
By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Oct 9, 2006


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Valedictorians Part Two By Chris

"How could that bitch be engaged? ... How could she do that to me? ... Doesn't she know what she means to me?" She screamed to anyone and no one as she sobbed out her pain. She then dropped to her knees and put her hands to her face and just sobbed. She stayed there for an hour crying and screaming the same questions into the hot morning sun. But she got no answers to any of her questions. All she got was more pain and then shame over spending the whole summer emailing someone that she now knew was engaged the whole fucking time. She sat there for a while longer then she happened to look at her watch and she knew she had to get it together and go pick up her schedule. She wiped the tears from her face and slowly got up.

When she got to her room, she found that everyone had gone and she was thankful for small wonders. She went to the bathroom and washed her face off and tried to make her swollen eyes not look so bad with a little make-up that she hated to wear. She then got her paperwork together and headed for registration. She was hoping that she wouldn't run into Melody and when she got to the auditorium and saw all the students there, she wasn't so worried. She knew that if she saw Melody first, Melody would never see her. But she knew she couldn't avoid Melody forever but she sure could try. It took her most of the afternoon to get her schedule and do the paperwork for her full scholarship. Once she was done, she took her time getting back to the dorm. When she got there she hid in the study room and watched the door until she saw Melody, with Kelly and Alicia and a couple of

other girls going to find something to eat. She then made her way to her room and put her stuff up. She then slipped out and went to find something to eat for herself.

Again she got in late and all the girls were gathered in one room or

another so she knew she was safe. She gathered her bathing items up and she headed for the bathroom. She took a nice long hot shower, trying to get her muscles worked out. She had been tense all day and she was feeling it. When her skin was wrinkled and the bathroom was steamed up, she shut off the shower and got out; she dried off and put her nightgown on. She then put on her glasses that were fogged up. She felt her way out of the bathroom and opened the door to her room. She sensed that there was someone in the room and then her glasses began to clear and she could make out that indeed there was someone sitting on her bed and she knew who that someone was before her glasses cleared enough for her to see Melody sitting on the edge of her bed. Robin felt her heart start to palpate and she could see that Melody was wringing her hands in her lap. Melody looked more nervous than she was.

"Robin, I need to talk to you. Give me a chance to explain everything." Melody told her softly.

"There's nothing for us to talk about you fucking... fucking puta. Now get the fuck out of my room!" Robin spat out with all the venom that she could muster. She then saw Melody's face turn to from fear to shock and finally to hurt. It was this face that she saw as Melody got up and ran past

her. She knew she would never forget that look but she was hurting too and in a way she felt Melody deserved anything she got. But something deep inside of her was tugging at her heart, something that told her that she was

completely wrong about Melody. She also didn't notice that Melody was no longer wearing the engagement ring.

She suddenly felt very tired so she went to her bed and lay down. She laid there feeling the weight of the world on her shoulders and every time she closed her eyes, she could only see the hurt in Melody's eyes as she ran

past her. She wanted to forget everything and just go the sleep but she couldn't and then she felt the beginning of tears start to well up in her eyes. She tried to keep from crying but the tears came anyway. Eventually she cried herself to sleep.

Then next morning, she was up early and dressed before anyone else was awake. She then gathered her book bag and went out to find something for breakfast. She had two classes that day and they were both early morning classes. She made it to her first class a half hour before the class

was to begun. She sat down and started to read her text book.

Robin was able to avoid Melody for the most part for the next couple

of weeks. She concentrated on her studies and made sure that she ate alone never accepting the offers of Kelly and Alicia to join them. It didn't take them long to get the hint and everyone else on the floor for that matter and

she was left alone. This was fine with Robin but it also made her very lonely. Plus there was no way to completely avoid Melody. They would meet at the doorway from time to time or catch each other coming from the bathroom. Robin tried to avoid Melody's eyes but something always made her glance up at them and she could only see the hurt that was in them. This only made the

hurt in her heart worse. She put everything into her studies but there was still times when she couldn't study anymore and it was these times that her mind would go back to that day that she kissed Melody and for a second she felt good but then that feeling was replaced with sadness as her mind replayed the day she told Melody to get out of her room and the hurt that she knew she caused Melody. She also knew in her heart that Melody didn't deserve what she did to her but she didn't know how to take it back.

Then came an intervention by Alicia and Kelly. It was on the Friday afternoon of the third week of school and Robin was sitting at her desk trying to work out a math problem that she knew was easy and she was making it too hard. She heard Kelly enter the room talking away like she always did and she paid it no mind until she heard Alica reply to her. Then she realized that they were standing on each side of her.

"We need to talk to you about Melody." Kelly told her.

Robin started to make a smart reply but then she looked up at Kelly and saw her arms folded in front of her and she had a very stern look on her

face. Now Kelly was a very petite girl but from her stance and her demeanor,

she looked like a bouncer at a biker bar. Robin then shifted her gaze to Alicia who was a big girl and she looked even more menacing. Robin quickly decided the discretion was the better part of valor and replied as such.

"Did she send you in here?" Robin asked nicely.

"No, she doesn't have a clue that we are here. She's got a late class on Fridays and then she studies at the library for a couple of hours before coming back. So we got all the time in the world and we plan on using it. Then once we are done with you, we are going to talk to her but we will straighten this out between you two." Kelly told her.

"So you can tell us what is going on or we can work you over a bit until you feel like it is in your best interest to talk to us." Alicia said and she huffed up her shoulders and gave Robin a look that told her she was actually

serious about roughing her up. But then, she let a smile come to her face and she relaxed her arms. The fear that Robin was feeling went away a bit but only a bit.

"So will you come over and talk to us?" Kelly said as she went to her bed and sat down and then Alicia went over and sat beside of her.

Robin looked at them and then back at her books. Everything that had

happened since she had gotten to school went through her head and she felt so bad. She was tired of holding it all in, maybe it was time to say something to somebody and these girls did seem to want to help. So Robin slowly got up

and went to her bed and sat down. She looked down at her hands and tried to decide how much to tell them and she decided very little and see what they knew.

"What has Melody told you?" Robin asked them.

"To be perfectly honest, not much but she did tell us a little. But what we want to know is your story first. We don't want to violate Melody's trust

so we won't say what she has said. We just want to get both stories then maybe we can help solve this. It is just that I'm tired of going to bed each

night and hear Melody cry and Kelly here is tired of hearing you cry every night." Alicia told her.

Robin felt the tears begin to roll down her cheeks when she heard that Melody was crying every night, that broke her heart. The tears gathered speed until they were falling off her cheeks and onto her lap. She felt Kelly and Alicia move to each side of her and then one of them handed her a tissue. She cried as they hugged her and for once she felt the beginnings of the weight being lifted.

"Are you ready to tell us your story?" Kelly asked when she got her crying under control.

Robin nodded her head and she blew her nose, then she began, "It all

started the first day of High School..." Robin began and once she started, the original thought of telling them very little went out the window in a flash. She told them everything. She told them about competing with Melody for being first in the class, about how they became sort of friends when they had home room together. She even told them about fantasying about Melody that first summer when she discovered masturbation. She didn't care that she was outing herself, she just needed to get it off her chest and now was the time. She told them about how she and Melody made out in her room. Then she told them how Melody disappeared on her right after graduation and how she was worried and then got pissed at her for not answering her emails or not even trying to contact her and tell her what had

happened. Then when she saw her again she was engaged. Finally she told her that she had called her a whore and told her to get out of her room. This brought a gasp from both Kelly and Alicia. Robin looked at Kelly and saw the

shock and hurt in her eyes and then she looked at Alicia and saw the same in

her eyes.

"What do you two know that I don't?" Robin said suddenly panicked.

She then watched as Alicia got up and kneeled down in front of her. She put her hands on her thighs and she took a deep breath before speaking.

"I tend to be blunt where Kelly is gentler in what she has to say but I think you need to hear this my way and not hers. Girl, you fucked up so fucking bad. I don't think anyone could have fucked this up more than you did." Alicia told her.

"Oh god..." Robin said as her hands went to her face and she started

to cry again. She then felt Alicia pull her down off the bed and she was encompassed in her big arms.

When the crying stopped, she felt Kelly puling her away from the comfort of Alicia's arms. Kelly put her hands to Robin's cheeks and held her

there until Robin was looking at her. "Honey, all is not lost yet but you do

need to go to Melody and get on your knees and beg for her forgiveness. I think once you hear what she has to say you will know we are right. I suspect that it won't take a lot of begging but it wouldn't hurt. Then listen to what the poor girl has to tell you, okay?"

They then kissed her on the cheek and left her to think about what she was going to do. It was only when she was alone that she knew what that constant tugging of her heart was trying all this time to tell her. "If only I had listened to it." She told herself. She got up from the floor and she lay

down on the bed. She heard the other girls on the floor talking as they passed her door but she only thought about how she was going to get Melody to talk to her and how she was going to ask for her forgiveness. She didn't think much about what had happened to Melody over the summer, she only wanted to feel Melody in her arms again and from what little Kelly and Alicia told her, she knew that was actually a possibility. Later on she heard Melody come in and she wanted to go running to her but she knew that wasn't the right time. She waited until she heard them all laughing in Melody's room and she slipped into the bathroom and took her shower and changed into her night clothes. She went back into her room and lay back down in her bed. She curled up in her side and fell asleep.

She woke up late into the night and the room was dark and she heard Kelly's gentle snoring. She then heard what woke her up. It was Melody talking right outside of her door. She had gotten up to pee and one of the girls from down the hall had caught her and was talking to her. Robin knew that this was her time. When she heard the girl say goodnight to Melody and then the bathroom door close, she got up quietly. She didn't notice that Kelly had stopped snoring and was peaking at her through partially opened eyes. She slipped out the door and faced the bathroom door. She said a silent prayed to a god she didn't really believe in and then she started to turn the doorknob. She lucked out and it wasn't locked. She opened the door quickly and slipped into the bathroom before Melody could say anything. She saw Melody sitting on the toilet with her nightshirt pulled up and her panties at her knees. She heard Melody gasp and before Melody could say anything she was on her knees in front of her. She took Melody's hands in hers and held them tight effectually pinning Melody in place.

"I'm so sorry for calling you a puta. Please forgive me; I was wrong, so very wrong. Give me a chance to win your trust again. I don't care that you are engaged to someone. I just want to be friends again." Robin pleaded.

"Why the sudden change in heart? Since I have been here, you wouldn't talk to me and did your best to avoid me. Why should I accept this change of heart? Tell me that." Melody said in a voice that told Robin that Melody wasn't going to make it easy on her.

"Because Kelly and Alicia came to me and after I told them my side of things they told me that I had fucked up really bad. But I knew that already. My heart was telling me that for a while now. I just wasn't listening to it but I am now. They didn't tell me anything that you might have told them so I don't know anything except that I screwed up." Robin said and she felt more tears come and then she saw that Melody was tearing up and she also saw that her facial expression was softening a bit.

"I don't know that I can forgive you." Melody told her and that was also more than Robin could bear.

"Please Melody, Please forgive me." Robin said as she laid her head down on Melody's bare legs. Robin sat there and cried for a few moments and then she felt release her hands and she thought that Melody was going to push her off of her but instead she felt those hands touch her head and she felt the fingers begin to comb through her hair. Then she heard the words that she had been waiting to hear.

"Get up and let's go find someplace to talk. I have a lot to tell you." Melody told her gently.

Robin felt her heart begin to beat again and she smiled. She slowly got up and saw that there were the beginnings of a smile on Melody's face.

"Now turn around and let me pee, I'm about to burst." Melody said. Robin giggled but did as she was told. Then she heard the tinkle of urine hitting the water in the bowl. Then she heard Melody start to get up and then she heard a thump. She turned around quickly and saw that Melody was blushing.

"I have sat here too long and now my legs are asleep. You're going to have to help me up." Melody said with an embarrassed smile.

Robin came to her and grasped her hands and started to pull Melody up when she realized that Melody wasn't wearing her engagement ring. She had her other rings on but not that one. She also lost her grip on Melody's hands but then she caught her again and pulled her up trying not to look at the black patch of hair between Melody's legs but doing so anyway. She got Melody up and Melody took her time pulling her panties up and Robin couldn't

help but to stare. When they were up, Melody went to the sink and was washing her hands when Robin realized that she needed to pee too.

"You ready?" Melody asked.

"Let me pee first then we can go." Robin said and then she waited for Melody to leave but instead she turned and faced Robin with her butt up against the sink. She then realized that Melody had no intention of leaving and Robin knew that Melody gave her a good look so it was only fair that she

do the same. Robin pulled her gown up and pushed her panties down thankful that she had trimmed her pubic hair the other night. She saw that Melody was staring just as intently as she had done to her. She found it hard to pee with Melody staring at her but eventually she was able to pee. When she was done, she opened her legs and wiped herself and then she stood up and slowly pulled her panties back up. When the show was over, she went to the sink to wash her hands.

"Now I'm ready." Robin said when she was done drying her hands.

Melody held out her hand and Robin took it. She felt Melody squeeze her hand as she opened the door.

"You're not wearing your engagement ring, why?" Robin asked not sure

she wanted to know the answer.

"That is part of what I have to tell you and what you would have already known if you had not called me a whore and kicked me out of your room." Melody said but without the venom that Robin had used when she had said those words to her. And as Robin was taking in the Melody knew what she had called her, Melody continued with, "And yes I know Spanish, I took it in high school and I took it for the same reason you took Italian. To better understand the person that I wanted so much to kiss and hold."

After they had gotten their robes, Melody took Robin by the hand and

led her to the elevator. She pressed the button for the ground floor and once there, she took Robin into the study area. Seeing how it was a Friday night and two in the morning, there wasn't a soul in the place. With the light coming from the hallway, Melody guided then back to a corner table far from anyone who might walk by and see them. She turned on the study light but then turned it away from them. That way it gave off enough light for them to clearly see each other but they were not awash in bright light. She sat down in a chair and waited as Robin pulled up and sat in front of her, Melody then scooted her chair forward until their knees were touching.

"Now are you ready to listen to me. I mean to listen to every word that I say as I plan to tell you only once." Melody said with forcefulness that it made Robin sit back.

