
By wayne unknown

Published on Apr 19, 2023



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.


mental library- a section of Victor's mind that stores all the knowledge he's acquired from mind probing and saps in book form and available in digital format. JAJ – John as Jean. 'link' - psychically connecting at the middle layer in order to share/blend powers.

Authors Note some spoilers for the Civil War saga.

Chapter 7 Disruption

We arrived in an alternate universe's New York. Within moments we hear "You're under arrest for failure to comply with the super human registration act." coming from a robotic eye thing that has descended from somewhere above us.

I'm still a little disoriented from the trans-dimensional journey so I don't respond, John laughed and we exchanged a glance and I burst into laughter at the absurdity of being arrested within a minute of our arrival. We hadn't even done anything yet.

Men in full body armor jet-pack down to surround us. They fired at us and John and I reflexively 'link' blocking their weapon fire easily with a combined class 5.8 tk/energy force-field.

:: Mental Landscape::

Me: Let's take these idiots out quickly and find out what this super human registration is all about.

John: Lethal force?

Phorcys asked gleefully: Yeah is it rampage time?

I exchanged a glance with my Psionic Time Duplicate (PTD) and reply: No, basic self defense, we knock them unconscious and bail. We'll find out what the hell this Super Human Registration Act is about later and we'll deal with it then.

:: ::

Our attackers hammered at our combo shield uselessly with a barrage of weapon fire and JAJ responded with a Tk blast knocking them all off their feet. (Despite our philosophical and psychological differences, John and I make a good team in battle.)

Reinforcements for our attackers arrived in the form of a mutate powerhouse called Sentry dressed in yellow bodysuit with a large champion like belt around his waist with an emblazoned white S and wearing a light blue cape. A quick skim of his mind, reveals that we've landed a few years off target and in the middle of a superhero Civil War. Apparently I had overestimated my control over the Panoptichron's trans dimensional teleportation system and had overshot the target by years.

Sentry also has a psychotic alter ego named Void. He also has the dubious honor of being absurdly overpowered, being capable of projecting vast amounts of energy equal to a million exploding suns as the result of ingesting an experimental super serum on a robbery gone weird.

I telepathically transmitted the details to JAJ that retreat might be a smart idea until we have a better handle on things. He initially disagreed but a couple of energy blasts from Sentry destroys our combined force-field and I'm forced to directly absorb his energy blasts through my outstretched hands. The energy I absorbed is invigorating but there's too much and I struggled to contain the excess energy within me, searing my blood and mind.

I gave up on containing the escalating energy and released the excess energy in the form of an energy blast directed at Sentry. He doesn't even attempt to evade the energy attack, arrogant in his power; he's knocked back by the blast a few feet. He momentarily struggles to stop the energy from progressing past and or through him.

:: Mental Landscape::s

Phorcys: Can I eat him now?

Me: No. Too much energy.

:: ::

While Sentry is momentarily preoccupied with containing the redirected energy I tele-transport John, one of our unconscious armored attackers and myself a dozen city blocks away into an empty apartment.

"Why did you bring him along?", John asked, pointing to the unconscious captive. "Feeling frisky?"

"I need intel and this guy will provide it."

"If you say so." JAJ created a psionic shield around the apartment blocking detection from psychic means.

I conducted a prolonged scan of our captive's most recent memories. He had some SHIELD training on countering psionic attacks but it's not much use against a prolonged telepathic assault while he's unconscious.


In this reality. There was an incident in Stamford involving failed super-heroics where inexperienced superheroes called the New Warriors tried to apprehend a super-villain named Nitro with catastrophic results. Nitro used his mutate ability to explode while being tackled with the result of hundreds of civilians dead including 60 children and most of the New Warriors. In a knee jerk reaction, the nation and citizens lashed out at super-humans demanding that they give up their secret identities and register to the government and be used as governmental enforcers from then on.

As a result superheroes were divided into three factions, those anti registration, those pro registration and those neutral. The X men had decided to sit out this fight due to the mutant population being reduced to a measly 198. Quite a few super-villains were pro registration or at least indifferent to it as most of them had been captured at one point and their identities were already known.

Captain America led the Anti Registration faction while Iron Man spearheaded the Pro Registration side with the assistance of Reed Richards and Spider Man. Alex was a member of SHIELD and the Capekiller division assigned with the task to corral superheroes and or villains who failed to register.


Alex's mind provided me with the date and the clock on the apartment wall gave me the time. I was starting to get a handle on things.

February 27th 2007 4:15 pm

Now that I had some background information on the situation. I used my technopathy to interface with his high tech armor, which gave me access to its self diagnostic system with all of its internal schematics. The armor had an operational tracking system and it was actively broadcasting Alex's location. I disabled it.

"John could you check if we have incoming." I hurriedly finished copying all of the schematics into my mental library for PTD (Psionic Time Duplicate) to examine.

"There's a Helicarrier and several squads of these armored soldiers along with that caped guy who looks pissed."

"Time to bail then. Can you provide us with personal psionic shielding. I want to walk into the lion's den."

He nods and I teleported next to him and waited for a few seconds as the psionic shields cover us. The capekillers crashed through the windows and stormed through the broken door. The Capekillers got told to switch to thermals and they fired upon us but I teleported us into the Helicarrier before their projectiles could hit us.

We arrived within an empty hallway inside the Helicarrier. "What's the plan?" John asked.

"Get the fuck out of this reality as quickly as possible."

"Why are we here then?"

"SHIELD gathers intel on supers and I'm going to sneak a look at their database to find the best candidates to get us out of here. Just need a few minutes of peace and quiet with their systems."

John provides the psionic shielding to hide us from the occasional foot traffic while I used my technopathy to its very limits to access the SHIELD database and copy the relevant data into my mind for PTD to review while tweaking SHIELD's security systems to stop it from detecting our presence upon the Helicarrier.

"You done?"


"Now what?" John asked.

"We undermine the competition and join with the rebels."

"Why get involved?"

I teleported us off the Helicarrier onto a rooftop several blocks away before they noticed our interference with minds or machines. "Several reasons. There are only 2 mutants/mutates with the power sets that could get us out of this reality easily. One's a child Franklin Richards." JAJ scowls at the mention of his only failure at acquiring genetic material at the hands of a super-powered toddler. "Who's under the care of one of the major proponents of the registration, Reed Richards. The other option is Wiccan who is a teenager and on the anti registration side and would listen to Captain America who leads the Anti Registration side. If we help Captain America win his war, Wiccan will be obliged to help us travel onward to another universe."

"I could simply just mind control him into helping us."

"Wiccan is powerful and popular, any failed attempt to control him would end with scorched Earth. Every hero on either side would come after us. We're strong but we can't take on an entire world of superheroes ourselves. Secondly this universe's government has already pissed me off by attempting to arrest me within a couple of minutes of my arrival here and I want payback. Third Phorcys needs his blood lust to be satiated and this world has too many villains running loose with the government's okay. It's a perfect feeding ground."

"Why don't you just get rid of Phorcys. You know he's only going to betray you."

"It's only a betrayal if you trust someone. I don't trust Phorcys, I simply channel his nature as best I can for my own purposes." I teleported us outside the city limits to where it all began; Stamford.

I looked around at the devastation and thought about how I had done so much worse when my mother had died as collateral damage in a fight between Apocalypse and the X men. "I think it's time to split up. I'm going on the hunt. You should see if you can find somewhere we can bunk down in the meantime."

"Yes sir." JAJ said with a mock salute.

