Unexpected Master

By Chris Johns

Published on Jan 10, 2007


Usual legal stuff guys. All of my stories are copyright, this one included, not to be reproduced or sold for profit.

Legal age to view Homoerotic material and for your country of viewing. Don't want you to get into trouble.

This story is complete in 8 Chapters, already written so no hanging around, I will post at least one every week until they are all in place for your enjoyment.

Most of my stories have some cp and humiliation in them, and always loads of love and affection. This one is no exception. Nick Prentice is a macho jock, heterosexual male, he thought, until he met Casson Croxford. Cass is a beautiful, subservient, little guy, gay and a prey for bullies. He's not Hans Christian Anderson's Ugly Duckling who turns into a beautiful swan. He's the Beautiful Swan that just gets more beautiful and as he matures, more regal. Enjoy


Chapter 1- The Beginning

I had never understood bullies. The closest my thinking could come to it was low self-esteem encased in a big body. `Look at me, see how big and tough I am when beating up on some kid half my size, particularly if I have several buddies with me.' Perhaps I was just a big softy.

Me, I'm Nick Prentice, my scene was Football. A fanatic at it which is why at eighteen I'm not going to University with my peers. Advanced certificate results for me had been devastating. I could have gone to Uni. to study for some useless arts degree which would just about qualify me to serve burger and fries at Mac Donald's. I wanted to get into computers, huh, who doesn't, so after talking to Mum and Dad I re-mustered to do my sixth form years all over again to get my grades high enough for my ambitions. A bummer huh. Back to school after the summer break to sit with sixteen year olds and do two more years before going to Uni. only this time I was going to study and Winter Football, Summer Athletics would have to be a low priority. It was kind of nice to start with, I had been a bit of a hero to the lower class guys because I was Captain of the football team and a more than adequate sprinter. Great body, well, four times a week serious workout I should have. Six foot and a couple of inches by the way. Everybody said I had looks to die for, Mum and Dad's genes combined there, they were a very handsome couple. All round I was considered a nice guy. I was pleased because I tried. Mum and Dad had brought me up to show respect for everyone so I called my elders Sir or Ma'am without a problem, I treated my peers with respect and the younger people I came into contact with as well. I never put people down and I would never stand by and watch people hurt, or the big one, bullied. That was how I came to a position that I found really strange only a couple of months into my first term after re-mustering.

Just a bit more about me before I tell you my strange story. My grandparents died a couple of years ago and left me their house and a little bit of money. I modernised the house, bought myself a car as soon as I was seventeen and had my licence, still had enough left to be self sufficient until I was about twenty five. Neat huh. Oh, not something I was real proud of but I was a pussy magnet and took advantage of it. Bad week when I didn't get at least two pieces of tail and with my own pad it was just too easy. Now I had a whole new bunch of girls chasing me I didn't see that changing any time soon.

I still played football and worked out, but now I went home to study instead of going out to party. I started to get A's for everything, even the new subjects I was taking so it began to look worth it.

If I had known what I was letting myself in for the day I stepped in to rescue Cass I might have walked by. No not really, not in my nature. I was finished football training and on my way home to study. As I passed the swim team section of the locker room I saw four of the Rugby jocks kicking the shit out of a little chap that I recognised as one of the swim team.

"What the fuck are you guys trying to do? Kill him."

Tony Francis who I knew as the school bully sneered at me and said.

"Yeah we caught this little queer checking us out in the showers so we're teaching him a lesson."

"And it takes four twelve stone rugby players to teach one nine stone swimmer a lesson. You guys are so fucking brave, now leave him alone or you can try to teach me a lesson."

Another sneer and the comment.

"Don't you want us to fuck him up in case he can't blow you tonight then?"

I hit him, only once, but hard, he went down like a falling tree.

"Get him the fuck out of here the rest of you because if he stands up under his own power I'm going to knock him down again and if any of you touch this kid again I'll do the same to you."

They went and I had a look at the kid. He was only clad in his boxers so I could see where he had been kicked. It looked bad and I'm no doctor so I called for the ambulance and police. Tedious, but I found out later the best thing I had ever done. He would have died if I hadn't, life threatening internal injuries. I packed all his clothes into his sport bag and took them to the hospital. They told me he was in surgery, touch and go. His name was Casson Croxford, not easily forgotten. I spent a couple of hours at the police station giving a statement and that was my evening study shot.

The next day I went via the hospital on my way home and was allowed in to see him. He knew me but I didn't really know him other than as a member of the swim team.

"Hello Cass how you feeling."

"Much better thank you Sir. I understand you saved my life. Thank you."

"No problem, glad you're on the mend. I'm Nick by the way. I just popped in to see how you were and to make sure you have everything you need."

"Yes thank you Sir, my Mum brought me things."

"Ok Cass, and you don't have to call me Sir, we're in the same year now I'm not a teacher."

"I know, you're Nick Prentice, I used to watch you all the time at track training."

He blushed, realising what he had said.

"Oh do you do field events then?"

The blush got deeper and he wouldn't look at me as he replied,

"No I'm a swimmer."

Weird I thought but left it.

"Ok Cass, well I have to be off. Pleased you're on the mend."

"Thank you Sir for rescuing me and coming to see me."

