Unexpected Job Opportunity

By Robert Winthrop

Published on Apr 9, 2023


Unexpected Job Opportunity 5

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to winarch47@yahoo.com

The party was over so I went home. Cortland and Woodrow made an arrangement to have a private visit at there home on Monday mornings. Ricky drove me to their house and hung out with Dudley, the chauffeur. They were into antique cars big time. I sensed that their friendship was not solely based on their interest in cars.

Cortland was more open to sexual exploration than Woodrow. I suspected Woodrow's parents did a job on him. I eventually found out the problem. His father, Woodrow Sr., was an older bachelor who needed an heir. His father had introduced him to sex at a brothel, and that became his preferred sexual experience. He didn't want a hooker to be his heir's mother, so he found a suitable mother, the daughter of a business partner.

It became the marriage from hell. She gave birth to Woodrow and then she grew to hate his father. She was a good Catholic and would not divorce him. She taught her son that sex was the ultimate sin. Woodrow's mother was wealthy and his father was even more wealthy. After they died, Woodrow was a very rich, sexual cripple.

They taught him that sex was bad with women, but neither his father nor mother ever considered the homosexual alternative. Cortland and Woodrow were both timid, non-imaginative men. Somehow they were introduced to the New Horizon's Spa.

While they had some good sexual experiences there, I seemed to be the first man to be an unqualified success. An all but blind man was a dream come true for men who were deeply uncomfortable with nudity. They came close to being comfortable and unashamed having sex with a man who couldn't see them except as an out-of-focus blob.

That was not a problem for me. Guys told me I looked okay, but I had no way of knowing what anyone looked like. Handsome and ugly meant nothing to me. Pleasant and affable were important. I could taste, hear, smell and feel. When I comes to feeling, sex is near the top of the feeling pyramid. I had learned about cubes, spheres and pyramids in school. I figured out the use cylindrical tubes with tender rounded tips on my own.

Oddly, to Cortland and Woodrow I was a sophisticated man of the world. I knew a lot more about their genitals and sex than they did. I obviously have no hang ups about appearance, and more importantly sex.

I first introduced them to my ass. It's less frightening to be a top and explore the tight confines of an ass than to take a guy's cock up your ass. Cortland was the first to enter me. He had standard equipment, but he was uncut. I suspected the foreskin protected the knob, and thus the knob would be quite sensitive. That was the case with Cortland.

He was careful as his well lubricated cock slid into me. I told him to pulse his cock when he encountered my sphincter and to thrust a bit harder with each pulse. Cortland did as he was told. When he popped through, my sphincter grabbed his cock as his knob rubbed my prostate. He and I moaned simultaneously. His knob played with my prostate for a minute or so and then he pushed deeper. The sensation of my tight ass and his rock-hard cock explained all he needed to know about fucking.

"What do I do now?" he asked.

"Just keep on doing what you are doing," I said. "Your cock knows ass you need to know."

"What if I shoot off?" he asked. "I've never done that in a man before."

"I like to feel a man loose it in my ass," I said.

"That's okay?" he asked.

"That's why we are here," I said. "It's fine if you want to pull out and save you first orgasm in an ass for Woodrow. You are pals, he might like to be the first."

"You do it to Carl," Woodrow said."He seems to like it." I didn't realize he was in the room.

While both men were shy, sexual urges are hard to ignore. Ten or twelve thrusts later, and Cortland shot off in a spectacular orgasm. He must have ejaculated twelve or more times and I could feel his sperm flooding my ass.

"What do I do now?" he asked.

"Rest and then pull out slowly. You did well. It was beautiful," I said. He pulled out slowly and left the room.

"Would you like to fuck me?" I asked Woodrow.

"You would let me do that?" he asked.

I smiled. "That why we are here," I said.

"He shot off in you?" he said.

"Sperm is a great lubricant," I said. "Some men think it's the best lubricant, especially when it's a buddies' load."

"Are you sure you would like me to do you?"

"Woodrow, you will never get a chance to fuck an ass with a friends first climax as lube," I said. "This is it!"

I don't know if I was convincing, or if his own urges took control. He came over to me and lifted my legs onto his shoulders. His cock was a little longer and thicker than Cortland's organ. My cum filled ass had no problem.

Woodrow went a little crazy, so I told him to take it easy, I wanted to feel his cock working my ass. Woodrow did as I asked, and he discovered it was more pleasurable for him. I moaned to let him know all was well.

My sphincter gripped Woodrow's shaft with as he went deep. That seemed to generate downright enthusiasm in him. Woodrow had the opposite of a hair trigger and we had a lengthy session. While Cortland gave little indication of his feelings, Woodrow was an open book. I recognized his increasing excitement as he progressed toward an orgasm.

"Do you really want me to cum in you?" he asked in a whisper.

"Relax and let nature take charge," I replied.