I sighed. John remains a dangerous ally. He has a lot of potential, power wise but no morality and he'd stab me in the back again if anyone made him a better offer which made him an unreliable asset. "We'll meet back here in an hour and work on a plan of attack."

JAJ flew off, disappearing from my hydro observation a moment later as he broke the 'link' between us.

I reviewed the SHIELD database 'book' in my head, finding several mass murdering super-villains that the government had let loose on society because they registered. I compiled a hit list of acceptable targets for Phorcys to take care of with a couple of conditions, "make it bloody and leave behind a message".

I allowed Phorcys use of the body to satisfy his blood lust by killing half a dozen of super villains. Per my instructions he left messages in their blood on the walls near their corpses (or their exploded remains) of "REGISTER AND DIE." The aim was to discourage other villains from signing up to a hunting list.

On the way back from our culling of the villain population of this reality we run into Spiderman being saved by Punisher in the sewers from a couple of villains let loose upon him by SHIELD. I followed after Punisher via teleport hops and he leads me to Captain America's rebel base.

When Punisher called "I need a medic". I teleported next to them. Punisher's automatic and unthinking response was to point a shotgun at my head.

I raised my hands in the air as slowly and non threateningly as super-humanly possible. "Hello people, I've come to join the team." I used my power to heal Spiderman's internal and external injuries. "He's all healed now, he might need some chocolate and a nap but he should be back to normal in 20 minutes or so."

Punisher lowered his weapon and I lowered my hands to my sides. Captain America asked "Could you come with me, stranger?"

"Sure. Lead on O captain, my captain."

He gives me an odd look but I'm used to that. Different universe, alternate Captain America, same lack of appreciation for my sense of humor. "So who are you and why do you want to join with us?"

I gave him the short explanation, that I'm an extra dimensional traveler and that SHIELD accosted me as soon as I arrived and I've already seen where this type of paranoia and fear leads and its nowhere good (Sentinels). As far as I was concerned the current SHRA (Super Human Registration Act) and their attempt to impose their draconian policy on me was a declaration of War as far as I was concerned.

He seemed wary but I told him that John and I were both class 5 mutants (John was using the body of one anyway) and experienced fighters and we could tip the war in his favor if he let us help him.

"We've recently lost a team mate named Goliath in an ambush at the hands of a resurrected Thor in an ambush. This is a war we may lose and the cost of losing could be death. Are you sure you want to commit? We've lost people who weren't fully committed to the cause and I don't have the time to waste on any more fair weather allies."

"I'm committed. I'm not concerned about my physical safety. I'm very hard to kill. I've survived the end of my timeline, a couple of Apocalypses and the last 70 years of ridiculousness."

"You're 70?" He looked me over, appraising me.

"Thereabouts. This is my third or 4th reality depending on how you count them in the last few hours and my mind is a bit muddled up right now to calculate my actual age what with all the time traveling and dimension travel as of late."

Captain America just stared for a long moment and said "You'll have your chance to prove yourself soon enough."

"Cool I'll be back in a minute. I just have to pick up my friend John from Stamford. He may or may not look like Jean Grey at times. I hear she's dead again , so don't freak out or anything." Captain America gave me a hard look and I smiled and shrugged with my hands outstretched outwards to "Its a strange life, being a mutant. Don't blame me for rolling with it."

Reality 9231 (Civil War Universe) 6:20 pm

I teleported out and picked up John from the rendezvous point, telepathically relaying my recent conversation with Captain America to him. I teleported us back to the rebel base.

I met with Captain America again to amend the terms of my assistance, "I forgot to mention that I have a condition that will need to be fulfilled for my cooperation."

"What is it?" He asked impatiently. He was looking over some papers, they looked like blueprints for the Baxter building.

"Once I've won your war. I'll need Wiccan to help send me to another universe to escape these insects that may or may not be after me."

He glanced up briefly and gave me a dismissive look. "I can't make any promises. Wiccan is still a minor that doesn't have full control over his powers. I'm not sure he's capable of such a feat."

"If he's anything like my Wiccan, he's more than capable. I only need 5 minutes with him once I've won the war."

"You seem very confident of victory. Iron Man has the backing of the government and several of the strongest and smartest heroes. He won't be defeated that easily."

I shrugged "In my experience there is no enemy that cannot be undermined and defeated with an adequate supply of cunning, brute force and ruthlessness. I'm going to leave John here to answer any of your questions while I attain what I need to ruin the pro registration side."

Captain America looks wary "These people aren't our enemy, they're just misguided."

"Mmm, I won't kill any of your former friends but you might want to convince John of that stipulation. He tends towards amorality."

I teleported out of the room to John's side where he was engaged in conversation with a hero named Hercules.

I'll be out for a couple hours and I need you to watch over the 'heroes' to make sure they didn't interfere with my plans.

*What's in it for me? *

  • You can find out if any of them are worth harvesting for their genetic material while I'm gone.*

He gives a brief nod, continuing on with his conversation and I teleported out of the base. Captain America and his followers would monitor John and John would monitor them, which should keep them busy enough that I could proceed with my master plan unhindered by problematic allies.

I teleported over to the Stark building's penthouse floor which was currently unoccupied and interfaced with the Stark computing system, downloading the contents of his database into my mind for examination later. This gives me access to all his technical specifications to his inventions including his AI developments, Iron Man armors and energy systems. The first step of my plan, gathering extra intel was relatively easy.

The second stage of my plan was more complicated. I visited the Xavier Institute looking for a power up. Cyclops and Emma Frost appeared to be running the place. Xavier was either dead, AWOL or MIA. I didn't ask. I didn't care.

We have a conversation. I explained that I was an extra dimensional mutant traveler, they don't seem overly surprised by that announcement. I guessed that their lives as mutants had been filled with enough insanity that such a statement merited little shock. Emma Frost tried to telepathically probe me but is blocked by my class 5.8 psionic vampiric shields. I gave Emma a frosty smile acknowledging that her failed attempt at telepathic tresspass and she gave me the slightest inclination of her chin to indicate that I had impressed her.

Meanwhile Cyclops told me they've just come back from an ordeal involving a General Lazer who had activated a self destruct sequence for a bunker housing experimental weapons which nearly halved the already limited mutant population. I offered them my assistance in increasing the mutant population in exchange for access to their mutant database and a few minutes of cooperation from the 198.

They were intrigued but they had conditions. I was limited to a handful of the 198 and only if they agreed to participate and only if they supervised me doing whatever it was I had planned. I agreed to their terms. It complicated matters somewhat but it wasn't entirely unexpected.

After several minutes accessing their database and assessing the relative values of the mutants nearby. I selected 5 mutants, ranging from delta (class 2's) to a single Omega (class 5) and have them all visit the office, with Cyclops and Emma Frost in attendance supervising to make sure I don't do anything 'evil'.

I asked them all to line up in a row which earned me some odd looks and some barely restrained hostility but they obliged me, as they had been informed what was at stake. My assistance in saving mutant kind from extinction. They may have been suspicious but they were Xavier's students (for the most part) and blind optimism was practically a condition in enrollment.

I touched and sapped Domino; a female mercenary with a patch of darkness around her left eye. I maintained the sap for 3 seconds acquiring her probability manipulation (class 4 application, class 3 range, class 4 potential, class 6 spectrum of effect) ability and memories of fighting and an unhealthy preoccupation with firearms.

I touched and sapped Blindfold, a blind girl of around 15 who has no eyes, only skin over empty eye sockets, usually covered by a blindfold. I maintained the sap for 3 seconds acquiring her precognitive, post-cognitive and clairvoyant abilities (class 3 application, class 3 range, class 4 potential, class 6 spectrum of awareness) and memories of her mother's death at the hand of her brother and fragmented memories about her perceptions of time.

