Victorian Secrets

By sasha steele

Published on Sep 21, 2015


Victorian Secrets (part five)

Dorian and the Oarsman

by Sasha Steele

It was the Season, late spring to early summer when all the Aristocracy packed up and left their winter estates for London manor houses. The Season held all sorts of interesting venues for the Aristocrats and their upper class peerage of various clingers on. There were the balls hosted by the most influential of families. Garden parties. Promenades in the park. Coming out parties where all the young women who had reached the age of majority where put on display in the hope of attracting a proper suitor. Victoria's coming out was still a few years off. And of course there were the sporting events. No Season would be complete without the cricket matches and derby day.

Then there was the annual boat race between rival schools, Eaton and Harvard. The scullers would race team boats and singles up and down the coarse set on the Avon in front of a select upper class audience backed by the less fortunate members of society. The Duke of Weshire was particularly interested in this event as he was a generous sponsor of it and a former sculler himself. So on the day prior to the actual race the Duke, with a few other interested members of the Aristocracy made opportunity to go down and watch the boys being put through their paces.

The Duke had taken up residence for the Season in a sprawling estate on the outskirts of London along with his wife the Duchess and their only son Dorian. They had hoisted a ball, attended many more, been to the opera and the coming out parties. They'd been attending a garden party at a nearby estate when the Duke suggested they walk to the sculling course. The garden party, though replete with a throng of rather pretty young Ladies was, to Dorian anyway, not as enticing as watching a lot of athletic young men in action and so he joined his father on the excursion.

The Duke fretted dearly that his only son seemed immune to the the charms of the many beautiful young women who strutted themselves before him in an effort to gain Dorian's favor though he knew full well the young Lord's thirst for cock. Dorian, after all, came by it naturally as his father too had been so driven in youth. And so understood Dorian's seemingly sudden interest in sports.

Very much unlike the visiting Aristocrats for whom proper etiquette and dedication to a peculiar fashion all their own, which prescribes stiff garments, particularly with their androgynous undergarments, the scullers were dressed in loose fitting athletic apparel with school lettering on the jerseys. Dorian's vestments in particular were, as the French called it, unautre re'unir.

Dorian had worn a black velvet dress suite to the garden party. The tight fitting frock coat buttoned in front with its short skirt somewhat longer in back than front draped over his rounded backside. The matching pantalon breeches too were tight fitted and terminated with a flare just below the knee. Dorian wore a white silk blouse beneath the coat with a flounced cravat and protruding lace cuffs. He had on white silk stockings and highly polished black dress boots with laced fronts and high heels. His long black hair was tied in a ponytail with a black velvet band in a large bow. He wore black stone on silver earrings, light makeup, red lip and fingernail paint.

The visiting Aristocrats were served fancy finger foods and fine wine as they watch the scullers do their training runs on the Avon. One oarsman in particular caught Dorian's eye. He was a handsome robust fellow with a fine physique who, though of low bearing, was indeed the club champion, his name Armand. Dorian watched Armand, taking keen interest the power of the oarsman. And, as well as could manage at the distance, admired the roll of his muscles beneath the lose fitted jersey, the sweat on his brow and the comeliness of his face with his brown hair drawn back with its wetness.

Armand was keenly aware of his distinguished audience, tolerated as he of low social standing was by them in due of his physical prowess. Keenly aware too was he that his future if he were to retain his scholarship depended upon their acceptance of him. Armand neither envied nor despised the Aristocracy but simply accepted his place. He would do as he was bid, perform for their pleasure and be the better man for it.

A break came between heats as the oarsmen regrouped amidst instructions from the rowing couch. The visiting Lords and gentle Sirs mingled amongst them. Dorian took opportunity to complement Armand on his physique and his prowess as an oarsman. Armand was well aware of the upper class's appetite for homosexuality. He read it in Dorian's words, saw it in his eyes - this young Lord fancied him. Armand was glad for it when the coach charged him to fetch a coupling for one of the oars and politely excused himself to the repair shop in back of the clubhouse.

Armand thought himself free and clear when the rowing coach shouted after him. "Show His Lordship to the toilets."

