Unexpected Health Club Benefits

By Mark Hall

Published on Mar 30, 2018


I walked past Malcolm with mixed emotions, thrilled to see him again, anxious to speak with him, but most of all, shamed from having just been used by two people who knew him. Before exiting the sauna, Malcolm grabbed my arm and led me to the space next to him.

"Hey Malcolm," I said, trying to sound confident to hide the remorse I felt.

"You are one whorish white boy," said Malcolm, rubbing the back of my neck with his large hand. "But you are true to form."

As usual, Malcolm was correct, and I had little to say. "It's good seeing you Malcolm, I was worried."

"As usual, you underestimate me. You have this desire to be the white boy to the rescue to save us unfortunate Black folk," said Malcolm in his usual valiant manner. "You stink white boy, go shower and come back."

In the shower Carl was drying off and Clint still cleaning himself. In addition to the usual guys, we showered in silence, occasionally checking out each other's asses or dicks.

After a quick shower, I rushed to join Malcolm in the sauna, anxious to hear what he had to say. I discovered that he was with Steve, but that things weren't working out with him. I quickly offered him my place to stay, which he said he was interested in doing, but under certain conditions; that he gets the bedroom, I fix his meals, make sure the house is clean, and allow his friends to come in and out. Basically, the place becomes his and I serve him whenever he demands. I had no say, just sat and listened as Malcolm planned out everything. Once he was finished, I sat and thought about his proposal.

"Malcolm, all due respect, but I will be paying the rent for a place I have had to myself for over a year. I cannot give it all up, I'm sorry. There's absolutely no benefit to me." I was admittedly upset and appalled at his ideas, especially considering that I was pretty much to stay out of his way.

"Oh, but you are wrong Jamie," said Malcolm as he continued to massage my neck. Another guy came into the sauna, causing Malcolm to hesitate, but not stop. The other guy was another white, older guy who was interested in Malcolm. "I will be back to my job with the trucking company so will only be there once a week or so. And while I am there, you will have your king to service."

The arrogance of Malcolm was familiar, but his upbeat optimism was new, and refreshing. He knew I wanted him in my life on my terms, which were not acceptable to him. This was his compromise, that he gets my place as his own for the few days he is there, and the door is open for me to be with him. The older man, got up and left, seeing that Malcolm and I were involved in a serious discussion.

"Then there's the issue of me having sex with others," I said, bringing up a sore point between us.

"There's no issue, I know you are a whore, Jamie, addicted to black cock and thinking of men like me as no more than a means to satisfy your slutty, selfish needs. I am a convenience to you and a fix for whatever bothers you. You can't help yourself," said Malcolm, shaking his head. "And to think I considered taking you as my wife," said Malcolm, as he got up to leave. "You have much work to do, my dear, to be considered by me as someone who I actually give a shit about."

I was speechless and dumbfounded. While I didn't think it was all true, Malcolm hit a nerve. "I really don't think all that is true, Malcolm. I am attracted to you, but do have a certain preference, and you are it."

"And I plan on using that `preference', as you call it," he said as he stopped half way outside the doorway. "I still have your key, expect me later." Malcolm left, leaving me to ponder what my next moves would be. After giving up on finding him, he was suddenly back in my life. While the fact that he would not be there much of the time was a change for the previous arrangement, Malcolm remained audacious and confident that he would be welcomed into my apartment. Or as he called it, his apartment. But I learned from our previous time and felt it would work.

By the time I got home from a long day at work, and a subsequent meeting because of my problems at work a few weeks back, I recognized the signs that Malcolm was back. His large shoes were near the door, TV in the bedroom on, and a mess in the kitchen. I started cleaning the kitchen when Malcolm came in to get a glass of water.

"No beer?" I asked, knowing there was a refrigerator full, and that was usually his choice of drink.

"No beer, no weed, no drugs until I get my job back." Malcolm headed back to the bedroom, carrying his glass of water. I followed him in, hoping to get some more information regarding the status of his job. Apparently, he was offed a job at his previous company, which involved travel. But he wouldn't start for another couple of weeks.

"So, I didn't think this arrangement would start right away, and that I could have time to adjust to you being here. But I really need my bed Malcolm, I can't sleep on that couch."

