
By wayne unknown

Published on Sep 26, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Authors Note

^text between these symbols indicates use of 'water voice' ^

I welcome all feedback negative or positive to my email

If you have spare cash and you appreciate the stories think about donating some of it to nifty via this donate link

On with the story...


I updated my journal while Luke slept, after I finished I went to Sean's room to see what he was up to. Everyone was asleep when I got there; Sean in his bed embraced by a sleeping Lachlan and Mike alone in his.

Sean jolted awake and looked over at me before closing his eyes with a faint shake of his head. Sorry we had a very late night and I'm way too tired to explain stuff this morning. This will have to do.

Memories of Xavier teaching me/Sean how psychic scans work and me/him learning how to use it on unsuspecting students filled my mind.Psychic scans were similar to a Google search, but instead of typing in the query, you'd think it and scan the nearby minds in range for a match. I thought about how I could adapt the lesson for my own use and guessed it might help in locating people with my `eyes'.

I went to the library and researched the powers of the mutants in the Mansion to see the range of powers of students and staff. I skipped their psychological profiles; I didn't want or need to know that. I paid particular attention to Cyclops and Wolverine's power descriptions in order to better understand how to counter them if necessary.

Storm's weather control power intrigued me. If Storm taught me how to summon blizzards and hail storms I could limit the unintentional damage that might happen if I tried on my own.

An image of the Xmen uniform next to a description on the damage resistant material explained why Jean and Wolverine had worn a skin tight outfit with so many horny teenagers about. Maybe?

I spent the rest of the school day practicing water scanning', closing my eyes thinking of a person and finding their location by scanning the entire school through a series of water eyes'. By the end of the last class I could think of anyone in the school and get an immediate mental image of their current activity and location in school.

At the end of my last class, Cyclops escorted me to Xavier's office closing the door behind us.

"As Xavier is lecturing at the Genetics conference. I'll need to talk to you about your inappropriate behavior," Cyclops said standing next to Xavier's chair.

"What inappropriate behavior?"

"There have been more complaints about your activities. Having sex in the showers isn't appropriate and could psychologically damage the younger students if they were to witness it."

"Fine, I'll stop having sex in the showers. Anything else?"

"Jean has mentioned to me that she's detected monitoring throughout the school with traces of your psychic imprint. Have you developed a psychic ability that you haven't discussed with us?"

"I'm working on fine-tuning my water sense during classes since I can't do any other power training in class."

"The classes are a way to help normalize the education process for mutant teens from diverse backgrounds. We don't allow powers to be used in the classes because it may disrupt lessons for other students."

"None of the students knew I used my powers so I don't see what the big deal is. I don't want to be normal, I don't care about passing as human anymore and I find most of these classes boring."

"We're still human and you're lucky you still have the option of revealing or disclosing your mutant status, some of us don't have that option. Explain what you mean by using your water sense."

"I've been using water molecules to listen in on other classes and to explore the mansion through touch while in class."

"How much of the mansion have you explored using this water sense?"

"Everything from the ground floor up."

"You need to stop, the other students deserve their privacy and there are things that you haven't been here long enough to appreciate."

"You mean fancy stuff like Cerebro which allows Xavier to spy on kids across the world." (I had no idea what Cerebro looked like so I had no idea if I had come across it through my explorations yet)

"I think you're getting the wrong idea about this school."

"Maybe. I thought this was supposed to be a safe place for mutants but it seems to be around to make sure that mutants don't embarrass anyone with inconvenient displays of power."

"That's not true! This place helped me get my powers under control and gave my life meaning."

"And here you are how many years later a glorified errand boy for a psychic principal."

"It's time for you to leave before I say anything I might regret."

"I doubt you could say anything that would bother me."

"The school thinks you're a gay slut who'll have sex with anyone who shows the slightest bit of interest because of your behavior."

I burst into uncontrollable laughter for a long while before subsiding.

