Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 23, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Forthese pups is the first time that they go into the town searching for food,their herd has considered them mature enough to can feed themselves and even theyhave the responsibility to feed other pups that are not capable of that yet.All of them are wild animals because they were born in the woods. They neverhave been dressed and they ´re excellent runners, climbers and they can speak,however they're helpless to the arms and objects that the black guards use tocapture them. Instinctively they know that they have to run away from the blackmasters. These white pups while they ´re feeding and are looking for food totake to the herd members that depend on them, they're very alert to any strangenoise so they can run immediately, but fortunately nobody has seen them yet,but if they don't hurry up this might be the first and last time that they gointo town to get food. The herds are used to lose many members since the blackmasters are eager to have the white animals as their slaves because they areconsidered as an inferior animal exotic species to be exhibited, however unlikethe other animals these ones can understand and obey although they are not asloyal as the others, and the physical punishment is the only way to educatethem and force them to obey since the fear and pain are their black mastersbest tools that they have to keep them controlled. For the superior black raceis fun to go and observer how the white animals live in the wild completelynaked and defenseless an even with some customs that the black superior raceconsiders repugnant, such as both the male and females suck the males cocks toget the proteins that they need from the semen that the males produce, or thatthey suck the breast milk directly from the females' nipples to fortify theirimmunological system, since eating the food that has been in the trash the foodthey eat has many bacteria that is harmful for a normal human been health, butfor these animals it is no longer so because the females' bodies produce allthe time the breast milk containing the antibodies needed to prevent both malesand females from getting sick, although that amuses the free black superiorrace because in the history books it is said that once the now so-called thewhite animals were who ruled their country. Nevertheless this visits to thewhite animals' habitat must to be done silently and the black masters have toavoid at all cost to be seen, otherwise the herd's white animals would be enterin panic and they would star running in terror, but once a herd is detected theblack guards once the tourist have observed the herd go back later to capturethem, since the white animals shit and urine are a focus of infection and can'tnot be kept living in freedom, however so the black superior masters continuingenjoying the spectacle to see the white animals naked, they decided open in thezoo a special area where some of the white animals instead to be send to theTame or Maturity Centers, they are taken to the zoo so that in the sight of thesuperior blacks they have a wild life even in captivity, even the visitors cansee how the white males fuck the females or even other males and how the pupsare born in the sight of the visitors simulating that the whiteys are in theirnatural environment, and the females are not helped by the vets at the time ofa pup's birth unless that their lives and the pups' lives are in danger only inthis situation a vet helps the female to give birth to the new white animal,beside that those that are in charge to take care of the white animals pick upthe white animals' shit that are on the grass and they are in charge to keepclean the place where they are being exhibited, although in that place there isa trash deposit so the white animals can get their food, but the white wildanimals have to face many obstacles so they cant get easily their food there,and necessarily they have to go to the dump because is the only place where theblack master put their food. The four naked white male animals are teenage boyswho if they had a normal live they would be considered as adults they venturedto go without the adults protection to get more food because they were hungry.Three of them one is a light brown haired boy and two more are black hairedboys are searching anxiously for something to eat, while one more a blondhaired boy is seated on a mound of trash watching that any black master wascoming. But unfortunately they are going to go back to their herd with theirhands empty because their inexperience led the to look on a place where is nofood, besides that the caretaker made a serious mistake because instead to bein the entrance to watch he went to back of the place where he saw a mound, andhow he's s sitting to avoid to be seen by the black master that are in thehouse that is behind him he can't see the street well, and the light brownhaired pup in his inexperience he is looking for food in the ground diggingwith his hands without understanding the reason why he cant find food sincehis father always that digs in the ground he finds it. These pups are going tobe very lucky because they are going to be able to go back to their herdsafely, but if they don't learn fast they are going to be captured and sent toa Tame Center and later be sold as slaves, or if they are very lucky to a zooso the black masters had fun looking at them naked and showing to them theirmust intimate body parts when they try to go to the dump to get their food, orfucking other male or female, but the most distressing moment and more fun forthe black masters is going to be when the employees on charge to clean theplace where the white animals are went in, and the animals run in terror toavoid be captured by the feared hunters and the visitors hear their desperatevoices telling to others that run to avoid to be captured.

Next: Chapter 101: Salvajes 9

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