
By wayne unknown

Published on Oct 24, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Glossary of terms and other stuff...

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

Within the psychic landscape

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION::

and end with :: ::

For clarity (I hope). Ice Golems used by Victor come in 3 settings.

Paul sized 6 foot broad shoulders refered to as 'golems'. Medium speed and power.

Onyx sized (when he's transformed into his larger form) 7 foot tall physically imposing refered to as 'Onyx golems'. Slow but powerful hitters.

Victor replicas sized about 5 foot 10 slight build (his average height and shape) referred to as 'statues' or 'ice statues'. Fast but not very intimidating, powerful or as durable. Often used as a proxy for tasks the real Victor can't be bothered to deal with personally.

proxies: 'statues' used to do personal mutant errands.

Author's note

This is the climax of the story where Victor ... engages in a last burst of sex and violence.

I welcome all feedback negative or positive to my email

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On with the story...

Monday 3rd July

I `exercise' with Colossus in the morning grafting more of his metal onto my bones.

Afterwards he turns on the TV and a news report plays about the hundreds of thousands of casualties caused by the worldwide `event' with the death toll rising by the hour. Citizens demand action and answers. Colossus turns it off with a sigh "This is going to make things worse for us."


I spend the majority of the day working out physically while spreading my eyes' further afield, testing the new limits of my power. I even work out my eyes' with more complicated experiments, reading through medical tomes and newspapers (over people's shoulders) about recent worldwide events.

Meanwhile Sean wakes up late in the afternoon and I welcome him back to the world with a hug. Mike and Lachlan already had as they'd been alternating sleeping in the room in their bedside vigil and were there to greet him the instant he woke up.

I suppose you want more training.

No I've picked up a few things myself while you were sleeping. You need your rest, relax and recover.

I find Luke (and Onyx) on his way from the airport and I double the amount of Golems at the entrances, wanting to impress him after his long absence, hoping he had forgiven me for the birthday fuck up.

I lie in my bed wondering if Luke will come back to the room or stay with Onyx post-holiday break.

The taxi driver looks a bit worried by the golems standing sentinel but he gets a large tip from Luke and leaves.

I don't follow Luke's progress, disabling all the `eyes' in the mansion too full of conflicting feelings to watch him.

I fall asleep in bed after hours of hopeful and hopeless waiting. I wake up to a naked and hard Luke poking me awake. I instinctively check on the golems, they're puddles; I reform them as I look Luke over and notify the Morlocks to stand watch. He looks healthier, happier and hornier since I last saw him.

"Hey Hound. I hear you've been very busy in my absence. Taking Colossus's cock every morning, working out all the time, slapping soldiers around during a military raid, taking over the running of the school and helping Sean to defend the school against Xavier's psychic attack, keeping him alive long enough to put on a ventilator and guiding him back from the dead."

"Where did you hear that?"

"Mike, Lachlan and some of it from Sean."

"I had to amuse myself somehow while you were gone."

Luke chuckled and caressed my hair. I missed his laugh so much and his touch even more. I hardened in my underwear and reached out to touch his abs. "Did you miss me?"

"I really did."

"Show me." I leaned over and sucked on his cock. He groaned and pushed his cock deep inside my throat. "Oh God, I missed you sucking on my bone... Bend over mate."

I spun around presenting my ass to him and he pulled down my underwear and speared me with his thick cock. I missed him so much; I welcomed the pain as he split me apart. I lubed up my insides as he groaned and fucked me hard. "Fuck me!"

"With pleasure mate." He fucked me harder and faster yanking on my hair. "Oh yeah. I'm going to cum." He sped up blasting his load inside me.

"Thanks. I missed you. I wondered if you'd ever fuck me again after last time."

"Yeah that was some really weird shit." He said pulling out. "Make room for me mate."

I moved aside "Why do you keep saying mate?"

Luke chuckled. "Me and Onyx hung out with these really Bogan surfers down in Queensland for a few days and one of them kept saying mate at the end of every sentence. Drove me crazy but then I started doing it myself. Hopefully it'll bugger off soon." He snuggled up next to me his semi nestled in my crack.

I stayed silent wondering what our relationship was now. "Nice trip?"

"Yeah it was epic, met these two girls that were really into me and I banged them both for most of my stay there and I spent a lot of time on nude beaches working on my tan. I got my cock sucked by a lot of guys in the gay section and fucked quite a few horny dudes. You would have loved it. Lots of horny Aussie boys with funny accents."

"Sounds nice."

"Don't sulk, next time I'll take you. After all the craziness in the last month you probably need a holiday and I've got access to my trust I can buy you a ticket if you like."

"I probably have enough money to buy my own ticket from working but I'd need to get a passport first. I haven't left the country before. My mom wanted to visit my Nonna in the old country but it never ended up happening."

"Just for the record what happened during my birthday is never happening again. I was drunk and curious and we're not going to talk about any of it ever. Okay?"

"Ok then." While I had enjoyed slamming into Luke's virgin ass and then his cum sloppy hole during his birthday I was happy as long as he still talked to me.

"I spent a lot of time on the beach and I practiced moving sand around at night. You make me look lazy with all your training." I turned around to look at his eager face. "I figured I would put in some hours too. I learned how to do this." The sand from his bowl stuck to his skin forming a thin layer of earth armor over him. "What do you think?"

"That's interesting um but could you not do that in my bed. I don't want sand all over the place."

"Well I guess some things don't change. You're still a pain in the ass sometimes."

"I thought you didn't want to talk about that."

"Ugh. Stop talking." He covered my mouth with his hand. My hard cock rubbed up against his semi as I tried to wriggle out of his grip (Admittedly not that hard as I didn't want to get away from his warm naked body.) He squeezed my butt. "I know how to keep you from annoying me. I won't let you talk." He flipped me onto my stomach, his hand quick to resume covering my mouth as he slid back into my hole. I moaned the sound muffled by his hand. "Every night you better be nearby so I can use your horny ass. If you go out I want you to make sure I know where you are..." He humped inside me for several minutes before continuing. "You're mine mate." I nodded and he fucked me harder and faster, his other hand seeking out my cock and stroking it to match his movements and I blasted onto my sheets as Luke groaned and exploded into me falling asleep on top of me minutes later.

I reach inside myself, restoring my mental castle and adding more strength and power to the nightmare soldiers so they could hunt down invaders for me. I replace the mental partition limiting my darkest power to conscious control along with making my powers inaccessible while asleep.

I reached out my awareness through the series of `eyes' I'd left to Mark's place and created a single golem out of mist on the building opposite his place...

Tuesday 4th July

I slip out of bed and go `exercise' with Colossus. After we're done there's a replay of the President's message to the public about the need for calm and cooperation. It sounds off especially the part where he appears to blank in the middle of the speech. It makes for a very subdued Independence Day.

Visit Sean in the med bay. He is feeling much better. Lachlan is looking grimy. I tell him to have a shower while Sean and I catch up.

"I'm sorry I was rude yesterday. Lachlan told me that you kept my heart beating until you could get me hooked up to the machine and you found me when I was lost and guided me back. I owe you."

"I think we're about even now. You saved my life. I saved yours. That's what friends are for." I hug him. "Up for a game of chess?"

"Sure it'll give me something to do while I wait for Lachlan."

"You guys a couple now?"

"Yeah." Sean smiles as he takes out one of my pawns.

"Congrats. Best of luck bud."

I win the chess game by the time Lachlan returns.

"I think it's about time to get out of here," Sean said.

"Are you sure that's wise? " Asks Lachlan

"I'm fine now, don't worry. I'm only moving upstairs to my bed and we can relax there however you might have to help me shower first." He laughs weakly and Lachlan and I share a look of worry before Lachlan agrees and we help him to the shower while we give him a quick rinse as he looks way too tired for anything rough. Afterwards we settle him into bed.

Some of the other students get picked up by their families for celebrations. The rest of us make do with our own amusements as our families are too far away or things are too raw still to visit them.

The X-men (and Bobby and Rogue) return with the captured children to celebration from the other students. A blue guy I'd never seen before trailed along while Jean and Pyro were absent...