In back of the clubhouse was a storage area, repair shop, a physical training gymnasium and in far back the toilets. Dorian walked through with Armand. Armand showed him the toilets but Dorian balked. He turned to Armand and Armand saw that His Lordship was clutching the bulging penis pouch in his breeches so as to stave off the need to relieve himself.

"I'm afraid these won't do," Dorian said, "I'll require another arrangement."

"My Lord?"

"Perhaps a bucket will suffice."

Armand went to find a bucket. Brought back a small pot and stood there confused as to what the young Lord expected of him.

His Lordship's clothing, though elegant and stylish, were wholly impractical for such things as relieving one self, particularly in the absence of ones valets. Dorian spread his legs, assumed a shallow squat position with his hands resting on his thighs and Armand realized that His Lordship meant to urinated through his elaborate clothing.

"Hold it to me," Dorian instructed.

Though slightly taken aback by this turn of events Armand held the pot to Dorians' splayed thighs so that the young Lord may relieve himself into it. Dorian relaxed the hold on his bladder, the penis pouch of his breeches saturated, a few drops trickled through, then a weak stream formed and dribbled into the pot. Dorian bore down making it a solid flow that splashed noisily into the pot. Dorian sighed with relief as he urinated.

Armand watched intently His Lordship relieve himself through his clothing and to his own disbelief felt his cock stiffen. Dorian saw the troubled look on the oarsman's face and the tent that had formed in his trousers as he nervously assisted whilst His Lordship emptied his bladder. He bore down to expel the final spurts. Armand took the pot away. Dorian was not as yet finished with him. He removed an embroidered silk handkerchief from his purse and handed it to Armand. Armand hesitated then applied it to His Lordship's soaking penis pouch and thought he detected a swelling within.

Dorian straightened and stepped close to the oarsman who instinctively took a step back pinning himself against a work table. Dorian was breathing heavily and his cock was hard as he pressed himself into Armand. Dorian hooked his left hand around Armand's neck, drew him close and kissed him whilst at the same time took hold the stunned oarsman's hard cock with his right. Just then a shout was heard admonishing Armand to hasten bringing the oar coupling for the boat.

"I-I must take leave my Lord," Armand said.

"Yes you must," replied Dorian who then removed the handkerchief from the oarsman's hand and dabbed his lips with it. "We can't have you leave with my lip paint on your mouth now can we," Dorian said.

Dorian gave the handkerchief back to Armand, turned and left without a further word. Armand shoved the silk handkerchief in his pocket, quickly fetched the oar coupling and returned to his fellow oarsmen on the dock.

The races began early on the morrow. It would be an all day affair followed by a celebration in the rowing club's banquet hall across the way from the clubhouse on the docks. As you would have it the home team won and Armand was champion of the day. The team was lauded at the reception dinner. Awards were handed out, speeches given by dignitaries. Dinner was followed by a fancy dress ball at which the upper classes were well represented. Dorian attended in the company of a beautiful young Lady in an exquisite ballroom gown.

Armand took note of the young Lady's beauty and wondered as to Dorian's motive the day before. Was it to simply make sport of him? He could never fathom the motivations of the upper classes. Their tendency toward homosexuality, while in their circles there was no shortage of beautiful women. The elite class's androgynous style of dress. What the French call dams-homme. He took note of the way Dorian had dressed for the fancy dress ball.

Dorian's ornately detailed tailcoat was aglow with fine silver threading, embroidery, sequence, beads and gems. It was of an open style with a brushed silver waistcoat beneath. the collar was upraised in back. The lapels and cuffs brushed silver. The coat fit tight. Its rounded tail tapered away from Dorian's waist, over his backside and terminated on the back of his upper thighs. There was a cross ribbon detailing on the lower back, two diagonal crosses of wide silver ribbon above a large bow, the bow ends trailing down to the coat tail's hem.

The brush silver waistcoat fight tightly Dorian's corseted middle. Of a very low cut two button style the waistcoat covered his stomach leaving the chest open. The double pointed bottom edging sat against his pubis just above the salient bulge of the penis pouch, which jutted out prominently from the crotch of Dorian's glistening white breeches. Dorian's white silk blouse was almost wholly hidden beneath tailcoat and waistcoat and the elaborately embroidered fluffed cravat around his neck. The sleeves cuffs of the blouse, also elaborately embroidered, protruded from the coat sleeve covering the upper portion of Dorian's hands.

