
By wayne unknown

Published on Jul 23, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S), though anyone wishing to use them in their own parodies/fictions are welcome to as long as they give me credit for the use of characters and make them do something fun :P Oh and send me a link to your stories :)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine has a wide range of varying subset powers completely unique to my character and possibly the entire supernatural/special power franchise.

Authors Note

This chapter took a lot longer to get through the editing process than I would have prefered. Life got in the way though as it so often does.

Introducing two new characters into Victor's social circle in the somewhat traditional nifty way :P

text between between two asterixes indicates telepathic communication

I welcome all feedback negative or positive to my email

I'm still aiming to post a new chapter every week, feedback though is greatly appreciated and helps keeps me motivated through the tiresome editing/rewriting process.

P.S if you have spare cash and you appreciate the stories think about donating some of it to nifty via the donate link up the top

On with the story...

Chapter 5

Introducing Sean and Lachlan Something found and something lost

We arrived at our destination, outside the shower room. There were 2 horizontal rows of 5 hooks, spaced evenly apart with a short bench below that. Luke placed his towel on the hook closest to the door and stripped off his underwear as if we weren't still in the hallway. I didn't have much of a chance to enjoy the still novel sight of Luke's nudity. He had walked through the frosted glass door and entered the shower room in a matter of seconds.

I guess this was normal for him, or maybe he was simply more confident about his body than I was in my skin. I had felt like a freak for so long, being a closeted gay mutant, worried about discovery of either secret. I had lived an isolated existence with no friends as I had been afraid that if they knew who I really was, they would abandon me. I figured it would be better to be alone then grow attached to someone who would leave once they found out the truth.

Ryan had been the closest thing I had to a friend the last month or so and I knew that he was mostly just using me to get off. It still had felt nice for a while to pretend that he might care about me as a friend or something. I had enjoyed the temporary feeling that I wasn't alone in the world.

I shook my head determined not to surrender to such depressing thoughts.

I took a deep breath put the towel on the hook next to Luke's, looked around briefly before stripping off my underwear and placing it on the hook next to Luke's underwear. It felt weird being naked where anyone could conceivably see me but it was also sort of liberating exposing myself in public.

I entered the shower room. I looked around, it wasn't very large, a fairly small rectangular room about 8 feet across and 4 feet deep all in varying shades of white.

From what I had gathered from Luke's conversation with Jean this place had mutants who didn't know how to control their powers. Presumably someone would train them and there were bound to be quite a few mutant students in a place this large. This couldn't be the only showers in the place, could it?

I still didn't know anything about how this place worked. Jean and Xavier hadn't given me much in the way of an introduction. They had seemed distracted last night or maybe it was my imagination, I had been feeling high strung at the time and maybe I somehow blanked on them telling me where things were and what to do.

I hated this feeling of being the new kid again, not knowing what the unwritten rules were. This place at least had Luke who was hot and relatively nice to me, even if he kept wandering off.

There were 5 shower heads in the room 3 opposite the door, length wise and 1 on either side of the door as you looked left or right.

Luke was standing in the middle of the bank of shower heads soaping himself up vigorously his muscular ass on display and jiggling lightly from the rubbing. I found myself hardening as I watched the water pour off his naked body in rivulets, draining through a large metal drain in the middle of the shower room floor.

I stood to Luke's left and turned the knob marked hot half way. The hot spray flowed over my body leaving me feeling cleansed in its purifying heat. It was good to be in my element again.

I started soaping myself up with the soap dispenser. I stroked myself with one hand as I enjoyed the forbidden pleasure of having a wank next to a hottie in a semi- public place. I lost myself to the pleasure, enjoying wanking and soaping myself, I don't know how much time passed but Luke had turned off his water.

He was standing there watching me with a smirk; I felt a wash of embarrassment overtake before remembering that I didn't have anything to be ashamed about. Luke had jerked me off less than ten minutes ago.

"I can't believe you're still horny after what we just did".

"When I got rid of my injuries turns out I reset my horniness, so I'm just as horny as I was when I first woke up".

