
By wayne unknown

Published on Jan 24, 2015



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

I still don't own Avatar the Last Airbender. *****************************************************************

Story terminology

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

::Within the psychic landscape::

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION/ People involved:: and end with :: ::

'water golems' = golems consisting of liquid water that fire off blasts of water at their targets (effective at low to mid range)

'golems' = 6 foot tall ice golems with broad shoulders. Medium speed and power (melee fighter- close range)

'Onyx golems'= 7 foot tall ice golems. Slow but powerful hitters (melee fighter- close range)

proxies: ice copies of Victor's body (neutered for decency) used to do personal mutant errands

'saltwater golems' = water golems summoned from the ocean without filtration specifically created for 'salt bombardments' pressurised water attacks with salt as an abrasive to simulate the effect of an industrial water jet cutter.

'minions'= catchall term for large group of assorted types of water and ice golems.

'sense cylinder' = a use of Victor psionic ability to use water to see through refracted light and hear via vibrations in water particles in the environment mixed with the sonar sense of disturbances of water particles to simulate 3/5 of the senses over large distances. (lacking taste and smell)

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Monday August 7th

After Morning Training I made another attempt at giving the Avalon grand tour. This time I was on the lookout for any trouble using my sense cylinder' for sight only' for a range of 1000+ miles.

There were twice as many people as last week's tour' and there had been significant developments since then so I had to do some major overhauling of my tour speech'.

I walked them over to the agricultural section to introduce them to the agricultural team'. "This is Peter our Supply master who duplicates seeds/fruits/vegetables as part of his daily routine. If you ask nicely he can duplicate' anything else under half a kilo for you." I pointed to Set "and this guy is the king of meat, thanks to his ability to copy dead things we have a practically unlimited supply of meat for Avalon." Pointing to Spark "and this strapping young man is our Executioner who kills livestock with electricity so make sure not to get on his bad side because he's very skilled at a one strike KO. He also provides most of the electricity for Avalon, though I'll talk about that more later.

"Next up is Avalon's power couple, Luke and Grace/Gaia. Luke helps on a part time basis plowing the fields for new crops and providing hands-free fertilization of crops. His full time job at Avalon is construction; he literally built Avalon or at least 90% of it anyway. He's currently engaged in expanding our facilities to provide somewhere warm to sleep for our new citizens as my efforts at accommodation weren't appreciated much." I ripped off a section of ice wall reshaping it into a 3 sided narrow box of ice with a doorway as a demonstration. "So you have him to thank for having rooms made of rock instead of ice." They clapped and cheered and Luke bowed to the assembled crowd as I reshaped the room' back into the wall. I redirected their attention to the other half of the power couple'. "The lovely Grace" she blushes and ducks her head as a couple of guys wolf whistle, they are silenced quickly by Luke glaring at them and causing the ground to shake beneath their feet "is in charge of the entire agricultural team. Grace is Avalon's agricultural expert by virtue of growing up on a farm and experiencing how a successful farm operates; her ability to accelerate the maturation of crops/trees has proven invaluable to providing a near unlimited supply of fresh fruit and vegetables for Avalon.

"Next up is our technological department run by Scale with the help of Spark; Scale with the help of Broadcast has developed a revolutionary new approach to renewable power. Scale as Avalon's technological mastermind has designed a mutant powered generator that he's been constantly redesigning and upgrading to increase its storage capability and efficiency. And powering this new generator are mutants working together in a unique way and for the first time ever they'll demonstrate this new process live to an audience so keep quiet and keep your distance.

"Glare," I motioned to Glare while Scale prepared the generator, "using his ability to concentrate light", Glare's hands glow bright white "touches Broadcast" Glare pressed his palms over Broadcast's face "to supercharge Broadcast's energy absorption ability". Spark moved forward standing in front of Broadcast electricity arcing out from his fingertips as Glare moved away.

Spark asked Broadcast "Ready" and Broadcast nodded.

Spark moved forward placing one palm against Broadcast's cheek who locked his knees "Now Spark discharges his electrical energy into Broadcast" the electricity arcing off the back of Spark's hand intensified "who absorbs the electrical and thermal energy Spark produces" As we watched Spark paled and started to visibly perspire from the effort/ heat while Broadcast glowed with golden energy and crackled with electrical energy. Spark stepped back breaking contact, looking tired "until Spark is out of energy".

"This is when the magic happens" Broadcast said with a smile as he stepped towards the large box-like generator and inserted a finger into a socket towards the front.

Broadcast's glow and electric aura dimmed in intensity "now that Broadcast has absorbed Spark's power in combination with the solar energy he has absorbed through Glare he can now funnel the combined power into electric power directly into the generator." As the crowd watched Broadcast's glow faded and became as pale as Spark had. Broadcast stepped away from the generator.

"This process produces 150% of the energy output that Spark used to during a day's effort in a single session. That isn't the best development though." Glare poked Broadcast in the cheek with a single brightly shining finger and Broadcast pinked up and even developed a faint golden aura "Glare can bring Broadcast back to about 50% of his normal strength which is enough" Broadcast places his palm against Spark's face for a few seconds "so that Broadcast can channel some of that fresh new energy into Spark who will recover his full strength in a third of the time as normal." The audience didn't look particularly amazed by this so I added "That means they can do this every few hours to provide a near endless supply of power to Avalon."

There were a few ooh's and ah's of appreciation once understanding dawned.

"At the moment they only do this twice a day, once in the morning and once at night due to our current power requirements with Scale monitoring the results. We're hoping that over time with regular practice we'll be able to streamline the process to reduce wastage. Broadcast also helps out with our unhealthy human visitors infusing them with extra energy to improve their recovery rates too. We also have standard backup generators for if we experience any shortages or technical difficulties during the day."

"Moving on, this is Paul who is acting as the head of the `Day Watch' being assisted temporarily by Peter Hale's security chief who happens to be a former Navy SEAL so I expect everyone to treat him with all due respect and address him as Mister Beck." Beck gives them a quick glance and a small nod of acknowledgement before returning back to his chart while Paul preens grinning broadly(still an odd sight to see him happy) at the assembled crowd. "This skinny guy is Vamp who psychically screens visitors to make sure we don't get any dangerous weirdos entering Avalon. He also checks to see if they can afford my expensive medical services at the clinic. His giant buddy next to him is named Surprise and he can teleport making him a hell of a lightning bruiser; fast and strong enough to take care of any issues via teleportation before they become a serious issue. They're Avalon's welcoming committee and most of you have probably interacted with them on your first day. I have 50 golems assisting in enforcing the peace. "

"Are we safe here?" asked a pie faced teenager of 15 code named Ink Jet for his ability to squirt squid like ink from out of his mouth.

I replied with "There is no defense strong enough to prevent a determined foe from attacking us but every day I increase the amount of golems patrolling Avalon and its walls to make it harder for our enemies to hurt us. I'm constantly practicing my skills over my mutant power" I gestured at the golems about "which is hydrokinesis or control over water to ensure the safety of Avalon. I try and make these golems as tough as possible by alternating them between unarmed martial arts, quarter staff routines and on Sundays I pit them against mutant combatants. I do this for a few reasons, 1 it's kind of fun to mess about with water" That got a few half-hearted laughs "2 my mutant abilities are part of who I am and I want to master them. And the last and most important reason is survival, I want to be the best I can be so I can survive whatever the world throws at me and I want everyone here to try and be the best they can be so that they can take care of themselves. Safety can't be guaranteed but it can be pursued with great vigor. "

After the guided tour was done I sent off 3 proxies to complete a full day of `clinic work', desalination and water treatment. I also maintained 100 golems remotely to enforce the peace and do basic laboring jobs throughout Avalon. Meanwhile I spent my day swimming and reading to pass the time.

In the evening Vamp and Surprise joined me in the pool naked and I dissolved myself into the water becoming it, stroking and caressing their bodies to get them all worked up. I streamed out reforming naked on my bed ass up and Surprise was quick to teleport behind me and slam into my tight hole while Vamp teleported himself in front of me filling my mouth with cock. I was slammed between them for a while until Vamp disappeared teleport-pushing Surprise out of me for a turn fucking me. Surprise grabbed him from behind and filled Vamp's hole with his thick 8 inch cock while Vamp pounded my hole with great vigor. Vamp started transmitting his pleasure psychically as he teleported in and out of the middle of the fuck sandwich, randomly disappearing out of my hole and off Surprise's cock. It was torture but the fun kind of torture where you're so close to the edge and the other person won't let you explode. Vamp ended up dumping his load of me collapsing on my bed without finishing off me or Surprise.

I slid into Vamp's well-worn hole with Luke's 9 inch cock and Surprise slid back into me. I fucked Vamp hard and Vamp linked me into a very shallow psychic rapport with him and Surprise. It allowed me to share directed thoughts and sensations into their permanent psychic communion, I revealed to the both of them how much I was enjoying their visit by a limited sensory sharing, sharing my satisfaction with being 'piggie in the middle'. Through our link Surprise shared a fraction of the sensation and satisfaction he experienced pounding my hole and Vamp shared his appreciation of the thick cock inside him sliding back and forth against his prostate. The multiple sensations took me over the edge and I blew my load into Vamp and as the boundaries weakened between us and my pleasure saturated them, they orgasmed too their double orgasm ripped through me too in a cascade of orgasmic pleasure and the ebb and flow of multiple seperate orgasms.

It took some time for me to pull my mind back together post triple psychic orgasm to realize that Surprise was slumped on top of me spent. Their orgasms had literally broken my mind for an unknowable period of time. (I quickly checked my golems fixing the damage from my inattention)

I puddled out causing Surprise to land on and inside Vamp's now sticky hole.

I reformed naked and hard next to them, thinking about what had happened.

Surprise pulled out of Vamp and flopped onto his back next to me silent, breathing hard.

"Well that was different," I said.

"That was crazy intense fun; we should do that again soon." Vamp said

I stroked my cock (well technically Luke's cock). "The sex was awesome but I don't last long when we're psychically linked like that and I'm not sure I want to lose myself like that again."

