Uninhibited Cocksucking

Published on Nov 9, 2011


Uninhibited Cocksucking - Part III

by Goo Gobbler googobbler@hotmail.com

The next morning I woke up with my stomach hurting a little so I got up, drank a glass of milk which settled it down, and made some coffee which I brought back to my room. While I was drinking the coffee I started recollecting the night before and though I'd lost track I realized I'd probably sucked off close to a hundred guys. And doing some quick math I realized that I'd swallowed well over a pint of sperm. And sitting there, thinking about that, I started feeling depressed, realizing how gross it all was. But I got up anyway, took a shower and shaved, but it didn't help much.

I was just laying on my bed feeling crappy, and my parents told me they were going to my aunt's house for the day and would be home late so I was alone. At 10:30 my phone rang and it was Tommy. 'Do you have any coke left?' he asked, and I told him I had a few grams but had done all the crack, and he replied 'I just got some more crack... do you feel like getting high?'' I hesitated a moment but said sure, and he said he'd be right over and about 10 minutes later he knocked on the door and I let him in. I was feeling kind of weird from the day before but Tommy was acting completely normal. Since my parents were out we went into my room and I went to my desk and dumped about 2 1/2 grams out and he pulled out several vials of crack and the pipe.

I pulled out 2 half gram lines and we both snorted them and sat back for a moment as our throats got numb and the taste of the coke got strong. And then Tommy dumped out one of the vials and we took a few pieces of crack and smoked them... and on the second hit my brain fired up completely, and at the same time the coke I'd snorted started kicking in and I was completely wired. And while I was sitting there, breathing deeply, Tommy jumped right in with 'Do you want to suck my cock?' I said 'Sure' and he stood up and dropped his pants and underwear and stepped out of them and stood in front of me as I sat on the bed.

I took his cock right inside my mouth and got it really wet, and then started sucking him softly till he got hard, and then started moving my mouth in and out over his cock. With the taste in my throat and the coke in my brain I completely focused and kept my tongue pressed against the bottom of his shaft on the in stroke and lapped across his cock head on the out stroke. He was moaning regularly, and this time I reached over and took his balls in my hands and started massaging them softly. His cock got really hard and I could feel him starting to tense up and when he said 'I'm cumming' I moved my mouth all the way down his shaft till his cock popped a few inches into my throat and stayed there, my nose in his pubic hairs. And then he screamed softly and I felt his cock pulsing against my lips and tongue first and then my throat, which got warm as his cum spurted into my gullet. When I felt his cock stop pulsing I moved my mouth out to the tip and the taste of the cum got really strong in my mouth. And I moaned and then gulped it down and when he finally pulled out I reached over and stroked his cock upwards, he moaned again, and a few drops of cum came out on his cock head. And I licked them off and swallowed and he stepped back.

'Wow' he said 'that was really unbelievable. You are one great cocksucker' I blushed, feeling weird again, but Tommy said 'Chris, don't worry about it. I know it's just the coke.' He pulled his pants back up and sat down on the chair, and we both caught our breath. I was still really blasted, and we both started talking about everything... but of course being blasted, sex was everything. His cousin Jack had been into coke in a major way for awhile, and Tommy started telling me coke stories that Jack had told him. About women who'd suck off guys all night at parties as long as there was coke. And about how common it was for kids to do what we'd done when blasted on coke. And how some of the kids who were totally straight would suck off almost anyone with a head full of coke. And then he told me about a kid Jack knew who'd dress up like a girl when he was high... never any other time... and when he was dressed up he'd suck off almost anyone who wanted a blowjob.

Now I'd never really had any thoughts, ever, about wearing girl clothes. But when he said that something fired in my brain and I was silent thinking about that. And as blasted as I was it just seemed like something different, not weird. Tommy asked what I was thinking about, and I told him that I'd never thought about wearing womens clothes in my life... but it was an interesting thought. Jack said 'Want to try it?' and I replied 'I wouldn't have a clue how to go about it' We were both quiet for a minute, and then he said 'Chris, your mom isn't that much smaller than you... I bet you'd fit into her clothes.' And instead of answering I just sat there thinking about it for awhile. 'Why don't you try it dude. I'd never say a word to anyone, ever... you know you can trust me.' 'Let's do some more coke' I said.