Things settle down a bit as Xavier assumes control over the school again. I find out from my new source of information Eaves (he'd gotten over my refusal thanks to Mike's visits to Vader's) that Jean was presumed dead and Pyro had joined Magneto abandoning everyone else. Weird stuff. I avoid them all, feeling resentment about them leaving the School defenseless in their absence and not even bothering to check up on us before apparently hunting down the president to intimidate him into non retaliation for the worldwide psychic attack.

I seek out Gaia to ask her about life on a farm. She goes on for several minutes about farm life before asking "why?"

"I'm thinking of moving on from the school soon, given recent events."

"It's scary here; I didn't expect life away from the farm to involve soldiers breaking in to my room while I slept. Thank you again for stopping that soldier from hurting me."

"You're welcome. When I leave you're welcome to come join me. I'm going to try and take as many people as I can. There is strength in numbers."

I use an ice statue proxy to have a long discussion with all the Morlocks, including the 7 morlock males that only contact with me has been Bo staff training and the 5 female Morlocks who I had no previous interaction. I eventually ask them if they'd join me in a new community out in the open.

There is initial hesitation about being out in the open where they'd be vulnerable to ridicule. I admit that there are risks but this place tried to pretend that our differences from humans were irrelevant and considering the invasion we weren't safe here anyway. I wanted to build a mutant community that appreciated our talents and used them for everyone's benefit.

They say yes.

Luke fucks me a couple of time before he sleeps in his bed.

I do my training remotely from the comfort of my own bed creating a couple of dozen Onyx golems from the nearby lake letting them smash each other faces in. Without the restraint of Xavier's psychic block, creating and maintaining them requires less effort power wise.

Wednesday 5th July

I have a final `exercise' session with Colossus before tracking down Sean and asking him if he'd like to join me if and when I left the Mansion.

"I'm sorry I can't come with you. This is the best place for me to learn to develop my psychic abilities and Lachlan is here and Mike needs the stability."

"Can't argue with that. I'll miss you." He hugs me and restores the psychic shield within me. It feels significantly stronger than earlier.

I use `ice statues' to ask everyone I can think of if they would come with me if I left. Eaves, no, Vader, no, Mike, no, Lachlan, no, Onyx, yes, Spark, yes, Peter, yes, Paul, yes, Bobby, no.

I went to Cyclops room and he answered.

"Morning Cyclops."

"What did you want Victor?" Cyclops looked rough, unshaved, underwear crumpled. He hadn't gotten dressed and I tried to avoid looking at the semi he sported. It looked like I had woken him up and it was indecent how hot he looked scruffy with bed hair.

"Well I thought I'd offer to help with finding Jean."

"Jean is dead, washed away," he said.

"Well I've had some practice lifting up large bodies of water and the least I could do for you is to help you find the body for closure or whatever." I tried to keep my eyes averted from his exposed chest and ignored the sense that more blood was pumping into his cock.

"I've heard what you did while we were gone." He slurred. The staid man had been drinking. It worried me.

"Um okay then. I'll talk to you later when you're more sober."

I left.

During lunch he apologizes for his earlier behavior and asks if I needed his help.

I ask him for a new development plan.

"Was the last one too difficult for you?"

"I've already finished it."

"What do you mean?"

"I am already past the second month section and I'm not sure what to aim for next."

"How have you managed that? I calculated it so that it would take you a couple of months to work through slowly developing over time. You can't have sped through it in a week."

"I cheated, I used phasing and muscle manipulation to speed up the progress. Muscle growth is just ripping apart the old stuff with exercise and it rebuilding tougher the next time. Once I phased away the damage from the first round I knew how to bypass the dull part of recovery to get better results. The mutant equivalent of steroids, I figure I'm on a tight schedule. I don't imagine I'll stay here for much longer."

"Why not?"

"This place was supposed to be safe and yet armed soldiers came around and stole children out of their beds. I think I've gotten about as much use as I can get from this place. "

"That's an anomaly."

"I've read through the history of the school while looking for something to help Sean when he was lost after he tried to defend everyone against Xavier's psychic attack."

"He was hijacked in order to attack mutants."

"I don't care why he did it. The results remain the same. I'm done."

He leaves.

I have last class and afterwards Cyclops is waiting in the hall for me.

"Again? While I like looking at you this is starting to get ridiculous."

"Xavier wants to see you now in his office."

I'm escorted to Xavier's office which had been unsealed and Cyclops waits outside.

"Hello Xavier. What can I do for you?" I look around at the frozen soldiers littered around the office.

"I don't appreciate your tone. You've left a dozen frozen dead bodies in my office. Did you kill them?"

"No they were all killed by Wolverine. I merely patched up the holes in their flesh and stuck them on ice so they wouldn't rot and left them out of the way before I called back the other students. I didn't think they'd want dead bodies lying around when they returned. I figured you know where to dispose of the corpses when you got back so I left them in your office as you weren't here to complain. I smacked the few soldiers I could reach into unconsciousness when I awoke to screams."

"I'll confirm your story with Logan. There's also the matter of you breaking into Cerebro endangering the lives of Sean and Mike and yourself in a foolhardy mission that served no purpose."

"Sean wanted to check something out and then you were attacking us with psychic power and he wanted Mike and my help. He helped protect the students from you. "

"I was under an illusionist's influence; I wasn't in control of my abilities at the time!"

"I'd imagine it's terrible when someone takes advantage of you psychically. I imagine it must be weird to feel like you're not in control of your God given abilities. "

Xavier's pulse accelerated. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. You read minds without consent, you hijack people's bodies at a whim, and you psychically neutered me. Worst of all you allowed yourself to be used to try and kill the entire world's mutant population and then every human incidentally killing hundreds of thousands of people worldwide and you have the audacity to question my behavior." I unleash the full force of my fear and rage against the man who tried to take from me the only thing that made me unique. "How much blood is on your hands Professor? I haven't killed anyone unlike you and Wolverine. How many deaths are you responsible for? You say you're training mutants so they can develop control over their abilities but that's a cop out. You're recruiting for your own private army for your own stupid private agenda and the biggest hypocrisy is what you did to Jean."

I sense Xavier trying to sneak a peek into my mind only to be blocked by Sean's shield. The time spent within Cerebro had increased my sensitivity to psychic activity and the reservoirs of mental strength I had to draw on. I didn't have the offensive psychic abilities of Sean or Xavier but my mind felt stronger. Recent exercises with `eyes' had helped to increase my mental stamina too.

I create an ice dagger "Don't try and read my mind without my permission again or I will be forced to retaliate with force."

"I recognize Sean's psychic imprint on that psychic shield. I wasn't aware he developed the ability to create a tertiary shield of such magnitude." Xavier said in a transparent attempt to side step the real issue.

"Sean's time in Cerebro helped boost his abilities though it nearly killed him." I shook my head refocusing. "Don't think you can avoid talking about what you did. When I went through your papers looking for something to help him I found the truth. I figured out that Jean is the Phoenix. You refer to the Phoenix in your earlier notes as her and the papers were dated. It all lines up. Does Cyclops know that he was going to marry a neutered class 5 mutant?"

"Cyclops doesn't know and you won't tell him."

"How will you stop me?"

"I am powerful enough to take away your powers and your memories."

"You think because you can reach into other people's minds that makes you powerful. It's not enough. If you try anything against me there's no guarantee you'll survive the attempt. I'm young and I'm strong and someone needs to hold you accountable for the shit you're responsible for. Even if you somehow succeed, from what I've heard from Bobby, the Phoenix was breaking free of your mental stranglehold and embracing her full potential before she died. I'm leaving soon, out of your reach."

Xavier threatens, "I can reach out across the world with Cerebro."

"I can reach out across the world with my water." I create a `hand' inches away from him. "And smack some sense into you if you try anything stupid."

Xavier unleashes his full psychic strength against my shield; I reinforce it with my own will as I feel the pressure build weakening the shield. I shift to water, his attack loses momentum and I lash out with a precision strike. I pick a few blood cells pumping to his brain and hold them in place cutting off his oxygen supply to his brain. His `attack' ceases and I restore his blood blow.

"Whhaat." Xavier slurs.

"That's what happens when you ignore a warning from me. Your Cerebro 2 boosted psychic attack broke your psychic block on my powers and I can access my full strength. I also know that your psychic attacks are less effective on mutant's brains and only hurt a little when I'm water even when you're using class 5 strength. Thanks to my time in Cerebro 1 my mental strength has tripled from Sunday's psychic attack. At class 4 strength you're no match for me. "

"Magneto," Xavier grits out.