I retorted with "Well they think you're Xavier's sexless lackey because Jean can't be satisfied considering the looks Wolverine and Jean have been exchanging in public. I know for a fact Wolverine has a bigger cock than you. Rumor is she did a full medical exam while he was unconscious and maybe that's why she's not smacking him down." Cyclops clenched his hands into fists pressed against his hips as I spoke "If she's looking for a really big cock though, Vader is bigger than both of you at 11 inches, so is Onyx but she wouldn't survive his 14 inch rock cock."

"How dare you talk about my wife like that," he triggered his visor which gave me a split second warning before he blasted at my head. I ducked, the heat singeing my hair. The optic blast shattered the door behind me into shrapnel. I grunted a second later in pain as wood splinters struck my back and head.

I shifted to water, then ice as I propelled into him. He pivoted grabbing my arm and neck pinning me against the wall. His visor inches away from my face I shifted to amorphous water sloshing out of his grasp. I tentacled around his arms and legs for a firmer grip. He tried to claw me off him but I pulled his arms backwards shifting halfway to ice before freezing his wrists together behind his back. I pushed him over onto the ground and froze his ankles together. Effectively hog tying him.

As a puddle on his back I tried to pin him down but he rocked side to side and I didn't have enough weight as most of my `body' was shackling him. I absorbed ambient water and reformed into my usual water form. I shifted to flesh, pressing my bare foot against his back tightening the shackles. "If you're calm I'll release you. OK?"

"Ok." He stayed still. Being naked with a shackled and now submissive Cyclops filled me with a sense of dark power and arousal. I suppressed that feeling and picked up my discarded clothes with hands. I got dressed.

This morning's research had come in handy. Even if he freed his hands he couldn't use the visor again without blasting through the floor.

I shook my head as my perspective was off as I had miscalculated my water absorption and was pre Wednesday height again. (I really had to figure out these water transitions. These random height changes complicated movement)

"Well that was exciting, I'm curious how Xavier would react to finding out that you tried to kill a student while he was gone."

"I'm sorry, release me".

"Here I was thinking you were all uptight and proper about everything, good to know you're just as crazy as the rest of us, you can get up." I melted the ice shackles around him and took several careful steps back into the entry way in case I needed to escape into the hallway.

I increased the sensitivity of my water sense focusing on the room and his every motion. I could sense the water in every one of his cells and the rapid flow of blood pumping through him.

He stood up breathing hard and turned towards me. "That was inappropriate of me but you were out of line talking about my wife that way."

"Fair enough but you really should blast Wolverine some time to work out your aggression, it's fun."

Cyclops sighed "He'd just regenerate" slumping down onto the desk.

I moved forward and said "Want to talk about it?"


I paused wary before shrugging and sitting next to him on the desk "Want to have sex then?"

He glanced over "No" I could `sense' an extra surge of blood pumping through his body when he said that.

"Well isn't that interesting I found another use for my power, I'm now a mutant polygraph test."

"What are you talking about?"

I placed a hand on his thigh and stroked the material of his Xmen uniform his blood pumping through his body faster. "You'd like some sex but who's the lucky someone?" I asked as I moved my hand upwards a little stroking the material.

"Stop it, I have a wife."

I smiled, enjoying teasing Cyclops, he was so high strung. "I'm just feeling out the texture of the Xmen suit I hear it's damage resistant. Do you think I'd get one if I was a good boy? I'm sick of my clothes getting ruined from mutant hijinks."

"Can you be good?"

I laughed "No idea, there are so many temptations. I'd like to help you out with Wolverine. If you organized another training session with me and Wolverine in the Danger Room, I could hurt him for you, would you like that"? I moved my hand off his thigh.

"I could organize a training session for next week before Wolverine leaves."

"Thanks, I've got horny boys to take care of so I'll chat to you later."

I `scanned' for Wolverine he was naked in his room, stroking his hard cock. Perfect timing, I could weaken Xavier's support by pitting Wolverine and Cyclops against each and maybe get some sex too. I knocked on his door and ten seconds later he opened the door in nothing but his pants with an obvious bulge.

"Hi. I wanted to apologize for injuring you yesterday."

"That's okay kid, I heal fast". He sniffed "You smell like a dozen different guys and of Cyclops. The rumors are true then."