Dorian's white breeches were of a pantalon-capri styling that terminated in a flare just below the knees and were very tight fitting. There was a smaller version of the brushed silver cross ribbon and bow similar to that on back of the tailcoat's bodice. Below the flare of the breeches Dorian's legs were covered in white silk stockings. On his feet were stylish dress boots decorated much as was the tailcoat, tied with silver ribbon lacets tied in bows. The boot's high heels were squarish and truncated. Dorian's long black hair was drawn back tightly into a roundish French ampoule bun. He wore a light dusting of facial powder, black mascara and silver lip paint. His manicured fingernails were similarly painted in silver. A small black stone pennant around his neck matched Dorian's earrings and main finger rings.

Armand thought the young Lord was truly beautiful and felt a familiar twinge in his loins along with a stiffening in his cock, which troubled him deeply. Feeling ill at ease Armand left the celebration and crossed to the rowing club gymnasium where he felt more at home. He would work off his discomfort with heavy exercise as he was wont to do on many occasions. Armand locked the door behind him.

The gymnasium was well equipped. Stripped down to his pantaletttes Armand's heavily muscled body glistened with sweat as he did press ups and chin ups, used the Indian clubs, springs, weights and a peculiar rowing device to exercise his muscles. He had just ceased a hard turn on the rowing device when a pounding upon the door sounded. Armand desired no fellow oarsmen disturbing him, especially those in a drunken state and so was annoyed when he opened the door.

"May I come in?" Dorian asked.

"MY Lord," said Armand as he stepped aside to allow the young Lord to gain entry.

Armand locked the door behind him, turned, almost bumping into Dorian who had stopped and turned back to the oarsman. Armand noticed the growing bulge in His Lordship's penis pouch. He began to speak, struggling for the words but before he found them Dorian grasped hold of him and kissed the oarsman on his lips. His Lordship then put a hand to the telltale bulge growing ever so harder in the cock pouch of Armand's pantalettes.

Without a word Dorian hooked his thumbs into the lace waistband of Armand's pantalettes and drew them over his backside and downward onto his thighs whilst His Lordship sank onto his knees before him. Armand's stiff cock popped out into Dorian's face. He pulled the oarsman's pantalettes to his ankles so that he may step out of them.

Armand's cock was hard as stone and stood upward on a shallow angle. It measured a full eight inches in length and near that in circumference particularly nearest the root, commiserate with the large full scrotum that swelled beneath it. The cock's head by comparison was smaller than was its thick shaft may have warranted, but none the less of good size and succulent beauty. Dorian took it all the way into his mouth. Tasted the salty sweat upon it, felt the press of Armand,s scrotum to his powdered chin and smelt the musk of his pubic hair as it brushed his nose.

Dorian's oral administrations caused Armand an arousal unparalleled to this point in his life. It were as though his trembling loins were ablaze and his heart about to burst. If Dorian were to continue in this vain much longer Armand feared he would surely ejaculate in the the young Lord's mouth. Then Dorian stopped. He took hold of the oarsman's hand to aid in drawing him to his feet. Stood, and once again kissed the oarsman upon his lips.

"I want your cock inside me," Dorian whispered in a lustful manner as he slipped out of his tailcoat.

Dorian placed the tailcoat on a bench along side the pile of clothing Armand had discarded. He undid the buttons of his waistcoat, removed it to the bench as well, as to he did the cravat tied around his neck. He then turned his back to Armand.

"Aid me with this," he said.

Armand undid the long row of buttons up the back of Dorian's silk blouse. Dorian slipped out of it as Armand undid the silver ribbon bow that held his breeches in place. Thus loosened Dorian pulled them down and off, then added the breeches to the growing pile of clothing on the exercise bench. The young Lord stood with his back still to the oarsman. Armand admired the contours of Dorian's rounded backside set in the confines of his tight fitted silk pantalettes. Dorian's backside was disproportionate in that it was slightly over sized compared to his somewhat demure body, as too were Dorian's upper thighs. Armand had never thought that he would regard a man's backside as he may a woman's. Yet here he stood, naked, his cock hard as stone and he ached with carnal desire for this young Lord clad as he now was in these near feminine undergarments.

