Unexpected Phone Call

By Bob Black

Published on Oct 22, 2015


AN UNEXPECTED PHONE CALL -- CHAPTER 7 By Bob Black (rgb1840@gmail.com)


I have received quite a few email responses from readers who have liked this story -- and I have appreciated them all. If you enjoy this story, please drop me a line at rgb1840@gmail.com. It's a thrill to hear from both male and female (!) readers that my story has excited some erotic pleasure!

Thank you to Nifty for maintaining this valuable archive. I greatly appreciate the many wonderful stories I have found here, and I encourage you to support Nifty by making a donation at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html.

--Bob Black

A week or so after Denny and I swapped cum with one another, I called Margaret, but she was unable to meet during the day that week. Since weekdays are the only times I can play, I promised to call again the following week, though Margaret seemed vague about her availability.

Disappointed, but still needing to find a sex partner, I called Denny, and we reprised our session of the week previous. In fact, it turned out that Denny and I got together twice more before I was able to set up a meeting with Margaret.

For more than 12 years, Denny and I had been getting together about every six weeks to two months to suck each other's cock. We were regular suck buddies.

But since my first meeting with Margaret a few months earlier, my sex life had become more active and definitely more interesting. Since then, I had been having a sexual encounter about once a week, sometimes even more often, with either Margaret or Denny or sometimes both. A couple of times, I had even managed that rarity for a mature man -- cumming twice in one day.

Finally, one day, Margaret and I were able to find a morning for pleasure.

"Long time, no see!" she said as I stepped inside her front door for the first time in more than a month.

We embraced and kissed, our tongues exploring the other's mouth, our hands sweeping each other's body, fondling one another.

As usual, I quickly discovered she was wearing neither a bra nor underpants. She was naked beneath the simple sundress she wore.

She in turn had my eager, stiffened cock out from my opened pants within moments, stroking me tenderly. I felt the palm of her brush off a drop of pre-cum, which she softly massaged into the swollen head of my cock.

"Shall we?" she asked, breathless. Hand in hand, we walked down the hall to her bedroom -- me with my erect cock eagerly leading the way -- and quickly undressed.

I gently pushed her back against the bed, and she lay back. I gently pushed her legs apart and knelt on the floor before her moist pussy. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against her lips, her pussy lips.

What a wonderful delight!

From the very first time I tried it as a young man, I had always loved licking a pussy, tasting the exotic nectar of a woman's pussy, breathing in the erotic aroma. Margaret's pussy was even more wonderful, since she had such a marvelously large clitoris.

I licked between the lips of her pussy, inserting my tongue as far as I was able, then backed it out and began to nibble on her clit, hard, erect, just like a tiny cock. She gasped and threw her head back and side to side.

Finally, she pushed my head away from between her legs and pulled me up on the bed beside her. My cock was hard as a rock, oozing pre-cum, my lips wet with the juices of her nether lips. We kissed, and she wiggled down to return the favor of oral sex.

Taking my cock in her mouth, she bobbed up and down, licking the head and glans, all the while massaging my sensitive anus with her index finger. After a couple of minutes, I thought I might soon cum in her mouth, so I signaled her to stop.

We lay side by side on the bed, our arms entwined, my stiff cock nestled between her legs at the entrance to her warm, wet pussy.

"Bob, how do you feel about me?" she asked.

At once, I was on guard.

"I'm very fond of you, Margaret," I answered hesitantly but truthfully. "Who wouldn't be, here with you, like this?"

"I'm serious, Bob," she persisted. "Is it more than that?"

Shit!, I thought to myself. This is about to go south! An extramarital sexual affair was fine, but I wanted nothing to do with an extramarital love affair.

After a moment's pause, I replied: "I'm very fond of you -- you know that, Margaret -- but if you're asking, Do I have feelings for you?, the answer is, No."

My hard cock had gone soft, and I feared she might want to transform our sexual relationship, which I welcomed, into a romantic relationship, in which I had no interest.

But I soon learned -- again -- that Margaret was often a woman of unexpected surprises.

Intuitively, the memory flashed before me of our very first meeting, when she learned that her late husband, Jim, and I had sucked each other's cock, when she unexpectedly asked me to masturbate for her, when she disrobed and we masturbated together, when she first watched Denny and me suck each other off.

"Oh, good!" she said. "I'm relieved! I thought you might be wanting something more!"

I was relieved as well –- relieved and once again very surprised.

"No, I like it just the way it is!" I said. "I'm a happily married man, and I intend to stay that way -- happily married in all ways except sex –- and you, and Denny, of course, take care of that."

"Watching you and Denny together gets me so wet -- just thinking of you and Denny -- you and Jim -- I get wet!"

"Me too! I've enjoyed more sexual activity in the past few months than my whole life!" I declared.

"Jim and I -- well, I guess our sex life had gone stale, become hum-drum," Margaret reflected. "When I found out about Jim -- that he was having sex with men -- you and Ed, and I guess there were others . . . well, I just never dreamed it was something he was doing . . ."

