Vanity House

Published on Jun 28, 2022


Vanity House 11

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Chapter 11

Night Circus

“Where's the rest of it?”

It was almost three weeks since my birthday. I was at a fashion store in a nice part of Captiva with Neiman and Jaime. I had gotten close to them as well as Nima who was actually really starting to embrace the AA meetings. I still went with her even though I didn't drink. I always made up a weird story. I didn't expect that Nima's pregnancy would bring me closer to Neiman though. I found us doing a lot of things together. It was actually his idea to go out with Jaime today. We were in a little boutique that specialized in men's clothes. Neiman seemed to have a flare for fashion and he was helping me with my swag. I would definitely say that I was at a lack being the smalltown Georgia guy.

“You look good...” Jaime stated, “We wouldn't lie to you.”

“It makes my butt look big...”

They laughed. I turned back to the mirror to look at my reflection. Neiman had picked out the smallest swimming trunks in the world. He said that's what was in style now. The trunks were super small and squeezed very part of me.

“That's the point,” Jaime replied, “Baby got back...”

I rolled my eyes at him while blushing all the same. I turned around. You could even see my package in this underwear. I had to say my slim figure did look good in the underwear though. I was bulging at all the places that mattered.

“I think a lot of guys will like it...” Neiman stated.

“I am NOT wearing this in public.”

Jaime shook his head, “You can try them out on the boat trip this weekend. That'll be just the family. I'll wear one with you.”

“You have a muscular body,” I said.

“But you have an actual ass. You're my brother and I can't stop staring. Imagine what other people would think. I mean you are the one who said you wanted to change up your swag to start getting attention.”

He was right. What he didn't know was who I wanted the attention from. It was Roman. I felt like Neiman had an idea though. He kept hinting that “certain guys would like it”. I didn't know if he just wanted Roman and I to work out or if he actually believed that we would.

There was a big difference.

“Ok...I'll take it.”

“You'll take all of these,” Neiman stated.

He went to the counter of the waiting room and emptied all the contents of his shopping bag out. There were tons of underwear just like it. They were a ton of different colors. I looked at him not knowing exactly what to say and my face got all red again. They seemed to enjoy it though.

It was awkward shopping for stuff like underwear with Jaime. Neiman was quiet. Jaime kept looking at my butt and making funny comments. If I wasn't even comfortable around Jaime being sexual then how did I ever expect to be like that around Roman who was 100% more direct than Jaime. I felt myself blushing already at the thought.

I spent the rest of the day with Neiman and Jaime. It was nice to have people to talk to besides XO. XO had been calling me non-stop since my birthday. I wasn't sure what he was calling me about because I didn't pick up. I was just upset that he was acting like the biggest drunk hooligan at the party and then he couldn't even back me up when Marlon fired me. I had turned that entire store around.

“So how about I walked in on Vice and Roman doing it...” Jaime had said as we made our way to the park.

Neiman laughed and I nearly choked on the frozen yogurt I was eating. I didn't even think it was possible. I took a deep breath after the act though and just shook my head. I didn't want to look weird. The last thing I wanted Jaime to know was how I felt about Roman. I had to keep it to myself.

Neiman remained quiet as usual though. He didn't make a comment but I wondered if he was combing my face for a reaction.

I tried to act like I wasn't slightly bothered, “That's embarrassing. How did that happen?”

Jaime laughed finding it more funny the more he talked about it, “So I was just going to talk to Roman. It's sort of like our bonding time. We usually go play basketball around 4. I guess he forgot about it though. So I never knock because everyone knows Roman doesn't have sex like that. How about I walk in with Vice on all fours with his head buried on Roman's favorite Isaac Mizrahi Rug.”

Neiman took a deep breath.

I couldn't hear anymore of this.

“People have sex. They've been dating for years. No big deal.”

I just wanted him to change the subject. Truth was I felt like he just suckerpunched me. I wanted to say something rude and walk away but Jaime didn't know how I felt about Roman. It wasn't like he was purposely trying to annoy me.

