Unusual punishment

By hans wurst

Published on Feb 16, 2013



Unusaual Punishment Copyright 2013 by blueocean329@googlemail.com All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: This is a piece of fiction. Nobody got hurt while writing this. Don't let your fanatasies ruin your real life. Enjoy.

Check out my other story: authoritarian/turkish-urologist

I was in deep trouble. My dad was really angry with me. The reason was what happend last weekend. I had stayed at my friends house over the night without telling him. He expected me to be back at noon but I didn't care. I don't care a lot lately. I heard thats normal being around my age. A couple of weeks ago I turned 15. A big party with lots of presents and lots of candy. I love candy.

My dad is raising me by himself, his wife left him a couple of years ago. I also have little brother who is favorite kid of my dad. Also a reason why I don't really care. But that all is going to change really quickly this night.

My dad is trying to keep in shape and therefore visits the local pool club at our town as often as possible. I have only been there once but I felt really unconfortable. I'm not in love with my buddy. My laziness and all the candy kept my belly growing really fast. As I said I don't really care a lot. My dad always tries to push me to do more sports but I don't like it.

"Ok everybody let's go!" my dad yelled through the house. "Where?" I screamed back. "Im taking Thomas to the movies." Ok I thought, where do I come in? "And what about me? Why do I need to come?" My dad came into my room. He didn't really look happy. "Listen buddy, after what happend last weekend... I decided to do some changes around here. I want you to get up and learn what obeying orders mean." I shrugged. "So tonight" my dad continued "I'll take Thomas to the movies and I'll drop you off at the pool." "Nooo, I hate it there...", "I don't care buddy let's go." with that he just left my room. "Pack your stuff!" he yelled. I was angry. With the greates disrespect I packed my swinsuit which I haven't used for ages, and the rest in one bag. I was pissed. I would rather stay here bymyself playing games or jack off since there is nobody in the hous. I do jack a lot. I felt so bad going to the pool. I don't like to be half naked in a tiled, clean, full of light environment. I don't like to so myself naked.

We drove off. My little brother was super excited. I wasn't. My dad said:"Listen pal, I have to do this otherwise I will loose control and I don't want that." I had no clue what he was talking about. We kept driving. "I told Stephen that you are coming. He will keep an eye on you at the pool. I don't want that you are only lay around and do nothing." Great - I thought. I just planned on staying in the water doing nothing until that is over.

We arrived at the pool. It was a big sport indoor complex in Berlin. A little bit old. You could smell the chlorine from the outside. The evening was cold and I could not imagine doing anything water related. There was not much going on when we entered. Just some guy at the desk who greeted my father. It looked like they knew each other well. "And that is my son Daniel." My dad said introducing me. "Oh so you are the trouble-maker. Doesn't look like one." the guy smirked. I gave him a cheesy smile and a short hand shake. "Ok you can go ahead, Stephen is waiting for at the attendant office inside." We passed the desk and then I saw something what shocked me deeply and my mind race really fast. My blood pressure was exploding and I just wanted to run away. There was a sign next to entrance. It said - Tonigh Cloth Optional - and underneath - 2nd Sunday of the month: Men only!-

I had no idea what to think. "Dad I don't really feel good" I pointed to the sign. "That's ok. You are still going. Thats what I meant that you have to get more self aware" he dragged me to the changing cabins. "I'm okay from here on" I said. "No no buddy. I'm leaving when I brought to Stephen." Shit I thougt. Last chance to get away.

We entered the changing room. Nothing fency. Just lockers, no cabins. "Strip down!" my dad said in a clear voice. He looked me in the eyes to make sure he was not kidding. I sighed. While I took of my sweater my dad opened my bag to take out the shampoo but nothing else. I took off my t-shirt. I already felt naked and not really comfortable. And to make it all even worse my dad was standing right next to me. I could not recall when the last time was he saw me naked. Maybe when I was little kid. I always tried to keep my privates private. I always locked the bathroom door and even my door at night. And now I was here. "Don't dream get ready!" he just said. I unbuttoned my jeans and took them off as slowly as possible. The light was really bright and the floor was wet when i put my feet down. I was sitting on the bench just with my briefs on. My dad took all the cloth and put them in my bag. "Take your briefs off!" he said impatient. "I want my swimsuit." I demmanded. My just laughed shortly "Daniel that would not be a punishment for last week when you were wearing your swimsuit. By the way I took it out of your bag when were still at home. So now get naked or I will get mad really quick!" he almost yelled. I heard voices coming from the shower. Damn, I thought. I hate drama. And I always loose the fights with my dad. I slowly took off my briefs. It must have looked weird because with one hand I tried to cover my dick and with the other I removed my briefs. "Stand up!" he said. He took my briefs and folded them in front of me. It was like he had me in his hands.

