Video Game Freak

By moc.liamg@sucofraeb

Published on Sep 22, 2002


Video Game Freak Part 1

By Webb

Notice: This story is fiction. None of it is real. It's written only for the entertainment of my readers. I reserve all rights to this material other than those already granted to the Nifty Erotic Stories archive. If you wish to copy or distribute this story you MUST have my permission.

Let's get one thing straight from the beginning. I'm NOT gay. You're probably gonna say I was gay all along and just wouldn't admit it to myself. But, I'm telling you it's not true. At this point, why would I lie?

I'm sitting in the back seat of a Chevy Suburban working its way up into the hills above LA. I'm wearing a pair of jeans, a wife beater and a blindfold. On my cock is one of those plastic chastity devices. I'm being delivered to my new owner. Yeah, I said owner.

It's not what you think. I'm not being taken against my will, in fact I could remove the blindfold and jump out of the van to get away, but I won't. I'm looking forward to serving him. I only saw him once, in a dark room with lights shining on me. He walked up close and inspected me.

Just thinking about it makes my cock try to get hard in the cock cage. All I want to do is drop to my knees and service him. I hope that he let's me get him off right away so I can prove how much I want to please him.

I know what you're thinking. But, I'm not gay. You might be wondering why a straight guy's getting off on eating spunk or having that guys prong up his ass. Well, there's only one reason.

Arnie Matzkin.

Arnie did this to me. And, he did such a good job that I'm not mad at him. In fact, I want Arnie to know how good a job I do pleasing my new owner. I hope that they tell him.

No, I'm not crazy. I've been brainwashed. Ok, so I promised Arnie not to call it that. Arnie said I have had my brain's pleasure centers remapped. I don't know much about pleasure centers or brain chemistry. All I know is what I think and feel. And, all that's important to me now is to please my owner.

I'm still the same straight guy I always was. In fact I'm still turned on by women. The thing is pleasing my owner, letting him use me any way he wants, turns me on far more than women now. It's like the difference between getting a good seat at the movies and attending the premiere and sitting with the director. I'd still like it if all this stopped and I could go back to Amy and women. But I'm pretty sure that I'd be back within days. The thought of seeing her or any girl and having sex sounds fun. But, just the thought of my owner patting my ass makes my dick jump every time I think about it. There's just no comparison.

Having an owner and pleasing him is way more important to me now. Every part of me, wants to please him, to make him happy, to serve him.

Why don't I start at the beginning? You may not believe me but it really doesn't matter at this point. What I'm about to tell you is the truth.

Several years ago my Mom died. She was the only family I had left and I spent my college money to give her a decent funeral. Our house was mortgaged and between that and probate taxes there was nothing left. But Mom always taught me to be independent and earn my keep.

I got a job as an auto mechanic at a dealership near USC and an apartment not far away. Lots of college kids lived in the area; especially the ones who could afford not to live off campus. I made friends quickly with most of the other people in the small building. Arnie lived next door to me. He seemed like the science-geek type and sure enough he was pursuing some fancy science degree.

At first I thought Arnie kind of pretentious, and I was a little jealous that he had the money to go to college. His family was supported him and he had a partial scholarship.

One day walking past his apartment I saw through the open window that he had a Sonly Play Station 2 video game system in his living room. I wanted one of those things so bad. But, with the debt I already had, scraping by each month used up my entire paycheck. I couldn't even afford to my girlfriend Amy out. Thank god she understood my situation. I figured that after a year or two I'd be better off financially and I could get me my own PS2.

One day in the laundry room I ran into Arnie taking his things out of the dryer. "Howdy neighbor," I said. "Hi, Bill," he responded.

"How do you like your Playstation Arnie?" I asked.

"Oh, it's pretty cool. It's got some great games. And, it's very easy to tap into with my laptop." He answered as he folded the clothes he'd just pulled out of the dryer.

"What do you do with your laptop to it?" I asked as I dumped my white stuff into the washing machine.