Jaime shook his head, “I just always figured Vice was the top though. Isn't that weird. Roman was strapping on a condom when I walked in. Do you think Roman always fucks Vice? Isn't that awkward to fuck someone taller than you?”

“What's so awkward about it?” I stated.

“It's just weird. I just wouldn't fuck a taller guy. I couldn't date someone taller than me.”

I remembered Lombardi. Lombardi was a little shorter actually. He was shorter than me and definitely shorter than XO.

“So would you let a shorter guy fuck you?”

“I wouldn't let anyone fuck me,” Jaime retorted shaking his head, “100% top here...”

“Me too,” Neiman stated.

“Are you even gay?” Jaime asked.

Neiman laughed and shrugged, “I'm not sure yet. Haven't been with the right guy.”

Jaime shook his head, “I don't understand the confusion. Either you are gay or you are straight. The whole bisexual, curious, confused thing doesn't work for me. I like ass. I know what I like.”

I immediately came to Neiman's defense, “It's not that simple. I may be willing to admit now that I am more interested in men than women but it wasn't always the case. People change.”
“So what position are you?”
I looked at Jaime not wanting to answer. I hated talking about sex and I was surprised at how natural it had come to Jaime and Neiman. Jaime was all Mr. Morals and Neiman was the Mr. Quiet. How the fuck did I get the short end of the sexual comfort.

I shrugged my shoulders, “I don't know yet.”

“You ain't a virgin right.”

“No...not that. I just don't know yet.”

Jaime shook his head, “With an ass like that you need to be a bottom. I think you naturally look like a bottom. I mean it's not like tall ass awkward ass bottom Vice.”

“How do you know Vice is a bottom?” I asked.

Jaime nodded, “You're right, with all the guys he's had sex with I'm sure he isn't really picky on sexuality. He's probably vers.”
“That means Roman...”

“We should up a game for the boat trip,” Jaime stated, “And find these things out instead of just assuming...”

He laughed with a little sneaky look.

“Are you sure you want to know?” I asked.

He nodded, “It'll bring us closer. How about everyone come up with seven questions for all seven of us. I'll get with Barka, Nima, Roman and Vice as well. They all have to be sex related. We will put the questions together and ask them on the ship.”

“It sounds dangerous,” Neiman stated.

I sighed a little bit.

Did I really want questions asked to me? No.

Did I really want to find out how Roman answered some of these questions? Yes.

“I'll make sure to pack my questions before I leave.”

The day of the actual boat trip had come way before I had expected it. I honestly didn't know what I felt about it coming so fast. All I knew was that Roman and Vice and me were going to be on a small boat all together in the middle of the sea.

I actually ended up driving to the boat with Neiman. He rode in my new car and I think Jaime left ahead with the girls. Uncle Jory wasn't going obviously but Jaime was so sure that we had to go without him to keep up this dumb tradition. I felt a little odd that I was going on this trip. They had went every year and now I was the new addition.

“It'll be fine,” Neiman stated.

It was almost as though he could read my mind. I found it hilarious that the guy who tried to kill himself a couple months ago was now the one trying to calm me down and let me know that everything was going to be ok.

As we got to the ship I realized how new it was to me though. I was breaking down these walls. I was letting people in.

The yacht was a small private yacht called the Bohemian.

The captain shook my hand as Neiman and I got our bags and started heading up. The boat was a beautiful white boat docked on Captiva Island among several other much bigger boats.

“Welcome back Mr. Neiman,” the captain said, “And what is this...someone new on the trip.”
“Yeah, he's new to the family,” Neiman stated, “My father won't be making it so AJ here is going to fill in.”

The captain had a thick Louisiana accent. It was charming though. He was a heavy set man and when he smiled, he was missing several teeth. He seemed so happy when he reached his hand out to shake me. He kind of reminded me of Barka. He was one of those types of people that was happy just to be happy.

