Visiting Roommates Master

By Sfhb Wtd

Published on Mar 8, 2017


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========================================================================= To those of you who took time to write, thank you for your comments Here is part 3: =========================================================================

I screamed when the first strike hit my right side. I tried to spin away from the shock but myhands were attached to a hook in the ceiling so I was only successful in pirouettingand placing my backside into the burning sensation coming from my right. I screamed again and tried to move away fromthe source of pain until Master turned on the opposite multi-jet system ( the shower and cold water sprayed my body from the left side.

I swiveled back and forth trying to avoid the jets of liquidice but there were too many of them to avoid. I danced like a suspended puppet, jerking and contorting as the icewater saturated my body. I continued to scream in the confines of the largefour (six?) person shower - hoping my pleas would cause Master to stop thespray - or at least cause him to adjust the heat of the water to something moretemperate than that of the freezing ground water of the winter that was takingplace outside.

But Master just stood and watched as my body contorted -- my screamsmuffled by the penis gag ( ) he instructed Mark to insertin my mouth after suspending me from the hook above the shower. As I continuedto howl behind the gag, Master smiled at my predicament -- playing with the controlsof each jet system to fluctuate the flow of ice water across my skin. Mark lay at his feet, naked with this knees,forearms, and forehead pushed down on the tile, facing away from me.

Prior to the water being turned on, my cock's hardness wasstraining against the confines of its skin as I grew aroused during the walk tothe shower. After Master unhooked mefrom the wall in the bedroom, he guided me behind a still naked Mark who ledthe way to the bathroom -- Mark's own hard cock bouncing as a counterbalance tohis ass muscles that flexed in front of me. During the short walk betweenrooms, I began to map the muscle's of Mark's back, the taper of his torso downfrom his wide shoulders, the fleshy meat of his buttocks, the outline of hisfaded tan on the back of his legs against the whiteness of his ass.

I had not come since the night before last -- the nightbefore Mark took me to Master's house. Thenight before I saw Mark service Master's needs. The night before I heard, smelled, and felt the heat of those same actsadjacent to, or just feet away from me. Mycock was painfully hard and my emotions were becoming wrecked as they fluctuatedwildly between arousal, sexual hunger, and a growing pain of blue balls.

The coolness of the tiled room hit me as we walked into thebathroom -- the multi-person shower a focal point of the room. Master opened the cupboard and pulled out therubber scuba straps ( and handed them to Mark with theinstruction to bind my wrists together in front of me.

Mark stood in front of me -- his own erection standing outfrom his body -- glistening with either sweat or precum - as he searched my eyesfor signs that I was okay with this. Okay with what I had seen in the last twelve hours. Okay with what I had seen him do in the lasttwelve hours.

He caught me staring at his body -- taking another mentalimage of my roommate as he stood before me grabbing each wrist and lashing themtogether with the rubber scuba strap. Helooked at my own body, at my cock, and I thought I saw his cock glisten alittle bit more.

"Put him in the shower, Boy!" growled Master -- breaking themoment between Mark and I. Mark led meto the walk in shower, alternating his view between my eyes and the tiled box, continuouslytrying to sense if I was still alright with this.

My cock likely gave me away -- I was painfully hard aftermapping Mark's torso, his dick, and the sight of the imprint bruises on hissides that Master likely inflicted when he fucked Mark earlier that morning. The animalistic scene of Master fuckingMark, Mark's groans, and Mark's cumming replayed in my mind distracting me fromwhat was happening in the shower. Mark stood on a wooden stool and lifted my arms to the hookon the ceiling where he attached the second scuba strap that would tether me toa fixed point of the tile expanse. Ididn't register what was happening, my mind distracted as he stood elevatedabove me, my eyes continuing to stare at his cock that was now even closer tomy mouth.

Mark stepped down and was handed the gag and Master barked "Open". I was still distracted and Mark shook me andtold me to open my mouth. He gingery insertedthe gag -- its taste of silicone and the ridges of the fake penis causing mymouth to water even more as it invaded the confines of my mouth. Mark pulled the straps around my head andbuckled the buckle -- pulling the cock further in my mouth, sealing the gagagainst my lips.

As I hung in the shower gagged, Master told Mark to step outand assume "position 3" facing the door. I watched Mark lower himself to the crouching position -- affording me aview of his ass and back as he laid prone on the tile floor. Master said "good boy" and stepped over tothe toilet to piss -- the sound of his urine stream the only sound in theotherwise quietness of the bathroom.