"You're weird".

"Yeah I guess I am", I said, accepting it as a fact instead of a criticism.

I kept stroking myself while looking at his naked body, trying to memorise every inch of his beautifully proportioned body. I hesitantly reached out to touch his chest and pressed my hand against his torso. His skin felt so smooth beneath my palm.

He moaned at my touch and leaned forward a little and said, "My nips are so sensitive".

"Good or bad?"

"A bit of both" he said moving forward, pressing his still rising cock against mine.

I looked up into his blue eyes, gently rubbing his nipples with my thumbs "Like that?"

He nodded and urged me "lick them", I leaned over and lapped at a nipple and he held the back of my head pressing me against him "suck them".

I captured his nipple in my mouth sucking on the hard nub while Luke moaned, his hands slid down my back, massaging me a little as I sucked on his other nipple.

"Turn around Hound".

"Okay ", I said, turning around obediently, he embraced me from behind his hard cock sliding against my butt temptingly.

"Need some help? " He asked sliding his hands down my chest. I felt on fire from his touch, unsure what he meant but nodding eagerly anyway. He pushed me against the wall, his hard body pressed against mine, his hard cock against my hole triggering unpleasant memories.

"Wait" I yelled, freaking out a little.

"Oh I thought you would like.." he said as he moved his body away. I felt the loss of the warmth of his touch immediately.

"Give me a second and close your eyes ". I said desperate to regain my mental equilibrium.

"Okay", he said closing his eyes. I took a deep breath shook off the bad memories and I used the water around me to rinse myself thoroughly inside and out.

"You can fuck me now if you want".

He opened his eyes, smirking. He turned me around again; Luke squeezed my butt with both hands, his thick length filling my crack. He backed away a little, his finger pushing into my cherry hole sliding in. Luke moved in closer, the heavy weight of his cock against my thigh as he pushed in to the limit with his index finger.

I moaned eagerly, pushing up against his finger wanting more, his finger sawed in and out of me. He pulled his finger and slid in two, stretching me roughly, I braced myself against the tiled wall with both hands. Luke was fucking me with his two fingers, it was a bit drier than I would normally like but I was enjoying the burn as he scissored his fingers prepping me. I was horny as fuck, panting and eager for more.

"Want another?" I nodded breathless from the anticipation and nervousness. Luke pulled both fingers out abruptly leaving me feeling empty. He slammed 3 fingers all the way in a single jab. I gasped in surprise and pain as my hole clenched around his fingers defensively.

He stroked my cock with his left hand as he pistoned in and out of my hole with his fingers. I was overcome by the multiple sensations leaving me speechless, I was getting so close. Nearby I heard a humming, I felt suddenly light headed and sleepy.

"Fuck" Luke muttered angrily before resuming his position in the middle turning on his shower again. I was left weak kneed, brainless from the finger fucking braced against the tiled wall trying to recover my breath and intellect.

"Top of the morning Luke" I heard. I turned around seeing a good looking naked guy strolling in.

"Fuck off beany boy" Luke said without turning around, hiding his erection from the attractive interloper.

I was still checking him out, my mind trying to adjust to the abrupt cessation of sexiness. The interloper was lean, somewhat muscular with dirty blond hair, a decent looking soft cut cock. He caught me looking at him, he gave me a stunning smile highlighting his movie star white teeth. He walked towards me and put out his hand, I stared blankly at him.

"Hey, you must be new, I'm Lullaby to my enemies and Lachlan to my friends, I'm guessing you're a friend of Luke's" he said with a slight Irish accent looking between Luke and me curiously.

His hand was still outstretched in greeting and my brain finally caught up to the social cue and I shook his hand. I admit I was a little distracted because Lachlan was hardening as he looked me up and down. At full mast Lachlan's cock was 7 inches cut and looked like a tasty mouthful. My mouth blurted out "Lullaby?" in confusion.