It hurt her that Melody spoke this way to her but she knew that she deserved any pain and hurt that Melody felt that she deserved. She leaned forward and said, "Yes I'm ready now, I admit I wasn't before but I'm now."

"Good, then let's get this over with." Melody said with a loud sigh, that she drew out for what seemed like three minutes.

Robin knew that Melody was drawing this out and making her suffer and she was doing that. Her heart was hurting and she just wanted Melody to get this over with but she placed her hands in her lap and waited for Melody to begin.

After an extended pause, Melody began, "Let's see where we left off.

I believe that it was graduation night, and you were with your family and I was with mine." And then she paused as Robin shook her head yes. "Well the next morning, I woke up and my mother was in my room. She told me to pack my things that we're going on a trip, a long one. To say I was a bit confused was a vast understatement. Anyway when I was dressed and had a couple of bags packed, I brought them into the Living room. Mom was there with her cases and she told me to put both of our cases into the car as she said goodbye to my father. I, of course, asked if he wasn't going with us since I

thought we were going on some vacation. But I should have known better as we had never been on a vacation. But she hushed me and sent me on my way. So I waited in the car and she drove us to the airport. She went to the counter and pulled out both her and my passports and received two tickets for us to Italy. She didn't give me my ticket until we were about to board the plane but I did look to see when the tickets were bought and it was back

in December. Anyway once the plane was well over the Atlantic Ocean did she spring the real reason for the trip. And it is here that I must digress from my story and give you some history of my family." She said.

Robin was already wrapped up in the story and she wanted Melody to get on with it but she nodded again but she didn't say anything for fear of Melody stopping her story.

"My grandparents came here from a small rural community in the southern part of Italy when my father was about three. It was a very poor and backwards community and they did everything the way that it had been done for hundreds of years. My grandparents left to come here because the family needed the money and my grandfather was a very skilled carpenter. He knew could find work here in America. Then when my father graduated college, he went back home to Italy to find a wife. And when he got there, the family had a woman ready for him and that was of course was my mother. So they got married and I came about. Now back to my story." She said and Robin was grateful but what Melody told her about her family history gave her a real clue of what was coming next.

"My mother then turned to me and told me the reason for the trip. She and my father had decided that I should find a husband from the old country, that way they would know that I would pick a good man and not some American man. I wanted to tell her that I didn't want a man at all but I figured that thirty thousand feet over the ocean would not be the place to do this so I kept quite. Anyway, she explained that both her family and my father's family had a number of young men picked and I could take my time in picking one and once I did, we would all return back home. I was in shock

by this time and all I wanted to was to talk to you but there was no way I could at this point but I knew as soon as we got to where we were going, I would find a computer and get you online. But when I arrived at the village, I knew I was screwed. We stayed with my grandparents home whom I last seen when I was a baby. Anyway they had no computer and after resting for a couple of days, I was presented with my first prospect. He was a nice young gentleman but I quickly figured out he just wanted a way to the US. I was never alone so getting to a computer was impossible. I went through a number of boys always finding a reason to reject them but I knew I had to come up with something. Then my luck changed as the family presented me with their last man that they had picked up. He was the last one because his

father and one of my cousin's father had a feud going but they were running out of men to present to me and I was quickly running out of time. His name

was Ezio and we went out for a ride and once away from the house he told me that he was in love with my cousin Brigida, which explained her hostility

when I told her I was going out with him. As I listened to him, I knew he was very much in love with her but then an idea began to form in my head. I asked him to come back the next day to take me out and he protested but I convinced him to do it. Then when I got home I went to Brigida. And I told her I was in love with a girl back home and I knew she loved Ezio but couldn't marry him with their father's feud going on. So we came up with the idea of an plan and the next day he picked me up and I had him drive around to a road that was at the back of the house where Brigida was waiting for us. So I moved to the back of the car and they had their first real date. We did this for a while, and then Brigida and I sprung our idea on him. He would become engaged to me but we wanted to wait to get married. This would satisfy my mother and he would be free to date Brigida on the side. That way I could come back here to you and school and with your help then we could solve the problem of making this work. So that is how I got engaged and why I had to wear the engagement ring while my parents were here. Now back to your emails. I tried every way in the world to get to a computer but

anybody that had one near by was kin to me in some way. I even had my "betrothed" try to email you but I had him use .com and your email address was .net so I had that screwed up and he kept getting the email back. I even

had him try to download my emails but he couldn't get that to work either. So you see, I did try to get in contact with you and if I had known you would react the way you did, I would have done something to warn you but my mother and I got in a day before we came up here. And it took me the whole plane ride back just to get her to let me come this year. But they fully expect me to get married this coming spring when school lets out. That is my

story in a nut shell. There is more to tell but I think you have the jest of

what I went through this summer. Now I just have to figure a way out of it."

Melody said with a long sigh.

Robin, with tears streaking down her face, reached out for Melody's hands and took them in her hands. She took a deep breath then said, "I want to help you, if you will let me. I know that you may not love or like me anymore but I hope that I can still be your friend."

Robin let her tears roll down her cheeks and she could barely see through her glasses so she couldn't see what Melody's reaction was. She could only wait and see what Melody would do or say. It seemed like Melody wasn't going to say or do anything as Robin sat there trying to be remain calm. Then she felt Melody's hand move away from hers and she was afraid she knew what Melody had decided. This made Robin cry harder but then she felt Melody's hands on her cheeks, gently lifting her head. The next thing that she felt was Melody's soft lips tenderly touching her lips. It was a short but very meaningful kiss.

"I never stopped loving you." She heard Melody whisper into her ear.

Robin let out a gasp at hearing those wonderful words and she reached out and pulled Melody onto her lap. She hugged her tight, then she felt Melody pulling her glasses off and putting them on the table then she heard a second pair of glasses click onto the table. Robin looked up to see Melody's lips come toward her. She pursed her lips and then she was kissing Melody again. It was like they were back to when they kissed the first time but it was also different. This kiss meant so much more. They both had been through so much. Robin then let her mind go blank and just enjoyed Melody's sweet lips caressing her lips. She was just getting into the kiss when she heard some giggling from across the room.

The kiss stopped in midstream as Melody grabbed their glasses so that they could see what was going on. Robin looked around and didn't see anyone but then her eyes focused on a big pair of slippers sticking from behind the couch on the other end of the room and she knew the feet attached to those slippers could only belong to one person.

"Come on out you two." Robin said and a moment later Kelly's and Alicia's head began to peak over the back of the couch.

"And just how long have you two been spying on us?" Melody asked as she stood up and she put her hands on her hips.

"Ah... we just got here." Alicia said.

"Alicia! Tell the truth. This was your idea to begin with!" Kelly said as she hit the big girl standing next to her. Now Alicia could easy make two of

Kelly and if so inclined one swat of her arm would have sent Kelly across the room. But she didn't hit Kelly back but instead cowered back and rubbed her arm where Kelly hit her.

"Okay, okay," She said to Kelly then she turned to Robin and Melody and said, "We followed you down here. Kelly came into my room when she saw you going into the bathroom after Melody had went in. Then we hid in my bed as you all got your robes. We figured you would catch us then but you didn't. Then once you got into the elevator we watched until we saw the elevator stop at the growd floor and then we came and found you. And I must add the Kelly went willingly and never once said that we shouldn't be doing what we were doing."

"You didn't have to tell them that!" Kelly said again but she didn't hit Alicia that time.

"Never mine, you are here now and I guess you should know the story since you helped to get us back together." Robin said as she took Melody's hand and she felt Melody squeeze it.

"Well since we know the end, I'm dieing to hear the beginning." Kelly said.

"I told the end, you can tell them the beginning." Melody told Robin.

"Cool, but let's do it at Harry's Diner, I'm starving to death." Alicia told them.

"Alicia, it three in the morning, we all should be in bed." Kelly told her but then she added, "But then again it is the weekend and we can sleep late and I am a little hungry myself." Then she looked at Melody and Robin.

"I'm up for it, if you are." Robin said as she looked at Melody.

"Sure but lets get dressed first." Melody said.

Once they got to the dinner and got their food ordered and this drinks served, Kelly said to Robin, "So start already."

"I guess it stated the first day that we started high school..." Robin said and then she began to slowly start the story. She told most of the details with Melody adding her point of view where needed as Robin went along. Robin stretched it out so that there were long since done with their food when she ended the story.

"That is beautiful," Alicia said.

"Yea," followed by a little sigh was Kelly only reply.

They talked for a while longer but then Melody yawned and then the others girls started to yawn. It was at this time they decided to call it a night but it really wasn't night anymore as the sun was just making it appearance over the horizon. They paid their bill and slowly made their way back toward the dorm. Robin walked with Melody beside of her and when she reached for Melody's hand, Melody let her take it. Alicia and Kelly were walking in front of them with Kelly talking away. It would have been at this

time that Robin would have begun to tune Kelly out but Alicia was paying rap

attention. When they got to the doorway of the dorm, there was a moment of awkwardness between the four girls. Robin wanted Alicia and Kelly to hurry up and go to their respective rooms so that she could have a moment alone with Melody but then Alicia did something that shocked the hell out of


"Good night girls," She said as she gave them a wink and then she took Kelly by the arm and pulled her into Melody's room.

This left Robin looking at the door that they had just closed. She wanted to be alone with Melody but she wasn't sure that she was ready for this much.

"I guess your rooming with me." Robin said to Melody.

"I guess so." Melody replied as she looked back at Robin who took a second to realize that Melody had just put the ball back into her court.

"Well welcome to my humble home." Robin said as she opened the door and let Melody enter first and then she followed her inside. Robin tried to think of what to do. Both times that she had kissed Melody, they were interrupted, first by Melody's mother and then but Alicia and Kelly. Now they were truly alone and no one was going to bother them. But she wasn't sure that either of them were ready for anything more at this moment. The problem was how to voice her concern to Melody without hurting her feelings. Maybe Melody was ready and if she turned her down, everything that they had done tonight would be undone. But still she thought it was better to wait.

"Melody, I'm not sure if I'm ready..." Robin started to say but Melody came to her and put her finger to Robin's lips stopping her in mid sentence.

"I'm not either; lets just lay here and hold each other. That is what I need most from you right now." Melody said softly.

"That I can do." Robin said as she placed her hands on Melody's hips

and pulled her in tight. She felt Melody place her head on her shoulder and she slipped her hands on around to Melody's back. They stood there just holding onto one another. It felt so right to be holding Melody and feeling her body pressing up against her. She hadn't bother putting on a bra when she got dressed to eat and neither had Melody so Robin could feel Melody's breast press against her breasts. This didn't give her a sexual thrill but rather just added to the closeness she felt toward Melody at that moment. Then she felt Melody yawn again.

"I think it time I put my love to bed." Robin whispered into Melody's ear as she pulled back slightly. When Melody turned her head toward her, Robin leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. She felt Melody responding to the kiss and she felt Melody's fingers grip her tee shirt. Robin pressed her lips a little harder against Melody's lips. Robin's heart began to beat faster and she found it was getting harder to catch her breath. Finally she had to break the contact of their lips so that she could breath and as they parted she heard Melody breathing just as hard and her face was had a nice glow to it.

"Let us sleep, now my love." Robin said as she dropped down to her knees and she began to untie Melody's shoelaces. She took that tennis shoe off and then the other. She then removed both of Melody's socks. She moved her hands up to the top of Melody's jeans and unsnapped them. She saw that Melody was looking down at her with eyes that showed her nervousness but also her trust. Robin knew that whatever she wanted to do, Melody would go along with. She tugged the jeans down off of her hips and down her long slim legs. She could see Melody's panties come into view and then a few black hairs sticking out of the sides of her panties. She could almost smell Melody's aroma and she so wanted to bury her face into Melody's pussy but she didn't. Once the jeans were at Melody's ankles, she felt Melody place her hand on her shoulder as she stepped out of the jeans. She was now standing there with her tee shirt covering the top half of her panties. She got back up on her feet and she kissed Melody lightly on the lips. She then led her to her bed and helped her to slip under the covers. Robin quickly removed her own shoes and jeans and she turned off the light. She then slipped in beside of Melody and pulled her in tight. She kissed her

lightly on the lips and then pulled Melody over so that Melody's head was on

her chest. She caressed her hair and placed tender kisses on her forehead until she knew Melody was asleep. She then thought a little about how the last twenty four hours had gone. To say that it was a painful twenty four hours would be a vast understatement but it also brought Melody back to her or rather her back to Melody. Robin gripped Melody a little tighter as if she was afraid that she would lose her again but then she felt Melody stir a

little and Robin relaxed her grip. She kissed Melody again on the top of her

hear and finally allowed herself to relax. She was never one to fall right to asleep but on this morning, her body and mind were worn out and she drifted off quickly.

Sometime later she felt Melody get up and she turned to her asking, "Where you going?"

"To the bathroom nosey," Melody replied with a little laugh, "Go back to sleep, I'll be right back."

Robin turned to her side and she was almost asleep when she felt Melody crawling back into the bed. She felt Melody's arms pulled her in close and Robin let out a contented mummer. She then drifted back off to sleep content and happy. It was around one that Robin woke up again and this time it was her turn to go to the bathroom. She hated to leave Melody's arms but the need to relieve herself was too much. She slipped for Melody's arms and got out of bed. When she returned to the room, she saw that Melody had turned to her back and was still fast asleep. Robin started to get back into

bed with her but instead she just stood there and looked down at Melody as she slept. Melody's hair was splayed around her head and she had one arm lying out straight as the other one lay across her chest just below her breasts. She pulled Melody's tee shirt down and Robin could see the outline of her breasts and the nipples trying to poke out through the thin material.

Her eyes focused in on those beautiful breasts and she felt her own nipples tighten and her pussy begin to moisten. Robin knew that if she stared much longer she would be all over Melody kissing and caressing her so she decided

a cold shower just might be in order. She gathered up her bath items and headed into the bathroom. When she opened the bathroom door after her shower, she found Melody waiting with her own stuff.

"Morning," Robin said as she leaned in for a quick kiss before anyone saw them.

"You mean afternoon, don't you." Melody said with a smile.

