
By wayne unknown

Published on Jul 4, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S), though anyone wishing to use them in their own parodies/fictions are welcome to as long as they give me credit for the use of characters and make them do something fun :P

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

There is also a very brief mention of the Avatar the last Airbender TV show as part of character background. I don't own the Avatar series and all credit goes to the wonderful people who created and produced that show. (I also know the TV show didn't come out till 2005 but for the purposes of this story I'm going to pretend it came out in 1998).

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine has a wide range of varying subset powers completely unique to my character and possibly the entire supernatural/special power franchise.

Authors note

I sadly won't be making any money off this tale and see it purely as an exercise to improve my writing and make the ending of X3 movie hurt my soul less.

I welcome all feedback negative or positive to my email (as long as it's interesting) anything vague along the lines of "you suck" or "you rock" will result in an eye roll and a follow up email asking.

"Anything in particular you liked/disliked?"

I aim to post a new chapter every week depending on the level of interest and how much alteration I feel is necessary after getting audience feedback.

glossary text between asterixes indicates telepathic communication.

On with the story...

Chapter 1

This has been the worst, weirdest and best weekend of my life. I've nearly died repeatedly so I figured it might be a good idea to write down my misadventures while they're still fresh in my mind and just in case I actually die which is way too likely for my liking.

Anyway I should provide some background information. My name is Victor and I was 14 when I first realized I had powers. I had just barely survived my first day of high school. I was swimming off the excess energy at home in the backyard pool thinking about how I had managed to get myself outed as a geek in class and some older guy had called me a faggot; all in all, a terrible start to high school.

Primary and Middle school had been barely tolerable because my glasses and above average intellect made me somewhat isolated and occasionally bullied about my looks and/or my intelligence. After today though, high school seemed like it was going to be much worse than anything that had come before.

I had mistakenly thought high school might appreciate some intellect so when a teacher asked a question about a subject I knew a lot about I raised my hand and answered in depth about it. The teacher looked stunned and impressed by my mini rant on topic but the rest of the class felt somewhat hostile and I knew I had miscalculated. Fucked myself again! I managed to get away from the teacher who wanted to know if I had skipped a grade or whether I just read a lot, told him I read a lot so I wouldn't have to explain further.

When I finally got out of class I bumped into this older boy and he was so good looking it kind of took my breath away and I may have stared a tad too long into his bright blue eyes from my spot on the floor where I landed, "What you looking at faggot?". I was gay but his attitude was aggressive and his tone implied faggot was the worst insult he could muster. I felt so small and helpless on the ground with him towering over me from my position on the floor. He was at least 5 foot 8, wearing a tight red t shirt that highlighted his large biceps, well defined pecs and lean abs, his black jeans bulged invitingly in my line of sight. I barely noticed his friends as he was occupying all my attention, he just looked at me in contempt and I tried to get my brain back in gear.

I muttered "nothing", readjusted my glasses and ran away to the bathroom to wash my face to calm down, this usually helped. While I was in the bathroom I did notice the drops on my face seemed to be moving oddly slowly, which was weird, I rubbed at my face. I tried to ignore the insult and confrontation for the rest of the day and retreated into my mind into remembered stories of long ago kings and history (something dry and academic to counter my fear, anger and confusion) to stem the tears that wanted to come out and from past experience would only make things worse. During the next few classes I stayed quiet , took whatever notes I thought were relevant and checked out the other students as discretely as possible.

Anyway back to me swimming in my backyard pool, I was doing laps as I always do when I get stressed or anxious and my family had left me to it. They knew from past experience that if asked about it I would just shut down and not talk till I felt like it. Water had always felt like an oasis from real life and all the hassles of socialising with people that disliked me because of my intelligence or my lacklustre physical appearance. (I was scrawny 5 foot 4 dark brown hair and had just started sprouting facial hair and it was all kind of piece meal at the moment and another source of ridicule). Mom had splurged on getting me the 50 m pool when I was 10 because I always loved the water and wanted to swim every chance I got. We were reasonably well off considering my mom was the local GP and we were upper middle class and lived in a fairly nice 3 bedroom 2 storey house.

