Varsity Adventures

By moc.loa@2996nafdemrahc

Published on Jun 26, 2009


I do not know the sexuality of the featured celebrities or their personal lives; this is purely a work of my imagination. Something I dream will come true. But doubtful it will.

If you are not of age to read this. Please don't. Also if you do not like M/M relationships.

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New Life Begins

It was a hot day, and I had just gotten the last box of my stuff out of my dad's black jeep. I was finally free from my home. I loved my family but I was just ready to get out. Meet some cute guys. FINALLY. I was stuck in that one horse redneck town, without a single guy to fuck! I was going to be a college freshman, and a virgin. I felt pitiful. Well I was all unloaded so I returned back to the car to say goodbye to my dad and twin sister. (They were the only ones from my family who supported me being gay.)

"Well guys, this is it. I don't really want to get emotional. I'm really going to miss you guys," and for the first time in a long time, I hugged my dad and sister.

"We'll miss you too." She said, and got into the car.

"I'm proud of you Daniel," my dad said, "you've grown so much, and now you're in college a year early. You're truly a successful guy. Well give me a call when you're all settled. Bye." With that he gave me a pat on the back and got in the Jeep and drove off, it was a 3 hour drive back home, and he wanted to get back before dark.

With the Jeep out of site, I turned to look at my new home for the next few years; I was going for Journalism, at UNC-Chapel Hill. I was so excited. The only scary thing was adjusting and meeting the person I have to live with. Would he be cool with gay guys? Well, let's see.

I arrived back at my dorm room, and I heard talking. It was my roommate.

"Oh my god, Jen! He's so cute! Why did I get roomed with the cute guy?!" * mumbled talk from the phone* "I highly doubt he's gay. All the cute ones never are." more phone mumble "Yes I know it works with gay guys too. But for me the cute ones are NEVER gay." I placed my hand on the knob. "Oh shit Jen, I gotta go. Bye, I love you!" phone shuts

I walked in the room, "Hey man, I'm Daniel." I extended my hand for him to shake it, his hands were really shaky. Wow, this guy really liked me. Hmmm. I think I'll have some fun with him. He shook my hand and I pulled him in, put my nose to the crook of his neck and inhaled. "Hmmm, David Beckham's Instinct?" I asked.

"Y-y-yeah. It's my f-f-f-favorite." My dorm mate stammered.

I just laughed, "Mine too, so what's your name?" He just kind of stood there staring at me.

"J-J-Jared" he blurted out. It was kind of cute that he liked me this much. He wasn't too bad himself. Shaggy brown hair, about 5'11 (my height), looked like he had a nice body, couldn't tell. He was clearly a skater, baggy clothes.

"Cool, like I said, I'm Daniel." I started to pull off my shirt. "Goddamn I'm burning up!" I removed it, and as it dropped so did his mouth. I wasn't ripped, but have a decent body on me. He liked it apparently. "So tell me about you man." I sat on the edge of my bed (dad must've fixed it up for me, I'll have to thank him later.) Jared and I had a long conversation about where he grew up, his likes, dislikes, stuff like there. And he seemed to be a cool guy.

As he was talking I had unpacked, and set up. I turned on my laptop, to check emails and stuff like that. I checked everything, and a certain thing caught my eye. "VFC IN NC" I clicked it immediately. Varsity Fanclub is my absolute favorite band, and they were coming to North Carolina. So I read the bulletin. They were going to be here for a week in the Research Triangle. I was so siked. I had THE hugest crush on their member Jayk, and newest member TC. I had a bit of a thing for David too. But Jayk was top on my list, and my top in my fantasies.

"Hello?" Jared chimed. I had completely spaced out.

"Oh sorry dude, my favorite band is in town. I'm so excited. They're gonna be here for like a whole week. I'm going to every show." I had to get some new clothes for this, so I got up kissed Jared on the cheek. "You're a cool, interesting guy. I think it's cute you have a crush on me. But I gotta go. I'll be back later. Bye." I rushed out the door, to the nearest mall.

(At concert two)

Their first concert was at Duke, so I had to travel a bit. It was so amazing. Unfortunately I didn't get to meet the band. They left when I got to the line. I got to the Raleigh concert early, so I was really close to the front. I met a cool girl there, her name was Victoria. She loved that I was gay and at this concert. She goes to CH too. So we'd travel back together. The concert started up, they guys rocked as usual. Victoria and I started dancing, a bit dirty dancing, but no harm. As I started dancing, I noticed Jayk dancing, it was so hot. Watching him move always got me hard, Victoria gasped and started at me open mouthed and just laughed.

The concerted ended and the applause erupted like Mt. Vesuvius. Screaming girls. I nearly lost my hearing. A couple of bouncers told Victoria that she could be first in line to meet the band.

