Video store clerk

By C G

Published on Dec 31, 1999


Everytime I walked into the video store, there he was. The man that had been the center of my jack off fantasies for the last six months, ever since I had moved to my new house.

He was so handsome, and he was built like a god. There were days I would have given an arm or a leg to get him into bed, just to experience the passion he held.

I guess what surprised me was how easily my dream came true. I never in a million years would have imagined what would happen one Saturday morning while I was looking for a movie. I was planning to stay in, and enjoy a quiet evening that involved me sitting naked in front of my TV, eating popcorn, possibly popping in a porno flick later in the night. Little did I know that my plans were going to change for the better!

I rounded the corner into the new release section, and there he was. My man stallion, the man who's body I wanted to lick all over while he played with my nipples. You're probably wondering what this hottie, who has me so hot, looks like so let me describe him. First of all, it was obvious this man was a gym bunny, because he had these biceps that looked like the belonged on the cover of some muscle magazine. He had green eyes, black hair, and was very hairy all over. If this isn't enough to turn you on, the pouch that this man had would be. He had to be sportin some major wood, cause he was tenting really bad.

As I rounded the corner, the first sight I saw of him was his tight ass. My cock jumped, wanting to ram right into him. I grabbed the first video I saw, some chick flick, and pretended to read the box while I stared at his gorgeous round ass. I must have stood there for awhile, and been kind of obvious about it, because the next thing I knew, he was standing next to me, shelving a stack of movies.

"Hi there. I kind of noticed you checking my ass out, and I just wondered what you thought." The sound of his voice made me jump out of my skin.

"Well, I think it's a very fuckable ass, if you really want my honest opinion." He chuckled, and gave this lopsided half smile that made my heart melt.

"Then I'm assuming I wouldn't be out of order to ask you if you would fuck my ass in the staff bathroom. No? Good." He took my hand and quietly led me towards the back of the store.

I have to tell you, at this point I was pinching myself, because I was sure I was dreaming. Here I was about to get a piece of easy ass, and I was excited.

My new friend, opened a door near and led my through it. He stopped then, and turned around. He leaned towards me, and gave me the wettest man kiss I have ever had. Then, just as quickly, we were in the bathroom.

He undid his pants and let them drop to the floor. Out of nowhere appeared a condom, which he handed to me. I opened it quickly, and rolled it down my fat prick. He leaned over the toilet, and presented me his ass.

I pressed the head of my dick against. I heard him shudder, but didn't ask me to stop. I continued to press forward, shoving all 8 inches in slowly. It took me a minute, but soon I could feel his smooth ass against my ass. I began stroking it in and out, going a little quicker with each stroke.

I could feel the pressure build as I neared climax. Carlos was playing with his fat log. He knew I was about to shoot, and he started to moan.

"Come on man, shoot that hot load. Oh, god, empty those hot balls into my guts." I began to feel the cum rise from my balls, wishing that I wasn't wearing this damn condom. I shot a huge load into the thing. He bucked his hips, begging for more, but I was spent.

That's when things got exciting. I was pulling out, when the door opened. Frozen stiff, I could only watch as a man who appeared to be in his early fifties walked in.

To Be Continued

Email me at with suggestions For the next part, tell me what you would like to see happen.

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