
By wayne unknown

Published on Apr 4, 2015



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

No idea about the sexuality of any member of the Bondi Lifeguard organization. Bible passages referred to...

Story terminology

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

'sense cylinder' = a use of Victor psionic ability to use water to see through refracted light and hear via vibrations in water particles in the environment mixed with the sonar sense of disturbances of water particles to simulate 3/5 of the senses over large distances. (lacking taste and smell)

::Within the psychic landscape::

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION/ People involved:: and end with :: ::

Defaulting – John switches back to his actual shape in between morphs Persona proxies – proxies with ice bones, infused with psychic power and with traces of personality. Golems – for the purposes of this chapter, golems include water golems and ice golems. [Text in between these closed brackets indicate the surface thoughts of various participants] proto-mutants – Class 0 mutants that either have no discernible powers or are carriers for the next generation of mutants, they tend to have robust health and above average physical stamina and endurance. Passers – mutants that could pass as humans in a crowd

To a telepath there are three layers of the mind of note, the outer self, the middle self and the inner self or Core.

The outer self is home to strong emotions and immediate reactive thoughts(surface thoughts).

The Middle self is where sensory links take place and memories can be accessed, altered and uploaded.

The inner core is the home of the mental landscape, the psychic avatar, the psyche and willpower.

The deeper into someone's mind a telepath descends the more at risk they are to personality bleed-through and ejection from the mind.

Authors Note

I wanted to write an epilogue but it turned into something else entirely...

For the purpose of this chapter and the next I use nicknames exclusively for most of the one off characters that feature for their anonymity and my desire not to be sued :P lol

P.S Donations keep the site alive...

January 9th

I am reborn. I don't mean that in a religious way, even though I was briefly central to a monotheist religion. I'm just so happy to start a new life now that I'm back in civilization again after a long exile in the frozen wastes of Antarctica. John and I have booked a hotel room while we're in NYC and I've decided to stay behind to update my journal while he's off on the prowl for sex and DNA. I'm trying to avoid the temptations offered by the New York Night life as I'm still a recovering sex addict.

Confused? Welcome to my life. At least I'm not living 7 completely different lives any more. I'm not helping am I?

Let's jump back in time a few months and pick up from where I had left off in my last journal update. I've been preoccupied with following one of my therapists' suggestion about writing down all my negative thoughts and burning them afterwards to cleanse my bad memories that I didn't have the time or inclination to rehash the past till now.

I was tied to Sean's bed while I watched John, Sean and Mike have noisy sex in front of me. They blew their loads and after a long moment they seemed to remember me and my predicament. John came over still wearing Wolverine's body "You sure you're fine."

"Other than being annoyed that you left me out of the fun I'm fine." I said

John chuckled and punched me in the shoulder.

It hurt briefly and I squirmed in unaccustomed physical pain. John grabbed my hard cock and I felt a surge of energy and John let go suddenly.

I groaned and bucked trying to get him to touch me again tugging at my restraints. He smirked and his mouth engulfed my hard cock for a few seconds before releasing my cock to flop wetly on my belly.

I pushed him back down onto my cock having freed myself from my ropes in a surge of physical strength. John shifted from Wolverine back to his default shape and to Emma Frost in a span of a second shifting to diamond form as my cock jabbed against the back of his/her throat.

IT HURT!!! The pleasure had been erased by the flaming pain of my highly sensitized cock hitting his/her diamond throat. I let go of his/her head as I clutched at my sore cock protectively. The pain disappeared in seconds and I watched as a still hard and naked Sean fondled Emma's diamond boob with curiosity. John shifted to flesh as Sean moved closer to John's female form. I kept forgetting he was bi as I had only seen him having gay sex.

Mike made a gagging sound and Sean turned back and telekinetically slapped Mike. "Behave"

Mike stuck out his tongue at his older brother and said "GROSS."

I sat up stretching my upper body before ripping free of the ropes around my legs. The aches and pain from earlier had disappeared entirely.

Sean turned to me brows furrowed in concern "You okay?"

"Yes" I swung myself over the edge of bed and turned to ice drawing in more water to form a layer of frost armor over myself. Sean backed away. "Now that I've recovered, I'm going to take care of the golems personally."

I reached out with my mind and turned on all the showers in the shower room on this level. Sean asked "You recovered faster than I thought."

"Rogue's power," I explained. "I touched John while he was Wolverine and I got a metabolism boost. I should be at full strength again within a minute or two."

I phased again, my mental reserves and power reserves nearly back to optimum levels.

"I was afraid of that." Sean said

"I floated you and tied you up with telekinesis" Mike bragged.

"We didn't want to touch you while we purged Phorcys out of you, just in case you turned our powers against us." Sean explained.

I glanced at John debating with myself whether I should take him with me. His new class 5 telekinesis could come in useful against whatever threat the golems posed but I shook my head deciding it would be too dangerous to bring him along. John only had Jean's shape for a short time and there was no guarantee he could control the new power under a high stress situation. John hadn't liked how the majority of Avalonians stood by as Broadcast inched his way into a more significant leadership position and John's subconscious might obliterate Broadcast and Avalon with a stray thought. I needed to clean up my own mess by myself. John was too unpredictable at the best of times.

"Time to go." I said.

I teleported to the shower room and absorbed the water pouring down from the multiple shower heads forming a sword in each hand, increasing my mass and quadrupling the thickness of my frost armor protecting me.

I teleported several miles away from the mansion. I spread out my psionic awareness, orientating myself and used a mixture of high speed hydrokinetic self-propulsion and teleportation to arrive at Avalon a few hours later.

I arrived just as the sun arose on Avalon in turmoil as the golem army occupied the area within and around Avalon.

