
By wayne unknown

Published on Oct 19, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Authors Note

Glossary of terms and other stuff...

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

Within the psychic landscape

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION::

and end with :: ::

For clarity (I hope). Ice Golems used by Victor come in 3 settings.

Paul sized 6 foot broad shoulders refered to as 'golems'. Medium speed and power.

Onyx sized (when he's transformed into his larger form) 7 foot tall physically imposing refered to as 'Onyx golems'. Slow but powerful hitters.

Victor replicas sized about 5 foot 10 slight build (his average height and shape) referred to as 'statues' or 'ice statues'. Fast but not very intimidating, powerful or as durable. Often used as a proxy for tasks the real Victor can't be bothered to deal with personally.

proxies: 'statues' used to do personal mutant errands.

In this chapter the plot speeds up towards the story resolution, there's lots of kinky sex, an unusual birthday party, an epic showdown between Victor and some of the most powerful Xmen. There's personal conflicts up the ying yang and a few potentially dramatic revelations. There's also some backstory revealed for our poker players.

I welcome all feedback negative or positive to my email

Also if you wish to subscribe for email updates let me know.

If you have spare cash and you appreciate the stories think about donating some of it to nifty via this donate link

On with the story...


Luke jabbed me in the ribs and I stared at him, brain whirring slowly into gear. He was fully dressed, frowning at me. Memories came back of last night and Scale and of the revelation of my `darkest power' and the last time I had seen Luke when he'd been leaving the room naked to get away from me. I scanned the Mansion and everyone was on their way to class. I looked over to Luke's bedside clock to discover it was 8:50 am.

I had overslept, it was a refreshingly normal problem considering everything that had happened recently.

"You gave us all a scare last night you know. Scale came in followed by Onyx who had to wear his special shoes in order to carry you over. They were freaking out because you were bleeding out and unconscious. I grabbed Sean out of bed and we solved the problem by Onyx punching you in the face and Sean telepathically shouting at you to phase."


I had an odd flashback of a whole sea of faces around me last night for a second before slipping into a deep sleep. I was thirsty and lazy from being asleep for longer than usual. I got dressed without showering, grabbed a bottle of water and went to classes.

Storm looked surprised to see me. Storm addressed the class "Read the next 10 pages quietly to yourself." She turned to me. "Victor I need to talk to you outside."

We went into the hallway. "Good Morning Mrs Munroe, sorry I was late today. I accidentally slept in."

"I was told by Xavier and Scott that you wouldn't be attending classes because you were worried about a new ability." Her brow furrowed and her pulse was faster than normal.

"Yeah I was but I'm less concerned about it now. I spent all of Tuesday night and most of Wednesday night working on control of it. I haven't mastered it yet but I already found one use for it and I've blocked it off already so it's unlikely to pop up unexpectedly."

"2 days isn't enough time to." She swallowed and took a deep breath. "Gain the necessary degree of control over a power that has that much potential for death."

I sighed. "I'm smart, I pick up things quickly and despite my reputation I'm very capable of controlling my powers given half a chance. I'll give you an example."

I drew in water shaping it into a water finger' I accessed the part of my mind controlling transitions' and activated it. The `finger' turned into a finger. A drop of blood dripped out of the severed end. I caught it in midair unthinking, not wanting to bloody the floor. I realized the implications immediately. Fuck. Blood was 60% water, I could control it, not as well as something of 100% water but enough to hold it in place. I hovered the drop of blood next to the finger in midair. I shifted them both back to water and dispersed them.

Storm stared vacant turning ashen; I could sense her blood slow. "I got Sean to teach me how to partition the power separately so I wouldn't have to worry about it accidentally unleashing and since I don't need to sleep I've had about 20 hours to practice using it."

Storm nodded "Ok then." Her skin started to return to normal as her blood returned to extremities. "Well, you'll have a lot of reading to do to catch up on the last couple of days."

"Actually I won't, part of me was here watching the classes so I already know everything you covered". I recapped the previous 2 days of lessons.

I couldn't be bothered lying any more about anything. Screw tactical advantages. If Xavier tried anything against me I'd liquefy him and if a human couldn't accept me as I was, fuck them. After yet another near death experience I came to the startling realization that life was way too short to be worried about public perception and I was sick to death of hiding and pretending.

"Did one of your friends tell you that?"

"No. I don't have any friends in this class." I had been so preoccupied with my own dramas I realized that my only friends were sexual. I had spent most classes barely paying attention; the majority of my mental energy going to observing other classes, water eyes' or reinforcing my mental castle'.

Bobby was in Storm's class too but we didn't talk, we only sparred after classes and I only double checked on his availability during Xavier's classes. I didn't really count Bobby as a friend more of a friendly acquaintance. Bobby was preoccupied with the white streaked girl (Rogue) and a strange rivalry with Pyro (the only other attractive guy in class) whom I think he was also sort of friends with. We spent more time sparring or him showing off his knowledge than talking about anything personal.

As I left I noticed Storm scrambling for a metal device that looked a bit like a trinket box. It was odd. The rest of the day's classes were uneventful except for a few strange looks from my teachers.

After the last class Cyclops was waiting in the hall for me.

"Danger room session now!"

"I don't think it's safe."

"We won't hurt you. Anyway this is what you wanted."

"Yeah it was but things have changed a lot since then."

"Xavier insists that it's vital to test your abilities under stress to ensure the safety of the other students."

I sighed and let Scott escort me to the Danger Room he entered in the code of 837372 and the door opened to a confusing sight. The simulation was already in progress and the door appeared to be a portal within the center of the last session's island locale. No wonder it seemed like Wolverine had come from nowhere last session. Weird.

Storm and Wolverine stood there waiting for me. I turned to Cyclops confused. "You're going to have a battle simulation against all 3 of us at the same time. Wolverine obviously wasn't enough of a challenge for you."

Wolverine snarled at Cyclops sounding inhuman before clearing his throat and saying "more than you can handle bub."

I shifted to water and surrounded myself in layers of compressed ice and I created 2 pairs of `hands' to hover in front of me.

They had a brief discussion while huddled together where Cyclops outlined a basic plan where Wolverine would attack from the front while he would fire off from the side while Storm struck. I was curious as to whether Cyclops was being so vague with his plan because he guessed I could overhear them with `eyes' or whether he was making up a plan last minute. They lined up opposite me and then Cyclops said "Go" and he moved off to one side while Storm moved off to one side with eyes gone white and Wolverine charged straight forward.

I slapped and punched Wolverine with my `hands' trying to slow him down to little effect, I doubled the size and density of the hands to better slow him down. While I was distracted with him, Storm and Cyclops had flanked me. I was hit with a bolt of energy from Cyclops to the side which severely dented my armor to the ribs leaving only a thin coat of ice over my water form and before I could collect more water to reform I was struck by a bolt of lightning.

I glanced over. Storm floated above the ground eyes white as more dark clouds spread above us.

A split second later the full force of the lightning overwhelmed me; my water body' sizzled from the heat, the molecules of my 'body' fighting my control to escape and float away. I struggled to gain control over my body' as the current coursed through me before being blasted by a secondary wave of sound. I barely held on as the sound disrupted my 'body' further diminishing my control. A second lightning strike hit me and wrecked my control for a vital second and I turned to flesh mid lightning strike, that's when Wolverine stabbed me.

His adamantium claws sliced into my fragile flesh, cutting through bones, organs and sinews as if through paper, my blood seeping out the exit wounds in my back while being electrocuted. The pain was intense but diminished somewhat by my body's attempt to shut down at the mortal wound and electrocution. Wolverine grunted in pain as the lightning discharged through him too. I took advantage off the momentary paralysis to shift back to water.

Anger consumed me as I saw Cyclops reach for his visor's trigger(his tell) for another strike. I spiked Wolverine through the gut and spun him just as Cyclops fired and the shot lit up Wolverine's back and he was blasted off me in the process.