So I dumped another gram onto the desk, and we split it, and a few minutes later I was instantly fucked up again. And with that taste in my throat and my brain racing I said 'Let's go into my parents room' We both went into her room and I went to the closet and started looking at her dresses. There was a small black strapped dress and I pulled it off the rack and held it up and it looked like it would fit. Tommy had gone over to the dresser and he came over holding a pink bra and panties and a pair of pantyhose. 'Put them on, dude' he said so I stripped and pulled on the panties and the pantyhose and Tommy helped me with the bra in back. Then I stepped into the sundress and pulled it on, and when I looked in the mirror I felt a little foolish... but I did have a hard on.

Then Tommy said 'Put on some makeup' and I replied 'I have no idea how to do that' But I sat at my mothers vanity and put some blue shadow on my eyelids, brushed some of her blush on my cheeks, and then took one of her red lipsticks and used it on my lips. Then I pulled out the ponytail and let my hair fall around my shoulders and looked in the mirror again. The makeup was awful, and my eyebrows were too thick. I started playing with other makeup and found some mascara and carefully brushed that on my lashes. And then standing up and looking at myself in the mirror I still looked ridiculous... but Tommy said 'You really don't look that bad... stuff something in the bra'. So I rolled up some socks and put them in, then tried to find a pair of shoes but none of hers fit so I skipped that and we both went back into my room.

Tommy was staring at me, and I said 'What?' He replied 'You know, if your makeup was better and you had some nail polish on you'd really look like a pretty hot chick' I couldn't see that, but my brain was racing and the silky feeling of the women's underwear was definitely turning me on. And my cock was rock hard. And the next thing I knew Tommy was standing up with his pants down, and without a thought I kneeled in front of him and started sucking his cock. And when I looked up at him, instead of having his eyes closed he was staring at me as my mouth massaged his cock softly. And it wasn't long before I knew he was getting close and then he said 'Oh, baby, take my cum' and his sperm started spewing in my mouth. And for some reason it was the best ever, I was moaning steadily, and I swallowed it all. I kept his cock in my mouth, just running my tongue over it till it got soft and he pulled it out.

'That was the best yet' Tommy said 'Not only are you a great cocksucker, but it was really hot watching you... like having a chick suck my cock but you're so much better at it'. I was now really uncomfortable, and I said 'I'm going to go change'. But Tommy said 'Leave it on, I have to leave soon but let's do the rest of the coke first. I was still blasted from the last hit but I said OK, and we split the last half gram but then I sat there and smoked half of the crack that was left, one hit after another, and the rush was unbelievable.And then Tommy said 'Would you suck on my cock as I hit the crack pipe like yesterday?' I said 'OK, but you're not going to cum again this soon' and he said 'Probably not but it'll feel great anyway'

I was really blasted, and my throat had the really strong taste and as he took his pants off completely and sat on the bed I dropped to my knees and took his soft cock into my mouth and started sucking him really softly, and to my surprise he quickly got hard. 'Be really soft' he said, and I kept my mouth there as he started smoking the crack, taking deep hits. I was looking up at him with my mouth full, and when it hit him he moaned loudly and sat down on the bed. I moved over a little and kept using my mouth softly on his cock and with the smell of the makeup in my nose, and the feel of the pantyhose, my own cock got rock hard.

Without missing a mouth stroke I slid down my pantyhose and let my own cock out and I began stroking it softly as I kept working on his cock. Still keeping my mouth soft I started moving my mouth in and out along his cock very slowly, taking him deep, and I was looking in his eyes the whole time. He was moaning and then said 'Keep doing it just like that' and I did, and I could feel his thighs against my forearms tensing up. Then, still looking me in the eyes he said 'Here it comes' and as his cum spurted onto my tongue and the taste filled my senses I groaned myself, the sound muffled by the cock in my mouth and I felt the cum rising up and before he was done cumming I exploded into my left palm. And we both finished together and he pulled out. And still totally blasted I lifted my paln to my mouth and slurped off my own sperm and swallowed it down. Then he collapsed back onto the bed and I stood up and sat next to him.

