Underwear Fantasies

By moc.loa@87317JK

Published on Mar 16, 2007




"Wondered if you 2 lazy asses were gonna get up anytime soon."Said Brad

"Hell we didn't go to sleep until after 7." Jason said.

"Some issues arose that Jason and I needed to discuss." I said Jason and I both had somber looks on our faces and it kinda scared Brad and Xander.

"Guys what is going on?" Xander said with a look of fright on his face.

I looked at Jason "Should we tell the whole thingfrom the beginning?"

"I guess they are our best friends." So between Jason and I we conveyed the whole story to Xander and Brad the way our night unfolded. The guys just sat there and looked at us.

"Aren't you two gonna say anything?" I queried. Scared shitless, not knowing what they were thinking.

"Come on guys you are scaring us." Jason added.

"Dudes, this is a lot to take in. I mean we have all known each other for years. Never once had we suspected anything like this." Stated Xander.

Brad said " Well, as far as I am concerned, you are still the same guys I have known all my life and loved liked brothers. Nothing is ever going to change that."

"Cuz, do you mean to tell me that you really like wearing butt floss?" Asked Brad

"Yeah, I mean it is comfortable. It takes a little getting used to at first, especially with that string up your ass. But, feels kinda good rubbing on your asshole. As Diane Keaton put it on the Ellen DeGeneres show "It's got to be like a sexual experience". To me I think it is."

"I've never known a man to wear thongs before. No more than male strippers anyhow. Hell, I'd be to scared of what people would say." Replied Xander

"Do they give you enough room? Down there at the treasure chest." Brad asked

"Mens thongs are made to hold a trouser snake. They have extra room in the pouch. Some of them have a cockstrap or padding added to make your thing look bigger if you aren't very well hung." I replied.

Jason said "Um, guys? With everything that we have told you, you are asking about his underwear. Not the fact that he is gay, and I am at the least bi."

"That's no big deal. We have all known gay people before. They are normal just like us and so are you. Besides, I don't think I want to hear what guys do together. To graphic for me. Not that I think it is gross or anything. It's just to each his own." Brad replied.

"Yeah. Like Brad said, no biggie. But, I just have a hard time thinking about Jack wearing stuff like that, and I sure couldn't picture myself wearing them." Says Xander

"Well, Jason asked you last night or rather this morning, and I am gonna ask now. Can we see you in your thongs?" Brad queried

"Might as well. You've seen me bare assed in the showers at school." I replied. At least this time, I didn't have to worry about the shoes. I dropped my shorts and stood there in all my thonged glory. My dick getting a little bit hard, I was trying to think of other things to calm it down 'fat women with more rolls than a restaurant, a deer being skinned, cleaning the mens bathroom'. It worked. That sucker shriveled right up.

"So what do you guys think?"

"Uh, I think they are kinda cool. They really do have a pouch for you dick!" Exclaimed Xander

"I think they are awesome. Bet they feel like you are wearing nothing at all." Said Brad

Jason piped up after just sitting back and listening " Jack, this is kinda embarrasing to ask. But do you think I could try a pair on? You know, to see what it like wearing them."

"Why be embarrased. We are family here, and yes I have some you can try on. I say we make a pact right now. From now on, regardless of what it is and how bad we don't want to say it, we never keep any secrets anymore."

"I agree."

"Me too"

"Me three" Xander added being a goof ball that he is.

"Come on Brad and we will go pick you out a pair of thngs to try on." I said

All 3 followed me to my room. As large as my underwear collection is, I decided it would just be easier to dump the whole drawer out on the bed. Then Brad could just sort through them to find something he liked.

"Damn boy, you got enough underwear. Can't really say underwear. Don't see to many pairs of "UNDERWEAR". Let's see, thongs, g-strings, jockstraps, spandex bike shorts, and what are these? Looks like a giant slingshot." Brad stated questioningly

"That is what they call either a slingshot thong or suspender thong. Depends on the manufacturer. It's kinda like a singlet without the ass and hardly any front."

Jason picked up my favorite pair. A pair of pink thongs made by California Muscle, with a cockring inside and an extra large pouch.

"Can I try these on?" Holding them up and looking at them.

"You can try on anything you want"

Jason got undressed and started putting them on. I'm not afraid to admit that I was getting a bit excited and it didn't help with me just standing there in my thongs either.

"Uh, what is this thing for in the front?"

"That is a cockring of sorts. You stick your dick and balls through it and it lifts your package up and makes it look bigger. Not that you need any help there."

When Jason finally got everything in place he looked at us and said "What do you think. Do I look like a stripper?" He added a little wiggle, trying to be sexy, causing all of us to laugh.

"You do look hot dude." Xander replied. Shocking all of us. Not really expecting to hear that from him.

"Must be turning you on dude. Your dick is hard." Brad so bluntly pointed out.

Jason covered his crotch and turned red from the top of his head down to his feet with embarrasment.

"Don't worry, I still get hard when I put a pair on. At first it was the thought of being daring. Now, it is mainly a turn on at the thought that it looks sexy. It just makes me so horny sometimes that I have to..." I stated with out finishing.

"Whoa cuz, to much information at the end there." Brad said while laughing.

"Well, If you don't mind Jack I am going to try some on too." Xander said.

"Be my guest. Brad if you want to try some on go ahead. Try on what ya'll want to. I've worn them all so I will just sit back and watch." While I had alterior motives to just sitting back and watching.

Sitting there the guys were just acting like they were in a candy store. You'd hear things like, I wanna try that one, look at that one, how do you think I would look in this one. So there I sit. It was like a dream for me. 3 of the hottest guys I know digging through my underwear and trying them on. Regardless of what they put on, the all had my blood boiling. I knew I'd have jack off material in my head for atleast 6 months. And to boot they were all as hard as steel. That of course made the thongs and such a bit ill fitting. But left loads to the imagination.

