
Published on Jun 8, 2000


Author's note: This story was published way back in 1988 within the

'More Indian Boys' Love Stories' collection of short stories. I've

typed the following text from what appeared in that booklet, retaining

its primitive and rough writing style.

OLDERBOY.TXT "An Older Boy's Pleasure"

'More Indian Boys' Love Stories' Copyright 1988 by Vince Water

"An Older Boy's Pleasure"

| Three naked Indian boys play in a small pond during the |

| hot afternoon. They are unaware that a young brave looks |

| on with lustings for one of them. He has had a young boy |

| before but he seeks to do more with an older youth. A boy |

| who isn't afraid to perform love acts of an adult nature. |

Their loud shouts and splashing noises attracts me like a hawk diving

for an unwary rabbit on the plains. My moccasined feet approach the boys

in stealth which is easy because of the many tall weeds growing between

us. Making my way through the coarse stalks, I peek out to see three

boys playing in a small pond. On the grassy bank by a lone oak are their

breechclouts and gathering sacks. I too am clad only in a breechclout

because of the summer heat. And I envy the boys' cooling fun. My eyes go

out to them to study their small lean forms.

The boys vary in age. The youngest one appears to be eight or nine,

and the oldest boy seems to be sixteen. They are diving for colored

stones one has brought to play a finding game. As the unwary youth

releases several to the muddy waters, I get to enjoy watching three

butts surface for a moment when they turn themselves and dive deep. When

they come up again, I'll look to their faces to try and place a name for

each boy.

Of the three rising to breathe and show captured stones, only Bold

Chipmunk is recognized as coming from my tribe. There are as many boys

now as flies on a rotting carcass because of the hundreds of tepees

visiting our plains. The annual trading and Sun Dance celebration has

begun. It brings four tribes with their tepees, horses and families to

us. The two new boys must be from one tribe or perhaps are even

strangers to each other. But they don't seem to mind their differing

tribal heritages and freely play games as boys do. I watch their small

naked bodies with hungry eyes and feel a great desire come into me to

take the oldest one!

Leaving the pond weeds behind, I approach a lone oak which stands

guard over the soft green grasses surrounding it. The tree's

outstretching branches provide much shade. Still unobserved by their

eyes, I release my belt thong and add my breechclout and moccasins on

the ground with the boys'. I reach out to the tree and touch him fondly

from past memories. He has looked upon many happy moments of a young

boy's naked embrace in mine!

Turning now, I walk noisily towards the pond with its boys. My glad

shouts turn their heads 'round to watch my naked approach. I know that

Bold Chipmunk will assure his new friends of my good intent and allow me

to join them in their pond.

"Come in, Short Man!" shouts Bold Chipmunk to the approaching young

brave. He turns to his friends and quickly explains who Short Man is. To

the older boy, he gestures friendship signs since words don't easily

flow between them. The two boys look over the man's mature form and

wonder at his willingness to come and play. But they accept his presence

and swim to greet him properly.

"Your pond is good medicine from Father Sun's heated hand on this

day! Tell me who your new friends are," I ask as the deep water comes up

to my chest.

Bold Chipmunk points to the youngest boy and speaks. "He is called

Rain Luck and is of the Keresan Apache from the northwest. But my older

friend speaks not our tongue and calls himself, "Ra-teh-na'. I think

that he's Pawnee!"

I look over Ra-teh-na and notice his facial features are different

from boys I've seen. It gives him a more beautiful appearance and causes

great desire to fill my heart. His dark eyes seem wary, and he doesn't

come to hold onto my body as the other two boys. I flash the Pawnee a

smile and watch his face turn more pleasant in response. But still he

keeps out from my arm's reach.

I look to the two young boys on my shoulders and enjoy feeling their

slippery nakedness at my sides. I cup their small wiggling rumps in the

water and neither mind that I hold them closer so that they may rest.

Bold Chipmunk's legs even wrap around me more tightly in response. His

penis presses warmly into my left butt cheek sending chills up and down

my spine. He is comfortable with holding my body and has often done so

when we have come here to swim. Other naked things too have we shared

whenever we sat at the oak tree to dry off...

