Unexpected Job Opportunity

By Robert Winthrop

Published on Jan 19, 2023


Unexpected Job Opportunity 2

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to winarch47@yahoo.com

Looking back, I realized that I seemed to attract timid men. I was pretty sure I wasn't drop dead handsome, but I apparently looked good enough and was young. While I was a bit shy, I wasn't stand offish, or intimidating. Being all but blind was an asset. Men were careful with me because they thought I might be fragile or delicate. While I would never be a boxer or wrestler, I was normal. I had just learned a lot about man-on-man sex and I liked that a lot.

Al was terrified his fans would discover he was gay. Sex with a blind masseur was good, especially when he discovered I liked to swallow the evidence. He felt safe having sex with me. He hadn't known that sperm was edible and that seemed to excite him.

A week after I took his load for the first time, I sat on his cock and eventually he shot off without a manual assist. He didn't know a tight ass could work him up to an orgasm. That was magic for him. Al seemed to think I was a sophisticated practitioner of the sexual arts.

I soon discovered one unexpected aspect of my new job. While I was excited at first, I assumed the novelty would fade and it would turn into a plain old job. That didn't happen. I was making men happy while they made me just as happy. That is better than many jobs. I guessed that if you like your job, you will like your customers.

I soon had more than just a suspicion that my cock and ass were more sensitive and needy than was normal. I soon could identify the personal feel each of my my customers' cocks and favorite sexual techniques. Some staff members of the Spa thought of sperm as a waste product. I thought of it as a special, home-made expression of love and affection. I loved it when a man forgot his ordinary, conventional every day life, and ejected his home-made man seed into me. During an orgasm there was only the two of us. Nothing else is important.

One of the customers I worked with after Al was Max Metro. Like Al, he was a well known action star who was past his prime. Roger said Max still looked good, if you didn't look too close. Of course, I didn't have that problem.

Max had been noted for doing all of his own stunts. He was now in his mid-fifties and you could tell he was hurting. Max was relieved to have a blind masseur. In public he had to hide his injuries. Of course, he also had to hide his sexual preferences too. He was married, but was separated from his wife, who was now sharing a house with a woman.

Roger told me Max was a good actor, but he had become type cast in roles that were no longer popular. Max liked me. While he was gay and liked sex with men, he was terrified of discovery. Like Al, he was afraid it would ruin his image.

Sex with me was good, and it soon became great. I am an excellent cock sucker. That was good, he asked me if he had to suck me. I told him that wasn't required. I was happy doing what I did. Max had a sense of fair play, so when I told him he didn't need to suck my cock, he felt he should suck me. When he eventually got up enough nerve to suck me. It was a total success. I don't think he would have done it if I said it was required.

I slowly introduced his cock to my ass. That wasn't a success for him; it was a life changing experience. It was exciting and intimate beyond his imagining. He was afraid of discovery and finding pleasure with his cock hidden deep in another man's ass was wonderful for him. It was intense, intimate and totally out of sight. Only he and I knew he was ejaculating man seed in my ass.

Max asked if I enjoyed being fucked by a movie star. I told him I like being fucked by a nice guy with a great cock. That surprised him, but pleased him greatly. I think he liked being a hot stud more than being a movie star. He had forgotten who he was before stardom.

I introduced him to swimming. The Spa had two endless pools. They were heated. I was a good swimmer and Max was a dog paddle type swimmer. Max watched me swim, and then I guided him. The water was warm and it was comfortable and low stress for him. He was soon swimming well.

Max knew Al since they were both washed up movie stars. I had a feeling their friendship was mostly based on commiserating on their declining star quality. They apparently talked and realized they had a similar sexual interest in me.

Max asked if I would object to having Al join in our massage sessions. I told him that would be fine. I was surprised, but then realized they were both movie stars and shared a common interest in discretion.

We got together for the first time on a Friday night. Friday was a slow time at the spa since many of the members went to parties or clubs. I was in the massage room with Max. Al came in fifteen minutes later. No one saw him enter the room. We had a brief chat followed by an uneasy silence.

"I can massage you if you are ready," I said. "I was wondering if there were other things the three of us might do that might be more enjoyable."

"Billy, I momentarily forgot you are blind. Al and I are both erect." Max said.

I laughed. "Let's get a little closer," I said. "I can barely see you, but I could feel you." They came closer.

"What do we do now?" Al asked.

