Varsity Adventures

By moc.loa@2996nafdemrahc

Published on Jun 28, 2009


I do not know the sexuality of the featured celebrities or their personal lives; this is purely a work of my imagination. Something I dream will come true. But doubtful it will.


"I thought you said you were a virgin?" he asked

"I am...just in the other ways. I have only given head." I admitted, bowing my head in shame. He just pulled it back up and kissed it.

"It's ok. I promise. Now how about we head to my room?" I just smiled and nodded.

The Night

As Jayk and I walked through the suite's expansive living area, where TC and David were watching television, I noticed that Victoria was leaving.

"Hey, where are you going?" I asked, jogging over to her. "I thought we were going back together?"

"Yeah, but I have to be up early tomorrow. My family's coming to check if I'm settled in, and visit campus." She said. "So let's go, if you're going with me."

"Come on, Victoria. I'm having a blast, Jayk is so cool." I said, with my cock starting to stir in my damp jeans. "Stay some more."

"Daniel," she said, "I really can't. They're coming really early, they want to scope out the entire area." I looked at her, pleadingly.

"Go ahead, Victoria. Daniel can just chill with us tonight. Hey TC, can you bunk with Dave tonight?" Jayk asked, TC just nodded his head. He was really into the game on TV. They were probably going to be up late watching that game anyway, so it's probable.

"You guys sure?" I asked, looking to Bobby and Drew.

"Yeah, it's cool with us. We're just going to walk Victoria to her car." Bobby said.

"Yeah, if Jayk thinks you're cool. So do we, man." Drew said.

Victoria walked over to me and gave me a hug and kiss goodbye. She whispered, "Have fun, and tell me EVERYTHING tomorrow." She gave me another kiss and a wink. I just laughed, as she put her arms around the two boys. Jayk nudged me and nodded towards a room. So I followed him eagerly. As we stepped into his room it was beautiful. Two beds, bedside tables, lamps, etc. It was so simple but so beautiful.

"Wow." I said, "I only usually stay in a hotel with two beds, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a balcony. I've never been in anything like this." I fell on the bed, and it was the most comfortable bed I've ever been on. Jayk got on the other bed, which disappointed me, but I don't want to push my luck.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool. Sometimes I just like simple though. The only real reason we got this is because the manager and her daughter are HUGE fans." He replied looking directly at me, sensing my disappointment. He reached over and held my hand. "We'll continue whenever everyone else go to bed. I promise. That is...if you want to."

"I do. I know I barely know you, and you may think I'm only doing it with you because you're a celebrity. But honestly, I really trust you. You make me feel really special." I admitted.

"Good, because you are very special, Daniel." He said, kissing my hand. I felt like I was in a cheesy movie, but it was real. "I have to admit something to you too. I noticed you at the concert and couldn't get my mind off you. I mean I knew I was gay, but never done anything. I have the band and all, coming out now is pretty easy, publicly. But I just don't know how the guys will take it." He looked sad, and this time I took his hands and gave them a kiss. It seemed to cheer him up a bit, because that patented, gorgeous smile of his came across his face.

"You'll tell them in your own time, and if they truly care for you, they'll be fine with it." I told him, kissing his hands once again. "And to me, it seems like they'd support you if you had one leg. They seem like good, caring guys. You sure did have me fooled though, all those live chats, you read all the girls' messages and seemed into them." I laughed. He let go of my hand and pouted.

I walked over to his bed, and sat in the floor in front of him. I put his face in my hands, and pulled his lips to mine, soft. This kiss drove me insane, he clearly had practice. It started to get heated, his tongue fought mine, yet again winning. He pulled me up onto his bed, my body on his. His hands explored my back, feeling down to my back and squeezing my ass. My hands roamed his beautifully sculpted chest, eventually making it down to his 9.5 hard cock, squeezing and rubbing it through his tight jeans.