Storm struck me again with another bolt of lightning and it didn't hurt as much this time. I managed to hold onto the right shape but it was very hard as the secondary sound wave disrupted my water. Cyclops prepared to fire again and now I had no mutant shield to block further ranged attacks. I dodged their one-two combo of lightning and optic blasts as best as I could as Wolverine recovered on the ground.

As I tried to dodge what felt like an endless barrage of attacks I tried to think of a way to take them both out without killing them. Cyclops chipped away at the remnants of my armor as Storm's attacks hit less often and with less damage. Even though her attacks were getting easier to dodge and endure, the mental strain of the battle built up pushing me closer to the breaking point with every hit. The next time I lost control while being electrocuted I might not be able to shift back in time and I could die. I had to think of a counter attack quickly.

The attacks broke through the remnants of my ice armor doubling the intensity of the pain. I barely held on. I resorted to a last ditch stalling tactic and used the nearby water to create a fog all around the island. It blinded us all but it gave me a few vital seconds to phase to reset some of the mental strain. With a few seconds free of attacks while Storm gathered a wind I plotted my next move.

Her wind blew away my mist and I launched forwards targeting Wolverine who stood up, uniform in shambles claws out ready to go again as I expected. I moved forward to punch him and he responded as expected by stabbing me through the chest. Another lightning bolt struck us both and I extended out an ice spike through Wolverine digging into his vital organs, slowing his pulse as his power tried to maintain him. I launched forward as another blast of lightning hit us and Cyclops hit Wolverine in the back with a blast of power. I pinned him to the ground with a large ice spike through his chest.

I reached out with my power and launched a 20 foot tidal wave at full speed towards them. Cyclops blasted at the wave with high intensity optic blasts while Storm raised a tempest to try and slow the wave's momentum meanwhile striking me with lightning as I moved towards them.

I moved several feet off to the side to watch them deal with the incoming wave. Their efforts cut the wave's height and momentum in half by the time it was 10 feet away. Cyclops fired an endless stream of energy towards the wave in front of him while Storm focused a gale forced wind to slow it down. I let the momentum die out and flew further above them and Storm struck me with another bolt of lightning and I dropped into the wave as a puddle merging with the water just as it trickled around their feet. The waves of electricity spread out and knocked them all unconscious.

I had a brief moment of panic as my `body' took several long moments to reassemble as I lost myself within the faintly humming ocean.

I had achieved victory again but when I reformed I was naked. I had to get dressed before the others woke up, when I found tracked down my clothing, they were ruined. I had nearly died again for the second time within 24 hours so I didn't feel that victorious.

I needed to be better stronger faster! I was a level 5 mutant and I couldn't hold my own against 3 mutants. I'd managed to be blasted stabbed and electrocuted. I also felt thoroughly drained physically and mentally even after phasing which worried me. The second phase seemed less effective than the first had. Diminishing returns?

Considering how they dealt with the mini tsunami Cyclops and Storm had been holding back their real strength in their fight with me. Even at reduced strength their abilities weakened me and proved near fatal. I needed a powerful non-lethal attack to add to my mutant fights.

Perhaps my `statues' or golems would make for better fighters, they could punch things for me. I needed to learn how to fight though. Maybe Bobby would have some martial arts tips; he'd been here for years. I needed to be better if I was going to be able to survive being a class 5 mutant. I needed more than raw power to survive; I needed more training, battle experience and most of all better strategies than my enemies.

If I could stomach the hypocrisy of the Xavier's school I could learn a lot but would I survive the experience?

I went to my room, changed out of my clothes, Luke was absent, things had been weird between us since Monday night and things hadn't settled yet into our usual familiar rhythm. The latest near death experience from mutant sex probably didn't endear me as a normal roommate.

I went off to the library it was empty as per usual, I guess most people had better things to do than spend their free time reading dissertations on increasing mutations in the population and the value of genetic diversity. A lot of Xavier's earlier research and attempts at legitimacy were scattered around the library, they made for amusing reading even if some of the terminology was beyond me.

All the mutant research boiled down to mutants were coming and they were going to be bigger, better and stronger than the average human. It was scientifically inevitable as the X gene was widely scattered throughout the population of the world.

Darwinism implied that humans would gradually or immediately be replaced by homosapien superior. Admittedly it didn't take into account two very important factors homosapiens didn't want to be replaced as the top of the food chain and humans in general tended to be violently opposed to changes to the status quo.

Humans had their own significant advantages. They outnumbered us 10000 to 1 and they had millennia to build up their infrastructure for survival against the odds.

Mutants had been forced to blend in whenever possible or hide like the Morlocks fearful of discovery and persecution. A few deluded mutants had tried to fight the tide of humanity but failed to have any lasting effect.

I collected a few books on weather patterns and effects, human anatomy and military strategy dealing with superior numbers.

It was an eclectic library liberally sprinkled with dry scientific tomes detailing medical advancements and scientific theory along with books on a wide variety of subjects some fantastical and others more commonplace. Books on weather, mythology, medicine, military strategy, gymnastics, physics, psychic phenomena and there were also books on aliens and a few comics and science fiction books.

I dropped the books off at my room (still empty of Luke) to study later and went to Wolverine's room. I needed to work off this aggression with some rough sex. I knocked on his door and didn't get a response; I let myself in. He slept in sweatpants with the sheets kicked off. I poked him in his exposed stomach and he snarled and stabbed me through the chest, for a second my vision dimmed before I shifted to water, then ice and stepped back and shifted back to flesh.

Wolverine shook his head and I could see comprehension dawn. "Fuck! You okay kid?"

I changed my mind on how I wanted to work through my aggression but would he be interested? Perhaps Mike would be better? I scanned the mansion and he was currently occupied with Vader and Eaves; Sean busy with Lachlan, Scale was in class surrounded by strange individuals that triggered awkward memories.

"I'm tougher than I look. I want my victory sex." I stripped naked and Wolverine smiled and removed his sweat pants.

He laughed. "How do you want it today kid?"

"I want you bent over with your hairy ass on display."

He looked over at me, gaze locked on my hard cock. "I don't take cock from kids, especially not that size."

My face felt like it was on fire with a mixture of rage and shame while I tried to resist the urge to punch him. He was much bigger and stronger than me. I buried it. Wolverine didn't say no. "What size would be big enough for you?"

"At least 8 inches kid and you don't measure up. Sorry kid."

UGH. FUCK HIM and his patronizing tone. "I'm not a kid and I can give you at least 9 inches if you bend over."

He stared at me for a long time before he shrugged. "Fine kid, it has been a long time since I've been pounded, let's see how long you last." He bent over, hairy meaty ass on display, puckered hole partially visible through his hair. I phased embracing my new ability for an upgrade. I slid water into his hole stretching him out. His ass actively resisted, tightening up near instantly. I guess his healing had another downside? Upside?

I placed my cock at his water stretched hole "Here I come" and shoved in hard in one deep thrust.

"FUCK." He looked back at me confused, his anal walls squeezing around my new cock.

"Fuck you feel good." I moved slowly within him, his insides clutched around me. His Ass felt like a furnace. I grabbed his hips and fucked him faster.

"How. The. Fuck." He could barely talk through his groans and moans and pants as I couldn't help myself, I kept thrusting into his tight hole, fucking him harder and faster, getting so close to the edge already.

I grabbed his thick and hairy cock and stroked it faster and faster and faster as I humped at his tight insides. "Oh God. I'm Cumming."

I blasted a thick load into him as Wolverine bucked in my grasp exploding over his bed "FUCK yeah."

I rested for 30 seconds before the vice like pressure around my cock became painful. Curious sensation.

I pulled out backing away a few steps proud and satisfied. "That was fun. It's been ages since I've had a chance to fuck someone. Thanks."

Wolverine turned around and stared. "What the fuck kid?"

I looked down at my new slippery 9 inch cock and smiled, thoroughly amused by Wolverine's expression. "Like it? It's new. You're its first fuck. Though I'm guessing with a cock like this it won't be the last."

Wolverine stammered "HoOww?"