"Let me take the lead and see where it takes us," I said, "Is that okay with you?" I was a little rude and didn't wait for an answer. I dropped to my knees, and alternated licking their cock heads. One of them moaned a little. I assumed that was approval.

I knew that sometimes it takes some time for your brain to catch up with your cock. Cocks are prone to be enthusiastic. Both men seemed to be fine. I am not sure that an exposed cock head can express approval, but when I tasted precum. I knew they were ready. I think their cocks switched on the automatic pilot.

"I'm getting excited," Max said. "I need to cool down." We broke apart.

I assume all men have a sex drive. Al and Max had been suppressing or ignoring it for years. "I think I need to apologize to you guys," I said. "Sex with women can result in love, marriage and kids. I'm not interested in that."

"For me, sex with men is intimate, enjoyable, and exciting. I like buddies and pals. I can enjoy men and we can have some fun together. That fun can be very intense and enjoyable, but it's not love. I admit it's a lot more than shaking hands, but it's a lot less than spending the rest of your life with a guy. There is a lot less involved in being a buddy and pal with a serving of sex on the side, than a lifetime commitment." I explained.

"There are some complicating aspects of my approach." I added. "When I take your cum, or feel you draining your balls deep in my ass, I feel a lot more than casual affection. When you greedily suck up my cum, or shiver when I fill your ass with sperm, I get even more excited. That feeling fades, but the memories remain as does our friendship. Does that sound superficial to you?"

"I sounds like a dream come true to me," Max said. "I can love you as a friend, and count on you as a sexual playmate."

"It sounds good to me, but is it superficial?" Al asked.

"Every relationship doesn't need to be intense and meaningful. You can have a lot of friends and pals. Some may be friends with benefits," I said. "If you like a guy it doesn't need to be 24/7. I like some guys, but in small doses. Some guys a better friends, than permanent companions," I said. "That's just normal. Periodic sexual encounters are exciting and good, but every day for the rest of your life would be too much."

"For me, sex peaks with the orgasm and then diminishes. I thought that was a short coming. Maybe it's natural," Max said.

I laughed. "I've wondered if any one could survive an orgasm that lasted for an hour? Are they too intense to be lengthy?" I asked. "Could it be that orgasms are medically required to be short?"

"Does it bother you to have my cock up your ass, pounding away until I shoot off?" Al asked.

"There are a few special places in my ass that like your cock a lot. Your cock is big, but it is also self lubricating and there are no sharp edges. The climax of exploding sperm is a thrill too. I know what an orgasm feels like. It's intimate and exciting when a pal looses control."

"I tend to think it an orgasm as cleaning the pipes," Max said.

"I think of it as sharing the wealth," I said. The men laughed. All was well, and eventually the three of us got together regularly.

Esteban and Marty sometimes sent special friends to me. Part of that was because I was young and nonthreatening. I can't chase a guy, or find him if he wants to hide. They thought I had a special touch. While I was I was told I was well hung, it was hard for me to know if my partner was well equipped. I soon realized that feeling out a soft cock doesn't tell you much about the erect organ. I also found out that there is often some cocks continue to grow as a man approaches an orgasm. My mouth was a good measuring tool. The men recognized that I could be a considerate and careful sexual partner. I could also ramp up to fill their needs as necessary.

Esteban had a friend with a gay son. His ex wife sent him to a born again "college" which terrified him with damnation due to his gay tendencies. The boy's father wanted to help his son relax and smell the roses. I am not 100% sure gay sex smells like roses, but I said I would help if I could.

The son, Leonard, came by a week later with his father. Leonard was a short, slight man. His father, Franklin, was an aggressive, big, guy. Franklin was the first of his wife's three husbands. She found god after she divorced her third husband, and married her forth, a self educated preacher.

Leonard needed to relax and get some exercise. Since I was close to his age and was handicapped, I didn't intimidate him. I took him to the endless pool, he said he liked to swim but wasn't good at it. We went to the pool.

I usually wore a robe. When we went to the pool. He changed into trunks, got in the water and swam a little. Leonard was pale and his white skin showed well against the blue lining of the pool. Even with my marginal eyesight, I could see he did not have a normal stroke. I took of my robe and then demonstrated a standard swimming stroke.

I was used to being nude in the pool, but he was shocked. I did a dozen strokes, and asked him if the could copy them.

"Your naked," he said. "Are you supposed to be naked?"

"This is an all male club. A lot of the men swim naked," I said.

"I didn't expect that," he said.

"There are swimming trunks somewhere. Do you want me to get them?" I asked.