I was left thinking about how I felt when that guy had called me faggot in that way as if I was nothing and all I could think about was how angry I was and how I had bottled it up and I released the anger in an underwater scream. Water exploded out all around me and half of the pool was emptied out and I was standing on the edge of the pool looking down and my left hand was water and I panicked. My body kept patching out with water, before I could panic or freak out too much I felt a voice in the back of my mind say wait, be calm, ride out the fear, this won't hurt you so I took big heady breaths and just tried to shut down my fear and observed the changes to my body. Eventually I was fully water but no one was around to see it and I felt perfectly fine, better than fine actually, I felt perfect; like I was truly me. That lasted all of a second before I realised that this must mean I was a mutant and this was yet another thing that was going to make me an outsider, someone different from the norm.

I sighed and closed my eyes and tried to focus on slow steady breaths and willed myself to look normal. I felt a change and opened my eyes and I was back to normal, however I was naked since my speedos had ended up on the floor sometime during my change unnoticed. I giggled nervously at the absurdity of being naked while my family was only upstairs watching television. I quickly yanked on my speedos and tried to figure out how to clean up the gigantic mess. I needed the water back in the pool ASAP just then I felt a trickle of water heading toward the pool and I smiled that I was making progress. I concentrated my will on the water around me and directed it to go back to where it came from and then I felt a rush of energy and the pool was full again.

The water didn't look as pristine as it was before; it was polluted by extra dirt in it after being exposed to the poolside environs. I'd have to clean up the mess, there were still damp spots everywhere around the pool and the water needed to be filtered or replaced before I could swim in it but fuck it, I'd deal with that later. For now, time to shower, get dressed and pretend to be normal, another thing to hide from the world along with my sexuality, mutant powers.

I was left with a weird after image as I walked back to my room; a large stone building partially covered in ivy that looked old and imposing. The image also came with an instruction from the strange voice which had told me to stay calm and it said Xavier mansion, Westchester County, New York, come here if you feel your life is in danger. Well that was both creepy and disheartening, I guess that meant being a mutant increased my likelihood of being at risk; I obviously needed to figure out what I could do to protect myself. I had power now; I should be able to use them to fend off bullies if I figured out how to use it properly.

That was how it all started, I spent any free time I had in the bathroom much to the annoyance of my family (My mother, father and older sister) having extra-long showers or baths so I could learn how to control this new ability so it wouldn't manifest inconveniently and out me as a mutant. In the bath I practised how to make tiny little tidal waves travel back and forth and also occasionally created water walls around me briefly before pulling them back in. In the shower I would work on creating water tentacles like Katara in Avatar the Air bender (my new favourite show) did in case I needed to defend myself from a serious attack.

Unfortunately I quickly figured out I couldn't use my new abilities to stop the petty bullying that continued to be led by Jackson (the hot guy I bumped into) and his cronies who found me to be an easy target for casual bullying. I had to keep a low profile which also meant having to suffer through low grade assaults, being pushed into lockers and insulted on a semi regular basis. I also practised creating ice shields around me and also water bubbles around me, it was lots of fun playing around with my power, it made me feel more in control of my life and it allowed me a certain measure of cathartic release from the stresses of the abuse suffered in high school.

All the bullying did have a minor upside, I did find out that any small wound or bruise suffered through the day would be healed after I shifted to water state in the bathroom. It was very useful in avoiding awkward questions about my injuries by my parents. My intellect also improved as a result of increased blood flow to my brain and the phasing somehow fixed my vision so I didn't need to wear glasses any more after I hit 15. I learned how to shave finely by turning water into a tiny ice blade and running it over any unwanted facial hair. Without the glasses and since my facial hair was no longer an issue, it seemed the only reason I was bullied any more was because Jackson was bored. It was odd since he was the school's top swimming jock for our swimming team that competed against other teams in the nation and I had no idea why he always seemed to need to pick on me for satisfaction.