I touched and sapped Eye boy, a young man with an excessive amount of eyes scattered over his body, including eyes on the palms of his hands which made me wonder about how awkward that would be for wanking considering the risk of partial blindness. I maintained the sap for 3 seconds acquiring his enhanced visual perceptions including the ability to detect supernatural entities and mystical spells. (class 3 application, class 3 range, class 3 potential, class 6 spectrum of awareness) and memories of spending most nights in the Danger Room training with fire arms.

I touched and sapped Cypher, a young man with blond hair and an awkward stance for his interpretation skills. (class 4 application, class 2.5 range, class 4 potential, class 5 spectrum of effect ) Memories of hours spent computer programming and lots of dead and alien languages filled my head.

Last but definitely not least I touched and sapped Elixir, this version had one golden hand while the other was death black while the rest of him was gold. I sapped him for a few seconds for his bio manipulation abilities. (Class 4 application, class 2.5 range, class 5 potential, class 5 spectrum of effect) Acquiring memories of how he had his used his powers to heal (turning gold) and to kill (turning black).

I used the combined temporary powers in order to serve as a blue print and a tool to see (Eye Boy's enhanced perception) my own genetic structure and how it's temporarily altered by using Rogue's essence sapping ability and to understand it (Cypher's ability to understand and decipher codes). With this knowledge I could use Apocalypse's bio manipulation that was enhanced by Elixir's bio manipulation potential to alter my own genetic code with greater skill and precision. I modified myself to remove all traces of blue from my skin tone and eradicated my default form, freeing me from constantly reverting to a blocky default form.

With Blindfold's limited precognitive powers I had a new instinctual sense as to how my genetic alterations would work. Blindfold's precognition wasn't as powerful as Destiny's whose sapped power provided me the knowledge of how every possible decision would work out. Instead it gave me a more distant overview of events, little blurry on details but gave me a general overview of the major landmarks of the future timeline. It also provided more scope as I could see past and present events of this reality.

Domino's ability to positively affect probability helped eliminate the risk of an irrevocable and permanent catastrophic genetic alteration happening as a result of my tampering with my own genetic code. If there was a one in a million chance of success I could ensure that the positive outcome was the actual outcome, regardless of odds.

I used the sapped power sets as a template for genetic alteration and grafting. Rogue's power typically affected a temporary change (depending on the duration of the sap) within the body to utilize the new powers temporarily, a form of genetic grafting that usually reverted to the genetic default after a few minutes. I sought to make the temporary alterations as a result of Rogue's power permanent by focused genetic alterations mimicking the temporary process...

I sapped the 5 of them again at the 2 minute mark for a couple seconds each as I could feel the powers fading. With this new boost I finished my genetic alteration so that I have about 75% of the original's mutants ability of prescience, probability manipulations, enhanced perceptions and interpretation.

I thanked them profusely for their help. They're a bit confused since from their point of view I only sapped them for 5 seconds each and there's no apparent difference afterwards. Their failure to comprehend what their cooperation has wrought doesn't surprise me. Whatever reality I'm in, the Xavier institute misses the true value of super powers by a country mile.

Emma Frost told the students they could leave and I fulfilled my part of the bargain and uploaded my newly enhanced knowledge of DNA sequences and gene grafting into their computing system via technopathy.

I told Emma Frost and Cyclops after the others left "The information I've provided will restore the mutant population."

Admittedly I only provided the specific gene sequences for the mutations that I most understood from personal experience. Namely how to grant class 4 hydrokinesis, telepathy, teleportation, energy projection and class 3 prescience to anyone. I withheld the knowledge of how to create class 5 hydro-kinetics, class 5 bio manipulators and hard to classify probability manipulators since they'd turn this world upside down and inside out within a week but still it was a way to easily save mutant kind from extinction by artificially boosting the mutant population with artificially genetically altered humans via gene grafting.

Cyclops and Emma Frost both looked at the screen filled with the DNA information in GTCA format (Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine, Adenine) and asked "How?"

I sighed. Now that Cypher's power was a permanent part of me, the DNA sequences seemed so simple and transparent but I reminded myself that no one likes a know it all (for some reason) and responded with the most practical advice I could in the situation. "Bring in Cypher and Beast tomorrow and have them read through this together while you mind link them. Their combined knowledge and understanding of DNA sequences will provide the 'what' part of the equation. Then all you have to do is transfer that knowledge into Elixir's mind and he'll be able to provide the how part of the equation."

They both stared at me as if I was the freak, which considering that Cyclops was in a one piece black body jumpsuit with a visor to channel his optic blasts and Emma Frost was wearing a ridiculous outfit of a white cape, white armored bra/boob tube and tight white pants seemed somewhat preposterous for them to judge me on being odd the way they were dressed.

I tried explaining it again in simpler terms. "Beast and Cypher will read this and understand that it represents the sequences that are responsible for a specific set of super powers and Elixir will be able to use his power to graft these sequences on a particular subject. Hey presto new mutants with very specific powers of known parameters. Makes training them a breeze."

I left them with the information, having successfully completed stage 2 of my plan, upgrading myself with a handful of useful secondary powers and moved on to the next stage of my plan.

The third stage of my plan was riskier but thanks to my new precognitive abilities gives me hope, I could see about a minute into the future, (which doesn't sound like a lot but is immensely useful in battle situations) with concentrated effort. The only downside was that having a future flash required me to focus all my new precognitive power into a burst of limited clairvoyance with a downtime of a few minutes in between. If I didn't focus the precognitive powers into 'future flashes' I got random 'visions' of past, future and present which made it hard to concentrate on the present.

New powers come with their own unique set of complications. I knew I'd incorporate them successfully into myself at some point in the future but my new precognition wouldn't provide details on the when, just the knowledge that I would. Eye-boy's and Cypher powers were providing their own influx of new information to pile onto my overloaded mind.

I couldn't stop to sort out the side effects of all the new powers as I had too much to do first.

Reality 9231 February 27th 2007 7:10 pm

I stopped off inside an empty apartment near Times Square where I created a special meat proxy, altering it to have class 4 hydrokinesis, telepathy and teleportation. I cut it and myself with a bone knife, rubbing our bloodied thumbs together, infecting it with the techno organic virus granting it class 4 technopathy. I 'link' with it on the middle layer, providing basic programming and instructions for its mission. I clothed it in bone armor and gave it my War Sword to sell the lie convincingly.

I dispersed my own bone armor and stole some clothes out of the closet. They don't fit so well, so I alter my body to fit them instead. I look nothing like I did when I arrived in this stupid world, so it's unlikely anyone but John would recognize me and he'd only recognize me via psychic signature.

I send off my 'Trojan clone' to complete its mission. He teleported out into Times Square while I forced myself to avoid the instinctive urge to use teleportation to travel and instead walked down to blend with the curious crowd. In less than a minute SHIELD 'Cape killers' showed up to surround my 'Trojan clone.'

Ms Marvel attacks, unleashing a flurry of super powered punches against my 'Trojan clone' who puts up a token resistance. According to her SHIELD dossier she has super strength, speed, durability, stamina and energy projection. After a couple of minutes of fisticuffs my 'Trojan clone' is captured and confined, they collar my meat proxy with a power nullifier which weakens the link between us but doesn't break it.