I laugh, trying to bury the prickle of guilt. "I'm not going to run off to join Pyro in Magneto's mutant supremacy cause. I've had enough of arrogant old mutants trying to control me."

I walk out and Scott rushes towards a debilitated Xavier. I feel some squirmy guilt from inflicting a mini stroke on an old man in a wheel chair but he was trying to mind rape me so I ignore it and bury it deeper.

I call Patrick for advice telling him the truth. I explain that my powers are potentially limitless but still in the training stages and I need money in order to feed at least 27 mutant followers.

Patrick is intrigued by my desire to fund my own private community supported by mutant power. "I'll call you back in a couple of hours after I do some research."

While I wait for him to call back on my cell I gathered everyone (via proxies) who had said yes downstairs where there was less chance we'd be interrupted.

It was quite the eclectic crowd. There were the Morlocks including 5 female Morlocks who kept their distance from everyone as well as Peter, Paul, Gaia, Luke, Onyx and Spark.

We agree to leave on Saturday morning which should give us some time to find some isolated piece of land until we can find something more permanent. The Morlocks ask if they can bring their parents along. I ask how many there are.

They answer 25

I do the maths and wonder about how that works out and say yes. Figuring the more mutants the better it'll be for defense.

Luke informs us that he's able to chip in major money once we find a place we all like.

I send everyone off to get organized packing wise as I `scan' the country side for somewhere that is likely to be able to sustain 50 people.

Patrick calls back to suggest that `desalinization' or purification of water would be a profitable option. An individual that can process water on a large scale could be a godsend to some small governments or a community.

I thank him for his suggestion as I research current desalination and purification methods. (It might be useful in providing fresh water for 50 people but I'm not sure there is enough mutant tolerance in the US to get paid for that kind of work. Maybe if I got a passport I could visit another country and get paid to separate out salt from water and develop my abilities in the process.)

I ask Luke for his opinion as he might end up bankrolling us in the gap between leaving Xavier's and finding a permanent home. My wages from working were good but nowhere near enough to fund a small community alone for any significant period of time.

He suggests a farm in some rural backwater might be a good option as he's talked to Grace/Gaia and she grew up around dozens of farm hands far away from civilisation and it was good. "With our combined powers we should be able to do well on a farm."

"True enough and a farm somewhere isolated gives us a few more options."

Luke fucks me a couple of times in my bed before he falls asleep. I reach out to the max of my sight range' which is about 1000 miles now out to Alkali Lake the scene of Jean's death. I create three dozen Onyx golems' to search through the damaged base and see if I can find Jean's corpse. The power requirements for maintaining these golems are no different than if they were right next to me. The mental strain however of using these golems as `walking eyes' involved in different tasks is substantial as it requires absurd levels of concentration and multitasking. It drains me...

Thursday 6th July

Sean walks in. I wake up.

"What did you do to Xavier? I heard you tried to kill him."

"He tried to take away my power again, forcing himself inside my mind and if I wanted him dead, he'd be dead. I just blocked off the blood flow to his brain so he had more important things to do than attack me."

"Ok..." He trails off sounding unsure.

"Did you want to check?"

"It's not that I doubt you, you saved my life a few days ago. It's just..."

"Feel free to check my memory if you like."

:: Psychic Landscape."

Sean's avatar is escorted by a dozen giant ice golems into my throne room: You've redecorated since the last time I've been here and you're much stronger.

I twirl around in my new frost aspect. 10 feet tall, my insides shifting between water and ice and mist restlessly: Yes I have and yes I am. My time with Cerebro searching for your mind or your intellect or your soul expanded my minor psionic abilities through tapping into our psychic network into something significant.

Sean: Yes Cerebro has pushed me further and faster than I thought possible. You've changed your avatar too.

Me: I've thought about it a lot over the last month and I've decided in the real world I don't want to have a mutant name. I have no interest in hiding who I am out there. In this place however my name is Proteus. God of elusive sea change, cursed with prophecy or really good foresight and a shape shifter.

I tap him with a finger (tentacle) from 6 feet away focusing on the memory of Xavier and our confrontation.

Sean: Ok thanks, I guess you don't need me for psychic training any more.

Me: I still need you as a friend though. There have been way too many people tramping through my brain as of late and I need a break to focus on my own thoughts and try and figure out what I'm doing with my life when I leave.

Sean: Still planning on leaving Saturday morning?

Me: I guess there's no point in asking you to come with.

Sean: While I disagree with some of the choices Xavier has made, he's still the best person to train me and there's Lachlan and Mike to consider.

Me: I'm going to miss you.

:: ::

I hug him goodbye and he leaves.

Classes feel prolonged as I spread out my awareness further and further searching for something suitable but truth is I have no idea what would work best.

After class Luke comes up to me to tell me he found a perfect place for our purposes with the help of his dad and Patrick.

"It's rundown, poor placement with limited irrigation with insufficient sunlight exposure due to its poor position in a small valley. Dad's lawyer is writing up an air tight contract to get us the rights to the land and the mineral rights and good terms on easements and all sorts of stuff. It's a large place too, used to be a cattle farm until they couldn't keep it profitable because of several bad years with drought and sickness and trying to keep up with wages for all their employees."

"And that's good why?"

"You can fix the irrigation and improve the weather, I can change the geography making use of the valley for a mini fortress and Gaia can pump out the plants like crazy. Between your golems and the Morlocks we'll have all the manual labor necessary to make it work. We can make a fortune off resale later. The property is already in escrow."

"You seem way more excited about this than I expected."

"I talked it over with my Dad and he says it's an ambitious first step on the property ladder but he's proud of me for using my abilities to make money. It did cost a chunk of change but I figure once we find somewhere permanent I can sell it off for a major profit. "

"Okay cool, we'll hang out there until I can find a government on a small island or something where we can settle down for the long term."

"This is going to be epic." Luke raced off and Cyclops appears.

"Xavier wants you to reconsider your decision to leave and expose the Morlocks to unnecessary danger while you're half trained."

"Not changing my mind."

"He has a challenge for you if you can win the next Danger room session you will have his support in setting up this mutant outpost. If not you will have to wait another month before leaving."

I shrug. "Ok, I accept."

:: Danger Room::

This session is set in a simulated forest setting. I walk into a large clearing surrounded by tall oaks with Wolverine, Colossus, Storm, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Bobby, Rogue and unknown teen ranged in a line against me. 8 mutants against me and limited water to work with in this setting; this would be a challenge.

GO. Wolverine charges forward as per usual and I shift to water. I spike him in the chest propelling him towards Cyclops. Cyclops blasts Wolverine into the ground and Rogue pulls out the spike.

I laugh as Storm generates a mist to conceal their locations but it doesn't help them as I activate every molecule of water of the mist into `eyes' to see them. I draw in the mist to form a thin layer of ice over me.

Nightcrawler teleports Colossus next to me and teleports away again immediately. Colossus aims a punch at my head and I shift my head to mist reforming a hand around his wrist and throwing him towards Storm whose eyes have gone opaque before resuming normal shape. A strong wind knocks Colossus to the ground.

Wolverine yells and rushes forward, claws extended and I spike him through the heart into the ground. Storm hits me with lightning, boiling my molecules while Cyclops hit me with optic blasts damaging my armor and evaporating some of my essence. The thin shell of osmium that I hold in place with water provides essential resistance to Cyclops attacks. I weave and dodge through the trees drawing in water as Storm and Cyclops tag team in their efforts to diminish me. Their attacks became less effective over time as I got better at predicting and dodging their attacks.

Storms attacks feels like bursts of static electricity, short, painful but irrelevant where before it felt like I was being electrocuted and burned alive at the same time. Scott's attacks evaporated my armor nearly as fast as I could reconstruct it. I fiddled with the arrangement of molecules of water to make a stronger armor. I rearranged the water, packing the molecules in a dense pattern drawing in water further around me. It looked roughly like ...


With each water molecule crammed together O's separated by the most remote margin of space while the H's were on the opposite side hanging out with a foreign O.