Rain Luck suddenly launches himself off me and swims to the Pawnee

boy wading alone. They begin a splashing game and kick up a storm with

their strong legs. I enjoy watching their active bodies reveal sun

darkened backsides and loins. The oldest boy seems to have dark hair on

his groin and I think he may produce sperm with the deep longing that

goes with it. His curious eyes come to me every so often and I wish

badly to know what his thoughts are. Perhaps his heart pines for me


My eyes shoot back to Bold Chipmunk on my side. A sly smile is the

only excuse the boy offers me for his naughty act below. His small hand

has wrapped itself around my manhood skin and causes it to thicken. I

smile at his boldness and in reply, he begins pulling on my penis with a

rhythm. I grit my teeth to keep the other boys from hearing my moans.

"Are you going to do that later, Short Man?" the boy whispers and

then giggles suddenly. He sees how the young brave keeps his manly

pleasure from showing because of the other boys playing nearby.

I shrug my shoulders in answer and try keeping my face plain to his

pulling. Often, I've allowed this youth to take my sperm from me, and in

return I've pulled on his pole while mouthing his soft rear end. He

enjoyed my loving fingers, but as expected, no seed ever came from the

boy's small loins.

"Stop now, Bold Chipmunk!" I whisper harshly to the boy as he brings

me close to it. "I want to sperm by the tree with your friends looking

on. And perhaps the older boy will join me. My heart goes out to him for

his great beauty!"

The boy giggles again and asks, "Is he old enough to penis-wet as you

always have with me?"

"I think he is... Will you help me to see if it's so?"

"How?" the boy quickly asks.

"Come sit by me on the oak as usual, and make it seem that my act is

a normal thing."

"But it is, Small Man. Never have you missed an opportunity to

release yourself after our swim because of your adult urgings!"

"I know, but just keep still when I do it. Answer their questions

about my pulling and let me do it alone," I whisper to the boy sternly.

My eyes look hard into his, and in response, his naughty hand releases

my throbbing member to the cool pond water.

"Do you want to go now and do it?" asks Bold Chipmunk in a guarded


"No, I want to get more friendly with Ra-teh-na. Can you help me to

do this?"

"Sure! Let's all play a tagging game. That will allow you to get

close and touch him," the boy suggests to his older friend.

I shake my head up and down and pat his soft rump fondly. He smiles,

and suddenly springs himself from my hold.

"You're 'it', Small Man!" the boy shouts out loudly.

Heads turn in our direction to watch Bold Chipmunk swim quickly away

from me. I take off after him and then swing my course towards the older

boy. Alarmed at first by my approach, he sees that it's only a game and

dives under the water to escape me. I pursue, and take hold of his

kicking right foot. We rise for breath and I lay a hand on his shoulder

to state loudly that now he's 'it'.

Ra-teh-na lets me be according to the game's rules by sprinting off

after Rain Luck. He easily catches the youth who in turn chases after

Bold Chipmunk. I swim to the older boy's side and smile as we watch the

two boys playing. My companion's warm body then presses itself lightly

against mine.

In response to his gesture, I reach a trembling hand out to his long

hair and touch him. He looks at me deeply for a long moment, but doesn't

spurn my loving touches. My hungry hand next comes down his back and

still his dark eyes watch me without fear. I smile when his hand reaches

out to explore my trembling body!

The boy cups my tense shoulder and then brings that hand down my

back. Together, we trace over each other's smooth form until we reach

rounded humps in the water. His fingers start pulling on my butt skin as

he smiles.

My spirit is soaring! Deep sensations fill my stomach when our soft

touching become bolder. While rubbing over is soft cheeks with curious

fingers, I become startled when his enter my crack and explores. One

long finger presses onto my butthole and slowly enters me. My eyes

become wide from his penetration. Curious at his intentions, I come to

regret our differences in speech. Does this boy lust to have me there?!

Bold Chipmunk startles us by laying his hands on Ra-teh-na's chest

while shouting 'it'. I smile at the Pawnee boy and feel his deep fingers

leave me. He half-heartedly touches my chest and I nod my head back and

forth at the silly game. I'm filled with a tremendous urge to release

myself so I head towards the bank and my tree.

All three boys follow me out and come to sit under the great oak.

Father Sun is too fierce now to dry under directly so this tree is

perfect with its gentle shade. Bold Chipmunk looks at my erection and

then into my eyes waiting for me to begin. I smile back at him and ease

myself against the tree with him close by.

In my favorite spot that holds my right side and rump nicely, I begin

pulling on my manhood's thickening skin. Three pairs of dark eyes turn

to watch me. And even the birds seem to keep their silence. Wondering if

this is such a good idea after all, my bold act becomes supported by

what the Pawnee boy starts doing to himself.

