Unexpected Moon

By James Bernard

Published on Dec 4, 2010


Stephanie Meyer created this and has made a wonderful story. It has made alot of teens to go gaga.

Unexpected Moon: Chapter 5

I walked around looking at my life and such....thinking I could do more. I walked outside, while everyone was still dealing with the Volturi. I practiced my powers and got to realize maybe I could control, generate, and manipulate more than what I know I can. Maybe control over nature, could be my power.

I sat on the grass and focused, I could see water particles in the air....I focused on gathering them...at first nothing, then it started to happen. The water gathered until it was a floating ball of water in my hand. In my other I focused to make the air dry and spark-able, in a matter of seconds the molecules in the air sparked and I had a ball of fire in the other hand...but it didn't hurt me like fire should to vampires. I combined them both causing steam, and from the steam I mixed the molecules until friction was caused making electricity. I did the same thing again to make a fire and water ball again, to try and do something differently. "Hey Gaian, what are you doing?" Jake asked, getting closer to me. I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing and it caused the fire and water molecules to mix in a different form causing light.

Everyone came outside to see what was going on, the show also caught the attention of the Volturi. Clapping "Great show, will there be another?" Marcus said smiling, trying to sound witty for an old guy.

"Yeah next show is in five minutes....or now." I say trying it again, and this time watching to see how it worked. It finally made it and light was show again, as a mini sun.

It began to get hot and I tossed it, when it touched the ground it seemed to disintegrated the ground. I picked it up and crushed it in my hand, it sent a wave of light that felt pretty hot, but bearable.

"Interesting..." Aro said lowly, but I could pick it up. Edward heard my thoughts so, he definitely heard it. Jasper felt my feelings and knew something was up, but not sure what. Chelsea seemed to have an 'Eureka' look, she held Aro's hand and he smiled. "We must leave. Volturi...we take our leave." Aro, Caius, and Marcus said thinking the same thing. They wanted to think of a plan to use what they have learned against us.

We said our goodbyes, Aro thought I was hiding something and so I had to touch his hand. He started to smile, he seriously gives me the creeps. As they left, I felt like this was far from over; they will be back. I turned, and went inside feeling like I was going to throw up...only problem is that, it's impossible for me to throw up...I have now liquids in my body, besides the lower liquids if you know what I mean. "Relax, they left. Everything is going to be fine." Jackson said, sounding like he was trying to convince himself more than me. "Then why do you seem....afraid?" I asked, tilting my head to the right. My red hair shining in the light, as the wind blew it gave it the look of fire. "Truthfully, I think they will be back. Just next time...what? They wouldn't leave just like that....besides Alice saw them try to take you.....it hasn't happened yet." He said, and he didn't make me feel any better. I wanted to scream, but Jasper's powers soon caught me. "Thanks, Jaz." I said, with him nodding in a 'You're Welcome.' sort of fashion.

(Night Time.)

I was practicing my powers all day and came to realize that, I can control Nature. "Amazing..." Carlisle said, in a professional tone. "I only know ONE vampire with those powers....but yours are different. He can only control the elements. You do that and more, you can use telekinesis to manipulate your surroundings...even more than usual." I just smiled this is fun, lifting a few rocks with my mind...I pushed and forced them to a different shape. It looked like an elephant, I levitated it to Nessie. "Aaaw! Thank you." she smiled happily at her new gift and kissed me on the cheek.

Jake just smiled, and came and took a look at the elephant. "Pretty cool...can you make one of a wolf?" he asked, trying to hide the fact that he wanted a stone figurine aswell. "Umm, ok. I can try." I said, floating a few marble rocks from the road way.

I pulled them together, and thought about them exploding...cracking...the marble rocks slowly cracked and exploded, within 15 minutes of forceful pushin...I was a beginner. I thought of them turning into dust, it began to look like white sand floating in a snake like formation. I summoned it to my hand, forcing it to a wolf shape, and using it biology against it. In a matter of seconds, I had a marble wolf figurine. "Like this??" I asked Jake, handing it to him mentally. "Yes! It's perfect." he exclaimed in admiration of the work of the wolf.

I thought of something....lifting more rocks and doing the same thing again. (It was quicker now that I knew how.) I instead shaped the powder into a rose, "Oooo, that's pretty." Nessie said, smiling. "Thanks, I want to give it to Jackson." I said smiling back at her, walking inside. Jackson was reading a personal journal of Carlisle's of all the vampire's he has ever met. It was a small book, that was in brown leather.

"Hey..." I bit my lip seductively, handing him the flower. "Oh, that is amazing...thank you." he said, giving me a heated kiss that lasted for 5 minutes. "Jackson..." taking the book out of his hand and putting it on the desk, I sat in his lap. "Jackson.....I'm ready." I said, biting my lip seductively again. His eyes widened, "Are you sure?" he said, he said his voice seeming to break from the anxiousness. "Jet' Adore." He said, speaking french. "I love you too." I said, as he got up and picked me up; up the stairs and to our room.