While I was distracted by my satisfaction about this new armor Nightcrawler teleported Wolverine and Colossus in front of me. I now had 2 tough melee attackers to dodge along with Cyclops and Storm's ranged attacks. I dodged and ducked and side stepped and weaved between the multiple attacks before getting struck by 2 energy blasts and Wolverine's claws while Colossus dented my head.

I stop playing nice. I launch a spike from my `chest' digging into Wolverines chest and out through his back splitting into two forming a makeshift ice grappling hook that I use to move Wolverine into the path of Cyclops's next attack. I lengthen out my right arm into an ice tentacle wrapping around Colossus's neck and I fling him at Storm. Storm doesn't have time to react and Colossus is inches away from smacking into her when Nightcrawler wrapped his arms around Colossus from behind disappearing in a puff of blue.

They ended up crashing into a tree nearby. Colossus looks dazed, shaking his head while Nightcrawler appears unconscious. I check his blood flow and it's slow but steady.

Wolverine keeps trying to stab me as Cyclops fires an endless stream of energy into Wolverine's back. I've discovered a cold core of ruthlessness inside myself after the mansion invasion and I embrace its cold brutal logic. Wolverine persists in his pointless attempts to stab me and his continued presence is inconvenient to my goals.

Ice spikes burst from my `torso' impaling him through the spaces between ribs, hooking for a firmer hold. His body resists me, regrowing flesh around my ice, I barb the ice, moving the barbs up and down sawing through his flesh over and over again, his blood pooling around my feet as Cyclops burns the back of his clothes burning away skin and muscle but Wolverine heals nearly as fast as is damaged. Wolverine makes a great mutant shield. I find myself unconcerned about hurting Wolverine as I now know he's a mass murderer and won't stay wounded for more than a minute or two anyway.

Storm checks on Nightcrawler as Colossus stands up looking dazed. I lift Colossus in the air with a large `hand' consisting solely of Wolverine's blood. Storm strikes me with another burst of lightning adding to Wolverine's suffering as Cyclops moves closer increasing his blasts to Wolverine's back. I can sense the adamantium heating up but I can't discern any damage from any of the current attacks.

Storm increases the strength of her lightning attacks as does Cyclops his. They are posing an unacceptable risk to my exodus from this mad house. Wolverine is unconscious so I wrap the ice tighter around his ribs and lift him up with me using him as a mutant shield as I propel us forward several feet closer to Storm and Cyclops. I pause for a second waiting...

Storm hits me with another blast of lightning and as the lightning surges through my molecules I surge forward through Wolverine, tentacling around Storm's and Cyclops legs and they get a fraction of the voltage of the strike.

Storm and Cyclops are knocked out and disappear from the forest. Weird.

I turn around to see Wolverine lying collapsed on the ground, the holes in his body filling up fast. I think for a few seconds and create a dozen `red ice' blades from his spilled blood through his regenerating flesh and between his invincible bones aiming at the tiny gaps in his spinal cord severing his spinal cord in multiple places. He disappears too.

I check on Colossus, still hovering helpless 20 feet above the ground.

4 mutants done, 4 to go and I'd earn my freedom from this stupidity.

Nightcrawler is whispering to Bobby and Rogue before he teleports them to my left. ^Hey^ I smile, this should be interesting. Bobby was the only other class 5 mutant I knew and we'd sparred against each other quite a few times but this was serious.

"Xavier said to go all out. Sorry."

Nightcrawler was now over on the other side breathing hard while gesturing in my direction, Nightcrawler appeared drained from all the teleporting or from the impact with Colossus. I couldn't tell. I felt bad that he got injured during Xavier's last ditch attempt to teach me my place. Unfortunately I had to figure out how to take out Bobby and Rogue without hurting them too much. I knew Cyclops, Storm and Wolverine were tough enough to survive an electric attack but I wasn't sure what to do about these two.

Bobby created an ice sword charging forward, impaling me as Rogue took off her gloves. He freezes me in place.

^That won't stop me. ^

"It's not meant to." I try and move as ice but I can feel Bobby fighting my control over my shape. His control over ice is still superior to mine. I struggle to move as Rogue rushes forward with hands outstretched touching my ice body. Rogue looks shocked as nothing happens and Bobby and Rogue exchange a look and I take advantage of their distraction to punch Bobby in the face knocking him out. It felt like sacrilege damaging his cute face but he was in the way.

As for Rogue I tie her up in ice ropes disabling her. Her powers needed flesh to flesh to work so no threat to me or my water or ice states.

Colossus dented my head again. Bobby's control over my ice had given Nightcrawler the chance to return Colossus to the battle.

I threw Colossus at epic speed with a water jet towards Nightcrawler who teleported away while Colossus smashed into a tree pulverizing it. Colossus was unconscious. I waited for a second but he didn't disappear.

2 mutants still mobile. Nightcrawler teleports over to unknown and teleports him 10 feet away from me.

^Hello I'm Victor, who the hell are you? ^

"SLUDGE." He yells and projectile vomits a green sludge like goop all over my armor.

^Gross. ^

The goop eats into me and I scream as its corruption becomes painful as it devours me, burning and spreading a sense of wrongness throughout me. I fire off the toxic bits of me in every direction, a few hit Sludge and Nightcrawler knocking them unconscious and they disappear from the field.

I can't concentrate as the sludge continues to creep through me. I fire off huge chunks of me to get rid of the microscopic traces of it. I finally manage to purify myself of its toxic presence. I draw in all the uncontaminated water from the forest to recover. I regain my strength even though I feel like I'm humming from the inside. I shake off the feeling and look around wondering why the simulation was ongoing.

Rogue ran away from me. Sludge's attack distracting me from maintaining Rogues shackles. I trip her over and she hits her head on a rock and disappears. I win.

I shift to flesh victorious as the forest disappears and I collapse to the ground. My only thought is water...

I wake up sometime later, water seeping into me from above as a wind spirals around the empty room.

Sean rushed into the room breath held, head low with a bottle of water and splashed it in my face.

I sighed looking down at my naked body. My clothes never seemed to survive Danger room sessions intact. "What did I do this time?"

"You absorbed holographic water that disappeared when the simulation ended and you collapsed. You were muttering about water through the psychic network so I brought you some. Everyone had to evacuate as you were absorbing water indiscriminate about the source. Cyclops went to turn on the showers so you'd stop trying to drain people."

"Fuck, I'm really glad this is the last time I'm going to do a Danger Room session. Help me up. "

He yanked me up forcibly, keeping a firm grip of me. "Are you okay now?"

I'm forced to look up at him. "Fuck I'm tiny." I'd lost at least half a foot in height. Fucking mutant school. "I need a shower and some new clothes."

I can't be bothered worrying about nudity any more. Sean helps me to limp to the empty shower room, with water running from all the shower heads. I shift to water absorbing the water into me until I'm the right shape again; I keep going, packing myself tight with more and more water until I can't cram in any more. I shift to flesh.

I feel dense as if a train could hit me now and it'd glance off even in this shape. I scanned myself to see if there was damage from this novel transition. Only trace amounts of Colossus's osmium remained. I scanned the floor of the Danger room and grains of osmium metal littered the floor. I rolled my eyes banging my head against the tiles.

I laugh at the pulverized tile in front of me. I shift to water, draining myself of some of the water. I didn't want to fuck Scale to death next time we had sex.

I had officially lost count of the near death experiences I've had since getting here.

I looked over to Sean who had helped me out with another of my dramas. I hardened as I looked over his wet clinging clothes.

"Well I guess you're feeling better now." He smiled stripping off his clothes. "One last pounding before you head off" Having a gay psychic friend was awesome. I really would miss him.

"What about Lachlan though?"

Sean shrugs. "We tag teamed Mike last night when he popped by after he got into a fight with Vader."

"What about?"

"Mike wanted to top him and Vader wasn't keen. Mike got pissed and got tag teamed by Lachlan and me and we let him pound us because we're nice like that."

Sean was finally naked after taking his sweet time stripping. He stood there with his beautiful 8 inch cock within reach "SO very very nice." I knelt sucking on his cock, squeezing his firm butt in both hands spreading them further apart as I trickled water into his stretched hole rubbing against his tender flesh.

"Yeah, that's good." He moaned, grip firm on my head as he fucked my throat. "Up and around."

I stood up braced against the tiled wall legs spread and Sean slams in deep "FUCK!"