Vamp looked over and smiled while Surprise glanced over having `wilted' since withdrawal and grunted and closed his eyes.

"You're probably right, my ass is going to need at least 5 minutes to recover." Vamp said

"Okay I'll start counting the seconds till I'm back inside you then." Vamp smiled and teleported onto my stomach kissing me before teleporting his butt on my face.

"Lick me" I'm a little reluctant but I am curious about the experience. I rim him for several minutes, liking the musky/watery taste of him & me on my tongue and all his eager moans as he squirmed on my face. He teleported onto my hard cock with a groan of pain from impaling himself too fast and I feel his discomfort transmitted psychically but he gets over it soon enough and starts riding me faster and faster, his hole opening up around my cock which is leaking precum into him. I let him have his way with my cock, enjoying being a lazy top.

Surprise rolled over and kissed me as Vamp sped up his movements, transmitting his pleasure psychically. Surprise pulled away for a second before teleport-straddling my face jamming his thick cock into my open mouth while Vamp bounced faster on my lap. I grabbed his hips fucking horny as now, thrusting upwards as Surprise face fucked me, I spread my legs for leverage, fucking him as hard as I could from this position. Surprise disappeared and reappeared behind Vamp and grabbed my legs using his strength and position to stop me from moving (I assume Vamp and Surprise shared a second of telepathic communication) as Vamp stopped moving and Surprise filled my hole again.

The sex had slipped out of my control completely (which I was fine with) as Vamp and Surprise tortured me with pleasure. Vamp rode my cock super slowly while Surprise teleport-slammed my hole then they would swap without warning, Vamp riding me like a bucking bronco and Surprise slowly fucking me.

"Please" I begged and Surprise pulled out of me entirely and slid his hard cock next to mine inside Vamp. Vamp groaned as he was consumed by the sensation. We started slow but we picked up speed inside him and all 3 of us were exploding, Surprise and me into Vamp's well –used hole and him over my stomach and chest.

Vamp limped away with Surprise to pick up their scattered their clothes and they teleported away.

I slumped on the bed temporarily satisfied. Unfortunately the pleasant feeling didn't last long and I dreaded yet another long night alone. My insomnia was getting worse and it was becoming harder to fill the long night time hours as Scale was usually busy with his `generator'. As Avalon's founder I appreciated Scale's commitment to improving Avalon's power supply but as a horny teenager I hated that we spent so much time apart on our different schedules.

Between my new policy of `no straight guys' and most Avalonians sleeping during the night my sex life was suffering. I missed the variety of New York, I only had sex with Vamp, Surprise, Scale and sometimes with Centaur lately and while the sex was hot and sometimes super intense I missed having sex available whenever I wanted. In New York no matter where I was I could find someone hot to fool around with. Here, there was only one gay club and very little in the way of potential prospects to replace Mark and friends in my sexual calendar. At school I had my pick of hot unattached straight mutants, at work I had Mark and a horny boss to fool around with on breaks and on the weekends I could go out clubbing though I usually ended up at Tom's for a sex party with horny human guys. I missed having sex with Luke and the others but since Luke had ditched me for a girlfriend I hadn't wanted to be held emotionally ransom to straight guys. Now my sex life had slipped from super intense sex with lots of hot guys to having hot sex ocassionally. I blamed myself for my stupid efforts to be mature and responsible. UGH I HATE MY LIFE.

Tuesday August 8th

Equipment arrived finally after what felt like an interminable delay and I distributed the bullet proof vests and helmets. A lot of people disliked the bulkiness of the `safety equipment' and complained about wearing them, I sighed and made it mandatory for Broadcast, Vamp, Surprise, Luke, Grace, Spark, Scale, Set, Horny Peter and Paul as I couldn't run Avalon without their help. I didn't bother trying to force the others into wearing them, the safety equipment was there, it was their choice whether they wanted to risk doing without. Either way the equipment was there if we needed them.


There's a small disaster featuring QS who had swapped his powers with his dad Orb resulting in a mini cave-in of the underground section for the Morlock Elders. Apparently the Morlocks had gone wild swapping powers with each other post Arena with the help of Transfer's ability. It hadn't been a problem until today though as most Morlock abilities were physical and didn't require much of a learning curve.

I talked to Luke while Vamp was around (Vamp and Surprise have become my frequent evening companions) about fixing the damage and setting up a special underground training area under the Arena complete with containment cells for `potentially hazardous swaps'.

Vamp included me in a loose connection in his mental network and I called up Broadcast to amplify the transmission of a PUBLIC ADDRESS telepathic message directed at Avalon mutants only. Due to recent events I'm instituting a temporary ban on power swaps until `safe areas' can be set up for accidental discharges. If you have swapped powers with someone please see Transfer to have them swapped back. Thanks. While I'm speaking to you tryouts to be considered to join the Avalon elite armed forces will be held at the end of the week. The minimum requirements to be eligible to be in the Avalon elite squad requires the ability to do a 1000 yard swim with fins (20 minutes or under), at least 70 pushups within a 2 minute time limit, at least 10 pull ups in the same time period and at least 60 curl ups in 2 minutes. Also a four mile run with shoes and pants in half an hour.

I suggested that Luke work with Broadcast through Vamp's psychic linking in a trial run to maximize Luke's construction efforts.

Wednesday August 9th

Morning training


Luke and Broadcast spent the day working on developing the infrastructure for Avalon's underground training facilities. Vamp linked them together with a temporary psychic bond so they could draw on a combined reservoir of mental strength and the faster recovery rate of Broadcast meanwhile Surprise helped with some of the heavier lifting as did my golems. I filled up the indoor pool and bought equipment such as jogging machines and exercise bike and weights for the new training/recreation area that had an indoor running track measuring 4 miles.

By the end of the work day Broadcast and Luke had completed the training area at roughly 120% of Luke's total mutant strength but with a recovery rate of 3 times faster than his usual. Broadcast was proving to be invaluable to the smooth running of Avalon with his very versatile power set.

It was an effective pairing. They planned to work together on the `special training area' tomorrow to create containment cells for dangerous mutants.

A recent addition to Avalon named Lazarus had demanded to see me. Vamp and Surprise heard about the `meeting' and teleported around to provide back up.

Lazarus walked towards me as I sat on my throne. Lazarus is 25, 6 foot 1 and disproportionately long limbs, with a small black goatee.

"Hello Lazarus. Interesting name. Want to do the mutant show and tell and demonstrate your power for me? "

Lazarus sighed and said "This is going to get messy." He gave me a brief inscrutable look and pulled a knife from his pants, Surprise moved to stop him but Lazarus stabbed himself in the chest collapsing onto the ground in a pool of his own blood.

I looked over at Vamp "What the fuck was that about?" I checked his heart rate with water sense and he was dead. I called for Broadcast via water voice saying it was a medical emergency.

"I don't know, I mean I read him and he seemed fine, he didn't seem suicidal or anything this morning and I didn't pick up anything strong enough to say he was going to off himself. Fuck me."

I looked at Surprise to see if he had anything to add to the weirdness and he only shrugged helplessly and said "Want me to move him somewhere?"

We all freaked out when Lazarus unfurled himself from the ground like a giant Jack in the Box. Lazarus asked "Are you happy now?" in a low despondent voice.

"What the fuck was that?"

"It's my power, I heal after death."

"But I scanned your insides and you were dead with no signs of healing."

He enunciated each word sarcastically. "I HAVE TO BE FULLY DEAD BEFORE I HEAL."

"Well that's different. I guess the name choice makes sense now. That's kind of cool. You can never die."

"YOU'RE an IDIOT!" he charged forward. Surprise teleported behind him and restrained his arms restraining his arms behind his back.

"I'm obviously missing something? Care to explain."

"It's a fucking curse. I just keep resurrecting no matter how many times I kill myself or die."

I exchanged a confused glance with Vamp

"Why would you complain about coming back from the dead?"

"Have you ever drowned?"

"Can't say that I have."

"Well it's a nightmare. My life used to be normal. It all went downhill after I went out celebrating with some friends after finishing my degree and went for a late night swim and I got a cramp and drowned. Except I didn't stay dead and I kept drowning over and over again while drifting out further into the ocean. After I had drowned for the 20th time in a row one of my more sober friends dragged me to shore in between resurrections. My wounds healed up in front of them and I lost all of them and I spent a long year trying to kill myself permanently."

"Why were you trying to kill yourself?"

"I'm worried that someone will bury me and I'll spend the rest of eternity trapped underground going crazy with no hope of release. I don't have any other mutant powers like super strength or cool energy stuff just the ability to experience every sort of death but true death."

"I imagine post necrotic restoration does have its downsides after all."

He glared at me "I thought you could help me. I heard that you can turn people's insides to water. I want you to kill me."


"I don't want to live like this."

"If you want to get rid of your resurrection power, you could always see if the Morlocks are willing to swap" he looked confused "They're the guys with weird markings on their face or look like obvious mutants, there's a guy called Transfer who can swap powers so you can look like one of them and die normally if you insist. Or you could see Peter Hale and participate in some groundbreaking medical research. Instead of trying to die you could be the key to stopping people from dying. People could live forever with your help."

I motioned to Surprise to let him go which he did. "I'll think about it." Lazarus said.

Broadcast showed up just as Lazarus was leaving. He looked confused by the large blood puddle so I explained what happened and I rinsed the blood off the ice floor and we all chilled out together watching Avatar to destress after that weirdness.

*********************************************************************************** Peter/Horny came by a couple of hours later.

"Can my parents visit?"

"Of course they can, we welcome all mutants here."

"They're not actually mutants they're just normal humans, I know Xavier didn't want our parents to visit because we were hiding but we're out in the open now. Please Victor, I really miss my family and my mother claims she'll come over and camp outside to see me for as long as it takes."

