Uris Seduction

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 23, 2022


Damian and Uri returned to the hotel room after dinner "laughing like loons" as Uri's mother would say. Uri had had more to drink than he had ever had, and there was a big grease stain on his shirt from where a green bean had fallen during dinner. "It wouldn't have happened if you didn't force me to use the chopsticks!" Uri was laughing, thinking back to how he tried to navigate the vegetable dish without regular silverware. Damian was laughing too. "Hey, I gave you a choice. You could eat with chopsticks, or you could go hungry. You had a choice." He was behind Uri, and he had an arm around Uri's waist. "And your laugh is so sexy, I wonder what would happen if... tickle tickle." He dug his fingers into Uri's ribs. "NO! DON'T DO THAT PLEASE! I'm wicked ticklish and after that dinner, I'll puke all over the floor." It was true. Uri had never had Chinese food before, and he had stuffed himself. And the food! Yes, the preparation was different, but there were so many things he liked, and just didn't have that often. The green beans for example. Distribution channels still weren't perfect in cities like the one where Uri lived with his folks, so when supplies like really fresh vegetables or unusual ones -- like the Asian ones they had eaten that night- were available, Uri's family could almost never get to the store before they were sold out. His parents worked long hours at the university and of course, Uri's job took up time. Uri also had absolutely no interest in doing grocery shopping or even cooking, even if he loved eating fancy food. "Don't worry about the shirt Uri bird." Damian changed his arm position and instead of having one around Uri's waist, he had him in a gentle bear hug. "We've plenty of time before the opening tomorrow and, I wanted to take you shopping anyway. Now there's a good reason." Uri pushed gently against Damian's arms, but not hard enough to be struggling. He just wanted to feel, well, enclosed. "Shopping? You want to take me clothes shopping, Sir?" "Mmmm hmmm." Damian answered before he rested his chin on Uri's neck. "I'd love to take you shopping for other things too, but I'll just keep those other things my secret." He stopped speaking and rubbed his chin over Uri's neck. He whispered, "your skin is so soft Uri bird." His teeth nibbled very, very gently at Uri's neck before he moved up to his ear. "MMMM. This tastes even better." He ran his tongue around the surface of Uri's ear, and Uri began to squirm in pleasure. "I'm turning you around Uri bird. I want to kiss you." Uri didn't resist. He loved the way Damian kissed, but the kiss he got was unexpected. It wasn't a gentle kiss followed by tongue. This one was Damian's tongue ramming itself down Uri's throat and not pulling back. Uri sucked at Damian's tongue, moaning. His moans got louder when Damian's breathing got harder. Then he felt Damian's knee up against his crotch. "You're hard as a wooden stick, Uri bird." Uri took a deep breath. "You taste like garlic, Sir." "Is that right?" Damian answered. "Is that the BEST thing you can say about my kissing? Well, let's see about that." Uri felt Damian's arms tighten around him and lift him off the ground. "OH MY GOD. I knew you were strong but. AAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYE." Damian wasn't completely drunk, and he put Uri on his back on the bed. "I should tickle the crap out of you Uri bird, but no. I think I'm gonna feed you more garlic." He got no resistance from Uri as he shoved his tongue down Uri's throat again. Uri felt Damian's hands on his wrists, holding him down on the bed. Damian's knee was back in his crotch too, grinding slowly. "Do you like it rough, Uri bird?" Damian asked him. "I don't know Sir. What do you mean by rough?" He heard a low chuckle in Damian's voice. "You are just SO DAMN SWEET Uri. I'll teach you what rough' is, little by little. For now, though." He went back to kissing Uri, and Damian felt Uri's legs come up and circle his body. He stopped and looked at Uri. Uri looked back. "I want you, Damian. I want you to be my first. Please, Sir? Please?" Damian wanted it. He wanted it SO bad. He had teased Uri about his erection, but his own was as stiff as he ever got. "I would like to be the first one, too, Uri. You have no idea how much. Not yet. If things go on well, then