Broadcast, Luke, Spark and several others of the Avalon Elites were using their powers offensively trying to get rid of the golems. Scale and various others were using the bulky lightning guns in attacks against the golems but the voltage wasn't high enough to affect the golems for more than a second. The golems merely teleported out of the way of most of the Avalonians attempts to defend Avalon. The walls were pockmarked with the signs of a prolonged battle. Small craters, burn marks and blood splatters everywhere. The golems had shackled thousands of mutants and I could sense the humans hiding underground.

The rising sun's light refracted off my frost armor scattering light about in strange patterns. The golems as one turned to face me alerted to my presence on the battlefield.

The Avalon defenders took their chance in an all assault against the distracted golems concentrating multiple lightning gun attacks on their golem targets, several golems collapsed into puddles. The golems unleashed a full out counter attack launching water orbs as the ice golems teleported around the place and viciously punched the defenders with spiked fists.

50 of them swarmed Luke's position who had surrounded himself and several others including Grace in with a few dozen rock golems

^ENOUGH^ I water shouted to everyone on the battlefield.

I teleported to the nearest golem to Luke but before I could say anything to it, the entire golem population turned to me and went down on one knee, even the water golems (who manifested an ice knee for the occasion).

I was stunned as were the remaining conscious defenders.

Broadcast had blood spattered all over him but I couldn't sense a wound.

I asked, ^what did you want from me?^

They responded with one voice "We need you. "

^For what?^

"We need" it paused and in one voice the other golems said "MORE!" the voices of over 100000 golems saying the same thing as they rose to their feet, their heads bowed in my direction creeped me out. I didn't know what they meant but their attacks had ceased.

I spread my awareness throughout Avalon and reached out with my power and `fixed' all the minor scrapes and bruises of the Avalonians.

I stretched out a hand to the ice wall surrounding Avalon and it melted into water and it flowed into and around me quickly becoming me as I absorbed its mass into me. I sprouted thousands of water tentacles and joined my water with the water and ice of my erstwhile golems. ^With me^

I teleported all of the golems in a series of short range teleport-hops to Antarctica. I wanted to sort out the golems one way or another without risking Avalon or its citizens. It took a few phases and a few hours before we arrived at our destination.

During the journey it seemed like someone kept trying to talk to me but I couldn't hear them as I struggled to maintain the concentration to shift all their mass through my limited teleporting power. I could no longer control their water as it resisted me entirely. It was odd. I could sense their water but I couldn't move a molecule of their essence with hydro kinesis.

When we arrived at Antarctica and I stood surrounded by 100000 golems at a third of my optimal strength. I wondered whether I had bitten off more than I could chew but I buried my doubts and addressed one of the golems and asked it what it wanted.

After a very long and confusing conversation I discovered that they considered me their Father God and along with the class 2 & 3 hydrokinetic power I had deliberately given them they also had class 3.2 psychic power and teleportation. They also had linked to each other psychically so while they were all individuals they could combine ANY of their powers with a thought to create a concerted effort greater than any individual effort. They were a hive mind of sorts with no clear agenda with unknown reserves of psychic, hydrokinetic and teleportation power.

What they meant by "MORE" was they wanted to be infused with more power and receive more training from their Father God. I declined their first demand insisting they needed to learn their limits of their current power before being given more.

I spent the next 20 hours demonstrating to the tireless golems various water techniques for their level of power and working with them on their teleporting skills. I avoided the psychic communion that the golems kept inviting me into, reluctant for numerous reasons.

I created a small one room ice building for the purposes of sleep, making myself a sofa bed out of softened snow.

That night I had my first nightmare about Phorcys and the Phoenix. I woke up screaming.

When I woke up and scanned my surroundings and found the golems practicing the techniques I had shown them the previous 'day' I considered returning to Avalon with them and resuming my life but I decided against it. I was concerned that the golems might turn against Avalon again or me.

Before I could return however I needed to cleanse the darkness inside me to ensure that Phorcys wouldn't resurface if I was provoked by violence, which would take time and solitude. Antarctica was perfect, isolated, with a thick sheet of ice for the golems to practice and if I went crazy, the golems might be the only things able to contain me.

I would exile myself to Antarctica with my strange, suddenly sentient creations until I had confirmed that the golems posed no risk to Avalon. By that time I hoped to have dealt with the darkness inside me that had spawned Phorcys.

I hijacked an unused computer in Sydney not wanting to see the devastation left behind at Avalon and sent an email to Sean telling him that I had quarantined the golems and myself until I was sure we were safe to be around people. I asked him to send me a detailed guide on how to rid myself of Phorcys forever. I also warned him that if I succumbed to my darker side that Stephen Strange and or Franklin Richards were probably the only people that could contain or end me...

It took a day for Sean to reply to my email with a step by step guide on how to cleanse the mind. He did write that it would be easier to 'memory replay' it for me but understood that I needed to be alone for a while to deal with the demons in my head. He asked if I thought I was far enough away to be effectively quarantined.

I used 'sense cylinder' on the entire continent for a few enlightening seconds. Admittedly there were about 186 people in Antarctica engaged in various scientific pursuits but this was the least populated continent in the world other than penguins, polar bears and thanks to me psychic golems.

I replied back with "As isolated as possible for a class 5 hydrokinetic mutant can be."

I tried to sleep as little as possible because every time I went to sleep during the next 3 'days' I woke up screaming having endured another nightmare scenario. I tried to keep myself busy training the golems in advanced 1 on 1 hydrokinetic combat skills. They might be the only things capable of slowing down my rampage long enough if I went evil again so that Sean could do what was necessary to stop me.

On the fourth `day' (due to Antarctica's location on the Earth, Antarctica had a 6 month long summer day and a 6 month long winter night. It was summer in Antarctica and time had become relatively meaningless to me at that point) of my exile John showed up as Phoenix and due to my nightmares and my deteriorating mental state due to the side effects of Vamp's psychic vampiric hunger being unfulfilled I tried to kill him.

He dissipated my sloppy attacks with ease while safe within a telekinetic force field. The golems attacked him with a bombardment of water orbs and he shifted into ME trying to gain control of them through hydro kinesis...