"That's okay, I was just surprised," he said. "Should I get naked."

"It's not a problem either way," I said. "Most of the older members swim naked. They say it reminds them of old swimming holes."

"Are they that old?" he asked.

I laughed and said, "I sort of doubt it. "I think they would have enjoyed the swimming hole. The old swimming holes must have been rare in LA."

Leonard laughed. "I'd be embarrassed being naked," he said under his breath.

"I can see the basic form of your body, but there is no way I can see any detail of you body," I said. "It fine if you wear trunks or go naked. It's up to you."

Leonard dropped his trunks and got in the water. We worked on his stroke and he soon was doing much better. The chemicals in the pool were hard on the skin. After a half hour we had to shower. He also set up another lesson in two days.

Esteban got a call from Franklin who said his son seemed cheerful and excited after the swimming lesson. He asked what I had done. Esteban said I was friendly and helpful and I had my ways. Esteban told me about the call.

I asked if Franklin had any idea about "my ways." He said no, but that after Franklin's first wife divorced him, he came to the spa for tension relief. Esteban said that he helped Franklin find joy in sex again.

My next session with Leonard much more relaxed, I gave him a massage. That turned him on and he got hard. He apologized, and I told him that was not a problem. It happened to a lot of men and was not unusual. "Almost no men touch each other than shaking hands. Having a massage is all hands and all touch."

"How do I get rid of it?" he asked.

"There are several ways, but most can be intimate," I said.

"Could you help me with it?" he asked and added after a pause, "I wouldn't tell anyone."

I leaned over and took his cock head into my mouth. Leonard moaned.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He managed to say yes, so I ran my tongue around his cock head and asked, "Do you want me to stop?"

Instead of answering Leonard shot off. I seemed as if he shot off for several minutes, but I knew that wasn't true.

"What if someone catches us," he whispered.

I swallowed his entire load. "Nothing has happened," I said. "I swallowed the evidence."

Leonard laughed and we showered and he got dressed.

"Thank you, I'm sorry to bother you," he said as he left.

"It was good. Nothing bothered me at all. It was good," I replied.

I didn't see Leonard for several weeks. He went to Ireland and England with his father and grandfather. I thought it would be good for him to relax.

When Leonard came back, he was confused. He had run into his mother at the airport on the return trip. She had divorced her fourth husband and then told him that Franklin was not his father. Said his actual father was a good for nothing guy and she thought Leonard was following in his footsteps. Leonard told Franklin about that. He said that was news to him, and as far as he and the law were concerned, he was his son. I told Leonard my father raised me after my mother left him. Dad did every thing he could for me. It seemed to me that Franklin showed all the signs of being his father.

"Is your mother a scheming woman?" I asked.

"I actually don't know her that well. When she was at home she seemed mostly to be interested in finding a new husband," he said. "She was nice to me when her husband or prospective husband was watching."

"Well, I think you have two options. You can say Frederic is my father; end of story. Or, you could get a DNA test, and work things out from there," I said. Leonard went home.

That weekend I went to a party for Edgar's seventieth birthday. Marty and Lewis were there as was a man named Bruiser Malloy. He was in his sixties and trying hard to look younger. I was the only young man there and was popular. Every one was in the mood. I was still the new boy on the block. As my ass collected sperm from the guests, my ass became more appealing. Fred, the new man, seemed to find my ass very attractive.

Bruiser was built like a professional wrestler. I found out he had been a collegiate wrestler and then became the athletic director for a major university. He was retired and had moved away from his university to explore sexual interests without running into former students and fans.

He told me had a warm spot for younger men, but had never indulged them. Since I was 23, I was okay. I had little idea who he was or what he had done, but I also tend to be willing. He didn't need to make a pass or seduce me.

Bruiser was bald and clean shaven. His body looked smooth in my poor eyesight. It took no time at all to realize he was a Polar Bear and he was more than well hung. His cock was challenging to suck, but worth the effort. We were soon on the floor in the sixty-nine position. Bruiser was enthusiastic. As he sucked me he worked a finger into my ass.

We relocated so Bruiser could fuck me. His cock nudged into my ass. It was a good fit. It was tight, but it hit every hot spot in my ass. The surprise was for Bruiser. His cock discovered its long lost home as soon as it poked past my sphincter.

As he fucked me, two men joined us. I couldn't tell who they were.

"That's a pretty sight," one of the men said.

The man with him said, "It sure is Dad."

I knew the voices. It was Franklin and Leonard. They joined us.

Next: Chapter 3

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