"I learned I could turn water into flesh... any water into any flesh. A facet of my transition ability is apparently transformation. Being male, one of the first things I thought about was could I supersize my cock? There were some initial fuck ups when I started with a hard cock minus nerves or when I didn't connect the blood vessels properly but I can upgrade my cock at will now. Wanna see?"

He nodded mutely. I shifted to water, drawing in water as I shifted back to flesh with Vader's cock a smooth 11 inches. Unfortunately I felt horny again post phase. "Fuck kid." I glared at him. "Fuck Man?"

I smiled and moved closer, gripping his slippery cock. "Think you can take this one?"

He turned around and presented me with his slippery hole, I poked a finger in him and he grunted as his ass squeezed around it, trying to push it out. I sloshed my cum around his insides stretching him out more as I slammed in the huge cock into his tight hole. "FUCK ME VICTOR." It took a while to get the right rhythm with the different sized cock but I adapted.

Wolverine was a fucking hot bottom. He took cock like a pro and no matter how long I fucked him he never got loose. I had to keep fucking him in order to stop him from squeezing my newest cock off.

I blew again in him and then flipped him over onto his back and fucked him again watching his every expression as I fucked him hard and he stroked himself to another messy climax.

I reset myself to normal before going back to Luke. I wanted to show it to him later when it was a nice quiet day with nothing getting fucked up

I slipped into my bed. I reached out with my power a mile away and created a golem out of mist...


I slipped out of bed and glanced at Luke snoring, sprawled over his bed. I smiled and slipped out of bed in my underwear to see Sean. I had missed him yesterday.

I opened his door and I saw him awake and alone in his bed.

"Hey Sean, it's been too long."

"Hi," he said subdued.

"What's the matter?"

"I feel guilty."

"Why? About having sex with your brother? "

Sean sighed "No, not that. He's been getting his ass wrecked more often than not by Vader." He took a deep breath. "I feel guilty because I hijacked you yesterday morning.

"What do you mean?"

"You were barely conscious after Onyx punched you and you were losing blood fast, so I forced you to Phase telepathically. I'm sorry. I didn't feel I had a choice."

I shrugged "You probably saved my life, don't worry about it. I'm not angry. I had an awesome night last night."

"I thought you'd be angrier..."

"You were helping me when I was in trouble. I trust you. Don't worry about it. I fucked Wolverine last night."

I told him all the juicy details and he was suitably impressed by my new skill and he asked to see it and he fucked me while I had on Vader's cock. It was fun stroking a huge cock while getting fucked. I hadn't played with these ones as much as my original one. (I'd need years for that.)

After Sean cuddled me for a few minutes He asked "I heard you had another danger room session against 2 of the Xmen plus Wolverine yesterday and you won."

"Psychic probe?"

"Actually Mike told me who heard it from Eaves who heard Xavier discussing that your powers were very impressive at your current level. "

"I guess he has no idea that you're eroding his psychic block on me. It wasn't as much of a victory as I would have liked. Storm and Wolverine nearly killed me. I had trouble keeping hold of my water shape and I shifted to flesh during battle."

"Fuck. I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing. It hurt like a fucking bitch but it's better than accidentally turning everyone into puddles. Wolverine stabbed me twice in the heart yesterday. Storm nearly electrocuted me to death. Yesterday was a long problematic day but today is a new day and I'm going to do research during class to figure out a way of fighting superior odds."

"I'm going to reinforce your shield more and from now on I'm going to be working with you on your mental defense. Yesterday it was too easy to break through and hijack you. It worries me."

"Thanks for caring."

He broke through my mental defenses and I could sense him stomping around in me... before engaging me in another sword/staff fight and disappeared 25 minutes later.

"What was that about?"

"It helps to increase your mental strength by exercising. Every morning I'm going to test your mental defenses and we'll play chess to improve your tactical reasoning skills."

"But chess is so dull waiting for the other person to move sucks and I always lose."

"It's more fun when you win. Anyway winning isn't the real purpose, it's understanding how the other person thinks, learning how each piece moves in relation to each other and how each movement leaves you open to an attack in a different direction."

"I like having a slaughter in the middle of the battlefield."

Sean rolled his eyes and refreshed my memory on the movement styles of each of the pieces their names and starting positions and the numbering of the grid system. I thought it was a bit wanky but it was nice to spend time with Sean so I didn't complain too much. I lost 2 games of chess where Sean spent the majority of the time after each of my moves explaining what I was doing wrong. I tried my best to listen.

Then we went to have a shower together and I resisted the urge to get into mischief. I saw Peter and Paul and we exchanged hellos before we had to leave for different classes.

During classes I used `hands and eyes' to research everything I could find in the library about military tactics and combat techniques along with the books in my room (while also updating my buried diary remotely).

After Storm's class I asked about whether she'd be able to teach me some weather techniques. She said that her ability and mine were completely different but she could demonstrate her weather powers Monday evening in the danger room if I wanted. I thanked her.

I checked my phone at long last, preoccupied with other concerns.

Mark: Hey Man. You still pissed about Peter?

Peter Hale: Hello I hope I can rely on your discretion.

FUCK. I texted back to Peter that I hadn't told and not to text me as I had been busy and had left my phone in the same room as his son unattended.

I texted Mark: I'm fine. Been busy with other stuff. I need to talk to you later today. Just need to check if Luke is having poker night tonight.

I tracked down Luke who told me yes Poker night was every Friday night and he was looking forward to seeing me take it from all his friends again.

I had an hour to kill before Poker night so I went for a swim in my underwear in the lake for some normal exercise and to think.

Onyx's room. This time I was the last to arrive and everyone was down to their underwear and drinking rubbing their bulges watching porn.

While the view tempted me I explained to everyone that I couldn't stick around for long as I planned to tell Mark about being a mutant hoping that he'd still like me afterwards.

Luke turned off the TV to groans and said "I think it's time to share our stories with Victor before he tells Mark since he's decided not to stick around to be our bottom boy tonight. "

Luke continued. "I was 16 when my current girlfriend at the time told me she was pregnant for the first time in front of her parents and mine while eating dinner at my house. She was in tears as she confessed her pregnancy, saying she didn't know how it happened as she had been so careful.

"At the news my dad burst into laughter, my mother's expression was an icy mask that revealed nothing of her real emotions. As for me I was shaking with rage and so was the entire house. My dad told her parents to get the filthy slut out of his sight before he sued them all for fraud, defamation of character and anything else his lawyers could come up with.

"Her dad looked furious; they protested that they were decent middle class parents doing their best to give their daughter everything they could to improve her life. Just because my dad was CEO of a bio research company and I went to the best boarding school in the country didn't mean we could treat them like this. Thanks to my parents drilling into me the necessity of keeping up appearances and keeping an even temper, I didn't respond until I felt more settled.

"She looked to me for support with tear bright eyes and I looked at her with contempt. I told her that my dad had taken me to get a vasectomy at the ripe old age of 13 when he caught me jacking off to one of his playboys that I had borrowed without permission. She screamed at me complaining that I didn't tell her that before. I replied that I didn't want her to know that my dad didn't want me knocking up some gold digger in my teens and getting my life ruined in the process.

"I thought he was crazy when he said at 18 I could get it reversed and whatever decisions I made for my life would be my problem. Until then I was under his roof and he would try to protect me from stupidity so I didn't jeopardize my future. I see now he had a point and you were just planning on using me for a payday. Fuck off with your bastard kid, you lying cheating slut and don't ever contact me again.

"Her parents looked at her in shock while she looked around realizing no one would take her side. Her tears disappeared as she shouted as she left that I was a lousy lay and would regret it when she sued me for child support.

"My mother finally reacted by striding forward and spun Rosily around to face her and said `little girl you're an idiot, if you took us to court we'd demand a paternity test and you'd lose face publicly. Then we would countersue your parents for aiding and abetting fraud and we'd drag it out until they have to sell off their house to pay court costs and you would be homeless and pregnant. Just to make sure you don't run off to whoever the father is, we'd hire a private investigator to find out how many guys you've had sex with to attempt this scam and we will ruin you forever. Get out of my house and if you so much talk to my son again I will bury you.'

