Used by Jocks

By Eros Zob

Published on Jan 1, 2005


Disclaimer: The following story is for the most part a work of fiction. A few instances are drawn from actual events involving consenting persons 18 years or older, but no original names of people, or places have been used. The following material deals with sexual situations involving homosexual acts. Other situations include bondage, S&M, and in order to make a more compelling story line the situation takes place in a highschool setting. It is not recommended that this material be viewed by persons under the age of 18 or anyone else who does not wish to read a story involving acts of homosexual sex.

Used by Jocks -- Part 6 by Eros

Chapter 12 Options ---

After more screaming suddenly the shower room came to life. Then we heard the sound of someone splashing around. We were still silently staring at the walls in anticipation when the door opened. It was of course Joe.

"You guys ready to go?"

We stared at him in disbelief. He was actually going to let us go?

"All you gotta do is get dressed and get outta here"

He left the doorway and we followed him out. As we entered the locker area searching for our clothes, Marco exited the showers soaking wet. He was rubbing his balls.

"Where're our clothes" asked Paul, looking for Joe's duffle bag.

"Simi's got 'em" He responded, "He's waiting for you. I'll tell you where he is, but you gotta choose your payment first."

"What?" Marco said still dripping wet.

"A, B, or C. Each one of you can have one of them. You do 'em. I send you to your clothes."

Paul caught on first. "A!" He announced.

Marco played along blindly. "B"

"That gives you C, I guess" Joe said, grinning at me. "You and Marco will do A to Paul, then You and Paul will do B to Marco, and they'll do C to you."

I think my eye twitched.

Then Joe produce a can of shaving cream, a pair of scizzors, and two razors. "Shave him boys, from the neck down."

"Fuck no" said Paul suddenly pissed off. But the three of us knew we had to go through with it. There was no option but to play along with Joe's game. He had us. What we didn't know at the time was he had us on tape. In his locker right next to him, Joe had turned his trusty camera on, and it was aimed right at us.

Unwillingly Paul laid himself down on the bench. Marco took the shaving cream and dabbed it on the poor guys arm pits. Then he handed me the bottle. I guess this means I get the groin? Thanks.

Paul lifted his head up to watch me do it. His anger seemed to be concentrated on me instead of Joe for some reason. He looked at me like I was neutering him. But I had no choice. I had to.

I put a glob of shaving cream directly underneath his belly button and smeared the foam down to the base of his cock. Then I carefully shaved the area completely. Paul Greeves was now without treasure trail. This was arguably the sexiest part of the surfer physique, and now he was without it. Then I got to the bushiness above the base of his dick. I had to use the scizzors to cut it down. It looked silly, like a bad haircut. Then I foamed him up and shaved him smooth. He whined with a groan as he felt me removing his pubic hair. He was helpless. And it was all being done by a naked freshmen who had just blown him 5 minutes ago. He had thought then that he was in control. He was the master and I was the slave. Back in the towel room, it was true. I wanted his cock, and he could have made me do anything to get it, but now he was indirectly my torture victim. I was removing his pubes.

It was something he'd been so proud of. 7th grade is embarrassing because you may or may not have a tell tale sign of puberty bushing out from your crotch, but 8th gets better and 9th grade better still cause you finally have pubes to prove to the whole locker room that you are no longer a boy. Random tufts curling around your crotch announce a new stage of manhood. But now Paul was a 7th grader again. The next time he was at the beach with his surfer crew he'd have to turn away or find a secluded spot to change. They'd always just walked down to the rocks and stripped down in front of each other. It was great. Being momentarily naked in public. It was their little bit of defiance. The main beach was off to the side, and filled with sun tanners and sand castle architects, while just to the right a group of teenagers would strip out of their street clothes and expose their naked bronze packages to the world. Sometimes the bolder one Scott would face the oblivious crowd butt naked and jut his hips out. Then he'd flap his cock back and forth against his thighs. Paul and his buddies would laugh hysterically and usually follow suit, flapping their dicks in the warm summer breeze. No one from the beach ever really noticed it. But the thrill of the possibility was invigorating nonetheless. Finally the rowdy nudists would slip on their wet suits and hit the waves leaving their clothes in piles on the rocks.

But now they would all notice, Scott especially. Those guys were not above pointing and laughing at each others' cocks. He'd have to try his hardest to avoid that humiliation.

I had no idea of this tradition as I carefully cut and shaved the twisted pubic hairs from Scotts scrotum. He was now hairless from pits to taint. We were headed for his legs, when Joe stopped us.

"Don't bother" He said "Let's face it, the crotch is all that matters anyway" He snickered at the smooth groin as Paul got up and rubbed it profusely. It felt sticky from the shaving cream, and it itched from the sub- par shaving job I had just given it. All that remained of Paul's puberty was in a pile on the locker room floor.

"Great, now Marco's turn" Joe was loving this. He handed me a slat of wood that could have been a ruler, and the smooth surfer, Paul, got a larger piece.

Joe stared at three confused naked freshmen. "Bend him over....and spank him till I say stop."

