Unexpected Ownership

By Ash Eater

Published on Aug 20, 2019


It's seven months since I last wanked, seven months since I felt the joy of holding my dick, seven months of discomfort and fear that others would discover my secret, and six months since someone did discover it.

My 40 something birthday was approaching, I felt down single, unloved and unwanted. I couldn't remember the time I last actually had full on sex with anyone, it had been a years of just having a quick blow job in a dark room if I was lucky. I had in the last 18 months given myself a self imposed cum ban, lasting at most a month, and in most cases the first wank afterwards was so great that it became a habit cum ban, fantastic spunking session, cum ban.

As the birthday approached, I thought I'd take it to the next level, and get a cage. Went on line the repteduble stores had some really good ones, but I wasn't yet ready to shell out a huge sum of money and something I might only wear once. So I opted for a cheap knock off version from China.

Due to being out when the initial delivery was attempted, I had to wait 24 hours to collect it from the local delivery office. I rushed home excitedly, although I was also hoping that the guy behind the counter who handed it to me hadn't paid too much attention to the delivery label - ` CHASTITY CAGE' it screamed. I was relieved that neither my straight flatmate or a neighbour had been in to take possession of it.

I got home, ripped off the plastic wrapping and smiled. I sensibly tried the key and the lock were compatible, I had no plans on being in long term chastity, well not yet anyway, and had no idea who I'd have to contact should I need to be cut out of it.

The excitement had got me rather hard, but I decided on no last minute wank, it was now or never. On it went the lock engaged the key put away safely - somewhere easily accessible but not close at hand. The sensation of cold metal on my still pumped up shaft increased the feeling of horniness and the need to a sexual release, but also let me know that NO, I was for now a caged boy.

Over the next few days I wore it not constantly but regularly, it was an odd sensation and three days in I felt wearing in when going to a party on the extreme end of the Piccadilly line was not sensible, especially as later in the evening I was heading out to a club, and I didnt want this to be the night I actually pulled and then had to find myself explaining to whoever the story behind my chastity.

Unsurprisingly the next morning I woke alone having returned home after an uneventful night, but I decided that today was the day I'd keep it on as long as possible, navigating the sensations that occurred when peeing through metal, and the friction from sustained contact between foreskin, metal and the fabric of trousers- I realised that comando was the only way forward when the cage was on otherwise my crotch just looked obscene. I survived the day, my mind being pleased that the friends I met for lunch were totally oblivious to what I was up to.

The next morning, having had a less than perfect night sleep - spontaneous erections are not pleasant when the space to expand is restricted, I decided the next step was to wear it to the gym. Fortunately I live close by so there wasn't the prospect that I'd be spotted in the changing room.

It was leg day, deadlift, leg press, extensions front and back. The works, I planned on not being able to walk the next day. Everything was going smoothly, although mid way through the leg extension I spotted a glimmer of silver when I readjusted my shorts. Smiling to myself I thought if someone saw that they'd have no idea what it was.

Next up squats, I hate squats with a passion but they needed to be done, a light weight first to test the ground , as with all the other exercise I'd started a few Kilos lighter than usual just to make sure that my groin could cope in its constricted state. Fine, I thought I can do 18kg next. JusT as I was about to pick up the first dumbbell I felt an odd movement. The whole cage just fell on the floor.

Fuck. I quickly grabbed it put it in my pocket and tried my best to carry on with the rest of my routine. At this time of ten it was quiet the early arrivals had all gone, and it was still too early for the 10 o'clock class crowd. I was safe, no one would have spotted me.

Twenty or so minutes later I was home getting ready to shower. Cage less but after the unintentional exposure quite keen to get the cage back on in position again.

Over the next few days I experimented with the cage trying to work out the most comfortable way of wearing it, the best trousers etc. I went out for dinner and afternoon drinks with a friend, wearing rather tight fighting trousers , the bulge was apparently quite noticeable and frankly uncomfortable. None the less I sat there wearing it in a busy gay bar as office workers came in for a post work drink. It was a relief when my friend told me to take it off.

I decided that jeans - loose fighting ones were the best. I also worked out the best way to wear it at the gym.

One afternoon I walked out of the house, and before exiting the gate let someone walking his dog pass along the pavement, .

A thirty something chap, handsome and probably gay, but that wouldn't be a surprise, I only need to turn om recon or Gaydar and there's a good dozen gay men within a few hundred meters sometime even closer.

`Did he give a double take?' Perhaps. I smiled to myself.

The next morning after another gym session - this time unlocked, I didn't want to cause myself an injury in the HIIT class, or even worse have it come loose again, Rather than shower I had a quick wank, and got some breakfast. Porridge.

Back in my room I noticed a notification, a message on one of the apps. No need to get too excited they were usually either messages from twinks at the far end of the world who thought I was Daddy material or publicity messages from the app itself.

I turned to the message - it was from MasterM. I recognised the name , he had a headless profile shot - it was basically him in full leather, or occasionally one of his legs resting against the back of a willing human footrest. His profile made it clear he liked his men buff and submissive, and handsome, only one of these applied to me, I wasn't buff, and didn't consider myself handsome. The type of profile you skim over regularly and hope that he doesn't think you are a weird stalker type. I short I was nowhere near his league.

I opened up.

MasterM: ` Aren't you a dark horse?'

I responded


Thought this was too blunt and sent a second message quickly

`Sorry, Sir?'

MasterM: `Apology accepted - this time, and never forget the Sir again.'

"Ping" another message.