“How long are we going to be out?” I asked him.

“Two and half days sir. We'll be sailing the Florida bay into the Gulf. You'll enjoy it I'm sure. Everything you need will be inside.”

Everyone seemed to be already on the ship and waiting for Neiman and I. The captain escorted me around the ship showing me things when we were actually already out to sea. He said that the Bohemia was a classified crusing yacht. It was about 40 feet long and had a long-keeled style. He went on and on showing me the deck where Nima and Barka were already sprawled out sunning. I laughed as I saw them and saw Barka's mouth moving. She had managed to still stuff fake breasts into her bathing suit.

Down below was the cabin. There was a wide open room that reminded me most of like a living room. There was a television there two white lounge couches. He pointed me out to the bar where all the Vanity guys were currently hanging out taking shots.

“Here is the men's quarters,” the captain said.

He opened the door to the quarters and for some reason that was the only place I was less then impressed. The beds were more like mattresses on the floor. It was almost as if someone was building the ships and just completely gave up.


I actually was surprised that I spent the first day of the trip with Barka and Nima on the tanning deck. Nima had her radio playing and fell asleep every five minutes. Barka was gossiping about people back on Captiva Island. About 90% of the people she mentioned I didn't know but I listened anyway to be nice.

The first day the guys had actually went deep sea diving. Supposedly Vice trained people how to do it on his spare time. They had asked me a couple times to go join them but I wasn't a good swimmer and I damn sure didn't trust Vice to teach me how to survive under water. I figured it was just easier if I stayed.

It wasn't until night time that they actually came back.

“You missed it,” Jaime told me.

“I bet.”

Vice and Roman were doing their own thing on the other side of the deck. I knew it would only be a matter of time before they pulled away. It just worried me that they weren't fighting as much lately. They actually seemed to be getting long.

Right now they were holding hands together .

“Are we ever going to play that game? I asked him.

“You sure?”

No I wasn't. Still I had expected to see more of Roman on this trip. I had expected to see more of him. I didn't why all of a sudden Vice felt it was OK to keep him a part.

Luckily this little game would be the perfect way to get him back. I was surprised how eager everyone else was to play the game. Even Vice seemed pretty excited. I guess they had all contributed to the pile of questions just like I had done.

We had gathered and it was dark. Jaime, Roman, Vice and bark were obviously drunk by the time we finally were able to form a circle on the deck.

Neiman and I didn't drink in respect for Nima but as soon as I saw Vice and Roman cuddled up close to each other on the deck I made myself a drink.

I took a deep sip of it.

“ let me get this right. Everyone wants to play this game right?” Jaime asked, “You can back out now.”

“I back out hunny,” Barka said immediately, “I'm the oldest one here. I need to be an example.”

Nima rolled her eyes “More like you want to know everybody's business but don't want to get into none of your own.
Vice shook his head, “Do any of us really want to know about Barka's sex life though?”

Barka popped him hard on the head, “Fine. Since I'm not playing I'll be the host.”

Jaime slurred out drunk, “It's mahhhhh game.”

“Well it's my world,” Barka shut him up and took the bowl of questions away from Jaime and it was clear Jaime was drunk by how he rolled over.

Nima laughed, “At least I'm not the one drunk this time.”

“This time,” Barka stated suspiciously, “Anyway. Everyone raise your right hand...”

We did.

“Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”

They all said I do and then all eyes turned on me. I was the last person to say it and when I did I almost regretted it immediately. Barka was smart for sitting out on this. I didn't want anything to do with this at all. The first question seemed to set the tone almost immediately.

Barka opened the question and looked over at Vice, “This question is for you Vice. How many people have you slept with in total?”

The question hadn't come from me. I looked around wondering who it came from. No one's face seemed to tell the story. It was a good question though. I loved how it clearly made Roman uncomfortable. It probably made Vice more awkward by how uncomfortable Roman looked when the question finally came out.