I followed the progress of my 'Trojan clone' as it's transferred to facility 42. Not long after its capture, he is transported into the Negative Zone. While the portal is open I have a weak link to him in the Negative Zone but when the portal closes I only feel a slight aftertaste of my proxy in my mind but can't communicate with him.

Rebel Base. 2100 hours (9 pm)

I returned back to the rebel base. Not much had happened in my absence other than Captain America thought I had been captured which John had been doubtful about due to the lack of casualties.

Once we were alone John told me how well endowed Hercules was and how vigorous their sex had been while I was gone. I congratulated him on his 'conquest', Hercules is quite hunky and an Olympian God of raw strength and very straight.

I told John that I'm planning on launching a full frontal assault on Iron Man, the Negative Zone portal and the Negative Zone.

John asked "Do you think holding them hostage will end the war?"

"No. I have a much more complicated and convoluted plan in mind."

"You going to share the plan?"

"Not yet. It's kind of like taking out Apocalypse. The less everyone knows the better it'll work out, less chance of it being overheard or telepathically probed out of someone. Suffice to say we'll attack at 3:30 am leaving here around 3am. Till then I'm going to rest and hone my weapons."

"Where's your sword?"

"I had to give it to my meat proxy for my plan to work."

"OK then, Mr Mysterious. I'm going to pay Hercules another visit and see if he's up for another round."

He telepathically showed me a memory of Hercules naked, thrusting his thick foot long cock in and out of JAJ's various orifices. It's gross and erotic at the same time.

While JAJ goes off to fornicate. I enclosed myself in layers of psionic and energy shields to ensure I'm undisturbed and have a nap.

When I wake up a couple hours later...

:: Mental Landscape:: Within the mental library I find PTD hard at work cataloging and reading through the memories of Eye Boy, Domino and Cypher. Blindfold's book was missing large sections, apparently she had some telepathic immunity as her mind kept flicking in and out of tenses. Elixir's memories weren't of great import for my present objectives so it had been ranked as a low priority.

I spend some time reading through the recent additions to my library. Knowledge is power and I would need all I could get to win the day. :: ::

I laid back on the bed with my eyes closed as I activated a single 'eye' inside the room, looking around the basic room with a single bunk and a closet at the foot of the bed. I concentrated on making full use of Eye Boy's power of enhanced perception, studying the room and the flow of electrons in the air, the radiation spectrum and the weaknesses within the cheap furniture.

I added 'eyes' throughout the base watching out for potential weaknesses of my allies and mystical detection. Evaluating the aura and body language of the Anti Reg people, I become aware that Tigra is probably a traitor to the side.

The extra awareness provided negligible strain on my mind so I expanded my awareness throughout the city. A flood of information overwhelms me and Cypher's power kicks in and helps to interpret the data. New York City is a hot bed for mystical creatures, spells and conflicts. I focus on Blindfold's power of clairvoyance, precognition and post-cognition and the past, present and future stretches out in all directions in my awareness.

I hold my oversight of the city, allowing the powers of Eye Boy, Cypher and Blindfold to enhance my hydro senses to appreciate the truth beyond and beneath the visible spectrum. Eye Boy's power enhanced my ability to 'see', so that I can see auras, enchantments and potential weaknesses. Cypher's power provides me the ability to understand and interpret the data into something I can use and Blindfold's power allows me a sweeping view of the past and future of the city. Time and reality of this city is warped; it's a tangled ball of yarn instead of a linear path. The X- Men and Franklin Richards are tangled irrevocably with the tangled time, ignorant or indifferent to the effects of their temporal and reality manipulations.

I extended my newly enhanced hydro-senses outwards throughout the country examining and studying the electromagnetic spectrum, auras, temporal awareness and mystical enchantments. I pushed myself further activating my psionic powers to cast a wide net, tasting the moods and surface thoughts of this country of this alternate Earth. Cypher's power struggles to accommodate the flood of information.

I cut it all off. Opening my eyes and staring up at the blank ceiling, letting my mind recover from the mental strain.

I gave myself 20 minutes to recover before trying again. This time while my mind and PTD processes the data I use Apocalypse's power to enhance Eye Boy's power of multitasking to make life easier. I allow PTD to share control over my mind and body while I focused on honing my newly enhanced hydro-senses further.

Around Midnight I decided that I had pushed as far as I could with my newly enhanced hydro-senses. I could monitor the North American continent for about 5 minutes without overloading my mind. In a way I was going backwards, I used to be able to explore the solar system with my hydro-senses/psionic observation . In another way I was leaping forwards, capable of seeing and understanding more than ever before.

Next I focused on improving my control over Blindfold's power. It defied easy control. Every time I focused on a specific future flash of 60 seconds it took everything I got and it took 3 minutes to recover before I could do it again. Blindfold's power was weak compared to Destiny's but it was probably for the best. Seeing every potential outcome of every action forever would be existential torture, rendering me fate's bitch.

At 2am I told Captain America of our plans to storm the citadel and free the prisoners. He calls it foolhardy but I explain that a 2 man operation will be completely unexpected.

He laughs and said "It'll never work."

"Bring a small force of troops to a nearby location so you can be ready to evacuate the prisoners when they're freed."

He warned me "We can't risk the war by rescuing you if you fail."

I smiled and said "That's fine. I won't need rescuing. I have it all planned out."

John and I left the Rebel Base. JAJ has a wistful look in her eyes and a stiff gait...

I teleported us near to the Baxter building which is the location for one of the portals to the Negative Zone. A quick scan of the interior of the building has dozens of SHIELD cape killers on each floor with Iron Man and his followers are on high alert in the control room.

Baxter Building 0330 hours (3:30 am) 28th February 2007

John and I have a quick discussion about our chances of getting in without the tech necessary to open the Portal into the Negative Zone being damaged, which would risk the mission. I told him I could use my technopathy to interface with the Capekiller armors and hack their frequency in order to shut down all the Capekillers but getting past the heroes would be troublesome. Iron Man, Radioactive Man, Zemo, Ms Marvel, Sentry, Reed Richards, Clor (cloned cyborg Thor) and Deadpool were waiting in ambush and the only guaranteed method of disabling them without risking the equipment would be to kill them in a single strike which would be overkill.

John told me he has his own plan on how to distract the heroes. I agreed with his plan for a diversion of attention and forces.

He generated a quantum singularity (black hole) in the lobby drawing half of the heroes downstairs to contain it which included Sentry, Deadpool and Reed Richards.

I generated mist inside the control room, teleporting inside and interfaced with the tech to power up the portal into the Negative Zone. Iron Man fired at me with his repulsor blasts while Clor launched a lightning blast, Radioactive Man threw radiation energy at me and Ms Marvel launched a photonic attack. I absorbed all their attacks, channeling their power into a stronger energy force-field before teleporting myself and Iron Man into the Negative Zone.

Upon arriving it felt like a month of high-school Mondays hits me in the stomach and I'm temporarily distracted by the increasing sense of dread, hopelessness and isolation. Iron Man blasts at me, his attack failing to penetrate my invisible energy shield. He tried to fly off back into the portal to strand me on this side of the gateway. I teleported on top of him and his flying armor and drove my fist through his armor and around his throat, sapping him of his life energy. His memories flood through me.


Stark had used the SHRA in order to make billions by manipulating events to his end goal of having superheroes being centralized under his command.

He'd lost his bodyguard Happy in an attack designed to take him out and refused to cyberpathically pull the plug.

He'd used nanobots to control Green Goblin/Norman Osborn to incite the Atlanteans into a war footing with the US.