"I stand corrected." Robin said as she turned to go into her room. She was almost inside when she felt a hand on her back gripping the large towel that was wrapped around her body. Then with a swift tug, Robin felt the towel being stripped from her body. Robin screamed and jumped to close the door as she heard Melody laughing as she quickly jumped into the bathroom and locked the door keeping Robin from coming after her, not that she could seeing how she was buck assed naked. Robin then started to spew forth every dirty word that she knew in Spanish at Melody who she could hear was laughing hysterically behind the safety of the bathroom door. Once she was done cussing, Robin had to laugh, she really didn't think that Melody had it in her but she was wrong. Robin quickly got dressed and went to her door and opened it a crack. She was going to get her revenge and get it quickly. She heard the shower stop and she got ready but Melody was taking her sweet time. Robin felt her muscles getting tense as she waited and then finally she heard the bathroom being unlocked. Robin gripped her door handle tightly and she heard the bathroom door open and she could see Melody peeking out and Robin drew back. Then she heard Melody come out and she let her take a step then Robin sprung open her door and she came out in a flash only to find Melody standing in front of her fully dressed in jeans and a tee shirt.

"You don't think I'm that stupid do you? You know I didn't finish first in my class in high school for nothing did you?" Melody said with her nose in the air.

"You finished tied for tops in your class and I will get you back." Robin replied as she stepped aside to let Melody enter the room.

"I stand corrected." Melody said and then she burst into laughter, then she added, "But I got you good!"

"Just you wait!" Robin said as she rushed toward Melody who turned to run but found that she only had a few steps before she was trapped by the bed and it was there that Robin got to her and threw her to the bed. She then fell on top of her. She stared down into Melody's pretty eyes. And she reached down and gently removed Melody's glasses. She then let Melody remove her glasses as they both continued to stare into each others eyes. Robin slipped her hands under Melody's shoulders and she felt Melody's hand go to the back of her neck and then she felt gentle pressure being applied. She gladly lowered her head and as she closed her eyes she felt Melody's lips touch hers. Robin let out a little moan as they kissed. She pulled on Melody's shoulders as they kissed. She felt Melody part her lips and Robin let her own lips part as the kissing became more passionate. Robin gripped Melody's shoulders as she felt Melody's tongue enter her mouth. Robin could feel Melody's tongue circle the tip of her tongue and then Robin began to move her tongue against Melody's tongue. She heard Melody moan and she was doing her own moaning. Robin began to grind her hips against Melody who opened her legs and Robin moved her hips a little more. They were kissing harder and Robin felt Melody hands as they began to move along her back. Robin was beginning to really get turned on as they kissed with their tongues and lips moving around. Their lips would part only to come back harder and more passionately. Robin was moving her hips a little harder and she could feel Melody beginning to push her hips up. Robin could feel that she was slowly approaching an orgasm when she heard the door come open.

"Oops!" she heard Kelly yelp as Melody pushed Robin off of her.

"Fuck" Robin said quietly as yet again they were interrupted just as

things were getting started.

"We're sorry." Alicia said as they started to make a hasty retreat.

"No, stay, it's okay." Melody told them as she searched for her glasses. But Robin found them first and she gave Melody's hers as she put her glasses on. Everything was slightly blurry as Robin tried to focus in on

Kelly and Robin. She immediately took her glasses off and handed them to Melody just as Melody was taking her glasses off.

"So what do you want?' Robin said as she tried to hide her frustration but was unable to do so completely.

"Well Kelly and I were thinking and we decided that we need to change rooms." Alicia said.

"Why should we do that, yours and Melody's room is the same as Kelly

and mine." Robin told them now really frustrated at getting interrupted over

something so stupid.

"No, she means changing roommates. You know you and Melody room together while Kelly and I room together." Kelly said.

Robin looked over at Melody trying to read her reaction to this suggestion but instead of being positive, she appeared a little hesitant. Robin was disappointed at first but then she could understand Melody wanting to be cautious. There was a lot for them to work out before she could really say they were a couple but then Melody surprised her.

"You two don't have to do this for us, you have done so much already."

"Oh don't worry, we don't mind at all. Kelly and I get along just fine and it will be fun rooming with her." Alicia said.

"Are you two sure?" Robin asked as her sharp mind was picking up on something but she just wasn't quite sure what it was.

"Yea!" Was Kelly's almost too quick reply.

"What do you think?" Robin turned and asked Melody.

"What do you think?" Melody echoed as her eyes bore into Robin's eyes.

"I asked you first." Robin replied.

Melody looked away for a moment and there were three sets of eyes staring at her as she thought it over. "Okay," she finally said as she realized that everyone was waiting on her answer.

"Yes!" Alicia said as she pumped her fist and then blushed as she realized what she had done.

"So which room do you two want?" Kelly asked.

"I think the easiest would be for Alicia and me to change places as I think that we both have less stuff to move. You and Melody brought everything but the kitchen sink." Robin told Kelly.

"You got that right!" Alicia said, and then she added, "I think Melody has her closet full and part of mine.

"I think they are ganging up on us Kelly." Melody told Kelly.

"I think they are, so we will let them move their stuff and we will sit here and talk." Kelly replied as she turned her back to Alicia. But then she

started to laugh and they all joined in.

"So when do we do this?" Melody asked after the laughter died down.

"Now is as good a time as any." Alicia said as she got up and started toward her room with Kelly in tow.

When they were alone, Robin took Melody's hand and asked her, "Honestly how do you feel about this?"

Melody took a deep breath and then she replied, "I want to do it but

I'm scared too. I mean I want to be with you but..."

"I know what you are saying. I'm scared too but the one thing I do know is that I want to be with you and only you." Robin told her.

"That is all I needed to hear." Melody said as she finally let a smile come to her face. "So get your Spanish ass off this bed and start to move your stuff to our room." And then she pushed her off the bed.

Robin landed with a thump and she looked at Melody and told her, "That's two I owe you." She said as she got up rubbing her ass.

"Promises, promises, that's all I ever hear from you." Melody said with a laugh. But then she got up and gave Robin a sweet kiss.

They then started to pack up Robin's stuff. Soon the four girls were

going back and forth between the two rooms and Alicia's stuff was moved into what would be now hers and Kelly's room as Robin and Melody moved her stuff into what was now their room. It took them longer than they thought it would, as computers had to be unhooked and re-hook. When they were done they regrouped in Kelly's and Alicia's room.

"So who's up for something to eat?" Melody asked.

"I'm glad you asked that, I'm starving to death." Alicia said.

"You're always starving to death." Kelly said.

"I can't help that I'm a growing girl." Alicia said.

"Yea, right!" Kelly said as Robin and Melody sat and watched the two

girls fuss. They went on for a little longer before Robin broke in.

"Enough you two, lets go eat, I haven't had anything to eat since last night and I'm starving to death." Robin said as she got up and pulled Melody

to her feet and started toward the door.

"Well you two coming or are you going to sit there and argue." Melody said as they went out the door. Alicia was up in a flash and she was dragging Kelly by the hand behind her.

"I can't believe that we are finally alone." Robin said after she and Melody had said goodnight to Kelly and Alicia. They had gone to eat then Kelly talked them into seeing a foreign film at the campus student union hall. It turned out to be a Spanish flick so she didn't have to read the sub-titles and she noticed that Melody was following along with the dialog. But knowing

what the characters were saying didn't help make the film any better. The only person who seemed to enjoy it was Kelly.

"I know, I didn't think this would ever happen, we are actually alone." Melody said as she went to her bed and lay down on her back. Robin went to the bed and lay beside of her. Melody then turned on her side and laid her head on Robin's shoulder.

"I'm still half afraid to kiss you for fear of someone knocking on the door." Robin said half seriously.

"You're more than welcome to try and we'll see if we get interrupted." Melody said softly.

This made Robin smile as she turned to her side so that she could face Melody. They both removed their glasses and Melody turned over and set them on the nightstand. She then turned off the light before turning back to face her. Robin could just make out Melody's face from the light that was

peaking from the bottom of the door. Robin snuggled in close as Melody did the same and they just looked into each other's eyes for a moment. Then Robin leaned in close and she felt Melody's lips touch hers once again. Robin kissed her softly and slowly, not wanting to rush things, plus a part of her

was waiting for the interruption that always came. But after a few minutes of kissing this way and no one came knocking on their door, Robin began to relax. She pushed Melody onto her back and she caressed her face with her fingertips. She felt Melody shiver and then she lowered her head and began to kiss her again. This time the kissing was more passionate as Robin moved her hands to Melody's shoulders gripping them tightly. As she opened her mouth, Robin felt Melody's tongue enter it. Robin sucked gently and she felt

Melody pulling down on her arms. They kissing went on for what seemed hours as Robin moved her mouth to Melody's neck and back up to her mouth. Then Melody did the same to her and Robin felt a moan come from her mouth as Melody used her tongue to lightly lick her neck as she kissed her. Everything was getting very intense and Robin felt her body responding to the kissing but then Melody pushed her off of her and she rolled over onto her back.

"Give me a minute; everything's going a bit to fast." Melody said breathlessly.

"I know, I didn't mean to push." Robin said after she had caught her


"No you weren't pushing, it's me. I just need some more time. I'm sorry but I do." Melody said and Robin could hear in her voice how scared Melody was.

Robin turned to her side and turned Melody's head toward hers and she said, "It's okay; we both need time to get to know each other. I need the time too. I mean, just a day or so ago I hated your guts and now we are kissing like mad lovers. That is a major chance for both of us and we both need time to get it straight in our heads and we ho have all the time in the


"Well, I hope we don't take too much time." Melody said with a wink and Robin knew that they both were on the same track.

"We won't, I promise." Robin told her then she kissed her on the cheek. Melody wrapped her arms around her and Robin laid her head on Melody's shoulder and they talked for a few minutes before falling asleep still dressed.

They ate breakfast with Kelly and Alicia, who both seemed to be smiling a lot, then they sat down at their desks. They both had neglected their book Friday night and all day Saturday, so today they both agreed that

it was going to be just studying, no fooling around. They both got to MIT by

spending most of their free time studying and they knew to stay there they had to put in their book time. But that didn't stop Robin from glancing toward Melody from time to time and when she caught Melody looking back, which was quite often, she would give her a smile and she always got one in return. They studied until around dinner time when Kelly and Alicia burst into their room to drag them out of their room. They went back to the dinner that they had eaten at early Saturday morn. This was rapidly becoming Alicia's favorite place to eat when they had enough of the school's

dining fare. They all talked and laughed and as this was going on, Robin realized how much she had missed when she was being an asshole to Melody. It was at this time that she took Melody's hand and squeezed it and she leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

"What was that for?" Melody asked.

"Just because," Robin replied with a big smile.

This brought a giggle from both Kelly and Alicia. Robin saw that Melody was about to press her for a better explanation but with both Alicia and Robin giggling, she dropped it which was just fine with Robin. She figured that when they were alone again, Melody would ask her again but she had a little more studying to do and that took her mind off of the kiss.

Melody took her shower first and when Robin came into the room after her shower, she was wondering where she was supposed to sleep. Melody was already in her bed and Robin looked over at her. She wasn't sure if she should ask where Melody wanted her to sleep as she didn't want to just presume that they would be sleeping together.

"Don't just stand there, turn off the light and come over and keep me warm." Melody said as she pulled the covers down for her.

"Yes madam." Robin said as a smile broke across her face. She then quickly turned off the light and slipped into the bed. Melody turned to her side and she pulled Robin to her.

"You feel so nice." Robin told Melody as she wrapped her arms around


"You feel pretty good yourself." Melody said and then Robin felt Melody's lips touch hers and they began to kiss. They kissed for a few minutes then Melody put her hands on Robin's shoulders and gently pushed her back a bit.

"Can I ask you something?" she asked.

"Sure, anything, you know that." Robin answered.

"Why did you kiss me at dinner? I know it wasn't a "Just because" kiss. I could see that you were thinking about something before you kissed me." Melody said.

"I wish I could tell you that it really was a just because kiss but then I would be lying and I won't do that to you. It was just that we were all sitting there having fun and I suddenly realized what I had missed out on because I was being such a bitch to you. I mean if I had just gotten my head

out of my ass, I could have saved us both a lot of pain." Robin said and she

felt like crying all over again.

"I thought that it was something like that and I think it is time I let you off the hook a little for what happened between us." Melody was saying but then Robin interrupted her.

"You don't have to do that, what happen was all my fault and I take the blame for it. So please don't say something just to make me feel better." Robin told her.

"Oh I'm not saying it just to ease your conscious. I mean I would love to lord this over you for the rest of our lives. I mean it is perfect to bring up when I feel like I'm losing a fight but I would be lying to you if I did that so lets both be honest. Just listen to what I have to say and then tell me with a straight face that it was all your fault and I bear no blame at all."

Melody said.

"Okay but I bet I'll still think I'm the only one that can take blame for what happened." Robin replied.

"We'll see." Melody said and then she continued before Robin could say anything else. "What I told you about what happened to me after graduation was the truth. I left out a lot of details but those we can go over as we have time and as I remember them but what I want to talk about now is just about you and I. First off, about trying to email you from Italy, I did give

Ezio the wrong email address but once it came back, I should have told him to try the .net. When I got home and looked up your email address, it hit me

like a ton of bricks and I thought to myself "How stupid can I be."

"But you were under a lot of pressure and..." Robin said then Melody

stopped her.

"Hush, I doing the talking and you're doing the listening. You can talk when I'm done." Melody told her.

"But..." Robin tried again.

"No buts now hush like I said." Melody said a little more forcefully.

"Okay, I'll keep my trap shut for now." Robin conceded.

"Good, now where was I, oh yes, your email address. The second thing

is that I didn't try hard enough to get to a computer myself. I depended on Ezio to do my work. But every time I was in the city, mom was with me but sometime during the summer I should have tried harder to get to a damn computer. The next thing and this I think is where I really screwed up was after I had gotten home. I read all your emails and I saw how worried you were and how frustrated you had gotten. I started to email you right then but then I thought that talking to you in person would be better. So I told my parents that I had to go to town for something and instead I went to your house. It was then I found out from your neighbor that you were on vacation and then were going to head up here. Again, I should have come home and emailed you. If I had thought about how I would have felt if you had showed up wearing an engagement ring after disappearing for three months, I can't say I wouldn't have reacted differently than you did. I should have warned you in some way. And finally when you called me a bitch and told me to leave your room when I tried to explain, I let my feelings take control of me. I admit it hurt a lot and I after that I did my best to avoid

you as you avoided me. But yet I knew that I still loved you. And if I loved

you then I should have tried to fight harder for you but I didn't." Melody said.

