Uni Rugby

By Foxpark Foxpark

Published on Mar 18, 2014


Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexual contact between two consenting males of legal age (in the uk). If this kind of material offends you or you are prohibited from viewing it by your local authority then please leave now. This story is PURE FICTION, any resemblance to any person(s), living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintentional. Whilst it is not possible to screen who is accessing online material I would like to remind the reader that the 'sex' depicted in this story is pure fantasy. In the real world there are consequences to every action. Stay safe in body and mind. Copyright remains with the author.


Uni Rugby Part 4

It had been exactly a week since the... incident with Cole and the cam show and Dez had heard nothing more about it. According to Barton, Cole had made it onto the team and that was all Dez needed to know. Dez had waited for the backlash from whoever it was that had recognised Cole from the quick flash of his face, but it didn't come. Life continued. Dez was so busy running between each society and his books that he barely had time to think about Cole at all. Well except for a brief moment in the morning where, for reasons Dez had not yet sat down to analyse, he would pocket the rugby players necklace along with his keys and mobile before leaving the house.

It wasn't until he was in the depths of the library's restricted-access section that he gave any real thought to the situation. The restricted-access section (RA- ZONE) was not some dark dungeon in the bottom of the library. Nor was it a high tech secure area with fingerprint readers and steel shutters; it was an airy space where the rare, important or old books were kept. They were all security tagged so that they couldn't be taken out of the room without setting off an alarm. Essentially it was a large collection of tables and chairs in the middle of a small labyrinth of textbooks. It was in the middle of this labyrinth that Dez bumped into Elodie, a bright-eyed, bushy tailed, happy-go-lucky, tanned and drop dead gorgeous post-grad student who (because some stereotypes are there for a reason) had absolutely no business being a librarian. Unlike the older full-time librarians, who believed the university's library would run a lot better without any students in it, and the student-librarians who believed that the proximity of all that literature would turn them into instant geniuses.

Elodie was an actual people person. She somehow managed to take a deep personal interest in everything that was being said to her. The downside of this was that she was incredibly nosey. Which is why when Dez took a seat she appeared out of nowhere and began firing off the questions- the first being: "Do you know Cole?" Dez knew enough not to try to deny any involvement with the fresher so began responding in kind to the pump-action questions. "I know him through Barton." "yes he's alright looking." "No I haven't seen him recently" Eventually he managed to ask what this was all about and the explanation was this: Cole had learned from those around campus that the sunny librarian knew everything about everybody and had casually dropped Dez's name into a conversation with her (it was unclear how). Then he'd asked what she knew about him. She'd told him the truth; he lived in a world of favours and was nice enough but "you shouldn't get on the wrong side of him." Then he'd gotten a bit funny and asked if he (Dez) could be trusted... and when she said "I guess so" he made his excuses and left.

That had Dez's mind going for the rest of the day. Why would a straight ma... a gorgeous straight man be asking after him when the last time they'd met things hadn't exactly been a bed of roses for the rugby player. The answer came in the early evening when Barton called to ask Dez to head over to his place as soon as he was able. The tone of his voice had left little possibility of refusal- he sounded tense and a little angry. When Dez got to Barton's room he was greeted with a question. Not, "How are you?" or "Have you had a good day" but...

"How much do you know about that gay cam site you put my fresher on?"

Dez was a little taken aback to say the least. His lips moved without sound as he tried to think of a response. Then he caught site of Cole over Barton's shoulder. He was sitting on the captain's bed and his eyes were red and puffy.

"What's all this? He didn't make the team or something?" Dez asked indicating the younger guy on the bed. It wasn't really said in a caring way, which Dez regretted, but throwing a question back at Barton would give him time to think. Barton glared at Dez for a second. Then he seemed to reach some sort of conclusion in his head and his expression softened slightly.

"You'd better come in Dez."

"What's all this about?"

"Well, Cole has told me all about your little trial. I've got to say I wouldn't have thought of it myself and it was a doozy I'll admit, but its caused a bit of trouble. You see someone recognised Cole and they somehow managed to record the live feed, or so they say, and they're threatening to put it around if Cole doesn't... give in to their demands."