"No need for her to camp outside, if she's willing to make the trek to Tasmania she's welcome to stay here regardless of her mutant status. I didn't mean for Avalon to seem like it'd only accept mutants, it's just that primarily this place is our sanctuary where we can be who we are without persecution. Let your family know they can visit and I'll announce to everyone shortly that if they have human family or friends that want to stay or visit they're welcome to as long as they follow the basic rules of Avalon."

"Thanks so much. I feel so lonely here sometimes so far from home." He gave me a quick hug and left. I looked over at Vamp who was silent as I thought about how little I missed my home. I had never really felt like I belonged or fit in anyway even before discovering I was a mutant and my brief visit home had made me feel like even more of an outsider freak. I missed the action of being in or near New York but I didn't really miss the city itself much as I hadn't really had the time or inclination to do the touristy things that people raved about. Oh well I was always the odd duck.

*Mutants of Avalon I have been remiss. It has come to my attention that while some of you have been enjoying the comfort of having family nearby others have been feeling the absence even more. Those of you with human parents have probably grown accustomed to hiding who you are from your parents and the rest of the world. Now I will give the opportunity for all of you to invite your friends or family, whether they're human, mutant or something in between." (I had an odd thought then that I'd have to talk to Peter Hale about later.) *We have made the first step together; we've come out into the light and have forced the outside world to acknowledge our existence. The next step is letting our loved ones get to know us better by showing them what we're really capable of. As long as they follow some basic rules they're welcome to stay as long as they like and become part of the constantly growing and evolving community of Avalon. * I announced linked in a psychic connection with Vamp and Surprise with Broadcast amplifying the telepathic transmission. One last thing due to financial constraints I can't pay people what they're worth for their work which means most of you will have to continue your education with free accommodation and food. For those of you wanting disposable income you may need to find alternative employment nearby. I'll be sending proxies to inform people as to whether I'll need you to continue at your current work assignments or not.

I sent off a small army of golems' turned proxies' to deliver the bad news throughout Avalon.

Meanwhile I suggested to Vamp "Next time you're scanning the unknowns, make sure to check the mutants out for what powers they have so we don't get any more nasty surprises."

"Will do. I'm guessing I still have a job then."

"Of course I need both of you guys to help me ensure the security of Avalon."

Vamp and Surprise gave me a hug and kiss goodbye before they went off to their own large bed for sleep/sex.

Scale popped by before his work day started (nocturnal schedule) and we had a quickie. Afterwards we chatted about the abandoned evening trainings (because we were running out of things to teach and motivation was low for post work exercising). We argued a bit over my recent announcement requiring most people to resume their school work or find alternative employment. It hadn't gone over well in the Morlock community. I explained that Avalon couldn't afford to pay everyone what they were worth yet and I didn't want everyone dependent on Avalon's coffers to live their lifes. I wanted us to integrate with the rest of the world at some point and we couldn't do that if we hid behind our walls forever. Scale wasn't completely convinced but he said he'd discuss it more with his demographic and talk to me later. I waved him off, depressed that Avalon's financial policy was creating more distance between Scale and I.

Thursday August 10th


Work – During work I kept having more people come to the castle to complain about my recent change of policy. The gist being while they weren't fond of working, they were even less fond of studying and they were expecting regular big money pay outs for their labors. I explained that it was a one off fit of generosity when I had money to spare; now most of it went to running costs and medical research. They weren't pleased.

Broadcast (relinked with Luke via Vamp's psychic bonding) helped to create specialized containment cells that I tested with ice spikes and water pressure to check durability. I got Paul to come by to `reinforce' them further. I might need to throw mutant dissenters in there at some point considering my drop in popularity recently.

In the evening Broadcast comes to me and says that he's started to hear strange voices. I called up Vamp to check out his mind and we discovered that Broadcast had developed a little bit of psychic ability as a result of the telepathic link with Luke and being used to transmit telepathic announcements to Avalon. It's an odd development.

There had been a lot of mutants from America moving to Avalon lately and the welcoming committee had been very busy. There was mounting tension in America against mutant kind with smart mutants fleeing as far as they could from the violence and uncertainty. Most of the new mutants were class 1's or 2's with abilities of little use to Avalon or in protecting themselves so we provided intensive self-defense training to bridge the gap.

Friday August 11th

The human friends and family members of Avalonians arrived throughout the day in Avalon, requiring Broadcast to spend most of his day with Luke to `build' rock accommodations as well as dip into Avalonian funds to buy more beds/furnishings and hire more contractors for plumbing/electrical needs.

I announced through Vamp & Broadcast the tryouts to join the Avalon elites will be held on Sunday 1pm at the Arena replacing the usual Arena games as I'm working on something extra special to make the games more exciting and to arrange some of the special prizes.


A few rounds of cards with the guys (Luke, Scale, Spark and Onyx) before we headed out for a night of drinking.

Grace, Kermilla, Paul, Peter and Broadcast joined us for our night out morphing the tone of the night from drunken misadventure to a discussion about Avalon's progress and upcoming plans. Luke glared at Broadcast as Broadcast chatted companionably with the two girls about the prospect of a day spa' where Kermilla could work and people could get massages and a boost' from Broadcast.

Scale and I left the bar after a while for a walk. We ended up in a dark park with him fucking me on the ground in a heated public quickie.

Saturday August 12th

Hung out on the beach with Scale Broadcast and Luke.

Luke and Broadcast entertained themselves by `powercising' against each other. Luke ends up literally burying Broadcast by turning the ground beneath him into quicksand. It was funny seeing Broadcast explode out of the ground in a flying ball of fire launching a fireball at Luke who deflected it with a rock wall (Luke had been watching Avatar with Grace and had picked up some new tricks watching Toph).

:: Broadcast & Peter Hale::

We returned to Avalon and I'm surprised to see Broadcast (through 'sense cylinder') talking to Peter Hale not long afterwards. Broadcast asked "Can I speak to you privately?"

Peter looked him over and said "Yes."

I followed their progress into Peter's room with an `eye'.

Broadcast kissed Peter Hale softly, hesitantly but that didn't last long as Peter Hale intensified the kiss as he slid his hands under Broadcast's shirt stroking the firm flesh beneath pulling Broadcast closer. Broadcast tugged at the buttons of Peter's shirt but grew impatient and ripped off his shirt, Peter laughed and ripped apart Broadcast's shirt. They tugged at each other's pants stroking bulges, before stroking each other's released erections.

Peter dropped to his knees sucking on Broadcast's cock while Broadcast groaned with his hand lightly on Peter's head as he was expertly fellated. (I knew how good Peter was at sucking cock from personal experience)

Peter assumed doggy position facing away from Broadcast. Broadcast took up position behind Peter and tried to line up his cock with Peter's hole; Peter reached behind him and impaled himself partly on Broadcast's cock. Broadcast groaned as he moved forward and bottomed out in Peter's hole; Broadcast grabbed a hold of Peter's hips fucking him harder.

Broadcast pushed Peter Hale face down into the mattress fucking him harder. (I knew I shouldn't be watching but curiosity had overwhelmed my ethics and it was too hot to stop watching.) Broadcast pulled out and flipped Peter Hale onto his back and slid back into his hole their tongues intertwining while Broadcast's pelvic muscles got a work out. Broadcast sped up slamming faster and harder into Peter's hot hole until he exploded into him with an orgasmic grunt and slumped on top of him momentarily before rolling off and staring at the ceiling.

"Well that wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be."

"How flattering."

Broadcast looked over at Peter giving his body a thorough "I don't know what's up with me lately? I want to fuck everyone even reasonably attractive."

"My ego is getting a bruising from your pillow talk."

"I'm straight or at least I used to be and now I keep having these thoughts like" he paused looking at Peter's 9 and a bit thick cock longingly "wanting to ride your cock and call you daddy."

Peter replied "It's the joy of youth young man, learning new stuff about yourself every other day. I'm fine if you want to ride my lap and call me daddy. I like a little bit of role-play."

Broadcast covered his face "I don't know why this is happening to me. I've never even thought about a guy like that and now I can't seem to stop."

Peter moved in close and caressed Broadcast's thigh suggestively "If you try it and dislike the experience, it'll be easier to dismiss the urge afterwards and if you like it well..."

"Oh god. I'm an anal virgin so how do we do this?"

Peter reached under his bed and pulled out some lube "For your first time lots and lots of lube", he slathered lube generously on his cock "now straddle me." Broadcast did straddling him just over his stomach. Peter fingered Broadcast's hole with a single lubed finger then working his way up to two as Broadcast groaned and squirmed in some combination of pain and or pleasure. "You're going to love this." Peter sat up pressing his lips against Broadcast's neck "Just relax" he whispered.

"Oh fuck" Broadcast cried as Peter pulled him onto his thick cock. Broadcast clung to him and whispered "oh daddy take me".

Peter eased himself further into Broadcast's tight virgin hole "yeah baby open up for Daddy's big cock."

Broadcast groaned as Peter bottomed out inside his hole "oh yeah fuck me daddy."

Peter wrapped his arms around Broadcast and said "Yes, gorgeous boy I'll fuck your brains out" and flipped Broadcast onto his back and kissed him hard as he fucked Broadcast hard with long deep cocking.

Broadcast wrapped his legs around Peter's lower back meeting every thrust with enthusiasm.

Peter Hale pumped his load into Broadcast's butt as I exploded all over my hand.

:: ::

Sunday August 12th

Talked to Sean online as I had a suspicion as to what had caused Broadcast's abrupt change in sexual preference. Sean confirmed my suspicion that it was probably a result of psychic bleed-through, warning me that psychic links were hazardous as strong personality traits were the first to leech through. I thanked Sean for the information and told him I missed him. He said he missed hanging out with me too.

Sean was the only thing I really missed about my time at Xavier's school for the `gifted'. Sean was my first real friend, he knew everything about me and still liked me and supported me despite all the stupid things I had done and continued to do.

Had the auditions for the Avalon Elites; Luke, Scale, Broadcast, Cornelius, QS, Surprise, (Vamp is included only because they seem to be a package deal as of late) and Gill all qualified to the applause of the crowd. Admittedly a lot of the crowd consisted of humans wanting to see the Arena Games but I turned the trials into impromptu sport events by creating a late minute 100 metre pool in the centre of the 'battle zone'.