“Can I skip?” Vice said.

He smiled.

“No skipping,” Barka stated, “Everyone agreed to the game. Everyone has to answer whatever question is in here. Ain't that right Jaime?”

Jaime laughed, “Yes maaaa'am!”

I could see Vice almost sink with embarrassment. I could feel the happiness sink into me.

Vice finally spoke, “Um...uh...well...ok we have to be honest right. Damn...this sucks. Um...maybe two hundred or maybe three. Actually maybe half a thousand if we count oral.”

“...Can I have some of your drink AJ?” Roman stated.

It was immediately after Vice had said it. The rest of our mouths dropped open. I was more than happy to get up and go give it to Roman. I could tell he would need it. He actually got up from across from me and moved over to the side of the circle I was sitting on though.

What was even funnier was when Roman actually stayed on the side with me drinking the alcoholic drink from my cup.

“We may need a little more vodka if we going to to get through this game,” I laughed.

No one really laughed. Some people smiled but Vice's face looked like someone had just stole a damn dog from him or something.

Barka opened the next note, “This one is for...Vice again...what is the longest that you've gone without sex.”

“I don't understand how I keep getting the questions.”

“There are seven questions in here for everyone,” Barka explained.

Vice shook his head, “Four days.”

“Four days?” Roman asked, “How is that possible. There's been months where we were together but didn't have sex.”
Roman was pissed.

“Wait wait wait,” Barka stated, “One more rule. No backlash. We are learning the truth here. No one is here to judge or throw stones.”

Vice seemed happy that Barka actually stepped in at that time. It was almost like he didn't have an answer. I knew he would just try to feed Roman some bullshit. He seemed so good with feeding the bullshit lines. It was almost second nature to him.

I rolled my eyes, “Ok next question.”

Barka smiled and opened up the next letter. This question is for...Nima.”

“Go ahead.”

“It reads...'Do you know who the father of your child is?'”

“Wait hold on,” I jumped in, “That isn't really a sex question.”

Jaime shook his head, “Whoa, I'm sorry. I actually opened it up to all questions. I should have told you.”

Why would Jamie do that without telling me? I had written down all sex questions. I felt the annoyance roll up. I didn't think it was anything malicious coming from Jaime. I mean it was JAIME, but still I felt like I had been left out of the loop.

“She has to answer the question,” Vice stated, “Hell...if I am sitting here admitting in front of my boyfriend how many people I've had sex with, this game is going to be taken VERY serious by everyone else.”

I could tell he was on edge. I would be to with Roman's disgusted look on his face.

“Fine. I know who it is...he...”

“You don't have to answer it...”

“The hell she does,” Vice stated.

He was such a fucking idiot. I wasn't sure if it was due to him being drunk or not. He was so quick to try to shift the attention off of his whorish ways that he had no idea that I was actually trying to save him from Roman finding out what he did.

“That's not in the rules?”

“Why not? You are like trying to cheat for her,” Vice argued.

“The question was a yes or no question. It wasn't open ended. We all agreed to tell the complete truth today but she answered hers. That would be a whole different question.”

By the way Vice grunted I could tell that he was probably the one who asked Nima that question. I found it sick that he was trying to throw her under the bus like that. Nima and I exchanged looks. She had this sadness to her.

Barka shook her head, “Next question. This is for...AJ.”

I held my breath. If I got questions like the last two I would be screwed. I didn't want anyhthing like that being asked. Wasn't this game supposed to be fun? Why wasn't anyone laughing or smiling. Everyone looked a little scared honestly.

“Go ahead,” I finally stated.

“Is XO your boyfriend.”
Phew...I dodged a bullet there.

“No. XO and I are not on that level.”

“So someone ask me why the hell he keeps calling he house every five minutes,” Vice stated and then shrugged his shoulders, “Just saying.”

Was he trying to act funny? I wasn't entirely sure to be honest. I could tell he was in hot water with Roman and he was still pushing things. I wondered if he had been the one to actually ask the question. I wouldn't have been surprised. Still this was nothing like his.