Then a knock came at the door, Fuck, I thought. It was TC, "Hey do you mind if Dave and I come in and talk?" Jayk sighed and invited them in. I hoped over to my bed, and sat on it, while Jayk rearranged his boner.

"Hey what're you guys doing?" David asked.

"Just some talking," Jayk replied, "Come join us." I could tell it's not what he wanted. But he was a great guy, and an amazing friend.

We talked for 2 hours, me and TC on my bed, and Jayk and David on his. We laughed and joked, the guys got to know me and vice-versa. It was a good time, but somehow I fell asleep when sports were discussed. I was gently woken up by Jayk.

"Hey beautiful," he said, kissing my lips, "you passed out. I'm just going to head to bed." He walked over to the door and locked it, and climbed into his bed.

"No," I groggily protested, "I want to continue what we started." I motion him to come over. "Come here sexy."

"No, you're sleepy," he said, climbing in behind me. "Now go to bed." He wrapped his arm around me. It was hard to say no to this, it felt right. But I did want to be with him, it could be my only chance. So I turned around to face him.

"I want to do it, I promise I'll go to bed after. I just feel like here and now is the right time for me. With you it feels perfect." I confessed, kissing his lips and holding them there.

"Are you sure? I'll only do it, if you're 100% sure." He said. I simply nodded my head.

We began to kiss again, his tongue exploring my mouth. I gave up fighting him, I wanted him to dominate me completely. My hands went up his shirt, running over his now erect nipple. I tweaked them a bit, making him moan. I broke the kiss so I could remove his shirt, and I leaned up to suck on his nipples. This drove him wild, and out of his pure ecstasy he ripped off my shirt. We continued our make out, as he grinded his hard cock into mine.

"Be gentle, please." I asked, he simply kissed me and nodded.

He slowly took off his pants, and tight boxer briefs. There it was the thing I had been lusting for since I first saw him. It was beautiful, in all of its 9.5 glory, shaved completely. He kissed me yet again, and then worked his way down my chest and stomach to my pants; he slowly unbuttoned my pants and slid them off. Leaving me in my identical underwear, in one swift motion he slid them off.

"Mmmm. Shaved. I like it." He said, lifting up my legs. "Do you mind?" He said, his face inches from my virgin hole.

"No, go ahead. Anything you want." I told him. At this command, he started to rim me, making me moan. Getting confirmation that I was loving what he was doing, he continued and started to tongue fuck me. I was in pure ecstasy. This felt amazing. So much ran through my head, I was going to have sex for the first time with my all time celebrity crush. "Let me suck you, so it's lubed up." He obliged and turned himself into the 69 position with me. I easily deepthroated him, he moaned and inserted a finger into my ass. It felt kind of good, I mumbled `more' to him. He inserted one more, and started to work them in and out of me.

After 5 minutes, he said I was ready and took his fingers and dick out of me. I felt a bit empty, and then he positioned himself, lifted my legs and placed them on his shoulders. He then leaned down to kiss me, and pushed his head in. It felt excruciating. It burned really bad, but he assured me, "The pain will go away, I promise." He kissed me again, and pushed in further, he waited till he was all the way in. At that point I had tears in my eyes. "We'll let you get used to it, then continue." We sat till I was comfortable with it in me, and I nodded.

He slowly started to move in and out of me, the pain beginning to ease. After a minute or so, it felt amazing. I told him, faster and harder. So he did as I asked. It was amazing. He pulled it out to the head and slammed it in. After 20 of the most mindblowing minutes of my life, he said to me, "Oh, baby, I'm gonna cum!!!!! AGHHHHH!" And 9 shots of his warm cum coated the inside of my now not-so-virgin ass.

"Wow." I said, panting heavily, "That was utterly amazing." He collapsed on top of me.

"Yeah, it was." He leaned up and kissed me. "Your turn."

"Not tonight," I stopped him, "you and I are both exhausted. Tomorrow. I promise." I kissed him and fell asleep in his arms.

The End

P.S. Use condoms, protection is everything.

Next: Chapter 3

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