"I'm doing a research project at school. We're doing a study on drug addiction. We use the Playstation as a stimulus and record people's reactions." He continued folding his clothes.

"Really, I've wanted to get one of those but it's not in my budget for a while," I said as I started the washer and leaned back to watch him finish folding. Arnie paused for a minute as though he was thinking something over.

"Bill," he said. "How'd you like to get to use one for free?"

"Huh, what do you mean?" I answered.

"Well I write the software we use and I also look for test subjects for the study. I could get you in on the list. It would mean you'd get use of the Playstation and any games you wanted to use throughout the study," he said nonchalantly.

"Man, could you? That would be awesome. What would I have to do?" I responded enthusiastically.

"Well you can play the game as much as you want. But, three times a week I'd need to monitor your brain waves. Simple thing really," he said as though it was nothing.

Two weeks later Arnie knocked on my door. He was carrying a box with a Playstation and some other equipment. "Here it is. let me in so I can set it up," he said.

I watched Arnie plug it all in. The only thing different was that there was this additional little black box that plugged into the USB ports on the front of the Playstation. "This box is what I'll use to do the monitoring sessions a few times a week. But, don't unplug it. Leave it connected all the time. It will also monitor your game play when I'm not recording your brainwaves," he said.

Then Arnie handed me the controller and said, "Let's do a baseline measurement." And attached a little headband to my head and plugged it into the black box. I booted up the system and started playing Grand Theft Auto Three. I'd been dying to try this game. Arnie just sat and watched me play and watched the three little blinking lights on the black box attached to the system. "I can monitor the test results later from my laptop. This black box has a wireless network card built into it," he said.

"Man Arnie I really owe you for this," I said. "This is great!"

That's how it started. I got to enjoy all the newest games. And, three times a week Arnie came over to do a monitored session. "Bill, drink this," he said handing me a bottle of water. "What is it Arnie?" He'd never said anything about this.

"Bill, it's just mineral water. It should make the brainwaves easier to read," he said laughing.

"Oh, just like when we clip onto a wire to diagnose an engine right?" It made sense to me at the time.

"Exactly," he answered.

Looking back I realize how na‹ve and trusting I was. Well I did three monitored sessions a week. Arnie warned me not to listen to the radio or TV or have any other input while I did those 30-minute sessions. But, after those I could still play as much as I'd like. The black box sat there with its blinking lights and recorded my reactions to the video games.

So for six months I played all the latest video games and Arnie recorded my brainwaves on his machine. Arnie and I got to talking more during those sessions. Eventually I thought to ask him his advice about a problem I was having at work.

This guy Cal and I were never really on good terms. Well, Cal started becoming more and more obnoxious. He gave me a hard time about my work, what I wore, even how I kept my tools. I told Arnie what had been going on and then asked, "What would you do about it? I mean, being a college goy and all."

Well Arnie looked thoughtful for a minute. Then he stared at me and said, "Apologize."

"What?" I protested. "He's an asshole I should beat the shit out of him for the things he's said."

"You want to make things work out you should apologize for what he thinks you're doing wrong Bill," Arnie said sternly. "That will stop him in his tracks."

I thought Arnie was nuts. Apologize to Cal? Cal was an asshole and deserved to have his clock cleaned.

"In fact, you should make friends with this guy," Arnie said.

I don't know why but something about Arnie's directness had me thinking over what he'd said. Should I do it? Should I make friends with that asshole Cal?

The next day when I got to work Cal wasn't there yet. But the minute he did show up he came over to my bay. "Hey, dipshit," he barked. "Can you try and get your work done on time today. I'd like to get out of here early. I'm tired of havin' to wipe your ass."

Cal stood at the entrance of my bay waiting for a response. I thought about what Arnie had said. It made no sense to me. But, I had this huge desire to try it out and see if it worked. I lose my temper pretty easily and it was right there waiting to happen.