Seconds later he began the shiver as his sperm co-mingled with Cortland's sperm from the previous orgasm. That was a total success. All was well with Cortland and Woodrow.

When I drove home with Ricky he told me that he and Dudley had more things in common than an interest in cars. He told me that Cortland and Woodrow liked to watch. Dudley had never sucked a Black guy's cock before.

"Was that a success?" I asked.

"It was a nice prelude to going at it like cats in heat," he replied. "We eased into the sixty-nine position. A little later he asked if I would take his load if he took mine. I told him that was fine and that I liked the taste of fresh man seed. I also volunteered that I liked in in the ass too, but usually not on the first date."

"He told he had never fucked a Black guy. I told him that I had fucked enough White guys to make up for his lack of experience," Ricky continued. "He laughed. I took that as a good sign."

"Dudley has never seen him with a Black guy before. He thinks that would be a turn on for them, I have a feeling that Dudley wants to let them watch us." Ricky said. "Is that a problem for you?"

"That is 100% up to you," I said. "Do what turns you on." Ricky was a good guy.

Back at New Horizon's Spa, I had an afternoon appointment with Bruiser and friend of his, Wally. Wally was a costume designer. He did upscale costumes for major plays and for upscale parties. When I was told it was upscale I knew this was ten or twenty levels above Halloween costumes.

Wally had done the design for the pep-band uniforms at the college where Bruiser was generous contributor to the athletic program. Bruiser told me a wealthy alum donated Wally's services and the uniforms.

I had a feeling the wealthy alum was Bruiser. He told me that Wally's partner had recently died. Wally was about five-four and 140 pounds. At work, Wally was surrounded by aggressively effeminate costume designers. Bruiser told me that Wally made Dame Edna seem like Rocky. I have no interest in feminine gestures or mannerisms since I can't see them.

When Wally stripped even I could see enough he was well equipped. While I can only see fuzzy forms and shapes, it seemed that Wally had an extra arm hanging between his legs. Some people treat me as if I am delicate, but that is because they don't know how well I deal with my blindness.

Bruiser was a muscular jock. I had no idea what Wally was looking for. That was not a problem. More often than not, gay men are looking for cock. Personality, companionship, and sharing common interests are good, but for a guy guy getting to know another gay guy, getting to know him often begins with a cock. Bruiser and I were well equipped. My cock is above average, Bruiser's cock was close to being museum quality. I am young and Bruiser is mature. I am not sure anyone would dare say he was old.

Gay men have another asset. Some might think it's a problem, but I think it helps more than it hurts most of the time. Cocks are not prone to subtle refinement and delicate expressions of interest. When you are dressed, you can conceal an erection. That is not possible when you are naked. Wally was not a sexual novice. His cock was ready to party.

"I seem to be in the land of the giants," Wally remarked.

"Is that a problem?" I asked.

"My specialty as a designer is my ability to turn a problem into as asset," he replied laughing. He paused and added, "I do have one little quirk. I have personal quest to find the biggest cock that will fit comfortably in my ass."

Bruiser laughed and said, "Everyone needs a goal. I would love to help you on your quest, but I'm afraid I can't control my urge to shoot off in a tight ass."

"I assume you have some lube?" Wally asked.

"Of course, but I have a supply of the best lube stored in my balls," I said. A minute or so later my cock head was caressing Wally's rosebud.

"Does it take you long to shoot off?" Wally asked.

"That depends on how tight your sphincter is," I said. Wally laughed. I made a hard thrust and went deep. Wally moaned in pleasure.

When he caught his breath he said, "It's been so long since anyone has done me. I was afraid there might be cobwebs in my rectum."

"You do know that your ass is receptive?" I said. Much to my surprise I began to ejaculate. I pulled out after the final spurts. Bruiser knob was in Wally's hole seconds later. Wally complained that Bruiser's cock was too big. It was lucky that Wally was a costume designer; he would have been a poor actor. Bruiser was teasing him by going in slowly.

"Billy's cum is smooth as silk," Bruiser said. "I am enjoying this trip up your behind. Did I mention that I shoot a huge load. Guys complain I make a mess." It didn't make a mess. Bruiser's body shivered and convulsed as he shot off. He had a whole body orgasm.

It turned out this was the last day Wally mourned his late partner. Wally had something to live for again. We talked for a while afterwards. When Wally's ass began to ooze cum, I used my cock to push it back into his ass.

Wally loved that. He loved it a lot. He shot off and Bruiser was nice enough to swallow the load as Wally ejaculated. I found out later that was a big deal. Wally hadn't climaxed since his partner died. This turned out to mark the return to normal life for Wally.

The next day I inherited Laredo, a client from one of our masseurs, Phil. Phil's father died and his mother needed help. Laredo was an older cop nearing sixty who was known as a grouch. Phil's nickname for him was Sunshine.