He helped to form the Illuminati which had been a group of heavy hitters including Namor, Xavier, Richard Reed, Doctor Strange and Black Bolt of the Inhumans. The Illuminati had been responsible for jettisoning the Hulk into deep space in order to get him off planet.

Stark had used Spiderman's need for a father figure in order to emotionally manipulate him into service of the SHRA and when he bailed after seeing the horrors of the Negative Zone tried to hunt him down and used villains to attack him. As well as bugging his 'gift' of a new Spider suit so that he could replicate and neutralize Spider Man's spider sense (sensing danger a split second before it happens).

Stark used a DNA sample he had collected on his first meeting with Thor to clone him and fill him with cybernetic parts to serve as a mindless minion under his thrall. It malfunctioned but he refused to take any responsibility for the death of Goliath at its hands.

Stark kept having meeting after meeting with Steve Rogers insisting that he was right and the SHRA was necessary, yet constantly resorting to violence instead of a cogent argument for its merits. &&&&&&&&&

I also got a whole series of technical specifications not in the Stark databases of new Iron Man designs and memories of the prison layout.

I interfaced with the tech inside his suit and initiated the self destruct sequence of the suit and broke both his femur bones and let him continue through the gateway to serve as a further distraction. He'd probably resume control of the armor within the next couple of minutes and the injury wouldn't be permanent as the Extremis in his blood stream made him regenerate faster than humanly possibly.

I made my approach on the prison facility code named Alpha. It seems to be maintained and monitored by robots, flying drones, some human guards and electronic systems. I interfaced with the tech and disabled the perimeter security system.

John arrived a few minutes later, telepathically broadcasting Hurry up, they brought reinforcements time to get out of here. as I'm still struggling to gain full technopathic control over the sprawling complex. There's a limited AI fighting me for control.

I prioritized disabling Prisoner 2231's inhibitor collar and once that's done, my 'Trojan clone' could help me from the inside. I reestablished the link between us and channeled our combined technopathy to overwhelm the electronic system's defenses.

:: Inside Alpha compound:: The 'Trojan' used his hydrokinetic power to summon water golems out of the toilet water in each cell.

He telepathically scans each captive and smears blood on the control panels of the cells of those who should be freed. :: ::

I've finally gained complete control of the prison electronic system and broadcast "Only release superheroes from containment." as I unlocked the cells that have already been marked. The newly released superheroes rush out with 'Trojan' cutting their power dampening restraints and assisting them in helping free their friends.

I walked into the 'prison yard' doing my best to ignore the aching fury in my soul. I send 'Trojan' a telepathic message to gather everyone into the 'prison yard' ASAP. We'll need to move soon.

The portal is being guarded on our side by John who has assembled a hundred or so rock golems in preparation of an attack that hasn't come. The portal is still open which makes me suspicious. I activated my precognition in a future flash (a minute worth of precognition) and they're waiting for us and it wouldn't go well. The prisoners have been weakened and discouraged from days to months of captivity in a realm where negative emotions drain the life from you slowly. A lot of them wouldn't be capable of fighting back against the pro regs who are in peak condition.

I infused 'Trojan' with class 4 internal hydrokinesis and set him to regenerating the heroes physically while I broadcasted positive telepathic imagery of getting home safely and loved ones greeting them tearfully upon their return to psychologically boost them.

After a couple minutes I try another future flash and it's still not good. If we went now we'd suffer about 60% losses.

I draw upon every drop of water in the facility, shaping it into golems and programming them to zerg rush Iron Man and his followers. I future flash and ... see a path as to how to survive the next minute.

I telepathically transmit the details to John and he nods and preps himself and his army for a full out assault. I telepathically transmit instructions to 'Trojan' while I tell the others ^Wait 10 seconds after I rush through before coming through.^

John and I sent our golem armies forth through the portal and I give them 5 seconds to occupy the enemy before flying through the portal.

I arrive to a scene of utter chaos. The golems are waging war against Iron Man, his 'heroes' and the Thunderbolts lying in wait.

I rushed forth into a frenzy of activity as golems fought 'heroes'. Upon sighting me I was blasted at by half a dozen 'heroes'. I used Domino's probability manipulation ability to deflect their attacks back onto other 'heroes' with my energy shield in a one of a million chance counter attack. I unleashed all the energy inside me into an omni directional energy attack, blinding the pro registration forces and breaking all the windows on the same floor. The freed anti registration heroes come out of the portal a second later and I tell them to run to the edge in preparation of a mass teleportation. They run there unhindered by the still blinded/distracted pro regs.

The rescued captives are teleported out and to the ground by Wiccan who's piggybacking on a flying Hulkling (who grew large green bat wings). Captain America and his small force of anti reg heroes collected their brethren, directing them underground to escape.

Most of my golems had been destroyed either by the anti regs or by my energy blast which meant that I had their full attention when they recovered from my energy attack.

"And on that note. Bye" I released all my TK energy in an omnidirectional blast as John walked through the portal as expected where he redirected my Tk energy along with a healthy helping of his own Tk energy into a Tk attack pinning every pro Reg hero down on the ground or against a wall.

I teleported us both down to ground level where there are way too many civilians about. The civilians are gawking at the free show while Captain America is busy trying to get them to politely fuck off. Some of them are yelling at him for being a traitor. Stupid mouth breathers.

Captain America had only brought a small force along with him including Johnny Storm, Sue Storm, Wiccan, Hulkling, Luke Cage, Spiderman, Vision and Hercules (they were still busy directing the freed prisoners to safety).

I spotted Johnny Storm nearby and teleported over to him. "I need your help."

"Name it." (my prison break had earned me some unconditional support)

"Feed me your flame!"

He smiled wide but before he could say something inappropriate for the moment I telepathically transmitted what I meant into his head. He blasts at me with a low level flame, I absorb the heat energy into myself, filling up my energy reserves, he proceeds to feed me more of his fire as the pro regs make their way down.

Susan Storm comes up to me and asked "Where's Reed?"

"I don't know. I've been busy."

I telepathically transmitted my need to John and he 'links' with me, letting me channel his psionic strength.

The pro regs and the anti regs engaged in super-powered confrontation with each other. Hercules against Clor, Captain America against Iron Man, Ms Marvel against Sue Storm Spiderman acrobatically dodging/fighting half a dozen C lists Thunderbolts. They exchanged blows and Hercules crushes Clor's head with a fierce overhead strike.

I psionically yell *ENOUGH!

And the force of my psionic rage is enough to stall the superheroes and cause all the nearby civilians to crumple to their knees, their hands clamped over their heads. I directed a supercharged technopathic attack against the Thunderbolts who had been dosed with nanobots to serve as deterrents for them going off the reservation. I used it to render them unconscious depriving Tony Stark and the pro regs of their numerical advantage.

They all looked at me as I flame upwards and extend myself, spreading my awareness through water, gaining control over it.

^Enough. All of you will stop this infighting immediately.^

Iron Man learning nothing from our previous confrontation, flies upward and said "The Super Human Registration Act is necessary after what happened at Stamford."

Fuck Stamford.

There are gasps and mutters from the anti regs and furious shouting and insults from the pro regs. I don't care. I broadcasted my memory of flash freezing New York and killing roughly 7 million people to everyone within a couple city blocks. It produces a brief moment of silence as they digest this memory.

"You think one SUPERVILLAIN killing 600 people is what you should be concerned about. What you should be concerned about is provoking someone who can do this."

It starts raining.

Tony Stark gives a short dismissive laugh. "You made it rain. I've faced demi gods, god and alien invasions and you think rain will frighten me."

I sighed "For someone who claims to see the future you ignore the present and the past. It's not just rain. I control water and water is ubiquitous."