"Always such a hot tight ass." Sean slides in and out as I close my eyes forcing my body to relax as he stretches me out. I moan and let go and tiles crash to the floor. I look down to see two tiles with deep gouge marks in them. I groan and grip my thighs as Sean keeps pounding me unconcerned about tiles.

Sean picked up speed in me fucking me harder and faster and I ground my butt against his pelvis stroking my cock. "I'm going to cum." I splatter my load against the tiles which is washed away.

"Me too." Seconds later he pumped his load into me with a groan. He rested against me breathing hard.

"Thanks. I'm going to miss this."

I loved Sean. He knew me inside and out and still liked me even though he'd been in my mind and exposed to the growing coldness within as I grew into someone I wouldn't have recognized a month ago. He was my first lover, best friend, best role model, my confidante and someone I trusted with my mind and life.

If he wasn't in love with Lachlan and involved with his brother. I might have pursued something with him instead of falling for a straight boy. Who am I kidding I doubt I'd ever get over my infatuation with Luke.

As Sean pulled out, cock dripping cum and my ass leaking his cum Nightcrawler, Bobby, Colossus, Cyclops, Wolverine and Sludge appeared. Wolverine clapped "Good work kid, you knocked out 8 mutants by yourself, nearly died and you're getting a load dumped in you 10 minutes later. I'm next." He slips out of the loose school sweat pants revealing his thick 9 inch cock moving forward.


"Cool it Scott. He loves it. Anyway I need payback after he wrecked my ass last time."

He slams in deep sliding nice into Sean's sloppy mess. "Logan you can't have relations with students."

He pulls out of me and I turn around wondering what now. "I don't want relations with the kid; I want to fuck his brains out." He grabs me by the hips grunts as he lifts me up and slams me against the wall as he slides back into my stretched out hole. I groan and wrap my arms around his neck bouncing on his hard cock. He kisses me hard, tongue sliding against mine as he grabs the back of my head as he squeezes my butt as he presses me against the tiles hard as he fucks me.

"This is crazy shit." Sludge states as he leaves in his briefs, I notice a bruise on his forehead and chest.

"Wait," Cyclops leaves after him.

"I should go too." Bobby leaves too in a pair of new boxer briefs.

"Pussies." Wolverine mutters under his breath as he continues to slam my ass while grinding me against the tiles. I clamp my teeth on his neck as my prostate is stimulated by his cock. I wrap my legs around his hips for better traction as I bounce faster on his cock.

Colossus strips out of his underwear, stroking his metal cock slowly. Nightcrawler arrived naked his lean blue body covered in strange markings and one discolored patch of greenish raised flesh marring his skin. Nightcrawler's cock reminded me of Abraxas's but bigger and a different color and I wanted it in me next.

Nightcrawler turned to Colossus "Are we supposed to leave too?"

Colossus shrugs. "Only if you want. He's getting his goodbye fucks before he leaves Saturday morning. "

"When will he return?" Nightcrawler said as he stroked himself slowly watching us with intent curiosity.

Colossus turns to watch as Wolverine continues to pound my ass with his inhuman stamina. At this point I'm clinging to him as he has his way with me. "I doubt he's coming back, he's setting up his own mutant colony with some other mutants."

They moved closer to the action their cocks bobbing (Colossus's not as much) as they walked forward.

Wolverine grunts and explodes a giant load into my well-used ass. He pulls out and I drop onto the ground.

"HEY." Shouts Sean.

"Who's next?" I ask undamaged by hitting the stone floor.

I reach out with `hands' pulling Colossus and Nightcrawler closer by the cock.

Nightcrawler's hard blue cock was 9 inches long of average thickness with an unnaturally dark red glans that had unusually angular edges. I looked up at him "Do you mind if suck your cock"?

Nightcrawler looked over to Colossus "He's not scared that I look like a demon."

"There's a guy that looks a bit like you but he's red and he doesn't have your markings, his name is Abraxas,"I replied.

"Ja". I took that as a yes and licked the ridges of his hard cock. He moaned and I sucked on his cock eagerly, trying to bury his cock in my mouth, his unusual shape stretched my mouth wider than I expected.

"Dude he's one of a kind, he loves the mutant cock, you should hear the rumors about what happens in the basement with the others and in the showers with him," Colossus said.

Sean meanwhile kneeled in front of Wolverine sucking on his cock.

I would have said something cutting but Colossus had gotten behind me yanking me up by the hips and slammed his metal cock into my sloppy hole. Nightcrawler's cock jammed against the back of my throat as Colossus slammed in hard and fast. This was the life, having two hot mutants slamming into both my holes. Colossus's every thrust driving me onto Nightcrawlers crotch. Colossus kept slamming into me over and over again, picking up speed and force, my pelvis and insides bruising.

Nightcrawler picked up speed before crying out "Mein Gott" and unleashed what felt like torrents of cum down my throat. I swallowed greedily enjoying the unusual taste and the sheer volume of cum. I kept sucking until he pulled away taking his now limp cock away. He didn't leave though; he just stood there and watched as Colossus kept fucking me harder.

Colossus lost grip on my hips mid fuck and we ended on the wet floor with him rutting into me like a wild animal while Nightcrawler watched and stroked his hardening cock. Colossus grunted "fuck yeah" and unleashed a gusher of osmium cum into my ass as he climaxed. He stayed slumped half over me as he recovered his breath. He changed to flesh and pulled me up, I felt a bit sore from Colossus as he pulled me into his arms, his half hard cock pressed against my still throbbing cock. "It's going to be dull around here without you to pound on, in and out of the training room. I'm definitely going to miss pounding your hot ass."

"You could always come with me if you like."

"Xavier said that my armor is class 4 and I could do great things as a member of the X-men when I gain more control over my changes. "

"Well I'll miss your big metal cock stretching my insides."

"I should go" he said.

Then it was just Nightcrawler and me naked and hard as we watched Wolverine fucking Sean on his hands and knees. I felt awkward now, I'd just met him at the danger room less than an hour ago and I had already swallowed his load and been tag teamed in front of him.

"How are you?" he said with a German accent.

I found this question kind of ludicrous given that we were both naked and hard and he'd already blown a load down my throat so engaging in small talk felt weird. "I'm good thanks and you?"

"Those men were quite rough with you. Are you sure?"

I smiled genuinely touched by his concern about my welfare considering I was responsible for the wound on his leg. "I'm fine, I enjoy rough sex and I have the ability to recover completely from most injuries by shifting from water to flesh or vice versa. Want to fuck me while I fuck my friend's mouth?"

I stood up shifting to water integrating Colossus's latest deposit onto my bones, upgrading to Luke's cock and walking over to fuck Sean's face as Wolverine pounded his ass. The extra density of water made `upgrading' myself easier.

"You'd let me be inside you in the most intimate way with my unholy body" he said with a gesture encompassing his very naked blue body with hard cock and mobile tail.

"I like the look of your cock and I don't care about holiness." I said as I fucked Sean's face.

"I am an abomination onto God born out of sin and cursed with this demon body and the only way for me to repent is to cover my body in holy symbols in order to try and purify my flesh."

"Well I think you're a good looking mutant with a very nice looking cock and some tasty cum unlike any I've ever had before." I said taking his weighty cock in hand and stroking it gently as he moaned eagerly. I turned around pressing his hard cock against my entrance "So how about it big blue boy, want to fuck me?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, fuck my tight ass if you want."

"I haven't done this before."

"For fuck's sake just push your cock into his ass hole. It's not that complicated." Wolverine said.

Nightcrawler pushed his long cock into my now tight hole "Fuck."

"Mein Gott," he said as he bottomed out inside me, he moved slowly at first but quickly picked up speed.

"Yeah fuck my tight ass."

Nightcrawler didn't last long before he blasted his load in me and I blew a load down Sean's throat as Sean sprayed the stone floor with his cum and Wolverine pumped a load inside Sean.

Wolverine pulled out of Sean as Nightcrawler pulled out of me.

Wolverine pushed me onto my back spreads my legs and slams back inside my hole...

Cyclops appears out of nowhere and removes his towel revealing his 8 inch cock but side steps us to step under the spray from one of the showers turned away from Wolverine fucking me.

"Yeah this brings back memories" and he fucked me hard as Nightcrawler watched, stroking himself.