yes, it will happen. Just be patient." "I WANT IT SO BAD, SIR. I WANT TO FEEL A MAN'S DICK IN ME." Damian rolled to the side, but he kept Uri pinned down. "Now, you have to think about that, Uri bird. You want a man's' dick in you. Does it matter who it is, or do you just want to feel what it feels like to get fucked?" Uri wasn't ready for the question. "I don't know Sir. That's a fair question." Damian smiled, and he began opening Uri's shirt and stroking his nipples. "Well, messing around' as the kids like you say is all well and good. Giving yourself up -- it's got to be for someone, not for something. Does that make sense, Uri?" "It does, Sir. I think." Damian stopped playing with Uri's nipple. "Let me ask you this: you close your eyes when I kiss you. Who do you think of?" "Well, uh, you Sir. Sometimes. Most times. But sometimes, guys I've seen in movies or on television, or" he began to blush. "You think of Jad sometimes, don't you?" "Ah, yes Sir." Damian smiled. "Yes, there's an old saying, the elephant in the room." "I don't understand Sir." Damian tried to explain it, and then he just kissed Uri again. "We can talk about this some more tomorrow, but I hope you're beginning to see, my golden bird, that the reason behind having to have as many dates as the rules say is to make sure the man you're dating is the one you want to be with." "Sir, you said want to be with' but you didn't say `love.'" "I know exactly what I said, Uri. Wanting to be with someone doesn't mean you love them. Sometimes the love comes after that and sometimes it doesn't." "Did it ever come for you Sir?" Uri saw a slightly pained expression come over Damian's face. "How about we get to sleep Uri bird? Do some shopping tomorrow, do some sight seeing and then go and see Sunny." "Sunny?" Damian laughed. "Ah, I didn't tell you that. At school, we all had nick names. Sonya's nick name was Sunny. I still call her that." Uri gave a mischievous smile. "Did you have one Sir?" "I did. But you'll have to give something up to find that out." "Maybe she'll tell me Sir," he batted his eyes, and in response, Damian dug his thumbs into Uri's ribs until he couldn't breathe. "You get those clothes off of you, and we'll get into bed. We both need to sleep." "Yes sir." Uri stripped, and curled up into Damian, spoon fashion. When he heard Damian's breathing become rhythmic, in a sleeping pattern, Uri reached down to his erection. He began stroking. He closed his eyes and just as he had told Damian, a series of images: Jad, movie stars, people from his past, and Damian, went before his eyes. Uri felt a strong hand grab the one he was using to jerk, and then he felt another one grab his second wrist. He felt Damian on top of him. "What were you doing Uri bird?" "I needed to jerk off Sir. You were sleeping and, well, I'm sorry I disturbed you. I'll take care of it in the bathroom." He moved to get up, but Damian didn't let him. "I want to be clear with you, Uri. Do you remember when we started, I said I like to be in charge?" "Uh, yes Sir." "Well, that includes things like you jerking off. So if you want to do that, I need to know and then... "he whispered. "I'll take care of you. I'll make sure it's much better than if you do it alone. Understand me, cutie pie?" Uri gulped. He hadn't been ready for this. "Yes sir." "Good. Now let's kick off these blankets and get down to business." Damian kept Uri pinned down with his body, and he licked at his skin, teasing him. He nibbled Uri's ears, his nipples, his chin and forced Uri's thighs apart so that he could grab Uri's balls and roll them in his hand. "You like that feeling Uri? You like feeling like I have you by the balls?" It wasn't just his balls that Damian had. His thumb was running up Uri's shaft and teasing his cock head. "Yes sir," Uri gasped. "OH that feels so good Sir. OOOOOOOOH." Uri's orgasms were, not surprisingly, very muted and very controlled. They were nothing like what followed, when Damian straddled Uri and began to jerk off onto him. "I have never felt the way I feel about you Uri. GOD, I hope you'll consider marrying me when we get to the next phase." Damian closed HIS eyes, and had a vision of Uri, bound at the wrists and ankles, gagged, moaning as he asked, "you ready for my dick, boy?" and Uri meekly nodding yes. He exploded all over the younger man. "And the only one I thought about Uri bird, was you."