Ra-teh-na's manhood has also become excited from our loving touches

in the pond. But unlike stroking its thick skin with a hand, the Pawnee

boy seems to have another method. He lifts up his left leg slightly and

pushes his long penis under that raised thigh. Then he leans himself

onto his right butt cheek and drops his left leg over his trapped loins.

As he supports himself with a right hand on the grass, his left reaches

for his raised left cheek to caress himself, legs crossing over the

other in rhythm as he shows me his way of masturbating. Together, we rub

our lengths with hand or thigh and offer the young boys here a common

male ritual.

The young boys remain silent and take turns watching his act and

mine. Their brown faces are filled with such deep curiosity, and Rain

Luck displays such cute peering eyes! I look to Ra-teh-na's bright eyes

and we touch each other with a common spirit. Urging loins force us to

rub our sperm out and now we reveal this need to the young boys. I just

hope that Rain Luck will keep silent on what we show him this day.

I glance at a movement from Bold Chipmunk and see him pulling on his

erect boyish pole. Though no sperm can come from his young loins, he did

tell me that pulling on it gives him some amount of pleasure. I smile at

the boy for joining our ritual of self-love. He smiles back and then

glances at his young friend, Rain Luck. The small boy looks at all the

activity around him and begins to pull on his limp boyhood as well. I

keep my laughter inside me at the little boy's obvious innocents.

Breaths begin to race through my mouth as my whole body becomes

filled with deep pleasure. I increase my pulling and see the older boy

following my lead. His eyes watch my straining movements as his legs

cross over each other even faster. He then pivots himself on his rump

and in turning, I get to see his hard loins at last. Sticking out from

his thighs is his twisted erection and one testicle. His legs and thighs

press on it from all sides while his left hand pulls soft cheeks apart

to expose his opening hole. I recall his fingered penetration of my butt

and wonder what he would have shown me, alone. That Pawnee boy has been

taught different ways of doing things, and sexual acts is surely one of


Feeling myself fill up with my essence, I hold a breath and cover my

swelling man head. Balls tingle with tremendous pleasure as squirts of my

hot sperm fill my left hand. I release my breath slowly and look to the

older boy still deep in his act. Then he too cups the top of his twisted

shaft as violent leg jerking get his loin's seed to flow. He releases a

sharp voiced breath and on his face is an expression of deep

satisfaction. I too feel my manly urges relieved, yet images of our

naked touching flash through my head as I lean heavily on my oak tree to


Ra-teh-na gets up and approaches me slowly. He stands before my feet

and offers me his left hand. I rise and meet his formal naked stance

with my own. On his palm is a large pool of his white sperm. I show him

my own and become surprised when he brings his wetness down over mine.

Our loin's seed becomes one in our touching hands! Then Ra-teh-na cups

our wet grip with his other hand while peering at me deeply. He seems to

be waiting for me to do something in response.

Realizing that he performs some sacred ritual, I glance at the two

curious boys and become embarrassed. They are standing close and watch

over our every move with bright eyes. I look timidly at the Pawnee boy

but become supported by his fierce expression. His chin is uplifted as

if uncaring that the small boys are watching.

Recalling a similar ritual of hand holding that involves braided hair

instead of sperm, I complete the rite by covering our hands with my

right palm. Ra-teh-na smiles and reaches over to kiss my lips tenderly.

I pull on his mouth's softness for a moment and then break our sweet

touching to point knowingly at the two boys in embarrassment. He frowns

at my concern and releases his warm hands from mine. I stand there as if

stunned by a tomahawk blow.

Wiping his wet hand across his butt, the Pawnee boy fetches his

breechclout and dons it. The two boys fetch their belongings and speak

to each other in low whispers. I look down at my hand, wet with our

joined sperm and bring its thickness to my lips. Without anyone seeing

me, I lick up our essence and consume it. In this way, the boy's body

becomes one with my own and will again come to join me. I only hope that

the next time we'll be alone!

I tie my thong belt around my waist and cover butt and loins with

hanging cloths. When Bold Chipmunk passes by, he flashes his eyes at me

knowingly. I smile to him and shake my head in gratitude. That small boy

has helped me to befriend our Pawnee visitor beyond my wildest hopes!