Phil asked me to take him, since Laredo was a difficult man, and ugly as sin. He had been badly beaten by some thugs and almost died. He had been pasted back together. He was offered retirement, but went back to office work. Apparently Phil thought since I couldn't see Laredo, his bad looks wouldn't bother me. I didn't complain about that, but I wasn't pleased.

Laredo wasn't as unpleasant as I was told. I later found out that he was self conscious about his appearance. A young, all-but-blind masseur was fine for him. I wasn't a trained masseur, but massages are not exactly rocket science. I worked on the scar tissue and that seem to help him some. I also discovered he had a thick cock with a thick foreskin.

At the same time I discovered it was fully functional. I asked if he wanted his cock massaged. Of course he said that would be fine. I then asked if he wanted a manual, oral, or anal massage. He replied that was up to me.

I soon discovered that my tight ass and even tighter sphincter wrapped around his cock did wonders for his personality. It was a nice pick me up for me too. It was a good fit and he was responsive. When he got close he warned me he was getting close, I told him to relax and enjoy himself.

He shot off Old Faithful style. It felt good, but I had a sense that it was even better for him. Laredo was relaxed and happy when he left. A week later he made another appointment. He was surprised I put him on my list of regulars.

Laredo's real name was Larry. He was afraid someone would discover his sexual preferences. After four or five weekly visits he finally relaxed and let himself enjoy sex. He also confessed that he hadn't wanted to use a blind masseur, but he figured I wouldn't be able to identify him. He had been a quick blow job type of guy. He wasn't Phil's type. I don't think I have a type. He was just a guy, not an ugly guy to me.

As a part of my rectal massage, I also introduced him to his prostate. It's really exciting for a sixty-year-old man to find a new sex organ. Since his prostate had never been used for recreational purposes before he was pleased. I was afraid being taught new trick by a young guy might offend him. That was not a problem.

We talked some and it was clear that physical pleasure was not an important part of Larry's life. He liked the sense of belonging the police gave him. He liked catching the bad guys and protecting the week and vulnerable. He asked me if I was slumming. He though he was a charity case.

He also thought I was vulnerable and needed to be protected. I didn't think that way. I was born functionally blind. That was the world I knew. Larry had been a strong man, he felt weakened and diminished after his injury. Sex with Larry was good for me, but I had a feeling it was better for him. He wasn't weak or damaged goods to me.

He also relaxed and was comfortable with me. He was all man with a taste for cock. He didn't need to be worried about his appearance since I was the only man in the room. There ware no witnesses.

He asked me what a cock felt like up my ass. I told him I liked it if a guy was nice and careful, it was exciting when I felt a man's sperm spurting in my ass.

"Mine felt good?" he asked.

"You shoot off fire hose style. That feels great. No one but you and I know what is happening," I said.

"You like me shooting off in your ass?" he asked. "Do you want to do me?"

"That depends on you," I said. "I don't share my load with a man who doesn't want it. Somehow, it seems too personal to waste where it isn't wanted."

"Do most guys want it?" he asked.

I smiled. "That's the wrong question. It's what you want. It makes no difference what most guys want," I explained. "As far as I can tell, cock sucking always works. Taking it in the ass isn't as sure fire.

I am not sure Larry could ever feel completely relaxed. I also knew that taking a cock in the ass for the first time was never relaxing. He called before he came to see me the next week; he wanted me to fuck him. He asked for an evening appointment.

When he arrived, I could tell he was nervous. "I feel like a dog learning a new trick," he said. "Learning new things is hard for me."

"If I told you that some thing teach themselves, would you feel better?" I said.

Larry looked puzzled, and then laughed. He began to strip. Ten minutes later all was well. He was a man, and all men share the same sex drive. A pal of mine said the drive might be directed at a woman, or a man, but the drive remained pretty much the same.

I dropped to my knees and began to suck him. He was rock hard in seconds. A little later he was on his back with his legs on my shoulders. I knew about his injuries, so I was careful. My cock was well lubricated and much to my surprise his ass hole offered no resistance.

I was surprised that his sphincter offered little resistance. I pushed hard and a second or two later my cock head was cuddled against his prostate. He moaned. I jiggled my cock and Larry moaned, seconds later my cock was the honored guest in a very needy ass.

I didn't think he had any expectations that getting fucked would be good for him. I don't think he knew that the prostate was a stealth sexual organ. My knob caught him by surprise. He had no ideal he could feel so much. It was a success. While I pushed deep, I made sure my cock head made many repeat visits to his prostate. It was exciting to be a sixty-year-old man and discover a new sex organ.

He asked if it we been okay for me.

"Larry, I am pretty sure that my rock hard cock massaging your ass is a sign of approval," I said.

"You haven't shot off yet," he murmured.

I told him I was hoping that his orgasm would trigger mine. "Show me how much you like it?

Larry laughed. Maybe 30 seconds later I felt him twitch and shiver. My cock liked that and I began to ejaculate. He moaned as he felt me ejaculating.

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