Uninhibited Cocksucking

Published on Jul 6, 2010


Uninhibited Cocksucking - Part II

by Goo Gobbler googobbler@hotmail.com

With the coke out of my system I felt really weird about what had happened. I was somewhat depressed and more than a little nervous about seeing Tommy again after what had happened that morning. I came close to laying back down on the bed and hopefully falling asleep. But instead I took out my 4 grams of coke, left a gram to the side, and split up the 3 grams into 6 half grams... With the coke laid out in front of me, though, I snorted one of the half grams and I put the other 5 in separate small pieces of aluminum foil. Then I got out the 2 vials of crack, and the pipe, and put them all in a plastic bag.

By then the coke had kicked in and I wasn't depressed anymore, so I took the plastic bag and put it in my front pocket.

And then I told my mom I was going out and would be back late and left the house, got in my car, and drove away.

I hadn't really given any thought as to where I was going to go, but with my inhibitions again gone I knew that I wanted to suck some more cocks.

There was a guy I knew, Michael, who I'd heard rumors about. I'd heard that he'd blown a few other kids and though it was just rumors I believed it. So I thought about calling him but I knew that even in a best case scenario he'd want to suck my cock also and I really didn't want to get into that.

So I got onto the highway and started driving and about 10 minutes later I passed an adult book store witha large sign that said 'Video Booths'.

I'd never been in one but curiosity hit me so I pulled into the parking lot which was surprisingly full.

I parked in the back of the lot and pulled out my bag. I opened a half gram of coke and snorted that down through a rolled twenty dollar bill and the taste filled my throat instantly. But I then pulled out the crack pipe and dropped a decent sized lump of crack into it and I sat there in the drivers seat and heated the pipe and took three deep hits... and my brain fired up instantly. I was wired, and with the coke full in my brain as well I got out of the car.

I had to stand there for a moment to get my bearings, my brain was racing and I was totally blasted. Then I walked over and entered the store.

I was in a main room, a store filled with sex toys and videos and I went up to the counter and asked where the booths were. The clerk asked to see my ID to make sure I was 18 and then pointed to a curtained doorway and told me it took dollar bills, so I gave him a twenty and he handed me a pile of singles. And I walked through the door.

It was dark, with only a black light, and I saw doors along either side, most were ajar and a few had lights on over them, but a bunch of guys were just standing around and all eyes looked at me as I walked in. I went to the last door on the left and went in and threw the catch and looked around.

There was a bench on the back on the back wall, and a TV screen and bill slot next to the door - so I walked over and put a few singles in and tuned into a video of a woman sucking a large cock. Then I sat, totally blasted, and watched the video. From the corner of my eye I saw something move and when I looked to my right I saw a hole in the wall to the adjoining booth and saw someone's eye looking at me through it. I walked over to it and the person pulled back and I looked through and saw a cock a few inches away being stroked by a hand. I sat there watching for a few seconds and then the cock headed towards me and I backed up a little as a large cut cock came through the hole.

Without a second thought I squatted down and took it in my mouth and started sucking it and it felt so nice in my mouth. With my brain racing and the coke taste still in my throat I moved my lips back and forth over it, using my tongue, and then totally without warning a huge glob shot out and hit my tonsils. I coughed but kept my lips over it and sperm kept spewing onto my tongue. And then the cock as abruptly pulled back and I swallowed, and I heard him leave the booth. But before I could stand back up I heard the booth door next door close and a few seconds later there was another cock sticking through the hole... but this time it was huge and dark black.

I'd never considered myself prejudiced but sucking off a black man had never entered my fantasies. But my brain was still racing and this time I dropped to my knees because it was tough to squat and get close enough to the wall.

I slid my lips around the head and started licking and sucking it, though I could only get the first few inches inside my mouth. But I kept stroking it with my lips and got a few more inches in, though my mouth was stuffed completely. I used my tongue on the end and kept sucking and then I heard a knock on the wall.

I had no idea what that meant but a second later I found out as his cock opened up and cum started streaming into my mouth as if from a faucet. I coughed trying to swallow and cum started streaming out my nostrils.

Part of my brain was repulsed by that thought but I kept my mouth there and his cum continued to fill my mouth and I swallowed several times. And his cum was distinctly different in taste from the two others I'd sucked. A little more bitter and musky, actually kind of gross tasting, but I swallowed anyway till he was done and pulled away.