Here I was, standing naked only covered by my hand in front of my dad. Right in that moment my little brother came in. He stood there for a second but then went to my dad. "Oh Thomas. Good thing you are here. Take this bag and put in the car will you." He had no clue what was going on but he just kept staring at me. Than he took the bag and went outside. "But, but..." I started. "It's okay you wont need this stuff until we come back. We will pick you up after the movie. I don't want you to run away from here." I almost felt like crying. My pushed me from behind towards the showers. "It's ok buddy. I just do that for you..." He turned on the shower and pushed me under it. Now make yourself clean. Than he went to the bathroom. I couldn't believe what I was doing here. Last time I was here I showered with my swimsuit on as all kids do in my age. I kept my hand on my as tight as possible.

I'm well developed for my age. Puberty has hit me some time ageo. I had some pubes. They were standing wild around not curly yet. There were some hairs under my arms but not noticable. My nipples got really big which is on reason I don't like to be naked in a public shower in the first place.

The warm water calmed me down a little bit. I tried to wash my hair which let me to remove my hand from my penis. Right in that moment two people came to showers. I frooze. I could not really see but the voice seemed familiar. "Daniel? Is that you?" I wanted to disappear immediately. That was Tobias. A student who was one grade above me. We talked once shortly in the library. "Daniel? It is you. Whats up?" I tried to dry my face. There he was standing right in front of me. The first thing I noticed was that he looed at my dick studying it. I took both of my hands down to cover. He had a towel over his shoulders and was wearing on of those really long swim shorts.

Oh my god, now everybody in school knows me naked. "Hi" I said shyly. My shower automatically stopped. The water was dripping off my body. Tobias was still standing right in front me checking me out and smiling. "I'm here with my dad. He point over the man who was just entering the showers. He was completly naked. His dad came over checking me out. "Hey dad this Daniel from school." "Oh hi Daniel. First time here?" he asked with a grin. Probably because I was holding my groin as if it would fall off. "Yeah. I'm here with my dad. Mike Smith." "Oh so you are -the- Daniel. He told me about you..." Tobias just left us to go to the bathroom.

"Too bad I'm already leaving. I heard you were a little bit in trouble." With that he was padding me on my hair. Then he moved his hand further down on my should and kept it there. "I think this here will get you back on track." He moved his hands to my left nipple and started squeezing it. I could not belive it. That old hairy, huge belly, gold chain wearing bastard was squeezing my nipple. It hurt but it also felt good. I was confused. "It's a shame that your father has to worry about you so much." He kept working my nipple. "Now don't be so shy. Show what you got." What? What did he say? "You have to take you hands off sometime...." I still didn't react. Suddenly he moved his other hand to my right nipple and squeezed really hard. "Awwww-" I yelled. "Shut up and put your hands to the side." he said firmly.

I removed my hands. My dick got semi hard from all the holding and the nipple squeezing. Also this whole situation aroused me a little bit. My head turned red instantly. Tobias' dad still kept massaging my nipple. "That a boy. A little bit chubby. Some sports would be good. For you. His dick made a little movement. "Hey Tobias! Get over here!" he yelled. I just thought no no no no. "Look at this fella. He is not afraid to be naked." Tobias stopt in fron of me and grinned a little bit. He was staring at my semi hard dick and my wet pubes. Water drops were still running down my belly. "Squeeze his nipple he really likes it." Tobias' dad said and laughed. His son then touch my breast and started to squeeze my nipple. I could not belive that he was touching me. He was dressed and cover while was totally naked with a growing dick. I felt like a slave being used. Somehow that turned me on.

My dad entered the shower. "Hi Mike, we already met your son!" He said while releasing my nipple. "Too bad we already on our way out." He hugged from the side and caressed my butt while he was still talking to my dad. "Yeah that's too bad. But the good news is Daniel will be here more often from now on." dad smiled saying that. Tobias dad smacked my ass. "Well that's great. See you next week right?" he smiled. Both of the men shaked hands and hugged each other. It looked so weird. My dad all dressed and the other guy naked with his pendeling dick touch the cloth of my dad. I need to get out off here.

"Ok let's go over to Stephen" my dad said pulling me out of the showers. We walked through a corridor which was really cold. I was shivering. My dad walked behind me. I was in front like a prisoner. Chained to his will. "Keep you hands on the side. Don't look stupid covering your little penis." he said from the back. I was already in obeying mode. I did as he said. "That's my boy." My dick wa flinging from side to side. My balls got smaller from the cold. They made my penis even stick out more. Water was running from hair on my body. Dripping from the edge of my foreskin. I noticed that my nipples turned red from the squezzing. It couldn't be more embarrising.