They countered with a combined mental attack against the false Victor. The golems hadn't even been momentarily fooled by John's change of shape as the golems knew my unique mental signature and hydrokinetic frequency that echoed theirs while John merely duplicated my powers at the genetic level.

John dropped to the ground as ME and I couldn't stop remembering Phorcys taunting me while I was on the ground.

The golems swarmed his position chanting "FALSE GOD FALSE GOD."

John recovered his mental equilibrium turning into Johnny Storm bursting into flame to ward off the golems. The golems retreated via teleportation a mile backwards while still surrounding John.

During this time I'm ashamed to say I was rocking myself back and forwards overwhelmed with memories of Phorcys and Phoenix and Xavier all having messed with my mind.

^ENOUGH^ I shouted shakily getting to my feet.

The golems teleported around me acting as my personal bodyguards.

I shook my head and tried to get a grip on myself. Vamp's psychic power required fresh psychic energy on a semi regular basis and I hadn't sipped at a mind in days. Combined with a lack of sleep and my nightmares my grip on sanity was very precarious. I moved forward and the golems parted in front of me.

John deliberately ignored all the golems around me moving to meet me halfway until he stood in front of me undaunted as Johnny naked and simmering with suppressed heat. "You okay boy wonder? You seem a little ragged around the edges.

I looked at my hands, normal human hands. I must have turned back to flesh at some point but I couldn't remember having done so.

"Need psychic strength. Not feeling well."

John/Johnny placed a hand on my shoulder. My skin sizzled and the golems bristled, the ice golems shook their fist at this fiery interloper. The fire didn't hurt. I couldn't feel anything at the moment.

I latched onto John's head with both hands meaning only to sip at his psychic strength to recover my mental equilibrium but I had deprived myself too long and I drank from him like a thirsty madman without stopping without thinking only knowing that I needed to quench my psychic thirst. Some unknown time later, John threw me off with a telekinetic blast that sent me flying a few miles into the hard ice.

I stood up the impact clearing my head as I saw Jean floating above the aggravated golems and thought the Phoenix had been reborn. That fear only lasted for a second until I reminded myself forcefully it was just John using her shape. My nightmares hadn't been given flesh.

John stand down, they think I'm their God. Don't hurt them.

John shifted back to his default form landing on the ground hard before shifting into Wolverine, shouldering past the golems that didn't move fast enough out of his way.

"Sorry about all of that." I said

"What was that about?"

"The golems consider me their Father God. Apparently a few of them had been approached by various religious members of the public that wanted to preach to the silent sentinels for their own inexplicable reasons and in a way they were successful. The golems ignored the human need to feel important in an often impersonal violent universe and latched onto some biblical references that resonated with them. Quotes from early Genesis where Adam had been created out of earth by God in his own image and infused him with divine spirit. Then I had given them commandments on the way to live their lives."

"No that part makes a twisted sort of sense. Why did you attack me in the first place?

"I've been having really nasty nightmares about the corrupted version of me that called itself Phorcys and Phoenix. You showing up in Jean's shape scraped the raw wound she left behind in me and I reacted violently due to lack of sleep and psychic hunger. When you shifted into me, it reminded me of Phorcys lording himself over me and it didn't help my fragile mental state."

"Good to know there's a little bit of fucked up human in you after all. You're usually so calm and rational under fire. It's part of the reason you're not well liked, the average person can't relate to you."

I sighed. "I think I've just reached my breaking point. I need to stay away from people until I sort out my head properly and master Rogue's power" I created a ball of flame in one hand "but I need to siphon off other people's mental energy in order to keep Vamp's psychic vampirism in check. My life is a mess."

John grabbed my flameless hand for a few seconds. "I can come visit you every week to top you up while you get your shit together." He moved away shaking his hand as if it had a bad case of pins and needles. "Short visits though. All this excitement may be too much for an old man like me."

I laughed at that ridiculous statement. John was a 30 year old man with a default setting that appeared to be an average young man in his early 20's, his current borrowed shape was of a mutant man that appeared to be in his thirties but had been around at least a century according to Xavier's notes.

Mutants didn't necessarily age like humans did. Mystique and Wolverine were both way older than they looked. "Thanks for that. I needed a good laugh. I'll consider your offer but for now you should go before I ravage you and I'm not sure I have the necessary restraint not to drain you dry and I don't mean that in the fun way."

"Stay safe boy wonder."

"Stay out of trouble you devil."

We smiled at each other fondly before John shifted into Surprise and teleported away in a series of small teleport-hops until he was out of conventional sight. He shifted to Jean and telekinetically propelled himself away. I stopped watching a few seconds later as Jean's naked body flying through the sky was both ridiculous and troubling.

After John left I continued to train the golems until they reached their limitations as class 2 and 3's a few days later. I decided that I would need to infuse the golems with greater power reserves, while they had endless stamina; their power was still limited to certain range and application upper limits. I wanted to infuse them all with class 3 power reserves so they'd be equal and uniform but they declined my offer. I had incidentally created a social hierarchy of sorts with the water golems slightly above the slower less versatile ice golems.

I didn't understand their reasoning at the time but later I understood that none of them wanted to conform to a standard, they embraced their minor differences as part of their individuality. Before the Phoenix incident I had thought of the golems as ways to channel my power to make myself less volatile to be around and also as a way of `powercising' now I knew that each golem had grown with every update, learning and growing and becoming more powerful.

My hunger for psychic energy had become more desperate and it would be at least 4 more days before John would visit again. I needed something to help ease my psychic hunger and the golems had reported to me that their psychic strength drained away a little each day too. They wanted me to stabilize their psychic power.

I gave it a lot of thought and perhaps the slide into irrationality from the psychic hunger and the insomnia helped me to come up with my most bizarre idea of all.

My nightmares continued to get worse and more frequent and I avoided sleep as often as I could get away with it to avoid the dangers of my unconscious mind. The endless daylight hours of the South Pole helped provided an extra excuse to avoid it. My plans to psychic cleanse away the Phorcys problem had failed. Sean had stopped responding to my emails for some reason.