"Quite likely" I said walking into his room and dropped to my knees and released his hard 9 inch cock sucking on it.

"Fuck yeah kid,.. suck my dick." He groaned as I gripped his muscular hairy buttocks deep throating his cock.

I pulled off. "That's not all I am." I bent over his bed dropping my pants and wiggling my ass. He gripped my hips, spat on my hole and slammed his thick 9 inch cock into me. I grunted at the intrusion.

"I'm going to rip you apart kid." He said groping my butt with his callused hands as he fucked me with steady strokes.

"Fuck yeah, give it to me." I said matching his thrusts enjoying my first fuck of the day.

My moans and his grunts of exertions as he fucked me echoed louder and louder in the smallish room as he fucked me faster and harder against the bed. He gripped my hips hard as he grunted into my ear as a torrent of cum gushed into me.

He pulled out of me briefly before pushing me onto the bed, grabbing my legs and flipping me onto my back. He placed my legs over his shoulders as he slammed his cock back into my slippery hole, mouth inches from mine. I rubbed his back as he slammed into me over and over again. He exploded again into me with another giant load grunting against my neck.

He pulled out of me, his cock slick with our combined juices. "Ride me kid."

While I got up, Wolverine laid back on the bed cock up. I took a brief pause to check with Luke via water communication' what time Poker Night started. I sms'd Mark using an eye' and `hand' to find out what time he wanted to go out clubbing. Poker night started at 6 and Mark wanted to meet up at 10pm at Alessandro's. I straddled Wolverine sliding down onto his thick cock "You feel so good Wolverine."

"Call me Logan kid when you're riding my cock."

"Ok Logan" I rode his cock enjoying his thick cock rubbing against my prostate. He gripped my hips slamming me down onto his cock over and over again faster and faster. I moaned helplessly "I'm going to cum."

"Me too kid" He slammed into me as I rolled my hips taking his cock.

I exploded onto his hairy chest and stomach as he grunted and blew another massive load in me. I panted against his sticky chest weak from my orgasm my ass a little tender from the fucking. He held me tight against him as he lifted his knees against my butt and started fucking me again "Again?" I asked incredulous at his unprecedented vigor.

"You've got a hot little ass kid. I'm going to pound you until you break."

I groaned and asked "How can you be so horny after blasting 3 huge loads into me?"

"Rapid healing has a downside. I'm always horny, blowing a load only gives me temporary relief before my balls refill and I want to fuck again or have a drink."

"While that sounds like it'd make for an entertaining evening I have to be out of here by 6. I have other plans."

His thrusts into me sped up as his grip on my shoulders tightened, he grunted as he came into my ass again. "Time to fuck you doggy style."

My ass ached from all the fucking but his cock felt great "Last time though, I'm getting sore and running out of time."

I eased off and got on my hands and knees on his bed, he stroked my cock as he fucked me fast and we both blew.

My hole felt bruised as I rolled off his bed.

It was 5:30 and Logan lay back on his bed hard cock upright slick with juices still horny. It was tragic in a bizarre way. I could relate to his problem.

I phased and said "Fuck it. Fill me up again before Poker." I lubed up my insides with a bit of water. He stood up, spun me around and fucked me against the door with one hand around my throat the other firm on my hip. He came hard inside me while my cum splattered his door.

"You're a greedy little bottom boy" he said turning me to face him stroking my abs "Feel free to come around any time you need a pounding."

"Maybe after our rematch next week."

"What rematch kid?"

"Cyclops said it would probably be next Thursday before you left."

He pressed his hand hard against my stomach "I'll kick your ass there, then pound it in my bed."

"Good luck with that. I kicked your ass yesterday. Victory sex next time would be good."

"You got lucky kid; don't think your luck will hold again."

I laughed. "I get lucky frequently..."

He kissed me hard, tongue sliding against mine before pulling off "run off while you can before I tear your ass apart".