"I'm bloody sore; I'm going to cuddle with Lachlan." Sean limps away.

^Sorry we'll talk again before I go. ^ I water voice at him while he limps down the hallway. Wolverine's mouth on mine, clinging to him as he pounds me.

Cyclops tries to ignore our activities washing himself. I notice that he has lightning scars trailing down his legs and a strange looking burn on his chest. I create multiple water hands' to massage him, I pinned his hands behind his back with a hand' stroking his cock and a `finger' pushing its way past his tight sphincter and nudging his magic button . I turned him around so he was forced to watch Wolverine as he climaxed noisily inside of me into my ass like a horny beast.

Cyclops glared at us through the visor as Wolverine pulls out and stands up. I'm surprised when Wolverine doesn't continue and instead drapes his arm companionably around Nightcrawler's shoulder "I'm going to show you the sights bub while these two work it out." He trails his hand over Nightcrawler's back and squeezes his butt. Nightcrawler looked a bit nervous but walked away with Logan both of them still naked and hard. There was a pregnant pause as Cyclops stands there being massaged by a dozen `hands'. I cease the stimulation to his cock and ass.

He grits "Is this what you want?" making a thrusting gesture.

"Yes I've always wanted you", he moved forward with my `hands' still rubbing all over his body including his cock and inside him now. He flips me onto my stomach and slams his hard cock into my depths and I moaned "Oh God" loving his cock slamming into me over and over again. Gripping me hard around the neck and hips he fucked me hard. His fingers digging into my neck hurt but he kept fucking me and this was so passionate and hot I didn't want to stop.

I wondered what Wolverine was up to ...

:: Wolverine's bedroom::

Nightcrawler was naked in Wolverine's bed with Wolverine spreading his thighs apart lapping at his virgin hole before shoving his blunt tool into him. "Mein Gott is mein shepherd I shall not want " he mutters in between groans as Wolverine pushed in deeper " he makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters."

Wolverine picked up pace inside him "Fuck you've got a hot tight blue snatch" making NC groan before saying "I'm going to make you bleed red" before biting him.

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff comforts me."

Nightcrawler was super weird, hot and sort of hilarious, but very, very weird. :: ::

Cyclops kept fucking me as a `finger' works inside his ass I add another and he speeds up his thrusts. "GOD!" he shouts as he explodes into my squishy hole. "What Have I Done?" He pulls out of me stands stiff as a board.

:: Wolverine's bedroom ::

Wolverine fucks Nightcrawler's blue ass with ruthless precision. Nightcrawler meanwhile has half of his tail pistoning in and out of Wolverines ass as they pawed at each other kissing each other hard with muffled grunts and groans... :: ::

That brief snapshot into his room got me hot again so I reach out and suck on Cyclops stiff cock and pull his catatonic body onto the tiles. I straddle his pelvis sitting myself onto his rigid cock bouncing upon Cyclops cock for a minute or more before Cyclops springs to life lifting me up and flipping us over as he fucks me missionary style. "Fuck me Scott." I squeezed his muscular butt as he thrusts into me I wrapped my legs around his lower back as he takes me hard.

"Fucking horny faggot." Cyclops fucks me pinning my wrists against the hard floor as he fucks me with brutality.

:: Wolverine's bedroom :: Nightcrawler now had Wolverine on his back fucking his ass while his tail wraps around his rigid cock stroking it. :: ::

I pull in water into Cyclops hole stretching him out further as I create a Wolverine sized `ice cock' and copy the speed of Nightcrawler's thrusts.

:: Wolverine's ::

Nightcrawler sped up his thrusts as Wolverine slaps his ass "Fuck me harder Kurt."

"I'm near."

:: ::

I sped up the thrusts of the `ice cock' as Scott sped up within me. I gripped his head pulling him in for a kiss. He slams my head against the floor pulling away wiping at his mouth as he grunts and dumps a second load in me. He spasms body limp on top of me.

:: Wolverine's ::

Kurt explodes into Logan's ass as Kurt's tail speeds up on Logan's cock, Logan groans Cumming all over his hairy torso.

:: ::

Scott laid slumped over me cock rigid within me with an `ice cock' buried in him panting, recovering his breath slowly. I hold him close trying to prolong the moment until he remembered he was a grown up Boy Scout.

Logan walks in clapping; Kurt stays mute at his side. Wolverine was fully hard while Kurt was half hard at most.

"This isn't what it looks like. " Scott protests trying to pull his hard cock out of my ass but I tightened my grip on him.

"No judgment Scott, we were just fucking each other like animals," gesturing towards Kurt. "Nothing wrong with working out some tension within the team. I had a flashback earlier of my army buddies in the shower taking turns on each other and me when we were without women. It doesn't mean anything other than your horny. I'm always horny." He strokes his cock kneeling behind Scott, yanking out the ice dildo. "I never expected prim and proper Scott to get down and dirty with his fellow man".

Wolverine jams his hard cock into Scott. "Fuck." Scott cries out.

"Yeah man I'm going to fuck your hot ass. I figured you might be more fun if you took the stick out of your ass and replaced it with some dick."

Wolverine pumped into Cyclops and I rocked back on forth on Scott's cock, stroking myself as I hadn't blown in what felt like forever.

Scott stayed still for several long seconds as Logan pounded his ass and I bounced back and forth on his hard cock.

"Fucking hell Wolverine, I was an anal virgin 5 seconds ago."

"The ice cock in you disagreed."

"That was me I was getting payback when he called me a faggot. That and I wanted to fuck him later."

"God damn it I'm surrounded by perverts." He tried to move but Wolverine only backed away a few inches meaning Scott had just fucked himself onto Wolverine's cock.

"You're not a virgin any more, you might as well enjoy your first time. " Wolverine grabbed onto Scott's hips fucking him harder as I bucked and writhed on Scott's cock. Scott grabbed me by the shoulders fucking me hard like a man possessed, his grip slipped wrapping around my throat half choking me. Kurt appeared over my face slamming his hard cock into my open mouth for a minute before disappearing behind Wolverine. I activated an `eye' in the room for a better view as Kurt fucked Wolverine sliding his tail into him as well. A fucking Conga line proceeded for the next several minutes as Kurt fucked Logan, Logan fucked Cyclops and Cyclops fucked me. Then Kurt blasted into Logan followed by Logan into Scott, Scott into me and me all over myself.

Scott pulls out "I have to go now."

Kurt and Logan leave too and I head off back to my room with an ass full of cum naked.

I relate the story of my post victory shower gangbang to Luke and he fucks me hard a few times before exploding into me the third time cuddled up behind me and he falls asleep with his cock hard in me and gripping my cock. I rock back and forth in his sexy sleepy embrace until he rolls me over in his sleep and fucks into me another load as I blast onto the sheets, then he rolls over onto his back, fast asleep with a wide grin on his face.

While I try and avoid Luke's flailing arms as he gets comfortable in sleep. He rolls over again nestling against me his semi poking me in the butt. I adjust it to slide it back inside me. He moans and humps at me a few times before settling. Several minutes later his cock softens and slips out while I remain in his strong arms. I feel restless so I expand my awareness outwards, creating dozens of `statues' from the lake and set them to patrol the perimeter of the mansion, guard the entrances and patrol through the halls. A couple I set misting around the mansion reforming them at random.

During one of their patrols I notice Scotts light on. It's one am and I'm worried about him.

:: Scott's bedroom::

My proxy knocks on his door. A muffled "Come in"

Proxy walks forwards ^Cyclops^

"Hi Victor." He swigs from a nearly empty bottle of Jack Daniel's with an empty bottle at his feet. "Did you want more of this?" He fondles his half hard erection out of his boxers stroking it one handed into its full length.

^I came to check if you were okay. ^

"Oh." He flops back on the bed draining the bottle to drop on the floor it shatters. "I'm hard and drunk."

His legs dangle over the edge of the bed and I notice the lightning scars are more pronounced now. Scott strokes his cock as my proxy stands useless to help.

:: ::

I `mist' out of Luke's grasp, making sure to hold everything stable as I travel like that to Scott's.

"Hi Scott. How are you feeling?"

"You're naked"

"Fuck, I should have brought clothes." I send off the proxy to return to its patrol and pick me up some clothes too. For an employee in a clothes shop I was terrible at keeping track of my own clothes.

