Unexpected Turns

By Yuri Takaza

Published on Jan 10, 2015


Well I forgot to include my email address in the last little blurb so people could contact me... I'll include that here. Anyway, this is a work of fiction and includes consensual sex between three men over the age of 18. If this tpe of material offends you please steer clear. I hope you enjoy it!

I was waiting outside on the curb in front of my residential college, looking down at my feet, nervous bubbles making me feel sick to my stomach. Bryan had responded quickly and calmly, not even making a comment about the picture I had sent. It's gonna be ok kiddo, just send me the address and I'll take you away from there for a while alright? I'm here for you, it's gonna be ok I'll be there soon. These words made tears fall down my face, the realization of what I had done coming on me. I had sent a nude to not only a married man, but a man in a relationship with someone I had just met. I had thought about sending back that he shouldn't come that I didn't deserve his comfort with what I had just done, but he had disappeared after sending that message, only getting on to see the address I had sent. An hour had passed, thoughts of simply going back to my room and making him go home but I stayed where I was until I saw a truck pull in front of me. The strong blue eyes. Deep, dark pools of pure blue that drew me into there depths, that could belong only to Bryan. I had seen him in pictures he had posted on his account, but nothing could live up to the real thing. My heart was fluttering in my chest as I gazed up at his strong face, and soon weighed down with guilt again. This was my very first time seeing him outside of the computer screen, but why did it have to be for a reason like this? "Come on kiddo it's a little nippy this morning." His voice had an immediate effect on me, my shoulders relaxed a bit and my chest warmed a little bit. Bryan was looking at me with those blue eyes, looking into my own brown eyes, and opened the door for me. I climbed in, shivering a little bit and taking in the smell of the car. It smelled like cologne, a warm musky scent. Shoulders relaxed, eyes drooped a little as tiredness suddenly took me. I closed my eyes, before I knew it the truck was stopped and I was gently shaken. "We're here." Came Bryan's gentle voice, lightly touching my shoulder with his warm hand. I rouse myself and rub my eyes. "Sorry..." Looking down at my feet, and then his hand grabbed my chin and made me look back up. "Don't apologize for how you feel Jake, I understand and I already talked to Matt a little about this. It's going to take some getting used too but it's going to be ok." Looking into my eyes and softly rubbing my shoulder. I leaned against his hand and then he gave me a soft smile. We got to the front door, butterflies blooming in my stomach as he opened the door, letting let me into the house. Sitting on the couch in the living room was who I assumed to be Matt, and I suddenly felt jealous of him. He was shorter than me by a lot, but while I had just a little bit of fat on me he seemed toned. Sexy. I felt self-conscious all of a sudden as I looked at him. He was reclined wearing nothing but a t shirt and colorful board shorts, his bare legs and feet stretched out before him. I stepped back when I saw the bit of disgust in his. "Grab a seat, we have a lot to talk about, but first, tell us what happened... I haven't seen you so upset before." I looked at him and then at Matt, and then back at Bryan before I took a deep breath. I told them what had happened, about what had been going on. I told him about the texts and even showed them. Telling them everything, spilling my heart out to them hoping that maybe I could repair any of the damage that I had caused, though by the look I was getting from the both of them I knew that trust had been compromised. I had sent nudes to not only a married man, but a man in a relationship with a person that I had only talked with for the first time the night before. I felt pathetic, like I was some sad lonely little puppy that had just tried to find love somewhere he shouldn't have. The look that Matt was giving me, which I could only assume was burning hatred at this point, was making me retreat further into myself, though I continued my story until there were no words left. It was a few moments of silence until Bryan made a soft whistling sound and then gently touched my shoulder, "I'm sorry you had to go through something like that kiddo... I really am... but..." I knew that the `but' had been coming, but I hadn't expected the rest of the sentence, "but it was all so sudden. Kiddo I really do like you, more so then I would like to admit. I just, didn't think that you would want things to go this far." His sad blue eyes looked down at