It wasn't always smooth sailing with learning how to use my new powers to the best of my ability considering the limitations of trying to keep my experimentation secret. It was like learning anything new and outside personal experience, trial and lots of errors. Most of my experiments on how to use my new abilities which I called hydro kinesis were limited to my house so I often had to repeat two mantras constantly. The instruction to myself was to stay "cool, calm, collected" and in reference to the experiments to keep it "small, subtle and systematic". Having lapses in concentration resulted in failures and mess so I found it important to keep reminding myself over and over again.

There were the occasional mishaps during shaving when I would cut myself and then Id phase to water and try again. I also caused infrequent tidal overflow splashing all over the bathroom floor/rug on occasion whenever I attempted something for the first time and lost control of the waves (in the bath tub). Small setbacks happened fairly often when I tried new things in varying patterns but I quickly adapted and learned how to drain the rugs and floor. I also learned how to separate out the water over a bucket I kept nearby so that the random debris could be accumulated there instead. Though the more I practised with basic techniques the less mishaps and failures occurred and the better I understood my limitations and the physics of the variables like displacement, weight differentials, power output.

I also read quite a bit on matters of fairy tales /myths of water gods and spirits looking for interesting things to try (such as the idea of water golems). My power felt very strong and I always made sure to keep it clamped down as much as possible. Sometimes I would activate my water sense within a 1 mile radius around myself so I could catalogue the large sources of water just in case I needed to call on something powerful.

My grades in everything were great, even my sports grade was good now; all the swimming and last minute manoeuvres to stop water techniques from getting out of hand had increased my flexibility, reflexes and physical definition. It didn't hurt that I had gained like half a foot in height, though I barely gained any weight so I still looked fairly skinny in my school outfits, though in my speedos I did look pretty lean and toned. Yes I did check myself out a lot in the bathroom as a result of trying to ice bubbles shields and in my attempt to make the shields transparent and durable (so I could see out of them).

I was having the usual mediocre day at school, Jackson and 3 of his friends had trapped me in a locker and I was stuck trying to do low level manipulations of the locking mechanism with my spit. I'll just say even with increased intellect and powers this was proving more difficult and taking way longer than I wanted. I might have been able to pass through the door by turning myself into water but I didn't want to try it when I didn't know if anyone else was around. As the process would probably leave me naked on the other side of this random persons locker and that would be potentially humiliating as lunch was nearly over and I had no interest in being naked in the hallway when the bell for 5th period rang.

So I was stuck with using spit for hydro kinesis while trying to pick a lock in the dark with tiny molecules of water to fiddle with. I was also trying not to give in to the urge to hyperventilate or use the tiny bit of water under my control to rip apart the locker. At which pointed I noted to myself I really should carry a bottle of water in case of these sorts of emergencies so that I didn't have to resort to such crap.

I got out like 10 minutes after the bell had rung for the class so the teacher was annoyed at my lousy excuse but since I had generally been a quiet and attentive student I got off with a warning. I ended the day really pissed off and I didn't want to wait for the bus to get home so I could do laps to cool off. I needed water ASAP, I needed a large pool to do laps to help me calm down so I went to the school's 50 m Olympic sized pool and stripped off my school uniform down to my boxers.

I don't know how long I was doing laps for, I was kind of lost in the Zen nature of the repetitive actions of the exercise while in my element before I noticed the coach watching me. FUCK! FUCK ME! The last person in the world I wanted to see in this context. I had been trying to avoid this situation for 2 years, now I was barely 16 (turned 16 last week not that anyone but family was at my birthday party sigh) and the shit had officially hit the fan.

"Where the hell have you been hiding yourself young lad? I could do with a student like you on the swim team. "

I pulled myself out of the pool resigned to the inevitability that I'd end up having to join the swim team with my nemesis. As well as being subjected to greater scrutiny by the school population while surrounded by my element during high stress situations (swim meets). I ended up being shanghaied into joining the team as I expected with veiled threats of poor transcripts and no recommendation for college.