I wasn't quite sure what the next step would be for the Avalon Elites as I had stolen the basic requirements straight out of SEAL recruitment policy. I'd have to think of something kickass for them to do to improve their skills later.

Monday August 13th

Morning training.

This week's guided tour consisted of the 50 mutants who had arrived since last week's tour along with twice that many human friends/family members of Avalonians who'd arrived during the weekend.

I mentioned to the tour group the one important difference since last tour "Onyx with the power to turn into a rock giant has been added to Day Watch with Centaur with half human/horse abilities being assigned to the Night Watch patrolling the ground level."

Daniel (Government lackey) asked if I'm capable of hydro-electric generation as the power minister was looking for additional sources of power. I said I could. While the US may not hold mutants in high regard at least Australia appreciated the value of exploiting our talents which was a step in the right direction in the short term. I set up shop in an abandoned hydroelectric facility nearby alternating between using steam to spin the turbine to generate electricity and using water to do the same. It's way easier than filtering out sea salt or shit from water and much more profitable...

I now have 4 full time jobs using my powers as well as hundreds of golem laborers/soldiers/enforcers to maintain.

Luke and Broadcast had linked together again to create a day spa' next to the clinic'. I had no idea how to broach the subject of psychic bleed through with Broadcast as explaining that he may have caught `gayness' from being in a psychic link with me and Vamp was super awkward. The fact that I had spied on him during a private moment wouldn't make the conversation any easier. The situation was made more awkward by the latest development of Broadcast's psychic ability of being able to create his own psychic bonds through touch.

Broadcast had already linked himself with Paul with this new ability to supercharge and reinforce' the human construction workers so that they'd finish installing wiring and plumbing to the day spa' faster.

Tuesday August 14



I have an unpleasant experience during my clinic' work. A 16 year old teenager with cancer is brought along by his mother and he's an obnoxious ass hat. Clinic work is a lot tougher without Broadcast dealing with the patients for me as he's busy next door with his new spa project. His new project has taken half of my sea salt for therapeutic massages' and half my golems are `fetching and carrying' for him.

"Don't you think it's a cunty thing to charge people who are dying for your hocus pocus bullshit?"

I speak through my proxy ^I give 90% of the money collected to medical research so that my efforts can be replicated with science. The other 10% go to running costs to this place. If your mother was unable to pay the fee, you'd be provided the service for free anyway. However if you don't want to be cured you can leave any time and your money will be returned."

That silenced him for a brief moment before he spouted his next annoying question."Why would you donate the money to cancer research if you make so much money from curing it?"

^I don't really make that much money from this. The fee is mostly to discourage people from wasting my time with cancers they could get treated using traditional methods. My mom is a GP and she gave me a massive lecture about being careful about undermining thousands of years of medical research and patient care by trying to cure everything with magic. If they try and assassinate me again and succeed then everyone will be forced to get their cancers treated the regular way anyway. I only deal with stage 3 or 4 cancers that can't be treated via conventional medicine. I don't want to be responsible for fixing cancers indefinitely. Even with my method it doesn't erase the possibility for new cancers to develop later."

"What's the point then?"

(God I wanted to punch the kid) "It stops their condition being terminal. Do you want to do this or not. I'm losing my patience with this."

His mother ranted at me about how fragile he was and blah blah blah. I `fixed' him and kicked him out, hoping he stayed healthy so I never had to see him or his mother again.

I went to see Paul after work with Vamp and Surprise as backup wanting to make sure he wasn't infected with gayness from contact with Broadcast. Vamp checked out Paul's mind covertly and telepathically signaled that Paul's psyche hadn't been altered by contact with Broadcast.

Vamp, Surprise and I talked to Sean via the new computer room and its new internet connection (still too slow for a video link). Sean lectured Vamp about the dangers of psychic links and was told how to contain his psychic profile while maintaining a link so no one else would be `infected' by his personality traits.

I asked Sean for his advice about how to break the news to Broadcast.

Wednesday August 15

We received the highest amount of mutants to date today with 15 mutants consisting of quite a few American mutants fleeing mounting tensions with humans after the `Worldwide migraine'. Most of the new recruits were class 1's or 2's with minor abilities who didn't fancy their chances against armed human mobs we had a couple of class 3's that weren't trained either. We shunted them off to intensive training and told them they'd be subject to the rules of this place.

Had an interesting chat with Peter Hale after work where he tells me that they've compiled some interesting data in regards to my question about whether there is a missing link between humans and mutants.

Peter Hale and his team of researchers had discovered from recently acquired blood samples taken from the parents of mutants indicated the precursor to the X-gene and they were essentially carriers or the missing link in the genetic evolution process as such they were considered class 0's mutants. No extraordinary abilities and only slightly above the `normal human' spectrum but all carriers for the Mutant X Gene.

The conservative estimate is that mutants comprised .1% of the total world population based mostly on anecdotal evidence but the real figures were hard to estimate as obvious mutants like Scale hid themselves from human sight for fear of negative reactions. There were also the invisible class 0 mutants and some mutants that'd be `passers' with no discernable super human abilities with above average recovery rates, dexterity, strength and/or speed that lived completely normal lives not knowing they were any different from the people around them. Mutants like Lazarus and Transfer with powers requiring highly specific circumstances would also fly beneath the radar. The mutant demographic might be more widespread than the public ever imagined.

Thursday August 16

Morning training

An interesting addition to Avalon's ranks showed up in this morning's induction group of new mutants by the name of Mirage. She had trained with Xavier and had the power to create illusions imbued with psionic energy and had mastery with a sword, bow and spear. She was a welcome addition as her skills would make Morning Training far more interesting. I talked to her for a while and sent off some golems to fetch me some spears, bows and swords for the purposes of training. Due to state regulations I couldn't find any sharp swords but I made do with some replicas for the purposes of training exercises. We'd sharpen them later if necessary.


Around 1pm something unusual happened.

A few miles outside of Avalon an average looking guy (brown hair, eyes, undistinctive face and body) with a brown suitcase stripped naked. This average guy morphed into a massive 6 foot something guy with a dirty blond beard with long hair down to his shoulders. The guy was huge and ripped with thick biceps, 6 pack abs and well developed pecs which were incidental details when the guy started stroking his dick into a thick 10 inch erection. He got dressed in tight pants and a tight shirt covering him but clinging to every hard line of his body, he adjusted his hard bulge but it didn't seem like he was trying to hide it as its significant length and girth was obvious. He packed up his former clothes into the suitcase and walked toward Avalon nonchalantly.

I water whispered to Paul at the gate to let the unknown come in while calling Vamp & Surprise to the throne room for back up.

I shifted into ice mode and water whispered to Avalonians ^everyone take shelter, suspicious mutant incoming. ^

Usually when a new mutant appeared Vamp would screen them for hostile intentions and if they were `clean' they'd join Avalon and if I thought their abilities were interesting I'd have a one on one chat with them at some point. I had a weird feeling about this guy though. Vamp and Surprise popped up in the throne room in case I needed a quick exit/support.

I had four golems escort this suspicious character to my throne room so I could deal with him personally.

^Hello. Name and power.^

"You haven't heard of me?" I shrugged "My name is Thor, I'm the Norse God of Thunder and I'm seeking your help to recover my stolen hammer Mjolnir."

^So you're saying you're a God?^

"I come from Asgard and I'm a member of the Avengers in America."

^I highly doubt that^ I drew forth the water from my swimming pool into a mobile ice containment cell to lock him up so that Vamp could read the truth directly from his mind.

Vamp It's a lie, he's a shape shifter and he's been sent by Magneto to steal your powers along with as many others as possible while he's here.

"Let me out you cursed dogs." As Thor he tried to smash through his ice cell but his strength isn't enough to break free. "Fuck this nonsense." His form flickered for a split second into the `average form' before morphing into the Human Torch (I recognized him from news report, he was hot and popular figure in society, his mutate status and superheroeing exploits bypassing the usual concerns the public had about us mutants) bursting into flames outwards. I streamed water over him dousing him and he switched back to normal naked post fiery explosion. I drew on more water to reinforce the ice cage.

^Tell me how you planned to steal my powers and why you're working for Magneto of all people.^

"You can't hold me forever."

^Not trying to, just want to hear some honesty from you unless you want me to get Vamp here to ream your mind for the answers. I'd rather not resort to such measures as psychic interrogations can be so damaging to the mind and messy for the body. I'd rather you talk as I'm intrigued by your use of power.^

"Fine. It's not like I have any loyalty to Magneto, he's just a useful way of feeding my hunger for fresh DNA and mutant DNA is the tastiest and Magneto knows where all the best mutants are buried."

Vamp looked worried and I was confused. ^What does DNA have to do with stealing my powers?^

"I have a unique power. All I need is a taste of someone's DNA and I can mimic that person perfectly and when it's a mutant I can copy their powers as well. Magneto found me a few weeks ago and had me working with Mystique who has a similar power as me in order to train me to be his right hand man. I've been acquiring lots of new shapes lately so that I can be used as his mutant weapon of mass destruction against the humans."

^You were going to let him use you like that?^

"No. I just played along in order to get what I wanted."

^And what do you want?^

"I need more DNA preferably mutant to stay healthy and Magneto knows where all the bodies are buried." He morphed into a blonde female for a second before striding forth as a diamond woman and punching a hole in the containment cell. I reformed the containment cell around his/her diamond fist. He/she smiled and turned to flesh for a second before I felt a wave of psychic pressure building outside Sean's mental shield. "Interesting. Magneto knew you were a class 5 but he never said you were such a tough little nut to crack."

The mental pressure built up weakening Sean's shield and I could feel him breaking through. ^GET OUT OF MY HEAD FUCKER.^ I lashed out with an ice spike through his/her unprotected stomach.