The other boys start following him back towards camp. As I watch their

rear cloths flap with walking strides, I muse over the Pawnee boy's

joining of our wet hands. What did that rite of his do to our spirits, I


While following the three boys far behind, Ra-teh-na suddenly stops

and turns to face me. He glances back at his young friends to be sure

that they're unsuspecting before flashing me a few hand-speak signs. I

take their meaning that he wants me to meet him at the pond tomorrow

morning. I shake my head in understanding and watch him hurry to rejoin

his friends. Looking back at the pond with its fond memories, a smiles

comes to my face knowing that new ones are yet to be made there.

Rising later than I intended on this new day, I hurry past the many

braves preparing themselves for today's events. Women have fires going

and prepare many feasting foods. Warriors donning colorful outfits and

head feathers put my simply breechclout of buffalo skin to shame! But I

don't go to the ritual circle to dance and honor chiefs. I have a

beautiful boy waiting for me at the pond who's probably wondering why I'm


With hundreds of buffalo-hide tepees at my back, I hurry along the

trail leading to the pond. In that time, I think over my relationship

with Ra-teh-na. He is beautiful, yet! And accepts my loving touches. A

rite of joining our seed was initiated by him and now he wants me alone

to make love. I just wonder if his heart has love in it for me. He lusts

for me with his loins as I do for his soft body. But I feel a love for

his spirit that whispers in my heart as well. I hope that he too has that

small voice inside him. Aiee! May our hearts become one by the day's end!

Nearing the pond hidden behind tall weeds, I greet my tree and see a

single breechclout at his feet. Dropping mine in a rush, I head with my

erection towards the silent waters. A dark head suddenly pops out from

its depths. It's Ra-teh-na and he smiles brightly at seeing my bare form

and manly excitement. My keen eyes look over his young body in an eagle's


Long black hair spills over his shoulders and reaches down past his

shoulder blades. His face is smiling and very beautiful by the placement

of his small nose. He looks different from other boys and fills me with

such deep longing! Small neck slopes into his muscular chest. His breast

is rounded with power and tells of his manly development. Flat stomach.

Shapely hip, and beneath is his prime nakedness. For sticking out from

his groin is a very long penis! It's not as thick as mine but very

mature in size. I wonder how much of it will fit in my mouth!

I enter the still waters and go gently into his waiting embrace to

kiss him. My heart beats faster inside me from our many roving touches.

Hungry hands feel down my back as his kisses become wild and passionate

over me. Our loins rub wonderfully below as his pole begins love's

rhythm. His boyish breast presses into mine warmly. I take hold of his

rump and rub over his softness as he smiles. The Pawnee boy seems glad

to have me all alone and to himself.

Feeling a desperate need to relieve my loins now, I break our embrace

and take him from the deep waters to properly love him. His hands feel my

body all over and his lips come to my backside to suck my butt skin

hard. He does all this as I drag him out of the pond waters.

Upon reaching shore, the boy drops to his knees and makes love to my

rump with his mouth. Kiss after kiss is given to my yielding butt

cheeks. Then his long tongue pushes into my hole and causes me to yelp

out in surprise. Yet I stand on the soft grass and spread my legs far

apart for him to better taste me. The sensation is very strange!

His interest in my rear opening reminds me of beastly acts that

warriors sometimes perform in their slain enemies. Done to further

humiliate the fallen, it's suppose to feel similar to the mounting of a

squaw. I wonder how it would feel to be taken like that by the boy.

Allowing Ra-teh-na to continue, I prepare myself for his wanting

penetration. It's not an act I would want known by others. But since

he's only visiting our tribe briefly, any boast he'll make later will be

far from my ears.

The boy stands now and parts my cheeks with gentle hands. I feel his

length slide between my rounded humps and press into my trembling

entrance. Shaking my head up and down for him to go further, I feel the

boy push into me and slide his shaft deep. A pained grunt rips from my

throat as I feel myself falling in terrible pain! But the youth holds me

to him and waits patiently for me to recover. I feel as weak in my knees

as a new born colt.

After calming myself down with deep breaths, the stabbing pain in my

butt finally subsides. Somehow knowing this, the boy begins his manly

motion by gripping my hips hard. I concentrate on how the boy is making


Swollen testicles hit against my own when the Pawnee boy stabs into

my hole and leaves me. His giggling breaths start to bring me much

shame. Is it right to have my butthole release his loin's seed? Warriors

shame their enemies by mounting them after taking scalps. Is it not more

shameful to allow this violation when one's alive and able to resist it?

And he does seem to be using me as he might a squaw.

