Unexpected Company

By Leeroy Scott

Published on Jul 15, 2023


Note from the Author Hi all, thanks to everyone who gave me feedback on Part 1, your suggestions and comments were really helpful. Please keep the comments coming in as it makes the whole thing worthwhile. Email me on leeroy.scott2@gmail.com Enjoy the new chapter, and I hope more will come soon :) much love BearSubSlut ***

So there I was, hands tied behind my back, trousers and pants around my ankles, t shirt tied around my head, being dragged across a - hopefully still - deserted service station and chucked into the back seat of a black BMW. I landed face down, my top half in the car, and my legs dangling out of it. My captor laughed and pressed down on the small of my back, stopping me from moving. Suddenly I felt his hand smacking into my arse cheeks, SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Twice on each cheek he hit me before repeating the process on my thighs, which actually hurt more than on my arse. I was almost in tears now and he ordered me to get into the car and lie face down on the seat, which I scrambled to do, though it's quite hard with no hands. He laughed at my pathetic wriggling, and the leather of the seats felt unnaturally good against my still erect cock. Taking my wallet and phone from my trouser pocket, he slammed the door of the car and locked it. Five minutes or so later, he climbed in the front seat. Those five minutes had seemed like an eternity. "Well, little bitch," He said, smugly, "Thanks to the wonders of the internet I now know all about you. Your phone was still logged in to Facebook, so I also know your wife's name. So I texted her from your phone saying you had been called to work late and that you would be staying in a hotel. Also that your phone battery was dying and not to try calling. She even replied saying that she loved you. Isn't that just sweet?" He laughed as I fought down panic again. "Don't worry though, I won't hurt you...not too much anyway. Who knows, you might even enjoy it, I know you were back in that toilet". And with that, he pulled away and drove, while I was fighting back sobs of fear. Most of that car journey is a blur, the occasional comment floating back to me. I don't really remember much about stopping either. I know that I was pulled out of the car and marched across a paved driveway and into a house, then some stairs and into a room, where I was pulled to a halt. My captor released my hands, only to grab them again and pull them above my head, where he clipped them into some kind of leather restraint that was attached to the ceiling. Next he kicked my feet apart and secured them to the floor in the same kind of restraints. I heard the snipping of scissors and felt my clothes being cut away from around my ankles, then the shirt was taken from around my head. As I was blinking my bleary eyes, however, A proper blindfold replaced it, and total darkness fell. My captor then placed earphones in my ear, and my world was filled with the loud hissing of static, drowning out all sound. I was now completely helpless and unable to even perceive my surroundings. A few minutes passed that seemed like an eternity to my mind, which was drifting helplessly. Suddenly, I felt multiple blows to my naked body, from what felt like some kind of leather flogger. They rained down with practiced precision, hitting my back, arse, thighs, chest - particularly the nipples - belly, cock and balls. The balls were the worst, the flogger swinging up and catching my hanging balls squarely, causing my to groan in pain. After a while the blows stopped, but I felt a slight tightening on my nipples, then suddenly sharp pain, as clamps were hung there. I moaned loudly and was rewarded with a tug on the chain I could feel connecting the two clamps and resting against my chest, causing pain to explode again. The static in my ears stopped and the earphones were removed. My captor laughed and I felt his hand on my - still, for some reason, rock hard - cock. This felt so good contrasted with the throbbing pain in my nipples and the still stinging areas of my body where the whip had landed, and I moaned again, but this time with obvious lust, and he laughed at me, "There's only one way you cum tonight, slut," He whispered in my ear, "and that's with my cock up your arse, pounding you. And that will only happed when you beg me for it. Me though? I can cum many times in a night." With that, he let go of my cock, and I could hear him moving something around. Suddenly, my wrists were free and I felt a push from behind me. With my feet still attached to the floor I fell forward - right onto what felt like a big, padded barrel. In a flash, he was in front of my and my wrists were secured again, this time to the floor in front of the barrel. It seemed that my head - and therefore my arse as well - was now at crotch height. "Open wide slut," he crooned and I felt his hard cock at my lips again. Unable to fight, I opened and once again used my tongue on his cock, swirling it around the head and massaging the shaft, as he brutally fucked my mouth, hitting my throat and making me gag. He stopped and pulled out, and I heard him walk behind me. Grasping my balls, he pulled them down away from my body, eliciting another groan from me. Snapping some kind of leather cuff around the base of my ball sac, he then pulled them down and attached the chain of this cuff to my ankle restraints, holding my balls quite far away and causing more pain. I had begun to notice, however, that with each new pain, came a growing sense of pleasure. Each throb of my nipples seemed to go straight to my cock. Now I felt a cold liquid on my arse crack followed by his fingers massaging my hole. Moaning in pleasure, despite the humiliation of this situation, I involuntarily pushed my arse back as far as my bonds would allow. All of a sudden I felt a moment of discomfort and then I felt a finger inside my arse, wiggling around. This is a difficult experience to describe but my cock was throbbing even more now. After some wiggling and finger fucking, another finger joined the first one. By now I was panting and moaning with lust and humiliation. The fingers withdrew and were quickly replaced by something else, hard and unyielding, that invaded my tight arse and held itself there, stretching me out. My captor laughed again - a deep, throaty sound - and walked back around to my head. "Like I said slut, I will be fucking you tonight, but only when you beg me to do it." With that he resumed fucking my mouth, this time at a more leisurely pace. I could only lie there and suck on his massive cock, wondering what else the night had in store for me...

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