Marco's mouth gaped open. He might have even been blushing. He was still wet from showering off the burning muscle cream Joe had just ravaged his groin with, and now he was gonna get spanked by a cock sucker and some surfer he'd never even met.

"You'll have to take turns of course." instructed Joe. And he might as well have been an instructor, because he was obviously well schooled in such arts.

Paul sat on the bench and Marco with a scowl on his face bent over the naked freshman's lap. Marco's cock rested right against Paul's left leg, and Paul's shaved unit was pressed up against the Latino's tight stomach muscles, but both boys pretended like they didn't notice. It was embarrassing enough to be naked in front of each other, but they were kind of getting used to it.

Paul glanced at Joe for the go ahead. Then he raised his paddle high, exposing his hairless armpits, and came down on Marco's ass with a thwack.

"AAAH!!" Marco screamed. He hadn't been expecting such a big smack. "Fucker!" A red imprint glowed on his cute brown butt.

Joe motioned to keep going. And Paul did. Not as hard this time, however. Smack Smack Smack Smack.

"Aah, UNH!, UNNH!"

Paul tried to vary where he hit the boy's naked ass, but it didn't seem to matter. Anywhere produced at least a grunt from Marco. Smack Smack Smack.


Marco was biting his lower lip and his face was bright red.

"Now before you switch, do 10 more real hard and real fast. If you don't convince me I'll make you keep doing it until you do!"

Paul hesitated. Marco was recovering. "Just do it man" Marco murmured in between half-sobs. Paul had the OK. He knew Marco probably wasn't blaming him anymore. But it was still not in Paul's nature to inflict pain on someone else. It was harder than he thought it would be. Smack after smack came down on Marco's sore ass. I didn't think it would ever end. Tears were rolling down his cheeks before it was over. His ass was red now. Finally the last swat, and he was done. He slowly got up off of Paul and his gaze was instantly on me.

"All right Marco lay down on the bench, just like before. It's time for phase 2" commanded Joe.

Marco lay face up on the bench, both his legs straddling either side. Then Joe told me to climb on top of him and stand over his stomach. I lifted my leg up and over the splayed Latino with my back to his face.

"Keep your legs spread, and don't move your arms, Marco or I'll double it!" warned Joe. "Now paddle his balls"

Marco instantly tried to sit up, but I was standing over him so he couldn't. "What? No Man C'mon! Don't do this!!!"

"Shut up!" barked Joe "Do it!"

I held out the tiny plank and gently patted his nut sac. I was a pathetic torturer. Marco jumped, but only out of surprise. It couldn't have hurt him. Joe was giving me hand signals. Paul was just staring in awe. He was glad now that he had yelled "A" so soon. Joe gave me a signal to gradually pat, and so I did. Tap tap tap. Marco was responding even to the slightest contact. His brown testicles hung low, but not out of reach. With a signal from Joe I started increasing the speed and the intensity. Marco let out deft spastic verbal pants.

"anh, anh, anh, anh..."

His voice was shaky. I felt like I was killing him. His balls were probably starting to ache a little. Then Joe motioned for a big swat. I closed my eyes. I didn't know if I could do it. Then I lifted the paddle and smacked Marco's nut sac.


Once again he practically stood up, but he couldn't. I could tell his instinct was to cover his balls with his hands, but he couldn't reach, and he'd been specifically ordered not to. Joe lipped "again". I shook my head no, but his glare overruled me. I smacked Marco's nuts again, a little harder on accident.


He was breathing erratically. I continued tapping his balls lightly. Joe pantomimed a series of slaps to Marco's inner thighs. I followed orders. I quickly slapped the insides of his thighs one then the other. Then I repeated it quickly. Marco, probably relieved that it wasn't his balls, didn't respond as much."


Then Joe motioned for a hard double slap to the balls. Again I put on a silent protest, but took a deep breath and followed through. SLAP...SLAP!


Marco was in real pain now. Joe lipped "ok" and I lifted my leg over the quivering boy beneath me and stood to one side. Marco's hands went directly to his groin, as mine had done in the bathroom earlier that day when Joe had used my balls similarly. It was one of the cruelest things one guy could do to another, and usually it was an accident, but this was unbearably humiliating and painful for Marco. It occurred to me at that moment the great irony of the situation. Marco was the jockstrap washer, a few feet away lay a stock pile of a whole team's jockstraps. I'll bet he wished he'd been wearing one.

We waited a moment for Marco to recover. He looked pissed. Then suddenly something occurred to me. I'd been stuck with the worse part of both Marco and Paul's torture sessions, and it was my turn now. I'd practically forgotten I would even have to go. I was so wrapped up in having to participate in theirs. But now it was unavoidable. What did Joe have in store for me now?

"Go sit over there on the floor." Joe was pointing at me.

I went to the wall and slunk down, my balls rested on the cold cement. It was uncomfortable.

"Ok, last one and you're all free" Joe handed them both small paper cups. I knew what he was going to have them do before they did. Joe's principle fetish. "Fill 'em up, and he'll drink 'em down."

I saw the wave of realization hitting them separately. First Paul, cause he'd had a similar encounter with me earlier in the towel room. Then Marco. I was going to taste piss again today. I was beginning to lose count.