"Yes Lullaby is my mutant name", Lachlan said, he looked down briefly at my hard cock, then looked over to Luke who was still pretending nothing odd was going on. Lachlan looked into my eyes as if trying to figure out how stupid I was or simply curious about the odd situation he walked in on.

He was still holding onto my hand in a firm manly grip, he was still looking at me expectantly. It was so hard to focus though, his cock was mere inches away from mine. His hard cock was reminding me of the countless times I had sucked off Ryan in a similar setting.

Lachlan wasn't as hot and all American as Luke but he was definitely very cute and his voice was doing odd things to my body making me feel all loose and warm. He chuckled good-naturedly shaking his head in obvious amusement. I realised that it had been several moments since I had a coherent thought or spoke. Lachlan asked, "What is your name and what's your power?"

I was mortified, I was supposed to be introducing myself. I was probably coming across as a moron but it was hard to think as I had a hard good looking Irish teen in front of me and an all American hunk next to me. All the fooling around I'd been engaged in since being here was lowering my IQ drastically.

"I'm Victor, Luke's roommate. I can control and phase into water at will. I don't have a mutant name, what's a mutant name anyway? Luke mentioned his before but I didn't really get around to asking about it because I was distracted at the time ".

Lachlan released my hand leaving me sad about the lack of physical contact between us now. There was something about Lachlan that made me feel so relaxed and horny as well.

"Distracted hmm" he said looking over to Luke curiously "Mutant names are usually picked by a mutant as a personal identifier in the mutant community, partly as a way of identifying yourself and partly because it sounds cooler in a battle to name yourself something intimidating".

"You chose Lullaby?" I asked without thinking, realising as soon as the words left my mouth how insulting that probably sounded.

He laughed "Well it makes sense to me", he said, then he started singing "Oh Danny boy the pipes are calling" in a rich tenor. I felt a sudden wave of drowsiness, I collapsed into his arms, my body limp, pulled up against his hard naked body, "Sorry dude I was aiming for low wattage" he said contritely.

Luke appeared suddenly, furious and punched Lachlan in the face, I ended up sprawled on the floor on top of Lachlan. It felt good to be on top of Lachlan my slippery body rubbing up against his firm body, our hard cocks rubbing up against each other "accidentally". Lachlan was the same height as me, our bodies sliding against each other, our lips so close together; he was the perfect height for kissing. Lachlan blinked dazed by the punch, his tongue darted out and for a second I thought he was going to lick me but he just was checking on his teeth with his tongue.

Luke rushed over to me and said "You okay?" he was blinking rapidly too as if he was trying to shake off drowsiness too.

"Next time you punch a guy make sure he's not holding on to me", I said annoyed, I righted myself reluctantly. I pulled Lachlan to his feet too; he was way too cute to be punched in the face. "Why did you just punch Lachlan anyway?" It was the first time I'd seen Luke angry and I was curious about what brought it on. I phased briefly because I felt mildly bruised from the collision.

"He used his powers on you".

I turned to Lachlan "So what are your powers?" I wasn't overly concerned about whatever it was because I felt fine now but Lachlan was still rubbing his jaw ruefully.

"When I hum I tend to weaken people and when I sing I tend to put them to sleep. I'm still working on control so I can vary the dose based on the situation. I was aiming for a low dosage but I must of miscalculated your height or weight or your constitution or my power output. It's still a work in progress. I'm sorry if I caused you any harm, I didn't mean to cause you any distress. "

"That's okay, no harm no foul, how are you?"

Luke was standing there looking furious but I didn't really appreciate his violent outburst even if a part of me enjoyed the fact that he was trying to defend me.

"I'll be fine in a few minutes, Luke punches like a girl anyway". Considering that we both ended up the floor I was figuring male bravado was playing a part in this. He looked remarkably fine considering, so who was I to argue.

"You're awfully protective of the new guy, something you want to share? Has all the poker made you switch teams?" At which point he looked down at Luke's very big very obvious erection.

"Fuck off!", Luke headed back to the shower presumably to have a cold shower to cool off or to get rid of his hard on.