"Alright then, we got some things to talk about," said Malcolm, sitting on the bed. "C'mon, sit next to me." I sat next to Malcolm, welcoming his openness and willingness to communicate. "Now you know if you sleep in this bed, I'm going to fuck you. And whatever I fuck, I keep, understand?"

"Yes, Malcolm, but....."

I was interrupted by his hand covering my mouth. "Let's keep this simple. You either sleep on the couch, or sleep with me. If you choose this bed, I guarantee you will not get much sleep. And, I will have others in this bed. So, unless you commit to me totally, that is what will happen."

Malcolm's proposals were reasonable, but I still could not totally commit to him, and be honest, but I thought it was worth a try. "I like that Malcom, and yes, I will commit to you."

"That we shall see. Unless a miracle happens, I do not think you are capable of being honest to anyone, not even yourself," said Malcolm with a laugh. "But you do have an incredible ass, and a damn good cocksucker."

I felt Malcolm and I had a better connection this time. He was more open and seemingly more understanding of me, including my weaknesses. "What happened with Steve?" I asked, wondering if maybe he did not live up to Malcolm's expectations as well.

"Steve's a good guy, but I can't be around all those drugs and booze. Plus, he's not always horny like you and I are, and I do need that."

"Awwww, an actual compliment," I joked.

"Jamie dear, you have a lot of good qualities, except that you are one lying ass bitch," said Malcolm, emphasizing the last three words. "But that's okay, because next time you lie to me, I'm not leaving. Instead, you get the couch. Is that understood?" asked Malcolm, his tone serious.

"Yes, I do Malcolm." I realized how much I cared for him and needed him in my life. While his personality was abrasive, I took comfort in his brutal honesty. I suddenly felt relaxed, aware that Malcolm's temperament was predictable and consistent. It was me that had to change. I rested my head on his large shoulder. Moments later, I felt the familiar kisses on the top of my head.

"So, what's it going to be? Do you choose to lie in my bed or continue your slutty ways and sleep on the couch?" said Malcolm, between the kisses. "Either way, I will be here for a while."

I thought about the various scenarios that could play out. Either I could accept his offer and remain totally faithful to Malcolm. Or, I could accept his offer and see other people while he was away, but not telling him. The least favorable outcome would be to reject his offer and sleep and the couch, along with many other man as I had been doing. I looked up to see Malcolm counting down on his fingers, 5 - 4 - 3 -- 2.... His look was playful, yet pensive and demanding.

"I would like to lie in your bed Malcolm," I said, thinking that I could do my best to be faithful, but leave the door open for other possibilities.

"I know what you would like to do Jamie, but that was not the question. What will you do afterwards? Will you be faithful to your king and serve only me, or consider others while I am away?His ability to know my intentions continued to impress. It was as if he was in my head, reading my thoughts, my plans, and my inner struggles. But with much less sympathy that I could ever experience. "I will be faithful to you," said decisively.

"Is that right?" Malcolm laughed, mocking my sincerity. "Oh my god, you are such a terrible liar," said Malcolm, grabbing the back of my neck, and squeezing with such a force that it created an intense pain. He did not ease up, shaking me while continuing his barrage of insights about me. "You know good and well that the second I am gone you will be stuffing your mouth, and booty, with every black and brown cock from here to the end of the earth. Bitch, you got a long way to go before I can say you are suitable to me."

He let go of the back of my neck. I was sure it was going to leave a nasty mark based on the continued throbbing. "I'm serious," I said to Malcolm, rubbing my neck.

He stood up, turned around, and motioned me to stand as well. We met eye to eye, inches apart from each other. His stare was fierce and powerful. I felt as though he was penetrating my mind, digging around for any sign that I was not being honest. "Say it again," said Malcolm, as if it were a dare.

I met his stare, trying to show the proper respect. Malcolm was much stronger, more astute and intelligent than I, and his fixed look into me displayed it. "I will be faithful to you," I said, our eyes, still locked.

Malcolm nodded his head in the affirmative. "Either you're learning to be a better cheat, or you're damn serious," he said, putting his hands on my shoulders, but not releasing me from his beam. "Let's hope the latter, because the former is a damn dangerous situation that I want no part of."