I thought I saw a cage drop out of your shorts at the gym last week, and last night that bulge I saw when I passed you, there's no way someone like you is that well endowed. Why weren't you wearing one today? From now on - I will expect you to always present yourself at the gym fully locked.

"Sorry Sir" I don't know what you mean?

"I think you do, you are obviously desperate to be locked. If not right now - you will be. You have ten minutes to get ready, I'm coming over. I know which block you're in which number? I'll ring the doorbell and I'll expect to be let in immediately."

Fuck I thought to myself - what do I do?

I'm waiting? What's the number

51 Sir.

"Ten minutes".

I sat down. Was he serious? What if he was? What next?

The bell went. There was only one thing I could do.

I lifted the receiver.

`Come in Sir' I pressed the buzzer and let Him in.

I waited whilst I heard his footsteps come up the stairs. He approached the door to the flat pushed me in and closed the door behind him

Hello boy, finally giving you a face to my profile. You look at me at least once a week, keep scrolling by don't you.

Yes Sir.

By the way don't get too excited, you are not my type, but that doesn't mean I'm going to end up controlling you. Drop your trousers ,

`Drop them Now.'

The door was still open , but I knew I had no choice. Down they went exposing my shrivelled dick.

`Disobeying your Master already I see' he said sternly. ``There won't be many opportunities for that in future' Now where's your bedroom? Oh by the way I was right that really is a pathetic excuse for a dick. It should be locked away for the good of humanity.

I pointed the way , and he walked into my room. I quickly closed the front door and waited.

`OK boi, come here.'

I walked in , my eyes looking to the floor. He had made himself comfortable, sitting in the armchair under the window.

Kneel, come over here and show me how much you need to serve.

I got to my knees my gym shorts still down by my ankles, and where as I would normally have walked over on all fours I knew that true submission required me to crawl. I was but a worm., the lowest of all creatures in the presence of greatness.

As I reached his boot , I paused. What now.

`I'm waiting, show Me your devotion' My mouth went down and touched the tip of his right boot I was just about able to get it positioned so the tongue could word its way round the tip, the surface and the bottom. After a few minutes I could feel my head being lifted as he moved his foot higher.

No time for breakfast I see , he said , my now cold bowl of porridge was lying there on the floor. He tipped it out ground his boot into it., and then slightly raised his leg. I want these treads cleaned.

My stomach turned at the thought of what else these boots could have been in , but my head sid this is what you need. `You need to serve, obey him' I started to eat my breakfast, bit of South London grit added some extra flavour.

I by this time was on my knees, his leg being supported by my hands. I realized this was not how I should be treating Master I maneuvered the leg so it rested on my bed, bits of porridge falling on to the mattress. I quickly eat these up and then went back to the sole of His boot. This allowed me to look at his face. He looked simultaneously bemused, and indifferent, bemused that here was I a 40 something man grovelling in his presence, indifference, as he knew that if it wasn't me it would have been some other fool.

Half an hour later his boot was clean, I proved that I was able to serve. Ok boy, heres the deal. I am now your Master. Don't get too excited I control many slaves but few get to have sex with me. You certainly won't. Now look at the dick, you wont be seeing it for a long while.

Four weeks later.

Since Master M's visit I had not seen him, but I was firmly under his control. My dick had been locked up he made sure that it was his locked and his key, and I was expected to send him regular photos throughout the day to prove it. When I woke up, at the gym, in work and before going to bed. To keep me on my toes he would also during the day send me a text message demanding a picture within ten minutes. No pleasantries just a curt `Ten minutes'

After the first week I had a message. It turned out that he was friends with two of the personal trainers at the gym I was now expected to report there twice a day, once in the morning before work at 5.30 , and once in the evening at 9.00. Trainer Dom in the morning Trainer Sam in the evening. This was regardless of whether or not I intended to exercise. On arrival I was to go upto them, and say `I'm ready for the inspection'

I was to then follow them into the room used by PTs to make client assessments, hand them my iphone and drop my trousers. Picture taken and sent. By the end of the first week Trainer Dom decided that I should start each morning session with his piss. He's hand me flask and instruct me to drink. Sometimes it was warm , still fresh, sometime it was cold acrid and nasty tasting. When I screwed up my face he took great delight in telling me that it had been waiting for me since he finished his shift the previous lunch time. Trainer Sam upped the anti. My protein powder was now fortified with his piss. In tis case never fresh obviously stale.

I had dutifully sent picture to Master M throughout this time, at the agreed time, and when demanded. But other than that no other contact. My brain tried to process this. I knew I wasnt his type, but I also knew that I was now his property, but at this stage it felt I was under the distant control of an absentee landlord.

Every Wednesday I worked from home, Master M, knew this having demanded I set out my itinerary to him the previous night. I'd finished at the gym, Trainer Dom had provided me with m orepiss than usual,fresh from his dick, and some really cold acrid stuff from the previous night . I was in the middle of the brushing my teeth for the third time to get rid of the flavour. With no success. The phone went - a message from Master M. `I'll be over in 30 minutes be ready for an inspection, prove you are a worthy slave'

What did that mean. I had shown I could obey orders but what else. It had been a while since I looked at his profile. I thought that might give a clue. It did, as well as making quite clear I was not his type it did set out Master M's expectations - he liked his slave's smooth froM the neck down.

At least that didn't mean getting rid OF my beard. But it meant any other bit of body hair would have to go.

A previous flatmate who liked to manscape had left some hair remover. I applied it covering all accessible areas, arms , legs, ballsack, arse. Waited until it started to burn than showered.

As I left the shower the bell rang....

Next: Chapter 2

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