Victorian Secrets

By sasha steele

Published on Apr 21, 2015


Victorian Secrets (part three)


by Sasha Steele

In strict accordance with tradition the betrothed couple, having now confirmed their compatibility through the engagement bedding, must now remain separated until the day of the wedding. That suited Victoria and her mother just fine as they set about the many preparations for the wedding some four months hence. Everything had to be just so.

Off to London they were. Awe, London. The world's capital. The very hub of high society, and of fashion. There was the no-small matter of Victoria's wedding dress, the design and making of which would take months. Her shoes, at the least, weeks. Undergarments, jewelry, everything must be of new design, top of the top, perfect right down to the ribbons and bows on Victoria's undergarments.

They would spend weeks in London. The days busied with the taking of Victoria's measurements, selection of style, decoration, materials. And the nights. This was after all London. They would be entertained by the upper crust of society, all eager to meet the young and beautiful bride-to-be. They would stay in the best hotels, eat in the finest restaurants, attend the best parties, take in the opera and the theatre.

After a particularly gruelling afternoon standing upon a pedestal whilst the dressmaker poked and prodded, took measurements and held swatches of material to her, Victoria was in the mood for a night out in London's upper class entertainment district. They were to view a play, a comedy that had been all the rage in Paris, as guests of Lord and Lady Whitmynster. First box left stage. Very prestigious.

The play, 'A Matter of Manners,' was a satire on the English Aristocy and starred a most famous actor by the name of Francois Belideau. Francois only ever portrayed female characters. In this performance he played the promiscuous Lady Winship.

Famous actors, such as he, were entertained by members of London's high society. Francois, so assured of his social standing, took to the full time wearing of feminine habiliments, to which no one thought the worse of. It was after the theatre whilst gathered at the Witmynster's Manor house in west end London that Victoria had occasion to chat with Francois.

That Francois, conspicuously a man, was garbed such as a woman in an elegant green dress replete with a long red haired wig in fine curls, so fascinated Victoria that she spoke plainly.

"Do you dress always as such?" Victoria asked.

"I do indeed My Lady. I find the fineries of a woman's garb much more exhilarating than those of a man."

"Your under garments are as such as well?"

"Yes My Lady. The very lasted design in French lingerie. Quite delicate. Very beautiful."

"French design is all the rage in London at the moment," Victoria cooed. "I must see these delicate underthings, as I myself seek the latest in fashion for my upcoming wedding."

"And I shall show My Lady these fineries should such an undertaking be discrete."

"Mother will be a way most the day tomorrow. Come to the Savoy. We will take tea at eleven."

Shortly thereafter Victoria and her mother took a coach ride back to their hotel.

'What were you and Francois so embroiled in dear?" Victoria's mother asked.

"He was expounding upon all the latest in French fashion. Oh mother I would so like to go to Paris. We still need design of my undergarments."

"Yes Victoria. Perhaps we should."

Next morning at eleven Francois joined Victoria in the Savoy Hotel's upscale restaurant. Victoria was wearing a sensuous mauve morning dress with purple rucked ribbon trims and an elaborate lace collar. Francois was already, as he been out and about, in his day dress - a purple affair with pagoda over sleeves, a high neckline and ruffled under sleeves, both of fine lace. Francois kissed Victoria's hand and they took tea whilst discussing the matter of Francois's undergarments.

"I have worn a new Madam Deupree concept for you to view My Lady." Francois intimated to Victoria. "Very sensual. No one as yet in London has such fineries as these. Madam Deupree, you understand, is a special friend."

A short span of time later Victoria Invited Francois to her penthouse apartment at the Savoy. Victoria sat in a plush Queen Ann arm chair and watched as her hand-maids assisted Francois in the removal of his mauve frock.

Underneath his frock Francois wore a silk camisole with thin shoulder straps and lace trim. His silk pantalettes had a wide embroiders waist band and short lace-trimmed legs that flared outward. The pantalettes penis pouch protruded with an obvious erection.

"Please excuse my arousal Lady Victoria. I am but a man and the wearing of such delicate habiliments as these does have an effect."

Victoria giggled, cleared her throat and said, "it is quite alright, please continue."

Francois wore white front-laced boots with four inch heels. His white stockings were drawn up to but a hand space below the short flaired pantalettes legs from below which issued light pink ribbon-like straps that hooked to the tops of the stockings holding them in place. A pretty bow ended both ribbons where they hooked to the stockings.

Hand-maids aided Francois in removal his camisole and the short-legged pantalettes. Below were items that Victoria had never before saw. Madam Deupree's latest design in provocative belle-charmant lingerie.

In place of a full corset Francois wore what he called a 'corselette'. It was shorter and set below the rib cage. Much easier to breath he explained, though the corselette was laced just as tight in back as would be a regular corset. Instead of terminating in a traditional 'V' in front the bottom of the corselette was cut straight across before riding upward and over the hips. That point of upturn at about center thigh is where the stocking garter straps attached. The entire bottom edge of the corselette was trimmed in pretty pink lace.