There were 2 good reasons I didn't want to be on the team. Firstly strong emotions while around my element made my powers harder to control which is why I tried to make sure to stay `cool calm and collected' all the time. The second reason is that strong emotion was definitely a likelihood considering my tormentor was the bloody team captain of the swim team and also pathetically I had a major crush on him. He had gotten even better looking than when I first bumped into him a couple of years ago, he got taller and more muscular and his face became all manly and fucking hot.

When I watched the swim competitions along with everyone else in our town, he definitely filled out his speedos nicely and I didn't know how I was going to resist looking at his naked body in the showers. Okay I admit I only went to the school swim meets because it was the only opportunity to perve on him along with all the other bitches that wanted him. I had some filthy dreams about him pinning me down and using me however he felt like, brutally throat fucking me or pounding my still virgin ass until I bled or he bred me or both (I had watched some depraved porn on the net).

I wasn't proud of feeling this way for him but he was one of the best looking guys on the school and he spent a lot of time working on his muscles so who was I to deny him another fan. Not that he would appreciate my interest since he was definitely the alpha homophobe in this hick town. Our town was located about an hour from New York and only had a couple of thousand people in it. I was of the firm impression that I was the only gay teen mutant around so good dating options seemed non-existent.

The introductions on my first day of swim team were incredibly weird and awkward standing around in my new school speedos which were bright red trying desperately to stay calm and not get over excited. I had to keep my cock from reacting noticeably at being so close to the 5 very fit guys all in tight form fitting speedos. The youngest guy in the group was Ryan who was the same age as me (16). He was 5 foot 8 light brown hair cropped short and dark brown eyes with a lean swimmer build including the hint of a 6 pack, he was kind of cute. Then Jackson and his 3 friends were introduced to me as the senior division of the swim team (mix of 17 and 18).

Jackson and his friends all shook my hand and welcomed me to the team and I tried not to hyperventilate or pay too much attention to their defined bodies and bulging speedos.

The coach said "there's no point in meeting the under 16 year olds, most of them won't make it through the rigorous training". It was a bit of a farcical situation Jackson and his friends (whose names I forgot the second after they introduced themselves) being nice to me in public given the last 2 years of haphazard bullying but I was polite and eventually said "thanks, I look forward to being on the team" regardless.

One day in the shower after practise Ryan was soaping up next to me. He caught me looking at his hard cock.

"You some kind of homo? What are you staring at?"

"Nothing", I stammered awkwardly. I couldn't help myself but my eyes drifted to his hard cock again as he was casually stroking it next to me as he soaped up the rest of his firm young body.

"I won't tell anyone that you're gay if you suck my cock". I didn't know what to do.

He was blackmailing me for sex! My brain said this was a bad idea, that I'd be confirming his suspicion. My cock (or hormones) found the cut 7 inch cock being offered to me on a silver platter (practically) too tempting to resist I looked up at him pleadingly as I said "please don't tell anyone". I tentatively opened my mouth (worried at any second that he'd reveal this to be some sort of trap) and licked the spongy head of his engorged cock.

"Fuck Yeah, suck my dick, faggot" and he lunged forward half filling my mouth with his hard cock. I took the hint and opened my mouth wide for easy access (I'd read porn stories on the net and was not going to fuck up my first chance at cock ever by scraping his cock with my teeth), he happily invaded my mouth with his thick cock.

I was almost gagging since he was blocking off my airway. Good thing all the swimming gave me lots of practise with breathing control. I didn't really get much of chance to enjoy myself too much or practise all the things I had imagined while watching/reading porn. He just kept thrusting into my mouth while I tried to breathe normally through my nose and keep my teeth out of the way while wrapping my lips around his cock for extra suction/stimulation. It was all over in what felt like a second but was probably a couple of minutes and then he was shooting a thick juicy load down my throat. His cum tasted good, a nice mix of sweet and salty.