me, was I hearing right? "I want to protect you kiddo, but... there are a lot of things to discuss." "Then we can discuss them!" I blurted out suddenly and then I covered my mouth, retreating into myself as I flushed a bright red. Matt looked at me, eyebrow raised. "Why don't you calm down? Doesn't mean anything right now, we'll all talk about it sure but that doesn't mean you won't find your ass back on the curb?" Matt said coldly and Bryan gave him a look of surprise and understanding. I just took it. I deserved any of the abuse I got from him. "Me and Bry talked a bit but I don't like it. I'll give you a chance but if you slip up that's your fault." I nodded in understanding. I had already made a mistake, another one would make everything fall apart. "Let's get you cleaned up ok?" Bryan said, making me finally notice my sleeves wet with tears. Looking in a mirror that was hung on the wall, I could see my eyes were red and puffy, my nose seemed really snotty as well. I nodded at him and he brought a box of tissues and a warm cloth. He let me blow my nose and gave me the cloth, "A cute face like yours shouldn't be sad like that... ever. This girl hurt you bad didn't she?" He said softly, rubbing my shoulder. Matt had walked out of the room by this time, and I felt guilty. Bryan's touch was soothing, strong hand rubbing up and down my shoulder, pushing me to relax. Eventually I did, and he smiled at me, "You feeling any better?" I nodded in reply, my emotions making my head unable to form the words that wanted to come out of my mouth. `Thank you. I love you.' I wanted to say that too him, wanted so badly to just pull him into a hug and kiss him like any lover would, but I couldn't. So all I said, my raspy voice raw from sobbing, was "Thank you." "It's not problem kiddo. Now, Dan and I need to go to the store for a while so you and Matt will have to talk everything out before I can." He saw me squirming and chuckled, "Yes he's mad, but he will come around. Just try and talk, play games too. Almost all of us love to play games. The Xbox is in the bedroom, come on." He pulled me up from the couch and led me into the back bedroom where Matt was busily playing the Xbox, laying on his stomach. He didn't pay attention to us until Bryan made a little sound in his throat. When he turned his head, he completely glossed over me, he looked at Bryan and said, "Do you want me to leave you two alone?" The sharpness in which those words where said cut deep, though Bryan seemed to completely ignore them. "No, Me and Dan are going run some errands. You two keep each other company." His gaze was stony as he looked at Matt who simply looked, sighed, and then went back to playing his game. "Whatever." "Alright you boys have fun." Bryan said, and he left, leaving me with Matt who I knew was probably millimeters away from killing me. I stood there awkwardly for a while, going from foot to foot. My eyes scanning the room. So this was their bedroom. I could see signs of each personality tastefully placed around the room. There where pictures of wolves on the walls, each with their own frame. There was even a surfboard hanging on the wall, which I knew would have to be Matt's. The room itself was nice and homey, comfortable, and warm. At any other time I would love to have come in here, now however it felt like I was in a furnace with an angry flame glaring at me. "Sit," his voice commanded. "Right now I don't like your punk ass at all..... but Bryan has told me what he thinks of you. So I'll give you a chance, but if you do anything to hurt him or me..." He let the threat sit there and I gulped. "I know... I just... I wasn't thinking I should have never done anything. I knew he was married and I knew about you but I still did it... I'm scum." I said, "You probably want to strangle me right now." "Yeah, I do but I know Bryan would hate me for hurting you so I won't." He seemed to visibally relax, sensing my guilty reaction was genuine. "So what games do you like to play?" He asked, handing me a controller. His attitude was baffling to me, I fully expected that he would just shut me off entirely. "Anything you want to play, but I have to say I suck at shooters..." I said, noticing that a lot of the games they had where of that genre. Matt suddenly had a really evil smile on his face. "Perfect." What followed was a full few hours of me getting my butt generously whooped by Matt, who took every opportunity to show me how much I sucked at FPS games... though I actually had fun. At first we couldn't really lay next to each other. Yet by the end, we were side by side, focused on the TV and playfully jostling each other. "You're a cheater!" I said as I lost another round, putting down the controller. "You're too good!" "Naw you just suck." Matt said matter of factly