Poker night was held in Onyx's ground floor room. As I walked into his room I took a moment to absorb the differences between this room and the others I'd seen. It had a very high ceiling, at least 8 feet high, a large single bed pushed to the side of the room. The dominant piece of furniture in the room was a large circular metal table with 2 cases of beer on top surrounded by 6 metal chairs. A medium sized TV and DVD player on his dressing table located on the opposite side of the room. The floor was covered in brown sand with random sections of compacted earth.

"Luke, can you fix this?" Onyx asked pointing to the floor.

"I suppose so" Luke closed his eyes the sand rippling beneath his feet outwards in a circle the ground beneath us firming up.

"Thanks. Lachlan and Spark said they were running late so they'd be here in ten minutes, so have a beer and relax" Onyx said. Luke ripped open a case and passed me a bottle of beer before getting one for himself. I took a sip and it tasted awful so I skulled it, Onyx watched me with interest as I swallowed the beer down. I could 'sense' his blood pumping to his cock as his shorts tented visibly. I wanted something tasty to wash down the beer so I dropped to my knees in front of Onyx and started to suck on his cock.

"I have a feeling this Poker Night is going to be a lot more fun than usual" Luke said. I turned to look at him as he turned on the TV where some woman was sucking a cock of some faceless guy while being pounded by another faceless guy in what appeared to be a gangbang scene. Straight porn sucked but Luke was erect and naked now. Luke knelt behind me lowering my pants and pressing his hard cock against my slippery hole. He slid in with an audible pop.

"Fuck yeah" Onyx grunted as Luke's fucking pushed me further down on his hard cock. Onyx's cock expanded in my mouth becoming thicker and tougher. I tried to back off so I wouldn't choke on it but Luke continued pounding my ass undaunted by his friend's transformation. I pushed Luke off me with a `hand' gasping for air as I laid on the nearby table on my back accidentally knocking off an unopened deck of playing cards to the ground.

Onyx grabbed my dangling legs lifting them up high my ass leaking Wolverine's juices. Before I knew what was happening Onyx surged forward impaling me.


Luke climbed onto the table straddling my chest and jabbed his cock into my open screaming mouth. He face fucked me, his cock tasting faintly of me, him and Logan's cock. I grabbed onto Luke's smooth muscular ass as the table rocked with Onyx's thrusts.

I streamed Logan's cum around Onyx's cock to lube and cushion my insides from the brutal anal assault. My vision obscured by Luke's thrusting pelvis I used an `eye' to watch me being slammed in both holes. I was a skinny white boy with an average sized erection being face fucked by an Aryan ideal and ripped apart by a midnight black rock giant with a 14 inch cock sandwiched between two cases of beers. Onyx's door opened and let in Lachlan and a cute brown haired guy presumably Spark.

"Live Gay porn and straight porn, that's new" Lachlan said with a smile moving towards me. I slid a `hand' under Lachlan's shirt lifting it off him. He took off his pants and turned to Spark "Guess the naked part of the night is going to start earlier than normal."

Lachlan strolled towards us and grabbed a beer, draining it as he watched us and stroked his cock. I grabbed his cock pulling him closer.

Spark moved closer "You're the water slut in the shower on Wednesday."

I had my mouth, hand and ass full of cock which made it hard to argue with his comment.

"That's not a nice way to describe my new friend and the latest addition to our Poker nights."

Spark looked troubled by Lachlan's defense of me. I stroked Lachlan faster cheered by his support. He shifted one of the boxes onto the floor and leaned over and engulfed my hard cock with his hot wet mouth. I groaned around Luke's cock thrusting my cock deeper into Lachlan. Onyx and Luke took that as their cue to fuck me harder.

Spark stood rooted to the spot as he watched his friends use me.

"Lachlan, are you gay?"

"Yeah..." Lachlan straddled my waist and eased onto my hard slippery cock. I stroked his cock while squeezing his cute handful of butt as he rode me.

^You should get naked and join in the fun^ I said using 'water voice', it sounded like my voice but with a faint resonance. This was the first time I heard it while I was in the same room as its use for obvious reasons.