"I love you Malcolm," I said, not sure how those words escaped my lips. But they did, and I meant it. He looked at me quizzically, I assumed surprised by my spontaneous recognition of my feelings for him.

"For real?" he said, taking a step back. "So, I got me a white girl in love with me?" laughed Malcolm. He saw how serious I was, and perhaps a bit embarrassed by my disclosure. "Come here," he said, holding out his arms. I entered his embrace, feeling the love, but not hearing, nor expecting it. He held me for a minute, rocking me gently, kissing me. His kisses reached my lips, sliding his tongue in. His kissing was desirous, so much so that I could not return it with my tongue. I wanted to show him how much I wanted him, but knew it was going to be a process that developed over time.

"Fuck bitch, you got me turned on, told myself I'm going to stop fucking with your ass," said Malcolm, after he released his lips from mine. "Had my mind made up that I was through with your ass and here I am, got me a horny bitch in my arms and my dick is rock hard. So, convince your king that I'm doing the right thing."

With his smooth, sexy voice, authoritativeness, physical and mental strength, I was weak with passion. Whatever it took, to keep this man in my life, I was willing to do. So, I got on my knees and kissed the bulge that filled his loose trousers. The I felt the sting of a hand slapping me, knocking me to the ground. I was stunned.

"Bitch, I meant fix my damn dinner," said Malcolm, standing over me. I slowly got up, rubbing the side of my face that was throbbing. I headed toward the kitchen, surprised by his reaction, thinking I was making progress towards a meaningful relationship.

I quietly gathered the makings of dinner in the kitchen while he watched TV in the living room. He was wearing only his underwear, creating a constant distraction as I gazed at his magnificent body while cooking. As I was cooking, Malcolm came up from behind me, hugging and humping me.

"Not sure we'll ever get dinner like that," I said, not wanting to bring up what had just happened.

He kissed my neck and ears, saying, "Come sit down, let's talk." After turning down the stove, I took his hand as we went into the living room. I sat next to him, but he insisted I sit on his lap. He looked at, me then started playing with my hair. "Really didn't mean to hit you that hard, meant it to be a playful slap. I don't abuse my bitches, even when they fuck up like you do."

For the first time Malcolm showed some sensitivity, remorse, and regret. I was stunned and silent, sitting silently in his lap like a child. "Is that an apology?" I asked jokingly.

"Bitch don't push it," remarked Malcolm, laughing. "Well that's all I got to say, and yes, Jamie dear, that is my apology."

"Thank you, Malcolm," is all I could manage to say before I felt myself getting emotional.

"Not get our dinner ready, I'm starving," he said, encouraging me to get up. As I headed towards the kitchen, he grabbed my arm. "Now you still my bitch and got to do what I say. Just because I said I was sorry don't mean I'm weak."

"I could never imagine you being weak, Malcolm. That is never been in my thoughts," I said, still in his strong grip. He smiled a beautiful smile that I was not accustomed to, then let me go.

"Get me a beer, babe," Malcolm called out.

"I thought you weren't supposed to be drinking?" I asked, concerned that he was jeopardizing his ability to get a job.

"One beer won't hurt. Bitch, stop questioning me, shit. One fucking apology and you think you got something on me." I couldn't tell if he was kidding so I quickly brought him a beer.

Malcolm snatched it from me, glaring. "I'm sorry Malcolm."

"Damn bitch, I really got you trained. Looking all scared and shit. I'm not mad, sweetheart. But I am getting kind of hungry. And you don't want an angry bear to deal with."

That evening Malcolm and I ate dinner together, along with an entertaining conversation, and witty banter. He laughed more than I had ever heard him. At the end of dessert, Malcolm reached across the table, took my hands and said the words I had never imagined.

"Jaime dear, I think I am falling in love with you." His stare was unrelenting, facial expressions serious.

"I love you too Malcolm," I returned, feeling at a loss of words at this surprising revelation. Something in Malcolm had changed, but at the time I wasn't going to alter the current bond we had, one that didn't exist until now.

"But I'm still going to tear that pussy up tonight," said Malcolm as he got up, kissed me and headed towards the kitchen. "You go on and get ready while I do the dishes."

"Let me clean up Malcolm, you go and relax," I said with good intentions.

"Bitch, one day you are going to learn to do as I say, understood?" Malcolm asked with a severe tone.