"Well it's been interesting chatting but I should probably have a shower and apologise to Luke, we'll chat later", he said with a wink, taking up position to Luke's right before I had a chance to say anything. Lachlan was facing away from me, whispering quietly to Luke in a heated discussion by the looks of it. The two teens were providing a lovely view though. Lachlan's ass was a cute bubble butt, high and firm and looking like it'd be a perfect handful, Luke's on the other hand was larger, more muscular and sort of beefy. I was thinking Lachlan's ass was definitely looking fuckable.

I sighed, feeling left out and forgotten. I went back to my shower lathering myself up.

I closed my eyes engaging my water sense trying to compensate for my lack of knowledge of the place by exploring the place through my power. I cranked up my awareness to high, registering every molecule of water in the shower room getting a feel of the shape of the room. I expanded my water sense outward from my current position on the second floor to the rooms on the ground floor getting a general impression of the place from motion of invisible water vapour in the air. I stretched outwards and upwards, through all the rooms upstairs. I stopped when my water senses reached beyond the walls of the Xavier mansion since my head was starting to hurt from the sensory overload. I'd never used my powers like this before and it was proving to be somewhat painful. I phased in and out of water, relieving my headache.

I gave myself a few moments with my water sense off to build up my courage. I reengaged slowly spreading out my awareness till I felt all the water molecules inside the Xavier mansion. This gave me a general sense of the density of water throughout the place. I mentally adjusted to the feel of all the water thrumming in my head and all the information I was receiving. I had never expanded my awareness to this level or this distance before and I was struggling to maintain my control. Previously to my arrival here, the furthest I had expanded my water sense for more than a second was about 5 feet from my house's door. Usually when I was home alone, having a wank, so I had warning if someone was going to knock on the door so I could pull on pants.

I quickly adapted and started clarifying the information room by room. Most rooms were unoccupied, so I excluded them from my awareness in order to better focus on something more interesting. A shower was running upstairs in what felt like a proper ensuite bathroom. There was a fit guy stroking his cock in the shower. I could feel his body as my water sense resonated with the drops of water that cascaded over every inch of his well- defined body. Whoever this guy was, he was buff and hung and was oddly wearing a strange visor over his eyes. I kept a mental lock of that room as I started soaping up my cock and casually stroking it.

I opened my eyes briefly and snuck a look at Lachlan and Luke but they were still talking, paying no attention to me. I closed my eyes continuing searching the other rooms for entertaining activities. There were several occupied rooms but nothing of particular interest, just people engaged in normal boring (to me) activities.

I finally found what I was looking for. Another guy lying in his room on his bed stroking his cock leisurely, covered in a fine layer of sweat. I could feel every inch of his body as he played with himself, he felt toned. It seemed everyone in this school was either good looking, hung or fit. Maybe Xavier enjoyed having attractive young people around, or the school had a top notch PE class.

Using my water sense' as a form of echolocation I could feel' what these two toned/muscled men were up to. I was now a voyeur to a muscled hottie jacking off in the shower and another jacking off in his bed. It was good to know I wasn't the only one feeling horny at the moment.

I took a deep breath, feeling somewhat brave, I attempted a new experiment using my primary power. Using my `water sense' as a guide, I used my hydrokinesis to move the water gently over every muscle and every inch of shower guy. He didn't seem to notice, he was too busy jacking off and it wasn't long before he blew a load that was quickly washed away.

Feeling invigorated by my success I shifted my attention to bed guy. This would require great subtlety as I didn't have a shower to mask my actions. I focused my `water sense' exclusively on the sweat coating the front of his body aiming for a low level thrumming sensation by artificially vibrating water molecules. Unfortunately due to the fact that human sweat has trace amounts of other elements that I have no control over, my attempt to be subtle failed. Instead of pleasant thrumming there was a discordant pulse causing him to pause in his stroking. He closed his eyes and I felt him in my mind.

  • Spying on a psychic is a bad idea! What do you think you're doing, using your abilities to ruin my Saturday stroke session?* I could feel his anger reverberating through my head and also his interrupted horniness. "I'm sorry, I'm gay, I was having a bit of a perve and I was trying to help you get off " I felt an odd sensation as if my mind was being shaken.