And something else that Victoria had never before saw; a bustette Francois called it. Covering the span of Francois's smooth chest were two soft flat pads. These pads were nearly triangular in contour, attached together in center with a pink bow and were elaborately embroidered and top trimmed in lace.They were held in place by a wide silk band encompassing Fransois's torso and hooked in center back with pearl loop closures. Silk straps, attached each side of his chest, issued over his shoulders and attached to the band in back.

Victoria was moved by the shear elegance and sensuality of Francois undergarments as he stood in front of her with a full erection whilst showing them off. It was all so deliciously vulgar. Victoria was more than cognisant of the growing erection in her own pantalettes. Though the bulkiness of her skirts as she sat hid it readily enough.

"The stocking material is another of Madam Deupree's latest innovations," Francois was saying. "It is called elastigue. The stockings fit tight to one's legs and are as smooth as silk to the touch." Francois ran a hand down his stockinged thigh and invited Victoria to feel their smoothness for herself.

"Step closer Francois," Victoria told him.

Francois did as Lady Victoria bid. He stepped so close that his leg touched upon hers and his hard eight inch long cock was poised a mere hand space from her lips. Victoria place a hand on Francois's stocking clad thigh and drew it ever so slowly upward. The elastigue fabric of his stockings did indeed feel as smooth as silk. And then, as though compelled by some primal need, Victoria took hold of Francois hard cock.

Discretion amongst members of high social standing and those who serve their needs goes without mention. Victoria had no cause of concern in exposing the rather large telltale bulge in the front of her pantalettes whilst posed on a pedestal in her undergarments as the dressmaker measured her. The dressmakers very livelihood, perhaps even his life, depended upon such discretion. Victoria knew the bounds of prudence as layed down by her mother's wishes. And so she sucked Francois's cock whilst sitting in a chair fully clothed, least she expose her condition to a stranger.

Francois was clearly an exhibitionist and a highly amorous person, so felt no compunction in exposing himself in front of this young beauty. But this, his cock in Victoria's mouth, was something else entirely. Francois was quickly nearing release and so feared he may be overstepping the bounds of his propriety with Victoria by ejaculating in her mouth. But Victoria would not release his cock.

"Lady Victoria," I - I." Francois stuttered in his desperation.

He dare not touch her, though in truth this restraint was difficult. Instead he placed his hands to the soft pads of the bustette set upon his chest.

"I may - may..." Francois moaned in the last desperate moment before his semen erupted in a loquacious burst down Victoria's lovely throat. When Victoria regained her composure she spoke candidly.

"Thank you for showing me your most beautiful undergarments Francois. My hand-maids shall assist you to redress." Victoria said, dismissing him.

Once dressed Francois kissed Victoria's hand and bid her farewell. As soon as the door closed behind him Victoria summoned a hand-maid, Bridget, her favourite, to address her need.

"Ohh. Quickly now Bridget. Quickly!"

Bridget knelt to lift her Mistress's skirts whilst Victoria lay back in the plush Queen Ann arm chair with her legs spread apart. There in the penis pouch of Victoria's pantalettes stood a thirteen inch cock in full erection. At the tip of this great protrusion the pantalettes material was soaked as the juices of Victoria's passion had leaked into it.

Bridget took her Mistress's huge cock in hand and stroked it through Victoria's pantalettes, as she had been wont to do on many prior occasions. As Bridget continued her ministrations Victoria's desperation grew. Victoria threw her head back and moaned, her mouth agape, as she neared the critical juncture of her euphoria. And then, whilst remaining in said pose, Victoria closed her eyes and cried out with the most wonderful climax in her ejaculation.

As Victoria cried out in relief her semen issued forth through the material of her pantalettes at the apex of her massive protruderance. It wicked downward onto Bridget's hand as she continued to grip Victoria's cock whilst milking the last remaining globules from it.

Victoria's lust at last ciated she ordered her bath to be drawn in preparation for her mother's return and dressing for the social gathering they must attend. Victoria laid back in her steaming bath with her soft pudgy man's teats above the water line and smooth slightly plump arms resting on the bath's sides. Her long white-blond hair was pinned atop her head, least it get wet, and her beautiful blue eyes were closed.

She thought of her encounter with Francois, his sensual lingerie and hard cock. Mother would never had approved. Would not either have approved the delicious cake that Victoria ate whilst she lunched with Francois. Oh but it was all so delicious.

Victoria again thought of the cake she'd eaten. She wearied of the struggle to keep her weight down and her mother's constant admonishment that she must do so until the day of the wedding.

"I shall have cake," Victoria ordered.

And so our young and beautiful bride-to-be lounged in her hot bath, eyes closed in heavenly bliss, as a hand-maid fed her cake. What mother does not know can not harm her Victoria thought.

End of part three

Next: Chapter 4

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