"Her father strode forward to defend her and my rage built and the house shook violently knocking everyone onto the ground. This was in California so quakes weren't that uncommon but something felt different about this one and I felt terrified and angry and Dad looked nervously at me. The quake stopped and we picked ourselves up and they left.

"My dad told me he wanted to talk to me in my room; I assumed he wanted to discuss Rosily, the lying cheating slut. He said to me that he had been worried this might be passed to me but he hoped it wouldn't, 'unfortunately it seems it's even stronger in you than it was in me' and Dad drew the sand off my beach thongs and hovered it above his hands. I stared in shock, my dad was a mutant and he had just implied I was too and I realized the quake had stopped and started so suddenly it wasn't natural.

"I yelled a lot about being kept in the dark and dad just waited until I ran out of breath and sighed and hugged me. I broke down in tears in his arms, broken by the news of Rosily using me to get money and by the news I was a mutant and so was dad. Later he told me he realized his ability one day at the beach while making a moat for a sandcastle when he was 14. He hadn't told anyone but it shaped the rest of his life, trying to figure out what it all meant. He said it was part of the reason he had my tubes tied so I would have a chance to decide if I wanted to risk my kids getting this as well.

"My mother filed a restraining order on Rosily the next day and when she sought me out at boarding school publicly to confront me she was escorted off the property by security. She ended up being arrested and since she was found to be carrying class A drugs she was thrown in jail and her baby got adopted out to an infertile couple. I suspect that my mother set that up, Rosily may have been a bitch but she wasn't a drug addict, then again I obviously didn't know her as well as I thought I did, so I didn't ask. I've been cynical about women since, though there has been the occasional date to get some relief, which I haven't needed lately, he said smiling at me."

I smiled back at him queasy with guilt.

Spark told his story "When I was a toddler my mother said I was compelled to try and stick my fingers into power sockets every time she turned around for a second. As a young child lightning storms filled me with a sense of joy and excitement. As a teenager, technology hated me; appliances tended to overload and I wasn't allowed to use the house computer because the last time I used it, it blew up.

"The insurance agent said it was a localized power surge or possibly faulty wiring. At his suggestion we installed power surge protectors everywhere and I could finally have toast without the toaster breaking. The weird thing was the insurance guy David gave my parents his card if anything else went wrong and he also gave me one secretly. I thought he might have been hitting on me in a roundabout way because he kept looking at me expectantly but he said to call him if there was another local surge. I didn't really know what to make of it at the time but I kept the card just in case and it felt good to have a secret from the parentals.

"It wasn't until I went to the school on a field trip to a science place that I realized the truth about his interest. We were being shown a demonstration of static electricity by the science guy when I was volunteered to be the guinea pig and he asked me to touch the orb with a low current running through it. It all went wrong after that and the electricity surged through me, fully activating my mutant ability and the current shot out of my hands and body exploding outwards in a ring of energy. I had knocked out everyone with a blast of electricity.

"I didn't know what to do so I called David afraid to tell my parents what had happened. Turns out David had been recruited by Xavier to look out for unusual claims to keep track of mutant flare ups. He had a brother who was a mutant so he was sympathetic to mutants and the need for secrecy and caution. The very next week I was here at the school of mutants and last I heard my class still believed the cover story David and Xavier had made about there being a gas leak that had rendered everyone unconscious."

"So if your power is mostly electricity based why do you call yourself Spark instead of something more electrical like Surge?"

Onyx grabbed a piece of paper and Spark fired a shot of electricity at it and it burst into flames quickly.

"Because when I use my powers it often ends up in spot fires."

Lachlan continued the sharing with his story. "When I was around 14 I was in the church choir and after choir practice the priest tried to fondle me. I shouted at him and something triggered inside of me and as I shouted I felt an energy surge pass through me and he was knocked unconscious for a few minutes. My thoughts pinballed like crazy trying to figure out what this all meant and I remembered my great aunt had been feared/ revered as one of the bean sidhe/a banshee.

"He woke up angry and scared, calling me an abomination against God and a temptation to good men sent straight from Hell by the Devil. I laughed and said he was a kiddy fiddler and if the community found out they'd string him up by the balls.

"He tried to threaten me by saying that he'd tell them about my unholy power. I pointed out that if he did, the next time I used my unholy power he wouldn't wake up and if I found out he tried to touch any other boys I'd break him. Couple of years went by in an awkward stalemate with the priest until one day in church as I was singing my power spiked again and I put the entire congregation to sleep. That prompted me to fly out to America but not before I told my dear mam about my affliction in a note and warning her about the dodgy priest.

"Cyclops picked me up from the airport and took me here and I've been working on my control of my power ever since. It's awkward I used to love to sing but now every time I start people get knocked out so the only thing I can do is hum and that still causes people to feel drained and or sleepy."

Onyx was the last "I was a linebacker in high school. I didn't realize there was anything different about me until I was 16. I first noticed the weirdness during football training, all of a sudden moving the tackling dummy was easy. I could do it by myself with very little effort and that thing weighed like a ton. That was the first sign and I ignored it and the Coach was too excited about the possibilities to care about the how. The next thing I knew my skin had started to become desensitized, heat, cold, enemy tackles it all felt distant as if they couldn't touch me. No one could stop me on the football field. I started breaking out in black freckles.

"My folks freaked out, thinking it was cancer so I got dragged to the doctor and they tried to biopsy one but they had difficulty cutting into it so they had to cut around it and take out a chunk of black flesh from my shoulder. They sent it off and the lab that it wasn't a skin sample it was a rock and the doctors were baffled. The `freckles' spread all over me and every time I poked one I could barely feel it. It got worse when it hit my dick and I couldn't get a boner for a while. I grew and grew crushing the hospital bed.

"The doctors didn't have a clue. A couple of doctors showed up named Xavier and Jean. They took one look at me and my case notes and proclaimed I was a mutant undergoing an extraordinary metamorphosis. I didn't know what that meant at the time, I just thought they were weirder doctors than some of the eastern quacks who came around with weird smelling stuff claiming to know how to fix me, my mother's idea. After Jean and Xavier explained who they were and what they were and where they wanted to take me, I agreed since I didn't want to go back to school looking like a freak. I was taken to the reinforced below ground levels as my body was now nearly all black rock and I was a foot taller and another 100 pounds heavier. The scary thing was, my body betraying me like that after depending on it for so long. Downstairs I looked up the word metamorphosis and I wasn't particularly comforted by its description or by the analogies to insects.

"After a month hidden from the sun I could change back to normal. I was moved to the ground level to a room that had a thick layer of sand on the floor to help in cases of spontaneous changes. I met Luke who had to shadow me to make sure there was a layer of sand beneath my feet at all times for when I bulked up so I didn't break the floor. He grew to like me eventually."

"You woke me up every night for 2 weeks; it was a bloody nuisance which is why when Xavier got the place reinforced by Paul I asked to be given my own room so I didn't have to deal with super weird hijinks."

"Yeah I woke him up every night because I was trying to have a wank like every other teenage guy ever but even though I could manage to keep my human form most times. Whenever I'm really worked up; angry, sad -"

"Or Horny, " Luke interrupted.

"Or whatever I'd bulk up again, you have no bloody idea how hard it is to have a good wank when your boner turns into a rock along with your hand. I could barely feel my cock when I was rubbing it so getting off was a long process and with a roommate only a couple of yards away it was hard getting any relief. "

"We were much better friends when I didn't have to room with him and get woken up by him rubbing his huge rock cock."

"You saw his cock then?"

"Yeah hard not to with the moonlight glowing off his skin at like 3 am in the morning and with the bed rocking and squeaking."

"So is that where you met Scale?" I asked Onyx.

"Yeah. Though I'm not supposed to talk about that because Xavier said not to."

"Ok, well I really appreciate your help early Thursday morning."

"No worries."