I telepathically transmit a snapshot of what I'm actually doing to the 'heroes'.

:: Canada::

Millions of golems form out of the Canadian snow, proceeding to march in formation south towards the US/Canada Border. :: ::

:: Pacific Ocean::

A giant tidal wave races towards the West Coast. :: ::

:: Atlantic Ocean:: A giant tidal wave races towards the East Coast. :: ::

Captain America yells from beneath me. "What are you doing?" He threw his shield at me and I teleported underground within the sewers before any of the heroes attacked me with something more serious than a shield. I didn't want my attention diverted during the delicate process of controlling water on such a massive scale.

I transmitted my location to John who had already wrapped himself in psionic shields and he joined me underground a minute later.

"I have no idea what the fuck you're doing but I give you credit for confusing everyone..."

"What did happen to Reed Richards?"

"I trapped him, Sentry and Deadpool in the singularity and closed it behind them."

I couldn't help myself. I laughed. It was funny in a fucked up kind of way.

^Those who give up freedom for safety deserve neither. However I'll be generous and give you absolute safety and limited freedom and we'll see which you prefer.^ I said to everyone within range of the power I wielded. It was heard throughout the nation.

:: New York City::

The rain continued to fall, forming large puddles and from those puddles, golems formed, ready for further instructions. :: ::

:: Elsewhere:: The tidal waves heading towards the East and West Coasts rose above the ground over the sky scrapers, blocking the sky with water... for golems to rain down upon the land. :: ::

:: North::

Millions of golems marched over the US Canadian bordered followed by hundreds of confused super heroes including Northstar. :: ::

Through 200 million golems I voiced my edict ^ You wanted safety so I shall provide it for a day. You will be treated as a child, protected from harm and your freedom and mobility greatly limited. At the end of that 24 hours you will be given a choice.^

:: New York:: Captain America and Tony Stark both express to each other "What have you done?" :: ::

I laughed and sent a monsoon of water out of the sewer system, to pop out of every man hole within New York, streaming it through the Baxter building sending every piece of furniture and technological wonder (except the portal equipment) through the portal to the Negative Zone. I used 'Tk hands' in order to shut off the portal then I trashed the equipment so that 'Trojan' would have some time to get his feet under him as the new Warden of Alpha prison. He'd need the time in order to repair the damage to the facility and secure it against probable incursions. After all he still had super-villains still in custody and he would need the water... for plumbing and 'water golems'.

"You're either completely insane or a genius. I'm not sure which."

"Some days I don't even know."

:: Mental Landscape::

PTD shares control of my body to help divide the task of programming two hundred million golems with the express purpose of guarding their human charges.

Phorcys has limited access to the body and can only monitor through hydro-senses but he seems amused by critiquing our efforts. :: ::

I channeled JAJ's psionic power in order to help me mass broadcast the programming for the golems. First level 1 programming to keep them stable as I swept from east to west to maintain individual integrity. Then level 2 programming west to east as I told them to find an unencumbered human to stand near. Then finally level 3 programming in order to have them protect their 'charge' from harm.

:: North America::

Throughout the country, hundreds of millions of humans find themselves stuck with an unwanted companion stopping them from driving or engaging in any risky activity.

Super-powered individuals destroyed their golem watchers and I don't replace their guardians. They go on to try and 'save' the civilians by destroying their golems but I explain through water voice that the only way to escape protection is to prove yourself worthy of freedom by defeating your own guardian alone . I simply remake/reform/replace any golem destroyed by anyone other than the golems' 'charge'.

All through the country, sexual interactions are stymied by the presence of ever watchful water guardians.

Phorcys finds the peep show deeply funny.

Superheroes that were divided on the basis of the SHRA find themselves working together again in order to try and find a solution to two hundred million golems 'protecting' the civilian population. :: ::

:: Mental Landscape:: Phorcys grows impatient with just watching...

So I gave him a task to continue culling the criminal element for the scared human sheep so they could feel safer. :: ::

:: Phorcys:: Is given a body with class 4 hydrokinesis, telepathy and class 3 teleportation.

I gave him very strict parameters. He has to telepathically probe the criminal, relay the results to me for confirmation and approval before he can execute them.

He starts off in a normal maximum security prison and I approve a dozen executions who he turns into red ice golems to serve as his soldiers.

From there he culls prison after prison of the worst of the worst, the mass murderers, the violent rapist murderers, slowly building up his army of red ice golems until he gets to the RAFT, the former super villain prison which still contains some nasty super-villains too dangerous to safely move.

Phorcys frees the super villains of their restraints for more entertaining fights. :: ::

24 hours after the 'rain fell' : Reality 9231 March 1st 4 am

I gave the people their choice ^Stay safe or be free?^

The vast majority (80%) chose freedom after they experienced the crushing tedium of being treated like children again. Quite a lot of children and some adults (20%) enjoyed having a large watery guardian protecting them from their bullies and potential enemies and decided that they wanted them to remain by their side.

The 40 million golem guardians remaining in the US I upgrade further by sharing my precognitive power with them through the link between us. This grants them a split second early warning system to better protect their existing 'charges'.

March 2nd

I receive 2 visitors to my temporary headquarters. They are Dr Strange and a bald man in a cape who I've learned from my psionic scans is the Watcher of this particular universe.

"What are your intentions for this world?" Dr Strange asked.

I smiled. I had been expecting this all day, my precognitive power provided few details of the nature of this interaction but it was an inevitable occurrence. Strange would either be a powerful ally or a powerful enemy depending on how I acted.

Because I had been expecting him I had made myself a home of sorts in an empty alcove in the sewers, surrounded by layers of telekinetic shields, energy shields, mystical shields, ice shields and strange combinations of all of those. Eye Boy's enhanced awareness had helped refine my skills at casting as now I could see how the mystical energies were shaped and could identify every incorrect hand gesture in order to prevent ineffective casting.

JAJ had bailed after the second hour of sitting around, laying protection over protection, using our link to channel my powers to blast a hole through my shields. Then he broke our link and disappeared from view.

I didn't expect any of my protections would hold back Strange if he was provoked but it would slow him down if I needed an exit. So I did what I do best. Aggravate people with the unpleasant truth.

"I'm here because I overestimated my abilities with an alien device but since I'm here I figured I'd throw my weight in with those opposing fear driven policies."

"Captain America and Iron Man are hunting you. You have no allies left, even your partner has abandoned you."

I shrugged "He does that from time to time. Last I saw him, he was shacking up with Hercules. He'll show up again when he gets bored of fucking about. It's fate. I can see the future and the past and all the things in between." I tapped my forehead to illustrate my point.

Stephen turned to the Watcher who said nothing. "I won't let you wreak havoc on this world. I am the Sorcerer Supreme." He raised his hands, gathering mystical energy.

I stopped him with a single question. "Why did you let Goliath die?"

"I didn't." he protested hotly.

"Yes you did. You could have acted, you could have stopped this at any time and instead you stood apart and let your friends and former allies fight and kill each other for their stupid beliefs."

"I couldn't." He blazed with righteous indignation and mystical energy. I knew I was playing with fire but it had to be done. He continued raising his voice louder. "I'm too powerful to pick a side. If I chose wrong, there would be dire consequences."

"Then don't choose a side. I didn't."

Dr Strange furrowed his brow in confusion "But you just said you had sided with Captain America."