He morphed to average with a grunt and into The Human Torch melting the ice spike before shifting to average again unmarked by my violent reaction. "This is kind of fun kid but you're not going to be able to hold me for much longer. I'm getting restless."

He shifted back to diamond woman punching a hole in the ice cell again. His shape flickered back to average for a second before he became the Human Torch exploding outwards in a wall of flame and then as I'm creating an ice bubble around the fiery explosion he redirected a large section of flame as PYRO into a concentrated fire blast that hit me directly in the chest .

During my temporary distraction he broke free for a second out of confinement. I shifted to a wall of water dousing him and all flame within the room rendering Pyro's ability useless. He just smirked as I reformed into an ice armored golem. He morphed into an older version of Abraxas all red and naked and teleported several feet behind me. I activated `sense cylinder' as he teleported into the hallway in a puff of red smoke and entangled him with water tentacles from out of the ice walls.

^Wait. Let's not fight.^

"You're a tough little son of a bitch I'll give you that."

I walked up to him. ^I'll let you loose, if you promise to behave.^

He smirked and teleported behind me, grabbing me around the waist, speed teleporting me out of Avalon and into the sky. "Let me take your blood and I'll let you live."

I puddled out of his grasp floating a mile above the ground as an amorphous water orb. ^ I'm not that easy to kill. ^

He flickered to normal dropping a couple feet before morphing into a blond guy with short hair and a lean body with white angel wings that he flapped lazily. "I am impressed kid. How old are you?"

^16. Who the hell are you really?^

"My mutant name is Gene but you can call me John Smith if you like."

I reformed into a water proxy and hovered ^Now what?^

"I'm not sure. I've never had this much trouble collecting a DNA sample from anyone before." After a second he flew towards me and licked me. It felt weird as several drops of my being was digested by him. "Nope no DNA."' He had his fists at his side glaring at me.

^Sucks to be you. ^

As he wasn't attacking me I had a good look of the naked body he was currently wearing, this `shape' had a very nice lean well defined body with the sexy pelvic V and a very cute bubble butt. John caught me looking and smiled deviously. "Like this body do you? I heard you liked blond guys with big cocks so I picked Thor since his body is big, muscular, super strong, well-endowed and has lot of stamina. If you want to fuck a tight bubble butt and dump your load feel free." He turned around spreading his butt cheeks revealing a tight puckered hole. "I swing both ways little man so come fuck me if you're man enough."

I was conflicted, it felt like a trap but a very attractive one... ^Are you sure? ^

"Come on little man fuck me before I decide to go back to kicking your ass." He waggled his butt at me and I resisted the urge to kick him in the butt and then in the head a few times...

I considered my options and decided to play along and see what happened "Okay brace yourself". He snickered and I activated a technique on myself that I had only practiced previously on golems in secret. I shifted the outside layer of myself into skin and flesh but leaving 80% of myself undifferentiated water. I became a floating water puppet covered in skin' and a layer of flesh' to hold the shape. I shoved my 10 inch skin coated ice cock into John's tight hole.

He gasped as I slid deep inside him and said "Yeah fucking give it to me."

I pounded his ass hard enjoying the unusual sensation of fucking his tight warm hole with my `skinsickle' (skin covered icicle). I got bored after a while and faked an orgasm and fired a small burst of water into him through my fake cock.

He flapped his wings flying away from my cock. John looked me over "You're definitely a grower kid, my ass is wrecked but I got what I wanted" he stuck a finger into his distended rectum and pulled it out and stuck it in his mouth and sucked.

I laughed when his face went blank as he realized the truth. "HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS NOT HAVE DNA?"

I puddled down to the ground and reformed into ice version. "Shall we go get a drink?"

He lands and morphs back to his `average intermediate form' "You're the most infuriating asshole I've ever met and I can't go drinking, my fake ID only says I'm 18."

"How old are you really?"

"30 but this shape can barely pull off 18 sometimes. No way, I'm getting drinks here."

"Relax this is Tasmania the drinking age here is 18 that'll do."

"Maybe there's something worthwhile in this place after all. I need to get dressed."

I looked him over. "You look good for 30 "

"Thanks but it's a nuisance to get drunk in public."

"Can't you just use a different shape to drink?"

"It's harder to hold the shape when I'm trashed and once I lose the shape I lose the drunkenness so I end up back where I started from. "

We both get dressed companionably to the confusion of Vamp and Surprise (though I make sure to keep my distance) and go off to get drunk.

I hijack a computer remotely and send an urgent message to Sean for back up in dealing with a DNA stealing enemy agent.

We spent a few hours drinking before I got John's backstory. It was too sad and pathetic to be made up. John got raped by a drunken stepfather when he was 14 and he developed his power after being forced to swallow his stepfather's load to hide the `evidence'. The second time he was forced to swallow his stepfather's load he morphed into an exact body duplicate of his stepfather which resulted into his stepfather freaking out and trying to hurt John who fought back and the stepfather died after hitting his head too hard on a closet door forcing John to be a mutant runaway.

After that John spent his teens living on the street, making himself a cum dumpster for horny guys in order to get his DNA hit. When he was 17 he ran across a mutant during his cum guzzling and found out his talent extended to mutant morphs including powers. He ended up using his morphs and the assorted powers he accumulated to acquire enough wealth to set himself up in Los Angeles. During his 12 years in the city of LA LA land, he fucked his way through thousands of good looking actors and models of both genders taking their DNA to feed his endless hunger for fresh genetic material and to have their shapes to collect DNA from other hot people. However it turned out that mutant DNA was richer and more fulfilling than human DNA and the potential for greater power was too tempting to refuse when Magneto found him.

He told me a bit about the time he spent with Magneto which had been useful in teaching him greater control over his morphs so that he could modify his morph (with great effort) to the prime age of power potential. He had practiced a lot with becoming Magneto aged 30 as Magneto hadn't wanted a repeat of the Rogue disaster where he had been captured after being drained of his power. John wasn't fond of Magneto trying to groom him to be his disciple for a human genocide but he was practical and it had worked for a while as Magneto had him sent on missions to collect DNA from dead mutants with useful power sets. He had sucked out the DNA out of the skeletons of Havoc, Emma Frost and Azazel.

Magneto had him work with Mystique who he had actually respected for being so kickass. She had been a great teacher in honing his natural shape shifting skills and working with him on infiltration techniques and unarmed combat. She did have an advantage over him in that she could make herself clothes whereas John often ended up naked when he switched shapes too often. He wasn't that concerned about nudity as he rarely wore his own body for very long so if one of his shapes was naked he wasn't concerned as they were often attractive or powerful or both.

He had acquired Mystiques DNA and had practiced making weapons of his flesh but they weren't as good as actual weapons and he preferred using stolen powers. Mystique had gone on missions with him so he could collect more DNA so he could better serve Magneto's agenda collecting the unique DNA of Mr. Fantastic and The Human Torch. Unfortunately for Mystique she had been captured by SHIELD during a raid on the Avenger's headquarters in an attempt to steal the DNA of the most powerful of their members. John had successfully stolen the DNA of Thor by pretending to be his human girlfriend but he was caught out by Tony Stark on the way out and while Mystique had tried to extricate him out of custody she got caught instead and he 'flamed out'.

Magneto had sent John off to get my powers so they could hold a city to ransom for her release. I knew I should be horrified at his moral bankruptcy but I saw in him a powerful potential bisexual ally and his ruthlessness and cold practicality reminded me a bit of Azula (an antagonist from Avatar) who was darkly compelling. Ever since I left the Mansion I felt like I was being held to an emotional ransom being responsible for Avalon's safety and prosperity and at times it was so emotionally exhausting I just wanted to run away. John felt like a black hole offering dark absolution from my responsibilities.

I asked John "how many mutants do you have in your genetic arsenal?"

"Hundreds but only about 15 of them are worthwhile power wise."

From what I could gather there were a few limitations to his impressive power. He couldn't take any powers directly like Rogue, he had to get genetic material from the mutant (hair, skin, blood, semen or bone marrow) and he could only use one morph at a time. Whenever he wanted to use a different power he'd have to switch to his `normal state' before switching to the new mutant form which left him dangerously vulnerable at times. The most problematic limitation was when he picked up a new mutant morph he wouldn't necessarily know how to use the powers even when he stole their memories with a class 3 telepath's powers (prior to Emma Frost's DNA acquisition he was now capable of class 4 psychic feats with her 'shape').

Despite our moral differences we had quite a bit in common power wise. His morphs resetted any damage he experienced, he was blasé about his body as he changed it on a daily basis and he didn't need that much sleep with his morphing restoring his mental energy to near peak levels. He also had a high sex drive as a possible result of his DNA requirement.

I talked to him about joining Avalon, highlighting the fact that he wouldn't be bossed about like he would under Magneto and we weren't waging a genocidal campaign against humans so it'd be less suicidal. Also we had the most diverse range of mutants gathered together in one place and we were constantly getting new recruits so he wouldn't have to go far for fresh Mutant DNA.

He accepted my proposal and he drunkenly fucked me as `normal' with his 7 inch cock in the toilet stalls of the pub we were in.

Later he flew me back home as Angel and fucked me again with Angel's 7 ½ cock and bit me during climax and acquired my blood...

I took him back to my bed and called up Vamp and Surprise to help welcome John to Avalon where we all had lots of sex and shared bodily fluids. Scale joined us during the night.

Friday August 17

I woke up to find myself half buried under a pile of naked guys, moving resulted in many sleepy groans as there had only been an hour of sleep max for most of them. It had been a very long hard drunken night of sexual misadventure with John being the most enduring sexual partner I had since Wolverine.

