Victoria's Dinner Date- Retry

By Susie Smith

Published on Oct 19, 2000



Victoria's Dinner Date By CDVeronica

My wife Victoria and I recently took a short trip to another city, just to spend some time alone together. We planned to go to one of the best restaurants in the city on Saturday night, our last night in town. Victoria even bought a new dress for the occasion. Unfortunately, she forgot to pack her shoes that would go with the dress. So, we spent much of Saturday afternoon shopping for just the right shoes to match the outfit.

I always enjoy shopping with Victoria, but I've never quite understood women's fascination with shoes. Now I get turned on by the sight of a pair of "fuck me" pumps with 4" heels, but I can't quite understand why my wife needs 10 different pair of black shoes, with minimal differences in the style.

Anyway, we looked in many different stores and Victoria couldn't find exactly the right pair. She found a couple of pairs that would probably be OK, but Victoria wasn't really excited about the idea of buying them. We decided to try one more store and then give up and go buy one of the "almost right" pairs.

When we entered the store, I noticed two attractive brown haired women who were just finishing trying on shoes. As Victoria looked around the shop, I noticed that one of the women was just slipping off a pair that looked very much like what I thought Victoria was looking for. I walked over to Victoria and pointed out the shoes. "Oh they are exactly what I'm looking for!" she exclaimed. She walked over toward the women, pointed at the chosen shoes and excitedly told the clerk she needed to try on a pair of them in size 9.

The clerk hesitated, then said "I'm sorry ma'am, this pair is a size 9 and I don't think we have another pair. I'll check in the back."

Victoria looked very disappointed. She asked the woman trying on the shoes "were you thinking of buying those?'

The woman replied that she loved the shoes and yes she had decided to buy them. From Victoria's reaction, the woman could see Victoria's frustration.

Victoria, the woman and her friend proceeded to have a conversation about our visit to the city, Victoria's long search for the right shoes, and our special plans for the evening. That's one of the many things I love about Victoria. She never met a stranger. The three of them were talking like they were old friends. I, on the other hand, am more the strong silent type. I enjoyed the conversation, but didn't participate too much. I mostly talked to the friend, who was definitely pleasant to look at. They both were. I enjoyed the view even more than the conversation.

After the few minutes, the clerk came back. "I'm sorry ma'am," he began. "We don't have another pair in that size. I called our other stores in town and they don't have a pair in that size. I did check with our other stores out of town and I found a pair. They can have them shipped here and they could be here by Tuesday."

Victoria was obviously disappointed, but the woman quickly replied, "let her try these on. If she likes them, she can buy them and I'll come back and get the other pair on Tuesday." Victoria thanked her, gave her a big hug and then thanked her again. I told you she liked shoes. Victoria tried them on, loved them, paid for the shoes and we headed on our way.

A little later, as we got ready to go to dinner, Victoria and I discussed our afternoon. "I enjoyed getting a chance to go shopping with you today," I said. "Wasn't it nice of that woman to let you buy those shoes?"

"Yes certainly," she replied and then smiled. "And you didn't mind looking at her and her friend while we waited either, did you?"

"Well actually they were both quite nice to look at, and quite friendly," I replied.

"I wish I had done something nice for her, to thank her for being so kind. Lots of people wouldn't do that in a big city," she responded.

"Oh well. Maybe you can do a good deed for someone else to make up for it," I said.

We proceeded to get dressed. Victoria looked terrific in her new dress and I'll have to admit the shoes looked great. The dress was a little more daring than Victoria normally would wear. She's normally a conservative dresser, but this had a plunging neckline that exposed her breasts just a bit. She was wearing a Wonderbra, which gave her a lot more cleavage than her 34B's would normally have. Meanwhile I was wearing my typical conservative dark suit.

The restaurant was only a short distance from the hotel, so we walked to enjoy the nice evening. We arrived a few minutes before our reservation time. When we checked in, they apologized that they were running a little behind schedule, so we went to wait in the bar. There was only one table available, a table for four in the corner. We went over to the table and sat across from one another. The waitress came over and we each ordered a margarita, which was promptly delivered.

Just after we received our drinks I heard a voice from behind me say, "Well look who is here! You didn't tell us WHERE you were going for dinner!" It was our two friends from the shoe store. They looked terrific too. Each of them was wearing a short dress and high heels (one of my favorite combinations). The one with the shoes, who I found out was named Donna, was wearing a red dress with spaghetti straps. It was very tight at the bodice and much looser at the waist. Her friend Meghan was wearing a tight little black dress. Both dresses showed lots of cleavage, and they had a lot to show. Meghan in particular had a great set of boobs. These ladies were definitely hot. The ladies looked a lot taller with their heels. Donna was about 5'9". Meghan about 5'5", compared to Victoria's 5'6".