Spark spun around brows furrowed in confusion. I realized he didn't know what I sounded like so didn't know who was talking. Lachlan sped up his bouncing on my cock and his ass felt so good and with the other boys slamming my holes I came too fast into him. Lachlan continued to ride me until I softened inside him. "Um, I don't know"...

"I'll give you a blowjob," Lachlan said climbing off the table.

"Cool. I guess." Spark stripped off his clothes revealing a hard 7 inch cock. I recognized him now that he was naked. I had groped his naked body with multiple `hands' on Wednesday while Sean pounded my ass. Lachlan grabbed two bottles of beer and passed one to Spark, Spark drank greedily facing his hard naked friend while Lachlan did the same. As soon as Lachlan was done he got down on his knees and sucked on Spark's cock while the others pounded my mouth and ass at a frantic speed.

Spark groaned from the expert fellatio. Spark had a talented mouth. Spark grumbled under his breath. "I can't believe you didn't tell me you were gay."

Lachlan pulled off and said "I didn't want you guys thinking that you could all use me for blowjobs and sex whenever you wanted. I'm more of a top, well usually." Lachlan said looking up at his friend and his cock. Lachlan resumed sucking on Spark's cock. Spark grabbed onto Lachlan's hair with both hands ditching his drained beer bottle onto the ground, fucking his throat. Lachlan pulled off to ask. "Limited time option... Want to fuck me now?"

Onyx grunted as his cum drenched my insides with his last final thrusts into me. Onyx shifted back to normal, I stopped his withdrawal with a `hand' phasing around his deflating 10 inch cock. Luke pulled out of my mouth as Onyx eased out and Luke slammed into my ass a dozen times before cumming into me.

Distracted I missed the moment that Lachlan started riding Spark's cock while seated on one of the chairs.

"Oh God, yeah. Fucking ride me buddy. I'm so close now."

"Me too." Lachlan said as Onyx handed Luke a beer while we watched Lachlan bouncing frantically on Spark's lap hard cock flailing. "I'm cumming." Lachlan's cock fired off 3 shots of cum onto Spark's chest and stomach before Lachlan obscured the sight by kissing Spark hard. Spark responded pulling him in close as he ground his hips into Lachlan before shuddering slightly. Lachlan eased off his friend's lap, Luke clapped and Lachlan froze before bowing to him. Spark stood up head down cheeks bright red as he grabbed another beer facing away from us. I appreciated the view of Spark's pert backside.

"Hound, we usually play a few rounds of Poker, get drunk enough and at most wank each other off while watching some straight porn." Luke explained his cock hard and jutting as Lachlan and Spark took separate seats not looking at anyone else in the group.

"This started back when Luke was my roommate and I kept waking him up by being too loud wanking in the middle of the night. One day he brought a video and suggested we just wank together since he was tired of being woken up. Joke was on him as he found out the hard way that my cock was bigger than his."

"Yeah fucking weird, I planned to help him out like me and my boarding school mates used to take care of things but I didn't know how to deal with a massive rock cock."

"I got us some beer one night and we played a game of blackjack for a bit before moving onto strip poker and then we watched some porn. I stroked him off first with my eyes closed and he got a lot of lube and worked on mine."

"It took fucking forever to get him off the first time. My arm was so sore the next day."

"That's why I get a lot of beer now."

Onyx's height, broad shoulders and strong features, he did look old enough to pass for someone in their early 20's. I realized I didn't know how old anyone here was. "How old is everyone?" I blurted.

"We're all 17 here except you're the youngest Hound at 16."

Onyx replied with "Luke's the oldest and I don't want to know why you've nicknamed him Hound."

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Not at all" I said as I sat on Luke's lap his hard cock sliding in deep. "More importantly why did you call Lachlan beany boy."

Spark laughed "It's because Lachlan is crazy and think he's related to an actual banshee".

"We have a girl in our class called Banshee. What's so crazy about believing my great aunt had powers too?"

"Ugh whatever."

Onyx rolled his eyes at them.