"I'm drunk and horny ride my cock." I look him over he's an odd combination of dangerous looking and vulnerable as his hard cock poked out of plaid boxers, his futuristic power visor, the scar on his leg and the smaller weird mark on his chest.

"I don't think that's a good idea. You're drunk and I don't want to take advantage of you. I should clean up the mess so you don't step on glass shards in the morning." I go down on my hands and knees collecting the shard of glass in my hands. I figure Cyclops has passed out as all I can hear from him is heavy breathing. I'm not really paying attention, mind focused on cleaning, and on maintaining the proxies on their patrols.

Scott slams into my cum soaked hole (I had finally succeeded in maintaining everything during transitions). I groan as he fills me, the glass cutting into my palms from the surprise fuck. I drop the glass onto the floor. Using the fresh blood I dump all the glass on the bed side table as Cyclops humps away inside me oblivious to anything.

"This is all your fault!" grabbing my hips harder fucking away at me.

"What are you talking about?"

"You made me cheat on my girlfriend after killing me and leaving me with this scar."

"Jean's gone. I didn't kill you..."

"You electrocuted both me and Storm." He thumped his chest. "I needed to get a de something to the chest to come back alive. So did Storm. This is all your fault," he slurs slamming into me over and over again. "You're going to pay."

He cums in my ass yanking hard on my hair, my eyes fill with tears from the pain of my hair being ripped out of my scalp. He pulls out standing swaying on his feet.

I stand up confused, "I think you need a shower to help sober you up."

I start the shower in his bathroom standing under the spray, touching my damaged hair. I phase, regrowing it.

Cyclops comes in behind me and slams back into my hole. "This is what you wanted."

He covers my mouth as he fucks me. I moan as he fucks me hard and fast under the shower spray, Cumming again in me and I blast a load against the glass walls of the shower.

He leaves the shower and dries himself off with a towel. I absorb the excess water into me.

I feel bad about hurting and killing (however temporarily) Cyclops so I kneel down in front of Cyclops "Haven't you had enough yet." He jams his cock in my mouth before I can protest, fucking my face. He blasts a small load down my throat before sitting down on the nearby bathroom counter.

"I wanted to fix your leg that time."

"How?" He asks, no longer slurring, seeming settled now after dumping another 3 loads into me.

"I attract endless trouble but the upside is I've learned a lot because of it, I can regenerate my own flesh after a phase. I might be able to remove the damage of your scars. At least fix the surface damage anyway. The internal stuff I won't risk."

"Whatever this day can't get any more broken by you." I move over to touch his scars, scanning his right leg thoroughly and then his undamaged left leg for a comparison. The scarring is beautiful in a way, a fractal pattern trailing from his calf to ankle but I know how much Scott relies on his body for his day to day life and I focus on what to do to fix the damage I caused.

"Close your eyes I'm going to do the first layer." I reach down inside myself and focus hard on accessing a tiny scrap of my power to liquefy the first layer of his skin in the damaged area. It liquefies and I shift it to skin again. It worked. I check for functionality making sure I didn't forget anything. I double check it against his left leg and continue, layer by layer through his skin fixing the surface damage. When I get to the damaged muscle I stop concerned. "This part is the risky stuff".

"It looks good so far."

"Yeah fixing the surface is relatively simple, it's just replacing damaged skin with new skin, fixing the internal damage completely is beyond me though. I will try and fix some of the damaged cells and hopefully your body will do the rest on its own over time."

I reach inside his damaged leg with my power, replacing one damaged cell at a time, reducing the damage to the muscle and ligament. The concentration necessary for such delicate work exhausts me before I fixed 10% of the internal damage.

"I'm sorry, that's all I can do at the moment. I'll try and fix some more tomorrow or later today I guess after I at least fix some of the damage for Storm. I'm too tired to continue."

He lifts his leg, moving it gently back and forth "It does feel a bit better."

"I should go and get some rest. You should sleep off the alcohol."


I visit Storm half an hour before classes start to fix her scars. It's easier since I've had some practice and I work my through multiple layers of skin before realizing my mistake.


"What?" Storm looks down and laughs at her mismatched leg.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't think, I just did it and I'm not sure how to fix it because..."

"You're used to being white." Storm now has white skin in a fractal pattern down from her calf (she had to switch to a skirt for me to do this)

"Um yeah..." Storm laughter continues at my mistake and I burst into laughter at the ridiculous nature of my existence. We eventually stop laughing and I concentrate on the problem.

I scan through the medical section of the library with `eyes and hands' looking for a solution while I scan the differences between our skins. I figure it out and locate the differences; within the melanocytes those cells pump out eumelanin. I fix my mistake and get to work on replacing cells in her leg. I get about 15% fixed before I need to phase. Then I get through another 10%. Phase. 8%. Phase. another 5%. My phasing apparently has diminishing returns when it comes to recovering my mental stamina. Perhaps like Sean my will or consciousness exists as a separate entity due to my psionic sense over water. The mental fatigue is diminished somewhat by physical regeneration of cells.

As I pause reluctant to continue what appears to be a problematic task with my flagging mental strength. Storm swings back her leg and forth. "That feels much better."

"It's a little over a third fixed but I don't think I can do any more this morning without some more water and some time out."

"Thanks. You didn't need to do this. If I didn't fire lightning at you, you couldn't have redirected it against me."

I shrug. "I imagine you had your reasons for doing it."

"Professor Xavier insisted we needed to push you to your limits and we did and you showed us what you were capable of under pressure."

"Yeah..." I trailed off unsure. "I surprised myself a bit by how ruthless I was taking you out."

"You were pushed to the edge and lashed out angry."

"That wasn't me angry; I was annoyed at jumping through another of Xavier's stupid hoops in order to leave the Mansion without having to fight my way past him. I probably shouldn't have agreed to his stupid deal. If I was angry, everyone would have been liquefied and turned into `death armor'."

Storm paled. "What deal?"

I looked at her wondering if Xavier was honest with any of these people. "If I didn't win that fight I would have spent another month in this place feeling the need for a constant vigil against Xavier's psychic neutering. If I won I'd get his support to leave. You were in my way and I was doing my best to merely incapacitate you. Killing you and Cyclops was unintentional. Winning would have been easier if you were an actual enemy. I could have liquefied you all and moved on with my own agenda. Luckily for you I haven't gone completely insane from Xavier's stupidity yet. That's why I want to leave before he ruins me too."

Storm seems stunned into silence.

I leave weary of this place. I wander down the hallways past the students rushing to class and I ignore it. I message Mark to see if he's free tonight as I'll be leaving in the morning.

He's shocked and I call him and I explain the situation. He's horrified when I reveal the reason he spent Sunday clutched over in pain feeling like he was dying was because of my Psychic principal. He understands why I have to leave and says he's going to try and organize a going away party for me tonight.

I don't bother with classes.

During the first break I have a quickie with Lachlan and Sean who are now one of those nauseating couples that do everything together.

I get tag team fucked by Mike and Vader during Lunch in Storm's class room on top of the desk.

During the last class I went to the Danger room typing in the code to get in. Once in I shifted to water, reaching out and absorbing all the osmium `grains' littered through the floor, integrating it onto my bones as I shifted back to flesh.

Cyclops tracked me down as I walked to Bobby's room. He apologized for yesterday's behavior. I took him aside and fixed about 50% of the remaining damage. It got easier the more I did it though it took another 5 phases to complete that before I needed to stop to preserve my power.

At Bobby's room I said "I'm leaving are you sure you don't want to come with me?"

He declined to come with me as I knew he would.

"Well I want to give you a parting gift before I leave then. Follow me to the showers."

"I'm not having sex with you. Rogue is still my girlfriend."

"That's okay. You don't have to have sex with me if you don't want but I think I know a way for you to have sex with Rogue. Unless you don't want me to show you?"

"How?" he perked up interested.

"You have to follow me to find out."

He followed me to the shower room. Once inside he looked at me expectantly. "Now what?"

"You have to get undressed first." I strip naked.

He looks at me suspiciously before stripping naked and leaving his clothes outside.

I look him over, his naked body and hard cock poking up. "This doesn't mean anything." Bobby explains pointing to his cock.