I reach hands back to my hips and push him off me as I step away.

After turning, I see Ra-teh-na look at me with such terrible longing.

His hands reach to my hips and he tries turning me 'round to finish his

loving in my rump. But I shake my head back and forth to his advances.

His beautiful face becomes contorted and ugly in response. It pains my

heart to see only lust in him.

The boy rushes to my breast with his manly hunger - wetly kissing and

sucking my nipples between gasping breaths. His hands then take hold of

both armpits and caresses me to greater excitement. He drops to his knees

next and starts kissing my swollen loins. He begins what I had wanted to

do to his length!

The boy's strong hands grip my rounded backside as he takes me in a

big way. His wetness surrounds my manhood and I feel his lips stroke

over its thick skin. I harden even more to his mouthing and begin

thrusting back and forth with great pleasure. I have heard of braves

sucking off warriors for their favor, and this youth is surely seeking


I have always wanted to be sucked on but Bold Chipmunk felt it too

dirty an act to give me. My mouth has taken the little boy's length once

and he claimed it felt better than my pulling fingers. Now this Pawnee

boy provides me with that wonderful act for my pleasure.

As his hands grip my cheeks, he stretches his lips around my hard

shaft and keeps teeth away from biting my long thrusts. His rough wet

tongue sends tickly sensations through my whole penis. I grip his long

hair at the shoulders and marvel at this willingness to eat me. His

mouth seems to be very experienced at sucking on manly lengths. I close

my eyes and go deep inside myself. I seek for the ultimate pleasure his

mouth offers me...

Sperm races through my long pole and its sudden coming surprises us

both. As intense feelings explode in my loins, the boy backs off to

swallow my seed several times. A small trickle of my escaping wetness

finds a path down to his chin like a tear drop. Then the boy releases my

rump and tries loosening my hurting grip upon him. Noticing that I'm

pulling on his long hair, my hands loosen and come to his shoulders

gently. The boy rises up and hugs me as I recover from his wonderful

offering of self. Our lips meet and we become one spirit.

Our kisses end when we stare deeply at each other with love. Ra-teh-

na brings his hand up to his breast and covers his heart. Then with a

nervous swallow, the boy brings that hand to my breast. Fingers open

over my beating heart in a sacred gesture that moves me. The boy smiles

and begins to speak.

"Ta e-e-pe na-tah!" Ra-teh-na exclaims with proud words. His hopeful

eyes go to the brave for a reply...

I ponder over his strange words then come to an understanding by

answering, "I love you, too!" My hands reaches to his breast and opens

over his true heart. The boy smiles and suddenly gives me a big hug. My

eyes sting with tears at knowing that our inner lover has come. No

longer a love of hungry loins, our spirits now have need to become as


He parts from me with teary eyes. Remembering his unfulfilled

desires, I take his dangling hands down to my butt. His eyes widen when

I shake my head up and down to his questing fingers inside my crack. I

turn and feel his hands part my manly flower. A slipperiness presses

onto my passage and enters. I grit my teeth against the expected pain to


The boy's length slides into me slowly and with great care. I take

deep breaths to relax myself back there and only a little pain is felt

when Ra-teh-na's penis finally sheathes itself in my butt. After a long

pause, he grips my hips to being his thrusting motion. He strokes slowly

at first, then picks up the pace of his desperate mounting. Breaths blow

rapidly over my back yet this time he makes no humiliating noises. The

boy has come to respect me as a man!

I stare at my lonely oak feeling left out of the boy's mating. So I

reach my hands back to grip his violent buttocks. He pauses his

thrusting to see why I've touched him. But when he realizes that I'm

only holding him lovingly, he resumes his urgent motions of mounting me.

His humping softness rubs under my hands with each of his quick strokes.

A great joy comes to me knowing that my body is satisfying the boy's

aching loins at last.

An animal cry rushes out of my lover as pain comes to me from his

last savage thrusts. With hands reaching around me to take my chest

hard, Ra-teh-na holds me to him as he sucks my neck hard. I didn't feel

his sperm spill inside me yet I know it must fill my dark passage. A

part of his life is now one with me!

The boy's sucking becomes deep on my neck as he marks me as his

lover. Now I'll have to suffer through curious glances from those of my

tribe who see my bite. But I'm glad to have given this youth his

pleasure and look forward to mounting his tight hole myself one day.

End of file: OLDERBOY.TXT This was an older story found in my collection.

Next: Chapter 4: Singing

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