“No commentary,” Barka stated and opened up the next paper, “This one was a question for everyone.”

“That doesn't count,” Vice argued.

“Did you make the damn game?” Barka retorted, “Let's go to Jaime. Jaime if someone asks everyone a question does that count?”

“Yes maaaam!”

I laughed at Jaime. I wasn't the only one. It was hilarious seeing him drunk. I wondered if he even knew fully what Barka had really asked him.

Barka opened around, “Ok, going across the room. If you had to sleep with one person here. Who would that be?”

Nima shook her head, “Myself...”

“That doesn't count bitch,” Barka replied.

Nima shook her head, “I guess...Roman or Jaime. I don't know.”

“Chose one bitch,” Barka countered.

“You gon stop calling me a bitch drag,” Nima laughed, “But if you insist...Roman...”

I figured it I went quickly after Nima it wouldn't be as bad, “Roman as well.”

It was. Barka let out a loud “Oh...Ok.” She was taken back. Jaime actually started laughing at Barka's reaction and Vice let out a long low “Wow.” Why the hell did I agree to play this game and who had asked a question like that? I was so embarrassed and I looked over at Roman. He was just sitting there. He hadn't even turned back to me.

Vice shook his head, “I guess I'm noticing a pattern. I'd say Roman as well.”

It was Neiman who was next and he actually thankfully made it less awkward by calling out, “Jaime.”


Jaime smiled pushing Neiman, “What is up with you and your sister being Indian givers? You throw my name and then take it back. Sike naw...I'd definitely fuck AJ too.”

I was kind of confused. Did they not realize that Roman was in the running in this. Why the fuck would I be even compared to Roman? Then I realized that Neiman wasn't really all that close with Roman. I know Roman loved him but I didn't think Roman knew how to handle someone who was so quiet. Jaime probably thought Roman was a top so he didn't choose him plus Roman was about an inch or two taller than Jaime which according to Jaime was a turn off.

I guess I won their vote by default.

“Someone definitely needed an ego boost from this,” Nima stated rolling her eyes.

“Wait everyone didn't answer...”

“We already know who Roman is going to say anyway,” Jaime answered, nodding at Vice.

I shook my head, “So why doesn't he just say it.”

Roman looked at me with confused. I wondered why he was so confused. I wasn't going to embarrass myself and he just sit there gloating in his ego that so many people in the house would rather be with him.

“Sexually it'd be AJ...”

“What?” Nima asked stealing the words out my mouth.

Roman had said it with such ease as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Barka let out a long 'I'm gaggingggggg'. What?

“What?” Vice asked.

“What the hell just happened!” Jaime said jumping to his feet making this moment twenty times more dramatic than it actually had to be.

“I mean we are taking relationship history out of it am I right?” Roman stated, “Just to based off carnal needs I am attracted to AJ the most. Is that a problem?”

“Yeah its a fucking problem when you are FUCKING dating something in the FUCKING room and saying that you would FUCK someone else before you would FUCK them!”

Roman shook his head, “I just told the truth. You didn't see me badgering you about the huge segment of Gay America's population that you fucked.”

There it was. There was the fight.

I could see Vice's eyes dig right past Roman and land through me. He was looking right through Roman as though he had some sort of X-ray vision.

What was Roman thinking? I wondered if he really was telling the truth or was he just getting back for what Vice had said earlier about him.

Nima shook her head, “Maybe we should call it quits for the night...”

It was so weird how people changed because Nima before this preganancy I was almost sure that Nima would have been the one urging and instigating the hell out of this awwkard moment.

Jaime agreed, “Yeah, maybe we should just call it quits.”

“ guys are being punks,” Vice stated, “I'm having fun.”

“Vice you looked like you were about to cry,” Barka stated, “You are not ok. We don't have to keep going with this.”

“I want to!”

Next: Chapter 12

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