Damian woke up before Uri did. He looked down at the young man, breathing softly with his head on Damian's chest. "He's too fucking adorable," Damian thought. His thoughts continued: "Today's the day to bite some bullets," and then he went back to looking at Uri. It was about 20 minutes later when Uri woke up. He felt safe with Damian's arm around him, and the feeling of Damian's chest hair against his cheek was arousing him. "Hey sleepy bird." Damian looked at Uri and smiled. "You sleep well?" "Oh, yes Sir, I did. The bed is so comfortable." He stopped and smiled while he cuddled into Damian. "But my pillow was even more comfortable." Damian chuckled and kissed Uri's nose lightly. "Talk like that could get you in trouble, Uri bird." "Promises, promises." Uri smiled. Damian looked away for a minute and then he surprised Uri by rolling over on top of him and pinning his wrists down like he did the day before. "Do you like when I hold you down, Uri?" Uri pushed against the stronger man's hands and smiled. "OH YEAH. I do Sir. Can't you tell? I'm kinda trapped down there and, well." He was of course talking about his hard on. "I'm going for your ear, babe, and your neck. But I need to ask you a question first." "Ok Sir. If the question is do I want you to, yes." "Ha ha. That I know. My question is: do you like being tied up?" When Damian saw Uri's face, he thought he had made a mistake. It went blank and the resistance he had been getting from Uri's wrists vanished. "I don't know Sir. I mean, I THINK I would but, I've never been. I asked Jad to try it once and he got so nervous and so frustrated that he just didn't do it." "Well, baby bird, how about we try it this morning? We've got plenty of time." "Didn't you promise to attack my neck and ear, Sir?" "AH, I think you're gonna like it much better if I do this first." Damian grabbed a pair of face cloths that he had taken from the bathroom the night before, just in case this happened. He knotted them together and then he tied the cloth around Uri's wrists and then to the headboard. Uri knew what to do: he tested them. "You've got me Sir. "He smiled. Damian smiled back. "I know. And I can do ANYTHING I want to you. Now gimme that neck." "Get it Sir," Uri scrunched his chin down to his shoulder and smiled. "Your ear is still exposed Uri. And I'm gonna get it." "No you're NOT!" Uri tried to scrunch his ear down too, but Damian's mouth was there first. "I got ya handsome," Damian whispered before he began nibbling and licking at Uri's ear. He could use both of his hands, and one went down to Uri's cock which was rock hard. He began stroking. "Gimme that neck." Uri hissed. "You're cheating." "Deal with it, pumpkin. Your neck please." "DAMN you always win!" Uri yielded and he felt the light scruff of Damian's beard running across his neck, his teeth nibbling. "I could mark you and, if you were lucky, the mark would fade before we got home but...I'd want to go in deep. GRRRRRRRRRRR" "NO! NO SIR PLEASE! NO." Damian ran his hand over Uri's torso. "Well, okay, but then, you're getting tickled for ten minutes. "OH GOD NO. NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHA." Damian's fingers began to run up and down Uri's narrow rib cage. His thumbs dug in, and then he remembered what Uri had said and moved up to his armpits. "OH FUCK SIR. OH FUCK." Damian saw the blush. He knew Uri didn't like to curse, so he knew he was getting to him. "You want me to untie you, Uri bird?" "DON'T YOU DARE SIR." "I thought so. GOOD," went through Damian's head. Time to move to the next part of his plan. "I'm gonna do something Uri that some people think violates the rules, and others don't." "What's that Sir? I read about finger fucking." "Well, this isn't finger fucking. I'm not sure you've read about it." He took Uri's ankles in his hands and held up his legs. He stopped for one minute. "Such EXCELLENT flexibility Uri. I forgot for a minute you're a dancer." Before Uri could answer, Damian's head disappeared and then Uri felt the warm, wet pressure from Damian's tongue, first skirting around his hole and then darting in. "HOLY FUCK SIR. WHATEVER THIS IS, I LIKE IT." Damian didn't answer: he just probed deeper. He'd pull his tongue back and then push in. Then he'd come out, rim Uri's hole and suck on his balls, one at a time. "SIR. I never felt anything like this! Is, is anal as good?" "It's different Uri bird. Now let me get back to work" "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH," Uri felt like he was about to faint, at least three times. Damian wasn't really touching his dick, but the top of his head brushed against it every now and then, and the feeling, with the Top's tongue inside of him did what you'd expect. Uri's hips began to buck. "I'm...I'm. OH SHIT SIR OH SHIT. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA." Uri had his first orgasm without someone's hand on his dick. Damian looked at him. "I think you liked it." "YES SIR. OH GOD. I want to do it again. Not right now though. Now, I want to see you shoot. Will you shoot for me Sir?" "I will, but we're going to try something. You read about oral sex, haven't you?" Uri gulped. This was something he was afraid of. He had tried to blow Jad once, and it didn't go well. "I did Sir and...I tried it once but...Jad was disappointed." "Well, I don't think I will be because, with all due respect to your handsome friend, I'm a better teacher." "Are you going to untie me, Sir?" "Nope. I'm gonna come up to your chest, you're gonna push that pretty face of yours forward and you're getting to work." "Please don't let me screw this up," Uri thought to himself. "You know what the dentist says Uri. Open big." Uri did and felt Damian's cock -- thicker and shorter than Jad's -- go into his mouth. He knew he had to close his mouth now and, well, suck. "Not bad for a beginner," Damian thought. "Practice will make perfect." He pinched Uri's nipples as he took his throat. "Such a good, sweet, bottom. Take that cock. TAKE IT BOY." It was the first time he had spoken to Uri that way and he was watching Uri's reaction. It seemed to be turning Uri on. He certainly wasn't dumb: he knew what the words meant. He was just inexperienced. And Damian had plans to give him PLENTY of that. "GOD I'm so excited. You felt so good in my arms, Uri bird. I'm going to explode. And I want you to swallow. Every drop. EVERY DROP." "mmmmmph" Uri nodded in agreement, and when Damian started shooting, he did. He wasn't quite sure that the salty taste was appealing, but he wanted to please Damian. He wanted to please him SO MUCH. "Good job, young man." Damian smiled and kissed Uri. "You're such a perfect boyfriend." Uri had hoped that Damian would call him "lover," but Damian was concerned Uri might take it the wrong way. "Thank you, Sir. I'm trying to please you." "And you are. VERY much."

Damian took Uri to a haberdasher's after they had cleaned up and had breakfast. Uri saw that the owner and Damian clearly knew each other. "Uri wears a lot of white and yellow, and I don't think that's his color, Joachim. Look at those eyes." "Yes, you're right. Let's try blue. You're going to the exhibit tonight, right? Sunny's show?" "Indeed, we are. Uri is one of her biggest fans." Joachim turned to Uri. "You know that this show has been in the local news here for weeks. Sonya is a very popular artist. You never know whom you're going to meet there. Now, let's find you something that is really sharp." "Joachim, you notice that Uri doesn't quite fill out his clothing?" "It was the first thing, Mr. Peters. I'm going at least two sizes down." "Two sizes down?" Uri asked when Joachim had left. "Damian, that's going to be tight." "It's going to suit you just fine. You're going to be the handsomest man there tonight." Uri grinned. "Tied for first maybe?" Damian shot back. "You want to be tied first?" "Wouldn't mind," Uri smiled. Then Joachim was back. "Here we are. Something very simple. A young fit man like you doesn't need anything fancy. Just your basic, well made blue oxford." Uri took off the polo shirt he was wearing and slipped into the shirt. "It's snug," he said. "Are you having trouble buttoning it?" Damian got up. "Well, no, but." "Snug doesn't mean too tight, Uri." He smiled. "You have a good body. Stop hiding it." He said it in front of Joachim and Uri blushed. He buttoned all the buttons and then he looked at himself in the mirror. "I never looked better," he thought to himself. "My God. I... If Jad saw me, he'd be SO jealous." "Now tuck it in. Let's see how it looks as for normal wear." Uri did. "OH FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE URI YOU'RE NOT A MISSIONARY. OPEN A COLLAR BUTTON." Uri did. "Now another one." "He's even sexier," went through Damian's head. "I'm getting hard looking at myself," went through Uri's head. "That means Damian is too." "I think we'll take it, Joachim. Thank you so much for your help." He turned to Uri. "Uri, why don't you go and look at neckties? Pick a couple you like, and I'll settle the bill with Joachim." "But, but, Damian, I thought..." Damian looked at Uri. "Go find some neckties." Uri said "yes Sir" to Damian in public for the first time. While he was gone, Damian arranged for 8 shirts, same cut, different colors, to be shipped to his apartment. "He's perfect for you, Shiny. I hope he says yes." "He will," Damian answered. "I'm pushing buttons he didn't know he had."