"Please join us!" Victoria said. "I was just telling my husband that I wished I'd done something to thank you. Please let us buy you a drink." The ladies ordered margaritas too and we proceeded to have another pleasant conversation. The ladies both told Victoria how great the shoes looked and that she was right they were just perfect to go with the dress. It turned out that the ladies had dinner reservations for the same time we did. Small world isn't it.

We proceeded to have two drinks apiece as we waited for our tables. Victoria and I don't usually drink much, so we were getting a little more relaxed than usual, especially Victoria. The ladies were excellent companions. They were both quite friendly, with a good sense of humor, as well as being beautiful. With one of them on each side of me, I didn't know which way to look. Whichever way I looked, including at my wife, I was surrounded by beauty.

I said the ladies were friendly. They were both the type that tended to touch you occasionally as they spoke, not in an inappropriate way, just as an expression of their affection for you and for the subject being discussed. I spent a lot of time talking with both of the ladies and they touched my shoulder or arm numerous times. A couple of times Meghan leaned over as she talked, as if to tell me a secret, and she laid her hand on my thigh. Again it didn't seem sexual, but just a friendly gesture.

The booze and the beautiful women definitely had me relaxed and aroused. I was glad that my underwear was fairly tight, and my pants fairly loose, so it wasn't so obvious to the ladies the effect they were having on me. There seemed to be some flirting going on, from them to me and from me to them.

I wondered if they would still be flirting if they knew that under my conservative dark suit I was covered from head to toes in silk and lace. My tight underwear was a pair of white silky panties, with lovely lace trim. Under the panties was a lace garter belt, attached to a pair of white silk stockings. Under my shirt was a white lacy bra, size 44B, covered by a lacy camisole. I love the feel of silky material against my skin. That would have been arousing enough. Knowing I was talking to these three beautiful women, in public, while wearing all this silk and lace made the effect even greater.

Too soon they called our name and Victoria and I had to leave our new friends. I paid for our drinks and those for the ladies. Meghan reached over, wrapped her arms around me, and gave me a big hug and a kiss. "Thanks for the drinks cutie," she said. Her hands seemed to linger on my back for an extra second, as if she were feeling for something. No, it was just my imagination. Or was it?

I got up from the table, trying to hide my erection. We said goodbye and headed to our table. When we sat down Victoria snickered, "So did you enjoy our time in the bar? You seemed to be somewhat 'taken' by those ladies."

I blushed and managed a somewhat sheepish smile. "You caught me."

She laughed and replied, "That's OK honey. I thought they were very nice and attractive too. And I've always told you it's OK to look. Besides I know it's every guy's fantasy to be with three women."

I laughed and replied, "And every woman's fantasy to be with three men. Besides I've told you I'd love to watch you fuck someone else." I nodded at the table for two next to us, which they had just finished clearing, and smiled, "I promise two handsome guys will sit there and you can fulfill your fantasy."

She laughed and gave me her standard answer, "The only man I want is you." I'd heard her say that a thousand times before, but with the alcohol she'd had she didn't sound as convincing as she usually does.

If you're thinking ahead, I'm sure you've guessed what happened next. Right. The hostess walked up to the empty table next to ours, followed by Donna and Meghan. When Victoria and I saw that we started to laugh. "What's so funny?" asked Donna.

"Well my husband just promised me that two handsome men would be seated at that table," she laughed. "To make us even for the time he got to spend with three women."

Donna and Meghan laughed and Donna said, "Well, we'll see what we can do about that later," and we all laughed some more.

Their table was very close to ours, so we continued our conversation from the bar. We had a wonderful dinner. Great food. Great conversation. And great looking women everywhere I looked. What a night!

When we finished dinner the ladies asked us to go to a club with them and have another drink. They said there was good music and good drinks. Victoria quickly said yes, so who was I to object? So the four of us left the restaurant together. As we left, Victoria snuggled up to me and whispered, "I'm awfully horny honey." She reached down and patted the front of my pants. "I think I'm almost as horny as you are, judging by the size of that cock in your pants. I think someone's in for a good time tonight."

"I hope one of them is me," I replied and we both laughed.

We noticed that it was considerably cooler outside than when we came in. The club was just a couple of doors down from the restaurant. The other ladies had coats, but Victoria didn't have one, and she was quite chilly by the time we reached the club. I asked her, "Honey would you like me to run back to our hotel room and get your coat? I'm concerned that it will be even colder when we get done in the club."