"Loosen my corset," Dorian said.

That Dorian wore a corset was a concession to the androgynous fashion of the upper classes. It held in the middle thus insuring ideal poster and proper fit of the tight outer garments worn. Armand undid the bow to the silk ribbon that pulled tight Dorian's dame-homme corset. Thus loosed Dorian undid the many pearl clasps in front and removed the stiff corset adding it to the pile of clothing. Dorian turned to face Armand. His cock stretched the penis pouch of his silk pantalettes to their limit. Again he kissed Armand.

Once more Armand took notice of the young Lord's beauty, clad now as he was in just white camisole, pantalettes, stockings and foot ware. Truly, thought the oarsman, this young Lord is fairer than a maiden.

Dorian's camisole fit tight his soft torso. It sat high on his waist, a slight bit shorter in front than in back. There was lacing at center chest where the low neckline formed a V. There was lacing at the sides where it began to taper down and around his middle and also lace trimming that followed the back edge that sat above the curvature of Dorian's rounded backside. In front the camisole sat above the wide, elegantly laced waistband of Dorian's silk pantalettes. The tight fitted pantalettes terminated in lace edging on Dorian's upper thighs. There was a of gap perhaps three inches between them and his silk stockings held in place by silk ribbon garters with small bows to the outsides.

Dorian slipped his thumbs into the waist band of his pantalettes and drew them over his backside. He moved his thumbs to the front and pulled the pantalettes over his hard cock causing it to spring back. He wriggled them down to his ankles, stepped out and discarded them on the pile before readjusting his stockings. Armand witnessed the act with aroused desire. Dorian was a beautiful young Lord, there was no doubt of that. Dorian's pubis and scrotum were smooth and hairless. Indeed his entire body was devoid of hair rendering to the young Lord a somewhat feminine appearance. Yet he was still a man and so Armand was perplexed his carnal desire for the young Lord had become unbridled.

Dorian drew Armand to him. Even in high heeled dress boots Armand was slightly taller than he. Too, Armand was rugged of muscularity compared to Dorian's demure femininity. With Armand completely naked and Dorian clad in silk camisole and stockings they, though both male, clashed in appearance as would a man and a woman in affectionate embrace. Armand's hard cock press against Dorian's soft middle. Dorian's hard cock crossed the underside of Armand's. Dorian swiveled his hips and undulated himself to cause an interplay between them. Armand trembled with the pleasure of it.

Dorian broke the embrace. Took Armand by the hand and backed a pace to the bench where piled all their clothing. Dorian sat himself back upon the pile of clothing, legs bent and boots pressed on the edge of the bench. And with his hard cock in hand, stroking it gently Dorian said, "do as you will with me oarsman."

Armand pressed Dorian's legs forth opening his sex as he sank downward till his face was upon it. His moist tongue set upon Dorian's shaft and traced over his scrotum. Then under it and he felt the rounded testicles beneath their thin silken skin sheath. He tasted the sweat behind them and drank in the earthen odor of Dorian's open sphincter ring. Armand's tongue lapped Dorian's open anus and he tasted its sharp tartness. Then Armand's tongue entered the orifice. Dorian's arousal escalated with Armand's ministrations causing the motions of his hand upon his own hard cock to quicken.

"I want your cock inside me," Dorian commanded, though his breathless whispering voice sounded bleating.

Armand stood and mounted the bench with his knees to the outsides of Dorian's thighs. Dorian's legs were still bent with his feet in the air. Armand leaned over the beautiful young Lord with his hands on the bench at Dorian's sides. The head of his throbbing erection touched against Dorian's open anus. A string of pre seminal fluid excreted by Armand's secondary sex glands leaked from the slit in the head of his erect penis. Armand pushed his cock into Dorian's opening causing the young Lord to moan.

Dorian felt Armand's cock press through his anal canal putting presser on the hardened bulb of his penis root attached to the genital diaphragm above it. He felt his own pre seminal gland leaking fluid as Armand's thick shaft slid past it. Armand's cock cleared Dorian's anal canal and entered into the moist cylindrical shaped cavern of his warm rectum. Dorian felt pressure against his blander causing a vague urge to urinate. Then the head of Armand's cock nudged against the inner most reaches of Dorian's rectum where it tapered in and pressed against his bowels.