Phorcys and Phoenix continued to haunt my sleep.

I'd be swimming in the pool in my former throne room and barbed ice tipped water tentacles would reach out and I'd see Phorcys cruel smirk as I drowned gasping in my element.

Other times I'd be confronted by the both of them, one on either side of me. Phorcys would entangle me with his tentacles pulling me closer while Phoenix would walk closer to me wearing a gown of multihued fire. White, orange, red and blue would flicker over her figure-hugging fire dress as she strode forward with a blank disaffected expression, implacable and heartless in her rage.

Sometimes Phoenix would reach me and lay a hand on me and I'd wake up screaming feeling as if my skin was on fire even as I awoke which was especially strange as I often slept as ice because of my new home. Other times Phorcys would win and pull me close to him and grow so many ice spikes as he embraced me, my skin paling as he leeched me of my heat and life.

My brainstorm involved Justin.

:: Justin ::

You're right to wonder about who the hell Justin was. Justin was nobody... Justin was my first experiment in making a proxy that didn't look like me and approached the complexity of my new golem offspring while being completely under my control. I sculpted him out of the surf on a Friday night at Bondi Beach in Sydney Australia while I loitered underwater so I could observe him remotely from a short distance away and make tweaks as necessary.

Justin had come out of the surf naked and was picked up by a couple of the Bondi lifeguards for public nudity. He had the same dull brown hair color as me with narrow features and the muscular proportions of Luke from the neck down. I took special care to make sure that Justin's cock would attain Luke's 9 inch rigidness on command. Justin told them a sob story about how he had lost his speedos in the rough surf and was taken to the lifeguard shack to shower and get dressed in some temporary clothing.

While Justin showered, I worked on the sensory receptors in Justin's body so that he could feel heat and cold (a sensation that had been slowly slipping away from me over the last few months). Justin's outsides appeared to be a perfect replica of a living human but his insides mostly consisted of water around ice bones covered with flesh.

One of the lifeguards went in to check in on their charge after he had been showering for a long time. Only to find Justin stroking his cock and fingering his hole. (I had created a physical approximation of a tight sphincter but it still needed a test drive.) The young lifeguard moved closer, aroused by the sight. Justin grabbed onto the bulge in the young lifeguard's shorts pulling the lifeguard close enough to yank down his shorts and suck on the half hard cock revealed. As Justin bobbed up and down on the lifeguard's cock I channeled a psychic probe through Justin to siphon some of the lifeguard's mental energy for my first fully formed persona proxy. The lifeguard's will was sapped and I used the fresh psychic strength plus the physical connection to implant a psychic suggestion into the horny human's mind "FUCK ME!"

The lifeguard obeyed the command, pushing Justin against the wall and jabbing with his thick 7 inch cock in the virgin butt offered. I tweaked and fine-tuned Justin's body so that the lifeguards cock had a slick rectum to pound. Justin meanwhile couldn't feel much of anything from the butt pounding for a while until I managed to finally get the complicated sense response triggers involved in creating a working prostate right.

The psychic vampirism and the virgin hole clamped around his cock conspired against the young lifeguard's sexual stamina and he christened the new hole with his cum with a muttered "Sorry" as he slumped against Justin. The lifeguard left seconds later, head bowed, damp and limp.

A minute later 2 of the other lifeguards entered the shower room barefoot in their lifeguard uniform "Dean said you might require further assistance."

Justin turned around and nodded fingering his dripping hole and the lifeguards didn't bother with any more small talk.

Justin took both cocks, one in the mouth and one in the ass and then the lifeguards swapped positions as they blew their loads into the holes of the horny slut they had brought into their midst. Just at the pinnacle of their pleasure, Justin sapped both their minds while their mental defenses were at their weakest. He tried to transmit the energy back to me but he was only a class 2.5 telepath at the moment if that and it didn't work. I only got a `taste' of them. The failed attempt to transmit through Justin had drained a lot of my remaining psychic strength. The two newest lifeguards left with a muttered "thanks" after they had blown their loads leaving Justin alone. :: ::

I teleported outside a Tasmanian nightclub in the deserted alleyway and siphoned a bit of mental energy from the drunken revelers inside. After I had gathered the necessary psychic energy to sate my psychic hunger and recharge my mental energy I returned to my position to monitor over my latest creation. When I returned...

:: Justin::

Justin was on the floor like a discarded doll face pressed against the cold tiles, arms akimbo, legs splayed, ass up, on his knees. An older guy in lifeguard shorts bulging at the crotch and nothing else came in and seeing the view ditched his shorts and slammed his hard 7 inch cock deep inside the slutty bottom boy. Justin `felt' the physical pleasure of having his prostate slammed but he lacked the necessary mental stimuli for being an enthusiastic participant in sex. (Seeing that the psychic energy that I had infused him with and that he had stolen hadn't dissipated in my absence I was encouraged.) Justin probed deeper accessing the older lifeguard's sexual core for psychosexual stimuli. The older lifeguard wasn't as physically impressive as the others but he had a lot of sexual experience to draw on and he liked the 16 year old slut taking his cock. After Brian blew his load, he didn't leave straight away. He offered to take Justin home. Justin was introduced to the lifeguards' 21 year old lover Brandon.

Justin sapped the mental energy of his 2 new lovers after they had spit roasted and double penetrated him. While Justin was being used by the horny oblivious guys who appreciated his stamina and lack of gag reflex I further developed the pain/pleasure receptors with the occasional assist of a long range mind scan, incorporating some of their pleasure into my new persona proxy.

Justin's latest lovers fell asleep not too long after their second orgasms drained from the combination of psychic sapping and sex.

While they had slept, I monitored Justin from all angles performing minor tweaks internal and external. Justin probed them again draining more mental energy from the two sleepers; a residual distrust about Justin lingered from within the two men. There didn't appear to be a conscious reasoning behind it, other than the obviously false story of lost speedos.