They walked to the gallery where the exhibition was taking place. "You look incredibly handsome, Uri. Think about blue in the future. It really DOES suit you." "I don't think about clothes too much Damian, because the uniform every day. I only get to wear what I want on the weekends." "Well, that may change," Damian said, and didn't elaborate. As they walked, Uri leaned in and took Damian's hand. He held it. "Is this okay, Damian?" Damian smiled. "It's perfect." Damian showed the tickets to the doorkeeper who smiled. "Let me give you these, gentlemen. For the social after the show." "The social?" Uri looked puzzled and Damian smiled. "Now you know part of the reason I wanted us to shop. I wanted it to be a real surprise. We're going to be at the little coffee hour Sunny's giving after the show."

Uri had never been to an art opening before, so when Damian brought him over a flute of champagne, he looked surprised. "When did you go to the bar, Sir?" Damian laughed. "Look up for a second, Uri bird. You see those young men and women with their trays? Champagne first, and then little canapes. Probably dreadful but, that's how these things go. Now let's go look at art." It was a major show. Frend worked with big canvases, and there were about fifty of them throughout the space. Uri had never seen so many of her paintings in one place, and he had never seen so many well-dressed people. Nor had he ever been checked out as often as he was. Jad had taught him about "being checked out" and how to do it. Uri was too amazed by everything to check everyone out, but he could tell that he was getting a lot of attention, from both the wait staff, and some of the attendees. "OH, DAMIAN! Can we stop here for a minute?" Uri seemed transfixed by a painting. "I don't know what it's doing to me but, I don't want to leave it." "Stay here as long as you like, Uri. I need to go and talk to some business associates, but I'll be back." The painting was an abstract: at least that's what people would say, but Uri didn't think it was abstract at all. He felt like the way the colors interacted paralleled how he felt his life was going right now: one of the colors -- the blue -- seemed to be receding from one color, while still being pulled toward it. And it seemed to be almost moving to a color -- a brown/tan mixture -- that he didn't associate with blue. He was talking to himself. "It's me. I'm the blue. Damian is the brown and, the yellow, the one it's receding from, it's Jad." His mind began to fill up and then he was aware of the dark-haired woman, slightly shorter than he was, standing next to him. "You seem to be quite taken with that one," she said, smiling. "I hope she's not trying to pick me up," Uri thought. "Uh, yes, it sort of speaks to me." She smiled. "What is it saying?" Uri tried not to be too personal as he talked about it. He switched to it being a metaphor for moving from something you're supposed to be attracted to and were, at one time, and moving to something that you thought you wouldn't like but, you were wrong. "And the ambivalence that comes with it." She laughed. "My goodness, you're very perceptive young man. I'm not sure many people would have seen that. It sort of stands for something you'll confront a lot more as you get older." Just as she finished, Damian came up behind them and put one arm around each of them. "My, my, my. I was getting set to introduce the two of you but now I don't have to. Sonya, this is Uri, Uri Sonya Frend." "OH! OH! You're the artist! Ms. Frend, I... I LOVE your work. I just love it." She smiled. "Well, thank you Uri, but please call me Sonya." She looked at Damian. "And whatever THIS ONE has said, do NOT call me Sunny. Damian has told me so much about you." "HE HAS? I mean, I'm not all that interesting, even to myself." She laughed. "We'll have to talk more. It's almost time for the refreshments. Let's make sure you sit next to me, Uri." Uri looked at Damian. "Sir, is that ok?" Damian laughed. "As long as you remember who's taking you home." "Don't worry Shiny. You know my preferences are elsewhere."