I took a couple steps toward Cal. His big beefy body tensed up and the veins began to stand out on his shaved head. "Cal, you're right," I said. "I've been fucking up too much lately and not getting my work done on time".

Cal stood there with a look of shock on his face as though I'd slapped him in the face rather than just agree with him. "Uh. ah. Yeah, you need to work harder," he stammered.

Well Cal and I became good friends. We started taking lunch together. He even helped me with some jobs now and then. He's still a blowhard. But, I guess he kind of grows on you too.

Arnie was over that night to do another monitored session and after drinking some of the mineral water I began telling him what happened. "Arnie it was amazing. It just stopped him dead in his tracks."

"It makes me very happy to hear that it worked out for you Bill," he said grinning. Even though we were about the same age I really felt like he was proud of me for taking this smart way of dealing with the Cal problem.

Amy was shocked when she heard about how I resolved the problem with Cal. "That Arnie guy is a good influence on you," she said that night, as we lay in bed together. "You've even been treating me better." I had no idea what she meant. But, I smiled and put my arm around her.

I wasn't bother by things Cal did anymore. I had a couple more talks with Arnie about it. And, I really saw that I should just let Cal be Cal. I didn't have to get upset about it. It was nice to have someone with good common sense like Arnie to talk to about this shit.

Somewhere about this time things started getting strange. I liked Arnie a lot, and a couple times I blew Amy off to go and hang with him or help move equipment for him. Arnie suggested that since we're both on a budget maybe we should get a bigger two- bedroom apartment together. "It'll be cheaper for both of us Bill," He said. "And we'd have a bigger place too."

I jumped at the chance. We got a two-bedroom in the same building. Amy didn't like it as much but when I was finally able to spend a little money on her now and then she came around.

You're probably wondering what all this shit has to do with me now being the willing plaything of some man with too much money and time on his hands right? You'll see.

I was sitting on our couch one night playing the latest version of Zelda. Arnie sat watching me drinking a beer. I'd stopped drinking as much lately. Arnie had suggested it would maybe reduce the tension between Amy and me and I'd get laid more often. Once again he'd been right.

"Arnie you need to get out and meet someone. You should be getting laid not sitting here watching me play video games," I said to him.

"Yeah, I probably should," Arnie answered and drained his beer. I got up to get him another one. He was so good to me and I liked doing things for him. I brought him back a cold one and he patted my shoulder as I sat back down on the couch. Also I felt sorry for him. I was getting laid regularly while he was too busy with school and research stuff.

It didn't occur to me at the time, but I was doing more and more stuff for Arnie around the house. I was doing his laundry, washing his car and making most of his meals too. It all seemed normal somehow though. Arnie had been so good to me it really made me happy to pay him back in some small way. I wished I could do more. I hated to see him unhappy like he was now. Too bad there wasn't a way I could help him find a chick.

"Arnie, is there any way I could help you find a chick? Are you shy or something?" I asked after pausing the game. "Maybe one of Amy's friends or something."

Arnie looked at me a long time without answering. "Bill I haven't been honest with you.," he said nervously. "I'd be much happier if I could tell you the truth and if you weren't upset."

It was strange to see Arnie nervous. I really wanted him to relax. "Arnie no matter what you say to me it's gonna be ok".

Then he dropped the bomb on me.

"Bill I'm gay.," He announced.

My jaw dropped. I was sharing an apartment with a fag. I was doing his laundry and handling his underwear. It made me furious just thinking about it. How could I have let him trick me?

I opened my mouth to start yelling at Arnie and was about to throw the video game controller at him. Arnie started to rear back and protect himself. When I saw that I stopped. He was afraid. I was scaring him. That really bothered me. I didn't want to hurt him. I just wanted him to feel good like I did.

"Arnie, I'm NOT gay," I told him forcefully.

"Yeah, I know you're not," he answered. "Look I just don't want to have to pretend I'm straight around you anymore. That would make me really happy."