I reviewed my creation against the two living specimens of baseline humanity thoroughly from the outside and it took me a long moment to notice my mistake. I had ignored the need for Justin to have autonomic responses, he didn't breathe or sweat or blink. No wonder the lifeguards had unconsciously distrusted him, though their distrust hadn't stopped them from bringing him home or having sex with him.

I tweaked Jason so that he had lungs and psychically instilled a protocol that ordered them to pump every other second so that Justin 'breathed' like everyone else. Not that he needed to breathe but appearances were important. I also added vocal cords so that I wouldn't have to use water voice over long distance 24/7.

The next day Justin went with Brian to Bondi Beach again clad in a pair of Brandon's speedos where Justin met a few new lifeguards that were on duty and had sex with them and sapped some of their mental energy to increase his psychic potential. Each human sapped provided a boost of about .04 to Justin's psychicness.

Justin spent Saturday and Sunday sucking, fucking and psychic sapping every horny beach goer he could find and there were a lot of horny guys that didn't mind a sneaky blowjob in the surf to help relieve the sexual tension of being surrounded by bikini clad girls.

By the end of the weekend Justin had achieved class 3.4 status. He no longer required physical touch to psychically sap someone but sex made it easier to get away with a psychic probe unnoticed and reduced the amount of psychic energy needed to psychic sap. 90% of Justin's targets were humans and their minds weren't as fulfilling as mutant minds would have been. Justin did run into a few proto mutants and one 'passer' mutant. It took about 25 human minds to achieve the same effect as 5 mutant minds would have.

:: ::

Antarctica 2nd week

On Monday Morning of my 2nd week of self-imposed exile I expanded my one room hideaway into a replica of my ice mansion, including my swimming pool as a reward for finally making some progress on the psychic cleansing program suggested by Sean. Sean had gone silent since Thursday of last week which was of mild concern but I figured he was just busy or something.

I popped by Avalon for 5 seconds inside my ice mansion and teleported all my stuff back to Antarctica with me.

Then I got dressed like a normal person and teleported myself to the outer regions of Sydney and withdrew some money from my personal account and used it to rent a very small house on the outer edges of the city. I also bought some clothes for Justin and Jason for their new lives.

Who is Jason?

I decided that Justin would need a father figure to provide him with a home and food and help him collect mental energy and enroll him into a high school so on Sunday I created Jason out of a fountain in a public park while Justin stood next to me. I teleported them both to their new home so they could start their fake lives on Monday.

:: Justin & Jason:: (week 2)

Enrolling Justin into school required the newly formed Jason to link mentalities with Justin to probe deep into the principal's mind to plant a psychic suggestion that Justin had already filled out his paperwork. This helped to bypass all those awkward little questions for which we had no answers for yet.

Afterwards they went to the nearest branch of the Commonwealth Bank and together mind raped the bank manager into creating an account for each of them. Then I hijacked a computer remotely and transferred some money into their accounts so they could use their new bank cards to go shopping. They spent some time trying on clothes until they had an outfit for every occasion. Jason got a tailored suit so he could go interviewing for a job for a regular pay check.

A couple of days later Justin (with bright red hair) started attending high school and used his psychic power to seek out horny guys and give them a helping hand or mouth. He quickly got a reputation among the guys for being a horny cock sucker shared through whispered exchanges throughout the school. Justin was very popular in the showers after PE (Physical education) where the guys had some privacy and could enjoy a longish blowjob in peace (as opposed to the hurried BJ's Justin gave in the toilets).

Justin got invited to a party Saturday night at one of the teenagers' houses as his parents were going for a weekend away. Justin spent a little time dancing in the midst of the sweaty crowd before being led away by the Host who took him an unoccupied spare room. Justin was pushed onto his knees and had his mouth fucked until the Host exploded down his throat.

"Stay here. I want you to meet someone." Justin stayed where he was for a few minutes. "I want you to introduce you to my older brother he's at uni. I told him about you."

OB rubbed at his bulge "I hear you're a great cock sucker. Can you handle a big dick?" Justin nodded as OB pulled out an 8.5 inch cock and fed it to him. OB grabbed the back of Justin's head thrusting in deep over and over again "Yeah that's a good little cocksucker." He pulled out breathing hard as Justin waited to see what would happen next "You take it up the ass?" Justin nodded. "Strip then and bend over bitch."

Justin stripped naked and went on his hands and knees gasping as OB gripped his hips and slammed in deep into Justin's hole. Justin moaned as the initial pain gave way to pleasure as OB slammed in over and over again. Host moved around and filled Justin's mouth as his brother slammed into the other end. Justin continued to get spit roasted by the horny brothers for another 10 minutes until OB blasted his load into the warm hole. "Have you had a piece of this ass bro?" Host shook his head. "Have a go at my sloppy seconds little bro, he takes cock well. It'll make a man out of you."

Host withdrew and asked "Can I?" Justin nodded and OB snorted.

Host moved around to the other side and took several seconds to find the right spot with his cock but then he was in and fucking Justin with fast shallow thrusts of the hips.

OB stood close watching, stroking with one hand while his other hand kept slapping his brother's ass shouting words of encouragement like "Fuck him faster, harder. Breed that faggot. Yeah give it to him" OB's finger made its way into his brother sweaty hole pushing in deep. Host blew making a semi high pitched noise as he did in between grunts before slumping on top of Justin's body. OB laughed and withdrew his finger "I'm going to wash up."

OB left. Host asked "Was that good for you?" Justin sapped some of his mental energy while he was distracted and picked up [My first time was with a guy and it felt great, wonder if that makes me gay?]

"Yeah I love a hard cock in me. The more the merrier."

After a couple of minutes Host pulled out and got dressed. "I should go check in on the party make sure no one's breaking anything. Stay here if you like, recover." Ten minutes later Host returned with 3 guys from the varsity football team or whatever the Australian equivalent is. Justin was naked face down as they entered. "These guys wanted to meet you."