"Of course, I'm sorry, I just......"

Malcolm came over to me put his hand over my mouth, saying, "The sooner you learn to trust me, then better off we'll be. Stop questioning me," said Malcolm deliberately. "It is not becoming of you to doubt me, I know just what you need," he said, slowly taking his hand from my mouth, replacing it, with his lips. We engaged in a long deep kiss, while he guided my hand to his hard cock, his boxers doing nothing to restrain it.

"I want you so bad, Malcolm, I'll do anything you say," I said devotedly.

"One thing at a time, Jaime dear, now right now, get that pussy clean, and present yourself like the woman you are. I got something special planned for us tonight," he said, kissing me lightly, then grabbing my ass. "Now go on, I'll be in soon."

I anticipated an evening of mystery and seduction as I prepared myself physically for what Malcolm expected. Our relationship was a roller coaster ride and right now we were at a high. As I lie on the bed, fully dolled up like the sex kitten I knew he liked, Malcolm walked in, looking magnificent. He wore a leather harness that fitted tightly around his large shoulders and chest, spike studded, leather wrist bands, a metal cock ring, with construction boots that barely fit around his thick calves. He carried a collar and leash in one hand, a beer in another.

My heart raced as Malcolm told me to get on my knees and crawl to him. "That's a good bitch," he said as I reached his feet. I began kissing his feet, looking up to see him staring me down, then taking a swig of his beer. "You love being my fucking whore, don't you Jaime" Malcolm said. "Keep going." I kissed and licked my way up his tree trunk legs, on my knees when I reached his low hanging testicles, kissing each one. "Suck them, bitch." As large as they were, I was able to pull each nut into my mouth, swirling my tongue around them. His sack was made up of very thick skin, wrinkled and slightly rough. Malcolm talked to me the whole time, using every derogatory term to describe me and my actions. He back away just enough to let his balls pop out of my mouth. His cock was half hard, inches from my mouth, but I dare not do anything until he made the next move. I had learned that Malcolm's enjoyment came from him making decisions, and me not questioning them, even sexual.

He headed to the bed, sitting on the edge. The cock ring he wore was like none I had ever seen. It had large metal spikes embedded in the black leather. "Stand up," he ordered.

I gracefully stood, looking at the sexy big man before me, clad in an outfit that would intimidate most men. But, I felt comfortable, natural in my women's night wear, including his favorite red heels, garter, fish net tunic, and black lace panties. Malcolm had me model before him, turn, walk, bend over, then finally strip. His cock was fully erect, sweat beading on his bald head, eyes focused on my body. He pulled me into him, looking at me while stroking my body.

He reached my hard dick, and held it, something he had never done before. "You do know this is going to have to go," he said, then feeling my balls. "And these." He then reached my hole, working his finger in. "But definitely keeping this pussy." He then began kissing me, his breathing heavy, and his stroking my hole getting faster and harder. I was thought to pre-lube, so it was not painful.

Just then, the phone rang. Malcolm reached around me to pick it up off the night stand. I could hear from the phone the voice of a man, a strong, masculine voice.

After a few minutes, I heard Malcolm say "I'll see you in 15 minutes," then hang up. He returned to kissing me, not discussing the conversation, nor the previous idea of removal of my man parts. Malcolm continued to be a mystery to me, always changing the conditions between us.

But I learned to follow his lead and was oddly turned on by it. "I couldn't help but hear that someone is coming here, a friend of yours?" I asked, feeling his lips on my nipples."More like a friend of yours," said Malcolm, gently biting my now hard nipple. "Told you this night was going to be special," said Malcolm and he continued back and forth on my chest.

"Does he know I am here?' I asked, putting my hand on the back of Malcolm's sweaty, thick back, stroking it.

"Nope," he said. "That's why you are going to get dressed and answer the door when he comes.

Malcolm put on clothes that he normally wears indoors, while I dressed in my female clothing. "You got some jewelry, or something?" asked Malcolm as he slipped a shirt over his head.

"No, I don't Malcolm. I'm really new at this, still figuring out what works best for me."

Malcolm slowly walked towards me, taking my face into his hands. "So soon you forget, Jaime dear. Whatever you do must work best for me, not you."