As we walked down, dad lead me to a small door. It said -Pool Attendant- on it. He knocked and then he went inside. "Come here Daniel". I followed him. The room looked like a normal office. There desks and computers and piles of paper. Three guys were sitting there in their attendent t-shirts with red shorts. They were all a little bit older and they looked hairy. The whole situation was even more akward than in the shower. I was the only one naked. All of the three man greeted my dad as an old friend and they started staring at me. I moved my hands back to cover my penis. "Hey guys, this my son Daniel I told you about." Nobody of them said a word to me. They just kept staring. "Is Stephen here?" "No he is at the pool. He should be here any minute." "Too bad. Anyway I left him a note telling him what to do with him here. I've got to run. See you guys later." "By Mike-" they all said. Then he put his face close to mine. "Do everything what they tell you to do. I don't want any trouble at all. Is that clear?" I swallowed. "Yes." "It would be better if you say -yes Sir- around here!" "Yes Sir..." I said. "Good. See you later than." With that he opened the door and went outside.

I was bymyself now. With no cloth, no where to go. Just in the hands of these strangers. I was devastated. I started getting cold a little bit. "So you where in big trouble eh?" on of the men said. "Come to my desk". I walked over to him. "No stay in front of my desk. See that bench there? Step on top of it." I just did what he said. It looked like I wont have a free will for sometime now. "Take your hands behind you head!" The other men where now moving to the other side of the table to watch me. My thighs were touching the edge of the table. My penis was waving in the air above the desk. There were still water drops coming off my pubes. "How old are you?" "I'm fifteen..." Suddenly he took a ruler from his desk and smacked my penis with. Smack. "Awwww."

"What did your dad just say?" he yelled. "Sir, I mean Sir. I'm fifteen Sir." He smacked my dick one more time. Smack "Ouch". "It's time you get some discipline you little chubby. All of them were giggling. "Stand straight!" He commanded. I bent my back. Smack. "Aaaawww" another hit on my dick which started growing again from all the attention. "Yes Sir, Sir." "Now stand there and be quiet and close your eyes. You little fatty." Giggles again from all of them. I closed my eyes. I just wished myself somewhere else. Even school seemed a nicer place than this here. I heard giggles and people moving around me. I opened my eyes a little just enough to see. The guy behind the desk stood up and took his phone out. He pointed at me and then I heard camera sounds. Click. "Nice one" Click. And another click. I could not belive it. "That's a great one for my collection." he said. "Yeah this guy will make great fuck." Did he say fuck? What the fuck?

The door opened. "Hi Stephen!" The guys said. I turned around to see whats happening. SMACK. "Aaaaaaw" I got hit by the ruler again. This time on my butt. It burned. "I said don't move and keep your eyes close fatty!" "Ha look at his red fat ass." One the of guys said. Click. Another picture was taken. "So you are Daniel?" "Yes Sir." "Good. Come with me. I opened my eyes and went to the door were Stepen was standing. He was old guy with a beard. He pretty huge shoulders and hair was coming out of the corner of his tank top. He was massive. One head taller than me. "I thought you would be more thinner like your dad. Doesn't look like you excercise a lot." All the men were laughing. I felt ashamed and useless. I was so down I didn't even care covering my dick anymore. "Ok let's go. We will be right back for you guys. I wont forget to serve you the dessert!" he said.

We walked down the corridor again. There was no one around until we crossed another hallway. Two guys were standing there a little bit older than me. Both of them in their swimming shorts. "Hey Stephen" they said. "Hey guys whats up?" They kept chatting for a while but I couldn't listen. I was standing right by them. They didn't talk to me. Just kept staring and checking me. My dignity was broken.

Stephen walked me through a lot of corridors and stairs. Finally we came down to basement. It looked like as if the old changing rooms were here. The walls and floors were tiled. The doors were made of steel. Looks like dungeon. "Get in here. Kneel down in the middle of the room." I obeyes. The floor was cold and hard. My knees were hurting immediatly. For some reason I bent arms behind my head. As if I already learned what to do. Stephen went away and left me there. The lights were buzzing. I was shivering a little bit. For some reason the situation got me aroused. The cool tiles. The nakedness. The pushing around. I felt like as my dad has sold me.

