Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 23, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



Thisblack young man was a slavein this plantation all his life, but since the blacks started the rebellion andthe whites were defeated, now he's the owner's son and he can enjoy the life'spleasures and now he has control over his white slaves that once were hismasters and owners of this plantation. But the difference between him and hiswhite slaves is that for him the whites are not more than animals, George isnot ashamed to be naked, because while he was a slave was forced to be nakedall the time. Now we see George carelessly waiting for the son of his formerowner, and have the pleasure to enjoy the slave's anguish when he orders him tosuck his huge and fat cock and latter ram it into the slave boy little pussy.But what he will enjoy at must is going look at the slave's face and enjoy hisshame to be naked and humiliated. Since his family received the plantation ofthose who were their white masters as a compensation for the hard work thatthey had to perform for years, for George it was a pleasure see how the newblack civil guard that later become the Slave Police (SP) controlled those thatonce were the powerful whites but now were the society scum, since when the newpolice arrived the first thing that they do was to free George from the chainsthat kept him attached to the gang that was repairing the main road throughwhich the cars of the white masters were drove, and then they gave him clothesto cover his nakedness. Then they were taken to the main house where theirwhite master lived and along with their white workers they had to line up, sothe now released black workers would indicate for the guards who were their mastersincluding the family members that were visiting them. When the family membersof the family that once were their master were put a part, the black guarsasked to the blacks that until few minutes ago had been slaves if any of thewhite workers had treated them with dignity and humanely, but unfortunately forthe whites those who had been their slaves said they did not, and when theblack civil guard was about to take away those that now were the society scum,George armed with courage considering that as slave could not speak withoutbeing authorized, he asked to the guards that now they were taking away theirmasters what would happened with them, so the smiling guard told him that nowthe plantation was theirs and very soon white slaves would be sent to workthere, while they as the new owners would administer and take the benefit andthey would receive the necessary crackers to work on the plantation and theydidnt need pay a dime for them, but if they wanted more white slaves then theywould have to pay for the additional slaves. George together with his familywith rejoice saw how those that once had been their master were stripped andwere chained as they once had been, and now as naked and ashamed slaves weretaken to the transport while with their hands they tried cover their genitals.Then George made one last petition asking that he was allowed to keep as slavehis former master's only son, then the eighteen years old blond haired boy wastaken apart from the group that was taken to the Slave Processing Center andwith his hands cuffed on his back and wearing a heavy stainless collar wasgiven to his new master. The new plantation owners wanted to have fun withtheir new slave who during his short live had humiliated them, but as George knewtheir intentions he told them to dont touch the new slave since the boy washis property because he had been the one that had asked the slave, and theterrified boy knew what the blacks wanted to do with him and he felt a greatrelief when he saw that his new master had protected him, but that did notprevent that he had to work naked under the merciless sun pulling a cart withwater for the stronger white slaves that now were working in the fields, andneither saved him to be displayed in public naked but the blacks that now werehis better, mocked at him for the small size of his cock and balls, since themajority of the blacks boys had their genitals much more bigger than him. Fromthat moment George's life change for ever, since from be a naked slave that hadto work under the inclement weather and under watchful eye of an overseer whobeat him up if he considered that he was lazing, now he was living the great lifeas the plantation owner, and the best of all is that he could be still nakedinside his property without be bothered by anyone, but the moment that he hadwaited and longed for had come, to take the cherry of the son that once hadbeen his owner's and do the same to the boy that not log a go he had done tohim. Yes, life was really good, and hear beg and scream in pain the cracker'spuppy while his thick cock opened up the virginal anus, and for the first timea cock went into his guts made that have kept him virgin until that momentwould have been worth it.

Next: Chapter 107: Hora De Cobrarselas 9

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