"Yeah we heard you're a greedy little slut for cock," said one of the jocks while rubbing at his tight pants.

Justin got passed around by the 3 horny jocks as they alternated the use of his mouth hand and ass for their pleasure. As they climaxed inside him, Justin waited the second after they hit the pinnacle of pleasure and psychically sapped them as the pleasure subsided.

Justin sapped quite a few horny guys that night. After the jocks left it was 15 minutes later before another pair of guys came over and used him and he sapped them after they had orgasmed. Justin ended the night in the Host's bed being double penetrated by the two horny brothers.

Jason on the other hand had less excitement during his sapping. He took much smaller bites into the mentalities of his coworkers at the end of the work day during goodbye handshakes and back slaps. He also did mild saps of the crowds of people walking by the construction sites throughout the days.

:: ::

John came to visit in the shape of Surprise and he started talking about Broadcast and how he had taken over Avalon in my absence. A surge of jealousy overwhelmed me and I wanted to hurt him and I buried the urge deep with great effort.

I told John that it was best for my mental recovery if he didn't tell me anything about the mutants from my abandoned life as it would make what I was trying to do even harder.

He shrugged and said "Whatever, what do you want to do instead? Fire and Ice?" He winked at me and I iced up and he shapeshifted into Johnny Storm and fucked me up against the wall...

Afterwards when I had reconstructed several of the damaged and or melted walls I told John about my newest project Justin and Jason. He was suitably impressed by my latest project.

Especially when I telepathically showed him a mental picture of my latest creations. Jason was 6 foot 4 with broad shoulders, washboard abs and big furry pecs with a 9 inch cock and looked very hot fucking his red headed son after school. This allowed me to refine their digestive systems (for social eating) and better replicate the production of cum on the off chance that one of the guys Justin hooked up with tried swallowing his cum. The prolonged skin contact allowed the `father and son' team to share their collected psychic energy with each other so that their power levels remained equal. Jason benefited more from this arrangement as Justin's feeding sessions were more intense and extensive.

John was amused when I told him that Jason had scored a job as a construction worker, after planting a psychic suggestion in the mind of the suited boss of the company and mind probing the interviewing foreman for the necessary memories for the job.

I told John that Justin had already acquired a reputation as a horny cocksucker in the school's locker room.

The sex wasn't strictly necessary for the psychic sapping but Justin's mentality had been built on horniness and it distracted his prey from being psychically drained so I went with it. Jason's mentality had been built on the minds of two straight guys during the interview process and had more straight tendencies than gay now strangely enough.

:: Justin, Jason and JJ :: (Week 3)

Justin's sexual exploits had become the talk of the entire school when a teacher found Justin being gangbanged in the school locker room by several members of the senior (Under 17) football team. The principal called in Jason for a 'frank discussion' about Justin's inappropriate sexual behavior. "The school doesn't want this becoming public knowledge, however if you want Justin to remain at this school he's going to need psychological treatment."

Jason replied "What about the other boys involved?"

"We suggested to their parents that counseling would be provided if necessary."

Justin visited the school's counselor who recommended that he see a sex addiction specialist because of the graphic descriptions of escalating acts of indiscriminate sex worried her.

During that first session of therapy Justin was described as having a flat effect. From then on I worked on adding a wider range of expressions to my persona proxies to make them more developed. I had developed the body enough to engage in social eating and drinking which required creating a working digestion system and output... It was weird to shit through someone else's body the first time remotely. Especially since I stopped needing to use the bathroom a week after I enrolled myself at Xavier's mutant school.

Jason took Justin to a full time specialist a day later to talk about his issues. Jason explained to the shrink about the school's concerns and how Justin had tried to pursue a sexual relationship with him to Jason's disgust. Justin stayed silent during that first session with the specialist.

Jason had actually fucked his son' every night for a week before he grew dissatisfied with the sex. It had already served its purpose helping to calibrate Jason's physical sensory inputs with the help of his son. However Jason's core sexual personality (derived mostly from the foreman and his BIG boss who interviewed him) was straight. This sexuality had been reinforced by Jason's primary prey; his construction coworkers who were 95% straight. I was vaguely curious about straight sex so Jason trialed a few women of varying body types and ages before settling down with a leggy blond in her mid-20's that was stacked'. :: ::

On Friday I visited Jason and Justin and created JJ from the water pouring out of their shower. Jason Junior or JJ as he was known to his non-existent friends fictional backstory was that he was the first born of Jason and older brother to Justin by 3 years. He had been enrolled by his father at a nearby university (like a college but without dorms and frats) who was a late addition to a medical course. Jason had done the actual enrolling for him shortly after Justin visited the shrink. JJ had short red hair, a trim build and a fat 9 inch cock.

While I was there I took some of the psychic energy that Justin and Jason had collected and infused JJ with fresh psychic strength so that he could navigate through any issues due to his lack of actual identity. Then I watched as JJ fucked his younger brother as his father fucked him, I stroked my cock at the hot show while fine tuning JJ's physical and mental responses to the sex. Then I linked with the fucking trio on a deeper level so that the combined sensations would push me over the edge. (Rogue's power was a bit of a buzz kill at times.)

After I blew I infused them all with some low level hydrokinetic power so that they could maintain their ice bones themselves without my remote contributions. I wanted to make them more independent from me so I could give them commands for them to follow through with while I supervised from a distance and came to visit them once or twice a week to gather their collected psychic energy and infuse them with boosts of psychic or hydrokinetic energy as I saw fit.

My persona proxies as I called them now could transmit a portion of their stolen mental energy back to me even when in Antarctica through the class 5 psionic sense I used to monitor them. However only about 30% of the energy transmitted over the distance. It was still useful to ease the psychic hunger from time to time as they didn't suffer the side effects of Vamp's psychic hunger like I did.