"Sorry Lachlan. I don't think tonight will be a good night for clubbing."

"Don't worry. Sean and I are going out clubbing tomorrow night." There were wolf whistles and Spark jostled him playfully.

I left to talk to Mark. He didn't take it very well.

"How are you a mutant?"

I trailed water across my hands turning it into ice in front of him "Water..."

"Wait is that what you and Peter were talking about? Is he a mutant too?" I stayed silent unsure how to respond. I didn't want to lie but it wasn't my place to out another mutant. "Fuck. I fucked a mutant and a mutant fucked me. Can I get it too? "

"Um no. You're either one or not."

"Good. I mean not that there's anything wrong with it or anything but um..."

"It's okay. I'm going to head off." I shifted to water and flew back to the Xavier mansion in record time. I took off my aggression on Onyx sized golems. They were even slower to move about than the previous versions but they looked very intimidating before being blasted by steam attacks and high powered water attacks.


I woke up to Sean inside my mental castle wandering around with a flamethrower melting my ice walls. We played a round of chess and I went to work early wondering whether work would be weird now.

Sandra wasn't working today. Sick or some nonsense. Allesandro greeted me cheerfully. Mark looked sullen.

Allesandro. "Mark told me about your condition and we are an equal opportunity employer so don't worry about losing your job or anything."

"That's good."

The day progressed fairly quietly. I memorized the stock, measured stuff with a tape measure out of boredom and sold a cheap suit to a family with a young man off to junior prom. Part of me missed the banality of normal high school events.

At mutant school, teachers tried to kill you on orders from the psychic principal in order to better teach you survival or something?

Mark was silent and sullen the entire shift and no invitations were forthcoming to Tom and James. I thought about crashing but I decided against. I got paid and I flew back to school and engaged in large scale water training under a cover of mist in the lake until very late.


Psychic wake up call. Psychic battle with swords (Sean insisted that I varied my armament). Every time Sean slashed me with his sword through my armor I could feel my head hurt.

Chess game. Lost a couple of games.

Work. Mark still sulked. Got a visit from Peter Hale and a lean dark haired young executive in a suit, his eyes were chocolate brown but he radiated a fierce intensity. He glanced around and I got the impression he quickly sized up all the relevant details and his gaze locked onto mine as he introduced me.

"I'm Patrick." He said with a firm handshake.

Peter said, "I wanted you to meet this young man because I admire his bravery." I looked around confused wondering what the hell he was talking about. He continued. "He just admitted to the other young man who works here that he's a mutant and risked his job, his lover and a friendship. What do you think about that Patrick?"

Patrick tilted his head and reexamined me with a critical eye. "You don't look like a mutant. What can you do?"

I looked around and the shop seemed empty so I shifted to ice in front of Patrick curious to see what his reaction would be. "This."

He stared for a second and said. "Interesting but not very useful."

I felt insulted by his disdain and created a `hand' to loosen his tie. "And that. I can sense, become and control water."

He looked down at the `water hand' unraveling his tie until it dropped to the floor. I unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt revealing a hint of tanned muscled chest. "Do they pay you well here?"

"Yeah and I get commissions on the suits I sell which is good. Would you like to buy a suit?"

"Trust me you could make more in the private sector kid."

Peter laughed "You're trying to headhunt the kid for what exactly? He's not 18 yet... FUCK."


"It's my son's 18th birthday in two days and I haven't gotten him anything yet. Any ideas what he wants Victor?"

"Um I didn't even know he had a birthday upcoming we don't talk much usually."

Patrick looked between Peter and me. "How do you know Luke, Victor? "

I looked nervously at Peter and he shrugged. "We go to the same school." I reply.

"Interesting." He eyed up Peter and me like he was coming to a conclusion. "Personally if I was turning 18 I'd want a new car and a hot woman but maybe he'd like some booze and a horny boy to plow?" He said eyeing me up with a smirk.

I didn't know what to say and I looked to Peter for help. Peter turned to Patrick and shrugged. "I got him a new car for his last birthday. It might be time to teach him about the value of a good vintage since he gets access to his trust fund on Tuesday and he's going to have to navigate the treacherous waters of financial and emotional independence. My boy will become a man. He's been able to procure his own sexual entertainment from a very young age. He takes after his father in that regard. Any hole is a goal."

Patrick smiled, sharp canines on display. "True. Sometimes if you can't get what you want straight away a substitute will do in the meantime and there is novelty in experimentations. Show me your selection. Perhaps I'll add a few new options to my wardrobe and we can talk about your future."

I showed him the clothes while he grilled me about how powerful and skilled I was in controlling water. I tried to be upfront about what I could do without mentioning that I used to be class 5 and I would be again in a couple of months after Sean wore down the psychic block.

"So many prospects for you kid." He passed me his card. "I have a wide selection of contacts that might appreciate a man of your talents when you turn 18. How long away is that?

"Um 17 months I guess."

He paused for a second and gave me another head to toe look. "And you like cock kid?"

"Yeah." I reply

"Good. I'm getting excited about prospects for you." He idly groped a thick bulge in his pants and I wondered where this was going. He picked out 3 suits he liked the look of and dragged me off to the change rooms to watch him try them on.

"Um why?"

He stripped off his current suit hanging his clothes on a hook nearby. He had been commando and his thick 8 ½ erection bobbed about as he talked "Water is a valuable resource. There's many a viable prospect for you. You could work in defense. They're in desperate need of their own private mutant army as loathe as they are to admit it. One day the Xmen won't bother to save their collective bacon and the rest of the country will suffer for their ignorance and fear.

"Government work can pay well and has good job security there is so much red tape and a man of your age may be too idealistic or simply not ready to waste your life cleaning up government messes.

He stood there naked, lean and muscular, with a light coating of chest hair, a trimmed treasure trail leading to his thick cock and bulging biceps and legs. "Oh yeah I spend a lot of time doing sports. Have to keep fit. Want to help me out here?" He stroked his cock.

"Sure." I dropped to my knees and licked his cock. His pre cum tasted good. "Yeah buddy, we're going to get on well" he held my head so I was forced to look up at him as his grin widened and pushed his cock deeper into my throat. "Anyway there are also lucrative opportunities on the side if you're more interested in some quick cash to build up your nest egg while you're young." He paused fucking my mouth. "You're very skilled at taking a big cock. Do the boss and son take turns using your mouth and ass?"

I groaned reaching down to stroke my very hard erection. I wish. That would be hot. "No."

"You take it up the ass right?" I nod around a mouthful of cock "Want me to pound your ass?"

"Yes." I turned around lowering my pants for easy access. He spread my cheeks apart, spit on my hole and speared me with his thick cock. I stifled a groan. He slid his hands over my firm stomach and tweaked a nipple before gripping my cock as he fucked me hard. I moaned and groaned as he used my hole and whispered into my ear "There's water sourcing, water filtration, even power generation through hydro power, desalinization is a big ticket item at the moment. You could be very popular. Bright future kid."

He exploded into me, gripping me tight as he finished. He pulled out.

I turned around and said "Thanks that was entertaining and different. I don't usually get lectured about career opportunities during sex."

He looked at me and dropped down to his knees swallowing my cock in one practiced motion. He bobs up and down his tongue doing terrible things to my brain. I blow after 30 seconds of the best oral sex I've had and he gulps down my load.

"My pleasure, my young protégé. Always enjoy talking business." He says standing up.

"Are you gay?"

He smiled wide shaking his head and said "NO, it's just sometimes useful to conclude deals on your knees. Here's some free advice. Use your mouth to please on your knees and be wary of those who'll use your ass in trade. "


"Well for me being fucked is a punishment for bad work. It's only happened once when I took a client to a strip joint and he fell for some stupid stripper and left his wife and he lost his job and he became useless to us. When my first boss ripped my pants down and fucked me without lube I gritted my teeth and plotted how to turn it all around. I took over that department using that as a juicy piece of blackmail and learned that if I wanted to please a customer I'd have to make sure to do it myself and not leave it to some pumped up bimbo. I got very good at sucking cock and reading people."