"Sorry Malcolm," I said after having momentarily forgotten the need to stroke his ego.

"No problem, Jaime, I'm starting to understand you better," he said, kissing my forehead through the hairs on my wig. "You have your limitations, so I will be more patient as you transition into to my liking."

I was a bit annoyed that Malcolm would assume that I would make such a drastic move without careful consideration. But that was, again, a discussion for another day.

As I got myself ready for the mysterious visitor, Malcolm watched TV in the living room. He had a shirt covering his harness, and sweats to appear normal for his guest. Just as I put the finishing touches on my makeup, the buzzer rang. After buzzing him in, I nervously answered the door, not having any idea who it was. When I opened it, there was a large Black man wearing jeans, and a polo shirt. At first, I didn't recognize him as the man in the steam room, Carl. I assumed he did not recognize me considering the current state of dress.

He gave me a polite nod, and a brief stare, before heading over to the couch where he and Malcolm exchanged embraces. I stood awkwardly, waiting for a cue from Malcolm to let me know what my next move should be.

"Come on over here baby," said Malcolm excitedly. "This is my girl, Jaime." By the look on Carl's face, I wasn't sure that he was convinced that I was a girl, or Malcolm's "girlfriend." But he gave me a polite hug, then quickly sat down on the couch. "Get us beer," said Malcolm to me as he sat in the oversized chair across from where Carl sat.

I took my time getting drinks, listening to the conversation between Carl and Malcolm, mostly about nothing. While handing Carl his beer, he looked at me strangely. "Don't I know you?"

"Yeah, you know this fine piece of ass," said Malcolm as he smoothly pulled me into him.

"Where from?" asked Carl, still looking somewhat puzzled.

At that, Malcolm, turned me around, lifted up my teddy, then pulled down my panties, showing Carl my bare ass, spreading my cheeks. "Look familiar?"

"Oh shit!" exclaimed Carl. "From the gym! Damn, I thought he looked familiar."

Malcolm gave my ass a hard smack, then pulled up my panties, telling me to sit down. "Yeah, I see you enjoyed that ass, so thought you might want some more."

Carl laughed softly, looking down, like he had been caught doing something bad. "Well I appreciate that, but man, I just not sure about this," he said.

"Sounds like you just need another beer," said Malcolm, looking my direction. "And a shot." I took my time getting the drinks, enough to hear Malcolm and Carl talk about which felt better, ass or vagina.

After handing both men their drinks, Malcolm held up his shot glass for a proposal. Looking at me, seeing that I had not a drink in my hand, Malcolm said, "Bitch, you in on this too. Stop being silly and get yours."

As I headed towards the kitchen I heard Malcolm say "That's a dumbass white bitch, but damn she has skills."

"Man, I do admire you," said Carl as they both laughed.

"You just got to know how much they like the black cock, and what they'll do for it," said Malcolm as I entered the room with my drink. "Isn't that right, Jamie dear?" he said as he pulled me into him. He raised his glass, saying "To good men...." I instinctively raised my glass, prompting a strange look from Malcolm. Realizing I no longer fit the category, I slowly lowered my glass. "And a beautiful babe with a hot pussy."

To that I raised my glass, knowing it was term of endearment from Malcolm. We clanged glasses, then downed our bourbons, followed by the customary reaction to strong alcohol. Malcolm turned the TV to a music channel to play dance music, then down next to Carl.

"Show our guest a good show, dance for us," said Malcolm, suddenly serious. While I knew very little dance moves, I especially for a strip tease, I got up and improvised. Tossing off one item of clothing at a time didn't take long before I was completely naked. I kept dancing while Carl and Malcolm obviously enjoyed the show.

"Not bad at all," said Carl, drinking his beer.

"Yeah, but there's one little, well not so little, problem," said Malcolm. "That thing has to go."

Carl almost choked on his beer. Once he recovered, Carl asked "You mean his dick?"

"Yeah man, get in the way, and look at the size of those balls, they got to go too," said Malcolm.

The both were laughing uncontrollably and I was starting to feel disgraced. It was no longer the dancing that they were enjoying, but rather a perverted debasement of my manhood. But there I entertained, my cock and balls flapping, my ass shaking, my seductive moves working to turn on two men who I was truly attracted to.