I forgive you but only because you don't know the rules, you're not supposed to use your powers against other mutants in the school unless you're doing training with a teacher or you've got their consent to do so. Well it seems like you've been helping your room mate to get off lately, think you could come by and help me to get off too.

I received a mental snapshot of this guy standing naked reflected in a floor length mirror and a memory of how to get to his room from the shower room.

"Sure I'd be happy to get you off". His `Picture' showed him to be about 5 10 lean and defined with an 8 inch cock dark brown hair and hazel eyes with a nice attractive face. My water sensing had only given me a feel of his body, the added details of color completed the mental image I had of him.

  • I'm Sean by the way and I'm bi, open your eyes and stroke your cock for me * I complied and I could feel him behind my eyes watching as I did so. I could feel him stroking his cock while he occupied my mind. There was this awesome feedback loop of my horniness feeding his horniness which I could feel in my mind and my body which just made me hornier. show me what you'll do for me, I pictured myself on my knees sucking him dry. Fuck yourself for me, I want to feel you as I pound you, I knew what he wanted from me. I was happy to oblige.

I used the pouring water to form an ice dildo within my ass so it stretched me as it grew. The ice dildo ended up with the exact dimensions of Sean's cock. I used the dildo as I pictured myself underneath Sean as he pounded me furiously. I used the approximation of his possible thrusting as the momentum for my ice dildo so Sean could feel every inch of his own cock while it fucked me.

I could `feel' Sean grab more lube from his bedside table, we were still linked psychically sharing sensations. He applied lube to his fingers fingering his tight hole. I could feel both of us as we adjusted to the penetration. The sensations quickly built upon each other, our sensations and lust building incredibly; then it was ruined. Lachlan poked me in the ribs and Luke was shaking me by the shoulder and said "Dude are you okay? You're talking to yourself and stuff".

My concentration shaken, I lost connection with Sean via water sense, my ice dildo melted and gushed out of my ass in a torrent of failure. The psychic connection degraded, Sean sent off a last message come by if you can, I'll try and avoid getting off for the next hour. God damn it, every time I got close to getting off, someone interrupted my fun, my balls were aching and my ass felt slick.

Lachlan screwed up Luke fingering me, Luke and Lachlan had screwed up whatever the hell Sean and I had been doing. I could understand perfectly what Sean must have felt when I interrupted his Saturday stroke session with my amateur attempt at sexy sweat manipulation. UGH

"Are you gay?" Lachlan asked me curiously eyeing up my butt and cock as if he was trying to figure out what I was about.

"Yes" I said while Luke pushed in between Lachlan and me and simultaneously said "none of your business'.

Luke was now sandwiched between two naked guys with my cock pressed between his muscular cheeks. It was definitely an entertaining place to be positioned in.

Lachlan laughed "I was hoping you were gay, you're very cute and I'm gay too"

"Since when? ", Luke asked sounding confused and angry, sliding out from between the both of us.

This was definitely an interesting development.

"Since I was like 12 dude", Lachlan said and he moved closer to me "Can I?"

"Yes" I said without thinking about it because he was merely an inch away from touching me. His right hand was tentatively on my chest he slid his hand down my soaped up stomach to wrap around my hard cock.

"You're so cute".

"Thanks, you're a very good looking guy" I said my cock throbbing in his hand eagerly, his mouth took mine in a closed mouth kiss. His hard cock was rubbing up against mine; his hands were rubbing up and down my back firmly as his kiss intensified into open mouth kissing. I was so turned on, this was my first gay kiss, it felt so good and easier than I imagined. His hands moved down to squeeze my butt firmly as I clung desperately to him grinding our bodies together.