I shrug unconcerned, enjoying the view. I turn on the shower. "Anyway I can control water and you can freeze anything and control it. Here's my suggestion if you want to get laid. Go to the shower first." I pause and surround myself with frozen water covering my hard cock. It feels strange to be wearing armor without shifting to water inside it. "Freeze water around yourself and fuck her that way. Another option is this." I unfreeze the water around me, letting it drop to the ground and created a dozen ice hands, groping me, "Or you can touch her with ready-made ice hands".

A pair of hands spread my butt cheeks apart "For something really kinky you can make a copy of your cock out of ice like this" I said creating an exact copy of Bobby's stiff cock and I shoved it into my cum drenched hole "and fuck like that." I moaned as I let it fuck me for a minute while Bobby watches stroking his cock. "Did you want to take over?"

"I guess I should practice." He took over the 'ice hands', groping my body, cock and butt as he slammed his `ice cock' into me over and over leaving me a moaning mess on the floor as he fucked me past the point of my climax.

I returned the favor groping him with water hands and rimming him with a water tongue until he exploded.

"Thanks that was fun."

"No problem."

Mark texted me: Going away party at 8pm for you at Tom and James, bring any cute gay friends and Luke, we're going to have an orgy.

Luke drives us to Tom's, there are 5 of us crammed into his car; Sean Lachlan and Mike in the back.

When we get there, Mark and Jeremy, Tom and James, Allesandro, Peter Hale and Patrick are waiting in their underwear for us.

Luke strips to his underwear and joins in a discussion with his dad and Patrick. Sean, Lachlan and Mike join them. It's not long before Luke and Dad are being blown by Sean and Mike while Lachlan slides into Sean's ass and Patrick into Mike's.

I end up being gangbanged by Mark, Jeremy, Allesandro, Tom and James while the others amuse each other.

Luke and his Dad are enjoying family time by working as a sexual dynamic duo. Mike is their first lucky recipient of their attentions. He gets fucked by Luke while Peter Hale sucks his cock. Then Peter fucks him while getting face fucked by Luke. Then Luke fucks him some more while Mike fucks Peter in the middle of a father son fuck sandwich.

By the time they were done, Mike was limp and had to go lie on the couch and drink...

After Mark dumped a load in my ass he got subjected to the same sexual treatment as Mike had. Meanwhile Jeremy is fucking me hard and fast.

Then a dozen horny teens show up on their way to the clubs and I fuck half of them showing of my mutant shapeshifting ability, toggling between 6, 9 and 11 inches of cock. It's a party trick that's a treat to these party goers.

Luke disappears downstairs for a few minutes as I'm busy occupying a horny random and shows up holding the geode I got him for his birthday. Luke shows off his `talent' by dissembling the geode into small colored rocks, rearranging them in random patterns in the air before crushing a couple into powder. Peter Hale moves the colored sand around in twirling shapes covering a few boys in colored powder, trailing over their naked bodies and then sending the sand into clumps that Luke rehardens into rock. When they finish their show, they reveal their father and son relationship and are quickly overwhelmed with requests for father son threesomes. They helpfully oblige their fans.

Mike shows off his mutant ability by going `invisible' and showing up behind James, fucking him hard before being double penetrated by Jeremy and James.

Sean shows off his telekinetic stroking for a couple of lucky boys before Lachlan wants to leave.

Before we leave I drag Luke aside and ask if he could DP me with his dad. He agrees and he sits on the couch while I sit on his hard cock. Peter Hale slams in behind me and they both fuck me for a while. Peter complains about his knees and Luke lays down on the couch and I kiss him hard while tweaking and tugging at his sensitive nipples as Peter slams in again to my stretched out hole. They both dump their loads into me.

Lachlan wants to leave. It's a bit early but most of us are happy to leave except Mike. Mike doesn't want to leave yet, Tom assures me and Sean he'll be fine and he'll look after him. Last I see Mike he's bouncing on Peter's lap. I guess that means Tom and James are going to have Mike in the morning for early morning sex. Lucky boy.

I return to the mansion late and Kurt/NC seeks me out wanting to come along and meet Abraxas.

I withdrew my briefcase from the bottom of the lake and packed the rest of my belongings.

I had a lot of strong memories attached to this place.

There were some definite hot memories from here. I fulfilled my shower gangbang fantasy though it played out a lot different than I had expected. I also fucked someone here for the first time, got fucked for the first time here, had sex with brothers, double penetrated, had sex with a father son on the son's birthday. Made at least one really awesome friend and one really hot lover.

While here I had been stabbed, frozen, electrocuted, blasted at, psychically raped and neutered, psychically hijacked, psychically attacked, forced to suffer a psychic version of synesthesia, nearly lost my mind from turning into mist and a fake ocean. I'd also lost a foot in height from absorbing holographic water and almost drained everyone nearby due to dehydration. I had a couple of close calls with bleeding out from mutant butt sex and paralyzed from cum. I'd also grafted metal cum onto my bones. I'd also incidentally killed 2 of my teachers here (for a few seconds? minutes?).

I would miss Sean and the horny guys that remained here. Colossus, Wolverine, Vader, Mike, Lachlan.

I would miss having sex with humans like Tom, James, Jeremy and Allesandro and the others at Tom's party that never introduced themselves.

I was so thankful that Luke had chosen to come with me. It had been terrible without him nearby during his anger and his Australian visit.

The last couple of days had been a hell of a goodbye from New York.

Tonight had restored my faith in humanity/mutant cooperation despite the growing human mutant tension elsewhere. At least some humans could overlook the potentially horrific consequences of misuse of power and appreciate the kinky sex that could be had with a horny mutant.

I was off to an uncertain future but my time at the Mansion had developed my powers, toughened my body, strengthened my mind and forced me to accept the ruthlessness I had buried within. Based on previous experience life was going to be eventful...

*********************************************************************************************** Well this is the climatic chapter of this book. Boom goes the sex and Boom goes the plot. Victor confronts his personal antagonist and most of the major players of the Xmen movie verse (the ones in school anyway) in battle and scrapes by with a victory. He also has a crazy amount of sex to say goodbye to the New York Scene. Next stop unknown.

This has been my first attempt at writing such a long piece of fiction and it has involved a steep learning curve. Ranging from figuring out how to make Microsoft Word keep the American spelling program up for more veracity with an American protagonist to developing a really involved drafting process. I also had to decide on a framing method that would work and develop a glossary of terms for some of the more obscure power stuff. There have been several mistakes and missteps along the way and I suppose it's inevitable though it sort of meshes well with Victor learning and developing over time too.

Anyway I'd like to thank those of you who've managed to get this far and have enjoyed the ride so far. This is book 1 which has been more of a introduction and foundation for the next book's major antagonist being the Phoenix. I've already written out that dramatic confrontation and it doesn't involve metal impaling a telekinetic. God... Every time I think of that it makes my blood boil with rage.

This will be the last chapter that I will post for a while as I need to take a short hiatus from this story (at least a couple of weeks) before rereading the finished product in its entirety before I continue on with the first draft of book 2.

I hopefully managed to succeed in my aim at telling a story that had its own self-contained book arc featuring the hero's problematic beginnings, his need to escape after Jackson and his developing as a powerful mutant before confronting the man who took liberties with his mind. I tried to make sure each chapter had at least one dramatic reveal, sex scene and purpose. Some of the stuff surprised even me. For instance I found out through comic vine that Colossus power involved his every cell being replaced by an osmium grade metal from another dimension and osmium cum grafting became a thing. I imagined Luke standing next to a pissed off Victor fighting an epic one/two battle with the invading soldiers for months and he ends up wandering off to Australia missing most of the action. Even fictional men aren't reliable. Oh well I'm sure he'll show off his new skills in the next book.

I also tried to tell an original story from the viewpoint of a gay teenager who isn't a saint or a villain. He is a gray character often self involved and frequently hedonistic (though less so as time progresses) easily distracted, tries to be good but fails, tries to do no harm and fails due to inexperience and ignorance. He's a little bit idealistic and a little bit cynical.

Anyway you're probably all sick of me talking by now. So I thank you all for reading again and hope you had fun. Feedback is appreciated during my hiatus so I can figure out what can be improved for the next installation of the story.



Next: Chapter 19: Avalon 1

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