Unexpected Moon

By James Bernard

Published on Jan 31, 2011


Yippy it's here! Lol. Thanks to Stephanie Meyer for the saga. Keep the rules, If you're too young don't read. If you find male/male pairings immoral...then whatcha doing here...in the gay section? Lol jp. Anyways here's the story.

Unexpected Moon:Chapter 8

I was out in Esme's garden, manipulating the flowers and plants with my telekinesis... I learned that I was just capable of telekinesis...But it was sooo advanced I could manipulate whatever I wanted.

As I sat and enjoyed the sun as it broke through the trees and clouds, the flowers bloomed to my emotions. I grabbed weeds I felt eyes on me..."Jackson." He came out from hiding. "You're always observant." "Kinda hard not to be. I can feel it...everything. Never mind that now, how exactly did you get the ability to breath fire?" I asked, a smirk appeared on his face.

"When I was 19...I went to a circus...and after having a fight with my family, I ran away and joined it. It was during this time that I was a clown, blowing fire. I even swallowed it...ummm...

I walked into the tent blowing fire all over the place, it was at this time that my eyes caught onto a lady. Elicia Martin Lafloure, she was amazing...the glow in her eyes. She would dance around in the flames, one night she lured me away into the animal holdings.

Of course this was before I knew I like guys...we made out. She then bite me....apparently thats how I was able to breath fire from then on. It doesn't affect me like it does with most vampires...I'm one of the very few who are flame proof." I smiled knowing alittle bit more of Jackson.

"In New York, my parents had me doing alot of tests. I was strapped to wires and had things plugged into me. It was unbearable, but I made it through...Of course my parents didn't know that they were doing this to me...they just thought I was being IQ tested. They put a drug in me, that was suppose to enhance brain waves. It was suppose to help unlock any potential I had...the real reason why I was on vacation was to escape them. My parents found out and took me here, on the other side of America. So apparently that could be how I got my powers." He kissed me, as he could tell it would help me relax.

"It's alright love. Everything is alright." He hugged me tightly. I hugged back, "Oww." he said, letting go, "You're still very strong." I kissed him, "Sorry." he only nodded.

"Alright...it's time." We got dressed, him in a black tuxedo. Alice had an red revealing shroud, that I would wrap up in. I looked like a girl...I didn't think it was okay until the girls talked me into atleast trying it. I liked it.

Alice and Rosalie did my hair, having it down. Flowers in my hair, and I felt like a girl. It was a one time thing, something I kept saying.

I walked downstairs and outside, we were getting married outside. All of the Covens were there, all who saved me. As I got outside, Carlisle and Esme took my arms. I had a purple, pink, and red rose bouquet. Jasper was the justice of the peace, giving him the ability to marry us.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Nathan Kelis Jackson and Gaian Agatha Matthews in matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and therefore -- is not by any -- to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly -- but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together -- let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

No one spoke, "The rings?" Jasper asked, and Edward on cue walked up with the rings on a dark blue pillow.

"Now the couple have their vows, that they would like to speak." He smiled and nodded to Jackson.

"I Nathan Kelis Jackson, give you Gaian Agatha Matthews, this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." He slipped the ring on my finger. "I promise to love you, to protect you, to always be there for you. I have never loved another, like I love you." I wanted to cry, I was sniffling happily out of habit but nothing came out.

"I Gaian Agatha Matthews, give you Nathan Kelis Jackson, this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment to you. May no other come between us. I love you with all of my heart. Ever since we met in the forest. I know there is nothing you wouldn't do for me...as I have the same love for you. I love you with all that I am." I slipped the ring on his finger, "You may now kiss the...er...bride-groom." It was like the world slowed down as we kissed, he wrapped me in his arms the warmth and softness was amazing. I loved it, it took me a minute to register that everyone was cheering...rather loudly.

We walked away to the party, Jackson and I kissed before dancing a waltz. We put something with a latin flare on, "Mondo Bongo" by Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros. It began to rain heavily, the thunder didn't deterr the music. Everything was fine, Jackson and I melted into eachother. The music took us, I was slowly belly dancing infront of him. He ripped some of the veils off, revealing my stomach and hips, my shoulders, and arms. My back was to him, he put his arm out and I grabbed it while I danced up to him. A hand on my shoulder turned me around, we were in step. I was on top of him even more now, he was hard.

The song ended and another came on, "She Ain't Got The Boom Like I Do" by Blaque filled the air. I was going hip hop, Jackson didn't seem to understand this one. He just tried to adapt to me, I had my hips twisting back and forward in lightning fast motions as the lightning flashed, "Crazy In Love" by Beyonce turned on and by this time Jackson got into it.

I couldn't help but sing along, people were laughing and clapping. Edward and Bella were dancing, Edward was just like Jackson. Alice and Jasper were better dancers, Carlisle and Esme were catching on. Rosalie was making her own moves, but it worked for her. Emmett was grinding into her.

Karaoke started, everyone laughed and cheered. Bella and Edward sang a duet, "What's My Name?" by Rihanna ft. Drake. Good thing there was the screen that gave the words or Edward would have been lost.

Alice started a chant, "Gaian! Gaian! Gaian!" Everyone picked up and Alice pulled me on the stage I was full of stage fright.

"Comeon you can do it." Jacob and the La Push shapeshifters cheered. I wasn't expecting them, but hey more the merrier.

The song came on, "Flaws And All" by Beyonce.

"I'm a train wreck in the morning I'm a bitch in the afternoon Every now and then without warning I can be really mean towards you

I'm a puzzle yes indeed Ever complex in every way And all the pieces aren't even in the box And yet, you see the picture clear as day

I don't know why you love me And that's why I love you You catch me when I fall Accept me flaws and all And that's why I love you And that's why I love you And that's why I love you

I neglect you when I'm working When I need attention I tend to nag I'm a host of imperfection And you see past all that

I'm a peasant by some standards But in your eyes I'm a queen You see potential in all my flaws And that's exactly what I need

[2x] I don't know why you love me And that's why I love you You catch me when I fall Accept me flaws and all And that's why I love you And that's why I love you And that's why I love you"

Jackson looked like he would cry from joy if it wasn't impossible. He walked up and kissed me, then took the microphone.Everyone was cheering for me, and him. "There Goes My Baby" by Usher played and Jackson seemed to know the words. He was amazing, I wanted to cry.

We began to dance again, Alice came up to me. "You guys have to get going. Your flight leaves soon." Jackson knew what she was talking about, I barely got to say good bye. As we were in a silver mustang, driving to the airport.

We passed security fine, I had to hold my breath and keep telling myself that I didn't want to drink from humans.

A few hours then we got into a taxic, which took us to a dock. We got into a speed boat and drove into the night. "Where are we going?" I asked wanting to know what's happening. "Shhh." Was the only reply, I was kissed once and he turned back to his driving. We finally reached an island. "Welcome to Isle Esme. Esme is letting us use it for our honeymoon." He kissed me, and I ripped off his clothes. He did the same to me. Without warning he pushed into me deeply, I let out an unintelligible sound that was a combination between a low yelp and a loud moan. Within minutes he came, but didn't stop. He was pounding into me, while kissing me.

This is how we stayed stuck for hours.

This is only getting better, I thought...What can go wrong????

(That's the next chapter, I hope you enjoy it. Feed back plz, loves it and need it to know if you guys are out there, or should I just stop writing. I know that I haven't posted any for awhile, I have just gotten busy. Boyfriend, school, I'm loving life, but I still haven't forgotten about my fans. Here's a shout out to YOU! I love you guys, you're what keeps me writing. Reach me at james17bernard@yahoo.com)

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