In a matter of seconds, he had my clothes off. He was sucking on my nipples, and they got hard and erect. moan With my newborn strength, I flipped us over; kissing him deeply, our tongues doing the forbidden dance of battle. I went down his neck and sucked on his adam's apple, causing him to groan. I accidentally ripped his clothes, "Oh sorry." Feeling like a total loser.... "It's alright. You're still new to this." he said and he took the rest off. Revealing an 8in in all of it's glory, it is my first time....I'm not sure I can take it. I took it in my mouth causing it to harden to its full length, I was bobbing on the head until I took the chance and took it all into my throat. I could feel my throat pushing and constricting as his cock was inside of it. The taste was amazing, I couldn't get enough as a bead of precum after another started to spill in my mouth and down to my gullet. Jackson was breathing heavy, "Oh gawd, dear lord...so good." he said, making me want to go even more.

"Stop, if you don't I will cum." He said, pulling me up. He flipped us over and I was on bottom, He began his attack on my chest. Trailing his tongue around my nipples, biting them, causing me to squeal. He smiled, looking up at me with my nipple in his mouth. I began to play with the other and as he sucked, then began his descent. I couldn't look, I closed my eyes. Feeling his tongue trail down, until it was lapping at the tip of my member. He swirled his tongue around the head and then started bobbing his head.

"Oh dear God." I said gasping, this felt amazing...I'm glad I waited. He stopped, and devoured my sac, sucking on each globe before the other. I was about to cum, but he stopped. Going for my pink hole, licking it. "Oh God, please stop teasing me....I can't take it, enter me." I said, pushing him, He climbed up to me and kissed me, then entered me. I could feel the head first, there was never any pain, just pure pleasure. It was going in inch by inch. "Man, your so hot and tight inside. I love it." He moaned and began to pump into me. My body lerched forward with each pump making me feel like cumming...but holding it off.

30 minutes of slow pumping he began to pound my ass, I was squaling from the pleasure. He was hitting something in me, sending waves of electricity in my body. He started going fast and deep, I gasped and our body's tensed as he came. The warmth from it was amazing it was gushing all over my insides, I could literally hear the sloshing. moan "That was amazing." I said kissing him, "I know, it was the most perfect moment in my life." He said, kissing me even more deeply than we have ever. I could feel the tip of his tongue in my throat.

We layed in the bliss feeling that comes after sex, with your true love.

In the other room, I could hear something....Jasper's groaning as it sounded like he was getting fucked...by Emmett. "Wow, they're going at it?" I asked, Jackson just smiled, "Don't worry, you'll soon be going through what Jasper is...getting fucked by his brothers." I smiled as I could hear Edward and Jacob in there aswell. The girls were out hunting, so the guys were able to get away with it.

I listened even more, as I could hear Edward being pounded by Jacob; he was enjoying it more than anything. "Oh yeah!....Oh yeah, fuck that ass!" Edward urged him, the pounding sounded like it was getting harder and faster as a slapping sound could be heard. No doubt, the sound of Jake's sac slapping Edward's ass. Jasper was panting like a bitch in heat, as an empath...he was the luckiest in these moments. He felt everyone's pleasure, aswell as his own and it was driving him insane. I could feel everything he was feeling, as he pushed it to me...I gasped, and so did Jackson. The pleasure was intesene, next thing we knew we all came at the same time...Jackson and I, without even touching ourselves. We all let out a shout as we came.

I breathed a sigh, this was just getting better and better. I closed my eyes and layed on Jackson's chest. Even though I couldn't sleep, I felt like resting. Jackson was rubbing my back, and I kissed his chest. We both sighed, in peace.

(In Volterra, Italy)

It was beautiful, a city next to a cliff. The buildings were old, yet they had history. The paintings and architecture was amazing, angel statues and paintings of people being killed were on the walls. Everyone was happy except, The Volturi.

"He is becoming a risk. Did you see what he did? It was an accident...think what would happen if he actually tried." Marcus said to Aro, Marcus seriously wanted to end my life. He didn't want to really kill me, just that he didn't want to face me....not when I'm experienced.

"Marcus is right. Think what would happen if he was to be used against us. The last time we all went to face them, not just the Cullens showed up. Vampires from different covens all over the world came, even dhampir's. Though they aren't a threat, they might be able to do certain things....and the shape-shifters we thought to be werewolves. They are obviously capable of fighting us, we barely held are own...and we didn't even fight. Now, think what would happen if all of that happened again; they had him on their side....it will be the extinction of the Volturi itself. " Caius said trying to reason with Aro, who still believed in a plan to use Chelsea, who sensed a problem with the Cullens relationship with Gaian. They realized that, for some reason they had stronger emotional ties to me;but something recently has changed it.

"My lords, we have found the one you seek." Demetri says proudly, making the guard haul in a vampire who has been messed with as a child. As a child Elizabeth Wortkit, was raped by her drunken father; as well as beaten. She has been made criminally insane, and with her transformation she has gained the power to control.....only she isn't able to control herself...just other's minds. She is a 5ft. 4in. strawberry blonde, with red eyes due to the fact of her thirst. She is completely unpredictable and has been known to appear fine in one moment, then attack and or kill whatever she can get her hands on.