"So you and Peter?"

"I've sucked him a few times but that's about as far as that will go and now that I know he's a mutant. That will probably cease unless I'm bored. Maybe I should get him to suck me. That'll be fun. PETER! "

Peter tried the door but Patrick must have locked it when I'd been distracted by nudity or sex. I opened it with a `hand' to Patrick's wide grin.

Peter looked between us smiling "Good to see you're getting along."

Patrick stroked himself "Close the door and suck my cock."

Peter closed the door behind him, locking it before replying "I'm your ..."

"Gay? Bi mutant boss and if you don't want it getting out you're going to get down on your knees and blow me."

Peter turned to me "Victor?"

"I didn't say anything!"

"He didn't need to say anything; the fact that the kid goes to the same school as your son and he's a gay mutant was enough. Your son moves from a prestigious boarding school to some barely known private school with rumors of mutants and it's not hard to connect the dots. This was your lame attempt to test my reaction on mutants meaning that your boy is one and so are you. I got confirmation when you looked betrayed by Victor. For the record I don't give a fuck about whether someone is gay or a mutant or purple as long as they're useful."

"Dangerous gamble. I could still fire you and claim it's a spurious rumor."

"Perhaps but I could insist that you get tested to prove your claim and the truth will come out. Anyway I've seen the way you look at me when you think I'm not looking in the showers after our weekly squash game. You want my cock. And don't worry I'm not going to tell anyone about any of this. It's just quiet leverage to ensure my position as your right hand man."

"Offer accepted." Peter moved forward and swallowed Patrick's thick cock. Patrick saw me watching.

"As for you kid. How about you get behind me and rim my hole."

I stood there for a moment debating with myself whether I liked his tone and his blackmailing of Peter (a sort of friend?) I gave in after watching Peter's eager sucking on Patrick's cock. Patrick's pert posterior looked tasty so I got down on my knees and rimmed this strange straight man as he fucked his boss's mouth and blew his second load into him.

Peter kneeled there licking his lips clean of Patrick's cum. "This is why you're my second in command, you're intelligent and ruthless and I love it."

Patrick thrusted forward filling Peter's mouth again. "Glad you enjoy it boss because you're going to be sucking my cock whenever I want. As for your son's birthday present why don't you let him fuck your mouth or your probably tight ass. Let him be a man and fuck his dad."

I sighed and said "Luke is straight."

"He fucks you doesn't he? And you're obviously getting fucked by his dad. Why don't you just suck Luke's cock and his dad can walk in and offer to take over. Or have him fuck you while Peter walks in. It'd be funny and filthy. You might want to get him drunk first. I wouldn't say no to two horny cock suckers and a tight ass to fuck. I fucked you and I'm not keen on guys. I just like sex. Most guys do. Actually all this talk of a father son threesome is getting me horny again. Why don't the two of you work on my cock and practice your technique."

Neither of us could find the words to object so we took turns sucking his cock and rimming him and slobbered over his cock together during kissing. One point we fingered his tight hole licking the spongy head of his cock until he blasted a load on both of our faces. We licked each other's faces clean.

We 69'd on the floor until we were both close and then Peter fucked me hard on the floor missionary style, kissing me hard as he added his load to Patrick's as I dumped my load into his sweat stained shirt. I drew on the water around us to clean his shirt.

"While you two fucked on the floor like mindless animals I've tried on all the suits and they'll make a nice addition to my wardrobe. It's been great meeting you Victor. Dry cleaning is also an option I suppose." Patrick said dressed in his original high priced suit.

I rung up his purchases along with a suit Peter got. The rest of the day passed in a blur as I thought about Luke and Peter Hale inside me at the same time, in my mouth and ass, sharing my ass in a father son dp.

I got a very large commission from my sales and Allesandro congratulated me by fucking me on my back on his desk at the end of the day adding his load to the others from the horny work day.

Sunday evening I return to the Mansion and I stash the cash in my lake storage spot.

When I return to my room Luke asks about the books on military strategy as I change to normal pants and a shirt. "I'm trying to fight back more in danger room sessions so I can be stronger."

"I can show you some basic techniques, grapples, holds, punches and kicks. Dad got me to do martial arts for a while when I was younger in case I got kidnapped for ransom."


"Yeah being the son of someone rich and powerful can be dangerous sometimes. I can show you my moves outside if you like."


We go outside and he demonstrates various techniques while I have 2 pairs of golems with our shapes copy seconds later so I can learn faster.

We practice grapples. The last technique involves him throwing me to the ground pressing his body weight into my shoulders and across my upper torso to restrict movements. His erection pressed against mine as we share a moment of physical awareness.

I stroke him through his pants and he unzips. He flips me over onto my stomach and yanks at my pants sliding into my still slippery hole (hadn't phased). He fucks me hard and fast doggy style out in the open air. I Love it, him, the risky sex. He cums in me and I blast a load into the grass.

As we lay next to each other "So guessing by the loads in your ass today Mark has gotten over your confession now?"

"No, there were these two customers (I thought for a second and figured I'd test the waters) both very good looking that came together; a man in his early 20's and another aged probably about 40. They looked about the right age to be father and son."

"A sugar daddy or actual father son?"

"I don't think they were related but they were probably the right age to be father son. They took turns fucking and sucking me it was hot. At the end of the day Allesandro added his load to theirs."

"Fuck dude, you are so fucked up. Why does that turn me on so much? "He lifts my legs up and slams into me hard and fast. I wrap my arms and legs around him wanting him to blow in me again.

I took a deep breath. "I'd love to be fucked by a real father son pair. I've had two brothers in me at the same time and I want a father son pair."

"Would you?" he moved slower within me. "Any father son pair or did you have someone in particular in mind?"

"A hot pair."

Luke yanked at my hair and whispered in my ear "You're a bad horny doggy and I'm going to fuck your brains out." He thrusts and fucks into me as I use hands' to tug and tweak his hard nipples while a tongue' laps at his tight hole. He cums in me with a grunt and pulls out shaking his head. "You are such a weird little fucker." He walks off...

To exhaust my mind quickly for bed, I lift up all the water in the lake swirling it in elaborate patterns draining my energy with the extensive and prolonged effort and went off to sleep.


Wake up, psychic exercise and chess followed by classes.

In the afternoon Storm and Bobby find me in my room reading and takes me to the Danger room for weather training.

Storm demonstrates how she creates mist, wind, thunder, lightning, rain, gentle snows and blizzards.

Bobby ends up creating a frost blast attack from his hands to mimic a small scale blizzard. I `sense' the difference she creates on the environment when she uses her power and I keep it in mind for experimentation later.

In the evening Luke shows me more fighting techniques and we go skinny dipping in the lake together. I suck a load out of him underwater. After he gets cold I warm him up with some warm water cascading over his body as I rim his tight hole as he's on his hands and knees on the sandy bank.

"I'm going to fuck your brains out," He declares after I get him really worked up by tonguing his tight hole.

"Catch me if you can." I run into the water and let him catch me after a couple of minutes of swimming away from him to make him work for his prize. He fucks me as we float in the lake held in my power's grasp. Surrounded by water I tease and stroke his entire body, sliding a trickle of water past his tight anal ring as he fucks me. He explodes into me from my water assisted prostate massage.

"You are the weirdest, hottest little fucker I know. It's actually kind of worrying." I kiss him on the mouth and he pulls away and bites me on the collar bone."

We go to sleep together in his bed. (Technically I go to sleep half an hour later after I exhaust myself lifting the water and twirling it around in ribbons of ice water and steam until I feel sleepy and let go.)

Tuesday Luke's birthday June 20

I woke up Luke with a birthday blowjob to Luke's grunts of appreciation and a mouthful of cum down my throat. He appreciated my second birthday gift less vocally. I got him a colorful geode, thinking perhaps he might like it and it might be interesting to see if he could `bend' it. My third gift was informing him we both had the day off from class to spend naked doing whatever he wanted.