I worked remotely with less precision and enthusiasm than usual as I was preoccupied by the task of personally watching over John to make sure he didn't run off now that he fulfilled his original mission. I made sure to keep him busy with lots of sex to sweeten the deal which wasn't at all unpleasant as he demonstrated the sexual abilities of a few of his favorite `shapes'. The highlights being a very steamy session where I'm ice and he's the Human Torch and he fucks me as a fiery dynamo with a flaming 8 inch cock. Then we switched it up when he morphed into Angel and I climbed on top of him sticking Luke's 9 inch cock into his virgin tight hole (his morphs had the fun side effect of resetting damage to his butt too) as he flapped his wings creating a novel sensation as I try to hang on and fuck him at the same time as he glided through the rooms of my castle with me as a horny passenger fucking him the entire time. I fucked him hard enjoying the novelty of his tight ass and flight. I blast a load in him and he rolled in mid air dumping me into the pool.

He laughed at me and I send out water tentacles from the pool pulling him in the water, he morphed to average then to Thor pulling me into a heated embrace. He ends up fucking me in the pool using his superhuman strength to slam me back and forth on his thick 10 inch cock.

PAYDAY of 12.5k :P my paycheck keeps increasing as I develop more control over high volumes of water.

After all the hot sex it's not that hard to talk John into conducting an experiment with me...

Afternoon John and I went to "Transfer" to swap powers. I was curious as to whether I could acquire all the power sets John had accumulated during his time as I could assist Avalon with all sorts of powers then. Unfortunately when we swapped John got my water power set in his normal state' and I couldn't morph into any of his acquired shapes' because the memories of their genetic profiles was in his brain not stored by his power. This made it more of a risk than a benefit but I wanted to see what it was like so I bit Gene, tasting his blood and oddly enough I felt a rush of energy as I morphed into ...

Me from about 4 months ago, skinnier and less muscly than I was a moment ago but I could feel the water power beneath the surface again. I morphed back to current me a little confused but eager to swap back. The experiment was interesting but ultimately fruitless so Transfer swapped our powers back which was a welcome relief. I hadn't enjoyed being without my `sense cylinder' power, I had felt so limited and disconnected from the world.

I did feel like I could trust John a little more after his cooperation but I didn't want to leave him unsupervised as I didn't trust him that much yet. I sent off a proxy to acquire some alcohol for us (the man at the liquor shop was confused but handed over the booze after receiving a large wad of cash for his service.) I also sent a proxy to fulfill my usual routine of playing cards with the guys and to debrief with the others over the week's events afterwards at the bar.

Gene had 4 new `shapes' because of me (Mine, Scale, Vamp and Surprise) and I felt responsible for his actions. He was a risk but if I could gain his loyalty he'd be powerful asset to Avalon, even more powerful and versatile than Broadcast. If he did anything to endanger Avalon, I'd scatter him across the world and end him forever.

I hung out with John drinking, fucking and watching TV until the `X-Jet' pings on my sense cylinder awareness at 2 am. I dress hurriedly, telling John/Gene to get dressed too.

The X- Jet has Sean, Bobby, Rogue, Cyclops, Wolverine and Storm on board.

Saturday August 18

I go out to meet them all. I hugged Sean tightly and whispered "I've really missed having you around to talk to. It's not really the same online."

"No it's not." He pulled away letting me get a good look at the others. "It's been fairly quiet at the school since you've been gone."

Cyclops stepped forward. "We heard you might be in trouble and came to help."

Wolverine extended out his claws "Point me towards the trouble and I'll take care of it for you kid."

I glanced over at John who had assumed the shape of Vamp, in clothes that didn't fit very well.

"Well I think I've got the situation under control now." I said hoping it was true.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. Who are these weirdos?" Fake Vamp/John asked.

::: Psychic Landscape – Mental castle::

Sean bypasses my mental security and appears in my mental castle with angel wings and a flaming sword.

Sean steps forward: It's been a while since we've done this. You've developed quite a bit since the last time I've been here but without my shield as protection you're vulnerable to psychic attacks.

I stroke a wing and get a cascade of images of him working with Xavier strengthening his mind with psychic battles: I've been preoccupied as of late with other stuff; it's an interesting new psychic avatar you have now.

Sean: Yes, I picked the Archangel Michael as my Avatar; it felt somehow fitting as my Ma used to pray to him sometimes when I was younger.

Me: I've got the situation under control with John you didn't need to come out all this way.

Sean: I know but I know how hard you've worked to build up Avalon and I wanted to make sure you were okay. Anyway I've been sensing a dark energy rising lately and I was worried that it might have something to do with this but I sense nothing dark here.

Me: What kind of dark energy?

Sean: It's like a rumble beneath the ground that I feel during psychic ranging exercises with Cerebro but it's hard to describe. It's like a tide of rage is building and I don't know where it's coming from. I thought it might have been you lashing out as Proteus but now that I'm here inside you, I know that's wrong.

Me: I'm sure whatever it is Xavier and the Xmen can deal with it.

Sean: I don't know whether that's true anymore; Cyclops has been withdrawn lately, Wolverine has been absent more often than he's been around, and Bobby, Kitty and Rogue are locked into a sexless version of a love triangle. Storm is the only Xman who seems to have it together lately and Colossus is the only junior Xman who isn't conflicted about something. I've been working so hard on trying to get to Xavier's level as he's been weakening telepathically ever since the events of Alkali Lake. If something dark rises I want you to come and guard my back.

Me: If you need me, just give me a call and I'll be there as fast as I can but we should probably exit this conversation, we've been standing silent out there for too long, it starting to look like we're broken.

:: ::

"These are the Xmen," I explained to Fake Vamp/John.


"Thanks everyone for coming to Avalon to help but to deal with this issue you should be fully rested. I'll get Luke to come get you settled in with the best accommodation at Avalon. Give you a chance to rest up and we'll deal with the problems when there's some sunlight to work with. "

I called out Luke and he came a few minutes later roused from his sleep with Grace tagging along a few steps behind. He exchanged pleasantries with everyone but the guys were giving him significant glances and back pats while Grace blushed and tried to cover her face.

They eventually finished talking and most of them went off with Luke for somewhere to have a power nap after travelling for 10000 miles except for Wolverine who didn't need as much sleep and wasn't great at taking a hint.

"Hey bub" Wolverine threw his arm over my shoulder pulling me close "how about you give me a private tour and we'll catch up?"

I looked over at John speculatively "sure, meet my new friend he's named John and he's super horny."

Wolverine chuckled and slid a hand into my pants fondling my butt and John smiled at me and we returned to my castle and Wolverine fucked me as John watched and wanked in the shape of Vamp. While Wolverine was fucking me harder and faster getting closer to climax John walked behind Wolverine, transitioning into Thor with his thick 10 inch erection. Wolverine howled in pain as Fake Thor/John penetrated his tight hairy hole. "Fucking hell kid I should skewer you" Wolverine turned around with his claws out "Who the fuck are you?"

"Wolverine this is John he can shape shift."

John grabbed both of Wolverine's arms twisting them behind his back, his adamantium claws slicing through his flesh; however his skin rapidly healed from the injuries. Wolverine tried to struggle out of John's hold but his efforts were futile as Fake Thor had super strength on his side, Fake Thor fucked Wolverine hard slamming him into me, I wrapped my legs about the both of them. Wolverine submitted to us, fucking himself on Fake Thor's cock with great vigor and using my hole to work out his aggression. I ended up exploding all over myself and Wolverine's hairy stomach. Wolverine only fucked me harder for the next several minutes finally grunting out his orgasm exploding into me as Fake Thor explode into Wolverine's hairy butt. Fake Thor pulled out of Wolverine, yanking him out of me and throwing him onto the floor to lap hungrily at my hole to gain Wolverine's DNA's. I moaned as Fake Thor reamed out Wolverine's load.

Wolverine charged forward impaling Fake Thor's big muscular buttocks with his non adamantium weapon of mass devastation (his cock). Fake Thor grunted as Wolverine grabbed a fistful of his long hair and power fucked him. Fake Thor smirked at me pulling me to the edge of the bed and skewering me onto his cock his grunts and groans and slamming himself back and forth made Wolverine's punishment seem mild so Wolverine fucked him harder and I could hear his adamantium pelvis impacting Thor's meaty butt. Wolverine exploded into Fake Thor.

Fake Thor morphed into John "Well that was bracing." He smiled at Wolverine's growl of anger.

"Do I have to separate you two so you don't break my castle with your super powered fist fight?"

John smirked at Wolverine. "Why don't you fuck yourself?"

Wolverine growled and charged forward and stabbed John in the abs, John laughed blood dripping from his mouth. "Shit I didn't mean to do that." Wolverine said.

John morphed into Wolverine and stabbed him right back with his bone claws. Wolverine's bone claws were far inferior compared to his adamantium upgrade shattering on impact.

Wolverine retracted his claws as Fake Wolverine's injuries sealed up as if they never happened. Fake Wolverine/John repeated his earlier question "Why don't you fuck yourself?"

Wolverine looked at me and said "You have the weirdest friends" and fucked his own hairy rapidly regenerating hole with great vigor. It made for a hell of a show watching Wolverine fuck his own body.

I watched them fuck a few times, trading who topped and who bottomed as I stroked myself at this mutant powered clone fuckery. I got crazy horny and created a golem with Wolverine's dimensions out of ice to fuck me as I watched. They didn't notice until they finished blowing and had a few seconds of sanity before the horniness returned.

They turned to watch me get pounded by an ice Wolverine and laughed. They came over to join me on the bed and I had 3 Wolverines to play with. The 3 of them alternated the use of my ass, my mouth and Luke's cock, they spit-roasted and tag teamed me without cessation until the sex culminated in a Wolverine cock Triple Penetration. The orgasm was epic, shattering my mind for some time. My Ice Wolverine was the first to become a puddle as did all my water golems and my ice golems melted during the time it took me to get my wits about me again.

I laid on the bed face, wrecked from the sex while John assumed my shape and Wolverine mounts Fake Me. I watched with mild interest at my body being fucked, of course since I was wearing Luke's cock it wasn't an exactly duplicate of my current form but it was close enough to make it weird.

My whole life was weird so I got over it quickly enough. I watched Wolverine fuck Fake me to conclusion then Wolverine fucks the 'shapes' of Angel and the Human Torch afterwards. Then Wolverine passed out in between us as John assumed his actual shape and we snuggled up to a furry sweaty and spent Wolverine.