"But I knew in the bottom of my heart that I loved you but I didn't try to fight harder for you so we are even there." Robin countered.

"True, but I knew the whole story and you didn't. I knew the engagement was a fake, you thought it was real. You thought that I really was engaged. I was the one that needed to set the record straight and I should have came back into your room and then sit on you until you let me tell my story. So you see there was more I could have done but sending you an email once I realized that I wasn't going to see you without having to wear the engagement ring because of my parents being with me. Now answer me one question and answer honestly. If I had sent a short note saying something like, "I got lots to tell you and I will be wearing an engagement ring but to pay it no mind. I will explain.", now wouldn't that have kept you from going off the deep end when you saw me?"

Robin wanted to say no but she knew what the answer had to be. "Okay I admit that would have helped. It would have had me worried but I have to say that it would have helped."

"So you have to admit that there were ways I could have handled things better too." Melody said.

"Yes but I still treated you like shit and I did call you a "Bitch" abet in Spanish but I called you that all the same." Robin said.

"Yes you did on both accounts, and I have forgiven you for both of those things just as I now ask you to forgive me for not warning you and for

avoiding you instead of confronting you." Melody said.

"You don't need to be forgiven for anything." Robin said.

"Then we have nothing more to talk about!" Melody said and she turned over to her other side leaving Robin staring at the back of her head.

"Melody, turn back around and talk to me." Robin told her and tried to pull her back over but Melody resisted.

"Okay I forgive you." Robin finally said as she didn't want anything to come between them right now.

"I knew you'd see it my way." Melody said laughing as she turned back around.

"You don't fight fair, you know that." Robin said and she laughed a bit too but more from relief than any thing else.

"No I don't and you had better remember that." Melody said and then she kissed Robin before she could come up with a good comeback. They kissed for a few minutes then Melody pushed Robin onto her back and put her heard on her shoulder. She was soon fast asleep and Robin wasn't too far

behind her.

The next morning, they awoke to the alarm clock, telling them that a

new week had begun. It was back to going to class and then studying the rest

of the day but there was a big difference to this week. When they came back to the dorm, they had each other there for them. The last one in would always come over to where the other one was sitting and give her a kiss that

usually went from a hello peck to a much more passionate kiss. Then they would talk a minute before both cracking open their books and they would study until Kelly and Alicia came in to get them for dinner. Then it was back to the books until they could study no more. The first one to quit studying would take her shower then wait in bed for the other one to finish hers. Sunday and Monday night they would just kiss and while the kissing was very passionate they didn't go past Robin caressing Melody's arm or face and Melody would always have her hands around Robin's back and she would lightly run her fingers up and down Robin's back but just as things would start to go past that, Melody would give Robin a last kiss and then she would settled them both down to sleep.

But then Tuesday night they both finished studying a little earlier so they took their showers and then decided to go ahead and go to bed. Things started as they always with them kissing and Robin had her fingers at Melody's face and she was caressing her cheeks as they kissed. And Robin felt like that this would be like the nights before them but then she felt that Melody was being a little more aggressive as she was the one to open her mouth first and invite Robin's tongue in. Robin did so and she felt Melody began to suck on it. Their kissing became much more passionate. They would kiss and their tongues would move from one mouth to the other. Robin then began to move her fingers down to Melody's side and Melody didn't seem to mind and in fact seemed to encourage it. So Robin eased Melody onto her back and she moved her hand to Melody's stomach. Robin felt Melody take in a deep breath and then she relaxed again. Robin let her lips lightly touch Melody's and then she kissed her a little harder. She left her hand in place

as they kissed letting Melody get use to it being there and also giving her time to remove it if she so desired. But Melody didn't and after a while Robin slowly slid her hand upward until it was just below Melody's right breast. She could feel the beginning of the swell of her breast. Again Melody inhaled deeply but she didn't stop her. Robin could feel her own juices begin to flow as she was about to actually caress Melody's breast, something that she had dreamed about for a long, long time. Robin was kissing Melody's lips and then she went to her face kissing the cheeks and eyes before going to her neck. As she kissed Melody's neck going from one side to the other, she moved her hand upwards and she could feel the rise of

her soft breast and then her hand was cupping it. Melody's breathing increased its tempo and was also getting shallow. Robin gently squeezed her breast and she could feel Melody's nipple harden through the thin material of her sleep shirt. Robin continued to kiss and nibble on Melody's neck as she had her head tilted back to give Robin access to it. Robin squeezed Melody's

breast for a few moments then she ran her fingers across her nipple causing Melody to moan. She let her lips ease their way back to Melody's mouth and she felt Melody's hand going to the back of her head holding her in place. Melody quickly opened her mouth and she pushed her tongue into Robin's mouth and Robin sucked on it. Robin moved her body over slightly and as she did that she moved her hand to Melody's left breast. She cupped it in her hand and then she squeezed it tenderly causing another moan to come from deep with Melody's body. She moved her fingers to Melody's nipple and she teased it causing another moan from Melody. Robin then felt Melody's other hand go down her back to her ass. She could feel Melody's fingers running across her panty covered ass and it felt so damn good that she let out a moan herself. Robin took Melody's nipple between her fingers and she teased it through her tee shirt. This caused Melody to groan as she kissed Robin with even more vigor. Robin went from one nipple to the other teasing Melody as they continued to kiss. Robin was getting very moist and she could

tell that Melody was in the same state. Robin then let hand drop and she reached down to the edge of Melody's sleep shirt. She slipped her hand underneath it and brought her hand up. She was almost shaking at the thought of touching Melody's breast with no cloth between her hand and Melody's soft flesh. Robin cupped Melody's left breast in her hand and she heard Melody moan. She also felt Melody's hand grasp her right butt cheek as she began to tease the nipple. She ran her fingers across the harden nipple and she heard Melody moan out her approval. Robin went from one breast to the other teasing and caressing both of Melody's breasts as they kissed. They went on for a few more minutes before Melody finally put her hand over Robin's hand stopping her.

"I'm sorry." Melody told her with a voice that told Robin that Melody really want to go further but she needed a little more time.

"You don't have to tell me you're sorry, you know that." Robin said as she withdrew her hand and then she placed her hand to Melody's cheek and kissed her.

"I do love you." Melody told her as she pulled Robin to her.

"I love you too." Robin responded and then she laid her head down on

Melody's chest and she let her body calm down. She could feel Melody's breathing began to slow down. Robin knew that Melody was close to giving herself over to her feelings and she was more than willing to wait.

Wednesday they both had to study a little longer but still got to bed about eleven with neither having an early morning class on Thursday. Melody was first to go take her shower and when she came out, Robin went in. When she got back into the bedroom, she saw that Melody was already in bed covered up to her neck but she also had this shit eating grin on her face. Robin looked at her wondering what she was up to as she went to her side of the bed and was just starting to reach over to turn off the light when Melody lifted the covers and Robin stopped in mid reach as she saw that Melody had gone to bed without her sleep shirt. Robin felt herself smiling as Melody smiled back at her. She did notice that Melody was still wearing her panties but this was a huge step for Melody. Robin straightened back up and she slowly reached down and she took hold of the bottom of her tee shirt. She began to pull it up and she saw that Melody was watching her every move. She lost sight of her as the tee shirt went over her head but she knew

that Melody was staring straight at her breasts and that thought alone made her nipples harden. As the tee shirt cleared her head, she saw that indeed Melody was staring at her chest and then her eyes went up to her eyes and she gave Robin a nervous smile. Robin smiled back as she turned off

the light and then she slipped in beside of Melody. She felt Melody reach out for her and she slid over to her. As their lips touched, Robin felt her breasts press against Melody's breasts. She could feel Melody's hard nipples

press against her own breasts and she had to let out a little moan. They kissed with just their lips lightly touching and then parting then coming back together to kiss again. Robin's hands went to Melody's bare back and she ran

her fingers up and down her back. She felt and heard Melody moan and then Melody started to kiss her a little harder. She opened her mouth and Robin welcomed her tongue in. They kissed and kissed as their hands moved up and down each other's backs and then asses. Robin grasped Melody's ass with both of her hands, squeezing her firm cheeks. It was then that Robin felt Melody push her back and she found that she was lying on her back with Melody lying on top of her. She could see Melody smiling down at her from the little bit of light that was coming from under the door. Melody then lowered her head down and she kissed her very passionately. Robin brought her hands up and she caressed Melody's back as they kissed and their tongues danced together. Robin soon felt Melody's hands move from her shoulders and go on down to her sides as Melody broke off the kissing. She gave Robin a light kiss and then she began to kiss her way down her chin and

onto her neck. Robin felt a moan come from deep with her body as she lifted her chin up to allow Melody to kiss and suck on her neck. Melody went to the

side of her neck and sucked a little harder and Robin knew she would probably have a mark on her but she didn't care, she would wear it proudly. Robin moved her hands down and slipped then under Melody's panties and she caressed Melody's ass. Melody sucked and kissed her neck and then she moved down a little lower. Robin felt Melody's hands cup her breasts and she

let out a loud moan. Then next thing that she felt was Melody's hot breath on her left nipple and then she felt Melody's mouth cover her nipple.

"Oh god Melody, that feels so damn good." Robin croaked out as she encouraged Melody.

Melody then began to suck on the nipple as both of her hands were busy squeezing and caressing her breasts. Robin had lost contact with Melody's ass after Melody had moved down so she put her hands on Melody's shoulders and caressed them. Melody was sucking a little harder on her nipple and Robin couldn't believe how good that felt. She had dreamed about this happening so often but in her dreams it didn't feel nearly as good as it felt with Melody actually doing it. Melody soon went to the other breast and she kissed the nipple before sucking it into her mouth. Robin could feel Melody teasing the tip of her nipple as she sucked.

Robin could feel that her panties were soaked and she felt like a orgasm was quickly building inside of her body but before she could let that

happen she wanted Melody to know what it felt like to have someone you cared about to make love to your breasts. As much as she hated to do it she moved her hands to Melody's face and gently lifted her head up causing Melody's sweet lips to break contact with her breasts. Melody looked up at her and Robin could tell that she was worried that she was doing something wrong. Robin just smiled as she eased Melody over to so that she was lying on her side. Melody turned with her and she kissed Melody lightly on the lips then she slipped down in the bed until she was facing Melody's beautiful breasts. She kissed each nipple and she could feel them hardening as her lips left them. She then moved her hands up to each breasts and cupped them. She let her mouth fall to the breast that was next to the bed and she sucked the nipple into her mouth. She heard a long low moan come from Melody and she knew that Melody was experiencing the same pleasure that she had felt when Melody kissed and sucked on her breasts. Robin caressed both breasts with her hands as her mouth sucked and kissed each nipple in turn. She would kiss and suck on the nipples and then she started to bite each nipple gently and this caused Melody to let out an even longer moan. Robin took this as a clue that Melody really liked this so she used her teeth to tenderly scrape across Melody's hard nipples. Robin found herself lost in

Melody's breasts but then she felt Melody pulling her back up in the bed and

she awoke when Melody kissed her.

They both smiled and then Melody came back in for another kiss. Robin put her left hand on Melody's hip and she eased her right hand down between their bodies. Just as her hand got to the top of Melody's panties, Melody moved her head back breaking off the kissing. Robin stopped her hand for a second and then she saw Melody give her a shy grin and Robin knew that Melody wanted her to continue. She slipped her hand underneath the edge of the panties and very slowing inched her fingers downward. Her fingers touched the top edge of Melody's bush and she heard Melody suck in her breath. She let her fingers comb through the hair and she could tell that Melody didn't trim her pubic hair except along the panty line. She fingers eased across Melody's mons and then she felt the top edge of her pussy. She could already feel the moisture and she knew that Melody was very excited. She kept her eyes on Melody's eyes as her fingers moved on down and the saw Melody's lips form an "O" as she moaned when her fingers touched Melody's clit. Melody's eyes opened wide as Robin let her fingers caress Melody's clit. Then her fingers went on down and she let them go down to Melody's pussy lips. Her fingers got coated with Melody's juices and

she wanted to pull her fingers out and taste her juices but she knew that she couldn't do that to Melody right then. Melody was at such a high state of arousal that stopping to smell the roses would kill her and break the mood. Robin let her fingers go on down to the end of Melody's slit and then she brought them back up and that brought out a loud moan from Melody and then she felt Melody's lips on hers as she kissed her. Robin let her fingers

move up and down the slit as she kissed Melody back. Just as Robin let her middle finger start to part Melody's pussy lips she felt her Melody's hand at the top of her panties. She moved her hips back a hair to give Melody's hand

room and she felt Melody's fingers slip under her panties and then they went

right to her pussy. Robin was the one to break off the kissing as she had to

let out a loud moan. Melody's fingers began to move up and down her slit and

she could tell that Melody had done her share of masturbating as her fingers knew just where to touch her. Soon they both had to stop their kissing as their breathing had quickened to such a point that neither could breathe and kiss. Robin was having trouble concentrating on Melody's pussy with the way that Melody was caressing her lips. The fingers were going up and down her slit and then she started to push her fingers in deeper. Robin let out a load moan and then she redoubled her efforts on caressing Melody's pussy. She pushed her fingers in deep between Melody's lips with her middle finger going just into Melody's entrance. This caused Melody to grunt and she pushed her hips forward causing Robin's finger to go in a little deeper. Robin moved her finger against the movement of Melody's hips and her finger went even deeper. She didn't find any resistance and she knew that somewhere along the line Melody had already broken her hymen but she also knew that like her this was her first real sexual experience with someone. Robin could feel Melody's pussy walls start to spasm and she knew that she had Melody on the edge of an orgasm. Robin moved her fingers up to Melody's clit and she started to rub it just how she liked to rub her own

clit when she was ready to come. She started rubbing it lightly but because Melody was on the verge of an orgasm, she quickly increased the pressure using an up and down motion. She noticed that Melody's fingers, while still on her pussy, had stopped moving. Robin pressed a little harder and started to use a circular motion on Melody's clit and that was what did it for her. Melody let out a loud groan and Robin felt her fingers getting coated with Melody's girlcum. Robin kissed Melody's lips as she came and she felt so happy for Melody and herself. She had actually made Melody feel a great rush of pleasure and that made Robin feel like they were finally one.