and I nudged him on the shoulder, which got me a playful punch in return. We both laughed happily, smiling at each other warmly, other warmly. It was almost as if we had forgotten the animosity from the hours before. He then looked at me seriously and said, ""You're cool dude, like Bry said you were. Just not sure I'm ready to share him yet." He said, and I nodded. "How are my boys doing?" Came a voice from down the hall, making me and Matt turn and smile happily at Bryan. He smiled as he saw us, "Looks like you're having fun, why not come help put some stuff away and we can talk?" He said and we both nodded, running off to get the multitude of grocery bags from the truck. It reminded me of the massive shopping trips my parents would do once a month. It didn't take long with four pairs of hands filling up the fridge and cupboards. Soon we where done and sitting on the couch, letting ourselves relax for a moment. Bryan looked both me and Matt over and then asked, "Did everything go ok between you two?" Before I could say anything, Matt said, "Hey everything went good, kicked his ass up and down on COD but it was fun. He's a pretty cool dude." Patting my shoulder I flushed just a little bit. I didn't think I earned any praise from him but here I was getting it. I smiled a little and then he said, "We're cool now, well not totally cool but at least I don't' hate him anymore. Like... we can hang out some more." Bryan nodded thoughtfully and then he looked at Dan, "You ok with this?" Dan simply grunted "If you found yourself another boy you found yourself another boy, do whatever you want." "So everyone is in agreement... Jacob. Since you and Brad have school and work during the week I'll bring you over here on the weekends so you guys can play games ok? That's how it's going to be for a while. Got it?" He looked at me and I nodded quickly, and maybe a little too feverishly as Dan made a comment. "Eager... just how you like them right?" Dan said to Bryan who gave him a small look but mostly ignored him. I could tell that the comment was supposed to be hurtful but I kept quiet. It was silent for a while until Matt piped up, "Yo we should make dinner right? What are we having?" "Enchiladas." Dan said, puffing out his chest a little, Bryan seemed to roll his eyes but said nothing. Matt poked me in the ribs, to get my attention, whispering in my ear: "This is the third time this week... and he always makes them spicy so Bryan can't eat them... its super shitty bro." This new way Matt was speaking was kind of weird, for most of the day he had been speaking normally without any slang. Now he sounded like a real cali surfer boy. I took this as a sign that he maybe trusted me a bit more. Well... Let's just say that dinner was a really long time coming. In fact I didn't really even see Dan leave his seat on the couch as he cooked. It took nearly three hours for him to prepare and serve dinner. It was pretty good, though the frustration on Bryan's and Matt's faces made me a little antsy. I had been set right across from Matt, with Bryan and Dan on the ends of the tables. During all this time, Matt had done some more talking, and we had found... something of a bonding point. "Yo so like... your mom makes you call her every day and even if you're like... 5 minutes late she bugs out on you? How old are you again?" "18... I'm just a bit younger then you." "Shit dude that sucks! Like... My mom calls yeah but she at least knows that I'm not gonna call every single day. Just call if it's an emergency bro!" Matt said, lifting his hands from the table which earned a look from Dan, who got a look right back. "She only does it because she cares..." I weakly defended, "And because she wants control you dude! Like... It's like your life up too choosing college was hers bro. At least you got away!" Some more gestures and a few more looks exchanged, which made me giggle just a little bit. "That's true..." I said as dug into my enchilada... thankfully it wasn't too spicy. Though I didn't really know how much Bryan could take. I watched as he took his first bite. I could see his struggle to chew, and knew it was too spicy. He politely excused himself, leaving his plate on the table. I looked to Dan who smirked happily, which angered me. I was about to speak when I felt a bare foot to my leg. I looked to see Matt, motioning me to be quiet. We ate in silence till our plates were clean. As we cleared the table Matt told me he would make Bryan something to eat. I looked as Dan strutted into the living room. He seemed proud that Bryan couldn't eat. He shot me a look: "Welcome to the family new boy." Well there we have it the second part! Feel free to send an critique, questions, and suggestions to sparkyd1995@gmail.com

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