Unexpected House Guest

By Jasper

Published on Oct 12, 2021


Unexpected house guest -- chapter 12

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After Steve had been milked and tormented I left him bound in the basement for more then a hour. When I finally went down to get him I saw him half asleep. His dick was soft again and still looked red off the polishing. The cum in his face, hair and chest had dried on his body. "Wake up Steve" I said loudly. Steve opened his eyes. "Hi, I am going to untie you and then we will go to the garden". I think he still wasn't totally awake, because he never questioned why we would go to the garden. I released him and leaded him upstairs and to the backdoor. When we walked outside Steve immediately walked to the place where no one could see him. I got the garden hose and said "You are dirty boy, I will hose you down and clean you up." Now he was awake. His big beautifull eyes looked at me. He was nervous off what was coming. I turned on the water and adjusted the hose so the water sprayed out wide. Quickly I pointed the hose in Steve's direction. The cold water hit his nice hot ripped body and he was gasping for air. "Clean yourself boy" I almost shouted in excitement. Steve started to rub his skin and tried to get the dried cum of his body. When he was almost done I said "Now place your hands behind your head boy". He did as ordered while I adjusted the hose so the water got out with high pressure. I started to turn the water on his body. First his hot chest, going up to his head, slowly back down to his chest and stomach. It was clear Steve had to push himself to stand still with his hands on the back off his head. Now I directed the water lower and lower and when it the water reached his crotch he jumped away and tried to protect his still sensative dick and balls. He was so busy to protect himself he didn't even notice he was out in the open and his family next door could see him. "Keep your hands behind your head boy" I shouted. Steve reluctantly did as ordered and I kept spraying cold water on his hot body. After a while I turned the water off and walked to the door to get a towl. "Come here boy" I ordered. Steve walked closer. First I intended to give him the towl, but as he walked closer with his hands still behind his head I decided I would dry him. And so I did. I let the towl and my hands run over his skin. His strong back, his nice torso down to his long strong legs and slowly up to his dick and balls. I expected Steve to react, but he kept quit and didn't move at all. I dried and played his balls longer then needed. After I was done I stepped inside and ordered Steve to come in. There I placed a chastity cage, one size smaller and replaced the heavy paw mits. The rest off the night Steve lay in my arms on the couch and we watched a movie. After the movie we went to bed and I locked Steve in the dog cage. I noticed how docile Steve started to be. I questioned if everything was working as planned. Was he really starting to accept this all and starting to like it?

The next morning I got Steve out of the cage and ordered him to my bed. He knew what was expected and as soon as I layed down he placed himself between my legs and started to lick and suck my dick and balls. His warm soft tonque felt great, but he still wasn't going deep. I started to feel frustrated about that and didn't want to have too push his head on my dick every time. So I ordered him to lay on his back with his head just over the edge off the matras. When he was in position I placed myself above him and noticed his breathing was increasing. He suspected what was going to happen. "Open your mouth boy" I ordered. As he did I pushed my dick in his mouth and slowly started to facefuck him. It was clear this was new for him and he wasn't relaxed. Where I normally feel his soft warm tonque he now only held his mouth open. I hadn't lost the frustration so I ignored his feelings and started to go faster and deeper. Deepep and deeper untill Steve started to gag. "Don't puke or pass out boy" I shouted. "breath trough your nose". He tried to do so and it helped. It felt great and started to push in harder and deeper. I placed one of my hand on his throat and I could feel my own dick going in and out his throat. As further I went in I felt his throat tense like it was grabbing my dick head. It took me over the edge and I was in heaven when my warm cum shoot out deep in his throat. He only could swallow. I collapsed on Steve and took a rest while my dick was still in his mouth. Steve didn't move at all. When I took enough rest I got off Steve and took my dick almost out of his mouth. "Start cleaning the head boy" I ordered while I watched his wet eyes. His tonque started to lick the remainder of cum of my dick. "Good boy, you did great." I got up and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. Steve was recovering on the bed. After I came back Steve was sleeping. Staying in the cage where he could not lay down easy and the face fuck must have made him sleepy. I woke him up by slapping him hard in his face. "Come boy, wake up and come down." I said. One moment he pulled up his mits to protect his face, but in time he remembered he better couldn't do that and answered "Yes, master". I felt a tingle through my body. This boy is a real good slave boy. Hot, sexy and submissive.

Sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast the phone rang. I stood up and walked to the phone. While picking up I watched Steve on all fours eating his dogfood from the bowl. He looked so hot down there. I said "hello" and heard "Hi, Japser. Frank here. Is Steve available?" I froze up a moment. Not now while it was going great. My first instinct was to say no, but I knew I couldn't say no every time. And besides it is Frank and not Suzan. Better him then Suzan the overprotecting mother. "Yes of course I will ask him to come. His hands are dirty so I have to put you on speaker. Is that alright." When I said that I saw Steve look up. Steve still had his mits on so he wasn't able to pick up the phone. "that is no problem Jasper. Thank you". I motioned Steve to stand up and come to the phone and pushed the speaker button. "Hi dad, how are you feeling?" Steve immediately reacted. I felt nervous and out off control. "I am feeling better son. But the corona virus is a bitch. I am feel better, but now your mother feels ill.". Steve was silent for a moment and I had no idea what was going through his mind. "That's not so good" Steve finally said. His dad continued "How are you holding up son?". I felt a drop of sweat run down from my armpit. "I am fine dad. Jasper is helping me work out. It is hard and difficult, but days fly by". Steve said. I questioned if he said that knowing he couldn't leave soon now his mother is ill or that he really liked staying here. "Son, I have to ask you something and don't know how to ask so I say it like it is. Yesterday I saw you naked in the garden and hosed down. What was that all about?". I looked at Steve and saw his head turned red. I felt my hart racing, this moment will tell what will happen next. Suddenly Steve started talking "Ohh, you saw that. I feel embaressed". He looked like a little school boy moving around and had to confess what he did. Then I heard Steve lie to his father "I lost a stupid bet and that was the wager." There was a moment off silence before Frank continued "ooh, son. You made a stupid college bet. You know what I think off that." I hold my breath, was he disaproving? He continued "But you also know I don't want to be humiated by my son who won't respect a bet he made. So you better take the punishment or I will spank your ass red like a little boy" I saw Steve turn his head and looked at me. His face was red and I could tell he was embaressed by the fact I now knew his father spanked him as a boy. I laughed and said "So Frank you probably think he should be spanked for not doing what was told while doing the wager?". "you must think I am a horrible father, but yes. He should react like a man." I quickly said "I don't think your a horrible father. Infact I agree. So I will spank him for you for starting a discussion about a wager order". Now Steve looked at me and reacted "No, I did as told.". I smiled and said "You already forgot yesterday morning when we saw that beautifull car." Steve looked down and knew I referred to the moment he had to walk naked at the beach parking. Frank reacted "Your silence tells me it is true son. So Jasper you can spank him for me. Make him feel my disapointment. After you are done sent him into the garden and give me a call so I can look outside and see his red cheeks and know you really punished him". This was going better then exspected. I grabbed Steve hair and pulled his head back so he was forced to look at me and said "I will Frank. Say hi to Suzan for me". He answered "I will and thank you Japser" and we hang up. The look Steve gave me was priceless. And that nervous moment turned out to be a horny moment while a felt precum leaking from my piss slit. "Finish your breakfast boy and go down to the basement for a workout session." Steve let himself fall on his knees and said "yes master". I smiled and rubbed my dick.

