Vampire Sex Diaries

By Phunk Factor

Published on Sep 1, 2010


Disclaimer; This is a story about characters from the television show Vampire Diaries. It is a work of fiction and the author does not claim any knowledge about the private lives of actors appearing in the show, also this story implies nothing about their sexuality. I do not own these characters, adapted for television by produced and created by Kevin Williamson, and is loosely based on the series of novels by L. J. Smith. It is produced by Outerbanks Entertainment, Alloy Entertainment, CBS Television Studios and Warner Bros. Television.

Note from Author; This story contains sexual situations and if you're under age or are offended by homo-erotic works, you should probably stop reading now. If you're not, continue reading and please comment. I'll be delighted to hear your opinions and suggestions about it at . Happy reading! :)

Damon positioned the thick head of his dick right at the entrance of Jeremy's hole. He was thinking about his actions. One of his hands was placed firmly on Jeremy's shoulder and the other one was planted on his waist. The two were extremely close, Jeremy could feel Damon's hot breath on his neck. It was sending shivers through out his entire body. The room was permeating with a thick smell of sweat, sex and surprisingly blood. Jeremy always expected blood to smell really bad, but the scent was more like an aphrodisiac. It was fueling his sexual urges which could be clearly estimated from the fact that his dick was standing at full mast and leaking volumes of pre-cum.

"What are you waiting for?", Jeremy asked between heavy breaths. "Please fuck me!" he begged.

"What?", Damon asked snapping out of his trance.

"Fuck me, Damon. Please!", Jeremy repeated.

Damon considered his actions and included Jeremy's request. He was going to fuck this boy right now. But as promised, he would be gentle. "This is going to hurt a little bit as I proceed, but once you are passed the pain, you'll be really enjoying yourself!", Damon explained. Jeremy nodded in response. Damon could see it in the mirror on the opposite wall. Not even an adult film could be this hot!

He pushed his dick and was immediately met by resistance from Jeremy. He exerted a little pressure and pushed harder. Jeremy winced lightly. "It's going to hurt only for a while, Jeremy. Loosen up!" he explained patiently surprised at the touch of care in his sentences.

"I'm trying but it's like my body has got a mind of it's own now!", Jeremy complained.

Damon exerted once again only to have a bit more of his dick inside Jeremy and a shriek of pain from Jeremy. Maybe he was doing this wrong, thought Damon. A change of position would make it easier, he concluded. "Jeremy", he opened his mouth and was interrupted.

"Just fuck me! I'll handle it!" Jeremy pleaded.

Damon let go of Jeremy's shoulder and slipped both of his hand to Jeremy's waist. He gripped it firmly and pushed. Success! He was inside Jeremy and that too in a single go. Jeremy too felt the intrusion. Who wouldn't feel a 8 inch dick going up their tight arse?! His mouth was open and his eyes were tightly screwed. Jeremy was feeling something absolutely new and absolutely amazing. He couldn't breath slow but the sharp pain he used to feel whenever he would breath heavy. Not bothering him anymore!

Damon leaned in closer and caressed the back of Jeremy's neck with his nose. He smelled something like shampoo from Jeremy's hair. He must have taken a shower and headed for the mall immediately after. A moment passed and nothing happened, the two were completely still. "Should I?", Damon asked.

"Yes, please!", Jeremy mumbled.

Damon started moving his hips to and fro. He wasn't pounding into him like with his other conquests. He was being gentle. His movements were slow and programmed, he was lighting up a huge fire inside Jeremy. Igniting him like a huge firework! As he would fuck Jeremy, he would also kiss his neck and nibble on his ear-lobes. Now that his dick was firmly inside Jeremy and there seemed like no chance that it would pop out, Damon's hands could move from the waist to anywhere they want. He slided his hands against Jeremy's smooth hairless body. He felt that little curve of muscles where the abdomen meets the pelvis. Jeremy was decently muscled, something nobody could have guessed as it was always hidden under so many layers of clothes. Jeremy could very easily be the stud muffin in his school, but his natural humility kept him from becoming that. And this humility was so utterly sexy.

Damon's hands moved up Jeremy's v-shaped torso, then under his arm pit where they tickled Jeremy for a moment and then he grabbed Jeremy from his arms, just at the beginning and pulled them up. His hands slided from his arms to his fore-arms until they finally reached the hand. He clasped his fingers tightly and crossed Jeremy's arms. He was fucking with more passion now and Jeremy's moaning were a positive sign.