I visited them twice a week (Mondays and Fridays) for a few minutes so they could give me a portion of their power to further extend my own psychic potential as I didn't like leaving the golems alone unsupervised for long in Antarctica.

There was still a problem with both the golems and the persona proxies in that their psychic energy dissipated slowly over time presumably as an unexpected side effect of Vamp's psychic power. For the persona proxies their psychic power seeping away could be replaced by psychically sapping nearby humanity. The more they sapped the more psychically powerful they became, even with my psychic tithes they had achieved class 3.7 psychic status allowing for more energy to be transmitted long distance.

The golems insisted I give them more and more psychic power to increase their psychic potential and I did it so I could see what would happen. I had become a little reckless and crazy during my boring frozen exile. Even living vicariously through Justin's sexual exploits didn't do much to relieve my boredom during the boring school hours where he had to behave.

I had tried reading the bible to see why the golems considered me their Father God despite my protests to the contrary but it turned out to be a boring and confusing read and I gave up during Numbers. I still don't know where Cain's wife manifested from but it was interesting reading about manna from heaven during Exodus, it sort of strangely applied to the golem situation as I needed to feed them every day through 'magic'. The effort required to 'feed' 100000 golems psychic energy to prop up their mentalities and boost their hydrokinetic and psychic power required multiple phases and worsened my own psychic hunger. It was a vicious cycle that I sought to end.

:: Personal proxies x4:: (week 4)

Justin stopped slutting it up at his school as the mostly human students had developed some psychic sensitivity as a result of the constant psychic sapping and continued predation could prove dangerous. He still continued to have sex with a few of the more attractive/well hung students but with greater discretion than before and skipping the psychic sapping entirely.

Justin had refocused his attentions elsewhere. He had found a better source for psychic energy; a dance academy with high proportions of proto-mutants and a few low powered mutants. Justin had found quite a few horny gay boys at the academy happy to find someone for uncomplicated fun. Those gay dancers had introduced him to their straight mates who were happy to get blowjobs and sex from someone they didn't have to see every day. Justin sapped their minds deeper than the guys at his high school as quite a few of their minds were brimming with untapped psychic potential.

Justin told his therapist about the dance academy boys passing him around like a joint; the therapist ignored that confession and focused on his reveal about Jackson. Justin saw his therapist 3 times a week and he had borrowed from my life to prop up his fictional backstory. She considered the sex an emotional crutch and a response to the attempted sexual trauma.

Justin's therapist's notes revealed that she had been disturbed by Justin's frequent descriptions of himself as an object to be used. She thought that it indicated a very low self-esteem.

Jason had started dating around for a replacement mother figure at the therapists' suggestion. She saw him separately from Justin now. The therapist had confided to Jason that Justin might feel the need for sexual gratification because his emotional needs weren't being met by family and friends.

Jason had recently mind raped his boss and foreman into paying him in cash bypassing the usual requirement to provide a TFN(which Jason obviously didn't have) so that he could deposit money into his bank account without worrying about tax.

JJ had made a few friends at Uni in between all his studying to catch up on missed course work and they called him JJ as he had prompted them to.

JJ's prey was drunken Uni students. While there weren't frats at Australian universities, Aussie Uni students congregated in loud drunken groups in pubs, clubs and at house parties. JJ's sexuality was unclear at this point as his primary prey were either focused on getting drunk or on school work. It seemed to be leaning towards bisexuality at the moment.

The newest persona proxy a nurse named Jackie (Yeah I put little effort into naming my proxies) a 40 something year old backed by telepathic probing and tom foolery had been only active a couple of days before Antarctica was attacked.

I hastily stashed my persona proxies in locked rooms/bathrooms shifting their ice bones to normal bones while I dealt with the attack. :: ::

About 500 soldiers with Australian Army markings landed on the icy shores near us. I don't bother to leave my ice mansion as the odds are heavily in the golems favor. I monitored the battle from above through an 'eye' and offer telepathic suggestions to the golems. I watched the ice golems launch ice cubes at the attackers at close range just the way I taught them while the water golems used water whips to disarm then entangle and shackle other attackers.

The attempted invasion was short lived. The Australian Army had modified lightning guns and grenades and semi-automatic weapons that they used to 'kill' some of the golems. The golems on the other hand attacked with ice cubes, water whips, and physical violence delivered with the unbeatable speed of short range teleportation. Once the army had been shackled, the soldiers fell asleep one by one landing face first on the cold ice.

I was surprised and confused.

I took the liberty of tentacling around the captured/defeated soldiers and teleporting them back to the ACT(Australian Capital Territory) military base naked.

Then I asked one of the golems Arthur (named after Arthur River, the most significant landmark during his time doing surveillance in Tasmania) "How did you put the humans to sleep? I never taught you how to do that. I don't even know how to do that."

Arthur dipped his head in a gesture of respect (I had got them to stop calling me Father/God but they still treated me like their leader) and said "We attacked their minds in waves until they fell unconscious."

Their attack strategy gave me an idea. "We need you to give our fallen ones back to themselves."

A hundred golems surrounded a congealing puddle and raised it into a shape of a golem. I could sense a weak mentality inside its watery shell. Arthur transmitted a series of images to me telepathically and I understood what they wanted from me.

I transmitted a measure of my hydrokinetic power and psychic strength and infused it into the golem shell and it stabilized.

After the 'deaths' of the newly sentient golems at Avalon, the golems having experienced the absence caused by their fallen brethren had come up with an ingenious method of afterlife and resurrection during our four week exile. Their individuality was regularly backed up into their communal hive mind and the water golems had the hydrokinetic power to hold the shell but they lacked the knowledge on how to properly infuse their psychic strength and hydrokinetic power into a vessel. They needed me for that. They provided the body from whatever was left of the original golem, downloaded the uniqueness of that golem back into the shell and I infused my hydrokinetic and psychic strength so they could be resurrected from the dead.