Dez looked again at Cole who was staring at the floor. He saw for the first time that Cole looked dishevelled. Whatever the demands were they were clearly bad enough that Cole chose to come to his captain and expose his exploits rather than meet them. Then it was there. Coming up out of the dark of his insides and filling him from the belly up. Dez was getting angry, he was getting angry on Cole's behalf. Something made him stretch his hand out to Cole before he remembered where he was and dropped it again.

"No one could have seen his face" (he lied) " I made sure of that. So who is this person and what is it they want?"

"She's someone my sister went to school with, she was in the year above me," Cole's croaked miserably, "I didn't even know she went to this Uni but apparently she does and she says she can pass the video around if I don't do what she wants."

"Which is?"

"Sleep with her."

Dez turned to Barton and raised an eyebrow. Barton shrugged his shoulders. Being monogamous and having integrity was a fine thing but it was unheard of for a single 18-year-old, especially a fresher, to turn down anything with tits and a pulse. The expression on Barton's face said he couldn't see the problem either.

"She's a snake," Cole went on as if reading their minds, "If I fuck her there's nothing to say she won't keep hold of the video anyway. She says she can easily prove its me."

"How did she contact you?"


Dez thought for a moment. The cogs in his head had begun moving again as a plan formed and he turned on Barton with a grin that would chill the spine.

"Jack what did you propose to do about this?"

"ME? I called you, you're the one who got him in to this-"

"- at your request."

"Yeah but-"

"are you proposing to let some back-alley slut blackmail one of your team?"

Jack Barton looked mad for a second and the he caught the glint in Dez's eye. It really wouldn't do for one of his own to be blackmailed. If they ended up with girlfriends who permanently had their nuts in a vice, well that was one thing, but Derren was right. It was his team, they were his boys.

"What's the plan?"

Dez turned back to Cole, " What do you think your team would say if they heard you'd been dared into the cam-show as a trial? Nope- that was a rhetorical question. They'd probably admire you for going through with it and they'd laugh, the worse you'd get is a nickname. They'd probably even award you lad points" Dez couldn't stop himself from physically shuddering as he used that expression. "The thing is if they found out some random bitch was then trying to blackmail you they might actually take your side."

Cole sat there with his mouth open, he'd expected sympathy but now he felt like he was being chided like a child. "What about everybody else? What if one of the staff found out, or the other students? Or what if-"

"My point," said Dez holding up a hand, "Is that you have support." Barton nodded solemnly to affirm this. "All I need is her name and what she's studying."

"Sally Reed, Theatre studies or something like that," the words tumbled out of Cole's mouth. Something about the look on the older guys faces said that salvation was close at hand.

Dez had to stop himself from laughing out loud. It was all so easy. He told Barton to have a discussion with a few of the team and he'd text him when it was all set. That being said he motioned for Cole to leave with him. They walked leisurely across campus. It had gotten dark but it was too soon for anyone to be out at the bars or clubs so it was relatively quiet. As they walked Dez kept stealing glances at the gorgeous younger man beside him. It didn't matter that he'd seen the rugby-player naked. He was every bit as arousing fully clothed. Whilst he tried to fight it, his mind kept on filing with the memory of the Blonde's perfect hard-cock. How His own mouth had filled with saliva as his body urged him to cross the room and put it in his mouth, how his own cock had throbbed in response. When he looked up at Coles face again he noted that he still seemed cowed but a weight had certainly been lifted.

"So what's the price?" Cole spoke suddenly without any particular tone.

"What do you mean? For all of this?"

"Oh come on- I spoke to that girl, the librarian. She said everyone knows you only do a favour for a favour. That's how it works isn't it? so what's the price?"

Dez was shocked that he felt a little hurt by this outburst. but then the other part of him said "grow a pair and seize the opportunity."

"Tomorrow we'll deal with your little problem... then we'll talk about you returning the favour."


Thats all for now. In the next installment Dez will hatch his plan to rescue Cole and make an unexpected discovery concerning one of Bartons star players. All feedback appreciated. Foxpark.

Next: Chapter 5

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