"Oh god that felt good." Melody whispered to Robin as she kissed her

lightly on the lips.

Before Robin could say anything, she felt Melody's fingers begin to move against her pussy and she moaned. She started to move her hips against Melody's fingers and she felt Melody's middle finger enter her. Her hymen was still intact and she felt Melody's finger press against it. It gave her a brief stab of pain and she jerked. She felt Melody start to slide her finger back out to keep from hurting her.

"No, don't stop. I want you to..." Robin said as she fluttered her eyes open and she saw that Melody was looking at her critically. "Please, Do it, I want you to be the one."

Robin then felt Melody's finger enter her again. She knew what was coming this time as Melody's finger pushed in until it hit her barrier then it went back out only to return faster and this time it broke through. It hurt for only a second and then it started to feel good. Melody moved her finger in and out of her pussy and each time it felt better and better. Soon she was moaning and she tried to caress Melody's pussy as Melody slowly brought her to an orgasm. Robin felt her whole body begin to tense up and she could feel

every nerve come alive. Then when Melody's fingers found her clit again, she

knew she was only seconds away from a climax. Melody used the same up and down motion on her clit with increasing pressure. Robin was moving her hips faster and faster, keeping pace with Melody's fingers and then her body came alive as the orgasm that started in her pussy and clit coursed through her body in one glorious wave after another. Then it was like the lights went out on her as the orgasm was the most intense that she had ever had.

"Oh girl that was great!" Robin said when she could talk again.

"It couldn't have been any better than what you did to me. I don't think I have ever cum like that before." Melody said as she kissed her. They

both slipped their respective hands from each others panties and they kissed as their wet hands pulled each other together.

"I think we both need another shower." Melody said.

"Yea we do, care to join me this time?" Robin asked hopefully.

"I would love to." Was Melody's response, then she added, "Last one in is a rotten egg!" Melody then threw off the covers and headed toward the door.

"Pendeja!" Robin called her as she jumped from the bed and headed after Melody but by then she was already through the door. The outer door to the suite was closed so no one saw then as they raced into the bathroom with only their panties on.

Robin came to an abrupt halt when she got to the bathroom and found Melody standing there with her hands on her hips and her legs spread about two feet apart. Melody had a look on her face that would kill any mortal.

"I'm not a bitch!" Melody said and Robin felt her heart sink. She knew she had screwed up again but then Melody broke out laughing.

"Yes you are, you scared me to death." Robin said once she got her heart to start beating again. But then she pulled Melody to her and gave her

a deep kiss before Melody could say anything else.

"Mmmm... that was nice." Melody said as the kiss ended and Robin held her tightly. They held each other for a few minutes before Robin gently pushed Melody back.

"I think we need to take our shower and get back to bed if we want to stay awake in class tomorrow." Robin said.

"I know." Melody replied as she gave Melody a kiss and then she stepped back. Robin watched as Melody hooked her thumbs into the waist band of her panties and began to push then down. Robin had seen Melody's pussy that one day in the bathroom and she had seen her breasts but now she was about to see her in the nude. Her eyes followed Melody's panties as they went past her hips revealing her black bush and she could see all the girlcum that has soaked the crotch of the panties and that was still sticking to her pussy lips. Once she had the panties to her knees, Melody let them drop to the floor and then she stepped out of them. Robin's eyes went up Melody's slim legs to her pussy and then her hips. Her eyes went on up to Melody's flat stomach and to her B cup breasts and then to her sweet face with her big brown eyes. Robin smiled and that seemed to make Melody relax. Now it was Robin's turn and she went to her panties and started to push them down. As she got them past her hips and they started come away from her pussy, she noticed a little blood stain and she knew that it was from Melody breaking her hymen. She expected more blood but was thankful there was very little. She knew Melody would be worry about her if there had been a lot of blood. She pushed her panties on down and then she stepped out of them. Now it was her turn to wait for Melody's approval. Their bodies were very similar with both having dark skin tones and their breasts being about the same size. Melody's nipples were a little lighter in

color than her own nipples and maybe a little larger.

"You are even more beautiful than I had imagined you'd be." Melody told her as she smiled.

"Thank you, but you are the beautiful one. I mean after all these years I have imagined you naked as I masturbated, I never saw you as pretty as you are now." Robin responded being more honest than the realized.

"You masturbated as you thought of me?" Melody asked.

"Yes," Robin said as she felt her face growing warm from blushing. "I hope that doesn't bother you." Robin then added.

"No, I think it's sweet that you did that." Melody said as she came forward and kissed her. Then as the kiss ended, she whispered into Robin's ear, "I've been masturbating to you since the first day that I saw you."

This made Robin feel a lot better about her confession and she kissed Melody hard and passionately as she pulled her in tight. Robin kissed her lips and then she kissed cheeks and neck before going back and kissing her on the lips. They kissed for longer than they meant but the feeling of their naked bodies pressed against each other was just too much for them and they didn't want it to end but it did. They separated and Robin turned on the shower.

Once inside of the shower, Robin took the bottle soap and put some onto her right palm. She rubbed her hands together then she started to wash Melody's body. She took her time as she caressed Melody's body. They only came into the shower to wash the smell of sex off their body but Melody wasn't complaining about Robin washing her. Robin moved her hands around Melody's body discovering every dimple and birthmark. She let her hands caress Melody's breasts and then her ass. She saved Melody's pussy for last and she got down to her knees before touching her there. She re- soaped her hands and then she ran her fingers through Melody's bush and then she let them go to her pussy. She could feel the heat there and she heard Melody moan as she fingers moved along the lips. She wanted to get Melody off but Melody stopped her by stepping back letting Robin know that it was time to rinse off. Robin got up and Melody gave her a kiss before she

slipped under the spray of the shower to rinse her body. Melody then took the soap from Robin and she began to wash her. Robin let her eyes close as she felt Melody's hand roam across her body. Melody's fingers caressed her breasts, even pinching the nipples making Robin moan. Melody's fingers then went down her belly and down to her lower stomach. Robin could feel her pussy getting wet again and she so wanted Melody's fingers to go on down and they did. She felt them go through her thick bush and then she felt them run down her slit. Robin let out a loud moan and she barely heard Melody telling her to be quite. So Robin bit her lower lips to keep from moaning aloud as Melody's fingers continued to caress her pussy lips. Then Robin felt one of Melody's hands go between her legs and she felt it start to wash her ass as the other fingers continue to wash/caress her pussy. Robin could feel herself getting ever closer to a climax as Melody was moving her fingers against her clit and then she felt Melody's fingers from the hand washing her ass go between her the crack of her ass. They went deeper and deeper until Robin felt them touch her asshole. This contact proved too much for her and she felt her pussy spasm and then she felt the wave of pleasure wash over her body. When she came around, she found Melody standing against her holding her up and she had a shit eating grin on her face.

"That was not fair." Robin protested, "You wouldn't let me make you cum then you got me off."

"That's because you're a slut while I'm not." Melody said with a laugh.

"We'll see about that!" Robin said as she spun Melody around and pinned her against the wall of the shower. Robin latched onto Melody's left nipple and started to suck as her fingers went down to Melody's pussy and she began to caress them. She felt Melody start to push her away so she bite gently on the nipple she was sucking on and she heard Melody moan loudly and the pressure of Melody's hands on her shoulders eased away. She knew that was Melody's weakness and she was taking advantage of it. She sucked and chewed on both of Melody's nipples as her fingers probed and caressed Melody's pussy. When she stuck her middle finger deep into Melody's pussy, she felt Melody's pussy clamp onto the finger. She sucked harder on the nipples as she began to fuck Melody's pussy with her finger. Melody was now groaning and moaning as Robin worked her body until she felt her close to cumming. She then withdrew her finger from Melody's pussy and she moved her fingers to Melody's clit. She rubbed the clit hard and fast and she could feel Melody shaking as the orgasm rushed through her body.

"Now who's the slut?" Robin asked after Melody got her senses back.

"We're both sluts for each other." Melody said not wanting to concede completely.

"I'll take that, as long as I'm not the only slut in the bathroom." Robin replied.

"That you're not, I'm definitely your slut for life girl."

"I like hearing that." Robin said as she moved them both back under the spray of the shower and they rinsed the sex off their body one more time that night.

When they stepped out of the shower, they both looked at each other as they realized that in their rush to get into the bathroom, neither of them had bothered to grab a towel. They grabbed their dirty panties and ran back into their room where they dried off and then they slipped under the covers naked. They kissed for a few minutes then Melody turned on her side away from Robin and she pushed back until Robin was spooned up against her. Robin put her arm around Melody's waist and pulled her in tight. Robin then fell asleep smelling Melody freshly washed skin.

They got to sleep a little later but they did get up and dressed before Kelly and Alicia burst into their room wanting to go to breakfast before classes started. The rest of the day was spent going to classes and studying. They both had a big test on Friday so they were both up late trying to cram everything they could into their brains. Robin wanted to take another shower

with Melody but they could hear that Kelly and Alicia were still awake so they went in separately. When Robin came back into the room with her towel wrapped around her body, she was wondering what Melody had worn to bed. But when Melody opened the covers for her, she saw that she was as naked as the day she was born. Robin smiled as she dropped her towel and she bent over to turn off the light. She then got into bed and snuggled up against Melody. Robin kissed her tenderly and then hugged tightly. Robin wanted to do make love to Melody again but the comfort of the bed and the fact that she had studied all day made her start to feel sleepy. She was about to ask Melody if she was up for anything tonight when she heard a soft snore come from her and she knew that Melody was already asleep. Robin kissed her tenderly on the forehead and turned Melody over so that she could spoon up against her. She then fell quickly to sleep.

"So what does everyone want to do tonight?" Kelly asked as they all sat in Melody's and Robin's room after classes were done on Friday.

"I don't know what do you all want to do?" Melody asked.

"I got a suggestion but I don't know if you all want to do it. I mean it's nothing exciting." Alicia said.

"I'm up for about anything, so what do you have in mind?" Robin asked.

"Bowling, I love to go bowling." Alicia said and Robin could see her

looking at each of them for their approval or disapproval.

"That sounds like fun to me." Kelly said excitedly.

"Me too," Melody said.

Robin then felt three sets of eyes looking at her. "I never been bowling before." She said.

"Well we can do something else." Alicia said.

"No, I didn't mean it that way. I would love to go but you all will have to show me how and then promise not to laugh at me if I do something stupid." Robin quickly replied and she saw a big smile come to Alicia's face.

Alicia then got up and slid in between her and Melody making Melody get out of her way. She put her arm around Robin's shoulders and said, "Just

leave it to me and I'll teach you everything you need to know."

"Okay, well let's go get something to eat first, I'm starving." Kelly chipped it.

As they were getting up to go eat, Melody spoke up, "The only thing is, I can't promise not to laugh when you throw a gutter ball." Then she started


"Yea, and I'll have to slap you silly." Robin said as she gave Melody an evil eye.

"Now you're dreaming." Melody said laughing and then she poked Robin

in the side and took off running. Robin screamed and took off after her leaving Alicia and Kelly standing there laughing at them. When they caught up with Robin and Melody, they were standing at the elevator door kissing as

they waited for them.

"Hey get a room!" Kelly said as she and Alicia entered the elevator.

"We got one thanks to you two." Melody said half out of breath as the kiss ended.

When they got to the bowling alley later that night, they got their shoes and Alicia helped Robin pick out a bowling ball that would fit her fingers and light enough for her to use easily. She then showed her the steps and arm motion that she used. After she had done that a couple of times, she made Robin repeat the steps without the ball in her hand and then

with the ball. Finally she declared that Robin was ready to try it for real but Robin didn't think she was all that ready but she didn't tell Alicia that. They then joined Melody and Kelly at the alley that they were assigned to.

"Who wants to go first?" Alicia asked.

"I will if the first one doesn't count." Kelly said.

"Sure, we all get one frame to practice and then it will be for real." Alicia said.

Robin watched carefully as Kelly got her ball and she stood up there. She watched her footwork as she stepped forward and sent her ball down the ally and got seven of the pins down. Her next ball picked up the remaining three. Alicia went next and she had a much heavier ball and she sent it flying down the alley to record a strike. They all laughed as the big girl did a little victory dance before she came back over and sat down. Next

up was Melody. Robin noticed that while Kelly and Alicia stood at the center

of the alley, Melody went all the way over to the right hand side. She stood

there a second, and then she went took her steps and let the ball go. Her movements were full of grace and a form of beauty but she let the ball go to

close to the edge of the gutter. It tittered on the edge for about fifteen feet then instead of curving back into the alley and hitting the pins it slipped into the gutter. She turned around and Robin could see the embarrassment on her face and Robin knew she couldn't let Melody go without saying anything.

"That is what you call a gutter ball isn't it Alicia?" Robin said loudly as Melody came back to the ball return to wait for her ball to come back up.

"Why yes it is Robin. That is something you really want to avoid." Alicia said as she played along.

"I thought so. Say Melody, you have bowled before haven't you?" Robin said trying hard to keep a straight face.

Melody turned to them and after making sure no one was looking she threw them a bird which made them all laugh. She then got her ball and went back up to the alley. This time she moved over a couple of inches and she started her motion. This time she was just as graceful in her motion and the

ball kissed the alley softly and it went down the right side of the alley until it got about three quarters of the way down when it made a turn to the left and hit the front pin just on the right side. All the pins then went flying and she knocked then all down.

"Stick that in your pipe and smoke it." Melody said as she sat down.

She was acting mad but they all knew that she was kidding.

Now it was Robin's turn and as soon as she went to get her ball, she

was wishing that she hadn't made so much fun of Melody. She put her fingers into the holes and stood in the center of the alley as Alicia had instructed her to do. She was just getting it together when she heard Melody call out; "Watch out for those gutter balls!"