"I did because he was losing ground and sight of the bigger picture." Stephen opened his mouth to reply and I continued hurriedly "Tony Stark on the other hand was losing sight of who he was supposed to be in order to pursue his dedication to his idea of the bigger picture. I allowed myself to be the bad guy, to be the target of hatred, the lightning rod in order to dispel their obsession with proving who's more right. It doesn't matter. They're both right and they're both wrong and I need your help in order to make use of the fact that they're now working together to find me in order to stop this pointless war and to mediate a compromise."

He stood there for a long moment and then looked askance at the Watcher who remained silent. "What kind of compromise?"

I smiled, pleased that my gamble had paid off. I told him of my vision for the future of super-humanity and after several hours of further argument, debate and modifications to my vision he agreed to act as the mediator between the two sides. He'd gather the leaders of both sides and the major players in the super community in order for them to hear my proposal of a better streamlined post human tomorrow.

March 8th

The power players met at the site of the destruction that had incited the SHRA. Stamford.

The guests included Dr Strange, who would act as mediator of the gathering. The Watcher as the minute keeper for the meeting though I doubt anyone but him and the Multiverse Watchers would be privy to those. Captain America as the leader of the anti Reg side. Iron Man as the leader of the Pro Reg side. Emma Frost and Cyclops representing mutant interests on behalf of the Xavier Institute. Maria Hill as the acting director of SHIELD and representing governmental interests. Namor for the Atlanteans. Black Panther and Storm as the king and Queen of Wakanda, representing the interests of the Wakandan people. Susan Storm, Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm were there as the remaining members of the Fantastic Four. Black Bolt and Medusa as King and Queen of the Inhumans residents of the Blue Area on the moon.

John as Jean was there to serve as security, providing the psionic shield to hide everyone from detection from outsiders (he had brought along his new husband the Olympian god, Hercules to serve as physical muscle).

I manifested a water proxy to state my case. ^Hello all. ^ This got me a lot angry mumbling and Susan Storm generating a force field bubble inside my proxy, enlarging it rapidly, causing the proxy to explode in a wet splash. I reformed it only for Johnny Storm to boil it with a blast of super-heated fire.

I gave up on the proxy and simply went with water voicing without form ^Anyway. You probably all have your own grievances with me but first you should be made aware that there's a traitor in your midst.^

They looked about in confusion and John served his true purpose and mind blasted Tony Stark, projecting his memories into the air around the delegates for them to see and absorb. Memories of Tony tampering with the nanobots in order to control the Green Goblin to use him as a weapon against the Atlanteans. Memories of bugging Spiderman's new costume to keep a constant track of his activities. Memories of inserting cybernetic parts into a clone of Thor. Memories of deliberately arranging a scenario in order to disparage and or kill Black Panther, only stopped by Jim Rhode's interference. Memories of the billions of dollars made by insider trading on the events of the Civil War. Memories of forming the Illuminati and jettisoning the Hulk into space.

Namor rushed at Iron Man who tried to fly up but he was stopped in mid air by John's telekinetic interference and Namor was stalled in place by a chanting Doctor Strange.

^As a result of your traitorous and criminal actions you will be stripped of your armor.^ John blasted away his armor with concentrated Tk ^ and all your assets will be seized and used for the foundation of the Legion of Heroes.^

:: Elsewhere:: I had utilized Cypher's computing skills and numerous water hands in order to redirect all of Tony Stark's liquid assets into a new account for the express use of a new Superhero organization.

:: ::

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT." Tony Stark yelled as he struggled uselessly within John's telekinetic hold.

I reformed a water proxy, transitioned it into flesh and modified it so that it could be used as a conduit for my strength.

Everyone was focused on Tony Stark and his memories streaming through the air. They didn't notice my new proxy, being clothed in bone as it walked towards Tony until it was far too late. Through my new proxy I channeled the power of Elixir, Apocalypse and my transitioning powers to burn out the Extremis in Tony's blood. He screamed as his blood was purified of the Extremis.

^For your crimes you have been stripped of your enhanced abilities and your armors will serve as target practice for new heroes. You are hereby sentenced to life in prison in the Negative Zone or until such time as you are deemed fit to rejoin society.^

"NO. You can't do this to me." Through my proxy, I inhibited the blood flow to his brain and he passed out.

They were silent for a minute as they processed what had happened.

Then the Thing/Ben Grimm spoke. "Was that all true?"

^Yes. Tony Stark crossed the line. In order to justify the 50 state initiative and save his own skin he tried to provoke wars with 2 foreign nations to consolidate power and influence.^

Black Panther "I knew he needed to be stopped but I wasn't aware of how far he was willing to go to win."

Storm "It was all a trap. He'd knew I'd get emotional when he demanded I sign that document at the White House. He played us all."

^Moving Along.^

"Where's my husband?" Susan Storm asked angrily.

^John would you field that question?^

"He's trapped inside a black hole." John said unemotionally.

Susan generated a force field bubble around JAJ's head. "If you don't get him out right now I will not be held accountable for my actions."

JAJ shrugged, unconcerned. "I'll need to return to the Baxter building to get him and the others out. Shall we go ?"

JAJ dropped the psionic dome around the meeting and Susan banished the force field bubble and gritted out an angry "Yes."

"I'm coming with. I don't trust you with my sister." Johnny said.

JAJ shrugged and generated a worm hole through space time. "Let's go if we're going." and stepped through first. Johnny and Sue flew/stepped through afterwards. A few seconds later the wormhole disappeared.

^ Well that was unexpected. Ben did you want to join them? I could teleport you over.^

"It's the Thing to you. Only my friends get to call me Ben and you're not my friend. I'll stay here."

^Fair enough Thing. I have an idea on how to grant you a more human appearance if you're interested. I have certain talents with bodies.^ My meat proxy waved before dissolving into water then dispersing through the air.

"Reed and Dr Strange have had no luck helping me. Why would you be able to fix me? And why would I ever trust you after what you've done?"

^You don't have to trust me but I do get results. We can discuss this after the meeting if you'd like. However back to the matter at hand. It's time for us to discuss the Super Hero registration act.^

Maria Hill spoke "I don't talk to voices. If you want to discuss this. Do so face to face or I'm gone."


I teleported into the lion den. "Dr Strange could you provide some mystical camouflage while we discuss terms.

He releases his hold on Namor who is still enraged by Tony's treachery. He goes on to kick the unconscious Tony Stark sending him flying. I caught Tony in mid air with telekinesis and repaired the internal damage with internal transitioning.

Captain America throws his shield at me and I catch it with a 'tk hand'


I draw on the water around us to form a table and chairs from ice before shifting them to bone. "Sit down people, we will have a civil meeting to discuss terms or I'll be forced into even more drastic actions than a country full of guardian golems."

They sat down. Except for Dr Strange who was side eyeing me while chanting for a mystical force-field to hide us from detection and the Watcher who stood apart, watching silently and enigmatically.

I outlined the details of my plan, interrupted semi frequently by those gathered. Eventually we came to acceptable terms.

The SHRA would remain in effect, however it would be greatly modified so it'd infringe less on the civil liberties of superheroes. Instead of every superhero/villain registering with the government they would register themselves with the appropriate group for their particular ability/circumstances.

Mutants would be assigned to the care and supervision of the X men. Emma Frost would be responsible for scanning and cataloging the power level of mutants with Cerebro. Once a mutant was identified they'd be provided with particular training appropriate to their potential. Class 1's to 3's (gamma to beta) would be given some basic self defense and power training at the school while class 4's and above would engage in more intensive training and psychological screening.