Wolverine gloated to Cyclops that he had taken care of the problem. I explained that I had some issue with a new recruit with the potential for devastation but Wolverine had helped to smooth down some of his rough edges with some tough love.

They didn't look like they believed it so I changed the subject and invited them to the beach and to the Arena games tomorrow.

The Xmen plus Bobby, Rogue and Sean came to the beach with Vamp, Surprise, Broadcast, Luke, Grace and Scale.

I ended up watching John get gangbanged on the beach by Vamp, Surprise, Wolverine and Broadcast as I swam nearby.

After Broadcast was done I knew I had an opening to mention psychic bleed through. I explained that I didn't think the temporary psychic links he used was likely to spread the gayness but he should probably limit who he linked with.

John went ahead and gave Bobby an underwater BJ as PYRO... He freaked out once PYRO bobbed to the surface with a mouthful of cum and froze the water around them, John/PYRO morphed into average form confusing Bobby, John switched into Human Torch melting the fresh ice around and boiling the water.

I ended up having to explain John and his power to the Xmen and where he was from. They were suspicious of his intentions but I told them that I had him scanned psychically and had offered him far better terms than Magneto had. They settled down to being wary but John was my problem...

Luke showed off his progress since Xavier's school with a friendly demonstration against Bobby...

Bobby lost in a landslide that Luke generated that pushed him into the water.

Bobby didn't stay down as he turned the water around him icy, climbing up and launching frost attacks from the frozen sea at Luke. During his frost attacks I noticed Bobby's hands turned to ice. Luke merely remained behind a rock wall until Cyclops told Bobby he was making a mess of the beach.

I asked Bobby about his hand afterwards and he told me that it was a secondary mutation or at least that's what Xavier told him when he asked.

John acquired Cyclops DNA using the shape of Emma Frost.

I told the others we should get back after that before John found a way to pick up Rogue and Storm's powers.

John came back from the beach relaxed and happy from getting so much DNA so I figured now would be as good a time as any to try a mutant power shell game.

I picked the throne room as the locale for this experiment. I enlisted the help of Rogue and Transfer in conducting the experiment.

The throne room consisted of me Rogue, Transfer, John/Gene and 10 ice golems standing around for if things went wrong.

I told Transfer and John my aim for the exercise; acquiring telepathy and teleportation and how I planned to get it.

1 John assumed Vamp's shape and Rogue touched his naked chest (he was only wearing loose track pants so he could switch between shapes easy) acquiring a temporary version of Vamp's power.

2 (via Transfer's power) Rogue had Fake Vamp's temporary power swapped out for the VAMP morph's permanent power.

3 John returned to Normal to recover from physical drain of Rogue's power stealing technique with a temporary copy of Vamp's power in his normal state.

Rogue now had her original power sapping ability plus Vamp's psychic power but that didn't help me much. She now had two powers and I still had the single power set I started with. It was time for the next stage of the process.

4 John turned into Surprise and Rogue sapped a temporary version of Fake Surprise teleporting power.

5 (via Transfer's power) Rogue swapped Surprise temp powers with Fake Surprise's shape actual power.

6 John morphed to `normal state' with 2 fading temp powers.

Rogue now had 3 powers, power sapping/teleporting and psychic power.

7 (via Transfer's power) I swapped my water power for Rogue's sapping power and then I sapped her for temp versions of water/ teleporting and telepathy; the process knocked her unconscious. Apparently her body wasn't tough enough to tolerate a sapping as well as John could.

8 (via Transfer's power) I swapped out the temp versions of teleportation and telepathy I had for the permanent ones that Rogue had.

9 (via Transfer's power) I swapped out my newly acquired sapping ability for my usual water power.

10 We let the temporary powers fade to nothing.

I now had 3 powers, my original power plus teleporting and psychic powers and Rogue was still unconscious but back to having her original sapping power only. Gene went off to have a drink and I tried out my new powers as I waited for Rogue to wake up.

Part of me was tempted to try and gain more powers while Rogue was here but I decided that would be greedy and dangerous. Acquiring psychic powers and teleportation was relatively safe from unexpected side effects as I had lots of experience dealing with telepathy and teleportation with my time around Vamp, Sean, Xavier, Surprise and Nightcrawler.

I had enough issues attempting to master my natural `skill'; I didn't want to overload myself with powers that may have other weird drawbacks. I went off to go talk to Vamp and Surprise to ask them to mentor me in how best to use their powers.

Vamp and Surprise were initially upset that I had `copied their power' but after explaining that I was a n00b with these powers and that I desperately needed their help to be even half as good as they were they were slightly less cranky.

Most of my followers were half trained in their abilities and would make terrible mentors. Vamp though had been given a crash course by Sean with memory replay and was given regular updates via email. Even with the dubious morality that Vamp exhibited sometimes he made a very useful ally as he was great at uncovering the truth with psychic probes.

They wanted a power-up too though for their assistance. I thought about it for several minutes and figured out a way to give them their power-up without adding more unnecessary risk to my life.

I talked to Rogue, Gene and Transfer and convinced them to help me out one more time.

1 Rogue holds Vamp's and Surprise's hands getting temp versions of both their powers. 2 (Via Transfer) Rogue swaps out her temporary versions of their powers with the permanent mimicked power of Transfer's morphs.

She now had 3 powers

3 (via Transfer) Vamp swapped his psychic power for Rogue's sapping power and takes a temp version of each power from her. 4 (via Transfer) Vamp swapped out the temporary version of teleporting and telepathy with the permanent versions that Rogue had.

Vamp now has 3 permanent powers while Rogue has 2 temporary powers.

5 (via Transfer) Vamp swapped out the sapping power for a temporary telepathy power leaving him with a permanent new addition of Teleportation.

They rest for 15 minutes so that the temporary powers dissipate before they go through the same basic process so that Surprise gets a permanent power upgrade of telepathy adding to his teleportation.

Vamp and Surprise now have individual teleporting and psychic powers. Considering they had been using each other powers for weeks their learning curve shouldn't be too steep and since they were more or less constantly psychically linked it gave them double the reserves of mental/teleportation energy to draw on during their daily lives.

It had been a very eventful day I had gained 2 new powers and Vamp and Surprise had now both gotten a permanent power up. It was a good night's work.

I withdrew to my castle to adjust to the difference in my head. I now had telepathy and teleportation to work with. I'd talk to Sean tomorrow for a psychic crash course and organize regular lessons with Vamp too.

I was excited to have 2 new powers to play with, that had already been half developed by other people, which should make mastering the new powers so much easier. It had taken years of secret self-training combined with a couple of months of intensive `powercising' and I still hadn't reached my full potential with it as I didn't have anyone to help me bypass the trial and error stage. At least with telepathy and teleportation I would have trainers that could help me bypass years of tiresome self-discovery and learning.

I was hoping to avoid the dangerous flare ups and confusing power blockages of my `hydrokinetic training' and skip straight ahead to the awesomeness. Wolverine had it easy power-wise, his power worked automatically with no thought necessary. Rogue on the other hand had a power she didn't know how to control and was dangerous to everyone around her; she was a danger to everyone around her even though her power had lots of great potential to take down enemies.

Around 9 pm I get a visit from John, Vamp, Surprise and Sean. I spent the night being spit roasted, fucked, dp'd and generally drained of my energy as Sean and Vamp bombarded my mind with memory replays about how they used telepathy/teleportation.

John gave me a new nickname Boy Wonder. I wasn't sure whether it was supposed to be a compliment, a sarcastic insult or whether it was a subtle dig at my youth and accomplishments. John was complicated.

Sunday August 19

I puddled my way out from under the sleeping guys and sought out Cyclops by making short teleport hops throughout Avalon. Even though Cyclops and I hadn't always had the smoothest relationship with my tendency to say the wrong thing and my overactive hormones I still respected his battle experience and integrity and I thought he had a smoking hot body.

I arrived in Cyclops temporary accommodation interrupting his morning exercises. He was clad in a tight pair of boxer briefs.

"Victor why are you never wearing clothes?"

I looked down and laughed at my nakedness. "I had a mini orgy last night and forgot to get dressed this morning." I shifted into ice mode "Is this better?"

He ignored my question "What do you want Victor? This excursion has been a complete waste of time."

"Well I had a genetic shape shifter that used to work under Magneto try to steal my DNA and I wasn't sure what to do so I emailed Sean for support. I didn't expect you guys to march in and complicate the situation."

"We complicated the situation?" Cyclops asked hands fisted at his sides.

"Well thanks to your presence I ended up with 2 new powers, 2 of my right hand men got annoyed at me so I ended up allowing them to double their power reserves and John the amoral genetic shape shifter with no clear loyalties to anyone has 3 new `shapes' with powers including yours. "

"What? What powers did you get?"

"Teleportation and Telepathy."


"Rogue and John and Transfer in a complicated mutant powered power shell game. It was a bit weird but it turned out okay I suppose."


"Anyway I wanted to talk to you while you were here about helping me add something more interesting than just a holiday for the grand prize for today's event as I'm going to make it harder than ever.

"What did you have in mind? "

I explained what I wanted and he agreed.

"Think we could have a sparring match? It's been a while since you've thrown me around and I could do with more one on one training."

Cyclops laughed for a second and said "You'll be a disadvantage naked but sure I'll go put on my visor." (he was wearing his quartz glasses)

He bested me 2 out of 3 rounds but I managed to win one... Not that victory was important; I just liked sparring with him and having him demonstrate fighting techniques in his boxers. Especially as I ended up pinned beneath him with his covered erection against my butt.

He stood up with tented boxers and said like the spoilsport he was at heart "I shouldn't be doing this with you."

"Why are you so uptight, I'm not even a student any more."

"I shouldn't have had sex with you, it was improper."

"Oh Scott," I streamed upwards to my feet as a water proxy ^I wanted you for ages and propriety wasn't going to make me say no to a once in a lifetime chance to have you. Propriety is very dull and you worry way too much about being proper. I enjoyed myself thoroughly even if you were a little rough at times.^

"Did I hurt you?"