"I hate to make you do that dear," she replied. "I'll probably be OK."

"Oh, it's no trouble. I'll be back in just a few minutes. You girls go in and find us a table." I headed off back to the hotel. When I got to our room I was tempted to go in the bathroom and jerk off, but I decided to save it all for Victoria. She gets a little wild when she drinks, so I was probably in for some great sex tonight.

By the time I got back to the club about 20 minutes had passed. As I entered the club I looked for the girls. I found them off in a secluded corner, sitting in a corner booth. Victoria was sitting between the two other ladies and they each had two glasses in front of them, one empty and one half full. They were all feeling no pain. "Hello, handsome!!" said Donna. "Take your coat off and stay awhile."

I hesitated before I took off my jacket. Was I sure no one could see my feminine attire under my shirt? I had checked that in the hotel before we went to dinner and it seemed to be OK if you weren't too close. Victoria didn't even know what I was wearing, because she was getting dressed in the bathroom while I got dressed in our room. Well, it was kind of dark in there, and the ladies were kind of drunk, and what the heck, I took it off. Meghan motioned for me to sit down next to her. When I did she moved over, wrapped her arms around me, and gave me another big hug. "What a sweet husband!" she said, "to go out in the cold just to take good care of his wife." Her hands seemed to linger on my back again. Was she feeling for something. No, it was just my imagination. Or was it?

"So I guess you girls didn't find those two handsome guys yet," I joked.

"Not exactly," replied Donna and the girls all laughed. I found out that during my absence one guy came over and asked the girls to dance. Meghan was the only one to take him up on his offer. Donna and Victoria had just sat and talked and drank and laughed and enjoyed themselves.

That's what the four of us did for the next half hour or so. The girls finished their drinks and ordered another. I ordered one too, but they were two ahead of me, and it showed, particularly in Victoria. I noticed that her lipstick was mussed. I assumed it must have been from drinking so much.

We seemed to be becoming more like two couples; Victoria and Donna and Meghan and me. There was a lot of whispering and laughing between Victoria and Donna. Victoria was laughing and talking and frequently leaned over toward Donna. I couldn't really tell for sure what was going on, but it looked like she was putting her hands in Donna's lap, and rubbing her leg. It looked like Donna was doing the same thing to Victoria. They were very friendly. In fact it looked like they were a lot more than just friendly. If I didn't know my wife better, I'd swear there was a massive attack of lust going on. But since Victoria has never expressed an interest in women, I assumed it was the alcohol, my lust, or my imagination, or more likely a combination of all of them. Meghan also seemed to be paying attention primarily to me. She was touching me even more than before too. If I didn't know better I'd swear she was coming on to me.

OK, I'll admit I liked it. Three beautiful babes and one lucky guy!

We were all getting silly. During our conversations I began calling them all by nicknames; Vivacious Victoria, Darling Donna and Magnificent Meghan. They were all calling me Handsome Hubby. Even Victoria was calling me that.

A while later, Victoria looked at me and announced, "I'm sorry dear, but I need to go to the ladies room. Do you want to go to the ladies room with me Darling Donna?" The girls all giggled and Donna said yes. I thought it was strange that they laughed at that comment, but we were all getting a little silly.

"I'll stay here and keep our Handsome Hubby company, Victoria!" said Meghan as she wrapped her arm around me again. There was that feeling around again. Did she notice a bra strap? She must not have because her demeanor didn't change. She still seemed very glad to be sitting there with me. I did know better and I'd still swear she was coming on to me.

We watched as Victoria and Donna headed off towards the ladies room. They walked arm in arm, I assumed to keep their balance due to the alcohol they'd consumed. Donna was considerably taller than Victoria in her heels. As they turned a corner to head out of sight, it appeared that Victoria reached down and fondled Donna's ass. Now I KNEW that had to be my imagination.

"So, Handsome Hubby, I have a question for you," said Meghan.

Flattered at that description, and feeling very sure of myself, I replied, "I'll tell you anything you want to know, Magnificent Meghan."

"What color bra and panties are you wearing?" she asked with a warm smile on her face.

I turned bright red. "Uh, uh, what do you mean?" I stammered.

"It's OK, Victoria told us all about Veronica," she replied. "I noticed the garters on your stockings under your pants when were in the bar before dinner. Then I thought I felt a bra strap when I hugged you when you left the bar. I could tell for sure when you got here and took off your coat and I gave you your welcome hug."