I waved and left. What a cute kid and so damned polite. If he was a little queer he was the nicest little queer I had ever met and no way was I going to let him be bullied for the next two years if I could help it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Poor little bastard, it was over a month before he came back to school. He still looked ill and the first time I saw him my heart bled for him. The four bullies had been convicted and sent to borstal. I hoped they went through hell. The result though was a certain notoriety. The girls that wanted to get into my pants thought going through Cass was a good way to do it when they saw how concerned I was for him. They treated him like a little brother. It was great. I think he loved it too, and I certainly did. It was good to see him start to blossom again. He resumed swimming training so I frequently saw him in the showers and changing rooms. I would josh him about wandering eyes in the showers and he used to blush. I'd give him a hug and he was fine. He almost worshipped me, which I found uncomfortable and he kept calling me Sir.

Cass had no dad, I had no siblings, he became like a little brother to me and I became a sought of father figure to him despite the fact I was only two years older than him and in the same year at school.

The rumours about him being gay came alive again and that worried me. I didn't want anymore Homo-phobic bullies hitting on him. I needed to sort it. The next time I saw him in the locker rooms I said to him.

"Cass, are you doing anything after this?"

"No Sir, just heading off home."

"Would you like to come home with me, I want to talk to you."

"Ok, no problem."

"How do you get to school?"

"Bus Sir."

"Ok, do you want to call your Mum and tell her you're going to be late? I'll drive you home later."

"Er, I don't have a phone Sir."

Christ, I thought everybody in the U.K. had a cell.

"'K, use mine."

We got to my place and he was goggle eyed that I had a nice car and my own house. I got us drinks and some nibbles, took them through to the lounge and put them on the coffee table. One of the coasters slid onto the floor in front of me and quick as a flash Cass was on his knees picking it up, but he didn't get up. He was kneeling with his eyes level with my crutch. He looked at it, blushed and looked at me.

"What you doing down their youngster?"

Very softly he said.

"This is where I belong Sir, at your feet."

His eyes returned to my crutch.

"See something you like Cass?"

Again a very quiet, "Yes Sir?"

This looked as though I could save myself a lot of talking.

"Do you want to touch it?"

"Yes please Sir."

"Go ahead then."

One hand moved slowly to my bulge and he started to stroke it. Of course it got hard, pretty damn quickly actually.

"Do you want to look at it?"

His eyes shot up to look at me for a moment and he almost gasped out,

"Oh yes please Sir."

"Ok, drop my pants and boxers."

He did in double quick time. As my meat jumped out and smacked against my belly he jumped then just stared at it.

"You can touch it Cass."

He did, very gently to start with just stroking it. Then he gripped it and started to jack me off. He looked up at me to see my reaction. I tousled his hair, bent over and pulled my boxers and jeans up.

"Ok, let's sit, you've answered a few questions for me."

He was looking very apprehensive as we sat next to each other on the settee turned to face each other.

"You're gay Cass, yes?"

"I think so, but I've never done anything until just now."

I was astonished.

"Would you like to finish what you started?"

He looked about ready to cry as he looked at me with his beautiful blue oversized eyes.

"Yes please Sir."

I took him in my arms and cuddled him.

"It's ok Cass, you aren't in any trouble. You're taking psychology as a major aren't you?"

"Yes Sir."

"So if I said you were a submissive you would know what I meant?"

"Yes Sir."

"And are you?"

" Yes Sir."

"And you want me to be your Master?"

"Yes please Sir."

Christ, what the fuck was I getting myself involved in? I had never had any kind of sexual contact with a guy. I had always been such a jock that from about twelve onwards girls had thrown themselves at me. I had checked out guys in the showers, well I had to make sure I was ok in the cock area against my peers but never thought about touching one of them.

"Ok Cass, first things first. Let's get your mind off my cock so that we can really talk. Take my trousers and boxers off and finish what you started."

He did and knelt between my legs and jacked me off. I could see his mouth getting closer to my cock head so I stopped that.

"You may not touch my cock with your mouth Cass, just jack me to orgasm."

It was good, I had a great orgasm covering my belly in jism. I sent him off to the bathroom for a flannel and towel, made him clean me up and re-dress me.

"Now, life story, quickly."

He looked a little surprised but I got what I wanted.

"I was born here, up on the council estate, (Government housing for you guys that aren't familiar with the English system). My Dad died when I was three so I never really knew him. Mum said he was nice man but when he died we had no money. Mum works two jobs now so I don't see much of her but she loves me lots. I have no brothers or sisters, a couple of aunts and uncles and cousins, but no one close. I have a part time job to earn my pocket money. I thought I might be gay from about twelve but I have never done anything about it. I think I was just too scared until today. I love you Sir and I think you look after me so I didn't think you would hurt me."

Shit, love, ooh, dangerous.

"I'm not gay Cass, I like what you just did and I'll probably like more but if I'm going to look after you I expect you to do everything I tell you. No ifs or buts. I don't have time to tell you things twice or check up that you're doing them. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir."

"Ok, I want you to stop calling me Sir at school, it's ok here though. I also want you to know that I will never hurt you except if you disobey me in which case I will punish you, ok?"

His face lit up.

"Thank you Sir. I will try to be good all the time. I don't want you to have to punish me."

I guess that was the start of me being a Dom. He had made his commitment to me, now I had to follow it through.

This first chapter has, I hope set the scene. For all you cock hounds, plenty of sex in subsequent chapters

Next: Chapter 2: Unexpected Master 2

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