"God you have no idea how much I wanted to fuck your brains out when I saw your cute little butt. It was so hard to not slam you up against the shower walls and take you. I'm so glad you're gay and I'm your type." His lips moved onto my neck and then he had me with my back pressed against the wall, biting my collar bone sucking on my flesh. I moaned, he moved me back off the wall a little to press his fingers deep inside me (at least 2). I couldn't hold off at all and I blasted all over his cock and stomach and I collapsed weak kneed into his arms after a repeatedly delayed orgasm.

"Thanks that was hot" I said dopily. He gave me a stunning smile and said sweetly "Any time cutie". He kissed me deeply, his fingers pressing into my ass still and his hard cock pressing into my belly. I figured I should give him a gay thank you for helping me finally push off that orgasmic edge. I kneeled down, dislodging his fingers, deep throating his cock easily. I had plenty of experience with Ryan face fucking me so it was an easy mouthful. It only took a couple of minutes of expert fellatio before he was shooting a thick juicy load down my throat, I drained every drop of cum I could get from his cock. I let him pull me up into his embrace he kissed me firmly, his tongue pressing against mine.

"You're so sweet" Lachlan said.

"And you're so salty" I replied sassily.

He squeezed my ass lightly; I remembered Sean and broke out of his embrace. I was all of a sudden in high demand, it was an intoxicating situation. I stepped under the spray to rinse off the sticky residue. I dried myself by dispersing the water molecules on me throughout the room. I headed out.

"Where are you going?" Luke said stepping forward, after so many minutes of silence I kind of forgotten he was still in the room.

I wasn't sure if Sean was out or not about being bi and I didn't want to accidentally out him. So I answered as honestly as possible "I have to be somewhere now ", he looked confused.

"Well if you're free later you want to come by my room and we can hang out" Lachlan said suggestively.

"I'm supposed to go with Luke shopping in the city so I could get some stuff since I'm pretty poorly supplied at the moment" Lachlan looked disappointed. It probably sounded like I was blowing the guy off and not in the fun way. "If you tell me where your room is I could come around tomorrow around 3 pm, I should be all settled by then; if that's okay?"

He lit up with a smile "It's only 5 doors to the right of where we are now. I Look forward to seeing you tomorrow" he spanked my ass lightly "Go do what you need to do and I'll chat to Luke ."

I gave him a long kiss goodbye while I stroked his hardening cock. I ran out the door, yanked on the underwear and raced to Sean's room hoping he was still horny and keen on some fooling around.

Mid way there I ran into a guy, literally, I ran straight into a solid wall of muscle, luckily reflexes kicked in and I managed to brace myself against the impact a little with my hands. I looked into a pair of rose tinted glasses, which reminded me of that expression about rose tinted glasses. However my random tangential thought was obliterated as I realised who he was, shower guy. His chest felt way too familiar under my hands. Fuck! I blushed as I remembered feeling every muscle and every inch of his naked body.

"Are you okay? I'm Scott Summers or Cyclops, I'm one of the teachers here, are you a new student? I don't recognise you."

"My name is Victor I just got in here yesterday" I stammered uneasily.

His jaw tensed minutely in some unknown emotion, the glasses made it really difficult to read his expressions.

He shook his head and simply said "no running through the halls" he walked away, I didn't know how to feel. He was even hotter in the flesh, the glasses should make him look pretentious or stupid and/or weird, it worked on him though.

I shrugged off the weirdness as inconsequential and headed off to meet Sean. I got to his door but it was locked, I felt a shuffling in my mind that I was coming to associate with psychicness. The door opened oddly, lurching to a standstill while open half way. I shrugged and pushed it out of the way, Sean lay naked on his bed looking even better than the way he did in his memory.

I was eager to suck his thick 8 inch cock, I kneeled on his mattress and eagerly deep throated his cock, it wasn't as easy to swallow as Lachlan's but it wasn't too challenging after working on Luke's. I only got to suck on it for a minute before he yanked me off forcibly.

"I'm too close, I don't want to blow just yet. Want to fuck me instead? I should be able to hold off longer that way... "

"I would love to but I've never really fucked someone before so I don't know if I'll be any good, plus I'm not sure how to go about it". I confessed feeling embarrassed by my lack of experience.