Malcolm got up, beer in hand, got behind me and started dancing with me, then bending me over, grinding himself onto my ass. I still had my blonde wig on, but felt it slipping off. I glanced and saw Carl staring at us, bearing the look of lust as he drank his beer from the can. Malcolm leaned over me, whispering, "You know you want that big black cock in your mouth."

"Yes," I said, remembering my vow of honesty.

Malcolm stood up, and led me over to where Carl sat, then gently coaxed me to my knees before him. I could see Carl's cock straining under the fabric of his pants. I felt it with my hand, rubbing it, then kissing the outline it created. I fumbled with the zipper and belt but wasn't able to fish it out because if it's enormous size. He stood up, unbuckled his belt, slid down the zipper, and pulled down his pants, his cock no longer restricted by the fabric of his jeans, sticking out straight from his gray boxer briefs. The large, rounded head pushed against the cloth, precum oozing out, showing a large wet spot. I kissed his cock, putting my hand at the waistband and pulling down, freeing the large rod that was now fully engorged. I took the head into my mouth, wrapping it tightly, probing the wet piss slit, cleaning it of more precum that continued to leak out.

"Suck that cock, bitch," I heard Malcolm say as he put his hand on the back of my head, guiding me down until it popped past my throat, causing me to gag briefly, but recover and massage the thick head with my throat muscles.

"Oh fuck!" moaned Carl. I was pleased by my ability to take him all in, but was having trouble breathing, and backed off, leaving a trail of saliva and I recovered my breath. I continued this for several minutes, managing to look up and see Malcolm in his leather gear, kneel next to Carl, sucking on his nipples.

After giving Carl another round of deep throat, I stopped sucking him to focus on his large low hanging balls. The sight above me was unexpected, and steamy. Carl and Malcolm were engaged in a deep kiss While I knew both were top men, and very masculine, I did not expect them to engage with each other. Next, Malcolm crouched in front of Carl, putting his hard cock at his lips as I watched the entire scene unfold before me. Soon, Malcolm had a few inches inside of Carl's mouth, then pulled out, wiping it on his lips. I did not expect Carl to suck cock or be in any role that was considered to be gayer than straight. But Malcolm had a way of realizing people's desires that that they were unwilling to release and acting on them. Right then, Carl was getting head from me, and sucking Malcolm's cock. I imagined he felt pretty good but could not tell from my position.

Malcolm maneuvered down from his position, sweating profusely, standing before Carl and I as I continued to blow him without missing a beat. "Let's go in the bedroom," Malcolm said as he walked away. I stopped sucking Carl so we could get up, but Carl looked hesitant as he stood and pulled up his underwear, then his pants.

Malcolm stopped, sensing Carl's reluctance. "Come on," he said rather loudly, looking at Carl, who glanced at me. I motioned that he follows Malcolm. "Bitch, you staying here," said Malcolm, noticing my attempted involvement. Malcolm most likely had an imposing look that Carl was not expecting. His flaccid cock stuck out from his leather jock, harness and wristbands fitting snugly on his large frame that glistened with sweat.

"I'm good with what we were doing man," said Carl. I had never seen anyone say no to Malcolm and waited to see his response.

"There is a comfortable bed in the bedroom," said Malcolm after a brief hesitation. "What are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid man, just not expecting this," said Carl.

Malcolm gave Carl a look of disbelief. "C'mon man, you're here. No one will ever know."

"Maybe some other time Malcolm, I've got to go," said Carl, fastening his clothes, then putting on his coat.

Malcolm walked over to Carl and put his hand on his shoulder. "Look man, I know you're married, not wanting to get into anything that might harm your marriage. He stopped and looked at me. "Jamie, Carl and I must talk. Go." Sensing tension, I did what he said and went into the bedroom. While I heard taking, I could not make out what was being said. After about 10 minutes, I heard the apartment door close. Immediately after, Malcolm opened the bedroom door. "Come on Jaime, it appears as if we scared away our guest."

"Everything seemed to be going well until you mentioned the bedroom," I said as I went in the kitchen to pour us some bourbon.

"Carl and I have some history," said Malcolm, accepting the drink and sitting on the couch. He patted the spot next to him. "Come, sit down, I'll tell you what happened."

Next: Chapter 13

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