"Alright guys. So what do you think. Do you like wearing these kinds of things?"

They all chimed in "Yeah!!"

"Well, since I seem to have such a large collection I am going to let each of you have 1 pair of your choice."

Brad grabbed the suspender thongs. "I want these. I'm a wrestler and they remind me of my singlet, only less material." He said laughing as he took off the sheer see through boxerbriefs he was wearing and slid the suspender thongs on. They barely contained his dick it was so hard.

Jason pulled out a pair of thongs that were made of leather with a zipper in the front for easy access. He slid them up over his tight bubble ass, and zipped them up to with in an inch of the top. Which left the pouch slightly open. "I got mine."

Now it was Xanders turn. He looked and dug and finally deciding on my stealth thong. It was sheer and had a sort of criss cross design on the front. They were definately fitting for him.

Once everyone had made their choices, I said "I don't know about you guys but I am hungry. Anyone else want something to eat? I have some steaks, chicken, or ribs that we can cook."

It was decided to do the steaks as they would take the least amount of time to cook. No one thought about getting dressed. So everyone sat around in their new/used underwear. Dinner conversation was scattered all over the place. From sports, straight back to their new intrest, their new underwear.

Jason asked me "Jack where did you by these. I have never seen anything like them in the stores."

"You can buy some in the stores. K-mart has Joe Boxer Thongs and Fruit of the Loom Thongs. Though they are pretty straight up basic cotton thongs. And of course you can find some at Absolute Bliss. That adult store in town. But I generally buy mine on-line or off a site called naughtybids.com."

As we sat there and talked it got late. It was Saturday so no one had classes the next day. Xander and Brad left around 9. Everyone had been at my place since around 2 this morning. They had decided to leave but, would be back around about midnight after showers and changing clothes. That just left me and Jason. We put in Texas Chain Saw Massacre The beginning. We would speak to each other every now and again. But, I think we were both a bit nervous after this mornings revelations and being alone.

"Look Jason, I love you like a brother and have dreamed about being with you for a long time. But rest assured that I am not going to try anything unless it is agreed upon by both of us."

"I feel the same way. And truth be told, If you want to I think I would like to try us as an Item. I'm not real sure about anything right now. But I do know that I am attracted to you and want to be with you. I am scared though. We have been freinds for so long, I am afraid that if we get together and it doesn't work that our freindship will go out the window."

"Jason, we can try, I would love nothing better. Why don't we just take it slow. If there are any problems that can't be worked out, then we will go from there. Just take it one day at a time."

"I think I can handle that."

I slide closer to Jason on the couch. He slides closer to me. We look longingly into each others eyes. I lean in a just barely brush Jason's lips with mine. He returns the kiss. The kiss seems to last for hours, when in reality, it was only about 15 seconds. I lean back and look at Jason, hoping not to see any regret or fear on his face. But, all I saw was pure love. No lust, just LOVE. I was happy as a clam. Realizing I was throbbing hard, I noticed, Jason was as well. The head of his cock sticking out the top of his leather thong, trying to push the zipper further. I wanted to just make love to him. But, I felt now was not the right time. I wanted to take it slow as I know he did.

We just snuggled on the couch and watched the movie. I could feel him squirm a bit when uncles legs were cut off by the big guy. I just held him tighter. He did to me to, almost to the point that I couldn't breath.

"Jason, do you think you could ease up on the grip just a little bit. Your squeezing the breath out of me." I said kinda chuckling.

"Sorry babe. Didn't realize I was doing that. Is that better?" Jason asked as he loosened his grip a bit.

"Yeah, that is good." I said as I looked at him again. This time when I kissed him it was a hot hard kiss. Letting him know that I meant it.

Of course, that led us to making out until...

"Aww, look at the love birds." Xander said. "Does this mean that you guys are an item?"

"I would think so. They are still in just their thongs. Look Jasons cock is hard as a rock and sticking out the top of his drawers. But, then again, Jack is just as bad off."

My thongs were made of a whitish see through spandex material that formed to your cock. When you got hard they grew with your cock. It was a neat material. Not only could you see through it, it really out lined your cock. You can see every ridge and vein in your cock. It even dips down a bit in the piss slit. It was almost like your pecker had been shrink wrapped. So you can imagine the guys saw it all.

"Did we interrupt something?"

"No. We decided to take it slow. We were just getting to know each other a little more intimately." I said with a sly look on my face

Xander pointed out "You guys realize something none of us has shot a load in almost 2 days. I know none of has jacked off either, seeing as how we have been together for the last 2 days. These boys here look like they could use a little relief. I know I am hard as can be wearing these thongs."

"Guys, you know I am not gay. But considering all that has happened here lately, I don't think there is muchto be ashamed of or hide. So I sugest we just do, what are they called, um, a circle jerk. I know I could go for a nut right now."

We all agreed that it would be okay. I put in som straight porn for the guys. I didn't need any porn. I would be able to get off just looking at the others. Xander and Brad stripped down. Come to find out both of them were still wearing the underwear they chose earlier.

Everyone chose their spot and started jacking their throbbing tube steaks. I was watching everyone else as was Jason. The 2 other guys had their eyes glued to the t.v. watching some chick eat anothers snatch. Jason really started moaning and the he threw his head back and grunted "OH, HOLY

That is the end of part 2. More to cum

As always, questions, comments and constructive critiscim welcum @ kj71378@aol.com

Thanks For Reading

Next: Chapter 3

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