With Jeremy locked in position, the two fell on the bed, Jeremy under Damon. As Damon continued to fuck Jeremy, Jeremy's own hard dick was rubbing between the satin sheet and causing him extreme pleasure. "I'm going to cum, Damon!", Jeremy announced. Damon didn't respond, he was too fixated on how amazing Jeremy's ass was feeling wrapped around his dick. The other monster in him was taking over, the monster that screams for sex, blood and more of that. He was slowly getting up from Jeremy, one of his hand was pinning down Jeremy by the shoulder while the other one was keeping him in position waist down with it's critical position on Jeremy's waist. He was still pounding Jeremy and much harder now.

Jeremy couldn't take that much pleasure, especially since Damon was now poking right into his prostrate. The poking was driving him crazy and he let out a torrent of cum that stained the sheet and was rubbing all over his middle torso. He clenched his ass muscles and sucked in his stomach to free his arms that were buried underneath him. He positioned himself in doggie style and spread his legs far. This caused Damon's cock to go further into Jeremy and at that point, Damon's flood gates opened and he ejaculated. Damon felt the condom was going to snap open and it would all flow into Jeremy's ass. But somewhere during this time, the monster that cared with a passion had sneaked back. Damon pulled out of Jeremy and collapsed on the bed.

Jeremy was still in the doggie position, it was weird feeling empty in his ass. "So what's next?", Jeremy asked.

"Next?", Damon asked. "You take a shower and go home!" he explained. Jeremy inched closer, he slid a hand around Damon's naked torso and pulled him in closer to kiss him. "We can't do this again!" Damon snapped getting out of bed.

"What?", Jeremy asked. "Why?"

"This was a one night stand or one day lay, whichever makes sense to you!", Damon explained impatiently.

Jeremy got on his knees while still on the bed and pulled Damon close to him, he wrapped Damon's hand around him and kissed him. Damon couldn't help but respond to the kiss. The two kissed, explored the warmth of each other's mouth and let their senses entangle and get lost. Damon realized how he was getting involved and quickly broke the kiss. "The shower is the door on the right and there is some milk in the fridge. Take a shower and have something to eat!", Damon told him in monotone but didn't dare look up at Jeremy. "I'm going out. When I'm back, you better be gone!", he said definitely and walked out. "And the sooner the better. If Stefan or Elena come here after school and find you here, I'm going to be in alot of trouble and so will you be."

Jeremy sat in bed recollecting the event that just happened and walked into the shower. He needed to get home quickly. He was happy but he was also sad. It was strange!

"Dude, I can't find the video anywhere!", Matt whispered to Tyler during History class. "You sure you kept it in th bag?", Matt asked.

"Yeah, I did!" Tyler affirmed. "Did you check my locker?", Tyler asked.

"Did that! No luck!", Matt replied in hushed tones.

"Crap! Maybe I did leave it at home!", Tyler cursed.

Matt was about to respond when he was interrupted by Mr. Saltzman, "Anything in particular you two would like to share with the rest of the class, Mr. Donovan and Mr. Lockwood?", he said in a tone of authority.

"No, we were just discussing football tactics that the coach is employing in our new plays!", Tyler lied.

Mr. Saltzman smiled, "Ah, history but not the kind one would find in my class!" he said with sarcasm. The class burst into laughs. The two boys couldn't help but laugh at it either. And then everybody went back their usual tasks.

"I'm skipping next period and going home. I can't let anybody get their hand at home. I'll be grounded forever!", Tyler reasoned. "You coming with me?" Tyler asked.

"No way, man!", Matt blurted out. "I can't get detention. I need to go work at the pub at night so I need to complete my homework by the evening. Sorry!", Matt explained. "Besides, your clean it up!", he shot sarcasm.

"Oh yeah!", Tyler growled. "Who's dick am I sucking in the video anyways?", he questioned. Matt could only laugh.

When the bell for the next period rang, Tyler whizzed out of his seat and raced for the door. He was always surprised at how fast he could move at times. Sure he was in prime shape, but he could move faster and with more grace than the other boys. Before anybody could see or catch him, Tyler was out of the door and in his car. He kicked it into life and was at home a few minutes later.

Thankfully no one was home. He ran up into his room and began looking around his room. It was nowhere to be found. He was just about to leave when he noticed something black taped to the outside of his window. It was the CD case. How did it get there?, Tyler wondered. He rushed to the window and slid it open. He ripped the taping and freed the case. It was considerably light. He opened it only to find it empty. Instead of a CD there was a small piece of paper inside that said 'I know'. Panic surged through Tyler like hot water and he jumped out of the window and landed on all fours. A lady who witnessed this stopped dead in her track. Tyler couldn't pay attention to her right now and made a run for his car. He jumped in and started the finest piece of motor money could buy, and drove off to school.

-- Phunk Factor wants a Vampire in his life! ;)

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