After I helped resurrect all of their `dead' the golems continued practicing their hydrokinetic control as if nothing happened.

I was impressed by this latest ingenuity by the golems. The golems spent all of their time training, constantly attempting to improve themselves; they were a lot like me in that way and in many other ways. Being around the golems made me truly feel a part of a community for the first time instead of how I felt a lot of time at Avalon, necessary but not really truly belonging. The golems were more like me than anything or anyone else in the world.

Sean had accepted me for who I was warts and all because he was a true friend as did John for his own nefarious reasons but the golems related to me, they respected me, they liked me in their own peculiar way. Everyone else had either needed me, feared me or used me for their own purposes lately. They were the closest thing I had to a true family.

This was the first time I considered the golems as my children; a happy accident' of circumstances except they developed far faster emotionally and mentally than normal children. They had witnessed a wide gamut of human emotions and experiences while they stood as mostly silent sentinels. I would teach one of my children' a hydrokinetic move and by the end of the day every single golem on the South Pole would know it too regardless of how far they ranged away from the camp.

:: Persona proxies x4:: (Week 4)

I reactivated my temporarily suspended persona proxies and intensified their collection of psychic energy. I wanted to help improve the psychic abilities of the golems and their backup system for their mentalities.

Justin sapped the competition of his high school senior football team using a mixture of sex and psychic sapping. His high school team won the big match easily. Jason of an entire club of desperate singles (and a few attached people looking to stray) during dancing. JJ sapped everyone he could get his hands on within the grounds of the Uni over a period of a few days, students, staff and lecturers alike. Nurse Jackie sapped disruptive family members and visitors of the elderly home she worked at. :: ::

John showed up a few days later and I demonstrated to him my new idea on how to deal with my awkward psychic hunger. I asked him to be Wolverine and physically sapped him for a few seconds and let him go. A minute later I was at full mental and physical strength.

A naked copy of me rose out of the pool and I touched its shoulder infusing it with 90% of my psychic strength. I phased and made another copy with 80% and so on till I had 5 clones ranging from 90% to 50% totaling 400% of my original psychic power. I had the first clone touch my shoulder, the second behind the first touching its shoulder and so forth, forming a conga line of psychic potential.

"Shift to Jean."

John lifted an eyebrow and did as I asked. He shifted to Jean's shape and I channeled the combined strength of me and my psychic clones and psychically sapped John/Jean. He fell to his knees clutching his head and then the clones died and I was left holding onto an immense amount of psychic strength. I couldn't contain it all so I released some of it back into the golem collective and my persona proxies.

I sunk to my knees mentally drained and flopped face first into the cold snow.

I woke up to Wolverine's hairy face as he punched me awake.

I punched him back with a spiked fist and John's face replaced his seconds later. I shifted to water reforming a few feet away from him.

"Well that was different Boy Wonder but what did it achieve other than giving me a headache?"

"I expanded my mental potential."

I reached out with my thoughts and found my persona proxies had locked themselves in bathrooms without prompting. I checked their mentalities. They had grown subtly more complex with this psychic update. They had a sense of self-preservation now and their psychic potential had grown to class 4.05 status.

I had found a way to satisfy the psychic hunger of Vamp's power without needing to feed off other minds and expand my psychic potential. Trying to feed on a fake Jean was like trying to eat a live bull when hungry, a terrible idea but I had the basis for something that should work well enough in future.

:: Persona proxies x5 :: (Week 5)

I didn't need the persona proxies for psychic feedings any more but I didn't want to dispose of them as if they were nothing just as they were becoming complex mentalities capable of limited independent thought for survival.

I created a 5tth personality, Jake a scarred war veteran in his 40's who shared accommodation with a moody nurse named Jackie. I had him attend meetings for those suffering from PTSD.

The frantic need to feed had been replaced allowing JJ to spend more time at the library reading and exploring the memories of his professors in peace. Justin's sex life settled to having sex with 5 regulars which his therapist approved of as progress to the goal of a settled monogamist relationship in the future. (I wasn't so sure about that one personally). Jason used the knowledge gained from his mental probing to start a small construction firm with him and Jake with JJ pitching in part time with admin work. :: ::

I now used the psychic clones as sources of psychic sustenance, slowly increasing my psychic potential with each feeding. Unfortunately the process was like eating a lot of plain white rice, it fulfilled the need to eat but it lacked the nuance and flavor of dynamic new minds.

I saw John briefly during week 5 but he left after 5 minutes completely preoccupied.

:: Persona proxies x6:: (Week 6)

Jake's PTSD therapy progressed helping to combat the constant low level anxiety that was a remnant of my years enduring Jackson's psychological campaign against me. Sensing him waiting outside my class to torment me but being unable to do anything to stop him without escalating things had strained my endurance. I didn't want to feel like prey any more. I wanted to be a capable warrior ready to tackle any threat not a scared boy anxious about what tomorrow would bring.

I created a new persona proxy a 50 year old man with greying hair specializing in `hypnotherapy' to treat difficult cases, in reality the hypnotherapy was psychic sapping. He was created with the memories stolen from the therapists that Jake and Justin saw which was built upon during the handshake with the founding member of the business a veteran psychiatrist during the interview process. He later sapped the minds of his new coworkers as his psychic potential grew to help round out his education. ::

I didn't know how much second-hand therapy for my issues would help me overcome my problems but I was determined to try. I tried to ignore what the bucket load of pills the proxies pretended to take to maintain their fictional lives implied about my mental state. Between Jake, Jason and Justin they had quite the collection of anti-anxiety, anti-psychotics, anti-depressants and SSRI medications.

I didn't know if I could erase the extremes of sex and violence in my life but I wanted to try and find the right balance, all I needed was time and some space from the crazy in my life.


I'll post the next chapter in a few days. Originally was going to post as one chapter but it felt too bulky with the introduction of the psychic proxies and psychic clones.

Too much info ? Not enough? Feedback would be nice.

Next: Chapter 29: Avalon 10

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