Robin turned around and gave her a dirty look which caused them all to burst out laughing. Robin had to laugh a bit too and it actually made her relax a bit as the realized that the pressure really wasn't on her; she was expected to throw a gutter ball or two. She set back up and took a deep breath and started forward. As she let the ball go she crossed her fingers, she really didn't care how many balls she knocked down, she just hoped she hit some of the pins. The ball went straight down the alley and hit the head

pin dead center and normally that wasn't the place to hit it but she got a lucky bounce of a couple of the pins and they hit the two corner pins and she got a strike, knocking all the pins down. She squealed and when she turned around, Kelly, Alicia, and Melody were standing there ready to give her high


When she got back to her seat, she leaned over to Melody and whispered to Melody, "You're not mad at me for making fun of your gutter ball are you?"

"Oh hell no, I was expecting it as soon as I saw the ball go into the gutter. Besides it gives me more reason to tease you when you throw one." Melody said as she leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

They then started keeping score, Alicia got a spare on her first frame and Kelly got nine out of ten pins on her frame. Melody then got up and she threw a strike. She pumped her fist as she came back to the bench and she got high fives from everyone. Then it was Robin's turn. She got up there and

she started to step forward but she started with the wrong foot and as soon as she did that, she knew she had screwed up but she didn't know how to stop so she went on with her motion. When she let the ball go, it bounced hard against the alley, did a hop, and went immediately into the gutter. As she turned to wait for her ball to return, she waited for Melody to give her

a dig but she got the opposite.

"That's okay; you'll get them on this next ball." Melody called to her and gave her a thumbs up.

This made her feel so much better about throwing the gutter ball and

she had another reason to love Melody as if she needed one. Kelly and Alicia

also encouraged her to try again. She stood back up there and after making sure to start out with the correct foot, she let the ball go and it went down the alley and hit the head pin dead center but this time she didn't get a lucky bounce of the pins but still she got six of the pins down and that was

all she cared about. She didn't have a big zero on her first frame. Everyone

said she did great and Robin knew she didn't do as well as they were telling

her that she did but she did begin to feel better about everything and she started to enjoy bowling. On her next time to bowl, Alicia got up with her and moved her over a few inches so that if she threw it straight, it would hit the head pin to one side or the other. Melody had the prettiest ball with the spin that she put on the ball. She didn't have as much control as a professional would have but when she got it right it was poetry in motion. Just to watch the ball stick to the side of the alley then at the last moment curve into the pins was a sight to see. They all joked and laughed as they bowled the first game. Alicia finished first with Kelly and Melody tied for second and Robin coming in last but she broke a hundred pins and she got two spares. Everyone told her that was great for her first game. No one really cared who finished first as they were having more fun kidding and teasing each other's bad throws. They took a break between games to get a soft drink and they sat and talked a bit before starting again, this time in

reverse order with Robin going first. She tried to protest saying that the worst should always go last but Kelly and Alicia got up and grabbed her arms

pulling her up and sending her toward the ball return where her ball was waiting for her. She looked toward Melody for some help but she just laughed and put up her hands telling Robin that she was on her own.

So Robin picked up her bowling ball and centered herself up on the lane. She took a deep breath and started forward, but as she brought the ball forward, she grazed her leg and as it went down the lane, it headed for

the gutter. Robin knew she had just thrown her second gutter ball of the night but the bowling ball managed to stay in the lane and it barely nudged the ten pin. She stood there watching as it wobbled back and forth and finally fell down. She let out a big sigh of relief and as she turned back toward the girls she heard them beginning to cheer. At first she thought they were making fun of her but then after she had looked at their eyes she realized that they were sincerely cheering for her. They wanted her to do well and have fun. So she played like she had just gotten a strike and danced a bit then came to where they were all standing and gave them high fives. The next ball she threw was perfect and it knocked down the rest of the pins giving her a spare. This time she got an even louder cheer and she went

back to more high fives and a nice hug from Melody. This game went much the same as the first one with everyone finishing in the same order except Melody edged Kelly out for second place. They took another break before starting out the third and final game. This time they argued as to who would

go first and Robin put her foot down refusing to go first again. They argued

for about five minutes before Melody came up with an idea, the person with the smallest shoe size would go first and so on. This got Kelly going as she

had the smallest foot by far but with the other three against her was stuck going first. Next came Melody as her foot was a half size smaller than Robin's and of course, Alicia brought up the rear as her foot was two sizes bigger than Robin's shoe. This time they all got a little more serious about

their game since it was their last one for the night. Their scores increased dramatically and Melody was giving Alicia all she wanted. On the fifth frame

Melody was slightly ahead of Alicia as she had gotten the spin on her ball more consistent. By the eighth frame, Alicia had retaken the lead but by only four pins. Kelly and Robin were far behind but then they knew who the better bowlers were and they were just enjoying the competition between Melody and Alicia as they bantered back and forth as who was going to win. At the tenth frame it was tied again. Melody was up first and she threw a strike, but this time she didn't do any dance like they all had done all night when they did something good. Instead she went right back to the ball return and waited her ball. Robin was pulling for Melody to beat Alicia but at the same time she didn't want Alicia to get mad if she lost. Melody then stood back up and hit another strike. She was down to the last ball and if she got a strike, it would force Alicia to throw three strikes to tie her. Melody took her time on the third ball and as it went down the lane, it started to curve a little more and hit the ten pin more to the center than the other strikes that she had thrown. The pins scattered and they all fell down except one and it was tittering on its edge for what seemed like forever before falling down. Melody let out a squeal and she raced back to Robin giving her a big hug before getting her high fives from Kelly and Alicia. Robin was next and she was already above the score of her first two games so she quickly got her turn over as all she wanted to do was not look like she was rushing too much. Then it was Alicia's turn and Melody wished her luck and Robin could tell that she was sincere. Alicia went and got her ball and she got into position and let the ball go. It went straight as an arrow and strike one was in the bag. She repeated the strike on the second ball so all

she needed to do was get one more strike to tie Melody. Robin watched as Alicia got set for her third try. Robin had been watching where Alicia stood

all night trying to learn more from the way she bowled. Alicia stood in the same spot that she had all night and she hesitated a second, then Robin noticed that Alicia slipped her feet to the right by an inch. Her movement was so slick that only someone like Robin who was watching her feet would have noticed. Alicia then started forward and let the ball go. It looked just like the last two balls but Robin knew that Alicia had given the game away. The ball hit the ten pin dead center and the pins went flying but when the dust settled, she was left with a seven ten split. The game was over and Melody had won. Alicia had a look a disappointment on her face as she came back toward the rest of them. They all waited to see what Alicia would do. She walked directly to Melody and before Melody could say anything she was being lifted into the air by Alicia as she gave her a big bear hug.

"You're the queen of the bowling alley!" Alicia said as she bounced Melody in the air and Robin and Kelly laughed at Melody who was completely red faced from Alicia doing that to her in front of the whole bowling alley.

"Put me down!" Melody finally hollered when she realized that Alicia

wasn't going to do that anytime soon. Alicia gave her another big squeeze before finally letting her go.

"You won two games to my one so you're the queen." Melody said after

she got her breath back. But Robin could see how excited Melody really was about winning the last game.

"Yea, but the last one was the only one that counted, the other two was just practice." Alicia said as she went to give Melody a big hug but Melody let out a scream and went running in the opposite direction to get away from her and this caused them all to burst out laughing.

"I know you let Melody win that last game, I saw you move your feet at the last moment." Robin whispered to Alicia as they went to gather up the

bowling balls as Kelly went to bring Melody back from wherever she had run off to, to get away from Alicia's bear hugs.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Alicia said and she gave a look that said to drop it.

"Well thanks anyway, I always knew you were just a big old softie." Robin said and then she put her arm around Alicia and gave her a little hug.

"Just don't let anybody else know I'm a softie, I don't want to ruin my reputation." Alicia said softly and then she gave Robin a wink.

"I think that secret is already well known." Robin said a little louder than she meant.

"What secret is that?" Kelly asked as she came up with Melody close behind.

"Yea, what's the big secret that you are keeping from Kelly and me?"

Melody asked acting a little jealous but Robin could see that she really wasn't.

"Oh nothing, my dear." Robin said as she went to Melody and gave her

a little kiss on the lips. This drew then a stare from the couple that was bowling next to them but they didn't care.

When they got back into the car that Alicia had borrowed from one of

her friends to go home, Melody and Robin plied into the back seat. For a big

person, Alicia had a small car so Robin and Melody were a little squished together but they didn't mind. Once they got going, Robin undid her seatbelt

and she reached over and unsnapped Melody's belt. She then reached out for Melody who gave her a shy grin as she moved over and sat in the center of the seat and she leaned back into Robin's arms. Robin wrapped her arms around Melody as Melody put her hand to Robin's neck and brought her head down for a kiss. Their lips met and Robin pulled Melody's body in closer to her. Robin felt Melody's lips opening and she opened her and their tongues met. Robin could feel her body surge with passion for Melody and she moved her right hand up to Melody's left breast. This caused Melody to moan as she caressed it.

"Oh god, I think you had better hurry up, their about to get naked back there." Kelly told Alicia.

Robin heard this both she and Melody started to giggle causing them to stop what they were doing and to look toward the front seat where they saw Kelly looking back at them giggling and they could see Alicia trying to adjust the rearview mirror to see what they were up to. Melody started to sit back up but Robin pulled her back down and she started to kiss her again. Melody then gave into the kiss and she put her hand to the back of Robin's neck holding her in place as they kissed. Robin moved her right hand back up

to Melody's breast and she started to caress it through her blouse and bra. Robin could feel the car speeding up and she could hear Kelly and Alicia giggling at the way she and Melody was acting. But she didn't care, all she wanted to do was to get Melody back to their room and get her naked. They continued to kiss and she continued to work on Melody's breast with her fingers.

When Alicia got the car parked, Melody untangled her self from Robin's arms and scooted out of the car. She then waited impatiently for Robin to extract herself. Once out of the car, Melody grabbed her hand and started to pull her toward the dorm. Robin turned and bade a smiling Kelly and Alicia a quick goodbye and she tried her best to keep up with Melody who was in more than a little bit of a hurry.

As Robin shut the door to their room, Melody pulled her into her arms and she kissed her. It was a very passionate kiss as she quickly opened her mouth and Robin felt Melody's tongue enter her mouth. Robin sucked on it as she guided Melody over to the bed. She held her there for a moment more as they kissed then she slowly moved back. Melody arched her eyebrows as she wonder what Robin was doing and it was then that Robin put her hands on Melody's shoulders and pushed her back onto the bed. She landed with a yelp and Robin grabbed her legs and swung them around so that Melody was laying length wise on the bed. Robin then straddled Melody on the bed and sat down on her lower stomach.

"You got me trapped, now what are you going to do with me?" Melody asked in a seductive voice.

"I'm going to ravish your gorgeous body and there's nothing you can do about it." Robin said as she reached down and gently took Melody glasses off. She then went to the bottom of Melody's tee shirt and began to pull it up. Melody arched her back to help her and then lifted her head and shoulders so that Robin could pull her tee shirt off. Robin then leaned down

and gave Melody a kiss and as she did this she reached behind Melody and unhooked her bra. As she came up, she brought the bra with her. She slipped the bra off of Melody's arms and threw it over her shoulders. She looked down at Melody's breasts and she could see the nipples already getting hard.

Robin tweaked both nipples with her fingers causing Melody to moan and she saw the nipples getting even harder. Robin then scooted down so that she was sitting on Melody's thighs. She put her hands to the top button of Melody's jeans and she unbuttoned them. She then unzipped the jeans and she saw Melody's white panties coming into view. Robin felt a sudden surge of moisture come to her own pussy as she began to pull Melody's jeans down. Melody lifted her hips to help Robin get them off. Robin got up on her knees

and she pulled the jeans down Melody's hips and then legs. She had to stop and pull Melody's tennis shoes and socks off before pulled the jeans on off;

they too ended up on the floor. Melody was now left in only her panties and Robin could see a definite wet spot between her legs. Now Robin knew that they were at a real critical point in their relationship. Robin moved slowly

back up Melody's legs and she placed her fingers at the sides of the waist band of Melody's panties. She looked at Melody as she began to pull them down. Melody didn't move for a second as she bit on her lower lip. Then Robin felt Melody's hips began to rise off the bed and she knew that Melody had made her decision. Robin pulled the panties on down and she watched as Melody's thick bush come into view. The panties came on down and Robin would now see some pink coming into view. She could also see how wet Melody really was. Robin pulled the panties on down and then off. She held them in her hands and then she brought them to her nose and inhaled Melody's womanly aroma. She heard a giggle come from Melody and it was only then that she realized what she had done. She felt her face getting warm and she knew that her face had to be as red as a pickled beet. Robin quickly threw the panties to the side.

She then got off the bed and she began to undress. Melody turned to her side and watched her every move. Robin pulled her tee shirt off and then she went to take off her bra but she was hit with a sudden surge of shyness. She wasn't sure why but she felt it all the same, it wasn't like Melody hadn't seen her naked before but all the same, she was nervous. Then she saw that Melody was beginning to knit her brow as Robin had stopped what she was doing. She slipped the straps off her shoulder and then pulled her bra down exposing her breasts. This brought a sweet smile from Melody and Robin now wished that she had removed her bra a little sexier but this was how she always removed her bra. She pulled the bra around so that the hook was now in front and she unhooked it and she dropped the bra to the floor. She put her fingers to her jeans and she unbuttoned and unzipped them. She hooked her thumbs into the sides and pushed them down but she had also hooked her thumbs into her panties and then went down with them. She had them down to her thighs before she had realized what she had done and she knew that she had definitely blew any attempt she may had to do a sexy strip tease. But when she looked back at Melody, she saw that Melody was wide eyed and her eyes were glued to her now almost naked body. She went ahead and pushed her jeans and panties down only to discover that she still had her shoes on. She looked around and saw that the bed was the closest place to sit down as she didn't want to have to hop any distance. She knew that would really turn Melody on. Robin tried to turn as gracefully as she could and then she sat on the edge of the bed. As she bent over to untie

her shoes, she felt Melody's fingers on her back. Melody was using a feathery touch that caused goose pimples to come up on her skin. Robin stopped for a second as Melody's fingers went all around her back. Robin didn't want to ever move again, she wanted to sit there and let Melody caress her skin with her light touch. Robin felt another surge of moisture come to her pussy and she knew that she was wetting the sheets of the bed. As much as Robin hated to, she went back to taking off her shoes and then she used her feet to get her jeans and panties off.