Steve emptied his bowl and crawled to the basement. While I watched him crawl away I licked my lips and thought off his nice rond cheeks. I took my time to clean the table and do the dished. Steve much have been nervous down in the basement, waiting for me. When I thought it was time, I went down and saw Steve on all fours waiting. "Go and lay down on your back boy" I said while pointing to the matt in the middle off the room. Steve did as ordered. I quickly bound up his ankles so his legs where spread. Then I placed some halter weights by his arms. They where chain to the floor and could not be moved that much. Steve kept looking what I was doing. I saw he wanted to know what was going to happen, but didn't ask a thing. I took some ropes and bound his wrists to the weights and removed the mits. Now Steve layed there spread eagled. I placed myself between his legs and started to play roughly with his balls. It must have been uncomfortable because Steve hold his breath severall times. I removed the chastity cage and placed a methal ring around his dick and balls. Then I connected two electricity alligator clips to the ring. Then I replaced myself next to his chest and played with his nipples a couple of minutes. His nipples got hard and I quickly placed other alligator clips on his nipples. Steve made a small yell by the pain. I gave no notice to it. Then I placed two heavy metal plates under the weights and looked at Steve his nervous face. "So boy. In a moment I will turn on the electricity so you better can make sure you keep those weights off the metal plates. If you do not your nipples and crotch will be shocked." In a respons Steve quickly lifted the weights, but soon noticed he couldn't stretch his arms full. His biceps bulged out nice and hot. He looked scared. I turned on the electric and said "see you in a while boy. Have a good workout". While I walked upstairs I heard Steve call "please master, please....". It made my dick hard and erect. Upstairs I had to restrain myself not to play with my dick so I made some coffee and drank it. After a while I heard Steve scream a few times. I looked at the clock and saw 36 minutes had passed. It was time to go back down.

Half way on the stairs and I could see Steve, he just couldn't hold the weights up and they touched the metal plates. The electic surge went through his body. His strong leg musscles tensed up, his hips jumped up and down. His stomach musscles pulled together and showing his tight sixpack. Between his pecs where some sweat drops glinstering in the light. Immediately I was horny again. This yound lad with his hot body under my control was mind blowing. Steve pushed himself to get the weights off the plates. While he did he saw me and started to beg "please sir, let it stop". "Not yet boy, just a few more minutes" I replied. He did very well, but I wanted to see him shocked again. So I waited till that happed. Steve screamed and I felt a wet spot forming in my underwear. When Steve lifted the weights again I turned off the electicity and said "Well done boy, you are doing very well." I placed a hand on his chest and started rubbing him to calm him down. "Take a rest Steve." We both were quit. I played with his body, feeling his musscles under his soft skin. After about 20 minutes I said "Ready to continue boy!" not letting it sound like a question. But Steve still pleaded "No please, no more". I had to be firm "Be quiet boy, it is a punishment workout so we are going to continue. And because you forgot to say master I will increase the current." I turned it up and Steve had to go again. I sat there watching his gorgeous body. After about 15 minutes he arms started to shake and slowly the weights went down. And there it was. Steve's scream made my dick jump. Steve pushed himself to get his arms up. This repeated several times. His arms trembling more and more. He looked so hot, but I knew I had to give him a rest again so I turned down the electricity and said "I am so proud of you boy, take a rest". He said nothing and turned his head away from me. I kneeled down and playing his body. After a while I noticed his breathing slowed down so it was time to continue. "So boy, time for the thirt and last session. I really want you to push yourself so I will increase the surge again". He immediately had tears in his eyes and said "No please master, No please no more, I can't. Please". I didn't react to his begging and turned on the electricity. He screamd and immediately lifted his arms. It was so hot to see him struggle for the next twenty minutes. "Go on Steve, you can do it." I shouded in his ears. His arms trembling. I placed my face just beside his head and wispered "I will turn it up one more time and you give me another five minutes before I let you rest again". The mind fuck must have been terrible. I turned the electricity up again While Steve was crying. It went well for 4 minutes. The last minute Steve couldn't hold them up anymore and was shocked. He couldn't lift them anymore and I watched him for the remainder of the time. I few seconds I felt quilty for the torment I gave his body just for my pleasure. I got myself together and said "Wow, you did very, very well boy. Take a rest, I will get you later." Upstairs I quickly dropped my pants and started to jerk my own meat and within second cum flew against the wall. I felt great.

Next: Chapter 13

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