I was devastated. What must these women think of me? "But, but, but, why did she tell you?" I asked.

"Because I told her how much I like a man who wears lingerie, silly!" she replied. She slid over and put her arm around me again. "It's OK Veronica.

Guys in panties and bras and stockings are a turn-on for me. Didn't you notice how excited I've been sitting here next to you?" she asked.

Now I was really confused. "I thought it was just my imagination that you were coming on to me. Or the alcohol. You LIKE a man who wears lingerie?" I asked.

"Why yes. That's why I like Donna so much," she replied.

"You mean Darling Donna? The Donna who's been sitting here with us?" I asked.

"Yes, of course I mean that Donna. She's my lover," she replied.

"But Donna's got boobs. She's got to be a woman. Doesn't she?" I asked.

"Well Donna does have a great set of boobs. But I assure you she's also got a large and lovely cock. And she knows how to use it. You see, Donna loves women. He loves to make love to women, but I love men who like to wear frilly and silky clothing. Donna loves me, so Donna decided to have breast implants and to take hormones to make him look like a woman. The hormones help with his skin and his boobs, but aren't strong enough to cause problems with his cock. That way he can always wear feminine clothing and live with me like a woman, but make love to me like a man. Do you understand now?"

"No. Well yes. Well no. I don't know. I'm still confused." I replied with my head still spinning. "But Victoria just went off to the ladies room with Donna. Does she know Donna is a guy?"

"Of course she does. Why do you think she kept fondling his cock while they were sitting here at the table?" she asked.

"She was fondling his cock??? I wondered what was going on over there. But I thought it was just the alcohol," I replied.

"It probably was the alcohol. That and the taste of cock Victoria got before you got here," she said.

"What taste of cock??? I thought you girls said Victoria didn't go off with that guy when he wanted to dance," I said. "Did someone else come and hit on her?"

"No silly. I'm talking about Donna's cock. You notice this is a very secluded corner of the club," she said.


"Well when I told Victoria about liking my men in frillies, Victoria was confused too. We told her Donna was a guy, but Victoria wouldn't believe us. Finally Donna lifted up her skirt and pulled out her cock to prove it. Victoria looked at it, then bent down and took it in her mouth. She sucked on it for a couple of minutes, then popped her head up and said 'You're right. She is a guy!!!' She couldn't keep her hands off Donna after that."

"Victoria did that? I don't believe it. How could she have done that without everyone seeing?" I asked.

"Like this," she said and reached over and unzipped my pants. Then she reached in and pulled out my cock. "This is lovely," she said as she leaned over and wrapped her lovely lips around my cock. "And delicious," she said as she came up for air for a second. She leaned back down and sucked some more. I reached over and pulled up her skirt. I didn't think it was fair for me to be having all the fun, so I stuck my finger into her pussy. With the other hand I massaged those glorious boobs. She moaned with pleasure. Apparently I was doing good.

As aroused as I was, it wasn't going to take much more for me to shoot a tremendous load of cum into her loving mouth. I thought it was only polite to tell her, "If you keep that up for 5 more seconds, you're going to get a mouthful of cum."

"Well then I think I'll wait a minute," she replied as her head popped back up.

For the first time since this started I decided to look around the club. There was no one in sight. The only time anyone could see what was going on in this booth was if they came back to this area. Like the waitress, for example.

Speak of the devil. The waitress came around the corner carrying a tray. "Did you need another ........ Wow! I'm sorry. I was going to ask you if you needed another drink." The waitress could see me sprawled out with my pants down to my knees, my panties down and my garter belt and stockings clearly visible. Oh, and my cock was still at attention. Meanwhile, Meghan's dress was pulled up above her waist and her panties were pulled down.

"Oh Meghan. It's you! But where's Donna?" asked the waitress.

"Oh, hi Susie. She had to go to the ladies room," she replied.

"Looks like you found something to keep you occupied in her absence," she responded with a smirk.

"You bet. This is Veronica. Say hi to Susie, Veronica," she said.

This was all too strange, but what the heck. "Hi Susie," I replied.

"Susie likes pretty boys like you too," said Meghan. "Her boyfriend wears panties all the time."

"He sure does. You know Meghan, it looks to me like you've got a perfectly good cock there. It looks like a real nice one. If you don't want to use it, I'd be happy to take care of it for you."

Thanks Susie, I thought. I appreciate you watching out for me.

"Oh no, I was just getting ready to climb aboard. I can hardly wait, but you know how vocal I can be. I need to wait for a loud song on the jukebox," replied Meghan.