That wasn't the last time I sucked Ryan's cock, it was the first of many, since he now knew I was a cock sucker and he wanted to make full use of my mouth to get off. He had lots of opportunities too, considering we had practises daily together with the exception of Sundays. We had 90 minutes of swimming practise in the morning of school days, usually supervised by the coach in the morning with the whole team including the juniors and freshmen and also the guys above our grade where he'd go through our general swim routines and schedules and give advice. Then we had 2 hours of practise, juniors and freshmen got 1 hour and the older teens had about 2.5 hours of practise that they were expected to do.

Our school didn't have a very large student population so there were only a dozen guys in the entire team. The older teens (Jackson and his crew) got to choose what hours they showed up and usually rocked up around 6 since they had licenses and could travel and that way they had the pool to themselves (I sometimes saw them arriving as I was waiting for my bus home). Saturday everyone practised together and generally got told how we were progressing based on last week's performances. I was easily in the top 3 not because I was using my powers to cheat but simply because I had spent practically my entire adolescence hiding in a pool away from the world.

If I used a scrap of my power I would be the very best in the town and probably in the nation, so I didn't, especially since I had no desire to stand out any more than I already did. Being on the swim team was great, no one bullied me any more at school, I was a jock now, I was a top athlete and predicted to rank highly in my division so even Jackson and his cronies treated me with grudging respect now.

Ryan took advantage of practically every moment we had alone together so that he could drag me off to fuck my mouth, it was a lot better after the first time since I had quickly adapted to being regular face fucked. Often while Ryan was face fucking me I would close my eyes and fantasise about Jackson filling me with his load while I jerked off onto my stomach. I realised quickly that I loved sucking cock so I didn't complain when Ryan would make us hang back late in the mornings to masturbate using my throat. He seemed to enjoy using me to get off at riskier and riskier times, I could tell this was going to lead to nothing but trouble but I couldn't resist the offers.

I found myself swallowing his loads in the morning in the toilet stalls or in the change rooms after everyone had left for class. He loved to blow a juicy load down my throat during the hustle and bustle of the freshmen and juniors changing during our half time(admittedly I got hot jerking off to the noises made by the freshmen stripping and showering and fooling around as I swallowed a juicy load in a stall 5 feet away from them). Sometimes he would have me service him in the shower after our swimming or he'd have me blow him on the benches and he'd dump a load in me. By the time we finished sometimes it'd be 6 and I'd be very late home as well as seeing the seniors rocking up.

We were cutting it very fine and I knew it but there was a part of me during the night when I thought about all the risky behaviour we were indulging in would fantasise that we'd get busted by Jackson and friends and they would all use my mouth after a recommendation via Ryan on how good I was at sucking cock. Then Jackson would pop my cherry ass and then his friends would all gangbang me (yes they were douchebags but they were very fit good looking douchebags) and then I could be the swim team slut and I could service all the seniors in the shower before heading home. I often had hot sex dreams about the senior swim team and all the ways they could use me, spit roasts, pulling a train on my ass and I even dreamt about being double penetrated by Jackson and Ryan.

I really wanted to be fucked but I had no idea how to initiate the idea with Ryan, maybe that would be too gay for him and I was kind of half holding out for Jackson to be my first, he was the epitome of a dark sex god. His dark hair, bright blue eyes and swim fit body along with his bad boy attitude and reputation as a stud between the sheets made him very popular with the ladies and a frequent focus on my increasingly sexually charged dreams/fantasies.

Most nights after I had swallowed 3 loads from Ryan throughout the day, I would finger my horny hole while jerking off thinking of the buff seniors and how I wanted them all to use my holes for their gratification. I'd wake up super early in the morning and fuck myself with water manifestations of my cock in the shower. I'd even used an ice replica of Ryan's cock a few times to fuck myself, I often went to swim practise half hoping I got caught sucking dick and get a chance to suck off the entire team and then have them all fuck my brains out afterwards(it was a happy little fantasy).

Well as you can guess I got caught but things didn't go quite the way I hoped or ever would have imagined...

Next: Chapter 2

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