I thought about the whole thing overnight, my dreams were full of anger and tension.

In the morning I told Arnie that I could accept that he was a homo as long as he didn't try anything on me. The look of relief that flooded over him was great. I even hugged him but just briefly. I guess he really thought I was gonna kick his ass or something. I started grinning. Accepting him as a homo was such a big deal to him.

"You're the only one I've ever told," he confided in me. "Please don't tell Amy or anyone else Ok?"

"Sure, no problem. It'll be our secret." Frankly I wasn't too excited about anyone finding out I was living with a homo.

We were a lot more honest with each other after that. He even told me that he found me attractive. That freaked me out at first. Later on I kind of enjoyed having that to hold over his head. I finally relaxed and realized there was nothing to be afraid of. It was also great to see how happy Arnie was to finally be able to be himself around me.

Have you figured it out yet? What he did to me? It still bugs me that I went over so easily. But, if I had known what he was doing I wouldn't be here in this van excited about tasting my new master's cum.

Arnie and I got along better than ever. But, he asked me not to tell Amy or anyone else. He wasn't ready to let anyone else know. And, he thought Amy might not understand. I agreed because it would put him more at ease.

Late one night I was on the couch in my boxers playing video games when Arnie got home. I went and got him a beer.

"Great outfit," Arnie said as he ran his eyes up and down my body and laughed a little.

"Homos are so sick that they'd get a chub just from seeing a hot guy like me in his underwear," I joked. In a weird way it was cool to have him desperate to have his way with me.

"Too bad you're not bisexual Bill," he joked back.

I laughed that off but his suggestions always made me think. "Keep dreaming Arnie," I said. I still felt bad for the guy. He still wasn't getting any. That night I thought about Arnie a lot. I even had trouble sleeping. I was wondering if I should let Arnie suck my dick. I know.. Just remembering this freaks me out. When I first had those thoughts they should have set off a huge alarm in my head but they didn't.

Some time after that I remember sitting on the couch one night and Arnie was watching TV with me. For once I wasn't playing video games. Arnie was quiet and seemed unhappy. He hadn't gotten laid in months he told me. I felt a change come over me. I felt warm and fuzzy all over. I was gonna let him suck my dick.

"Well, if it's really that, you could suck my dick if you want," I said sort of jokingly, hoping he'd say no. Arnie looked real nervous and wouldn't make eye contact.

"What would really make me happy is if you sucked my dick," Arnie said tentatively.

Here it is. This is the point where I was lost. The first thought in my head was, hell no. Then I thought poor Arnie, it would really make him happy. Then the thought that really freaks me out now. I thought hey, I guess I could do that for my best bud. I mean it didn't mean I was gay.

"You know what. You've been so good to me. I think it's the least I could do for you," I said grinning. It's hard to describe how I felt at that moment. However, having made the decision to do this for him made me feel good all over. I've done some drugs before but this was better.

Arnie had this shit eating grin on his face that you wouldn't believe. It felt so good to see that grin and know I'd done it. But, it did seem kind of strange that I'd offer him a blowjob to do that. But, I shrugged it off. Being worried about it didn't seem all that important right then.

I got up and moved over to his side of the couch. I kneeled down in front of Arnie and he kind of stared at me. I'm not sure if he ever had a guy blow him like this or not and maybe he was nervous. "Is it ok if I do it now," I asked him.

"Sure, take off my pants," He said.

I reached up with trembling hands unbuttoning Arnie's jeans. He lifted his hips up slightly and I slid his jeans down revealing his white jockey shorts. I could tell Arnie was already excited because his dick was tenting them up in the middle.

I wanted to see his cock. Somewhere in the back of my mind an alarm was going off. But, that alarm was overwhelmed by the thought of making him feel good. All I could think of was making Arnie feel good and seeing his cock blast a load.

"Oh yeah." Arnie moaned as I reached up and felt his cock through the white cloth of his briefs. It felt warm and alive. I rubbed it with one hand and then the other and a wet spot appeared. His dick strained inside his briefs.