"I'M SITTING NEXT TO A FAMOUS ARTIST! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT. I HAVE TO TEXT HOME. REALLY. I DO." "You seem to have a good sense of color Uri. That shirt sets off your eyes and, now it makes sense that you'd be drawn to the blue painting. And that is what I call it: "Blue Painting." "Well, thank you Ms. Frend -- I MEAN SONYA. I'm sorry, I did the same thing with Damian when we first met, and I couldn't get it right." "Ha ha ha. From what I understand you're getting a LOT of things right with Damian." Uri blushed. "I'm trying and he's very patient." Sonya nearly spat out some wine she was drinking. "DAMIEN? PATIENT? Oh, my word have you tamed the cranky beast Uri?" "He's never been cranky to me, Sonya." "Well, he must be smitten. You must be the most incredibly pushy bottom in town." Now, Uri nearly spat out wine. He couldn't believe she said that. "Uh, I hope I'm not speaking out of turn but," he lowered his voice, "if you're talking about sex, yes, I'm a bottom but pushy? No, not me. I'm much more passive." Now Sonya dropped her voice. "You know, sweetie, Damian told me you're making a choice between him and another man. Frankly, I think you've made your choice from what you told me about the painting but...Damian really likes it when his boys are more aggressive about getting their needs met. Just keep that in mind." Uri could only imagine that artists were more forward than non-artists. But Sonya knew Damian much better than anyone else he had met. Uri WAS surprised how attracted he was to Damian. It wasn't just the gifts, and the events, and that stuff. Damian listened to him and gave him a chance to express his views. And while Damian may call them boyfriends, Uri thought of them as lovers, and Damian was a much more considerate lover than Jad. Jad was very clear about what he wanted, and that Uri was going to give it to him. That meant science museums, and auto races, but not dance recitals or, well, art exhibits. And Damian was attractive in a different way than Jad was. Yes, people had been checking Uri out, but he head seen more than one man check out Damian. When they did, he always drew closer and felt, well, proprietary about Damian: "he's MINE" he thought more than once, and when he was at home, he had masturbated, more than once, to thoughts about being Damian's husband. "I am afraid that we're going to have to clear out Uri, but it was SUCH a pleasure to meet Damian's heart throb. Let me give you my card. Shiny tells me you paint. Perhaps we could paint together sometime." Uri's mouth dropped. "REALLY? You'd let me paint with you?" "Oh of course, love. Your comments about that work were more perceptive than any critic's. I have a feeling that your art is just about ready to expand, in a VERY big way." Uri smiled. "I am so flattered Sonya. Thank you." "Now, give Momma Frend a kiss, love. Damian won't be jealous. He's actually very friendly with my lover. I think you met him today: Joachim?" When Uri looked a bit surprised, Sonya explained. "We were all essentially boarding school orphans.' You heard me call Damian Shiny, and he called me Sunny. Those are school names we gave each other. Damian became Shiny because Damian means the shining one'. I became Sunny because, ha ha, for three years or so, every single one of my paintings had the sun in it. Joachim? We call him Natty because he dresses so well. "She paused. "Let him dress you, Uri. You'll get so many stares, Shiny will be jealous. And it's a good thing to have your man a little unsure. ALWAYS."

"You and Sonya really seemed to hit it off, Uri. I'm really pleased." "Yes sir, we did. OH, this was SUCH AN AMAZING EVENING. THANK YOU. From the champagne, to meeting Sonya -- OH, she told me we could paint together some time." "Ho ho. If she invited you to paint with her, she's impressed." Now Damian took Uri's hand. "As am I, Uri bird." He sighed and spoke softly. "If you knew how much I want to expedite this whole process and ask you to marry me. "He stopped walking for a minute and stared into Uri's eyes. "I'm not asking you for a decision, Uri. I'm just asking you to consider what you'll do when I sent my proposal letter." Uri gulped. He thought he knew what he'd do, but he wasn't sure. When they got back to the hotel room, Damian sank down in a chair. "OH, these old feet just can't stand for all that long anymore. "He closed his eyes for a minute and then they popped open, because Uri was untying his shoes, and had begun rubbing his feet. "Uri, you don't have to do that. But, oh, you're doing such a good job." "Sir, something I read said it's a boy's job to anticipate his Man's needs. You need a foot massage." Damian smiled. "So, you consider yourself my boy?" "Don't you, Sir?" Uri smiled. "Give me a minute Sir? I have a surprise for you. I need to go off to the bedroom first though." "Well, ok. I hope you didn't sneak out and do something like buy a full leather outfit." "Not yet Sir. Give me ten minutes." Damian sat, in his bare feet, and then, Uri came to the doorway of the bedroom. He was wearing his white dancer shorts, and the blue shirt, opened completely. He put a thumb in the waistband of his shorts and cocked his head. "Sonya told me you like pushy bottoms Sir. Well, beyond this, and the neckties I just attached to the bed so you can tie me down, I couldn't really think of anything pushier." Damian felt his cock jump to attention. He got out of the chair and walked over to Uri. "One other thing, Sir. If you're willing to break the law, I'm ready. Now kiss your boy."

Next: Chapter 5

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