"But you weren't angry or repulsed, were you?" I asked.

"No!" she responded emphatically. "It was very exciting! It has opened a whole new world of possibilities for me . . . and it has lit my fires again!"

"Yes, and I for one am very glad!" I agreed. My cock stirred, evidently glad too. I was immersed in a general sense of good feelings.

Turning somewhat more reflective, Margaret confided: "I really have been busy the past few weeks, but I guess I was also avoiding you. I was afraid you might be . . . you know -- falling for me."

I looked at her a moment before answering: "Like I said before, I really am fond of you, and I definitely love getting together with you like this, but in the love department, there's only one woman for me, and that's my wife . . ."

"I know that -- and I'm glad," she said, "because I'm not ready for a love affair -- I just don't want my life to get messy."

"Neither do I!" I exclaimed. "I like things just the way they are!"

I was greatly relieved that Margaret was reaffirming the nature of our relationship as sexual, one of "friends with benefits" or "fuck buddies," rather than romantic.

My cock had stiffened again.

"There's something else too," she continued with a tone of confession.

"Paula and I have been . . . seeing one another . . . quite a few times, actually -- I love the way she tastes!"

I was surprised again.

"Oh?" I said, drawing out the "O" sound inquisitively.

"Oh, I'm not in love with her, if that's what you're thinking -- I don't want a woman in my life just now any more than a man!"

I nodded.

"I don't think I'm a lesbian or anything like that, but I'm definitely attracted to the feel of another woman," Margaret said, looking intently into my face.

"Well, that's fine," I offered, unsure exactly what to say or where the conversation might be headed.

"I guess it's like you and Denny -- I guess I like sex with both men and women . . . except with Paula, well, it's different than with you or Jim . . . softer, gentler . . . just different somehow."

"What's she like?" I asked after a moment.

"Well, she's very slim," Margaret replied.

Somewhat tentative at first, she continued enthusiastically: "She has small breasts -- very small -- sometimes I think she's almost like a young boy with tits," Margaret confided with a small chuckle.

"And her nipples are very sensitive!"

Instinctively, my fingers had found the stiff pencil-stub nipple of one of Margaret's breasts. I leaned down slightly to nibble lightly on it.

"I see why men like tits so much!" she continued. "I just love to nibble on Paula's nipples –- she goes wild!"

I lightly bit Margaret's nipple, and she reacted with a soft moan, then resumed the erotic commentary of her intimacy with Paula.

"Ed – Paula's husband -- knows we're seeing one another. He's not jealous or anything like that, just curious -- Paula told me they have an `open relationship,' that he has boyfriends too."

"Was Jim a `boyfriend,'" I wondered.

"No, I don't think so. I think his boyfriends really are much younger men – but I don't really know for sure," she said.

"But Ed did confirm that he and Jim did get together a few times . . . to suck each other's cock."

I found Margaret's account very stimulating, and I could feel a bit of pre-cum ooze from the tip of my rock-hard cock, nestled as it was at the entrance of her warm pussy.

Margaret was aroused too.

"Ohhh," we both murmured in unison as she guided my stiff cock into the moist opening of her pussy.

I pushed forward, enveloped by warm, wet, velvety pleasure. Already, I could feel the tingling had begun deep in my balls and throughout my cock almost at that very moment of entry, and I knew that my orgasm could not be very far off.

"I've told Paula all about you and Denny . . ." she said, her breath coming in rushes.

". . . and Ed knows too -- we've talked about it. . ."

". . . I haven't done anything with Ed . . ."

Her breath was ragged, but she continued.

". . . We've talked openly about you and me -- and Denny . . ."

"Hmmm," I murmured, my own breath very short.

". . . And Ed wants to meet you -- you and Denny . . ."

"Ohhh," I said, even more aroused at the thought. A threesome . . . Ed, Denny, and me . . .

"I would like to watch," Margaret continued, equally as stimulated as I. "I never knew how hot is to see two men together, sucking each other!"

As if in union, our bodies met one another's thrusts, pulling back, pushing in, meeting together in that exquisite pleasure of sexual union.

"Men are the same way about two women!"

"I suppose you want to watch Paula and me too," Margaret said.

"Hell yes!" I exclaimed.

Margaret buried her head in my shoulder, and our fucking proceeded toward its conclusion. Nothing else mattered for the moment, only the action of my cock in her pussy, only our bodies moving together in the pursuit of sexual pleasure.

I felt Margaret's body shudder, and I pushed in her as deeply as I could. My own orgasm followed immediately, and I felt the cum rush up from deep in my balls, hot and electric, as I shot my cum deeply within her.

She clinched her legs around my hips in her own sexual frenzy, and I held my cock deep inside her, my legs rigid as the final rush of pleasure washed over us.

Finally, we both began to relax. We kissed and caressed one another. I could feel my cock softening inside her, my cum mixed with her juices beginning to seep from inside her.

It was a delicious, languid feeling.

Next: Chapter 8

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