"What do you want with me?!!!!" She exclaimed holding herself tightly, as if she was about to fall apart. "We have a special plan, that can only be accomplished by your hands." Aro says smirking at knowing what is to come.....

(A few weeks later)

We have been hankering for this MALE bonding for awhile now. As we got to the place where we were going to have our campout, the tension began to feed on all of us, Jasper's power immediately took affect. Instead he sent a way of intense lust directly to me, I fell on the floor panting. "Inside.....Please!" I yelled gasping for air. "Well you heard him everyone." Carlisle said smiling, they all immediately took off their clothes; as well as mine. Emmett, lifted my legs and stared at my whole. "Wow, look at that pink hole." He bite his bottom lip in anticipation, he licked around my hole. I started to squirm, but his steel trap arms held me down. I was bobbing his head, sticking his tongue in my hole eating me out. Gasping "Oh Emmett, you feel amazing." I say looking around everyone else is already fucking and getting fucked. Edward fucking Carlisle, Jackson fucking Jacob, and Jasper came up to me, bringing us in a 69' position as we all moaned and groaned from the pleasure; being boosted by Jasper.

He brought us all into an orgasm at the same time. I swallowed Jasper's cum, while he swallowed mine;and Emmett's load shot into me, warming me up. (To human's we feel cold....to eachother we fell really warm, lol.)

(After switching places a few times and fucking for a week....I had a load from everyone in the family, even Jake, inside of me. We walked home, as soon as we reached it.....The Volturi were here....well, Jane, Alec, Chelsea, a few of the guards....as well as a lady. She was a 5ft. 4in. strawberry blond lady who looked pretty...but she seemed to have a weird eye twitch.

"Well finally the man of the hour." Jane says smiling, "Alright you crazy bitch, let's get this over with...I want to go home." The girls came running outside, but was held back by the guards. Looking behind me, so were the guys...they were struggling, but couldn't get away from the guards. I felt a pressure in my mind, it was hurting. I tried to force back, but Chelsea seemed to join....the pressure doubled and I fell to my knees yelling; the pressure causing a major migraine.

"Stop it! Va te faire foutre, enculé!" Jackson yelled completely pissed off. He opened his mouth which seemed to glow and breathed fire. The fire didn't go far, as it was stopped by the guard holding him. I looked in horror, as he covered his mouth;bringing his other hand to the back of Jackson's head and snapped it off. I shrieked in both sorrow and pure rage, as I thought my mate was dead.

I couldn't take it, with the pressure in my head......I snapped. 'Fuck them! All of them!' I thought and pushed back completely, causing the lady and Chelsea to fall to their knees. "Die!" I snarled, twirling my hand in a 'talk to the hand', (Think, Queen Akasha from "Queen of the Damned".) blood-curdling screams

The within their bodies' they burst into a brilliant flame, of light and heat. The flames kept their shape, as the bodies until completely engulfed in seconds. As quick as the fires started, they were out. laughing madly There's no point in life anymore, my mate is dead. Aaah! I was hit from a mental attack by Jane, and a mist started to take me.....it was coming from Alec. I couldn't see or hear anything, all of my senses were cut off. The darkness took me and all of the Cullens, and next thing I knew I was infront of the Volturi.................in Volterra, Italy.

The Cullens were coming back to there senses realizing that I was gone, and Jackson was headless. His body was crawling on the floor, looking for his head. "Oh jeez, let me help you." Alice said, grabbing his head and putting it back. The venom from his body sealed it back up and he started to crack his neck to make sure it was on right.

"Where is he?? Where is Gaian?!" He asked in a loud voice practically yelling in anger and rage. "Where is my mate!?!" He exclaimed knocking over trees, he even began to breath fire into the air; all who were around could see that he was royally ticked off and worried.

Jasper had a hard time calming him down, Esme and Carlisle grabbed him into a hug. He began to sob violently, the fact that he couldn't literally produce tears made him feel worse. The Volturri had Gaian, and he couldn't do anything about it. They finally won........"NO! NO THEY HAVEN'T" Edward yelled angrily, this was definitely not over. "It's not over, not by a long shot. We WILL get Gaian back, we WILL be a family again...and we WILL finally KILL the Volturi" Jasper said feeling the same spirit. "We won't just wait.......everyone get ready. Get clothes, get everyone we know. This time.....they have gone to far." Carlisle says, fatherly and commanding at the same time.

They all went off into the night, gathering everything they needed. They went for movable clothes that were light, but durable. They all remembered their ways to communicate with each vampire they met from last time. Jake went to the entire pack, and they all agreed to help. The Quileute wolves agreed, because they didn't like The Volturi and it would also help with Nessie. Alice saw nobody losing, but she couldn't see anything that well....the wolves were involved.

It was going to get bad, no one knew what to expect....this was going to get pretty nasty.

(This is the next chapter sorry for taking so long. Life is getting crazy, but I'm still alive. Feedback please. Also I was told I should slow down by a few a fans.......not sure why I would think people would want more of the story out.Till next time.)

Next: Chapter 6

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