His cock fully inside of the young Lord Armand looked down into Dorian innocent youthful face. A face pretty enough of its own splendor yet enhanced with paint and powder, as was the extravagant style of modern Aristocrats. He looked into Dorian's beautiful brown eyes and saw lust there equal to his own and so began to undulate his hips in an act of having intercourse with another male. It was the first time Armand had done such a thing. But he suspected it was not Dorian's first time. Armand took hold of Dorian's stocking clad ankles above his boots to spread him further. Dorian moaned with every thrust within him.

Dorian watched Armand's face as the oarsman fucked him. The grimace of wanton desire upon it excited him. The power of Armand's massive muscular with the tight grip upon his ankles made him tremble with excitement as Armand's huge cock was thrust deep inside him. Armand drove his cock more feverishly into His Lordships warm rectum. Decorum was lost to carnal lust. Social stations forgotten as Armand mercilessly fucked the delicate young Lord. Armand's cries became animal-like with his unleashed passion. His motions wild and furious as he neared the peak of his arousal. Then, upon the tipping point between lust and release, Armand's motions ceased.

Armand pressed his cock fully into Dorian's rectum. The heated cock head twitched against the narrow confines at the top end of Dorian's rectum. A sudden surge raced through the duct from his testes through the vesicorectal pouch and exploded out of the prostrate gland into the ejaculation duct of Armand's cock. Dorian felt hot spurts of seminal fluid erupt inside his rectum. He moaned with pleasure as each ejaculation of Armand's semen fulfilled him. Armand held Dorian until he emptied himself then released his grip and stepped down from the bench.

Dorian rested his feet on the bench and with legs spread continued to masturbate with fervent effort. With his free hand Dorian took hold of Armand by the arm, drew him to him and they kissed. Armand felt the quickened motions of Dorian's hand against his belly. Saw the distressed look upon the young Lord's pretty face. With a hand against Armand's shoulder Dorian pushed Armand away, directing him to his cock. Then took hold of him by his brown hair. Dorian pressed his cock to the side of Armand's face as he masturbated.

"Open your mouth," the young Lord cried out.

Dorian closed his eyes, tilted his head backward and opened his mouth. His hand was working feverishly now as he brought himself to climax. Armand leaned over and opened his mouth so that Dorian could insert his cock inside. Dorian did so, then took hold of Armand's head with both hands pulling Armand to him as he raised his hips from the bench. Armand closed his lips around His Lordships cock. Dorian cried out in ecstasy as he ejaculated into Armand's mouth. The taste of Dorian's ejaculate, a cloudy mixture seminal fluids and sperm, was sweet with a slight saltiness. Armand swallowed it all.

Dorian was breathing heavily when Armand helped to his feet. They kissed passionately then Dorian spoke. "Help me dress," he said. Armand helped His Lordship dress in reverse order of which he had undressed.

"If I may ask My Lord," Armand said as he helped Dorian into his tailcoat.

"You may," Dorian said.

"Yesterday you urinated through your clothing. Was it a necessity of the intricacy of your raiment's or was it simply to illicit a response from me?"

Dorian turned to face him. "Aw, but I did illicit a response. Did I not?" Dorian said. "I must say though that time to time with such intricate garments the urgency may dictate that one must of necessity urinate through them. Which, I might add, does derive a certain amount of pleasure in doing so. And now, having broached the subject, it may be prudent that I relieve myself before returning to the ball. Is your pot still at hand?"

Armand fetched the pot and kneeling down before him held it to Dorian's thighs as Dorian had squatted slightly while spreading his legs. Dorian placed his hands on Armand's powerful shoulders and bore down to release his bladder. Armand watched as Dorian's urine trickle through the brilliant white material of his breeches penis pouch. The trickle built into a solid stream and Dorian urinated heavily into the pot. Finished he took a silk handkerchief from his purse and handed it to Armand who used it to wipe the excess wetness from his penis pouch.

Dorian kissed Armand, bid him fair well and left.

End of part five.

Next: Chapter 6

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