Video Game Freak

By moc.liamg@sucofraeb

Published on Feb 19, 2003


Notice: This story is fiction. None of it is real. It's written only for the entertainment of my readers. I reserve all rights to this material other than those already granted to the Nifty Erotic Stories archive. If you wish to copy or distribute this story you MUST have my permission.

Video Game Freak Part 2

By Webb

Still with me? I can tell we're almost at my new master's house. We've slowed down. I'm guessing I'll be handed over to him in a few minutes. But, I haven't finished. You still don't know how I got to this point.

I didn't think much about what I'd done with Arnie until the next day at work. I was sweeping out Cal's bay for him as I did every morning. Now that Arnie wasn't standing in front of me the feeling of warmth wasn't as strong. I was still proud of what I'd done for him and how happy I'd made him. But, without him standing here I was having some doubts.

Was it really ok to suck a buddy's dick?

I swallowed his spunk. I came all over his chest. I even got towels and cleaned Arnie's chest off for him. Guys don't turn me on at all. I have a damned girlfriend.

The worst part was that these nagging doubts weren't that strong. I should be freaking out, shouldn't I? I'm not sure what to think.

"Morning Dipshit," Cal roared walking up to where I was leaning on the broom. "You finished cleaning up in here yet?"

"Yeah Cal, I just finished," I answered a little distracted.

"Listen you do such a good job of cleaning my stall each morning. How about you come over this weekend and help me clean out my garage?" He asked.

"Sure Cal I'd love to. But, I gotta check with my roommate and see if he needs me for anything first. Can I let you know tomorrow?" I answered.

"Ok, Dipshit," Cal said clapping me on the shoulder as he walked past me into the bay. "We'll talk about it tomorrow. Oh, and you're on your own for lunch today. I'm meeting a friend later."

I happened to be near the service drive when Cal's friend picked him up for lunch. This guy in his mid-thirties picked him up in a red pickup. On the back there was a funny sticker like a bear but it had black and blue stripes across it. Arnie said later it meant Cal's buddy was gay. And, that he's into leather and big burly hairy guys like Cal.

"Bill did you tell anyone about sucking my dick? What about Cal," he asked.

"No, I didn't tell anyone Arnie," I answered. "In fact, I started to feel weird about it today. I was gonna ask you. It doesn't mean I'm gay just cause I sucked you off right?"

"Bill... you're straight," he said with a chuckle. "We both know that. You just made me feel really good."

I immediately felt much better. Arnie was right. The nagging doubts now seemed silly. I know who I am. That's all that matters.

Arnie asked me a lot about Cal. I told him about how Cal and me were good friends and all the stuff I did for him each day. I swept out his bay for him each morning, ran errands for him when I could, even went and got his lunch for him from the catering truck.

"Oh, and Cal wants me to come help him clean out his garage this weekend. Is that alright with you," I asked. It didn't occur to me that I used to make this kind of decision on my own. It didn't seem strange to check this out with Arnie.

"So it's just gonna be you and Cal cleaning up his garage?" Arnie asked.

"Yeah," I said. "Although I bet I'll do most of the work for him."

"Do you like doing things for Cal?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah. It's great. He loves it when I help him with stuff," I answered enthusiastically. I really did love helping the guy out. I wondered why I used to get so upset at him before.

"Ok, Bill go ahead and Help him," he said. "In fact do whatever Cal wants you to do that day. You can even tell him that."

Later in the week Amy got really pissed off at me. She said I wasn't making time for her. She lost it when I told her I was busy Saturday helping Cal. She even hung up on me. I didn't understand what was up with her. Things had been going great with us. I told Arnie about it that night.

"Bill don't worry about it. Even if she dumps you, you'll be ok," Arnie said as we finished eating dinner. "You know Bill I really appreciate that blowjob you gave me. It was one of the best I've ever had."

"Hey, I'm glad you liked it." I said as I began clearing the table. I was thinking about how great my orgasm was after I sucked Arnie off. Just thinking of it was causing my dick to get hard. Thank god I was wearing baggy jeans.

I turned to the sink and started washing the dishes. I knew if I looked at him I might want to suck his dick again right now. Luckily Arnie didn't ask me.