"So when do we play poker?" I asked

The boys rearranged themselves and the chairs around the table so everyone could watch the porn. Lachlan sat on the far right, followed by Spark, followed by Luke with me on his lap whose chair was levitated via `hands' and lastly on my left Onyx. We all stayed naked. I spent the first round on Luke's lap as he explained all the rules as he played and I watched and leaned against Luke's muscular chest as he fucked me. He held me tight as he dumped a second load into my ass.

Everyone except me kept drinking. The second round I spent kissing Lachlan and riding his hard cock. He lost that round since he paid little attention to the game. He didn't cum.

I moved onto Spark's lap for the third round. I played that round, cheating my way to an easy victory. Spark didn't manage to cum since I was preoccupied with the game. At the end of the round Onyx declared a beer break. Lachlan sucked on my cock and balls before suckling on Spark's balls. I rotated to face Spark as Lachlan drove his cock into me as well.

"It's a good thing I have these chairs strengthened by Paul every other day or that chair would have broken under the weight of you 3 idiots." Onyx said standing over us stroking his hard 10 inch cock.

I didn't know what he meant by that but I was preoccupied by the sensation of a strange crackling energy consuming me from the outside in as they fucked me. Lachlan and Spark blew in me their mouths locked together in a hot kiss.

The next round I was on Onyx's lap while they all drank beer and got more and more loud. Onyx shifted into `rock form' midway through me bouncing on his cock while I played. At the conclusion of that round Onyx kept fucking me as Lachlan got fucked by Luke on his back while Spark fucked his throat in a similar position as I had been at the start of poker.

A loud buzzing from my pants signaled a new text message and I went to check on it.

Mark: Looking forward to taking you at the club ;-)

"Thanks everyone, Poker Night was hot but I have to go now."

"You okay?" Luke asked slamming faster and harder into Lachlan's hole.

"Yeah I'm good, Mark texted me about tonight and I should get showered and stuff. "

"Fuck man, I'm way too drunk to drive you anywhere. " Luke said butt a blur as he grunted and came in Lachlan.

"That's okay I'll get there on my own steam."

"I'll come with you to the shower, I'm feeling very sore and tired for some reason" Lachlan said extricating himself from his naked sweaty friends.

Lachlan and I put on our underwear and left our other clothes behind as we went off to the shower room together.

"Where are you off to tonight?"

"I'm going off to see a gay night club with a gay friend of sorts."

"Cool, you think I can come around next time you guys go, I've yet to go to a New York nightclub. I hear it can be intense."

"You could come tonight if you wanted I'm sure Mark won't mind another hot gay guy along for the ride."

"I'm a bit too sore after Luke to dance or do much of anything but lie down."

"I didn't think you wanted to be the bottom for the group."

"I didn't mean it in a bad way when I said that."

"I'm not offended, I like being the bottom of the group, it's hot. I'd like to find more gay boys to take my cock though. I need a bigger cock" I said.

"You've got a nice cock."

"But it's not as big and juicy as Luke's cock."

"Yeah I couldn't resist the temptation after a few beers to try it and it was fucking hot but it was also sort of weird having sex with him after what's going on with you guys, and us being friends. And I'm fucking sore as now."

"What do you mean, what's going on with Luke and me?"

"You're living together in the same room and having lots of sex and I've seen him kissing you and it's all sort of intense and odd."

"I don't know this is all new to me and I really do like Luke but he's straight and I'm not stupid. I doubt I can change his preference even with all the gay sex we've had lately."

"How will you be getting to the club? If you're not getting a lift from Luke".

"I figured I'd fly over, it will give me a chance to use my water eyes for something new."

"What? I didn't know you could fly and what do you mean by water eyes?"

"I've known how to fly since last Friday, I just turn myself to water and float myself around. `Water eyes' is a very recent development; I use my water sense through water molecules to see."

"Wow, so when you say see from you mean like a normal eye or something else?"

"Better than normal vision I get surround vision. Sean only told me about it yesterday, though apparently I did it during my sleep on Sunday. I keep finding out all sorts of stuff I can do with my powers that I never thought about or couldn't work on because I didn't have enough space or time or privacy to do so. It's liberating not having to hide anymore, well for the most part anyway."

"Yeah this place is awesome; the Professor has me working on my vocal control so I can do more than put people to sleep."