(I had informed Cyclops that I wouldn't be attending classes today because I'd be entertaining Luke all day because it was his birthday. Peter Hale had called in to give permission that Luke could celebrate.)

Luke and I spent the morning naked in his bed. First I licked him from head to toe, then I sucked him for a few minutes and rode his cock until I blasted all over his chest then I licked him clean. We cuddled for a bit afterwards before I rimmed his hole with his legs raised then I licked and sucked his cock as I worked my way up to sticking 2 fingers into his tight hole. He came hard in my mouth, his strong thighs clamped around my neck as his hole tightened around my fingers.

I enjoyed this rare quiet time together with no training or near death experiences marring the fun. I felt anxious about the surprise I had planned but it was too late to change plans now and I was dying to see what happened next. Luke was fucking me doggy style yanking at my hair whispering about me being his good doggy when his dad walked in interrupting, "Happy Birthday Son."

Luke pulled out abruptly standing up to face his dad, hands over his crotch in an attempt to cover his big hard cock. "This isn't what it looks like dad".

Peter passed over a bottle of champagne and whisky over to Luke. Luke had no choice but to take them from his dad and as his hands were occupied with alcohol his hard cock was exposed. Patrick walked in from behind carrying a large case of beer, the same brand as from Poker night. Luke obviously didn't notice the definite bulge in Peter's pants or the wink Patrick shot me.

Peter passed over a pair of airline tickets requiring Luke to place the alcohol onto the nearby bed side table. "You're a man now and you make your own decisions. Now that you're legally an adult I brought you a selection of alcohol and a pair of round trip tickets to Australia where the legal drinking age is 18. Your flight leaves this weekend and you can stay for a week before you have to get back to school. My gift to you. Now if you'll excuse me."

I was still naked and on my hands and knees as Peter unzipped the fly of his pants and released his hard cock and took only a second to line it up with my used hole and slammed in deep. Luke stared in shock as his dad pummeled my horny ass without mercy.

Patrick walked over and dropped the case of beer onto my bed and hugged a naked Luke. "Congratulations on turning 18, you can now do some of the stuff you've been doing illegally since you've been a teenager legally. Takes a little of the fun out of it but the upside is you can do it more frequently now. He squeezed Luke's butt with a muttered comment of "Nice" before dropping to his knees and sucking on Luke's semi.

While Luke was getting his cock sucked I had been flipped onto my back with Peter Hale kissing me deep while fucking me hard.

"Patrick, Dad what are you doing?"

"Getting your cock nice and wet before you stick it in your old man." Patrick replied

"Waste not, want not son. You left your poor friend Victor unfinished. I'm taking care of him."

Patrick undid his pants, letting them fall around his ankles. He kicked off his shoes and shoved his thick cock in between our kisses. We took turns licking and sucking his cock.

"What about mom? Does she know?" Luke asked staring at the writhing threesome happening on his bed, hard cock unattended. I reached out a hand' to stroke his cock. I pulled in more water in the room creating more hands' to massage him. Patrick repositioned himself so that he fucked my mouth while Peter rimmed his hole.

Peter took a brief pause from rimming to reply. "Your mom knows, I told her after our 2nd wedding anniversary, we celebrated with a bi threesome with your Uncle Brandon."

"Relax Luke have some champagne relax then fuck your Dad's brains out. His tight ass is begging for it. He won't let me fuck it until you've had first crack at it. Excuse the pun." Patrick grabbed my head tighter fucking my throat faster.

"Victor, what the fuck is going on?"

^ I'm sorry Luke, your dad came around my second day of work and I didn't know who he was until after he had already fucked me. I found out when he paid for his purchases but he asked me not to tell you and honestly I didn't know how to tell you. ^

"This is fucking insane."

"Oh god I'm Cumming." Patrick dumped a thick creamy load down my throat. "Well my advice Luke is drink up." Patrick opened the champagne, it bubbled up as Luke grabbed it swallowing it down.

"Fucking hell my dad is fucking my roommate in front of me. "

"From what I gather this isn't the first time you've fucked the kid. He's got a hot ass.

"You fucked him too?"

"Yeah. Take my advice fuck them both. They're both horny cock suckers and that's always useful when you want to bust a nut. "

Luke sat on my bed and finished the bottle of champagne by himself while his dad fucked me and Patrick sat next to him naked from the waist down whispering in his ear while tearing open the case of beer. He took one beer, tapped it against the now empty champagne bottle in Luke's limp grasp. Luke uncapped the whiskey took a large swig straight from the bottle.

"Fuck it, time to embrace the insanity." He said slurring his words a little. He grabbed another can of beer swallowing it down as he progressed towards us. We stopped kissing and moved apart. He climbed onto his bed straddling my face hard cock pointed at me. "Suck it Hound". I sucked on him while his dad continued moving within me. I had Hale dicks in both ends, it was hot. Peter stroked his son's back and Luke looked at him "Ah fuck it Dad rim me already if you want."

Patrick had a video camera out recording us. His hard cock pointing up as he sipped from his beer watching us with great interest.

Peter Hale obliged his son by eating out his sweet little ass. I held onto his buttocks spreading them as he fucked my mouth and his dad rimmed him. Luke moaned as our tongues worked him over.

Luke pulled off turning around seating himself onto my face. His dad took over sucking Luke's cock. Luke moaned out "dad" and Peter sped up fucking me faster with a mouthful of his son's cock. Luke grabbed the back of his dad's head and started thrusting in roughly "Oh God dad I can't believe you like taking cock, this is so fucked up".

Peter pulled off Luke's cock, "You've grown up to be such a handsome young man." Luke pushed his dad back onto his cock.

"Shut up dad, suck me good. I'm going to fuck you in a minute." He pulled off a couple minutes later. "Time to fuck you Dad."

Luke got behind Peter whose whole body tensed before yelling out "Fuck son. Be gentle. I haven't taken cock in a decade." He gritted his teeth in visible pain.

"You're fucking too tight," I streamed water around Luke's cock as Patrick moved closer filming us one handed as he stroked himself.

"Oh yeah that's it, take my big dick dad."

Peter slammed my ass. He didn't last long between us before dumping his load into my hungry ass pausing wearily over me as his son continued to slam into him for a minute more until he orgasmed, pumping his load into his dad. They stayed like that locked into position for a couple of minutes, Peter buried all the way into me and Luke into his dad. Luke pulled out of his Dad moving over and grabbing the whiskey, bending over in front of us, giving us a hot view of his tight little rose bud, Peter started moving again inside of me. Luke looked over and I could tell when he realized what got his dad in the mood as he blushed while his cock throbbed. He didn't comment just swigged down a long mouthful of whiskey as his dad kept slamming into me. Luke was still naked and hard and he looked good from every angle so I could appreciate his Dad's interest in seeing him naked. I saw Luke naked and hard all the time and it never got boring. Luke took another swig of the whiskey before passing it over to me and I sipped at it gingerly before Peter grabbed it and took a healthy swig." I could do with some pain relief after that fucking, God my ass aches."

Peter pulled out of me his slick 9 and a half cock on display as he walked over to join Patrick on my bed.

Patrick asks "What's next birthday boy?"

"I want to watch you fuck my dad."

"Done" Patrick bends Peter over and fucks him hard doggy style over the case of beer, Luke watches and videotapes it while I sip the whiskey as it works its way through me.

I walk over next to Luke bottle in hand. I pass it over. "Did you want to fuck me next?" Luke asks.

"If you want me to, I'll fuck you."

Patrick and Peter look back at us."

"I'm nearly drunk enough to try" Luke says before taking another large gulp from the whiskey. "I figure I popped your cherry ass you might as well pop mine. When they're done though, I need to drink more." He takes another swig as Patrick speeds up inside Peter slamming him hard.

"Yes, yes fuck me harder."

"Your ass is mine bitch."

Patrick cums inside Peter as Luke takes another swig.

"Fuck me before I pass out Hound."

"Not the most romantic of propositions but sure."