^A little but I like a bit of pain." I looked away from him for a second "Sometimes it's the only way to remind myself that I'm still a little human." I switched topics. ^Any of the new students manage to aggravate you like I used to?^

"Thankfully not. Just Wolverine."

"I thought you guys would get along better now you had sex and worked out that underlying homoerotic tension."

"I'm not attracted to Wolverine, he's an ass, he keeps harassing me to get into his bed because we 'both loved Jean', the guy is a delusional nut job and I want nothing to do with him. I only tolerate his existence because Xavier insists that he's an asset to the Xmen. I disagree. I do my best to ignore him."

"Okay then. How are you dealing with life since Jean's death?"

"I was doing well for a few weeks trying to focus on training and new students but I started having strange nightmares about Jean, where she was drowning in a vast ocean and kept bobbing up to the surface screaming my name only to be pulled under by some malevolent force. The worst dreams are the one where she comes to the school looking for me and sets everything on fire and uses some unholy strength to rip apart Xavier in front of me. It feels like she's haunting me and I sometimes wonder if she blames me for the things I did after her death while I was consumed with grief and anger."

"I'm sorry Cyclops I've never had anyone close to me die so I don't know what to say or do to make things better."

"There's nothing anyone can do, Xavier says it's just a matter of time until life returns to a different sort of equilibrium."

"Anyway I should go and leave you to it. After all it's going to be a big day today." I telport- puddle away.

ARENA DAY began and we had over a thousand people attending this time.

We had individual fights, pairing and team ups against golems as a warm up to the Battle Royale.

For the Battle Royale there were about 90 competitors. I dismantled my ice castle leaving only a couple rooms with my possessions intact to create an army of a 1000 golems. My army consisted of every type of my battle tested' types of golems including saltwater golems', ice golems', water proxies' and `Onyx golems'.

There were some interesting changes in battle strategies this Arena day.

Glare, Broadcast, Luke and Spark joined in a temporary coalition standing in a T battle formation against other competitors and golems. Broadcast stood in the center of the T glowing golden with solar energy, Glare stood directly behind him with his hand on Broadcast's back, Luke to his right a hand on his shoulder and Spark to his left with a hand on his other shoulder. They looked a little laughable with their hands all over Broadcast but they fought like true Avalon elites with Luke orchestrating an unprecedented (for him) amount of golems (30) in a ring around them fighting off my assorted golems'. Any golems' that got past the mobile rock ring was blasted by Broadcast who launched fireballs and lightning blasts from either hand. Spark also fired out lightning blasts from either hand showing an unprecedented amount of power.

I was curious and confused so I sent out a psychic probe with my new telepathic power and found out the how of their new arrangement. Broadcast had joined the 4 of them together in a loose psychic meld using what seemed similar to my 'sense cylinder' over a 500 meter range allowing them to act with one will with limited omniscience or more accurately demiscience (using latin I picked demi-half/less than to replace omni to describe this situation)to take out their mutual enemies. Glare provided Broadcast with concentrated light boosts' to supercharge' his solar energy absorption ability allowing Broadcast to be the team's battery'. Spark drew on his power reserves to supercharge' his electric attacks into class 4 lightning attacks. Luke drew on the group's mental energy in order to control more golems than usual. Meanwhile Glare drew on Broadcast's recovery rate to keep pumping up Broadcast's energy reserves as he fired off balls of fire and lightning strikes.

Vamp and Surprise were being a different kind of spectacle rapidly teleporting back and forth across the battlefield dodging competitor's blows and teleport slamming into golems (Vamp did the water golems/proxies and Onyx teleport body-slammed the ice golems' and Onyx golems').

As the Battle Royale progressed competitors were knocked out and water lifted' out of the battle zone. As for my minions' they were left as shattered ice or as puddles.

Eventually my minions' wore out the energy of Vamp and Surprise and knocked them out leaving only the fearsome foursome to fight against the 329 minions' remaining. They held out for a surprising amount of time as I sent waves and waves of my `minions' against them. Luke triggered a mini quake causing a panic in the audience; I diverted the water from the broken golems to restrain them in place as the Arena hadn't been built for a mass exodus and I didn't want people trampled in a stampede.

Deciding that this spectacle had become a little too hazardous for the audience I marshalled my remaining golems into waves of grouped attackers. I sent waves of Onyx golems' and golems' as melee warriors to act as a decoy to bombard the `fearsome foursome' with mid pressure salt attacks. Broadcast drew on the combined energies of the others (making them collapse from the power drain) and launched a large scale electricity laced expanding flame ring attack at chest height obliterating all my remaining 'minions'. (I was impressed and a little worried at the power of Broadcast's counter-attack seeing as it damaged the Arena's inner rock wall.

I announced "Broadcast is the winner of the Battle Royale with second and third placing to be announced once I tabulate who had the highest number of individual victories. While I do that we'll have a short break of an hour before we have a special exhibition featuring the Xmen."

There was some muted applause from the audience who I unshackled from their seats now that the threat of earthquakes and stampedes had diminished.

I created a few golems and transported the unconscious Glare, Spark and Luke to the beds in the `day spa' to recover.

I went back to my room with John and Sean to discuss the events of the Battle Royale as John declined to participate and Sean would compete with the Xmen shortly.

Storm, Rogue, Bobby, Cyclops, Wolverine and Sean stood against 300 of my assorted golems' in a special exhibition match. Once I declared the start of the match Wolverine charged forth slicing up ice golems left and right with his claws. Sean followed in his Wolverine's wake throwing the debris he left scattered behind him into other golems with telekinetic force. I could sense' his invisible hands' flinging the pieces of golems and sometimes even whole golems at other golems. Rogue stood between Bobby and Cyclops with her gloves off and sapped them for 5 seconds each turning herself into a mutant powerhouse, firing off energy blasts out of her eyes at will at golem targets obliterating them and firing off fire extinguisher like frost attacks at my water golems' destabilizing them. Bobby also did frosty attacks' while Cyclops did more controlled energy blasts leaving the area around them hazardous for my 'watery minions'. Storm meanwhile had built up massive storm clouds above the Arena firing off increasing numbers of lightning bolts at my golems'.

The Xmen and (prospective junior Xmen?) won the match in less than 5 minutes.

I announced ^The first prize goes to Broadcast and is a trip on the X-Jet to the holiday destination of your choice for a week with a complementary session of training from Wolverine and Cyclops along with 10 grand for incidental expense. Second prize goes to Luke for that impressive display of rock golem control and earth shaking which is a weekend long vacation to Queensland for 2 with 5 grand to help enjoy the beach and sun. Third prize goes to Spark for reaching beyond his power limitation and making lightning shoot out of his hands and is a shield made of military grade metal.^

Now that the Arena games were over, it was time to ignore my concerns over Broadcast's rapidly expanding power set and enjoy some time alone with Sean to `catch up on old times'.

Unfortunately John and Wolverine saw us leaving together and tagged along disrupting my plan to have some special time catching up on old times with Sean. We returned back to my place which was no longer a castle but a single story ice house consisting of 4 rooms. (I wasn't sure if I could be bothered to rebuild my ice castle as it felt sort of pretentious lately and all the empty rooms had started to bother me.) Sean kept his distance in the corner of my former throne room as Wolverine and John took turns fucking me.

You okay? I tele-asked Sean.

I don't want John having my power so I'll wait for him to leave.

I can appreciate that, I wasn't keen on him copying my power but I thought it would be a good way of testing his loyalty.

I scanned him and he seems to like you.

Yeah I scanned him too but I don't think his loyalty is very deep.

Sean transmitted the equivalent of a mental shrug. (Telepathy had added another strange dimension to my life)

I lost the ability to concentrate on maintaining the telepathic conversation because Wolverine had slammed his cock alongside John's cock inside my hole DP'ing me. Once they'd both blown their loads into me I puddled out from between them.

"Hey" Wolverine protested.

"Well guys it's been fun but I want to talk to Sean alone."

John said with his erection upstanding "You kicking us out to sex the psychic?"


"But what are we going to do for fun in this boring place?" John asked "If we can't fuck you."

"My ass is not a tourist attraction you two, how about you go visit Broadcast and help him celebrate his victory in the Arena, he's usually horny after a game and he's now swings both ways."

Wolverine and John exchanged a glance and John morphed into a Fake Wolverine "Let's pound some ass bub."

The real Wolverine extended his adamantium claws "Don't test me kid."

They left and I relaxed with Sean, chatting about old times while he filled my mind with his memories about how to perform various psychic feats which included an updated version of psychic programming. I'd need it to train John later to control his subconscious and unconscious so he didn't have any incidental power flare ups while in my body. I didn't want to be responsible for any more craziness.

:: Wolverine and John ::

I monitored the two Wolverines progress to Broadcast's place. They interrupted Peter Hale pounding Broadcast's ass and since they were already naked it was only a short leap to everyone banging like animals. :: ::

Sean reinforced the mental shield in my head as it had been a bit worn out with Vamp and `Emma Frost's attack'. He helped me to create a mental shield myself with my newly acquired psychic power. (weak level 3 shield but with an interesting quality to it)

Sean left late tonight with Mr. Beck, Broadcast and Peter Hale and the other Xmen via the X Jet. Peter Hale had left the team of researchers behind to continue their work on unlocking the secrets of either Broadcast's or my abilities in order to `fix' cancer via a drug.

John returned to my bedroom to keep me company.

I couldn't help liking John, even though he was amoral and a former Brotherhood mutant, we had a lot of things in common; he had a strange dark humor and we both enjoyed lots of sex and could go for ages. John was a great addition to Avalon and I imagined over time he could become a great new friend/lover/ sparring partner.


NEXT CHAPTER I finally get to the section I've been waiting since the start of this story, an exciting drag out knock down fight to the death with the Dark Phoenix with things escalating wildly out of control.

Next: Chapter 26: Avalon 7

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