"OK! But only if he comes with me." She pleaded, pointing to me. They refused, so she unbuttoned her blouse and they said it was cool. "God, some men are so easy." I just laughed and agreed. We worked our way through the screaming girls to where the band was hanging out and relaxing. They were sitting and talking, looking really hot. I whisper `Oh my god!' to Victoria. We did the official hair and outfit check. Thank god, I got my hair thinned before I came, and they straightened it for me so it looked awesome.

After we passed each other's tests, we walked up to the band. They all collectively said hey to us. Then Drew asked, "What are your names?"

"Hey! I'm Victoria and this is my friend Daniel. We loved the show guys." Bobby and Drew couldn't take their eyes off of Victoria. TC was texting, and David was on the phone. Oddly enough Jayk was looking at me. I blushed a bit, and then saw that gorgeous smile of his. Then he leaned over to Drew and Bobby, and whispered something to them. They both nodded in agreement. Then Drew spoke up again, "Hey do you guys want to come and hangout with us after we're done here?" Victoria screeched. "I'll take that as a yes." I simply nodded, and Victoria wrapped her arms around me nearly strangling me to death.

We just sat off to the side, as the band signed autographs, hugged girls, and took pictures. We waited for about a half hour, then we all got into their van and headed back to their hotel. They had a big suite. It had so much stuff including a hot tub, and balcony. It was amazing. Victoria, Drew, and Bobby drifted off to the kitchen to talk...I think.

The other three sat on the couch, watching a game. I wasn't interested so I went out to the balcony and the hot tub. I noticed some towels, so I stripped to my tight blue boxer briefs. I was about to get in when I heard, "Hey I have those same ones on!" I was startled and slipped into the hot tub. It was Jayk!!! I started to hyperventilate a little bit. But I calmed myself down.

"Oh. Hey, sorry man. I was just gonna take a quick dip." I apologized, I started to get out. But he held up his hand.

"It's cool, man. Sounds like a good idea actually." He said, and started to strip. His shirt came off and there was that glorious body. I started to drool, but forced myself to look away. Then I heard him get in, so I turned my head. He was a foot away; I could slowly feel my cock start to stir. Oh shit, I thought.

"God, these fucking shows leave me so sore and stressed. But, that's showbiz." He said, and laughed. Oh my god, such a cute laugh. "What about you? Why the need for the late night soak?" He said, looking straight into my eyes.

"Well, I just moved out here, to go to UNC-Chapel Hill for Journalism. I don't really know many people, and I'm just stressed. I don't know really, maybe I'm worried for nothing." I sighed.

"Sounds it. Yeah. Meeting new people is always hard, but sometimes they can surprise you." He said comfortingly, "Just hang in there, you'll meet someone. I'm positive."

"God, I haven't even had sex yet..." OH MY GOD! DID I JUST SAY THAT?!?! I turned the brightest red you can imagine. "I mean...shit..." I couldn't say anything. Then I felt a hand moving up my thigh, and another pulling my chin up.

"Maybe we should change that." Jayk said, bringing my lips to his. His lips were soft, tongue was strong. His won the battle, and dominated the make out session. My hand was sliding up his muscled thighs, then my phone started to go off. "Damn, bad timing much." I looked at the screen, it was my dad.

"Shit, hold on. It's my dad." I answered the phone, "Hey."

**Hey, are you settled in?

"Yeah," I said, "I met my new roommate. He's cool. We're gonna head out for something to eat soon."

**That's great. I'm glad you're doing fine. Call me if you need anything, OK?

"Yeah, I will dad." I said, "Bye."


"I'm so sorry. He's still transitioning too. I don't know why, my sister moved in with him. I guess it's hard to send your kid off to college." I said.

"So you're the oldest?" Jayk asked, massaging my arm.

"No." I laughed, "youngest actually. Well sorta, I have a twin sister but she's a bit older. But technically I'm the youngest. I have an older sister and brother too."

"Ah, so we have a baby on our hands?" he just laughed, and I pouted. "Aww. Don't pout, cutie." Then again, he pressed his warm lips to mine. I moaned slightly. This turned him on, because I somehow had my hand stroking his hard dick. It had to be 9.5 inches.

"Oh I'll show you baby." At that, I went down on him, after taking a big breath of air. I had practiced blowjobs with my best friend back home, I had perfected deepthroating. He was 10 inches, so Jayk was no problem. His dick tasted amazing, even though I only had one to compare it to. Suddenly I was pulled out of the water, and the night air hit me. "What? Was I doing badly?" I said, pushing the wet matted hair aside.

"" he said huffing in between words. He regulated his breathing and said, "No one's been able to do that." He put his head on the side of the tub.

"Well, I had practice back home...with my best friend." He looked at me puzzled.

"I thought you said you were a virgin?" he asked

"I am...just in the other ways. I have only given head." I admitted, bowing my head in shame. He just pulled it back up and kissed it.

"It's ok. I promise. Now how about we head to my room?" I just smiled and nodded.

The End

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Next: Chapter 2

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