Right away another cock came through and I took it in my mouth and slurped at at wetly. My brain was still wired and I was in a daze, my entire concentration on the cock between my lips. And when that one ejaculated into my mouth there was another, and I sucked that and swallowed down the cum, and then another appeared and I started sucking that one. By the time this one filled my mouth with sperm, though, the coke was starting to wear off and I gulped it down and quickly stood up. And wiping my chin quickly I opened the door to the booth and walked out of the booth area where I saw a bathroom and I went in and locked the door.

Looking at myself in the mirror my lips were red and there was some sperm hanging from my chin. I splashed some water quickly on my face and sat down on the bowl and dropped my pants to pee. I took out another half gram and snorted that... and instantly the taste of the coke in my throat mixed with the taste of the cum. And then I pulled out the pipe and dropped in some more crack and fired up the pipe as I smoked that, inhaling deeply...and I was instantly blasted again.

I stood up, splashed some more water on my face, and opening the door I left and headed back into the room.

The door to the booth I'd been in was closed with a light over it so I moved to another booth on the other side and went in. There was no glory hole so I left the door ajar but before I could sit a youngish guy at the doorway asked if he could come in with me and I said fine.

He closed the door but didn't lock it and I kneeled and took his cock in my mouth and started sucking it wetly. I heard the door open and there was another guy standing there with his cock right next to the one in my mouth. I moved to his cock and started sucking him and took the other in my hand, and then began going back and forth between them taking turns with my hands and mouth.

The first guy said 'I'm cumming' so I moved my mouth to his cock and took his cum blast, my hand still stroking the other cock. And as soon as he finished filling my mouth, before I even had a chance to swallow I moved towards the other cock but was still a few inches away when cum started spewing out of it like a small firehose, hitting me directly in one eye and splashing on my forehead before I got it inside my mouth and finished draining it.

Another guy walked into the booth, his cock already out, and I opened my mouth for him and saw that there were a bunch of guys in the open doorway watching me.

I should have freaked but the coke had my brain fired up and instead I stayed on my knees and sucked off the guys inside my booth one after another. My mouth was constantly getting filled with sperm, and as I kept swallowing it all I began to feel a constant drip down my throat towards my stomach. and I lost count but there had to have been over a dozen cocks in a row using my mouth.

Some of the guys were fairly young, but most were older... and while my fantasies had always been about sucking off guys close to my age I was caught up in the coke and the cum... so I sucked all that were put in front of me.

And then I looked up to see a single youngish guy there and took him inside my mouth and gave him a nice slow blowjob, my tongue and lips working with soft suction... and finally he groaned loudly and blasted my mouth with cum and I swallowed it all till he was drained.

With no one left waiting I went back into the bathroom and looking in the mirror saw that I was really a mess. My entire face was glazed, there was cum in my hair and dripping from my chin so I washed as well as I could in the sink, used paper towels on my hair and to dab a few spots on my shirts and then combed my hair and left.

Looking back into the booth room it was still empty so I said goodbye to the clerk and left the store... and when I got outside it was just starting to get dark and looking at my watch I saw it was 8PM.

I started walking to my car, but when I passed the one other car in the lot by mine the door opened and a guy stepped out... and I realized it was the last guy I'd blown. And looking again I saw that he was probably in his mid twenties, slim, and good looking.

'You are really something' he said, and not knowing what else to say I said 'Thanks'

'Are you gay?' he asked me, and I said 'Not really... I just like sucking cocks. Are you gay?'

'I am' he said 'and I'm heading over to a party at a friends house. Are you doing anything?'

'Why?' I asked, and he replied 'My friends would love your mouth'

'I don't know...' I said, and he replied 'We sometimes have a door whore at the parties'

'What is that?' I asked, and he said 'It's a guy who loves sucking cocks and is willing to blow anyone who wants his dick sucked. And there's always lots of coke as well'

'Could I leave anytime I wanted?' I asked, and he said 'Sure'

'OK' I said, and he said 'Follow me' and started his car and left and I followed him in mine.

We pulled into a residential neighborhood and parked on the street, which was filled with cars. He waited for me and we both walked a few doors down and to the front door of a house which he knocked on.

A guy opened the door, saw the guy I was with and said 'Hey John' and seeing me he said 'Who's your friend?'

I said 'I'm Chris' and John said 'Chris wants to be a door whore' The guy looked me over and said 'You are a cutie... I'm Scott, this is my house'

We followed him into a living room that was fairly full, and they were all guys, mostly in their twenties, with a few a little older.