He flushed the toilet and turned back to me, smiling at mein a way that I have now learned to both fear and lust for. He picked up a remote from the counter, onethat I had not detected before in the mass of visual simulation of this room,and pushed a button.

The jet of water struck my right side nearly immediately --catching me off guard as I continued to divert my glances between Master andMark's body as he laid on the tile floor. The coldness of the water was a shock and I yelled into the gag. Master smiled more broadly and pressed theremote again and the water jets attacked from my left side. I struggled against the hook trying to avoid the water as mybody temperature cooled rapidly and the pain of the cold began its journeythrough my skin, into my joints, down to the bones. I bounced and weaved and my cock retreatedinto my body. The hardness of my cockdiminished and the pain in my (blue) balls were quickly forgotten. Master increased the water flow and I beganto shiver -- my teeth trying to chatter if they weren't prohibited doing so fromfrom the penis gag in my mouth. I shookmy head violently and pulled at the hook -- desperately trying to escape theblast of water when suddenly it stopped.

I looked up and shivered as Master told Mark to get up. He pressed the remote and warm water begin tohit my body from both sets of jets as I screamed again due to the rapid changein temperature. My mind thinking that Iwas being hit with scalding water when it was only a little above bodytemperature.

"Wash and Warm him, boy" Master commanded Mark and hescurried into the shower. He immediatelyapplied his body against my back and began rubbing my body with his hands. He explored my body as I shivered, rubbinghis hands over my torso as the water warmed increasingly.

Once I stopped shivering, Mark grabbed the shower gel and seasponge ( and began rubbing (caressing?) my body ingentle strokes. I felt his cock pressinto my hip as he rubbed my back, watched as he cautiously scrubbed my pecs andtorso. He crouched in front of me andscrubbed up and down my legs -- restoring the circulation there as I watched hisown body (and cock) kneel before me as he intimately washed me.

He scooted around me and ran the rough sponge across my assas Master barked "Inside and Out" and he began lightly rubbing up and down myass crack. He pressed gently on my hole,eventually pushing a gelled finger inside and washing me as he forced hisfinger in and out. My cock had startedto respond to Mark's ministrations when he stopped and crouched in front of meagain and began to gently soap my balls and cock.

My cock exited the confines of my body and began to swell asmy mind shifted from freezing to death to the sensations Mark was inflicting onme. He gently grabbed the shaft of mycock and rubbed the shower gel over my glans before rubbing the abrasive seasponge over the head -- a mixture of pleasure and pain all in one.

"Wax, but no Shine" Master ordered and Mark dropped thesponge and gel and took my cock in his hand. He stared upward at me as he crouched in front of me, pausing to makeeye contact and stare at me, before he opened his mouth and took my cock inside. I moaned from the sensation of his warm mouth-- the feeling of his tongue almost molten compared to the shivering cold Iexperienced a few minutes previously.

He went back and forth on my cock -- intermittently swipinghis tongue across the head and sucking my cock further into his cock. My mind was swimming with sensations, myswollen balls were expanding, the pressure building, as my naked roommateworked my cock over. He reached his handaround and began lightly stroking my hole -- not penetrating but just lightlystroking it as his mouth continued its assault on my cock.

I tried to buck my hips, further increasing the sensationscoming from my cock, trying to accelerate myself to the point of no return. Images of Mark giving Master head the nightbefore raced through my mind, the desire for the feeling of the warmth of hismouth, the touch of his tongue on my cock as my balls began their constriction,my mind wandering to the point of wanting to flood his mouth with my load.

I was tipping over, the sensations of Mark's mouth bringingme to the edge, the images of the past 12 hours rushing through my mind as myeyes rolled back into their sockets. Theprevious five minutes were forgotten, the ache of my wrists gone and all I wasfalling back into the mental bliss as my balls were preparing to shoot myload. Mark sped up his efforts and slidhis finger into my hole and curled his finger tip. The sensations were too much, my hips bucked,I pressed my cock into Mark's tonsils, just as I began to "Stop!" yelled Master and pressed the button on theremote. Mark squealed and pushed awayfrom me as the cold water hit both of us. Mark fled the shower as I was jerked back from the edge of bliss to thereality of a ruined orgasm. The cold waterkicked my legs out from under me and I hung from the hook above me. I suckled the penis gag - a likely reptilian response to what had just happened during the past twenty minutes of this new Saturday morning. I hung from my arms and my eyes glazed over - I was becoming mentally broken as I tried to make sense of what was happening to me.

My daze was interrupted by Master's voice - "Not yet, boy. Butsoon"

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