"I'm not sure this place is as useful as it could be. There are too many restrictions for my liking."

"What kind of restrictions are you talking about? The no powers in class thing?"

"That's one of the restrictions that is bothering me I mean it's supposed to be a mutant school and yet we're very limited as to when we're allowed to use our powers. I can't fool around in the showers with guys or my powers anymore. I have issues with the professor and his mind fuckery. Scott lectured me about using my water eyes because of privacy concerns because Jean sensed my water roaming somehow. There are too many people around that might get hurt if I try something too interesting. This place feels like a gilded cage lately confining me with all its rules and regulations."

Lachlan patted me on the back. "What do you want to try that might injure others?"

"I want to work on big things like making water weather like hail or mist or snow but I'm not sure how to go about it safely yet. I don't know. Sometimes this doesn't feel like a mutant school, it feels more like purgatory."

"We're safe here from humans that hate us."

"I'm not really sure that's true and anyway I'm more concerned about other mutants posing a threat than humans right now. Though there are way more humans than mutants which is a serious problem if they start figuring out ways to find us like Xavier does."

"You're sounding a little paranoid."

I laughed and said sadly "just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you."

"You're a little odd, you know that right?"

"Quite likely, anyway it's been an interesting chat but I should get going, see you, " I said, banishing the extra moisture away.

I went to my room and got dressed in the mesh shirt and tight jeans. I walked outside until I was directly under a cloud shifted to water and drew water into a sphere around me before freezing it. I didn't want my clothes damaged. I flew into the cloud. I drew the cloud around me using it for cover as I flew to Allesandro's. It was an interesting journey, I used `water eyes' to scout ahead and I worked on picking up speed while trying to keep the structural integrity of my ice bubble while drawing in more water to shore up the ice bubble. It was invigorating using water to travel again, using my powers to get around free from the restrictions of the school.

I landed on the roof of Allesandro's apartment building as there were too many people on the ground. I knocked on Allesandro's door.

"Looking good buddy, Alessandro is going to give us a lift."

Allesandro dropped us off a block away from the club. We went in and Mark paid the door man who gave us a casual once over and waved us through. The place was packed with sweaty half naked men dancing grinding and groping each other. It reminded me of Tom's party but with way more people in their early 20's and better music. Mark got me some drinks from the bar, I didn't know what they were called but after one drink I was feeling warm and fuzzy. Mark and I danced for a while, before taking off our shirts and grinding to the beat of the music as close as was physically possible.

A good looking guy in a loose white singlet and low slung jeans came up to us. "You're a hot looking couple". Up close his biceps and pecs looked huge considering that he was shorter than me.

"Thanks but we're not a couple, I'm taking Victor out on his first club visit, he's new to town, come dance with us."

"I'm Matt."

I ended up sandwiched between the two of them. Matt grinded against my hard on while Mark dry humped my butt.

Matt kissed me while groping my ass, Mark nibbled on my ear.

"Want to go upstairs?" Matt asked, I looked back at Mark.

"Upstairs is where you go if you want privacy to fuck someone" he said smiling at Matt.

"Sounds like fun," I said, they escorted me upstairs through a labyrinth like maze into a room with a sex swing. I hopped on as Matt slid on a condom from a box on the wall and lubed up before sliding his 8.5 inch cock in me. It felt oddly impersonal being fucked by Matt's condom clad cock. I wrapped my legs around his waist anyway as he fucked me. Mark had his lovely cock in my mouth. Mark had left the door open to the room and it had swung open a bit revealing our activities to others.

A couple of guys in their 30's loitered outside. Matt kicked the door closed. Matt sped up thrusting faster into me, he paused grunting and I missed the feeling of hot cum blasting inside me. Mark slid on a condom as well to fuck me. (I wondered briefly about Tom's party, I didn't see anyone using condoms there when fucking). Mark didn't seem so into fucking me with a condom and stopped without cumming. I `watched' the other rooms as various boys were fucked and sucked.

"That was hot". Matt gave me his number. Safe human sex was mediocre. We walked back downstairs together. That was unfulfilling.