Robin then turned toward Melody who moved her fingers from Robin's back to her right breast. Robin moaned as Melody's fingers danced around her breasts and then to her nipple. Robin let out a moan and she let Melody tease her breasts for a moment then she took Melody hand and brought it to her mouth and she kissed the back of Melody's fingers. She then lay down beside of her. She leaned her head forward and kissed Melody and as she did that she brought her hand up and cupped Melody's right breast. This brought a moan from Melody and Robin began to squeeze the breast. Robin ran her fingers across the nipple teasing it. Melody moaned again and then groaned when she pinched the nipple. Melody opened her mouth and Robin felt Melody's tongue enter her mouth. She pushed her tongue against it and their tongues danced around. Robin could feel Melody's fingers digging into her back and Robin knew that Melody was more than ready for more. Robin slowly ended the passionate kissing and she slipped down in the bed. When her head was over Melody's breasts, she stopped her movement and she kissed each nipple. She then ran her teeth across the nipples before gently bitting them. She then moved down in the bed, kissing Melody skin as she went along. She could taste the light coating of sweat that cover Melody's body. It gave the skin a slightly salty taste and Robin loved it. She slipped on down Melody's body until she got to Melody's pubic hair. She buried her face

into Melody's hair and she inhaled deeply. She opened her mouth and she gently bit Melody's mons causing her to get a few hairs into her mouth which

she quickly pulled out before and moved her mouth on down. Melody opened her legs even wider as Robin ran her tongue up Melody's slit. Robin sucked in Melody's juices as she began to lick. She had never preformed cunnilingus before and she wasn't completely sure of what she was doing but from the way Melody was moaning and the way she was pushing her hips up against her mouth, Robin knew she was doing something right. Robin did know that she loved the taste of Melody's juices and she loved the way Melody's pussy felt

against her tongue. She kept her tongue going up and down Melody's slit and slowly she began to push her tongue deeper between Melody's lips. She licked and sucked on Melody's pussy and then she felt Melody's hands on the back of head holding her in place. Robin licked deeper then she brought her fingers up to the pussy lips. She pulled the lips open and used her tongue to go deeper. She moved her tongue around inside of Melody's pussy and she sucked as hard as she could. She then felt Melody's hands pulling her up a bit and Robin went to Melody's clit. She had to feel around a bit with the tip of her tongue as Melody had a small clit but as soon as her tongue found it and she started to lick it, she found that it was very sensitive. She licked it a minute then she sucked it into her mouth. She sucked harder as she used her tongue to caress it. Melody was moaning for all she was worth and she was using her hands to press Robin's head down hard against her pussy. Robin

slowly eased off the suction and went back to just licking. She could tell Robin was about to cum, Robin pushed a finger deep into her pussy and that was what sent Melody off. She clamped her thighs against Robin's head and held her in place as she came. Robin meanwhile was busy sucking up Melody sweet girlcum. Finally Melody released her head and her legs fell to the bed. Melody was spent and that made Robin happy.

"Oh god, I have never felt this good." Melody told her as Robin held

her tight as they lay on their sides.

"Good." Robin told her as she kissed her lightly on the lips.

Melody kissed her back and then she moved down in the bed until her mouth was at Robin's breasts. She felt Melody suck in her right nipple and then she felt her lightly biting on it. This sent a wave of pleasure surging

throughout her body. Melody went to the other breast and she sucked and kissed it but Robin was so excited that she was wanting Melody to move on down her body. Robin so wanted to tell Melody that but she also wanted Melody to do what she was ready to do and nothing more. Melody went on sucking and biting her nipples for a few moments more and just when Robin thought she couldn't take it any more, Melody pushed Robin on to her back. Robin looked down at Melody and she could see the doubt in Melody's mind.

"You know you don't have to go any further, I will love you no matter what you do or don't do." Robin said as she pulled Melody up in the bed and kissed her.

"It's not that, it's just that I'm not sure that I can please you as well as you did me." Melody replied.

"I didn't know what I was doing, I was just praying that whatever I did would please you and I guess it did." Robin told her.

"Oh god did it ever, just feeling your tongue inside of me about sent me through the ceiling. I knew right then that I had found what I was looking for." Melody said and she kissed Robin lightly on the lips.

"I've found what I've been looking for too." Robin said as she ran her fingers through Melody's wavy hair and then she brought Melody down for another kiss.

When the kiss ended, Melody smiled and Robin could see that the doubt that was etched across her face a few minutes before was gone. Melody got up on her hands and knees and turned around on the bed. Then she lay back down with her hips to the left side of Robin's head and her chest was lying across Robin's stomach. Robin couldn't see what Melody was doing but the next thing she felt was Melody's fingers combing through her pubic hair. She played with it for a moment then she felt those fingers parting her hair away from her pussy lips. Robin had to wait only a second before the felt Melody warm breath on her wet pussy lips. Then she felt Melody kissing her exposed clit. This caused her to groan loudly and then moan even louder as she felt Melody's tongue go down her slit.

"Oh fuck girl!" Robin cried out before she let out a long moan.

Robin then felt Melody's tongue go back up to her clit and she sucked on it for a second before she started to move her tongue up and down her slit. Melody's tongue went over her pussy lips again and again and then she felt it go between her lips. That felt even better if that was possible. The

tongue moved up and down and then she felt Melody's fingers pull her lips apart. Melody's tongue went to her entrance and it felt like it was going deep inside of her pussy and Robin had to moan louder. The tongue went in and around the entrance of her pussy. Robin started to twist and turn and her face slapped the side of Melody's thigh. Robin left her face there and she started to bite and suck on the thigh just about where Melody's butt began. Melody was really licking and sucking on her pussy and Robin knew that she couldn't take much more of this. She was ready to cum at any second. It was at this time that Robin felt one of Melody's fingers enter her pussy and her

mouth going to her clit. Robin felt a surge of pleasure go through her body.

Melody sucked on her clit for a few moments as her finger began to go in and out of her pussy. Robin felt her body coming alive like never before, it

was like every nerve was talking to her. Then Melody started to lick on her clit as her finger went even deeper inside of her pussy. This was when Robin

felt her pussy come alive and her orgasm hit. It started in her pussy and it

spread out from there going to her brain and exploded.

Robin cried out, "Oh god, I'm cummminggg..." then everything went white in her brain.

When her brain cleared and she could see again, she saw that Melody was still in the same place and she could feel Melody's tongue licking up her girlcum. Robin looked over and saw Melody's hips still beside of her and she

got an idea. She turned to her side causing Melody to have to stop what she was obviously enjoying doing. She saw Melody looking at her questioning what

she was doing but that question was answered quickly. Robin pushed Melody onto her side and then she guided Melody's top leg up onto her shoulder. Robin moved her top leg up on Melody's shoulder opening up her pussy back up to Melody's mouth and fingers. Robin moved her mouth to Melody's pussy and she started to lick. A couple of seconds later she felt Melody's tongue back on her pussy. Robin licked up and down Melody's pussy getting all the juices that she was producing and licking up the last of her girlcum from when she had cum a short while before. Melody's tongue wasn't idle either. Robin could feel Melody's tongue go down into her pussy and she could feel Melody's fingers caressing her ass cheeks. Robin circled her hand around Melody's upper leg and she placed it on Melody's firm ass. She stroked Melody's ass with her fingers and she moved them up and down Melody's ass crack. This caused Melody to squirm a bit but also to moan her approval. Robin let her fingers go a little deeper and she felt Melody moving her leg up more opening her ass to her fingers. Robin felt Melody doing the same to her

and it did feel good so she raised her leg up too. She felt Melody's fingers

going deeper between her ass cheeks until they gazed her anus. That felt so cool and sexy that she had to do it to Melody. She let her fingers go deeper

and deeper between Melody's ass cheeks until they were at the bottom. She let them slowly go downward and she felt Melody tense a second. Then as she felt her fingers going lightly over Melody's asshole, she head Melody moan loudly. Robin could feel Melody's pussy produce even more juices and she licked and sucked them up. Robin continued to play with Melody's asshole

as Melody was doing the same to her. They continued to lick and suck at each

other's pussy for what seemed like forever. Robin just couldn't get enough of Melody's juices and she loved the feel of Melody's pussy lips against her mouth and tongue. Then she felt Melody's tongue go to her clit and she was so sexually charged that it only took a few licks for her orgasm to hit hard. She felt her pussy gushing out her girlcum and Melody sucking it up. When she recovered, she returned the favor to Melody. She locked her lips around Melody's small clit and her tongue sought out her clit. When she found it, she began to lick hard. She sucked and licked until she felt Melody's pussy spasm and her face was coated with Melody's girlcum as it gushed out of her.

Robin licked and sucked until Melody had nothing left to give.

"Oh girl, you're the best!" Robin told Melody when she had gotten her turned around and laying in front of her.

"You're not so bad yourself!" Melody replied and then they kissed. When they had kissed for a few minutes, Melody turned over on her other side facing away from Robin and then she pulled her in close. Robin wrapped her arms around Melody's body and she kissed the back of Melody's neck and then her shoulders before going to sleep with Melody's nude body pressed back against her.

Not long after going to sleep, Robin woke up and felt the need to pee. She didn't want to get up but her bladder told her that she either get up and go pee or stay there and piss in the bed. She didn't think Melody would be pleased if she did the latter so she carefully extracted herself from Melody without waking her and she got up. She slipped around the bed and headed toward the door. She opened it and as she was passing Alicia's and Kelly's door she heard a strange noise coming from their room. She moved closer to it and then she heard it again and she knew exactly what the noise

was as she and Melody had been making the same noises just a few moments before. A big smile came to her face and she forgot all about having to go pee. She ran back to the bad where Melody was still sounds asleep.

"Wake up, Melody you got to come here!" Robin said as quietly as she

could as she shook Melody awake.

"What's wrong!" Melody said loudly as she woke suddenly.

"Shhh... nothings wrong, but you got to get up and come listen to this." Robin said excitedly.

"What do I have to listen to, you're not making sense." Melody said as she tried to lie back down.

"Just get up, you got to hear this!" Robin told her as she pulled Melody back up.

"This better be good or your ass is grass for waking me up from the dream I was having." Melody said as she got up.

"Oh it's good, real good." Robin said as she pulled Melody toward the door and then as they got there she put her finger to her lips. She pulled her toward Alicia and Kelly's door and she put her ear to it. Then she motioned for Melody to do the same. Melody gave her a look that said that it

had better be good but she did as Robin asked and put her ear to the door. Robin listened carefully but there was no sound. She was afraid that whatever Alicia and Kelly were doing, they were done by now. Melody gave her another dirty look but Robin motioned for her to keep listening. Robin knew that if someone should happen to open the outer door and see both of them naked and smelling of sex with their ears to the door of their suite mates they would never be able to explain what they were doing. Robin was about to give up herself when there came a long slow moan from someone in the room. She felt relieved and she looked at Melody who had the beginning of a shit eating grin on her face. They listened a little longer and they heard a much louder moan. Robin wasn't sure who it was coming from but it was one of them. They listened for a few moments then they heard, "That's it Kelly, keep licking there. God you are so fucking good!"

Robin saw Melody's eyes light up and she started to giggle. Robin quickly put her hand over Melody's mouth and then she pulled her into the bathroom.

"You about got us caught." Robin told her and then she started to giggle with Melody. They both ended up having to cover their mouths to keep anyone hearing them. It took them a few moments to get it back under control and they could remove their hands from their mouths.

"It seems that we weren't the only ones having a little fun tonight." Robin told Melody.

"Obviously not, now we know why they wanted to change rooms. It wasn't just for our sakes." Melody replied.

"No but it did work out for all of us." Robin said.

"Yes it did." Melody said as she gave her a wink. Then she went to the toilet and sat down.

"Hey, that is what I got up to do." Robin said as she felt the need to go come rushing back.

"That's what you get for waking me up." Melody said as she started to pee.

"Well hurry up, I really do have to go." Robin replied as she felt the need to cross her legs.

"I'm going as fast as I can." Melody replied and then as soon as she

had wiped herself and was getting up, Robin slipped in behind her and sat down on the toilet.

"Hey," Melody said as lost her balance and sat back down landing on Robin's lap. "You could have waited until I got all the way up, you know."

"I told you I had to go." Robin said as she let her bladder release it's contents.

"Oh god, wait until I get up before you start to go," Melody said as

she started to get back up off Robin's lap.

"Too late now," Robin said giggling and then she put her arms around

Melody holding her in place. She then put her hand to Melody's chin and brought it around and she kissed her. Melody resisted the kiss for only a fraction of a second then she gave into it. It felt nice having Melody's naked ass sitting on her lap and the kissing only added to that. She opened her mouth and Melody accepted her tongue. They kissed this way for a few moments then Melody pulled away. She then took Robin's arms and pulled them away from her. Robin thought that the moment had passed but then Melody turned so that she was facing her and she opened her legs. She moved forward straddling Robin's legs. She then sat back down on her lap and pulled Robin's face to her mouth and then they kissed again. Robin moved her hand up and down Melody's back as they kissed. Then she moved her hands to Melody's front and cupped her breasts. This caused Melody to let out a moan and she slipped her tongue into Robin's mouth. Robin sucked on it as her fingers began to tease then pinch her nipples. She felt Melody's pussy begin to leak juices onto her lap and Robin knew that Melody was getting excited again and that pleased her. Robin gave Melody a last kiss and then she moved her mouth down to Melody's right nipple. Melody put her hands back on Robin's knees and leaned back slightly giving Robin more room to work. She sucked the nipple deep into her mouth and she teased the tip of the nipple with her tongue. While she was doing this, she moved her right

hand down to Melody's pussy. She felt Melody opening her legs more and her finger combed through Melody's pubic hair and then onto her wet pussy lips. She ran her fingers up and down Melody's pussy coating them with her juices. Her mouth went over to Melody's other nipple and sucked on it as her

middle finger went between Melody's pussy lips. This caused Melody to moan even louder. Since they were in the small bathroom, the moaning that Melody was doing was echoing off the walls but neither one of them noticed. Robin slipped her middle finger deep into Melody's pussy and she could feel the warm wet pussy suck it on in. Robin almost came herself as she moved her finger in and out of Melody's pussy. Melody was moving her ass around and that caused Robin's thighs to rub together. This was giving her so much pleasure as her own clit was getting the friction that it needed. She moved the finger in deeper and that caused Melody to moan more. Robin began to bite on Melody's nipples and she heard a loud "Oh Goddd..." come from Melody's mouth. Robin fucked Melody's pussy a little harder and then she moved her fingers to Melody's clit. She began to rub hard and fast as she felt her own orgasm approaching and she wanted to Melody to get off before she did. She was just about to come when she felt cool air around her

and a slight gasp coming from somewhere but she was too occupied to pay it any mind. She rubbed Melody's clit even harder and then Melody cried out, "Oh Fuck!" and she felt her girlcum coating her fingers and lap. It was then

she own orgasm hit and she sprayed her girlcum into the toilet. She took her

fingers from Melody's pussy and pulled her in against her as they both rode out their orgasms. They sat there for a moment or two just enjoying the after glow of their orgasms and then they heard someone give out a little cough.

