Unplanned Happenings

By Dalton Norris

Published on Nov 9, 2011


Dear Readers:

Thank you for taking the time to read this story. It is a tale of two young students trying to find themselves in life. The chapters switch POV's quite a bit, but I'm sure you all will have no problem reading them. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Though there is no sex in this story, yet, I should warn you that it does have two under-aged boys who fall in love. If you cannot read this for whatever reason, please leave now.

The story is still growing, and I have more than these few chapters. I will work on getting them uploaded as time goes on.

Thanks for reading.

D. (email all suggestions and comments to dnorris190@gmail.com) http://unplannedhappenings.wordpress.com/ (story blog. Rough draft. Nifty will have more up to day chapters.)

Chapter 1 Welcome Ben

Dear Diary,

Here I sit, in the front seat of my dad's '97 ford pickup truck, waiting for my dad to walk out of the house. Today is the first day of school and I am eager to get out of the house. Ever since I moved to Arizona from California, life has been quiet. We landed here about a month ago, to a land where the dead walk the street and drive fifty miles under the speed limit. The construction business hasn't been doing too well over in California since the recession started. I am glad to be out of that state. Why would I want to live somewhere that I can't get married? Sure I'm only fourteen, but it is important to think of the future. I am eager to get to class on my first day of school. Sure I probably wouldn't make any friends, but at least learning is fun. I am the shy, quiet nerd that sits in the back of the class. I don't like getting into fights and I like to keep my head down, out of trouble. Ever since my mother died when I was a child, I haven't reached out to make friends. I am still too sad. That led to my recent nine years of hell.

I'll write tomorrow, Love Ben.

I wrote in my journal I kept with me at all times. I heard my dad open the truck door and I quickly shoved my journal away into my backpack. I was ashamed that I had a diary and I didn't want my father to hate me for it.

"So bucko, are you ready for school?" my father asked with a cheerful smile.

"I guess so. Not much to look forward to," I stated quietly, looking at the floor of the old truck. My father turned the key into the ignition and the truck slowly sputtered to life while releasing a billow of black smoke. The short ride over to the school was a quiet one. Neither of us said anything.

As we were nearing the school, my dad pulled over to the side of the road. "Listen here Son. If anything bad happens today I want you to give me a call. I'll come pick you up as soon as I can," stated my father, reassuring me.

"Thanks Dad, I will," I replied, slipping out of the truck door, "Have a good day."

"You too Son, "my dad replied while signaling me off.

The truck roared back to life behind me and it drove away. I was in front of my new high school, alone and lost.

"Attention all students. Please find the green signs posted around campus to find out where you need to go to get your schedule. Thank you," the intercom system announced. It was a nasally, feminine voice, the type where you would go insane if you had to listen to it for more than five minutes

"Right on time," I thought as I walked around the campus looking for a sign to find out where I should go. It seemed like hours passed until I finally found a sign. The sign was pretty basic. It was littered with of sheets of paper on it with everyones' name on it. Amongst the crowd, I managed to find my name and I learned where to go.

"It says here to go to room 916. Alright now where is room 916?" I thought as I pulled out my map. "It looks like I am going off to building C." I put my map away and I started walking towards the middle building on my school's campus. As I was stepping through the doors of building C, the bell starting ringing profusely. "Shit. I have to get going," I thought as I began rushing through the halls to find room 916.

I maneuvered into room 916 only three minutes late, phew. It didn't seem like too much had happened. The teacher was standing around, passing out schedules.

"Benjamin? Is there a Benjamin in this class?" the teacher asked as she scanned the room.

"That's me ma'am," I cautiously stated as I approached her.

"Ah, glad to know you made it. Try to be on time next time though okay?"

"I'll do my best ma'am," I replied.

"Very good. Anyway, here is your schedule. Review it, throw it away, I don't care. That schedule is in your hands now," she replied as she turned to sit down.