He grabbed the lube and told me to take off my underwear, I quickly obliged. He lubed my cock, spread his legs, he pulled me forward, before I could process the experience, I was balls deep inside his hot hole. His ass felt incredible, hot and clenching around my throbbing cock. If I hadn't blown 5 minutes ago I probably would have blown the second I bottomed out inside of him.

He wrapped his legs around my lower back, his arms around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. It felt nice but it wasn't as passionate as Lachlan kisses had been. "Fuck me hard" I eagerly obliged, my cock slammed in and out of him in rapid succession, enjoying the warmth and the glorious feeling as I reentered his tight ass over and over. It felt amazing to be fucking a hot ass for the first time kissing a hot guy. Sean resumed the sensory link and I was essentially fucking myself and him. I didn't last long before blasting Sean insides with my warm spunk. I collapsed onto him as he stroked himself to orgasm in seconds. Guess he was close after all, I didn't feel the need to pull out and frankly I didn't have the energy to move anyway. I panicked as the ramifications of our actions solidified into fear and I asked worriedly "Should I have used a condom?"

"No real need, that was your first time, mutants are resistant to most human diseases because of the X gene, it's all good."

"That's cool..." I said enjoying the afterglow of my first fuck, heart slowly settling down to near normal rhythms.

"Yeah", Sean said his hands caressing my back absently.

After a few minutes I finally worked up the energy to move out of him, I pulled out laying down on my back next to Sean.

"Do people here know you're gay?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well earlier when I said I was leaving the guys they asked where I was going. I was vague and said somewhere else, I didn't mention you because I didn't know if you were out or not and I didn't want to out you if you're not, so yeah".

"I guess I'm not out as such but if you want you can tell Lachlan or Luke that you pounded my horny ass, who knows maybe they'll pop by for a visit too. They've both got nice cocks after all."

"How do you know that? Have you done sex stuff with them too?"

"I was in your mind remember? I flicked through your recent memories in order to figure out what you were playing at earlier".

"So you haven't hooked up with anyone here?" "Other than you, not really, well there was this Angel guy called Warren who I hooked up with a couple of times for some hot sex but mostly I just keep to myself. Being a telepath can be kind of hard for the purposes of relationships, you can always know what the other person is thinking. It can kill the mystery when you can know the other person instantly. The occasional negative mental thought can be a downer. I'm working on my control so I work on blocking out other people's thoughts and being bi adds a whole bunch of other issues to my love life. I'm also trying to focus on harnessing my telekinesis, I still can't even open a door properly with it yet. It's very frustrating and when I'm frustrated it can sometimes leak out, other people end up feeling my thoughts and emotions and yeah it's easier to limit my interactions with others."

"Sounds difficult, well I enjoyed hanging out with you but I should probably get back to the original plan of going shopping with Luke. After all I have to live with the guy and things are a bit weird at the moment what with Lachlan and I guess you too now. "

"No worries, I know you have other things you need to do. If you want me to fuck you next time you visit, I'll be happy to pop your cherry if the other boys don't do it first. Even if they do, feel free to come around anyway, I have a feeling you'd be a hot guy to fuck.

"Thanks I guess" I leant over and gave him a goodbye hug and grabbed my underwear off the floor. It was time to go back to my room and hopefully to a less annoyed room mate who still wanted to go out with me still to the city. Otherwise I guess I'd have to go by myself into the city. Or I could go out with Lachlan to the city maybe for a date, since he was the only gay guy I knew, though I'd already sucked him off. I wasn't sure what the protocol was for gay dating.

I was curious what New York could offer me. I always wanted to go to a gay night club and dirty dance with a sexy man or dozen but I never really had the opportunity or a decent excuse to leave home long enough to do so.

Halfway to the room, I realised I probably smelled of sweat and gay sex so I headed back to the shower room to try and get clean again. I was less concerned about wandering the place in my underwear now. I felt confident and in control for the first time in my life and I was loving the feeling. I JUST GOT LAID. WOOHOO and it was AWESOME.

Next: Chapter 6

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