"I'll take care of that," replied Susie as she disappeared.

Sure enough the next song was a loud one. Hard rock to get your rocks off by, I guess. As soon as it started Meghan kept her promise and climbed on my cock. Those wonderful boobs were right at my mouth level. I took that as an invitation and pulled her dress down below her boobs. I sucked for all I was worth. Man did I love those boobs! And just as she promised, she was vocal. "Fuck me Veronica. Fuck me. Put that lovely cock in my pussy and fill me with that hot wet cum." Always one to try to follow a lady's request, I did as asked. And wow did it feel wonderful!!!

She waited a few moments then climbed off my cock. Then she proceeded to suck on it, sucking the delicious mixture of hers and my cum into her luscious mouth. Then she sat up and gave me a kiss. She opened her mouth and our cum came flowing from her mouth into mine. We continued to kiss as we swallowed our cum. Then we broke our kiss and she used her tongue to lick my lips and clean up any remnants from my face. "Yummy wasn't it?" she asked.

"It was interesting," I replied. "I never did that before."

"I know," she responded. "Victoria told me."

"What didn't Victoria tell you?" I asked.

"Well, she didn't tell me what color bra and panties you are wearing," she said. And you seem to want to keep that a secret as well. You didn't answer my question."

"I'm sorry. As you can imagine this is a lot for me to absorb. But, actually under this conservative business suit I'm wearing white panties, garterbelt, stockings, bra and camisole," I replied.

"That sounds lovely. I can hardly wait to see them all." She reached back over and pulled my panties back over my cock. "If they are all as pretty as your panties I'm sure I'll approve." Then she helped me zip up my pants. "We better get this put away before it starts to grow again," she said.

This was all just about too much for me. I had no idea what would happen next. "I wonder where Victoria and Donna are," I said, "There must have been a big line at the ladies room."

"Well I'm sure something is big anyway," Meghan responded with a laugh.

I bet you've been wondering what happened to Donna and Victoria too. Well here's the story. Victoria WAS fondling Donna's ass as she rounded the corner, it wasn't my imagination. She continued to do that as they walked to the ladies room. When they got into the ladies room it was empty. Victoria grabbed Donna by the hand and pulled her into a stall. "I am SOOOOOO horny. I've got to have a cock," she cried.

They slammed the door as Victoria furiously pulled Donna's dress up and her panties down. She pushed Donna down onto the toilet seat and then pulled down her own panties. She climbed on Donna's cock and bounced up and down furiously. "Oh!... oh!... oh!.. Ooooooh!! Your cock feels SOOOOO good. Fuck me!! Fuck me!! Fill me with your hot delicious cum!!" she commanded. Donna did as directed and shot a load of cum into Victoria's pussy. Victoria came immediately with more moaning and yelling. I wish I had been there.

The people who were there will never forget it. Besides Victoria and Donna, there was a woman in the stall next to them. She could look down and see two pairs of women's feet. She could hear it all and could feel the walls of the stall shake as Victoria occasionally banged into it in her passion. I wonder what she thought.

Another pair of older ladies walked in just as the stall door slammed shut. They stood outside the stall and listened in wonder to the goings on. When it ended, they didn't quite know what to do. After hearing all the excitement, they just HAD to see who was in there. What woman had the nerve to haul a man into the ladies room? What kind of man would do that? They decided they would stay and give a lecture to the couple about propriety. When the door finally opened and two women walked out they were speechless. Donna and Veronica walked past them to a mirror, did a quick brush of their hair and touched up their lipstick. The older ladies just stood there, still speechless. As Victoria and Donna walked past them to the door, Donna said, "Good evening ladies. I hope you are enjoying your evening as much as I am."

As far as I know, those ladies are still standing there with their mouths wide open.

                • Victoria and Donna came back right about the time Meghan finished zipping me up. There was no question in my mind what they had been doing. Victoria had that "just fucked" look I've seen many times. Of course, as I looked at Donna and Meghan, they had a similar look. I didn't have a mirror, but I'm pretty sure I had the same look.

We quickly decided we'd had enough drinking, we'd had enough music. What we hadn't had enough of was sex. "Our hotel's only a couple of blocks away," said Victoria. "We've got a king-size bed, and I'm sure we've all gotten to be close enough friends that we will all fit just fine."

No one disagreed, so we headed for the hotel.

OK, I'll admit I liked it. Three beautiful babes (with hair and makeup slightly worse for the wear) and one lucky guy! It's amazing how looks can be deceiving.

Needless to say, we had more fun when we got back to our hotel. But we'll save that for another story.

The End

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