Mutants that are deemed unsuitable for society (unrepentant psychopaths, sociopaths with homicidal tendencies) would be Cured, stripping them of their mutant abilities until such time as they were deemed worthy of a second chance. Mutants with uncontrolled or dangerous powers will be closely monitored or quarantined depending on various factors.

Enhanced humans and mutates would be under the purview of the Avengers to be trained and or disciplined by Captain America as he saw fit. Captain America would also help to train new heroes in basic combat skills.

Telepaths would be trained by Emma Frost and the Stepford Cuckoos. Technopaths and the technologically minded/skilled would be under the purview of Forge. They'd be responsible for outfitting the non powered heroes with necessary equipment. Energy projectors would be under the purview of Cyclops for training on controlling and directing energy blasts. Vision would be in charge of electronic surveillance and organizing heroic responses to criminal activity.

While each superhero team (Avengers, X men and Fantastic Four) would remain autonomous and independent they'd also be members of a larger group of assorted heroes for the moment called Legion of Heroes. One member from each team would be responsible for writing a basic report of the team's activities (Likely candidates being Captain America, Cyclops and Reed Richards) for the purposes of a more streamlined superhero intelligence network to prevent recurrences of situations like the Secret Wars. Vision could then analyze the combined data for trends that would be forwarded to Maria Hill for government intelligence agencies to follow up on.

The Legion of Heroes would liaise with Maria Hill in interests of national security as necessary. However the Legion of Heroes would not work for the government so as not to provoke super human arms races.

If any of the heroes failed spectacularly to contain a hostile force like the now infamous New Warriors did in Stamford they would be held accountable by their team and then the government after an independent investigation was conducted. To reduce the risk of catastrophic failures junior heroes will intern with a more experienced team member/hero for training/mentor-ship. Junior heroes would be limited to the scope of heroics they could engage in without adult/mentor supervision/assistance. This way junior heroes could start with basic muggings, bank robberies and work their way up gradually to saving cities and the world and the multiverse over time.

Every hero would donate some fraction of their income for hero insurance to cover incidental property damage. Wiccan and other mystical types would provide clean up after major fights to restore property. Minor property damage could be repaired with artificial drones/construction crews.

A secondary function of the Legion of Heroes would be a community outreach program, focusing less of fighting and more on improving the world through superpowers. Mutants like Elixir could provide a certain amount of hours a week to saving terminal patients from death or creating retroviruses, cures. Other heroes could contribute as to their skill sets. Technically minded heroes could help provide upgrades to city infrastructures such as providing shielding to cities under siege with advanced tech. Or creating a mass teleportation evacuation protocol to evacuate civilians in times of attack. Or building clean energy sources that reduce electricity bills/ pollution outputs. Speedsters could provide energy for cities by running in a giant hamster wheel and so forth and so on.

This would help save lives and show the average public that superheroes are capable of more than breaking things and being dangerous to be around.

Damage Corp would be the target of a class action law suit for providing the villain Nitro with MGH (Mutant Growth Hormone) for the express purpose of increasing their bottom line by engineering super powered collateral damage. A predictable result of paying people to clean up super powered messes.

After the meeting was successfully concluded I went with Ben Grimm to check on the other Fantastic Four members.

By the time we had arrived Johnny was in deep conversation with JAJ while Sue and Reed had gone off to... reconcile. Deadpool and Sentry had left a while ago. Apparently being trapped in a black hole was not as traumatizing as being stuck with Deadpool for a virtual eternity and they had all become quite sick of each other. Sentry had apparently left for outer space to get some peace and quiet.

Since everyone else was busy with their own issues, Thing allowed me to prove my worth. I manifested a body to his specifications using an old photo of him as a template and modifying it on a cellular level to create a worthy vessel of Thing. I gave it enhanced speed, strength and virtual invulnerability (similar to Luke Cage's). After some effort I managed to psionically extract the psychic essence of Ben Grimm from his Thing body to his new body.

It was difficult as his rock body had partial immunity to psionic extraction but not impossible and I called it a success.

"How can I thank you?"

"No need. I've provided plenty of bodies for Phorcys. It was nice to be able to do it for a good reason for a change. I'll leave you the Thing body to deal with as you see fit."

March 20th

Tony Stark has been remanded into the custody of Troy (The Warden's new name). National relations with Atlantis and Wakanda had settled down with Tony's incarceration. Reed Richards had reviewed his calculations and agreed that unionization and governmental oversight was a sufficient course correction to his dire predictions.

I meet up with Wiccan, Captain America, Dr Strange and Hulkling. John and Hercules accompany me. Hercules has decided to join his new wife on an inter-dimensional journey. He's essentially ageless and John is virtually immortal as a result of Apocalypse's tampering so they have time for a detour through time and space.

Dr Strange led Wiccan in mystical chanting until a doorway through time and space opened up.

Captain America said. "Go now while you still can."

Just as we step through the portal, I hear Wiccan mutter "go to hell."


End Notes

This has probably been the most time consuming chapter so far, mostly because I hated the Civil War saga and it was a chore to read through it again after knowing what happened in the end. Also I ended up completely altering the plot between the 3rd and 4th draft so I ended up needing to do more drafts than usual to finish this chapter.

Next chapter MARVEL ZOMBIES.

Supplementary information

Golem programming

level 0 operated solely via external control, will fall apart without constant input. level 1 golem will maintain itself, stand. level 2 golem will obey simple commands, fetch, carry. level 3 golem will obey more complex commands, defend, protect, patrol. level 4 golem will take some indepedent actions but will follow main protocols. level 5 golem is essentially sentient, will take independent actions but may follow main protocols if it suits individual goals. level 6 golem is typically part of a hive mind, the 'golem collective'.

Mutant Potential, application, range and spectrum of effect.

Potential 0 no discernible mutations (protomutants) 1 limited minor mutation, with limited room for improvement (above average durability, regeneration) 2 mildly useful mutation, (tougher skin, increased regeneration, speed, strength, potentially Olympian athlete) 3 average mutation that may or may not have useful combat or practical application (wings, horns, projectile ability, flight, limited bursts of speed, stamina etc) 4 above average mutations (higher end energy projection, telepathy, durability, speed, strength and so on) 5 exceptional mutations (high end kinetic abilities telekinesis, hydrokinesis, biokinesis and or immortality) 6 extremely rare and powerful mutations (reality warpers able to affect matter on a subatomic level or throughout the multiverse.)

Application 1 has practically no useful applications to others. cannon fodder 2 mildly useful in combat situations. basic infantry 3 some skills but still limited. Experienced infantry 4 highly trained, capable of blowing up mountains, infiltrating cities, enemy bases. SEALS 5 exceptionally trained/skilled, capable of devastating cities/countries with ease. Demi gods 6 incredibly dangerous, capable of destroying/manipulating planets with ease. Gods

Range 2.5 power effected via touch (Rogue's power) 3 ranged attack of a few yards (toad's tongue attack, leap) 4 ranged attack of several miles (Cyclop's optic blasts) 5 global and above/beyond (Cerebro boosted Xavier) 6 multiversal (Wiccan as demi urge, rewriting laws of magic)

Spectum of effect, can be related to prevalence of matter that can be manipulated or source of power or the depth of control 3 can manipulate matter within a few yards (macroscopic) 4 can manipulate matter within several miles (down to microscopic level) eg Magneto 5 can manipulate matter planet wide and beyond (down to the atomic level) 6 can manipulate matter throughout the universe and beyond into the multiverse or down to the subatomic components or can access energy sources from another dimension eg Cyclops derives the energy for his optic blasts from an interdimensional source (1983 marvel handbook)

Next: Chapter 48: Warped 8

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