The was closed by Stephen as he entered the room. He was behind me so I could not see. I heard flip flop sound on the floor. "You why you are here?" I did not know what to say. SMACK. He smacked me with a belt on the ass. I almost fell over but catched myseld. "I asked you fatty why you are here!" "Because.... I ...." SMACK again. "Awwww". "Because I did a big mistake, Sir!" "That's better fatty!" My body was shacking. "But now let's get the part why your dad brought you here..." with his hand he was caressing my butt. It felt good on the beating marks. "You have one nice ass." He spit in his hand and suddenly his finger was touching my asshole. I squirmed. "Relax..." he said. He massaged my hole. That was the first time somebody was touching me there. I didn't even touch myself there. It felt great but also I was kneeling naked in a basement somewhere. He pushed his finger in. "Yeah you are a tight little fucker." He kept pushing hard. It hurt but my dick was growing from all the excitment. "Oh look here. Little Fatty likes the treatment." With the other hand he pulled on my dick. Thats when I realized that he was naked too. His hairy chest and belly were touching my arm. Then I noticed his dick. It was fat. The tip was sticking out of his foreskin. It was dripping fluid on the floor. Some of was flowing down on my leg. I gasped as he started pumping my penis. "Your little dick likes it. Too bad you already have pubes. Your dad should have brought you earlier." He was working on me intensly. His finger was all way the in now. He reached my prostate. "Ooooooh" "Yeah you are an anal guy." He pulled his finger out quickly just to push two fingers in. "Awwww... Ooooooh...." My dick was rock hard. Suddenly he let go of it. It was swinging in the air full of stiffness. "I can't wait any longer!" he said. He pushed from behind. I was on all fours now. My ass sticking in the air with two finger inside. He kept pushing them in and out. Than he let go. I was overwhelmed by new experiences. My ass was pulsating and my dick was waving for attention.

He positioned himself behind me. He cleared his throat and made a huge spit on my asshole. It was all covered in salive now. Then he leaned forward and pressed his fat cock on my sphincter. I just thought this is not going to happen. It was to huge. He kept pushing. "Relax Fatty!" he yelled. He started sweating. His hair belly was pushing on my back. Then the tip of his dick entered me. "Aaaaaaahhhh" I yelled. "Yeah keep screaming, Fatty. No one can hear you here!" with that he pushed his dick even further inside me. It felt like I was splitting apart. I tried to get away but with his strong arms he was pinching me down on the floor. My nipples and belly were touching the cold floor. He started to push and pull in a rythm. Everytime his dick got deeper insde me. "Remember this as your first fuck, little fatty virgin!" he groaned. He started fucking serious. My ass kept widining my legs moved further apart. Sweat from his body was dripping on my back. He pulled me up. He squeezed my man boobs like a woman. "I'm going to milk you Fatty" he moaned. His pace increased. I was close to unconsciousness. The whole room was filled with slapping sound. His body smacking my ass. My knees were gliding over the floor. It was wet from the sweat. He moaned really load "Im cumming... Yeah... I'm cumming" with two final pushs he came in my ass. I felt the sperm filling my hole. I was exhausted. He collapsed on me. I was pinned on tile floor completly. His dick was getting limp inside me. My dick was as hard as before. He was breathing heavily in my hear. The sweat between my back and his belly got sticky. After a short while he pulled out.

"That was awesome." he said standing next to me. He kicked softly with his foot. "Get up!". I slowly got up. I felt so used. And even more worse my dick was rock hard and dripping a little. That was the first time my penis got wet. While I got up I tried to hide my hardon. "Get your hands on the side" I hesitated. He squeezed my nipple really hard. "Ouch!" I moved my hands. He starred at me and started laughing. "Hahaha Fatty likes to get fucked... haha. The others gona love it." he smiled and went to the door. He got dressed quickly.

"Come on! Let's go." I started running to the door. My knees hurt, my ass hurt, my dick was stiff, my nipple was tense. What did just happend?

We walked back to the office. Luckily no one was around to see me naked with a hardon. When we arrived he said: "Wait outside, Ill call you in." Like a little puppy I obeyed and waited at the front door for my owner to give me new orders. I was totally confused. I stood next to the door. The light was brighter than in the basement. I looked down on myself. My dick went limp slowly. My belly was coverd in tile marks from laying on the floor. I asked myself how much longer I have to stay when suddenly my asshole moved. Sperm was dripping out of it. Dripping on my legs and on the floor. I tried to close my ass but I could not. With one hand I dried to get the sperm of me. Right in that moment a man came who I did not notice in the first place beacuse he was naked. But than I saw his smile and realized it was my math teacher - did I mention I'm almost failing math class?

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