I began scanning through the list. It looked like I had honors biology first. Within a matter of minutes, the bell signaled to show us the way to our next class. I began searching for room 910 as soon as I got out of the class room."It can't be too far away," I thought to myself. I began scanning the numbers on the door. "916. 914. 912. 908." I counted in my head. "Where is room 910? It should be right here." I noticed that room 910 was in front of me the whole time. Its number sign had just been missing. Luckily I was one of the first people in class so I sat back and waited for everyone to show up.

One by one people started filing in. None of them looked very attractive to me so I was a little bit disappointed. The bell rung and a boy, probably around fifteen ran into the classroom and sat in the chair right across from me. The first sight of him took my breath away. He was wearing a white t-shirt with a black over shirt and a pair of black shorts. He had his hair styled loose and choppy, with golden air that would make even Apollo jealous, but overall he was gorgeous too. "He is probably straight. I shouldn't get my hopes up too high to be with him," I thought to myself, "It's always how it is. All the good looking guys always have to be straight." Soon reality set in and my teacher introduced herself.

"Hello class. Welcome to Honors Biology. I am Mrs. Jefferson and I will be your science teacher for the rest of this year. I am a tough, yet fair teacher. I say my rules and I expect them to be followed. However, we won't go over the rules for a few more days. I think we need to do an exercise to get to know everyone, so stand up. Get ready to do the activity. We will be sitting in order of our last names. A starts over there, and it looks like W will end here. However, you cannot talk to each other. You must do it silently," Mrs. Jefferson stated enthusiastically. The class slowly stumbled to life. The beginning was chaos, but my teacher said that two people would be sitting in the back table. There were two pods of tables and one small table in the back. My last name was Wilkins so I knew that I was going to be sitting in the back table. I kept my schedule on the table so kids could compare their last names to mine. Soon only a few kids were wandering around the class room. The hottie was one of them. The few remaining kids found their spot and the only one left was Mr. Hottie McHottie. He promptly took his seat down next to me. We exchanged the casual hellos and soon the teacher started talking, interrupting us.

"Once again. Let me welcome you to this class. Where you are sitting will be your assigned seat for a while until I can learn all of your names," she began. I ended up not paying attention because I figured that all the class would just tell me the same things. Same rules, same everything. As soon as it started, the bell began ringing. The class filtered out and I left for my next class.

The rest of the day went by very slowly. The classes like a tape on replay. Each class was the same thing. Meet new kids, learn more rules. Luckily the day was almost over. "I still haven't made any friends, but at least I saw one hot guy today," I thought to myself as I strolled down the hallway to my last class of the day. English.

Everyone has their own first impression of their teachers and my English teacher seemed crazy. I walked up to the class room door and there she stood with a great smile on her face.

"Please find your name on the list and sit at the desk you are assigned to please. Thank you," she echoed multiple times at the children of the class. I quickly found my name at the end of the list. "Desk two is my seat I guess," I thought to myself. "Now. Who is seat number one?" I scanned the list and saw one student listed below me. A student by the name of Ty. "What a strange name. He's probably going to be some Asian dude." I thought to myself. I walked into the class room and sat down, next to the hottie who was in my biology class.

Like every other class I was in today, our teacher made us meet everyone and read the rules off to us. "I want to go home already. This day has gone on long enough. I want to be home so I can clear my head," I thought. Almost as soon as I thought that, the bell started to ring. "It's like it could read my mind," I joked to myself.

I emerged from the class room and got lost in a torrent of people. Everyone was walking the same way and I was just another person. I went out to the back of the school to see if my dad would be out there waiting for me. He wasn't. "It looks like I will have to ride the bus," I thought to myself. "Only one problem, I don't know where the buses are." I started looking around to see if I could find anything that looked like buses. I saw the bus loop, 300 feet away and the buses were getting ready to roll. I went dashing down the sidewalk as if I was being chased by a serial killer.

Next: Chapter 2

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