"Oh god!" Melody cried as she jumped up from Robin's lap and it was then that Robin saw Alicia and Kelly in the doorway and both of them were naked as they were. Robin would have jumped up but her legs were asleep from Melody sitting on them. Robin saw Melody trying to find something to cover up with but the hand towels were over by the door where Alicia and Kelly were standing.

"We're sorry but we heard a lot of moaning coming from the bathroom and we thought one of you was sick. Then we saw you two making love and it was so erotic that we couldn't stop watching. We are sorry." Kelly said and she started to pull Alicia back into their room.

"That's okay, we kind of listened through your door to you two making love so we are even." Robin confessed to them.

"I thought I heard some giggling outside the door earlier." Alicia said with a smile.

"Guilty," Melody said holding her hands up having now given up any attempt to hide her naked body.

"So we're all even and it;s time we all hit the sack." Alicia said and she started to turn away.

"Hey don't' everyone leave me sitting here, my legs are asleep and I

can't get up." Robin said.

"Where have I heard that before?" Melody said and then she started to laugh.

"I got you covered." Alicia said as she came back into the bathroom and she put her arm under Robin's left arm and around her back. Alicia's other arm went under her knees and Robin found herself being lifted off the toilet. She had no choice but to put her arm around Alicia's neck and hold on. As she was carried by Melody, Robin thought she would get some measure of sympathy but instead all she got from melody was a swat on her exposed ass.

"Ouch!" she cried and then she heard Melody and Kelly giggling behind her.

Alicia carried her through the other door and into her room. When Alicia had her over the bed she again had a thought that turned out to be completely wrong. She thought that she would be placed gently onto to the bed but instead Alicia dropped her like a sack of flour. Robin let out a scream as she descended the three feet and landed or rather bounced onto the bed.

"Thanks," Robin managed to say as Alicia went out the door laughing.

"Any time," Alicia said as she poked her head back in and then she saw Kelly grabbing her arm and pulling her back out the door.

Melody then came back in the door and came over to the bed. "Sorry about the slap on the ass but I saw your ass and the temptation was just too

much for me, I just had to slap it." Melody said, and then she added, "Do you forgive me?"

Robin sat up and then she looked up at Melody and she gave what she hoped was her most forgiving smile, then she said, "After I do this, I will."

She then grabbed Melody by the wrist and pulled her down across the bed and thus across her legs so that her the ass was sticking up at her. Robin put her hand on Melody's lower back holding her in place.

"Don't you even think about it!" Melody cried and then she let out a

squeal as Robin's hand landed on her ass with slap that hurt her only a little.

"Okay, now we're even, let me up." Melody pleaded.

"We're even when I say we're even and then she proceeded to lightly spank Melody's ass. Melody's ass had a red hue when she finished a couple of

dozen spanks later.

"Now I'm done." Robin pronounced.

"You'll think done." Melody said acting mad but then she pushed Robin down and she lay on top of her. She lowered her head and started to kiss her. Robin wrapped her arms around her and returned the kisses with the passion that she felt in her heart. They kissed for a few minutes and then Melody propped herself up on her elbows and looked down at her.

"What do you think about Kelly and Alicia? Did you suspect that anything was going on between them?" Melody asked.

"To tell you the truth no, I didn't have a clue anything was going on." Robin replied as she began to think about it.

"I didn't either; the whole time that I have been here, all I have thought about is you and school. That didn't leave much room for thinking about anyone else. I feel a bit bad about that but it's the truth." Melody replied.

"You're not alone in the guilt trip, I'm there with you. But we can make up for that now that we are back together again. We can take the time to look past our noses." Robin replied.

"Yea but you know now that I have had a chance to think about it, I have noticed that they have been giving each other the eye when they thought no one was looking." Melody said.

"The eye, what exactly is the eye?" Robin asked as she arched her eyebrow at Melody.

"The eye is what you gave to me every once in a while when you weren't talking to me. I would catch you looking at me and you would have this far off look in your eyes. It's what gave me hope and kept me going." Melody said.

"Well I didn't know I had done that." Robin replied.

"Honey you still give me the eye every once in a while." Melody said

with a little grin on her face.

"Well next time I do it, tell me." Robin said.

"Oh hell no, it turns my heart to mush when you do it and I'm not about to tell you so that you will stop doing it." Melody said and then she continued with, "I can't believe you don't know what the eye is."

"Oh I knew, I was just messing with you. I just haven't heard it called that before and besides, I'm not the only one that does it. You do it too." Robin said.

"I do not!" Melody said but then she started to giggle.

Robin took Melody's face in her hands and she brought it down for a kiss that started out lightly but quickly became much more passionate. Robin

turned them both over so that she was the one on top and they kissed that way for a few minutes then Melody turned them back over and Robin was on her back again. A while later they moved onto their sides and Melody gave Robin a last kiss before turning over to her other side so that they could spoon.

"By the way, what do you call it?" Melody asked.

"Call what?"

"The eye, silly."

"I don't know, the love stare would be the first thing that I can think of, I've never given it a name before, but I guess the eye works for me." Robin said as she kissed Melody on the shoulder.

"Good," Melody said as she gripped Robin's arm and squeezed it. A few minutes later she heard Melody's soft snore and she knew her lover was asleep.

"Get up you two! We're hungry and want to go to breakfast." Robin hollered as she banged on Kelly and Alicia's door later that morning.

"Go away!" Came the sleepy reply but neither Robin nor Melody could tell who said it.

"No, get up and let's go to breakfast." Melody cried out and she began to bang on the door with Robin.

"If you think that you two are women enough to get us out of the bed

go ahead and try otherwise go away!" They heard Alicia call out.

"I thing we just got challenged." Robin said to Melody.

"Maybe we should let them be you know." Melody suggested.

"Don't tell me you are going to back down? You know we have to go in

after she said that." Robin said.

"No I'm not backing down!" Melody said as she reached down and opened the door very quietly.

They slipped into the room and they saw that Kelly and Alicia were indeed in the same bed. They were on their sides and they could see that Alicia had Kelly in her arms, holding her tight. Robin went to the head of the bed as Melody went to the bottom. Robin let Melody get the covers undone from the bottom of the bed then she reached over and got the covers from the top. Then Melody lipped counting to three and then on three they both jerked the covers away from them, leaving them quite naked on the bed.

"What the..." They heard Alicia cry and then Kelly finished her sentence with, "Fuck!"

"Get up!" Robin and Melody both cried out and when they saw Alicia push Kelly away and start to get out of the bed, they turned tail and ran to

their room and locked the door. They then heard a pounding on the door and then someone trying to turn the door handle.

"You know you have to come out sooner or later." Alicia said and then they heard her walk away.

"You think she's mad at us?" Melody asked.

"Naw, but lets keep the door locked for a few minutes longer, just to play it safe."

"Good idea." Melody said and then she went to her computer and checked her emails and Robin did the same.

"Let's go to breakfast you two chickens." They heard Alicia call to them awhile later.

"What will you do to us when we do open the door?" Melody called out

to her.

"Nothing, I'm not going to do anything to you." Alicia said.

"You promise?" Robin called out to her through the door.

"Yes I promise." Alicia said.

"Okay, here we come." Robin said as she gave a questing look at Melody who nodded for her to go ahead. So she opened the door and they saw Alicia standing in front of the bathroom door with her hands held out showing that nothing was in them. Then when they both stepped on out of their doorway, Alicia stepped over into the doorway to her and Kelly's room leaving Kelly standing there with a large glass of water in each of her hands. Before Robin could make a move she saw the water coming toward her and when it hit, she felt the cold water cover her tee shirt. She screamed just as Melody was doing the same.

"I told you I wasn't going to do anything but I never said anything about Kelly." Alicia said as she and Kelly start to laugh at them.

"Funny!" Robin said as she tried to pull her tee shirt away from her

body to get the cold water off of her. But then she heard Melody laughing and she knew that Alicia and Kelly got them back fair and square. She and Melody went back into their room and began to pull their tee shirts and bras

off to change into dry clothes. Once they were topless, she noticed that Alicia and Kelly were in the door watching them. After Alicia and Kelly had watched them make love the night before, seeing them topless wasn't a big deal to her and she noticed that Melody paid it no mine either. Once she and

Melody had dried off and put new tops on, they made their way to breakfast.

They went to their favorite little restaurant off campus and ordered

their breakfast. The conversation at first centered on the water incident and Robin and Melody vowing to get Alicia and Kelly back and then Alicia and

Kelly saying that it was them who started it. It was a fun argument that went on through breakfast but then Robin turned the conversation serious.

"I want to bring up a subject that we haven't talked about but I think we all need to." She said.

"What's that?" Kelly asked and Robin saw Melody looking at her and she could almost see Melody warning her off what she was afraid Robin was going to bring.

"Melody's engagement, we need to find a way to help her and..." Robin was saying when she felt Melody's hand on her arm stopping her in mid- sentence."

"No, that is my problem and I need to solve it." Melody said and Robin could see that she was very serious about how she felt.

Robin turned to face Melody and said "No, it's not just your problem, it's my problem too. I mean we are a couple now and that means if you have a

problem then so do I. Plus Alicia and Kelly are just as smart as we are, I mean we are all attending MIT so we have to have some intelligence. I think between the four of us we can figure a way out. I know we have avoided the subject but I also can see when you send an email to Ezio to keep the pretext of the engagement going that it bothers you. I haven't said anything

but I know this is bothering you so if we can put a plan together then that is one less thing for you to worry about."

"I don't mean to butt in, but Robin is right and we are involved. Yours and Robin's problems when you two got here is what brought Kelly and me together. We both had roommates who were acting like assholes and we turned to each other to talk about it. Plus we are the ones that got Robin to see the light and thus allowing you to get back together. So you see, we are

already involved and we both want to help, don't we Kelly?" Alicia said.

"Yes we do and we have actually already talked about it. I mean I know you would love to tell your parents to stick the engagement and their nineteenth century ways up their asses. But I also know if I was in your situation, I'm not sure that I could or would do it. I know that you and Robin are here on scholarships but you still need some money from them. So let us help." Kelly said to Melody.

Robin could see Melody thinking it over and no one, especially her, were saying anything. After a couple minutes of thinking, Robin could see Melody's shoulders sag and then she saw tears start to fall from her eyes. Robin put her arm around her shoulders and pulled her in close. And she saw Alicia and Kelly take one of Melody's hands in theirs and they squeezed them

as Melody cried silently for a couple of minutes. The restaurant had by then

about cleared out of customers and they were in a back booth so no one paid them any mind. After a couple of minutes, Robin could feel Melody getting it

back together and she gently released her as she pulled her hands back from Alicia and Kelly's hands.

"It's so nice to have friends like you two and I welcome your help."

Melody said as she gave a smile to Alicia and Kelly. Then she turned her eyes toward Robin and she knew she was in trouble, "You, I will deal with later in private."

"Okay," was all Robin could say.

"Someone's in trouble." Alicia said in a singing voice and that earned her a slap to the arm from Kelly. But Alicia's comment did serve her purpose

as they were all silent for a second and then Melody broke out laughing.

They all joined in and Robin was just glad that the tension was eased a bit but then Melody added, "Yea, if you hear someone bouncing off the wall and then some blood curdling screams coming from Robin, just know it is just

me kicking the shit out of her for not talking to me about this before bringing it up here today."

Robin could see her smiling and she knew that Melody wasn't actually

going to kick the shit of her but she also knew that Melody had made her point and she had made it quite well.

"Okay so where do we start?" Kelly asked.

"I think that we start by me telling everyone all the details. You know the jest of the story but now you need to know everything but let's go for a

walk as I tell you. My butt is getting sore just sitting here." Melody said.

Once the bill was paid and they all visited the restroom they headed

back toward the campus as Melody went into her family history and how her father had gone back to Italy when it came time to get married. Then she told them about how her parents had decided unbeknownst to her that it was time for her to find a husband after she had graduated high school. She then went on to say how she had rejected every boy they had brought to her but then came Ezio who was actually her cousin's boyfriend. Then they all three had concocted a story of how she and Ezio wanted to get to know each other better before marrying. That put them up to date and then she dropped a bomb that none of them knew, not even Robin.

"Then last Sunday I was talking to my parents on the phone and they asked how Ezio and I were getting along and of course I told them fine. They then decided that maybe a Christmas marriage would be nice to have."

"Oh shit! Why didn't you tell me?" Robin said as she put her arm around Melody's waist and pulled her in close.

"I was going to but then this week was so important to us and I didn't want to spoil it." Melody said.

"Well next time, tell me. We definitely need to get to working on this. Any ideas?" Robin asked Alicia and Kelly.

"Let me run this through my mind for a while. I think I can come up with something but I have to think." Kelly said and Alicia echoed her agreement.

"I tell you what, maybe the best way to do this is when someone comes up with an idea, then they will call a meeting and we will talk about it. But maybe right now the best way to think about it is to not think about it. Let's go do something and then maybe tonight we'll talk again." Robin said.

"Works for me..." Alicia said leaving the rest of the sentence unsaid and they could all see that there was something rolling around in her brain.

Robin could only hope that it was a good idea.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 3

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