good from the bad, and you will never let a man hurt you, but you have to serve men, boy, it is your life and what you were created to do. You are a good faggot, boy, and need to serve men"

Mr Ericsson continued talking, "You have served so many men boy already in your life, so do not fear this, boy. You will be a good faggot, a good girl and do as they instruct you to do, boy..."

Mr Ericsson gave me several instructions and I left feeling very happy and looking forward to going to help Mr Williams over the weekend.

I showed up at Mr Williams' place ready to do whatever he told me to do. I was nervous but knew I needed to be there. When I rang the doorbell, Mr Williams greeted me and led me into his apartment. I saw immediately it was a mess. Mr Williams told me to strip, as I knew he would. I had been told to wear a jock strap under my clothing as that would be all Mr Williams would want me to be dressed in while I cleaned.

"OK, faggot," Mr Williams said. "Here are my rules. As long as you follow them we will get along fine.

  1. You are to call me Mr Williams or Sir unless otherwise instructed. If I have friends come over you are to address them by the name I introduce them to you. It will vary from person to person, so I expect you to listen and follow direction. If I take you out during the day, you will address me in the same manner as in this home. 2. You are to sit when you use the bathroom. You are a faggot, and in my house a faggot sits to use the bathroom, just as a woman would. 3. I don't care what you may or may not want, boy. You are a bitch around here and will do as I say. Any disagreements with my directions will be met with punishment. If I ask your opinion, give it, otherwise do not offer it, but do as I tell you. 4. The last rule, is that I reserve the right to make more rules or change the ones that exist, but I am sure you know that.

Yes, Sir, Mr Williams," I told him. So with that introduction, I began to clean Mr Williams home.

"Good boy," he replied. I reddened but felt immediately comfortable with him and knew I was indeed being a good boy taking care of his apartment. I began cleaning in the kitchen because that is where Mr Williams wanted cleaned first so he could cook dinner later. I worked hard and Mr Williams seemed to appreciate it. He would smack my ass as he passed me between his office space, the bathroom, the kitchen, wherever he happened to run into me. I dusted, vacuumed, did his dishes, cleaned up his closets, and even washed his windows. He had clothes scattered all over and he asked me to pick them up and hang them in the closets or fold them in his dresser. When I asked how to tell if they were clean clothes or dirty ones, he laughed at me.

"You stupid, boy? How do you think? You sniff them and see if they smell clean. If they smell clean then they are, if they smell rank or dirty, then they are dirty. Now get sniffing," he laughed again.

At first I thought he was joking, then I realized as I stood there that he was serious, so I began picking up his clothes and taking a big sniff to see what they smelled like. By the end of my cleaning, I knew what Mr Williams dirty clothes smelled like. I knew his smell well, and my faggot dick was hard each time I inhaled the smell of his clothing that had been worn and carried his scent. Mr Williams continued laughing as he saw me picking up his clothes and smelling for his scent on them.

"Pack all the dirty ones up, boy, in my laundry bag because you are taking them with you to clean them. You'll bring them back next weekend."

Next weekend, I thought? I hadn't thought about coming back again, but Mr Williams must have thought so, or he liked my work enough to let me take his clothes and trust me to bring them back for him. I smiled inwardly knowing I was doing a good job. When I was finished cleaning everything, several hours had passed. I had worked up a sweat cleaning and was tired.

"Ok, boy, time for your payment," Mr Williams smiled. "Go get naked and get in the tub."

I was confused but did what he said. I thought maybe he wanted me to shower because I was smelling a bit. Once I was in the tub, Mr Williams came over to the tub and stood outside it, in front of me. He pulled his cock out and pointed it at me. I automatically opened my mouth because I thought he was going to have me suck him, but he didn't. He just let lose with a stream of piss and sprayed it over my face and mouth and then began pissing all over me.

"Hahahahahaha," Mr Williams began laughing as he pissed on me. "You thought you were getting something else, bitch? Too funny! Only thanks you get today is my piss. I saved it up all day for this. Hope you enjoy it."

Mr Williams cock began to harden as he pissed on me. It continued hardening as he wet my hair, my chest, all of me. He seemed to piss forever, and it was a firm stream. His piss was hot. I had never had a man piss on me, I was taken aback at first and sputtered at his piss in my mouth, I tried to move but there really wasn't anywhere to go in the tub, so he just pissed. The steam from his piss rose from the cold tub, I was getting soaked.

"See, you like it too much, boy. I told your man you would like it. Look at your hard dick bitch, it gives you away."

Mr Williams was right, I looked down at my dick and it had gotten completely hard while he pissed. My back was getting soaked now as I had lowered my head and he continued pissing. When I looked up at Mr Williams, he was grinning, and his dick had swollen to a full 9 inches, it was very long.

"Open your mouth and stick your tongue out faggot," Mr Williams ordered. I did as he asked, embarrassed that I liked this so much. He began pissing in my mouth "Don't swallow until I tell you. I'm gonna fill it up."

Soon Mr Williams had filled my mouth and his stream slowed as my mouth overflowed with his piss.

"Now bitch, I want you to jack your dick off. Play with yourself. I want to see you cum, but don't swallow until I tell you," Mr Williams spoke.

I turned red, I could feel my face change color from shame, but I started furiously beating my dick. It didn't take long. And Mr Williams could tell.

"Swallow it and love it, faggot. Remember my taste. You are gonna want it again, as hard as you are," Mr Williams ordered me. I did as he said and swallowed. I was drinking a man's piss, he had pissed all over me. I couldn't help it, it made me hard to submit to a man cleaning his home and him pissing on me. I shot my load all over the tub, all over the puddles of piss Mr Williams had just left in the tub I had cleaned. I was so embarrassed but so hard from his orders.

When I had finished shooting, Mr Williams just smiled at me. He told me to shower, dress, and rinse his tub out, then come see him.

"Good boy, you did well today," Mr Williams stated after I had dried off and gotten dressed. "Be back next weekend with my clean clothes. You can sniff them again before you wash them.." He rubbed my head and told me to get out. I got hard again from thinking about smelling his clothes, about him pissing on me. I packed up and took his clothes home with me and began washing them right away.

As I was washing Mr Wiliams clothes, I fantasized. I would sniff each piece of his clothing and could see him when I did so. I recalled his apartment, his slapping my ass as he passed by, but mostly as I sniffed his piss stained underwear I remembered him pissing on me and how excited I was when he was doing that. I was finished with Mr Williams laundry by late that same day. I wanted to be ready for next weekend. It couldn't come too soon as far as I was concerned.

Next: Chapter 9

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