Thinking about it made me agitated so I played my video game to distract me. It was a great escape and I always ended up feeling better after a few hours. Arnie was pretty busy most of that week with school and the subject of him getting off thankfully didn't come up. Saturday Morning I woke to the smell of coffee. I walked to the kitchen in my boxer shorts and grabbed a cup. Arnie was there, enjoying his first cup.

"So you're helping Cal today Huh," he said.

"Yeah. I'm looking forward to it," I said yawning. I grabbed my cup and started to walk to the living room.

"Bill," Arnie called. I stopped and walked back to the kitchen. "Do a good job for Cal. Make me proud."

We both laughed at that. It seemed so corny. But, I also felt like it would be good to make him proud.

"You're late dipshit," Cal barked from his kitchen window as I walked up his driveway. I heard him stomp towards the back door. He reached the back porch the same time I did. He stood there wearing a wifebeater and some stretchy workout shorts. It really showed off his big beefy body. "Hey, I told you to wear old clothes dipshit. You're gonna ruin those."

"No these will hold up fine Cal. Trust me," I answered back.

"Hey, I won't hear of it. Come in and I'll find some old workout shorts that you can wear," Cal said disappearing into the house. I started to follow him.

"Stay in the kitchen," Cal barked from another room.

I stopped where I was and looked around the kitchen. It was clean, with the original cabinets and tile work. There was a little wooden birdhouse and a ceramic rooster on a shelf over the stove. I kind of chuckled to myself. I never figured Cal for the glue gun and country-French kitchen type.

"Here," Cal barked as my face was hit by a pair of shorts. "Put these on. They're my old workout shorts. They should fit ya."

Cal stood there staring at me as I examined the shorts. I didn't like the idea of changing in front of him.

"Come on dipshit we're burning daylight," Cal said crossing his arms impatiently. He looked like he was gonna stand there until I did. I thought of Arnie telling me to do whatever he asked.

Smiling to myself I pushed off my tennis shoes and started unbuttoning my jeans. The workout shorts he gave me must have been pretty old. They were very snug as I pulled them up over my thighs. Having them on over my boxers was gonna be uncomfortable. So I turned away from Cal and dropped my boxers and put the shorts on by themselves. I left my clothes folded neatly on his table and put my tennis shoes back on. The shorts were snug and tended to crawl up my ass. I had to keep pulling them down as Cal shouted orders. I felt half naked.

Cal's garage was full of old boxes and piles of stuff. I don't think he ever cleaned it out in the entire time he'd lived there.

"Ok, dipshit I'll be back to check on you before lunch time. Make sure you pile all that stuff neatly the way I told you," Cal shouted as he retreated into the house and closed the door.

Hours later Cal pointed me towards the shower. It felt great to stand under the hot water after all that backbreaking work. I toweled off and wrapped the towel around my waist. I found Cal sitting at the kitchen table where my clothes were still neatly stacked.

"You did a pretty good job today dipshit," he said. "I'm proud of you."

"Damn, thanks Cal," I said shocked. I never expected him to say I'd done a good job. It made me feel warm all over. The strangest part was that my dick started to stir a bit. I grabbed my clothes and headed back to the bathroom to get dressed.

Later that night I told Arnie about my day. He grinned when I told him about the compliment Cal paid me. Now I felt good a second time. Arnie patted me on the shoulder and then left his hand there. His touch sent a warm feeling all through my body distracting my attention from the video game. My dick kind of jumped a bit too.

I heard a rustling sound and I could tell Arnie was rubbing his crotch. I held my breath. Arnie grabbed my hand and placed it on his leg. That warm feeling flooded through me quickly drowning out a little voice screaming that this was wrong. I rubbed my hand up Arnie's thigh. He moaned as my hand brushed against his hard cock.

"Stand up and take your clothes off," Arnie whispered.

I stood up slowly removing my clothes. My cock was rock hard. I stood there naked facing him. He reached up and wrapped his hand around my dick. Chills went up and down my body. "Ahhhhh," I moaned.

His hand on my cock felt incredible. He slowly stroked my dick with his hand. I moaned, rocking back and forth as his hand stroked my cock. My eyes snapped open as his other hand circled my balls. He gently tugged my ball sack down and away from my body.

"Fuck, that feels good," I groaned. Any memory of the little voice or resistance to what was gonna happen was gone.