Then he said 'Come on through' and I followed him through into a large den and lots of guys were looking at me.

He said 'There's plenty of coke on the table here, help yourself whenever you want' I walked over and he pulled out a huge line and I snorted it down... and then I asked if I could use the bathroom first.

'Of course' he said, and pointed to a door and I went in.

The coke I'd snorted was again starting to hit me, but I sat on the bowl, pulled out the pipe and dumped the last of the crack from the first vial in. And then I heated up the crack and got 4 hits off it and I was really blasted. I washed my face and left the room with my brain completely fired. I saw Scott across the room and went over to him and said 'Where should I sit or whatever?' And he said I could either sit on one of the couches, or kneel, or whatever I wanted. So I pointed to a spot next to the couch and said 'Is that OK?' Scott said 'Sure' and I went there and kneeled and Scott went to the doorway to the living room and said 'The door whore is ready' and a few people clapped.

The room filled up and I was surrounded by guys, and Scott came over first and dropped his pants and put his cock near my mouth.

I quickly engulfed it and wetly sucked it and used my tongue across the end, and then started stroking it with my mouth, slowly taking him deep and then sliding out rhythmically. He was rock hard and moaned a little and a few minutes later he said 'Here it cums' and my mouth was blasted with sperm.

I stayed there draining it all out and when he stopped I took my mouth off and stroked his shaft and a bead of cum appeared at the tip. And I licked that off his cock and Scott backed up.

'He's got a great mouth' he said to the room, and then there was another cock in front of me.

I stayed on my knees as guy after guy stepped up and used my mouth. Some of the guys just stood there and let me work, and a few held my head and began to fuck my mouth. One went a little deep and I gagged but he backed out a little and I just stayed there and was really getting off on the cock sliding in and out of my mouth and the friction against my lips as he did. I again lost track, my brain was wired, and all I noticed were the cocks themselves and the loads of cum which were repeatedly spewing onto my tongue.

At one point I said 'I need some coke' and I stood up and went over to the table and pulled out 2 really huge line and snorted them. And while I didn't get the rush from the crack, the taste hit me strong, and I quickly started getting blasted again. Then I was right back on my knees, sucking cock after cock, and I'd never been more blasted or focused on anything. There was a strong taste of sperm permeating my senses and a constant drip of cum sliding down my throat, mixing with the coke taste, as I swallowed load after load.

Eventually I got up again, snorted a few more large lines of coke, sucked a bunch of cocks, then more coke, and more cocks, and then I found myself kneeling on the floor still surrounded by guys but there was no cock in front of me.

One of the guys said 'You really are unbelievable' and someone else said 'It's always the straight guys who are the best cum sluts' and people started laughing.

I looked around the room and saw that many guys were paired off on the couches, kissing and stroking each other, and a few were leaning over and sucking their partners cock. And at that point I felt a little weird and went over to snort another line. There was no one else over by the coke and the pile was huge, so I took out a piece of foil that I'd emptied and scooped a large pile in it and sealed it up and put it back in my pocket. And then I snorted down a few more huge lines and then headed to the bathroom.

I was covered in cum, my face, hair, chin and even my shirt was covered in globs. But I was still really blasted so I cleaned myself as best I could and went back out.

The crowd had slimmed down a lot, and when I walked back into the room there were nothing but couples, kissing and sucking each other, and one guy was on his knees as another guy fucked his ass. It was all kind of weird to me and a few minutes later Scott came into the room and I told him I was going to leave.

'Thanks for coming' he said 'if you're interested we have parties like this every now and then and we'd love to have you and your mouth when we do'

I gave him my email address and told him to drop me a line and then I asked him if I could have a few lines of coke for the road. There was still a huge pile on the table and he walked over and pulled out several grams and put them in a small plastic bag and handed them to me. I said 'Thank you' and left, and when I got to my car I was feeling a little tired and my stomach was hurting a little. So I got in my car and went home, and it was 11PM.

At home I took the one and a half grams of coke I had left and the full vial of crack and put them to the side with the gram I'd reserved. Then I dumped the coke from the foil I'd taken and the coke from the bag he'd given me onto a small scale I had... and I was surpised there were 5 full grams there... so I split them up into grams and hid the 7 1/2 grams and the crack in my dresser.And then I went in the bathroom and took a shower and changed into gym shorts. I put my clothes, covered with cum stains, under my bed and fell onto my bed.

And with the taste of cum still really strong in my mouth I fell asleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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