I lifted the elastic away from his body and his dick tried to stand up. I skinned his briefs down a bit and left them half covering his dick, pressing it to his belly. I never played with any dick but my own. It was really strange and exciting at the same time.

"Oh yeah." Arnie moaned as a wrapped my hand around the head of his dick. "Suck it," he told me.

I pulled the briefs down freeing his cock to stand up. I hesitated a second and licked the tip of his cock with my tongue. It wasn't gross; it tasted warm and kind of salty. It was smooth on my tongue. I wrapped my mouth around the head and started lowering my head onto his dick.

I went slow 'cause Arnie had a decent sized dick. Putting a dick in my mouth was weird. I lowered my head slowly down onto it almost to his pubes. "Oh Yeah suck my dick. that's it," he moaned. He put his hand on the back of my head and rubbed it as I started going down on him for real. I wasn't sure what to do. I just started doing what I like done to me.

I pumped his dick in and out of my mouth slowly getting a feel for how to do it. Breathing was hard until I learned to take a breath between strokes. I was giving my first blowjob and I was totally getting off on hearing Arnie's moans of pleasure.

"Oh yeah, that feels so good." Arnie moaned. I don't now how long I went on sucking Arnie's cock. I played with different techniques noticing with ones he liked better. He must have been close to shooting cause he reached out and stopped my head in mid stroke. "You want it, you want my load?"

I was having such a good time making Arnie feel good that I didn't think ahead to whether I was going to let him blow his load in my mouth. With that pause I also realized that my dick was hard and I felt a huge wet spot on the front of my boxers.

I looked up at Arnie. His face was flushed and he was looking at me with those big puppy-dog eyes. I really wanted him to feel good so I said, "Yeah, give it to me Arnie. I want it!"

I went down on him faster than before and gripped the base of his dick with my fist. I could feel him tense up most of his body. I knew he was going to blow any minute. I wanted to grab my own dick but figured it was Arnie's time now and my needs would come later.

"Oh, yeah. Here it comes. Yeah I'm going to cum," Arnie moaned.

I sucked harder as Arnie bucked under me. "Arrgggghhhh," he yelled as he arched his back forcing his cock harder into my mouth. A blast of hot cum shot into my mouth, immediately followed by another, and another. Arnie just groaned out loud with each blast of cum. I took it all. I loved seeing him like this. It turned me on like crazy.

When he finally stopped blasting his load I realized I'd swallowed each blast as it shot into my mouth. I planned on spitting it out but got carried away.

If I touched my dick right now I would blow a huge load in my pants. I just knelt there with Arnie's dick still in my mouth and slowly started moving up and down. Arnie shot out a hand and stopped me. "Stop, its way too sensitive." he gasped.

I pulled up off his dick slowly and then wiped my mouth on my arm. Arnie was all sweaty and flushed. "I did that," I thought to myself. It made me proud in this really cool way to know that I could do that for him. He was so happy right now.

"I wanna see you cum," Arnie said.

I stood up and shucked my boxers. I wrapped my hand around my dripping cock and started stroking. I was so turned on by making Arnie feel good that I knew I wasn't going to last long.

Sure enough with in a minute or two cum boiled up from deep inside. I blasted my load all over Arnie. "I'm cumming!" I roared as 5 or 6 jets of cum blasted out all over him. It was the best orgasm I'd ever had.

I had this weird feeling for a second... like I'd done something wrong. But, that went away immediately when I looked down at the smile on Arnie's face.

"Damn, you're good at that," he said smiling. "We're gonna have to do that more often."

Knowing that I'd done a good job really made me feel good all over. And, I couldn't wait to do it again.

I had no idea that day how far things were going to go or how much I was going to enjoy my new role as Arnie's fuck toy. All I know is that it was the hottest thing I'd ever done.

To be continued.

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Next: Chapter 2

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