"You like that?" Arnie asked.

"Hell yeah," I answered.

Arnie stood up and pushed me down to a kneeling position a few feet from the couch. Then he undid his pants and let them drop to the floor. I rubbed my cock as he stared down at me.

"No," he ordered. "Don't touch your dick unless I tell you."

I took my hand away from my dick. Arnie dropped his briefs and his dick stood up to greet me. "Put it in your mouth," He said.

I slowly put his cock in my mouth. I loved the warm smooth taste of it. A drop of precum smeared my lips. I just left his cock there filling my mouth. He hadn't told me to start stroking it yet.

"Good boy," Arnie said.

I swear to god I almost came when he said that.

Arnie started to slowly fuck my mouth. I tried to stay perfectly still but applied sucking and pressure to his dick as it moved slowly in and out of me. I tried to impale the opening with my tongue. I wanted to feel that fucker stab the back of my throat.

Damn, just remembering this stuff is making my dick hard. Well, at least as hard as it can get right now.

Arnie fucked my face for what seemed like ten minutes. My jaw and cheeks were getting tired from it. But, I didn't care. All that mattered was getting him off and giving him what he wanted right now.

Arnie pulled his dick out of my mouth and I leaned forward hoping to hold on to it longer with my mouth. He lifted his cock up against his belly. "Now lick my balls... but gently," he told me.

I'd never sucked a guys balls but I knew I liked it when Amy had done it to me. So I started to lick his ball bag with my tongue.

"Arrggghhhhh...," Arnie moaned as I slowly drew one of his balls into my mouth. "That's it... roll it around inside your mouth Bill."

I worked on his balls until I could get both into my mouth and roll them around with my tongue. Luckily his balls weren't that big and it didn't make me gag to have both in my mouth.

Arnie put his hand on my head and pulled away from me. His ball sack plopped out of my mouth glistening with my spit. I wanted it or his cock back. I needed to have them in my mouth.

"Damn, your mouth feels good," Arnie said rubbing my head. He held my head against his crotch and I licked the groove between his thigh and cock. I needed my tongue or my mouth on him.

"You ready to make me cum Bill," Arnie asked? I tilted my head up towards him and nodded yes.

"You love sucking my cock don't you Bill," he asked. I nodded again.

"Say it Bill," he insisted. "Tell me what you want."

"I want to suck your cock," I answered. I wrapped my arms around his legs holding his body against me.

"Are you a cocksucker now Bill... my cocksucker," Arnie asked.

"Yes, I'm your cocksucker Arnie," I answered softly.

Ok, so I said this right. Now as near as I can remember at the time it felt like we were just role-playing or something. I figured since this is no big deal and I'm just blowing my gay roommate that I can let him go with this whole fantasy thing.

"Say it then," Arnie announced.

"I'm your cocksucker Arnie," I said proudly.

With that Arnie shoved his dick back in my mouth. I started pounding it in and out of my mouth. Both my hands gripped his ass to help force it further into my mouth. I wanted to suck the cum right out of his body.

Arnie continued mumbling more nasty things to me but I don't remember them. I was too focused on his dick and taking his load in my mouth.

Arnie's whole body tensed up. I knew he was about to cum.

"Oh yeah... here it comes cocksucker. Here it comes...," he groaned. His body tensed up more and a blast of cum shot across my tongue so fast I barely tasted it. Then wave afer wave of cum blasted into my mouth.

I greedily swallowed all of it... savoring every drop.

We were both still breathing heavily. He looked down at my cock to see if I had cum I guess.

"Ok cocksucker," he said. "Do you want to get off?"

"Yes, please Arnie," I begged. I figured he'd like that whole submissive thing.

"Tell me who you are," he asked.

"I'm your cocksucker," I responded licking cum from my lips.

Arnie looked thoughtful for a minute. "Did you like sucking my cock," He asked.

"Yeah, I loved eating your cum Arnie", I answered.

"You'll suck my cock whenever I want it." He asked.

I was a bit confused because it sounded like a question rather than something he wanted me to do. "Is that what you want," I asked just to clarify.

"Yeah, it's what I want..."

Still breathing heavy, with the taste of Arnie in my mouth I nodded, "any time"

Next: Chapter 3

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