Then I said 'I really have to change' and Tommy said 'I'm going to leave first'. And he got up, said thanks and I thanked him for the crack... and I asked him if he had anymore that he could trade. He did and I traded him a gram for 2 vials. Then he left and I was alone in the house and it was only 11:30 in the morning. I went over to the mirror and looked at myself again, and my lipstick was a mess and I thought I looked ridiculous. My eyebrows were way too full and through the stockings I could see some leg hair, and my arms were somewhat hairy as well. So I undressed and went into the shower and without even thinking about it I got a new razor and started shaving my legs and thighs. When I got done with that I shaved my arms, then my balls, and trimmed my pubes with the razor as well.

Coming out of the shower I dried off and was still totally blasted... the rush was gone but from the large amount I had done I was still really high. I sat at my mothers vanity and using one of her tweezers I started pulling out eyebrow hairs, moving from one to the other, till all the erroneous hairs were gone and my eyebrows were much thinner. And then I took a pair of scissors and coming my hair forward I cut the front into long bangs. And fluffing up my hair I trimmed a little more and thought it looked pretty girlie.

Then I went through the vanity drawers and found a book titled 'Makeup Do's and Don't's' and opened it. First I followed the book and put on some liquid makeup all over my face and smoothed it carefully and then powdered over my whole face and used a large brush to get the excess off. I turned to the eye makeup section and it said to do the eyeliner first because you could fix mistakes, and taking one of my mother's liquid eyeliners I lined my upper eyelid and my lower. I kept schrewing up, but using a wet Qtip I kept starting over till I had thin even liner around my eyes. Next I went for the eyeshadow and the book showed me how to use a light shade under my brow, a medium on my eyelid, and a dark shade in my eye crease so using shades of blue I carefully followed the instructions and blended it with brushes and it looked pretty good. Then I used the mascara very carefully on my top and bottom lashes, and kept putting more coats on till the were thick and black. And finally I used one of her brown eyebrow pencil and evened out my brows and brushed them.

Blush was next, but that was really easy... my mom had several shades and I applied them to my cheeks like the book showed with a brush. And finally I used a pencil to outline my lips and then filled them in with a deep pink color... and looking in the mirror I thought I looked pretty good, and not real sluttish. I put on one of my mom's silver necklaces and a silver bracelet but all of her earrings were pierced. And without a though I took a large safety pin and pushed it through each earlobe and inserted a pair of medium silver hoop earrings. And there was a dull pain but I barely noticed. I put the panties back on, and the bra (which I stuffed with socks again) and then the pantyhose. And after stepping into the dress I brushed my hair and wehn I walked over to the standup mirror I hardly recognized myself. There were no shoes that fit but I had a pair of flip-flops that were sort of unisex and I put them on... and all at once I started crashing big time. And looking at the clock it was now 1:30 PM.

I found a small purse in the back of her closet and took that, and cleaned up her vanity carefully, put everything away, and left the room and closed the door. And then I got out my stash of coke, which was 4 grams and 2 vials of crack. I snorted a half gram of coke and took a few hits of crack and totally wired I went to the back door since my car was parked there. I looked out carefully in both directions and there was no one in the yards on either side so I quickly stepped out, closed and locked the door, and walked quickly to the car which I got in and, started up, and drove away.

I really was wired completely. And as I was driving away I looked at myself in the rear view mirror and it was the weirdest feeling... I didn't see myself at all, I saw a strange woman looking back at me. I quickly got on a highway and seeing a K Mart I pulled into their lot... and before I could even think about it I got out of the car with my purse and walked into the store. It was a really odd feeling, almost like I was seeing myself from the outside, and I sort of expected someone to point at me and yell something out. No one yelled but I was drawing attention and I got a cart and went over to the shoe dept. I found a pair of medium heeled sandals that were comfortable and put them in the cart. Then I went to the makeup dept. and picked out makeup for myself... liquid liner in my face shade, matching powder, eyeliner, mascara, a few eye shadows, some blush, a few different lipsticks and lip liner pencils, and a nail polish in a shade of bright pink.

Taking it all to the checkout the women at the register smiled and I smiled back but was afraid she would say something because I knew my voice would give me away. She didn't, and I was a little shocked at what all the makeup cost but I had the money, so I paid and left the store and went out to my car where I put some of the makeup in my purse and then pulled out the nail polish and very slowly and carefully pulled my feet up and painted my toenails, and then I painted my fingernails all in a bright pink... and I waited for it to dry a little and then started driving away. It was a really odd feeling as I was driving along and I kept looking at myself in the mirror. And the next thing I knew I found myself heading towards the bookstore without realizing where I was heading. And I pulled into the back of the parking lot and turned off the car.