"You'll be a good warm up, see if I like it as much as you or dad." Luke bends over on his bed and I lube up my cock and slide in his tight hole with my 6 inch cock. He grunts and I bottom out into him.

I fuck him for a while as Patrick films us with the discarded camera. "You feel so good."

"Yeeah hound do me." He rocks back and forth on my cock.

"I'm going to cum." I speed up thrusting wildly into his hole.

"Yeah blast in me," Luke moans, stroking his cock faster.

I blow and pull out. Luke flips over on his back staring at the ceiling.

"You okay?"

"I'm squishy inside, it feels weird."

Patrick and Peter walk over, their hard cocks stiff and imposing.

"How do you feel son?'

"Drunk and horny as fuck," Luke says stroking his cock.

"Want another son?"

"Drink or cock?" Luke asks. Peter shrugs. Patrick grabs the half empty whiskey bottle and passes it over to Luke. I grab the camera panning over each of them in turn. Luke takes a swig from the whiskey as Peter strokes his cock and strokes his son's thigh with his other hand. "Did you want to fuck me Dad?" Peter's nod is hesitant. "God dam it my life is so fucked up. Fuck me Dad before I change my mind." Before Luke had even finished the sentence his Dad was kneeling on the bed fingering his son's hole. He grabbed Luke's thighs and pushed in.

"Oh God" they both moaned.

"Got to love the family resemblance. This is some seriously hot fucked up sexing. I should come visit you more often." He moves behind me sliding inside my sloppy hole, an arm around my chest and his hand on my cock, stroking and fucking me as I watch and film Luke getting his ass pounded by his dad.

"Oh Yeah Daddy make me cum." They exchange a hot kiss as Luke pulls his daddy closer; Peter fucks him harder and faster in response.

"Excuse me" Patrick pulls out of me and moves over to suck on Luke's cock, Patrick swallows down Luke's load as Peter dumps his daddy load into his son minutes later. Peter pulls out and stands. Luke slumps spread eagled on the mattress exhausted.

Patrick flips him over and fucks him fast as I capture every detail on tape. Patrick blows in Luke's now sloppy hole.

Patrick pulls out "Want another go kid?"

Luke "my ass feels like a geyser, is this what being a gay slut feels like. You're lucky you can phase away the looseness I suppose..." His head flops limp onto his pillow.

I shift to water, upgrading myself moving forward passing the camera to a stunned Patrick. "Be sure to capture every movement of this." I kneel with my cock teasing across Luke's now stretched out hole before slamming into him. Fucking him with his own cock.

"Oh God." He turns back to look at me. "Victor how?"

"I'm using your cock to fuck you again. I copied it."

"Oh God" He slumps back to the pillow as I slam his hole furiously with his cock Blasting a load a few minutes later into him.

Peter says "I think we should leave."

Patrick replies "Yeah I think this got too weird even for me."

They left Peter taking the camera off Patrick much to Patrick's annoyance and all I can hear is Luke's heavy breathing.

"Are you okay?

"I think I need to sleep this off somewhere else. I think I need some time by myself somewhere far away."

I hang out in the lake while I have a dozen ice statues smash each other to pieces until I drown out my confusion in exhaustion.

Wednesday June 21st

Wake up, psychic exercise & chess, classes.

Luke ignores me in the couple of classes we have together.

I do Water training till late, not feeling fit for human contact.

Run into Scale in the kitchen around 2 am.

"Hi I wanted to apologize about last week. I know you probably want nothing to do with me after last time but I'm really sorry. I didn't know my cum paralyzed too."

"That's okay. Weird shit happens to me all the time. Next time we have sex we just need adult supervision. That was some of the best sex and sleep I've had so far."

"You want there to be a next time?"

"Sure why not? Unless you're not interested."

"Of course I'm interested. You felt amazing."

"Want to go outside, we can chat and I'll see if Sean can remote supervise or something."

"I'm not supposed to go outside, someone might see me."

"I go outside all the time and do weird shit. If it makes you feel better I can create some mist to cover our activities if you like. "

"That would be great it's been a while since I've gone outside without a cloak."

I poked Sean remotely with a `hand' and he blasted me with a psychic bolt saying he was exhausted. Lachlan was with him.

I turned to Scale and said "Sorry Scale looks like I can't get supervision. We could hang out and I can show you the combat techniques that my roommate was showing me.

I demonstrate the techniques to Scale and he picks it up super-fast and is throwing me to the ground more often than I do him. I show him staff techniques with my ice staff and when I pass it to him he complains about it being too cold. I slice off a branch off one of the trees with an `ice katana' and he uses that to practice the techniques before I have him work with me with some practice bouts.

Scale shows me up by being better with the staff than I am. I'm impressed by his speed and reflexes. I ponder his martial abilities for a while. "What else are you good at?"

"Technology I guess. I've spent most of my life underground fiddling with whatever bits of hardware I can find. I can hijack the computers downstairs to do anything I want. "

"Useful. Let's see how good you are against a couple of my golems. They really need a test drive against someone other than me. "

Scale moved too quick for my golems to land a blow. While his wood stick did little damage to the 'Onyx golems' they were too slow to be useful other than for intimidation purposes.

Next I tried two of my `ice statues' against him. They landed blows but Scales attacks damaged them. After 20 minutes they were too damaged to continue. I discarded them.

I tried something new. 2 water statues equipped with ice staves.

They moved quicker than either of the other versions, took no damage from strikes by Scale. They were great melee warriors. Major downside was they required constant upkeep to maintain. After half an hour Scale was worn out and so was I. We lay next to each other recovering.

"Well that was interesting. You're a talented warrior."

"Thanks. You're a powerful mutant."

"Thanks. Want to fool around?"

"What about supervision? I don't want to cause you to bleed out and be paralyzed again."

"True that could be hazardous. How about I fuck you this time? I've got a big cock that needs to fuck more ass."

Scale blinked and I noticed he had a nictating membrane. `I hate to break it to you but 6 inches isn't big. You should know that if you've taken Onyx's 14 inches. Though Centaur was pissed at me when I told him that I didn't think you were likely to visit downstairs after what I did. He really misses sex. 18 inches isn't something an average person can take and those that could probably wouldn't want a mutant involved."

"He's 18 inches?" Scale nodded "Is that why his mutant name is Centaur because he's hung like a horse?

"Not exactly."

"Anyway I know 6 is average but I've got a new trick where I can have either a 9 inch cock or an 11 inch cock. So far I've only fucked 3 guys with them."

"Wow. That's an amazing ability but um he's actually like a Centaur. Half man, half horse, average sized horse cock Enormous human size penis. "

"That sounds like fun. When can I meet him?"

"Seriously? You want to meet him?"

"Yeah introduce me to all your friends." I shifted to water and drew in extra volume from the lake and reformed with a hard Vader's cock. Scale rubbed it and sucked on it for a while until my penis felt numb. I shook him loose explaining. I fucked him on the ground after lubing him up with some water, taking his tight cherry ass with my huge new cock. I dumped a thick load in his ass.

He took me downstairs and introduced me to his roommates he had 3. Gargoyle had thick tough gray skin and an 8 inch cock, Quicksilver tall and lean with streaks of silver over his face and body with a 7 inch cock, Abraxas was red with a forked tail with a 7 inch cock. I said an awkward hi remembering the last time I `interacted' with them.

They followed Scale and me as I was introduced to Centaur. His 2 roommates were present who bunked on one side of the room in a double bunk bed while he slept on a mattress on the floor. His roommates were a hairy ape like man with an 8 ½ inch cock and Dryad a guy with bark brown skin with splotches of grey and gnarly fingers.

I didn't have any memories of Dryad or Centaur. The others I had stroked during my `wet dream' while they had been getting ready for bed. I had thought they were all a dream until I met Scale for the first time. It seemed the consequences of that wet dream were going to haunt me for ages.

The air of desperation and expectation made me suddenly anxious about the 7 large guys surrounding me triggering bad memories and I bailed by turning into mist escaping through the elevator.

Next: Chapter 17

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