We danced a bit more till it hit 1 am. Then Mark said "1 am is the new midnight let's go back to mine before we turn into pumpkins, work tomorrow".

"Yeah I'm not sure how much I like clubbing."

"Matt looked hot pounding your ass though."

"Yeah he was fit and good looking but I prefer raw sex."

"That can be dangerous if you're not careful but if you're more interested in some raw group action Tom is throwing another party tomorrow night and he wants to break in your ass with his boyfriend."

"He has a bf"?

"I keep forgetting you're new. Tom and James are bf's they're monogamous Monday to Friday. On the weekends they play together or apart depending on their moods and availability of horny boys. Tom and James are both hot and well hung so I help them out whenever they're horny. "

"So was the bf around last Saturday when I was there?"

"Yeah, he was the blond guy with the huge 11 inch monster cock that fucked me after you did."

"Fuck. So you were in a hot bf sandwich?"

"Yeah they're a hot couple to spend a Sunday morning with, so did you want to visit them after work tonight?"


Mark paid for a taxi back to his, when we got back to his, his flat mate and 4 other guys in their early 20's rehearsed a banal song about some girl named Rhonda. Out of the 5 of them, only the lead singer and the drummer were attractive. The other 3 were average boy next door. Not bad but nothing to write home about. The shirtless drummer had shoulder length black hair with a lean wiry build and big biceps. The lead singer had short black hair with an emo fringe with a quirky lopsided grin and green eyes.

The lead singer said "Bringing a trick around for a bit of how's your father aye?"

Mark dragged me off to his room and stripped me naked along with himself and slid his hard cock in my lubricated hole. He fucked me hard while I 'watched' the boys in the other room speed up their playing failing to drown out the noise of our sex while bulging noticeably in their pants. Mark shouted "FUCK YEAH... TAKE MY CUM IN YOUR TIGHT ASS!" as he exploded his deferred load in me.

Mark fell asleep on top of me. The combination of orgasm and hours of dancing and drinking had taken its toll on his human body. I felt restless and horny. The 5 horny guys next door didn't help. I moved Mark onto his side and wanked myself off.

I stared at the ceiling for a long time listening to the noise from the neighboring room. My horniness had subsided somewhat but my restlessness had not. I was sticky inside and outside and I had become accustomed to training late at night until I was mentally exhausted by the exertion. Dancing had been fun and had drained my physical stamina but my mind was wide awake and restless.

The band playing the same song over and over again didn't help. I scanned the rest of the apartment until I found the shower.

I left Mark's room after shoving on my underwear again for decency and to help me to resist the urge to offer them all blowjobs. "Hi, where is the shower in this place and can I use it?" I asked to maintain the lie of normalcy.

"It's to the left and use it a.s.a.p. before you drip onto the floor" the lead singer said.

I looked down and noticed some of my cum sliding down my torso and said "Thanks."

I entered the small bathroom and stripped off my underwear leaving the door open as I started the shower hoping the lead singer would join me under the spray. I rinsed off the sweat and cum and lathered up thoroughly.

"Hi, I'm Jeremy, I live with Mark, I brought you a towel" the lead singer said holding out the towel in one hand squeezing his hard cock through his tight jeans.

I slid a finger into my hole while Jeremy watched, eyes darting between me and the door. "Want to help do my back?"

"Maybe later if Mark is cool with it, I'm assuming you're a `friend' not a boyfriend".

"Yeah we're friends I met him on Saturday" I slid another finger into me "He's a lot of fun."

"Got to go" he said ditching the towel on the nearby sink. I sighed restless; I used a few molecules of water to slam the door behind him and finished showering several minutes later. I wrapped the towel around my waist taking my cum stained underwear with me. I waved to the band as I drifted past my mind on sleep.

I lay on the bed eyes closed creating an ice golem on the roof of the adjacent building out of water vapor and walked it around in endless circles. Compensating for the constant degradation of friction and movement became easier as I practised. By the end of the session my ice golem had smooth movement. Slow but serviceable.

Next: Chapter 13

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