Looking in the mirror I fixed my lipstick and then I pulled out my bag and snorted a half gram of coke.. and taking out the crack pipe I put a piece of crack in it and took some deep slow hits till it was spent. And as the rush hit my brain, firing me up completely, I stepped out of the car with my purse and went into the bookstore. The manager was staring at me as I walked over to the register and looked like he was about to say something... but when I asked him for change for the twenty he realized I was a guy... and when he asked for my ID and I gave it to him he was absolutely sure of it. But all he said was 'There aren't many like you here' and I walked into the back room.

It was now around 2:30 on a Sunday and I was surprised to see that it was so packed... and every guy in there started at me as I walked in. The booth that had the gloryhole had a light on over it but there were a few other ones that were empty and I walked into one and left the door ajar, and inside the booth I fed in a few dollars and started the video. And I found one that had a tranny with big tits and a large cock on her knees deepthroating a huge cock. Before I could even sit down the door opened and a guy walked in with his cock already out. I was quickly down in a squat waiting and he walked over to me and I opened my mouth and slipped it over his cock.

He was very large, probably 8 inches and wide, and I got his cock really wet and started licking and sucking and then slid my lips down his shaft till I felt his cockhead hit my throat opening. My throat was numb so I kept going and felt his cock slide into my throat a few inches and my nose was pressed against the guys pubic hairs. There was a strong musky smell coming from his crotch and that turned me on and I began to slid my lips up and down his shaft very slowly, taking him deep into my throat with each mouth stroke. The guy moaned and said 'Baby, you are so hot'. I kept this up and then he pushed in and held my head and I could feel my throat get warm as his sperm streamed into my gullet. And then he pulled out, the strong taste filled my senses, and I swallowed. And when he stepped back I saw that the doorway was full of guys watching.

Another guy stepped over to me with his cock out and I started sucking him... and from the sides of my eyes I saw that a bunch of guys had squeezed into the booth. I was using my mouth wetly and noisily on the cock in front of me, and stroking his shaft with my lips. And the next thing I knew there was a cock on each side of his cock. I moved over to each one separately and got them really wet and then went back to the first cock and was stroking the other two with my hands at the same time. It wasn't long before the cock in my mouth exploded and my mouth got wet with that taste. And as soon as he moved away I moved to the cock on my right and then kept going back and forth between the two cocks. Then one guy said 'I'm going to cum and I stayed on his with my mouth till he did, And then I swallowed and moved to the other and took his load almost immediately.

I stayed in that position as cock after cock was fed to me, and I lost count of how many I'd sucked. And the next thing I knew a load filled my mouth and when he stepped away the room was empty. So I slowly stood up and took my purse and went to the bathroom where I peed and fixed my makeup. And then I said goodbye to the manager and left. I really needed another hit but my car was parked right against the street so I started the car and drove away. And noticed it was now 3:45 PM. All of a sudden I realized I had left the house without bringing any boy clothes or anything to take off my polish or makeup with and while I really felt like going somewhere else and sucking some more dicks I headed home instead.

When I got home my parents were still out (fortunately) and I parked in the back and sat there for a few moments till I was sure none of the neighbors were out in the yard. Then I got out of the car and walked quickly to the side door where I let myself in. I was now crashing big time but instead of doing more coke I undressed and hid my mom's clothes and my makeup. Then I went in the bathroom and took the polish off my toes and fingers with my mom's remover and then got in the shower and scrubbed everything off and made sure I rinsed the washcloth well. And coming out I changed into jeans and a boys tee and went into my room.

But looking in the mirror I realized I'd fucked up big time. My eyebrows were really obvious, way too thin and shaped, and my hair with the bangs looked really girly. But I put it back in a ponytail and used some gel to keep my bangs back. And then I took a pair of small silver stud earrings from my mom's room and replaced the hoops with them, and put the hoops back. And finally I laid on the bed and fell asleep quickly with dreams of cocks in front of me waiting to use my mouth... and I slept through the night.

Next: Chapter 4

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