They both looked kind of happy to be able to do it, frankly. I had shaved Paul's pubes and smacked Marco in the balls repetitively. They weren't exactly comfortable with letting a cock sucker do that sort of thing to them. Marco even had a grin. Apparently his balls weren't hurting him so much anymore. Of course as far as he knew Joe didn't give me any direction on how to slap his balls. All the commands were non-verbal. Marco wanted revenge, and so did Paul. Paul excused himself and sauntered into the towel room while Marco stood over me, cup in hand. I looked up at him pleadingly. He smiled back. Then he flopped his cock into the cup and let loose. It filled quickly, too quickly. He handed me the little cup. It was warm and smelled...well familiar.

"Drink it Freshman" ordered Joe.

I slowly lifted the cup of Latin piss to my lips. I tasted it slowly then decided to down it as fast as I could. I took a big gulp, practically gagging on the pungent liquid waste. Then I saw I had only drank half of it.

Marco took control. "Swish it around this time"

I emptied the contents of the cup into my mouth and with a sour look on my face I swished his urine around in my mouth. He began laughing. Then I noticed he was still holding his cock. Of course. He couldn't have emptied his bladder into such a small vessel. He had more.

"Now swallow, cock sucker" ordered Marco.

Joe didn't seem surprised that I was being called such a name, after all he had witnessed me suck Marco's cock in front of the whole team. I quickly gulped the piss down, and handed him the cup back. He took it and threw it to the ground.

"Open up fag" He ordered.

I opened my mouth wide, knowing his plans already. Then he let loose again. A shower of hot golden piss sprayed into my mouth splattering all over my face. He lifted his penis to aim it higher drenching my hair and face. Then he aimed it down my torso onto my crotch. Finally back at my mouth, he emptied the rest of it onto my face. He was giggling nonstop. In his eyes I saw him say "that's what you get for hitting me in the balls faggot". But he never expressly spoke it.

Then back came Paul with the legendary underwear. He was holding it by the elastic like it had been infected with the plague or something. In his other hand was a dixie cup full of urine. He walked over to the bench were I had snipped off his pubes and bent down. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He actually picked up a pile of his own dry pubic hair, and sprinkled it into the cup.

"I should shave yours off" he mumbled as he approached me. And I'm sure Marco wanted to kick me in the balls too. The point was we had been forced to do it. Why would they blame me? I wondered. But then I realized. I had been their cock sucker I didn't have the right to do such things to them. Joe could, cause he was an upper classman, but not me. I was a freshman, a cock sucking faggot freshman.

Paul handed me the cup. "bottoms up!"

I looked at him, ashamed. I thought I'd done him a favor, sucking him off, both of them. But this was my payment. I drank the urine. It was warm still, and tangier than Marco's for some reason. It was oily like earlier, and had the added nutritional value of pubic hair floating in it. They stuck in my mouth. Lovely.

"Now hold this up" He handed me the soiled underwear. I held it above my head He positioned his dick and let loose, pissing onto his own briefs. Warm trickles of pee found their way to my used body. What dryness was left in the tighty whities was gone immediately and most of the piss found it's way onto my head and body. Finally he was done, but his torture wasn't.

"Ok" he said shaking the last few drops of piss onto my face. "Now wring it out into your mouth, cock sucker"

This wretched underwear had disgusted me all day long, and now it was too much.

"C'mon" I pleaded with him.

"Whatever, fucker, you shaved my pubes. Drink my underwear!" Marco, Joe and Paul busted out laughing as I opened wide and wrung the filthy pair of underwear out into my mouth. I shook it to get the last few drops, then swallowed the rancid liquid down. I had to pee so bad. I hadn't really gone all day, but I said nothing. I could hold it. I stood up.

"That was hilarious" Joe said opening his locker "And it'll be funnier every time I watch it"

Our jaws dropped.

"No one will see it as long as you guys say nothing about today to anyone"

We all agreed to the sadistic bastard's terms. The contents of that tape could ruin us. It must look like some warped sexual torture orgy, plainly involving all three of us. We didn't even want Joe watching it, let alone the rest of the school. Joe pointed at me.

"Put those on, and Marco, here" He tossed Marco the jockstrap that had been Nick's muzzle earlier. The one that had been put over his face and combined with Marco's own cum. The one that had been part of the bet that escaladed the locker room fight. Simi's strap. Whether or not Joe realized that, or whether anyone else remembered it remains to be seen. Marco gently eased into it with a grimace on his face. I, on the other hand, was being forced to put on the dreaded Paul Greeves tighty whities. The ones that had not left Paul's body for over 3 weeks, and then been used as a sexual torture device all day long. They were moist, but not soaking. Paul was now the only one still naked. His shaved crotch was all the more obvious.

"Simi is waiting for you, with your clothes, at the boulder in the woods behind the school. You wear what you got on now to get there. I suggest you run." He winked at Paul who was particularly embarrassed. Though Marco and I had on soiled undergarments, Paul was not only going to be naked but pubeless. He sighed.

To Be Continued...

Questions or Comments? Contact Eros:

Next: Chapter 7

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